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Ramonda x Namora
Pirate x Mermaid AU
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magsmapsmtl · 1 year
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#MERMAY2023 #5 - Talokan (inspired by my @loop_sessions Masterclass 15 submission 🌊)
I made the original beat right off the heels of the Black Panther 2 premiere (lots of FEELS), but one of the standout moments for me was the first time we witness the Talokanil siren call. It left me absolutely shook, and it turned out the LSMC 15 crate that month lent itself perfectly to me overlaying some siren-like vocals. Fun fact: the "feathers" on the Talokanil headdresses are actually lionfish fins, so this Talokanil merwarrior is half lionfish!
Watch the speed paint on YouTube!
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please make a masterlist I’m begging 🙏
Haha this is my first attempt at making a masterlist, so hope this helps!
I've attached the link to my A03 because everything is consolidated there.
Everything I write is fluff, angst or sensual romance. No smut.
Everything Obiwan - a collection on all the one shots I've written for him.
Conquered (on Hiatus) - a fantasy au with Obiwan as a Knight, Darth Maul as a warlord and the reader a Queen of a kingdom while being the last of her kind as a magical entity.
It's more Darth Maul x Reader but it wasn't getting any traction, so still debating if I should continue it or not.
Loveless (Completed) - a Namor x Shuri fic that picks off from where Wakanda Forever finishes. It also includes Attuma x Okoye and Everett Ross x Namora
The merman, the soldier and me - A one shot where reader is convinced she's in love with the winter soldier but that is only until she meets namor
Midnight Tides - just a late night cuddle by the beach wit Namor
Delirious - Namor x reader one shot request
Miguel O'hara
Miguel O'hara brain rot - A collection of one shots and requests I written for him so far.
General Hux
To save a mockingbird (on hiatus) - I began writing this story for Hux as a way to fix the sequels but then lost interest somewhere in the middle. I want to get back to it but haven't found time to finish it 😔
Ryan Ken
Plastic Hearts (completed) - a continuation for Ryan's Ken from where the movie leaves him. It's about chasing after dreams and becoming a self made person. Really had a lot of fun writing this one!
The Sea Circus Captain (On going) - A buggy x mermaid female reader fic. You and him have a shared past but when you are taken away to be revealed as a lost mermaid princess to an island you never knew about, everything changes. Uses themes of second chance romance, longing, soulmates.
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...Story Imagine...
((Another K'uk'ulkan/Namor story Imagine. Reverse little mermaid AU))
K'uk'ulkan would always patrols near the surface just to keep on eye for any surface dwellers who might get too curious of what's beneath the waters. During one of those patrols, he saw a ship that lous music and laughter came from. He immediately knew it was just surface dwellers celebrating whatever. It wasn't the first time he saw such thing, but what caught his attention was the beautiful woman standing by the side looking to the horizon. She looked bored... almost sad. He didn't know he was getting closer until he could hear old man's voice telling the beautiful lady to stay away from the edge.
He thought that would be the last time he saw her, but then he saw her again. It was a daytime, and she was in a small boat with a sail that she was controlling by herself. And K'uk'ulkan doubted his eyes of what he saw.
It was the same woman, but she looked different. She wasn't wearing a colourful dress but simple pants and shirt like the men he saw, she didn't have the look of boredom but a big smile as her eyes shined against the sun light, but what caught his attention the most was how she was managing the boat by herself with such raw excitement and energy. She would lean to the edge with her whole body having nothing to secure her to the boat but a rope that she held with her hand, and then talk to the sea as if it was an old friend of hers.
As he watched from a far, the serpent king was intrigued by the woman wanting to know more of her, that's when he remembered the name she was called by, (Y/n).
Almost every few days, (Y/n) would come with her boat and sail the sea, challenging the high waves, ignoring the waters that the sea throws back at her, taking with a big smile and a sincere laughter. He did get braver in getting closer to the boat without her noticing, and because of her habit of talking to the sea, he learned a lot about her.
(Y/n) was the princess of the people near the shore. She loved the sea, but her family was overprotective of her, so they tried to appease her desire by setting parties on large boats when she wanted to be near the sea to touch it and sail fast through it. Knowing they won't approve of her wishes, she would sneak out alone and sail on her own.
And the more he was around her, the more he got attached and would get forward for her visits.
K'uk'ulkan became her secret companion, he would stick close to the boat where he knows she won't notice or see him, and when she would challenge a wave that was too much for her he would get behind the boat and push it forward so it would flip and for her to fall. He enjoyed her screams of excitement and joyful laughter.
One day, however, when K'uk'ulkan was waiting for her, he noticed dark clouds coming near, which means there will be a storm coming, so he belived that his secret princess won't be coming. But he was wrong when Namora came to his saying she saw a boat floating near their territory, The king moved so fast, leaving his lieutenant confused, but she followed him.
K'uk'ulkan's mind was filled with worry as he kept assuring himself that it couldn't be her, that it must be a fishing boat or a lost one, anything else but her. But to his horror it was her, and how did he know?
Her unconscious body was floating in the water, her boat's broken pieces scattered around her. But wasting no more time The king sped towards her and took her to the neatest cave, Namora following close, growing even more confused as she saw her king lay the woman gently on the surface of the stone floor of the cave as he did his best to remove the water from her lungs. Her king face filled with so much worry and fear that she had never seen before. She wanted to help, but all she could do was set back and watch.
The serpent King felt relieved as he saw his princess throw up the water as she tried to breathe again. He whispered comfort words to her and assured her that she was safe. (Y/n) looked at his with drowsy eyes at her saviour, she tried to talk as she looked into his dark eyes but she lost consciousness again falling into his arms, and instead of laying her back down, K'uk'ulkan kept her in his embrace finding the feeling of her breathing and safe bringing him comfort. He always watched her from a far way, but to have her so close that he was able to wrap his arms around her felt...so right.
She was safe, she was protected, she was with him.
Seeing the scene in front of her, Namora approached her king and confronted him of what was happening. He hesitated but then confessed what he was doing in the past couple of months.
"You have feelings for her?"
Even though she made it sound like a question, K'uk'ulkan knew it was more of a statement. He said nothing as he kept holding his sleeping princess, waiting for the storm to calm before returning her back.
As he laid her in the sand gently, with Namora watching not too far away, the king found it difficult to just leave but as he saw people coming from a far he hurried back to the sea hiding behind a rock with Namora refusing to leave until her made sure (Y/n) was safe. The men turned up to be guards looking for her, and they made sure she was breathing before taking her back to her castle.
K'uk'ulkan watched the scene with sadness as he wished he was there by her side to take care of her until she awakes, but he was afraid of how she would react to him, to who he was, what he was and where he is from. But one thing he was sure about is that he probably won't ever find out because after this incident, her father would keep her away from the sea to protect her from any future harm to herself.
During their journey back to Talokan, Namora followed her king, saying nothing, for she didn't know what to say she never saw him like that. Yes, he did experience sadness for his people, but this was different.
"Why don't you go to her." She suggested, breaking the silence in the cave.
He at first laughed thinking the idea absurd and too dangerous. But she reminded him that aside from his ears and wings, he looked a lot like a human.
"Why so suddenly?" He asked suspiciously." You hate land dwellers."
"I do." She answered. "But I care for you more, and you deserve to be happy with the one you love."
"But that's just it. I don't know if the feelings I have for her are truly love or just deep care."
"Then go and meet her, spend time with her, see how you feel then. It's better than just giving up and wondering what might have been later on."
"But Talokan-"
" I can look after them for a few days until you are ready to be back."
He didn't agree immediately, deciding to think more on it, almost every day he'd go to the same rock he hid behind last time and look at the far castle as if hoping to see glimpse of her. Time passed, and during one of his visits, he finally saw her. She was wearing a simple dress and a cloak to hide herself but he already knew it was her, but she wasn't alone. (Y/n) was looking around frantically as if looking for something she lost.
"My princess, we need to go back before his highness realises you were gone. He he found out that you came to the beach without his consent again he'll be very upset."
"But I need to find him, Aneka."
"With all do respect, you swallowed a lot of salt water, and it probably made you imagine this "Saviour" of yours-"
"I DIDN'T IMAGINE HIM!" (Y/n) screamed at her gaurd in frustration. She took a deep breath before continuing. "Listen, I know I was wrong to go during that storm, but I am SURE of it that I didn't just wash up the shore. There was a man who saved, I looked into his eyes, I heard his voice, I even felt his arms around me.... I'm not crazy, Aneka, I know he is real."
"Princess..." her gaurd looked at her with pity as if she truly wanted to believe her but couldn't.
"I'm not crazy, and I will find him."
(Y/n) stated firmly before continuing walking around the beach with her gaurd still trying to convince her to go back. K'uk'ulkan couldn't believe what he heard. She was looking for him, she wanted to see him. With this, the king went back to his cave where Namora was.
"Are you truly able to manage everything while I'm away?"
This made Namora laugh before assuring him again that she could. And then she went to help him set a plan on how he would go about it.
When night fell, he and Namora sneaked into the town in secret and "borrowed" some clothes that they believed would be proper for a surface dweller. The clothes were not as luxurious as his princess's were, but they were enough to cover the wings on his ankle and a Head-Warp to cover the top of his ears, but her refusedto take his piercings off for it was part of his cultureand identity.
It was simple, wait in the beach for her, talk to her, know her more, meet her people and kingdom and if things were alright tell her the truth of who he truly was and see her reaction.
K'uk'ulkan thought he would be composed and would make a good first impression to her. He didn't expect the first impression through fighting with her guard that came to the beach before her princess. He could have sent the woman flying with one simple swing of his hand or even broke her weapon into half, but he remembered Namora's continues advice of hiding his true strength, so he continued to dodge her attacks and blocking her kicks and punches. The warrior didn't stop until she came.
The warrior halted and implored the princess to stay back, but she wasn't listening, for she was looking at him with wide eyes, the same eyes we was silently begging to look at him. He thought he would be composed when meeting her, that he would smoothly introduce himself to charm her. But when her eyes met his, he didn't expect the great fear and anxiety to build in him. He almost just turned around and jumped back into the water.
(Y/n) manoeuvred around the warrior who tried to hold her back in order to get closer to him. She got to his face like the time she woke in the cave before losing consciousness and was analysing his face. K'uk'ulkan could feel his heart hammering inside of his chest as he kept calm, then a smile broke on her face.
"It's you!"
She stated and quickly held his hand by instinct and held it up before turning to the warrior.
"This is Him!!"
"Him?" Reapted the warrior suspiciously. "That's your imaginary saviour?"
"He is not imaginary. He is right here." she turned to him with pleading look. "Please tell her."
The king could see the hint of tear threatening to escape her eyes, and he refused to allow them to fall. He smiled down at her, and he cupped her cheek.
"It was really dangerous for you to sail during a storm, but I am happy to see you well again, my princess."
He said as he took her hand that held his and kissed the back of her hand, making her blush. Their moment was cut short by Aneka, who pulled the princess behind her again and pointed her weapon at him, (Y/n) tried to stop her but her gaurd wouldn't budge and insisted that he be brought in front of the king and he agreed.
When he stood in front of the royal family, K'uk'ulkan explained his practised lie. He was a prince from the country across the sea. He also made the wrong mistake of sailing during the storm, and it drifted again the harsh waves and led him to their part of the sea where he saw as the princess's boat crashed and her sink into the water, that the reason why he wasn't around when they found her was because he was afraid that his presence would be mistaken for trespassing, so he hid away and only left when he made sure that she was found. Confessing how the reason he was back was because he wanted to see the princess again and make sure she was in good health.
Hearing this, the king was delighted and hugged K'uk'ulkan, which made the serpent king stiff as he was not used to such gestures.
"Thank you so much for saving my sweet daughter, Prince....uh.. my apologies I was so focused that you were real and not a hallucination and forgot to ask for your name."
"Papa!!" (Y/n) almost yelled in embarrassment by her father's teasing.
"My Name is .... Namor, you can call me Namor."
K'uk'ulkan didn't know why he gave them the name for his enemies, but he felt that in order for him to go and come undetected, he needed to give fake fake background and a fake name.
Feeling the need to pay back a debt, the king invited him to stay in his country as long as he likes and to never hesitate to ask for anything. He takes advantage of that to spend more time with his princess and get to know her more intimately and for her to finally know him.
Meanwhile, there are those who are not really as happy with the situation. The Queen mother and her other daughter Shuri we very suspicious of the "Prince", the Crown Prince was also on high alert but he doesn't show it and treats the Prince with respect, for in the end he did save his sister. And back in Talokan, Attuma asked Namora where their king was, and she confessed to him of his whereabouts, for he too was the king's lieutenant, and he was not happy that their king would probably a surface dweller for a queen and more that he was kept in the dark about it.
So the story will go with K'uk'ulkan trying to woe the woman he loves while other parties would try to sabotage his attempts or make it more difficult.
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starshooter-1004 · 2 years
The Little Mermaid
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“Ni Ajaw, the Wakandians are at the surface requesting to meet with you,” Atuma alerted. Namor nodded collecting his spear and swimming from the city to the surface. Namor soared out of the water into the sky; he landed onto the short walking toward Shuri and M’Baku. Both stood with two members of the Dora Milajae and Jabari members at their sides. 
Namor’s generals Atuma and Namora stood on his side as well as they approached. Namor nodded to both of them in welcome; M’Baku grasping Namor’s arm. 
“What brings you here today,” Namor asked.
“We wanted to inform you on the news from one of our operatives on the inside in the US,” said M’Baku.
“Word on the street is there planning a attack on Wakanda sometime in the near future. Unfortunately his position has been compromised and he is being transported here for safety,” M’baku replied.
“So, already the wolves come,” Namor grinned. Shuri took a step forward the kinetic energy in her suit rippled purple.
“You promised me that you would be there if we ever need you, take this as us cashing in that promise,” Shuri said. Namor looked at Shuri and then to M’Baku. Namor slammed his spear into the sand. The Dora Milajae and Jabari suddenly standing in attention. Namor looked between the soldiers and smirked then extending his hand to Atuma. He handed Namor a shell.
“Just like the last, blow into this and place it into the water; my army and I will come to the call,” he paced it into Shuri’s hands. Shuri turned and walked away from the men. M’Baku stood a few moments later and nodded his head in thanks walking away in tow. 
Namor watched as their backs disappeared in the tall grass they're steps disappearing. He turned and dove back into the water straight to the way home. Once Namor arrived home it was dark; he was greeted by servants who offered him clothing and refreshments. Namor walked toward the family hut expecting to see his wife. To his surprise and worry she was not in; all was quiet inside. Namor quickly exited asking one of the guards where she was; he pointed towards the third level library.
Namor flew up to the level slowly approaching the door and placing his ear against it. He didn’t hear a thing and opened the door; he took in the sight before him. He saw his pegnant wife sleeping on the library couch with a book open on her upper belly. She was using her bump as a reading table; Namor smiled placing his hand gently on her belly.
He kneeled placing a kiss on her belly and placing his ear against it. His child’s heart was strong as was there kicks as he felt the pressure on his cheek. He pulled his head away looking at the book. Picking it up and examining he saw that she was reading ‘The Little Mermaid.’ Namor smiled it was one of her favorites and remembered her telling him she would have it be their childs favorite as well. 
He found it to be a peculiar story, a mermaid falling in love with a human man. Instead of he man becoming one of her people she bargained with a sea witch to be with him. Flipping through the pages Namor thought that this scenario was similar to him and his wife; except she didn’t give anything to be with him. Namor sometimes wondered if he had the ability to give up his powers to be a human would he? If it was what his queen wanted, for her… He would.
Namor placed the book on the table next to the coach and lifted his queen into his arms. he stirred and repositioned so she was on her side. Wrapping an arm around Namor he made his way to the door exiting and then flying carefully down. He landed at the entrance of their family hut entering and placing his wife onto the bed. He took off her jewels and shoes placing a pillow between her legs and beneath her head. He bent down placing a kiss to her head.
“Goodnight Ni Reina,” he whispered before blowing the candle out. 
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
I want you-Namora x reader
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Summary: The same water and land that unites them, one day separates them.
Warning: Angst, Smut and Romance
Rating: +18
Work count: 9500k 💪🥹🤌
A/n: I was inspired by the song "Diet Mountain Dew" by dear Lana del Rey.
I make it clear that the poem I used is called "Não te amo mais" by Clarice Lispector, a Brazilian woman, read the poem I used as a letter in the traditional way and then read it from the bottom up.
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I could make his eyes shine.
Baby, I want you
Being alone was never a problem, in fact it was good, no need to be always moving or communicating, where silence was a friend and solitude a companion. But why is it that now when I am alone I long to be with you, it is as if there is a part of me missing, my thoughts run to you and I feel like I am delirious when I hear your voice. It's not fair, the water that separates us is abundant, you would never leave your home for me, would never leave your cousin the king to be by my side.
Then why, why is it that whenever I am near Namora she looks at me as if she could love me, why she look at me as if you could make love to me?
You are not good for me.
Baby, you're no good for me.
Everything would be different if I had never met you, you, the blue skinned, water colored woman, who really comes from water. It's funny how cruel fate is, I never felt the need for someone, but for you I burn.
I was completely in love with Namora. Namora, the woman of my dreams and nightmares.
Namora, the woman with blue skin.
Namora, my passion.
Namora, Namora, Namora, Namora, Namora.
Just, Namora.
Namora pov
I remember when the humans came and destroyed the earth with their greed, the survivors like me had a purpose, to have a home, where no one could hurt us, where my cousin would grow strong and healthy, where attuma and I could protect our people. Since that day, I learned never to trust those on the surface, they were greedy, hateful, angry and above all they were manipulative.
She was like that, a born manipulator, I knew it from the moment I saw her, her curious and bold eyes possessed a certain innocence and ignorance but I knew it was a trap, y/n is a cheeky one, trying to fool me with smiles and sweet words, as if I were a little beta fish inside a little tank made for her to enjoy.
And even though I know she was trying to fool me, I can't deny it, I would like to make her have fun, make her smile more, hear her voice at night and feel her warmth.
She attracted me like fire attracts a butterfly.
Is she frustrating, an enigma, does she desire me, or does she just revel in my anguish, is that why she smiles whenever she sees me, does she mock me? Of course she does, humans like her are always malicious and deceitful.
Never trust a human, no matter how beautiful they are, how soft their skin looks, how sweet their lips look, and how beautiful their body looks. In another life she could be a mermaid, a charming and murderous mermaid, and I would give myself to her without fear. Not even the strong waves of the sea could buy with the strength of the desire my body feels for y/n, I need her like a fish needs water, and I could cling to her like water clings to sand.
I wish that on cold Talokan nights like today, my y/n was here, so that instead of my hand it was her hand gripping my breasts, so that it was her mouth kissing me, and that instead of my fingers it was her fingers and lips on me.
In the morning a thin layer of sweat covers my body, between my legs is a wet spot, a testament to my weakness for y/n. I let the water wash the sins from my body, and clean clothes cover the shame I carry. As soon as I leave my room I am again Namora, the cousin of the king, the warrior of Talokan and protector of my people.
"Good morning, attuma"
"Namora, good morning, k'uk'ulkan asked me to let you know that we will be leaving for Wakanda today, he wants to negotiate an alliance between the nations."
"We shouldn't trust them, they might attack us, we don't know what they really want from us."
"We will trust K'uk'ulkan, he would not put us in danger, you know that, Namora."
"I never doubted our king, I just don't trust them."
Your pov
Today I would see Namora again thanks to the meeting between Shuri and kukulkan, I would attend this meeting and the next ones since my purpose in wakanda is to gather information about Talokan, as a researcher and student of cultures and peoples I was recommended by my friend Bucky who owed some favors to Wakanda.
Of course I wore my best outfit, an orange dress with shiny stones. My excitement could explode in my body if I let it, it has been days without seeing her, I missed her, even though she doesn't even look at me and seems to avoid me like a plague.
When the sunlight and water touch my skin I see her slowly coming out of the water, her skin quickly turns blue in contact with the fresh air, the mask covers the lips I dream of every night, drops of water are all over her body and I think about how I envy them for being able to touch what I desire.
As Shuri and k'uk'ulkan talk I can't help but look at Namora, admire her silhouette and muster the courage to say something.
"It's a good day isn't it, Namora?"
"I mean, Shuri is excited about the possible alliance, and I think Talokan can benefit from this union" I smile, I would do anything to please her.
"You must not think anything, you are just a curious researcher, Talokan is none of your business"
A stab would hurt less, Namora leaves my side and walks to a small hut far away from all of us.
hit me and tell "you are mine".
I don't know why, but I like it.
My god you are divine.
Namora pov
Even though my body desires her, I repulse her, it's not fair, the way she tries to be nice to me, I don't understand why when it's clear that she only wants to mock me. Anger fills my mind and poisons my heart, she can't play with me.
"I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry if I said something wrong"
Y/n said as she walked into the cabin, it's funny the way she tries to fool me with her sweet voice.
"You shouldn't be here, I don't understand why you think you can have fun with me, I'm not a toy, girl."
"Namora, you got it wrong, I never meant to make fun of you or have fun with you"
"That's enough!", You're a cheeky one, coming here after me to lie to my face as if I'm going to believe you. You better get away from me or I'm going to make you regret trying to seduce me."
"I don't understand why you hate me so much, I just want to meet you."
There has never been a girl so beautiful.
"What for?, To use whatever you know against me?, To use me?, You people on earth are all the same."
Your pov
Now I realize why Namora hates me, she is afraid. When she tries to leave I stand in front of the exit preventing her from leaving, I look into her eyes and take courage to confess.
"Namora, I would never hurt you, I want you."
There has never been a girl so beautiful.
Do you think we'll ever be in love?
My dress is lying on the floor along with her outfit. I try to satisfy my hunger by touching her body as much as I can, smelling her black hair and even though I can't taste her mouth I settle for kissing her salty blue skin.
My hand grabs her breast while my mouth sucks the other one, my other hand slowly goes down her belly to her wet pussy, I start to touch it slowly moving my fingers in a circular fashion over her clit. The moans smothered by the mask drive me crazy, who would have thought that the Talokan warrior could be so needy.
"Are you okay, Namora?" I smile wickedly.
My fingers enter her pussy and I focus on her blushing face and frowning eyebrows, she was beautiful.
Namora's moans got louder as I thrust my fingers into her, hungry I started licking her sweet pussy until I made her cum, I licked every drop of her wetness as I felt her squirm beneath me.
Without any shame I start rubbing myself against her shapely thigh wetting her with my arousal.
"Na-namora, I love you, you understand, I love you"
My eyes are half open, my eyebrows frown and my moans get louder. As I cum Namora looks at me, she seems to be enjoying the sight.
"Clean me off"
"Use your tongue to clean my thigh, little girl"
Slowly my tongue slides down her thigh, licking every drop present. A grunt breaks from the Talokan warrior and I feel her placing me beneath her, at her mercy.
Namora pov
Looking at y/n's mouth I see some saliva, she was drooling, I wish I could taste her flavor but the mask prevents me, a cruel reminder of who we are, I belong to Talokan and she belongs to the land, not to me.
"If I'm too harsh let me know"
Without waiting for an answer I run my hand all over her body, I squeeze and slap her pretty breasts while my other hand touches her round ass until I reach her thighs, with strength I use my body weight to keep her legs open, I slap her thigh a little and start playing with her pretty pussy.
"Yes, pretty girl?"
Two fingers of mine enter her pussy, seeing her desperation I add two more, I see her arousal covering my hand, if she asked me to stop, I couldn't.
Her crying and needy image on the small bed of the cabin will stay in my mind forever, I allow myself one enjoyment, as soon as she cums in my hand, I remove my mask and clean her pussy with my tongue.
The difficulty of breathing fills me, but before I go back to my mask, I look at y/n, kiss her desperately, the first and last kiss.
You're no good for me.
But, baby, I want you, I do.
I've been waiting up all night.
It has been a few days since my meeting with y/n, when everything was over I left the cabin without saying anything, it may sound cruel, but I had nothing to say, we could never be together. Despite this, I made sure to say goodbye afterwards, I wrote a letter and left it in the sand for her to find.
I don't love you anymore.
I'll be lying saying that
I still want you like I always wanted.
I am sure that
nothing was in vain.
I feel inside me that
You mean nothing.
I could never say
I nourish a great love.
I feel more and more that
I'm over you!
And I'll never use the phrase
I love you!
I'm sorry, but I have to tell you the truth
It's too late
By Namora
Autora: Clarice Lispector "Não te amo mais"
(Read from Bottom to top now!)
I wonder, if I asked y/n to come with me, would she come, would she leave everything for me, could she love me even though I took her from her home?
Do you think we will be in love forever?
Ready for another lie?
She says it'll be alright.
One last encounter occurred, not in the way I expected, the war between Wakanda and Talokan had come, I would have to fight my y/n.
"Namora, please listen to me, I don't want it to end like this."
"There is no or way my sweet" Tears slowly fall from my eyes.
"Are you crying Namora?"
"Of course, I don't want to hurt you, but it is necessary, Talokan is my home, if you were from Talokan everything would be easier"
"Then take me with you"
We both know exactly what we are here for.
You're no good for me.
But, baby, I want you, I want you.
K'uk'ulkan and Shuri in the end gave up fighting and decided to unite, it's a relief, but it's not the solution to everything. Y/n asked me to take her to Talokan, but how could I ask my cousin the king of our people to allow me to bring someone from the surface to Talokan, how would I say that she was my lover, how would the people of Talokan react to this?
How would I Namora the warrior of Talokan tell my king and people that I fell in love with someone I should hate?
There is no happy ending, I should know by now, there is never a happy ending with the surface.
But I would like to try with my y/n, maybe in another life, where she would be a little mermaid and I would be a loyal little fish who would follow her to the end of the world.
Ready for another lie?
"We can find a solution, Namora"
"No, we can't, you belong to the land and I belong to the water"
There has never been a more beautiful girl.
You're no good for me.
But, baby, I want you, I want you.
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
It hurts to remember the sad and anguish face of my beloved y/n, my girl, my temptation, just mine.
"Please, Namora"
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dino-fart · 2 years
Preview of The Missing King
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Pairing: Namor x Female Reader
Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance
A Sequel to The Bargain
Summary: Namor and you have continued your relationship, there have been obstacles but the love between you two are strong. You two married in secret and Namor didn’t want to hide it anymore. He planned to announce it to Talokan, but Wakanda called for him. He had left for a long while but you knew he was a busy king. You had your own adventures but you longed for your beloved. When Namora and M’Baku come to your door and tell you that Namor and Shuri have been missing, will you be able to find them?
Summary | Preview | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 
Please like if you want to be tagged in the chapters!​
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Namor gently cupped your cheek when he finally recognized it was you. “My beautiful queen, lovely wife.” He murmured smiling. 
You smiled back and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Rest my husband.” You wet your hands and stroked his hair back. He was resting in your bathtub, you had put a water pillow on the wall of the tub so he could be sitting up. Namor grabbed your wrist and kissed along your arm then finally your lips. You chuckle softly against his lips and kissed him back. You pulled back slowly and brushed your nose against his. 
“Thank you, my angel...” Namor held your hand. 
You couldn’t resist and removed your shoes. You stepped into the warm water of the tub and gently laid on Namor’s sculpted chest. You didn’t care that your dress was wet, all you cared about was your husband. Namor wrapped his arms around you and ran his fingers through your hair. “I’m glad you’re safe.” You said softly and pressed a kiss to his neck. 
Namor let out a soft gasp feeling your lips there, his hands gently rested on your ass and squeezed them lightly. 
“Namor!” You giggled and kissed his cheek. 
“Hm? I didn’t do anything?” Namor smirked. 
You grinned and pressed your lips against his. Namor cupped the back of your head and kissed you deeply. You were going to straddle his lap when you heard the pitter patter of footsteps. You pulled back quickly and saw Amelia, your ten year old daughter, walk into the bathroom. 
“Mommy, Aunt Emily said you were in here!” The red headed child stopped seeing you and Namor in the bath tub. 
“What is it my little dove?” You smiled. 
“Who’s this mommy?” Amelia stepped cautiously toward the tub. 
“This is Namor, the greatest sea king alive.” You smiled at Namor who was staring at you with wide eyes. 
“Is he a mermaid?!” Amelia said excitedly. 
“Well, are you?” You grinned at Namor. 
Namor chuckled softly and turned to look at the child, “No little one, but I am a king like your mother said.” 
Amelia curtsied and clapped her hands, “Nice to meet you, I’m Amelia, your highness!” 
Namor watched the child extend her hand and he shook it gently. “What a sweet child you are.” 
Amelia giggled, “Thank you, mommy are you coming downstairs?” 
“I’ll be there in a bit darling, I need to make sure the sea king is okay.” You smiled. Amelia nodded and rushed out of the room. Namor finally turned to you and you kissed his cheek. “She’s not some secret daughter I’ve been hiding from you before you say anything.” You said. 
“What is her story then?” Namor asked. 
“Well...I guess it all started when I was in London...” You began.
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Dividers By @firefly-graphics​
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cjbolan · 2 years
Okoye x Attuma Little Mermaid AU. Hear me out…
Attuma = Ariel
Okoye = Prince Eric
Namor = King Triton (duh)
Namora = Flounder or Sebastián
Shuri = Grimsby
(Despite them having less screen time together, I honestly ship these two. There’s something to be said about a guy who not only compliments his woman’s fighting skills, but even returns her weapon in the middle of a fight to give her a fair chance of killing him. Even Okoye herself appears impressed at this. And unlike Namor, Attuma gains nothing from showing mercy to a surface dweller (no political alliance, no material goods like vibranium, etc.) . So I honestly believe Attuma is acting out of genuine kindness or admiration. Maybe Attuma is like a less evil version of Namor.
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sapphiewritesstuff · 2 years
Black Panther
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"Let's burn it together."
Namor with a surface dweller child
Shuri as a big sister
Shuri with a figure skater reader
Namor being a family man
Scared with me (Shuri x reader one shot)
Namor with a chubby reader
My princess, My forever (Shuri x reader oneshot)
Shuri with a kpop idol reader
Shuri as a mother
Shuri with an introverted reader
Namor with a mermaid reader
Poly! Shuri and Riri with a reader who feels insecure over their intelligence
Namora when reader gets injured in battle
Namora, Shuri, and Namor NSFW headcanons
Namor when reader is in an arranged marriage
Namor and reader being lovestruck
Namor with a reader who sings
Dad-to-be Namor
Dad Namor
Namora with a fem! partner who is a hero
Namora and reader bickering and teasing each other a lot
Shuri and Riri with a reader who struggles with computer coding
Namor with an indigenous reader
Namor punishing reader after she calls him ‘daddy’ in front of others
Submissive! Namor
“Don’t run from me, Princess” (Namor x reader, NSFW)
Shuriri when reader brings home a dog
Soft Yandere Namor convincing reader to live in Talokan
Soft yandere Namor protecting his jumpy soulmate
Yandere Namor with a partner who is a scientist.
Namor when reader is ready to take the herb
Namor with a reader who has a child, but it's not his.
Namor when he accidentally hurts his partners feelings.
Namor when reader refuses to call him by his real name.
Toilet bound Hanako-kun
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"When you die, that's it. There's nothing more. Nothing new begins."
nothing yet…
Boku No hero Academia
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"Now, it’s your turn."
Midnight with a sick reader
Where they kiss you (multi)
Poly! Monoma, Todoroki, and Bakugo with a fem! reader
Miruko, Midnight, and Ms Joke with a chubby reader
Domestic life with Miruko and Midnight
Best friend! Izuku
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"As long as I am here, you're invincible."
Waking up with Iwazumi and Oikawa
Hinata with a reader from Brazil
Suga and Bokuto after having a nightmare where you die
The arcana
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"What I wouldn't do for this heartbeat."
Love or obsession (Yandere! Asra x GN! Reader, one shot.)
Big spoon (Asra x GN! Reader, Drabble)
Vampire! Asra
Asra letting reader know they're loved
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"Just know, it's only you."
Flustered! Micah cuddling with short! reader
Jealous! Micah Yujin
Micah when reader gets flustered over the shirtless virus, and decides to get revenge
The last of us
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"And I think I'm gonna love you for a long, long, time."
Ellie with a shy and timid reader
Moon knight
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“You are the only super-power I ever had”
nothing yet…
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thegirloffans · 2 years
Another Concept
Y'all know the cartoon version of Peter Pan and like, watching the scenes it just dawned on me that Peter is Namor/ Attuma bringing Wendy (Shuri/ Okoye) to Talokan and little Miss Tinkerbell NAMORA keeps trying to leave them behind or kill them lmaooooo
And the scene with the mermaids sirens getting jealous of Wendy and trying to literally drown her omg 🤭😭
It's perfect lol I want art of it neow.
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annachum · 1 year
Just for laughs but imagine sometime after BP 2
Attuma, Namora and several other Talokanils be start singing a cover of ' She's In love ' from Little Mermaid Broadway musical as they sing about Namor becoming smitten with Shuri ( except the song is called ' He's in love ' )
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Okay okay, so I’ve been thinking about a kind of reverse little mermaid situation with also a soulmate AU… Can I please request a Namor x fem!shy!human!reader where she’s on a cruise or traveling with friends on a boat, but she falls off the boat, into the waves. Namor is close enough to the surface that he sees this happen and for a reason unknown to even himself, he feels a strong connection to her and saves her and drops her off on the shore. She goes back to the beach looking for him after that, wanting to thank him before her vacation ends, but also feeling a strong connection to him, almost yearning for him. Their (soulmate) connection leads to her stumbling upon his cave, and the moment they lock eyes everything sets into place🥺🥺 Needless to say, Y/n’s vacation turns into her moving in with Namor, him giving her the ability to breathe underwater/also aging as slow as he does, and also her becoming his Queen + lots of love, kisses, and cuddles🥺 Namor being soft for his little human🥺
Haha this needs to be a fic on its own cause the storyline is amazing. Sorry for taking a while but I've tried my best at condescending it all into one chapter. Hopefully I've done it some justice
But here goes 💖
He was on his regular patrol, everything was in place, nothing had breached their barriers. It relaxed him, for a minute he got to be who he was, he paddled lazily through the water, he owned these seas. He was it's caretaker but on the days he needed it the most, the water took care of him too. The night sky had blanketed the waters into darkness and in it he felt free. The faint touch of moonlight seeped through the soft waves. He had a lot on his mind. His pestering need to reach out to Wakanda, the fear for the future of his people and his burning wrath for the world above. But he lived in no fishbowl, the waves welcomed him as Namor swam through, his heart being pulled towards a point in the middle of nowhere. Curiosity got the better of him. Instead of moving away, he drew closer. But even though the moon dimmed it's light, he could make out the shape of the element that sat there. A ship, his nostrils flared, this was a nuisance he could not stop. He kept away from these vessels. They only brought danger. He turned to go, angered that his heart had tricked him when he heard a splash.
Angelic, it was an entity draped in white that fell into the dark. The fabric fluttering like wings when he came to realize it was a woman. Your face frozen in a stillness it was almost like you were asleep. He did not involve himself in these matters. This was outside his control but that faint tug in his heart was back and it was telling him to save you. He looked at the ship above that had sailed a few feet away without a care as though you meant nothing. They left her behind. He heard his sister's voice in his head,
why do you tamper with things beyond your reach?
Because he was part merman, like the fables, he had an inkling towards treasure and one was sinking right before his eyes. So he reached for you, your face ethereal almost as if you were a mermaid who had been lost to the surface.
He emerged gently, his wings fluttering softly, as the warm beach sands heralded his entry. He carried you in his arms, his eyes unable to look at anything else, his mind racing with questions. But he needed to leave and you could not know of his presence. His eyes fell to your lips and wondered how his name might sound if you said it.
Delirious. All these years being a lonely god had made him mad. He placed you near a cove, sure enough the when the morning came someone would find you. Turning to see the sky becoming lighter meant he had to leave, anytime now and you will awake from the sleep her had put you in. But there it was again, that need to linger and even though Namora's words rang caution in his ears. Today he felt fearless and that was rare to come by. He drew closer, to memorize your face, pushing away the strand of you hair to see the soft rise and fall of your cheek.
Would it be an offense if he stole a kiss?
The ruler of the seas committing a crime for a woman he had met only a few hours ago?
He shook his head, a soft laugh breaking through, he was delusional, he had access to everything, the needs of a nation he had to fulfill and this was what he wanted to create chaos for?
The soft light of dawn touched your face and he couldn't help himself, how his body fell towards yours, how his lips craved the warmth of your skin as they touched your forehead. But as he drew back, your brown eyes found his and he froze. Locked in this moment with the chocolate myrrh of your eyes only tipping him further. He wanted to take you back to Talokan with him. But it was his instinct to take and you weren't his. He hardly knew your name.
So half heartedly, he waved a vial beneath your nose but it struck him when he felt your fingers trail his cheek.
"I've seen you before.", you mumbled and his eyes widened. Fear clutching his throat. The sleep potion was kicking in when your eyes fluttered to a close.
"in my dreams.", you said finally as you fell back into sleep
His heart stopped for a second. A car drove past and fear jolted him to go back to the waves that called to him as though he was running out of time. So he walked away restlessly and dove into the cold waters, you knew who he was and he had kissed your face giving into his impulse. Unusual, he thought.
But the feeling of your fingers on his cheek, he craved it and he didn't crave for many things, that was the price of a long existence. His heart did have an inclination towards the mystical and you were now a part of it. As he waded into the depths, he thought of a sign.
If he visited the shores tonight and if you were there, then it was true, this was magic.
Tha man in your dreams, so was real, or maybe it was just another vision. The side of your head throbbed in pain. It was one of those headaches again, ever since your engagement, these had begun to occur. As though you were making a mistake, as though you were meant for more. But instead of taking heed to these 'dreams', you chose to brush it away. Leading to this, mess.
Your heart sank, coming to the revelation that no one in the cruise had searched for you, after all it was your own wedding. The bride going missing should have caused for chaos. Or may be there was an upheaval and you weren't there to witness it. The twist however, was the comfort with which you walked along the shoreline now. You were free. You could start a new life or do whatever you wanted because by some turn of fate you had escaped. He had helped you, whoever he was.
The ticket was booked and you could go home tomorrow, and yet you were here as though your heart belonged to the sea. It felt like home, the sound of rushing waves and the smell of salt. You look at your feet to watch the sea foam recede to pick up a piece of sea glass that caught your attention. But when you looked up, there he was.
In front of you. Solid and beautiful. Your eyes widened and your heart began to race. It was a vision just like the many you had before. You step closer and his eyes followed you with the same curiosity you felt. The day had been too much to bear and all you wanted was to feel loved and so you rested your head on his chest. His skin cold to the touch but your contact had caused him to turn warm. He stiffened but didn't move away. You slipped your hands around him and stayed in this embrace to sigh with content, the night can take you, the sleep will wash over you any moment and you'll forget about this in the morning.
But you still stood there when you felt his arms encircle you. It felt nice. Maybe you could stay in this dreamscape for a little while longer.
"These dreams have turned cruel.", you speak into the crook of his neck.
"Have they?", he responded. That was a first. He had never spoken in your dreams before. His voice was like the sea, maybe it was him who had been calling you all this while
"Yes.", you whisper to look up at him. Breathtaking. He was too magnificent to be a living being, you thought.
"How so?", he questioned and you thought about it.
What did you have to lose? Nothing.
"They offer me my desire only for it to not be real.", you spoke as your fingers traced his cheek again to slowly hold the side of his face. He inhaled sharply, his eyes now dark as though he was mesmerized.
What did you have to lose?
You edged closer and kissed him.
It struck you, this was where you belonged. This was where it had lead you. His lips soft against yours and just when you thought this was a hopeless cause, when you parted to move away, he didn't let go. He kissed you like he needed air and you needed the ocean to fill the very being of your soul. It was a cruel way to feel alive, all this will be ripped away when you wake up.
When he broke away, his chest was heaving, his lips lush, his eyes glistening with life. You were still here. Confused, you turn to look around when it started to feel real.
His warmth seeping into your body. His breath soft against your skin. This was no dream. The truth shook you, your fingers rushing to touch your lips, your eyes snapping to see his.
This was real.
Even before you could react, there were voices behind you.
"You there, this is a private beach. No trespassers allowed.", They yelled and you heard him click his tongue in irritation.
You had to run, but where?
His hand held onto your wrist. A question in his eyes.
You hardly knew him but the steady rhythm of your heart made it easy to trust him.
There was no home to return to or nowhere else to go now.
You wrapped your fingers around his, picked up the trail of your dress with the other to run down the shore and disappeared beneath the waves with him.
It was a new beginning.
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
Disney Princesses x Marvel
A diversion from the IAC universe...
This started as a Disney Princesses thing but expanded to include female characters from Disney films that would fit the bill.
Basically finding a Marvel equivalent for Disney characters.
Snow White:
Snow White - Struggling to think of a Marvel character that is good at sleeping, with a weakness for poison apples.
She does charm all the animals when she's singing, maybe Nature Girl? Or Nina Gurzky from the Apocalypse movie.
Cinderella - Sersi (w blue colour scheme)
After her Fairy Godmother's transmutation magic (Pumpkin into coach etc).
Alice in Wonderland:
Alice - Stature
#eat me #drink me
Peter Pan:
Tinkerbell - Pixie (w green colour scheme)
Wendy - Wasp (w light blue colour sceme)
Mimicking Tinkerbell's size and flight with tech.
Sleeping Beauty:
Aurora - Dr Strange (w pink colour scheme)
After Maleficent's power set
The Sword in the Stone:
Mad Madam Mim - Morgan le Fay
Maybe giving Mim too much credit here.
Mary Poppins:
Mary Poppins - Scarlet Witch
Reality altering powers? Check. Scarier than she looks? Check.
Jungle Book:
Shanti - Beast Master
From Mowgli's affinity with animals.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks:
Miss Eglantine Price - Magik maybe?
A better magic user than she gives herself credit for.
Robin Hood:
Maid Marian - Hawkeye (Clint Barton w pink colour sceme)
After Robin's archery skills.
The Black Cauldron:
Princess Eilonwy - Sylvie (w Black body armour, white cloak and pink trousers)
Black cauldron is all a bit mystical isn't it? Maybe I should watch it again.
The Little Mermaid:
Ariel - Namor (w Purple top and green bottoms)
After King Triton's powers. There is a Marvel Triton (Inhumans), but his look and powers don't match up.
Beauty and the Beast:
Belle - Beast of the X-Men (w yellow costume and brown fur)
After the Beast's powers and Belle's smarts.
Jasmine - Captain Agrabah
This is a reach. After the Genie's reality altering powers. Jamie Braddock was the first character to spring to mind, brother to Captain Britain, and the movie is set in the fictional city of Agrabah.
Pocahontas - Ghost Rider
No powers in Pocahontas but there is a Powhatan Ghost Rider in the comics.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Esmerelda - Dazzler maybe?
Cos she sings and dances? idk
Megara - Marvel's Hercules or Mephisto?
From the power set of the protagonist/antagonist of her movie.
Mulan - Agent May
Jane Porter - Kazar
The Emperor's New Groove
Yzma - Sersi again?
Because of her transmutation skills? idk
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
Kida - Namora/Namorita
Who else?
Lilo and Stitch:
Lilo - Love (from Love and Thunder)
Nani - The Mighty Thor
In the scenario where OG Thor sacrifices himself so that Mighty Thor can look after her little sister.
The Incredibles:
Elastigirl - Mr(s) Fantastic
Violet Parr - The Invisible Woman
Perfect power sets.
EVE - Jocasta
Had to be.
The Princess and the Frog:
Tiana - Sister Voodoo
Gender swapped, after Shadow Man and Mama Odie's powers.
Rapunzel - Medusa (Inhumans)
Really long hair with magical powers...
Merida - Hawkeye (Kate Bishop - Green colour scheme)
Vanelope von Schweetz - Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
In a souped up racing cart/tiny hot rod.
Elsa - Ice Man
Anna - Ever since Frozen II I've thought that Anna should have plant based powers, so maybe Klara Plast? Groot?
Big Hero 6:
Go Go
Honey Lemon
These two already are Marvel characters.
Judy Hopps - Umm...Rabbit Girl instead of Squirrel Girl? idk
Moana - Can't think of an equivalent, even though she befriends a Polynesian demigod and calms a corrupted Goddess!
Corey - There is actually a Marvel character called Manticore but he does not do this character justice.
Raya and the Last Dragon:
Raya - Blue Dragon from Marvel's Future Fight
She is called Blue DRAGON, she is a physical fighter like Raya, and she hails from Vietnam (Kelly Marie Tran is ethnically Vietnamese).
Abuela - Nick Fury
She knows how to put together a Team of supers.
Julieta - Heals with food. No equivalent in Marvel that I can think of.
Pepa - Storm or Crystal
Isabella - Plantwoman
Genderswapped Plantman.
Luisa - Captain Colombia
Super strength, agility and endurance like Captain America, but Luisa is Colombian.
Mirabel - Maria Hill
About to become Abuela's second in command/sucessor.
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heartoferebor · 2 years
WIP game
I was tagged by the ever wonderful @justhereforeskel !
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
I currently have eight wips that I’m actively working on for Namor Week in April *sweats*. Most of them don’t have titles yes and they’re all in one big folder but you get the running titles as they are in the word doc anyway -
MCU!Namor/Attuma pining
616!Namor captured
Not yet - old men Nam’Baku torture/whump
Nam’Baku Arranged marriage/marriage of convenience AU (with past Namor/T’Challa)
The blatant Red Room plot - 616!Namor/Bucky
Namora/Okoye femslash take on mermaid/siren mythology
Against the Garden Wall - Nam’Baku PWP
SELF-INDULGENCE 616!Namor/K’uk’ulkan (MCU!Namor) PWP (yes you read that right)
tagging @imperiuswrecked @scylla-rammshorn and everybody else who reads this and wants to show me what they’re working on!
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pantherandtheseagod · 2 years
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