#mermaid wash
thesunwillart · 4 months
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my gorls... rounding out the end of mermay!
also little additional thing, odessa has a lot of black stress scales when she's first rescued... she's gone thru a lot ;-;
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thatbitchmabel · 4 months
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HAPPY MERMAY! Oh to be a butch cowboy about to kiss your mermaid crush underwater…truely the life
Characters are Odessa (the merm) and Augusta (the cowboy) and belong to @thesunwillart ! Close up of the gays under the cut!
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sydneighsays · 1 year
It's Mermay time on Instagram... Dunno if we do that here. WHAT I DO KNOW is that we have to get hype for BoTW ToTK cause CHRIST I'm excited
Edit: been informed Tumblr does do mermay!! Sorry I'm a bit new
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Anyways, I drew Sidon meeting mermaid Link 💜
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slyvester101 · 3 months
What about mermaid Tucker and winged Wash, but Tucker looks gnarly for a mermaid with glowing dorsal fins and scales and maybe sharp teeth because I love my sea creatures a little funky. Wash and Tucker probably likes to examine each other's features alot. Plspls
Hell fucking yeah
I’m imagining Tucker more as an angler fish (because they got that glowy thing), so Tucker looks really pretty in the dark, glowing bright aquamarine in the depths of the ocean, almost passing off as a harmless mermaid lost in the deep blue.
But in the sun? When you can see Tucker clearly? Oh, he’s terrifying. He’s got a mouth full of needle-like teeth that unsettle even the most friendly of fish, barnacle covering already rough scales, long claws on dark colored arms leading to sharp, jagged fins, eyes that reflect the light and can scare the skin off a catfish, and, of course, the faded glow of the marks that lured you in in the first place.
He’s not ugly by any means (the beauty standards of the ocean are very different from the ones on land or in the sky) but he’s still a deep sea creature meant to lure with pretty looks before devouring you whole, so people tend to be naturally… cautious around him.
Which is why he’s so surprised a little birdie got so close to him in broad daylight.
Wash lives off the coast with his flock (aka team freelancer because they deserve a soft au to exist in) and can be found hanging around the mer that chill on the shore. He spends a lot of time out there, basking in the sun, flying with his buddies, swimming with the mer, so when he spots a mer(?) lounging on some rock a bit further off the coast that he doesn’t recognize, he’s naturally curious.
He doesn’t even spot Tucker at first since he blends in so well with the rocks. He scares the shit out of him when he perches to say hi, ever the silent flier.
After getting thoroughly scolded for sneaking up on him, Wash and Tucker get to talking and Wash finds out that Tucker is a deep dweller (not technically a mer, but Tucker could give less of a shit, unlike his friend ‘Church’ who will gut a man for calling him a mer). Tucker finds out that Wash is a Barn Owl and that the ‘sneaking up on people’ thing is mostly accidental.
They spend the rest of the day up there, a lot of it spent sneaking glances because Wash has never seen a deep dweller (Tucker is like, the only deep dweller that doesn’t like spending all their time in the dark) and Tucker has never seen an avian up close, most of them either not seeing him since he blends in with the shore so well or are too scared to get close.
Also, they’re just pretty.
Eventually Tucker lets it slip that Wash’s wings look really soft and Wash offers to let him touch if he can look at Tucker’s tail. They spend the rest of the day trading touches and gently brushing over each other’s features (Tucker: Is your hair as soft as your wings?
Wash: Um, I don’t know. You can check?
Tucker: I’d let you touch my hair, but uh, it’s not really like yours.
Wash: How about your fins?
Tucker: Go for it dude.)
(Wash: Your teeth are really sharp.
Tucker: Yeah, how else am I supposed to eat fish?
Wash: I eat fish and my teeth aren’t as sharp as yours.
Tucker: What? Lemme see.)
(Tucker: ...your eyes are really pretty.
Wash: Oh… Thanks…
Tucker: …You can say I’m pretty too!
Wash: You are pretty. *ensue lots of blushing*)
It doesn’t take them long to become good friends and spend basically every day together.
Church may or may not get jealous about Wash ‘stealing’ his best friend. Caboose is excited to have a new friend. Grif grills Tucker on his crush. Donut is supportive of Tucker’s crush. Simmons is very interested in Wash and Co. and their anatomy (he’s never gotten the courage to go say hi to another avian before). Sarge (not a mer but a seagull avian trying to teach the mers how to fly) tries to enlist Wash to his cause but thinks Wash is sabotaging his efforts when he finds out how much Wash likes swimming (and when Wash tells him fish can’t fly). Lopez is basically Sabastian the crab from little mermaid except spanish… and with a lot more cursing.
ANYWAYS, they’re pinning and trying to court each other but they don’t know what customs their species have so they try to subtly learn about it while also ignoring the blatant attempts at courting the other shows because “oh, he doesn’t know that’s a courting thing.”
Deep dweller/mer and avian courting customs are actually really similar: giving gifts (especially shinies), dance/song, proof of being able to provide (food gathering, shelter building, etc.), and presenting color (They’re both insecure about this one because neither is very colorful).
This means the more they learn about the others' courting customs and how similar it is to theirs, they start going “ah, maybe he is courting me.” And they start getting their shit together.
Their first kiss happens when Wash tries to surprise Tucker by getting glow in the dark paint and painting his feathers so they match (presenting color custom). It ends up very messy and they’re both covered in blue paint that doesn’t even compare to the brilliant glow of Tucker’s marks and Wash is on top of Tucker.
Wash is kind of panicking thinking he messed everything up but then Tucker is laughing and smiling and looking at him with those shining eyes and—
Wash doesn’t think he could’ve asked for a better first kiss.
They’re a little insufferable after that, honeymoon moon phase and all, but everyone’s very happy for them and they’re very cute and everything is good forever. All the time.
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For the mermaid ask can you do 1+6+8 you write really cool stuff 💕
Hi Ha-Ha Whump! Thanks so much for the kind words! Sure I can write this for you! Thanks for requesting this, here you go! P.S. I know mermay is long over but hey, it's still summer over here! And mermaids are relevant all year long in my opinion! Thanks for your patience while I got around to this!
From this ask game
The waves lapped at the shoreline like a mother pulling a blanket up to her child’s chin. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, painting the sky with a pink and orange hue. Bits of wood and metal littered the beach, coated in salt and sand.
Caretaker picked their way through the wreckage, looking for any survivors. They had the lighthouse beacon on all night, but some poor ship had managed to get dashed on the rocks all the same. Upon seeing the ripped, black flag with the skull and crossbones amongst the driftwood, Caretaker realized that this might not have been a bad thing.
A splash made Caretaker whip their head around. Something was writhing in the sunken ship’s net. A pirate? A pirate’s prisoner? Regardless, they were a survivor, and Caretaker hoped to keep it that way. They rushed over to the spot, untangling the person trapped inside. They were so entangled that only their upper half was remotely visible.
They looked up at Caretaker with fearful eyes. Their long hair clung to their face and torso, dirtied with sand. Red welts littered their pale body. A pirate’s prisoner then.
“It’s alright,” Caretaker said, “you’re lucky to be alive. I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
The person didn’t speak, just gave a tiny nod. Caretaker started working on their lower half, and gasped when the net fell away to reveal a shimmering fish’s tail.
So more than a pirate’s prisoner- a pirate’s trophy, a pirate’s pet; a captured mer. Now that Caretaker took a closer look, those freckles on the person’s face looked more like little blue scales. Those scars on their neck? Gills. And hidden behind their curtain of hair were webbed ears.
“Are you going to hurt me?” The mer asked as if they knew the answer already.
“Wha- no, of course not,” Caretaker said, eliciting a look of surprise from the mer, “I said I was going to take care of you.”
Now that the creature was free, Caretaker could get a better look at their lower half. Their tail was littered with cuts and was missing scales in various patches. There was no way they’d be able to swim with it. It was decided then.
“My name is Caretaker,” they started slowly, “I’m going to pick you up now if that’s okay.”
“P-please don’t,” the mer said, shrinking back.
“But you’ll die if I leave you out here on your own,” Caretaker reasoned, “I promise I won’t hurt you, I just want to help.”
The mer thought it over for a long moment. They looked up at Caretaker and nodded. Caretaker smiled in a way they hoped was calming. They scooped the mer up in a bridal carry.
“..umpee,” the mer mumbled.
“Hm? What was that?”
“Whumpee,” the mer repeated, a little more audibly, “my name is Whumpee.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Whumpee,” Caretaker said, “I’m gonna get you all fixed up, okay?”
Caretaker began the walk from the beach to their lighthouse near the cliffs. They had no idea how to take care of a mer, but darn it, they were going to try.
@mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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karizipan · 1 year
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ermm scanned some stuff... some of the orv in my sketchbook + tidbits of my silly merfolk yjh au
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spearxwind · 1 year
im sorry to say they Have released clips of cgi flounder moving and hes still ugly as hell </3
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THEY MADE HIM A SERGEANT MAJOR FOR SOME REASON?? Nothing but disrespect for our troops fr
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If they wanted him to be "realistic" there is literally a fish irl that looks JUST like the animated flounder (yellow body bright blue stripes) it's the regal angelfish and it even has the iconic little snout too.
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and sebastian's design is a fat L too, jeez. hes literally a land crab he aint supposed to be in the water he couldnt even swim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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They straight up changed everyones species for this movie <3
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lunarlicorice · 3 months
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artfight attacks... 2!!!
remi thorn zombie guy @gender-ihardlyknower carabine @sillycarabine
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witchlingsandwyverns · 5 months
Oh it's mermay again 👀
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demonicintegrityart · 5 months
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Brush and ink practice from last year. Especially love how I was able to get some water effects on that second one. I miss ink and watercolors sm.
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thesunwillart · 3 months
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been working on a lot of merm/cowgirl comic stuff!!! drawing assless chaps... side characters...
+ a merm au augusta that i meant to finish for mermay
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arendclles · 1 year
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trust the process
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astralarias · 8 months
many egg
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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May 15, 2010 - Monte Carlo, Monaco Source: Vladimir Rys/Bongarts/Getty Images
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From the recent mermaid ask game 1, 8 and 10?
I love MerMay and this prompt list looks great!
Thanks any if its a no, 🫧 bubble anon🫧
Hi Bubble Anon! I’d love to! Thanks for requesting this, here you go!
From this ask game
Whumper strode along the beach, looking out at the water, the sun giving it a beautiful shimmer. Whumper often liked to come here to admire the scenery and look for seashells. Whumper carried a bag with them to collect the little treasures they found in the sand. Little did they know that today’s find would be much better than a seashell.
Whumper was just about to pick up a sand dollar when something glittery caught their eye. Whumper strode closer and just barely stifled a gasp. Sharp rocks trapped a resplendent fish’s tail. There was red seeping out of it, and on the other side of the tail was the upper half of a person. Their breathing was labored and shallow, and their eyes were closed. Their long, wet hair clung to their face, and their webbed ears poked out between the strands. Sparkling scales decorated their upper half here and there. They were the most stunning creature Whumper had ever seen.
Whumper gingerly climbed over the rocks to where the merperson lay. They slowly and carefully freed the merperson’s tail from its trap. They lifted the merperson in a bridal carry. The blood from their tail dribbled onto Whumper’s skin, but Whumper didn’t care. To them, even their blood was beautiful.
Whumper turned back the way they had come, carrying the unconscious merperson with them. It was as if the sea had dropped off a gift just for them, and Whumper intended to take very good care of it.
Whumpee stirred against something hard. They opened their eyes to a plain, white bathroom. Whumpee looked around in confusion, their head whipping around when they heard the sound of a door opening.
“Oh my,” a stranger said, “you’re awake.”
The stranger bent down against the rim of the bathtub, which Whumpee realized they were laying in, and reached out to stroke Whumpee’s hair. Whumpee flinched back, their tail splashing in the water.
“Oh no, darling, don’t do that!” the stranger said quickly, “you’ll aggravate things.”
Whumpee followed the stranger’s gaze to their tail. There were soft, white bandages wrapped snugly around it. Whumpee looked back at the stranger with wide, fearful eyes.
“Don’t look so frightened,” the stranger cooed, “I’m not going to hurt you. I spent a good half-hour tending to you.”
“Who-” Whumpee swallowed, “who are you? Where am I?”
“My name is Whumper,” the stranger answered, “and you’re home, little one.”
Whumper nodded, a sparkle in their eye.
“The bathroom is only temporary, of course,” Whumper said, “I’ve already ordered better living arrangements for you. The tank should be here in a few days.”
“Tank?” Whumpee asked, “I don’t understand-”
“Don’t you?” Whumper tilted their head, “I’ve rescued you from the harsh, unforgiving sea. You’re going to live with me now, safe and cared for.”
“Wha- no!” Whumpee cried, “no, I have to get back. I have to go home. Please, take me home!”
“Little one, you are home,” Whumper said, standing up, “you need to accept that, or you won’t acclimate as well.”
Whumper started to leave. When they got to the door, they turned to look at Whumpee.
“I’m going to go do some research, but I’ll be back soon,” Whumper promised.
Whumper closed the door behind them. Whumpee looked around the small bathroom again. Their breaths came in short gasps and their eyes went wide. They were trapped, and there was nothing they could do about it.
tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm
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soothedcerberus · 1 year
Blehhh its not mermay anymore but ive started working on this small silly oc comic again 😭
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