#merry Christmas to carats lmao
tigerhoshibby · 9 months
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froghwon · 3 years
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seungkwan + shorts for @merry-kwanmas💝
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studioweus · 3 years
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@fallingforhongs top 5 seventeen songs + imperfect love
from your secret carat  🎁
hi aria! i’m frankie and i’m your secret carat 🥰 it was so much fun talking to you! i hope you’re having a wonderful christmas! 💛
i’m actually going to be queueing this post in case i’m not able to log in on the 24th or the 25th! 
this goes back to the top 5 seventeen songs you mentioned! + imperfect love because i snooped your carrd and saw that imperfect love was one of the songs you had on there~ this is probably my first time attempting an edit like this so i hope it’s to your liking 😅
i will send you a more formal ask (or askS, let’s be honest LMAO) in response to your replies to my latest ask + the late reveal 🥰
once again, merry christmas and happy holidays!  💛💛💛💛💛
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kveom · 3 years
RIGHT ??? i dont think i'll ever shut up about the shall we dance in the moonlight bridge, its so beautiful and the lyrics are so sweet and romantic as well, its definitely a dokyeom kind of song ;-; </333
ooh if suspicious partner is in your top 3 i definitely need to watch that one first ! the good detective sounds interesting too, i really like the "main characters are polar opposites but have incredible teamwork" trope so i'll have to add that one to my list for sure. i havent read the summaries for the other dramas yet but im seeing a lot of positive reviews so im excited to give them all a watch <3
my parents used to decorate the house for christmas when i was little but we never really celebrated so for me christmas has always been more about the ambience i guess? my family doesnt do gift giving or christmas dinners but in a way the lights and decorations still create that feeling of togetherness for me if that makes sense? <3
aww a set with all the different svt pairings, that sounds like such a cute idea ;-; i know what you mean tho my drafts are also filled to the brim with unfinished comp sets lmao i'll get a fun idea and start hunting for moments to gif but then another idea pops into my mind rinse wash repeat im stuck in this vicious cycle and none of those sets ever see the light of day :')
before i sign off i want to wish you a very merry christmas lyns <3 i hope you had a beautiful day with your loved ones, and i hope you filled your belly with all the yummiest christmas nibbles ^^
~your secret carat
by the way i hope you dont mind if i reveal myself a little later;; i just need a little more time to finish my gift for you im sowwy 👉👈😖
sorry this is so late!!
YES i heard a lot of people talking about that line before i heard and i was like okay i need to see if it lives up to the hype and it did!! very much <3 i'm so glad he got to participate quite heavily in it too n i hope he's proud
ahh i totally get what you mean! just the fact that it's a time for a lot of people to just...take a rest also contributes to the feeling of togetherness for me. i hope you had a relaxing and joyful christmas too my secret carat! thanks for talking with me these past few weeks 💖 and happy new year to you too!!!!
and no worries about the reveal/gift! i once posted my biasswap pressie months later because i was just so busy so i totally understand 😖
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To Admin Wooed: Husband!AU Merry Christmas, Wonwoo (G)
Pairing: Admin Wooed x Wonwoo Request: “Some domestic fluff would be nice” Word Count: 1285 Genre: Domestic Fluff, Family Warnings: ?????? Is wonwoo counted as a warning
A/N: Hello Wooed, Merry (late) Christmas to you! So, so, SOOOO sorry that this drabble only came out so late, please understand!!! (lmao the usual excuses, school work etc) I know you’ve been going through a tough time recently, so I hope this short drabble is able to cheer you up from all the nonsense happening in your life. Just know that all the admins are always here for you whenever you need to holler and talk to someone. We love you so much, so you need to love yourself too ya!!!!
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She is a fun loving girl. On the outside, she is bubbly and happy all the time. She enjoys hanging out with her friends and she enjoys dancing. She enjoys making the people she love and care about happy. But on the inside, she is always insecure, she constantly brings her confidence down and she gets affected by negativity. She bottles up her feelings, and she is close to depression.
He is the opposite of her - on the outside, he is a very quiet person. He likes to spend time alone. He likes reading in his own time, and he enjoys playing games as well. But on the inside - he feels like he’s not good enough. He feels the need to improve on himself all the time.
They share the same concern - a lack of confidence.
But they found each other.
“Babe! Where are the Christmas decorations? Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with the kids,” you said excitedly to Wonwoo.
You’ve been married to Wonwoo for about 5 years now, and the both of you brought 3 beautiful boys into the world. You can’t be thankful enough for your husband and your adorable triplets for giving you once again, a beautiful Christmas to look forward to.
“I think it’s in the storeroom,” Wonwoo said, putting aside the book he was reading.
You made your way to the storeroom and found the decorations placed in a green box on the top shelf of the storeroom. As you struggled to reach up to the box, you felt warmth on your back, and a pair of firm, sturdy arms filling up the sides of your vision.
You turned around and found Wonwoo, as he was focusing on getting the box down. He easily grabbed it and brought it down with both his hands, passing it to you. Once his hands were free, he ruffled your hair and nudged you towards the living room where the Christmas Tree is, ready to be decorated.
It may have just been a little gesture to help, but she saw love and concern in every action, and she can never ever, get sick of it.
As Wonwoo walked towards the living room, he swept up the eldest of your triplets.
“Guess what we’re going to do now? We’re going to decorate the tree!” Wonwoo told the little one, nose scrunching as he gave the boy a kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s all do it together alright?” he motioned to the other two boys,
A loving father of her children, as she can trust him to never give up on them even during the hard times.
The other two children just stared wide-eyed at the box that you were holding as you emerged from the storeroom. Shiny and sparkly ornaments were poking out from the top of the box, its lid uneven from the oddly shaped items in it.
“Let’s start! Help your mother with the things in the box shall we?” Wonwoo said, pointing at your direction to the kids.
The 3 kids waddled over next to the Christmas tree where you stood, as you slowly unpacked the ornaments and lights from within the box.
These ornaments gave you nostalgia this year once again as you reminicised the first time you spent Christmas with Wonwoo - he hung up decorations on a common plant instead of a pine tree to celebrate the occasion with you, despite his busy idol schedule. You remembered that it was so hilarious that you just rolled up into a ball of laughter on the ground, with Wonwoo standing next to the neatly decorated plant holding 2 mugs of hot chocolate. It took you a good 10 minutes to cease the laughter and another 10 teasing an embarrassed Wonwoo about it. Nonetheless, that Christmas ended on a good note, not forgetting the warm cuddles that were shared throughout that cold, winter night.
A partner willing to do anything and everything just to make her laugh, and feel happy, trying not to miss out on any occasion so that he can spend more time with her.
You passed the first ornament to your eldest triplet, a typical, shiny, red, circular ornament. Then a green one to your second, and a blue one to your third. You taught the boys to hang it on the branches of the trees, and they soon got the hang of it.
Your job was to take the ornaments out of the box and give it a thorough wipe, cleansing it of its dust. You then passed the ornaments to the triplets, who semi-walked to get the decorations from you, and crawled back to the Christmas tree to hang them up. They were so adorable, like little elves working in Santa’s factory.
Wonwoo’s job was the cutest to you. After each child hung up their ornaments at the foot of the Christmas tree(because of their limited reach), Wonwoo would one by one, re-hang the ornaments to its desired, higher-up location on the Christmas tree. You chuckled to yourself as you saw Wonwoo trying to salvage the decorations as the bottom of the tree started to look too heavy.
Wonwoo, a person who doesn’t tell someone to do the right thing, but to allow them to have fun and explore their opinions and choices with it - just like how he allowed the kids to hang the ornaments wherever they wanted, to allow them to exercise and explore their imagination, instead of lifting them up to hang it at a more suitable place. This quality of him is something that she would never replace, as it is something that she finds so endearing and so great about a person.
The decorations now include Christmas angels, wreaths, definitely much more than what was used the first time, but the hot chocolate drinks stayed the same - rich in dark chocolate especially, with marshmallows on the top. You prepared the drinks in the kitchen as you watched the boys finish up the Christmas tree.
When all the ornaments were hung up neatly and the colourful finger-lights and ribbons gracefully looped around the Christmas tree, there was only one step left into completing the decorations - the star at the top. Wonwoo did the honours of putting up the final touch, as you walked over to switch on the tree lights.
It was such a beautiful moment. The 3 boys squealed in excitement as they saw the flickering, red, blue, and white lights. They pranced around the tree, proud of what they saw.
“I did it!” your boys would say continuously.
“We did it,” you told your boys, giving them each a big hug.
You caught Wonwoo’s eye, and just like magnets, the both of you approached each other and embraced each other in a warm, tight hug.
“Merry Christmas babe,” you said.
“Merry Christmas to you too,” Wonwoo said as he placed a soft, tender kiss on your temple.
With her, he feels so much at ease. He feels as if everything is okay, just with her. He loves her so much, and he wants to protect her all her life.
With him, she feels at bliss. She feels happy. She’s has everything she ever wanted. A nice house, 3 little, mischievous boys, and him.
Together, they give each other hope. They provided strength for each other. He helped to relieve her overwhelming thoughts, and she helped bring out the problems that he bottled up. Together they found the courage to face their fears. Together, they were inseparable.
Harmony, happiness and health. These are the most important to her and Wonwoo. They are glad to be able to have found comfort in each other, and they love each other so, so much.
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studioweus · 3 years
haha i know right? i do think though that the song is pretty cute, and i do like the melody of it! and i'm soo glad you liked 'outnumbered'! i think that might actually be one of my favorite songs of his! there was a point where i had that on repeat too and i swear i didn't listen to anything else for like a whole week haha. and i think we definitely have similar music taste if the songs you listen to are like 'betelgeuse' :D
yeah i guess i should be thankful that my exams aren't too early :/ haha good to know i'm not the only one with a chaos-world! but a childhood theme sounds nice, and i'm very curious what that treehouse and your buildings look like! sounds really interesting :D those stupid creepers...especially when they literally appear out of nowhere? 😤
yeah unfortunately it might just be a playstation and maybe xbox thing? not pc though :/ not yet at least, hopefully they add that soon. ahh good, tales from the borderlands, i'm not surprised! hopefully there's a sale soon and you're able to get it! it's so worth it! exactlyyy, games with a good storyline are the best 😌
ah you know the game, that makes me happy! i'll definitely let you know if i manage to learn it :D and thank you, hopefully i do get there! me too, books are a good escape, so i tend to avoid ones with very real, heavy topics. although i also have books that are true stories, so it depends i suppose? and honestly, it's not that i can't read anything with heavy themes like that, but maybe after the festive season 😂 i'll make myself sad later, for now i'll just watch cheesy kdramas and read sci-fi books! well, one of the books i'm too scared to read is now this one! also 'lord of the flies'? i want to read it because it's a classic, but on the other hand i know it gets quite...strange? i don't know, this is why i need to find someone that has read it!
badminton is fun! soccer scares me, i have bad experiences of that, playing with violent boys at school ;-; haha but seriously, badminton is nice, it's a shame you lost interest though :(
yeah hopefully soon! for me too! christmas shopping is impossible, i feel like i can never get the perfect gift 😭 for my dad i got socks (listen he is impossible to shop for), for my mom some knickknacks she's been looking for, for my sister some cooking stuff (she's also impossible because you absolutely have to get her something she needs, it can't just be a decoration), and for my other sister a plushie and some stickers (she's a teacher). yeah pretty basic stuff, i really hope they like them ;-; what did you get your family??
haha yes i love the cold! although i do love staying cozy too :D it's tomorrow now! or today depending on your time zone? if so, merry christmas!! 🎄🎉🎊🎁
sidenote, i was really hoping to get your gift done by christmas, but unfortunately my sister has covid and now between doing tests and isolating and stuff, i'm not sure when i'll be able to get it done :( it just might be the 26th or 27th instead of tomorrow, but i'll try my best to get it done asap!!
i hope you've had a nice christmas eve and you have a nice christmas and holiday season! 😊💚
- secret carat 🎄
the melody for dandelions is lovely though, i agree! esp the little piano riff ;-; the only song i knew of hers was 'lost boy' but i don't think i've taken a listen to any of her other songs o: but i'm intrigued! i'll be listening to her discography while i play genshin later 😅 haha i actually heard 'outnumbered' playing on the radio the other day! so that was fun!
thank you for the recs ;-; and yeah! it does seem like we do have similar taste in music 😄
when i hop on, i can take screenshots of some of the builds in my world 😅 i think i had some screenshots saved on my computer but i don't remember where i dragged them to :< and yeah ikr? 😩 i guess their names are fitting - creepers LMAO
i think tales from the borderlands is 25% off for the winter sale! i honestly do not count that as a sale LOL BUT i might end up getting it! i've been meaning to play a different game to distract me from genshin haha were you able to play any games now that it's christmas break 👀?
haha yes let's try to be in a cheerful mood this holiday season and save the angst for a different time 😅 yeah, i heard lord of the flies is just.. bizzare? full-on violent? haha i haven't read it myself but now that you've mentioned it, i'll probably be adding it to my reading list ... and take one for the team LOL but hey, it's one of the classics (i think) so i'm also curious!
oh no, i'm sorry to hear about that ;-; i think that's partly the reason why i lost interest - esp with sports that are played in groups, it tends to get rowdy and violent :<
it does sound like you've put a lot of thought into the gifts + taken into consideration any of their preferences so i think they'll like it! it's already christmas so you've probably already given them their gifts 😅 i hope it went well! i got my dad two mugs (one that he can use at home and one he can use in the office LOL), i got my mom a watch, and my bro a new pair of shoes! they seem pretty satisfied with the gifts so i'm happy :D
oh no ;-; i hope your sister is doing okay and that she's not experiencing any major symptoms! i'm hoping she recovers soon! 💛 ahh please don't worry too much about the gift! i honestly don't mind~ you can post it at your earliest convenience 😄
despite the unfortunate news, i do hope you guys were able to enjoy your christmas day somewhat~ and i hope you also have a great holiday season! i can't wait for the reveal! <3
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