#meteor tribe
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #806:
Shingo Adachi's Story of Meteor Artbook: Page 71
No translated page, because nothing of importance to be translated. All I got out of it was something "to please do" by the upper left Burai, "thank you" by the group shot, and "let me show you" at the bottom right Burai.
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/MeuYlceZ
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charmingbrute · 2 years
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years
Do you have any really specific and/or personal Zukka headcanons that you’d be okay with sharing? I eat up every hc you put into your drawings like they’re candy, I was wondering if you had any others :D :D
OH boii i sure have,,, nothing coherent is coming to mind atm so ill just expose my Extensive backstories of zukka bethrotal armbands that idk if i will find a way to sneak into art.
sokka’s armband for zuko is forged back at Piandao’s mansion, and it's one of the most fine stunning pieces of jewelry ever crafted. it’s not the usual southern ivory but metal, more similar to the armbands worn as an accessory in the fire nation. it’s made of intertwining bands of gold and black meteor metal, with patterns of waves and dragon scales that seem to ripple and move when the light catches on them just right. and the pendant is a traditional blue stone from the swt.
There are no particular engagement gifts traditions in the fn, so zuko goes on a deep dive into southern water tribe ones, asking sokka’s family and friends about jewelry making and learning to engrave over the course of several trips to the swt. He makes sokka’s armband with ivory from his own first (successful) solo hunt. i’m not sure abt the material of the pendant lmao maybe gold? but amber would also be cool methinks
as for the pendant engraving they display a unique single braincell moment (untrue i just want them to match). love the fact that both of them are sea savvy navigators, love to think that in their pining era they spent a lot of time watching the stars and showing each other the different constellations and navigation pointers of their nations, so in both of their armbands’ stones are depicted the constellation used to guide sailors back home, sokka engraving the swt’s one on zuko’s armband and vice versa.
if they were sun’s out guns out kinda guys before this only gets worse during the first weeks of their engagement. shirts are banned. everyone look at the bethrotal armbands NOW.
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evilminji · 1 year
Guess what color the Metorite Vandal Savage cuddled with, was?
Did you guess Ectoplasm Green?
Because it waaaaaaaas~ And! Thanks to a Certain Episode That Shall Not Be Named, we know that meteors and other space rocks CAN be Ecto-ranium!
Which!! Suggests OTHER Ecto-Elements may be floating about in space! Not in large amounts, but! Absurdly rare does NOT mean they never land on earth! Consider the various kryptonites! Rare! Still land on earth. Not all are immediately harmful to Kryptonians.
So? What other Ecto-Elements could land on earth? Perhaps one that... unlike Ecto-Ranium... that hurts Ghosts and Limnals? CREATES them?
Imagine if you with? You are Savage. Tired. Sore. Cold. The glowing rock... is WARM.
FEELS warm... deeper even then your skin. Like... like a blessing. Like the Sky Gods have sent you warmth and safety. Chosen you. You are so tired. The rock calls to you. The night is cold. Your body heavy. The light... so... so soft and pretty...
You wake up... Different.
Stronger. Smarter. More AWARE.
As though power has been poured into your veins. You no longer age. Are the ONLY of your kind. Wouldn't it be easy to make assumptions? For Obsession to twist your mind and time to alienate you from humanity? They are infants compared to you.
Isolation HAS been PROVEN to drive humans insane. And in so many ways? He is Isolated. Trapped without access to the Zone, the Realms Infinite. He is the only Man in a sea of violent, gibbering, ever repeating zygote. Thoughtless repetition of history's mistakes, played out before him, like Humanity itself is smashing it's head against a wall again and again and AGAIN.
Nothing new under the sun. Alone, decade after decade after century after millenia. Hungry for the presence of other people, their EMOTIONS and LIFE, but equally unable to bear them. Starving slowly.
Every war, each battle, a feast of SOMETHING that fills his stomach for years. The extreme emotions and sudden ends of Death releasing SOMETHING into the air he can not explain. Can not name. It fills him.
He is Chosen.
He is insane. An inherently social creature driven mad by social isolation. A ghost trapped in flesh, slowly warped by the filters of human perception and prolonged starvation. But... not alone... not forever...
A little town.
In that country built on mass Graves, that thinks so very highly of itself. Founded by witches. A town of CHILDREN. Stumbling and new. Like HIM.
Some stronger then others, as tends to be the case, some clever and sure footed. So many will not stand the tests of Time. They are too weak. But... BUT! Oh~ LOOK At Them! A Tribe of Children.
They will live FOREVER.
They must be protected. As he walks amongst them, he can see them struggle to understand themselves. To hide their greatness from the reactionary masses. Already the children have drawn the attention of some governmental branch of this or that. Were too inexperienced and without leadership.
No Father to guide them. No patriarch.
The best they have is a floating child. "Phantom". Children guiding children, truly it is madness.
As he stands on the steps of the halls of their little town's government hall. Do you think Vandal Savage smiles? Pats the head of a passing child, after he catches her, to keep her from stumbling? Is he the very picture of a pleasant, gregarious man?
How trustworthy.
Vladimir Masters must look up from his work, at his overly ornate desk, and meet the eyes of something far, FAR worse then himself. Know in that instant, as like recognizes like, that a monster has stepped foot into his office. What choice does he make, I wonder?
When his instincts scream this... this is likely it. You have no escape. This thing will go through you, continue on, consume and control until it has it's fill. You are an obstacle it seeks to... Remove.
What does he do then?
In that moment... does he think of the Family his Obsession cradles so dear? The woman he loves, unknowing of this danger? The children, the SON, no doubt first to be targeted after he falls?
I imagine he does.
He cares little for Jack Fenton. But Vladimir Masters, in his own twisted way, does love Jack's family dearly. He sits at his desk, brought from home, bought with stolen wealth, and smiles a businessman's polite smile. Let's his hand brush the decorative bobblehead of to the side. Slips his finger, intangible, just beneath the surface of the plastic...
..to the emergency switch below.
Messages Sent.
Three phones light up, dispite having blocked his number. The screen fills with simple messages, repeated and bold.
@stealingyourbones @hdgnj @ailithnight
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transboysokka · 1 year
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@petricorah got an ask about betrothal swords and i just HAD to do a quick mock-up
betrothal necklaces and arm bands are OVER, this is the best idea ever!!
Zuko's swords:
The blades are also made of meteor now
"Never give up without a fight" which we see on Zuko's knife in the "Zuko Alone" episode translates to four characters. The first two are inscribed near the base of one of the swords in seal script, and the last two are likewise inscribed on the other sword
The lanyards on the handles are beaded braids of Sokka's hair because I'm still obsessed with hair and all the meanings it has in the Fire Nation
The scabbard is decorated with a combination of gold-carved meteor and dragon scales gifted to Aang by Ran and Shaw, which Aang gifted to Sokka to add to the sword.
The meteor has four detailed sections. The first section shows symbols of the Fire Nation, the second section shows symbols of the Water Tribe, the third section shows a new symbol that is a combination of Water and Fire. The fourth section is basically a stylized heart.
The details on the handles are carved so that one sword is Fire/sun themed and the other is Water/moon themed
Sokka's sword:
This is a simpler design, still made of meteor
A haiku Zuko wrote for Sokka is etched into the blade in gold seal script characters
The grip, as well as the majority of the scabbard are carved from a hybrid tree I've just invented called sakaki cedar because I love the symbolism
Other details are carved from bone, like the sun-themed guard and the moon-themed pommel.
Similar to Zuko's scabbard, Sokka's has four bone-carved sections. The top is a combination of sun and moon representing the union between Sokka and Zuko and their nations. The second is a Fire symbol, the third Water, and the fourth is a sort of yin-yang heart thing reminiscent of the fish in the Spirit Oasis in the North Pole.
The tassel/lanyard of the sword is also. Zuko's hair.
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mariiatrushartist · 5 months
Creator of the flat "Earth" and the Apostle of the Cat God: the most interesting facts from the life of Terry Pratchett
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Dreamed of becoming an astronomer
As a child, the boy was very interested in astronomy and stars in general. In adulthood, he not only did not lose interest in this topic, but also built an observatory in his garden.
The first story and a typewriter for earned money
Terry's first work was written when he was 13 years old, and a year later it was published in a school magazine called The Hades Business. On this story, the future writer earned £14 and used them to buy his first typewriter.
The first published novel
In 1971, when Terry was only 23 years old, the world saw his first novel The Carpet People. It is a comic fantasy novel about a tribe of tiny people living on the carpet. When the writer became more famous, he decided to rewrite it by adding an updated text, original black and white illustrations and an exclusive story written when he was 17 years old
From journalism to electricity production
After the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster in March 1979, Pratchett left journalism to become a press officer for four nuclear power plants at the Central Electricity Production Council.
He lost in popularity only J.K. Rowling
In 1996, the Times declared Pratchett a best-selling author in the UK. He sold 70 million books worldwide and was the second most read author in Britain, second only to the J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.
The award he was most proud of
It may surprise you, but most of all Pratchett was proud of the Carnegie Medal, which was awarded to his children's book The Amazing Maurice and His Raised Rodents. He got it in 2002.
At the peak of popularity, Pratchett was diagnosed with a severe form of Alzheimer's disease, posterior cortical atrophy. He had gradual degeneration of the cortex, the outer layer of the brain, on the back of the head. The disease leads to difficulties in reading, estimating distance, using tools and spelling. However, the disease did not stop Pratchett's success: in addition to continuing to write, he also became a patron of Alzheimer's Research UK and actively supported fundraising efforts and advocated raising awareness of the disease.
Own sword
The writer has always had an eccentric personality and imagination. Now that he became a knight, Terry needed the right sword he made himself from meteoric iron. The writer found a field with iron deposits near his home in Wiltshire, he himself dug up ore – 81 kilograms. Then he smelted iron ore using a homemade clay and hay furnace. A local blacksmith killed Pratchett's handmade iron rods into a silver-trimmed sword.
The last book
Pratchett's Alzheimer's disease has progressed. However, despite brain atrophy, he still continued to produce books. A few months before his death in March 2015, he finished his last novel about Discworld. Many Pratchett fans keep the book unread on their shelves in his honour.
There were 10 unfinished novels on the hard drive of his computer at the time of his death, but we will never know what they are about. According to the writer's last desire, Pratchett's unfinished works were destroyed. The hard drive was not only broken with a steam roller, but also passed through the stone crusher.
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andrea-lyn · 1 year
atla rec post the third! this round basically all zukka recs!
atla recs - part 3
noble blood by lupus (khaleeseas)
The Southern Water Tribe was no place for a firebender...or even a Fire Prince for that matter. And yet here Zuko was, not only in the South Pole’s capital itself but in the Royal Palace, protecting the tribe’s Chief after a failed assassination attempt. Chief Sokka, his old friend and a man who was intelligent and witty, yet kind of a dumbass. A man who was brave and strong and kind. A man who Zuko was utterly failing not to develop...personal feelings for. __
aka: a kind of roleswap AU with Southern Water Tribe Chief Sokka and bodyguard/mercenary Zuko.
it's more about the things that you take with by winterfire22
it’s been a few years since zuko took the throne, and he's doing his best. but there are some things missing.
enter his new ambassador program, and an opportunity to reconnect with an old friend.
before we jump ship, let me teach you how to stay afloat by eurydicees
He doesn't remember when his feelings changed, just that, somewhere between the fires of his homeland and the ocean of Sokka's pirate ship, he fell in love.
In which Zuko learns to swim, Sokka falls in love, and the sun and ocean remain as steady as ever.
in silence; ripen, fall and cease by aiyah
Zuko reaches out with trembling hands and tucks it behind Sokka’s ear.
“A pretty flower for a pretty boy,” he whispers.
- - -
[or: this is the story of an ikebana artist and the man who visits him.]
zing by meteor-sword (vaenire)
“I’ll just put away the rest of the treats for them. Toph, hold this will you?” He hefts Zuko’s bag over to her before Toph can protest, and she has a mind to drop the bag at her feet before she feels something interesting inside the bag. As her seismic sense ran passively through the bag, she sensed something small; it was heavier than the parchment but lighter than the bag of coins-- giving a feedback of vibration somewhere between glass and limestone.
Like usual, Toph sees this coming when no one else does.
gold in the air of summer by leopardfringe
Sometimes, Toph likes to ask about colors. Not often—people generally aren't great at explaining them to her, but her newfound metalbending abilities have left her curious.
(This, of course, has nothing at all to do with how she doesn’t even need her feet to know who's crushing on who in this group. Nope, this is just purely for research, and definitely not because she's sick of them dragging their feet.)
the stars go waltzing out in blue and red by tristanyvaine
Zuko falls in love with Sokka in the Southern Water Tribe. Sokka falls in love with Zuko in the Fire Nation. It spirals from there.
or: (Zuko thinks a lot about blue, words, love, and Sokka // Sokka thinks a lot about red, touch, love, and Zuko)
To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved) by Erisenyo
Zuko needs tomorrow to be perfect, but when one person is so many things to so many people--My Lord, Fire Lord, Nephew, Zuzu, Sifu Hotman--how is he going to find the time to make sure everything goes exactly right?
Five titles Zuko has earned himself + One more to add to the list. If he can just get through this Very Important International Celebration first...
this ultraviolet morning light by GallifreyanFairytale
“Sokka?” Zuko’s voice is quiet and raspy as he shifts just enough that Sokka lifts his head up from Zuko’s shoulder. The confession Sokka had ready to go dies on his lips at Zuko’s expression - at the red he can just barely make out in Zuko’s eyes. “Sokka, I… need to tell you something.”
Sokka swallows and nods silently, not trusting his own admission to not slip out if he dares to open his mouth. Zuko must be confessing the same thing Sokka wants to. Which, admittedly, Sokka hadn’t actually planned for, but it’s fine. He can adapt to this. He just needs to shift a few words around in his brain, and--
“You’re my best friend, you know that right?”
And why does Zuko’s tone make this sound like a break up?
sokka and zuko break up, make up, go undercover, thwart a rebellion, watch the sunrise, and change the course of fire nation history. not necessarily in that order.
the stars sighed in unison by spellboundrose
For some reason, Zuko can't stop looking at Sokka out of the corner of his eye. It must be something about the way the moonlight reflects off his skin—or maybe how his eyes, such a vibrant shade of blue, glimmer like the stars above them—
Oh, no.
(Or, five moments under the night sky and one beneath the sun.)
everything and nothing at once by tristanyvaine
See, everything would be fine if Sokka was here, because if Sokka was here then Zuko wouldn't be thinking about him over and over and over again while he misses him from the stupid ponytail to his weird Water Tribe shoes.
signs of light by beachytablecloth
And now, out of breath from running, Sokka can feel the anxiety beginning to overwhelm him, stitching his sides and pounding in his ears.
“It’s Zuko,” he finally gets out, panting. “He’s missing.”
Zuko gets kidnapped; Sokka falls apart.
A Predictable Story by mindbending
"On this night, you shall share a kiss with a great love of your life!”
That lying, scummy Aunt Wu predicts a grand romance for Sokka. To disprove her "fortunetelling" once and for all, Sokka decides to spend the night with least romantic person he knows.
Boomerangs and Rainbows by mindbending
At Sokka’s behest, the Gaang skips rescuing Zuko during the Siege at the North Pole. Instead they leave him, unconscious, buried in the snow.
In completely unrelated news, Sokka’s haunted by a ghost now.
little taste of heaven by loserlesbian
"His mom had given him a diary.
No, not a diary–– a journal, she had specified. He knows it’s a diary. Zuko thinks she only called it a journal because she thought that Zuko wouldn’t use it if she said otherwise. A diary is for feelings and angst, but a journal was for working through your problems without all that mushy, gushy stuff. It was for writing out simply what was in your head, nothing more, nothing less."
or, zuko through the years, struggling with himself and his sexuality.
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pen-and-umbra · 3 months
Jenova, Minerva, LOVELESS, The Queen and the Gi connection, pt. 1
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Another foray into theorycrafting. Here, you will find detailed notes exploring the intriguing connections between Jenova, Minerva, LOVELESS, the Gi, and other characters.
This line of thought was sparked by the holographic sequence in the Temple of the Ancients, as discussed in my previous analysis. In the vision recounting the Cetran battle against their "celestial adversary," Jenova transforms from a tentacled monster into a winged angel-like being resembling The Goddess, as portrayed by Jessie in Gold Saucer’s LOVELESS play.
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This transformation hints at a strong connection between Jenova and The Goddess from LOVELESS, suggesting they may be the same entity. However, it contradicts the established lore in Crisis Core, which implies through Genesis that the Goddess from the epic is Minerva, the planet’s spiritual avatar.
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While this could be a mistaken belief held by a desperate man, there may be more to it (more on that in the upcoming pt. 2).
Exploring the temple’s carvings reveals a depiction of Jenova, complete with her distinct, misshapen wings. The mural shows Jenova in the midst of transforming into a humanoid figure, or possibly the reverse transformation.
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Interestingly, this humanoid silhouette bears a striking resemblance to (queen/princess?) Rosa from the LOVELESS play, particularly the dress and starburst-like headpiece.
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Even more chilling is the Nibelheim flashback in Rebirth, which depicts the creature in the tube suspended in a state of partial transformation, half humanoid, and half monster, mirroring the imagery in the temple’s carvings and holograms.
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These connections raise intriguing questions about the relationship between Jenova and the other characters, prompting further exploration. Did Jenova imitate the goddess to sow discord among humans? Is this yet another example of her shapeshifting and deceptive nature? Does the character of Rosa from LOVELESS bear any ties to this entity? Did Jenova somehow transform into Rosa’s character prototype, or did Rosa’s character prototype transform into Jenova? These fascinating possibilities are worth considering.
These theories, however, do not completely elucidate Jenova’s true nature beyond that of a celestial calamity.
Yet an intriguing parallel emerges as we explore the Cosmo Canyon region. According to Cetran lore, Jenova arrived with a meteor that had hit the world's northernmost region. This is also likely how Gi arrived on the planet (at the very least, there's no indication that Gi had once been a technologically advanced space-faring race). In an uncanny coincidence, Gi and Jenova have comparable visual characteristics. Both Jenova and the Gi share similarities in their blueish/grayish skin and pink eyes.
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Jenova’s eyes in the tube appear cloudy and overheated, indicating exposure to high temperatures ("those who look with clouded eyes…" huh?).
Both combat versions of Jenova and the Gi appear to be wearing something like skull masks (??), or otherwise exhibit distinct skeletal features.
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Sephiroth’s reading of excerpts from Gast’s journal in the mansion provides a glimpse of Jenova’s body, which was supposedly discovered at the dig site. Its bone structure is strikingly similar to that of a Gi, with elongated, claw-like fingers.
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Cetran holograms depict Jenova and the Gi as tall and large entities. It is possible that size conveys importance (as the ancient Egyptians depicted their gods as giants). Moreover, not far from Northern Crater (the Crater itself and Whirlwind Maze), where Jenova is said to have landed, there dwells a (Gi)gas monster, adding to the strangeness. Similarly, the entity is tall and blue.
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Did Jenova travel with the Gi on that meteor, which may have been the last fragment of the Gi’s dying world? If so, was Jenova once a member of the Gi tribe? Did Jenova somehow inhabit or infest the body of a Gi specimen? Were Jenova's actions responsible for the destruction of the Gi's home planet? Gi Nattak's description of their world's catastrophic demise seems to parallel the devastating effects of Meteor's impact, as well as Jenovaroth’s alleged merging of timelines to create "infinity."
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"The earth shook, seas boiled, skies shattered, and time stopped."
"Earth shook, seas boiled, skies shattered" is strikingly similar to the looming Meteor illusions or hallucinations induced by Jenovaroth in both FFVII Remake and Rebirth. All the while "Time stopped" strikes uncomfortably close to how FFVII Rebirth emphasizes the alleged time dilation effects experienced by Zack and Biggs in one of the branching timelines.
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Moreover, the Gi village contains a number of peculiar effigies, one of which is located in the water near the shore. This effigy resembles Minerva in full armor, holding a shield, and either a glaive or a trident (or whatever that weapon is).
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As one ascends the trail, an unsettling discovery awaits them: a massive, creepy stone statue with fanged jaws that resembles one of Jenova’s skull-like forms. This imposing figure is situated directly behind the area where Gi Nattak guards the Shrine of Oblivion.
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The site appears to be a sacrificial trail, where the effigies and petrified figures are meant to follow the path before reaching the shrine’s end, symbolized by the fanged statue. There's a peculiar video shared by deltasyn that explores the area.
Jenova, Minerva, LOVELESS, The Queen and the Gi connection, pt. 2
👋 @pen-and-umbra
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braxiations · 10 months
"Slizurion," the Ancients
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A "Slizurion," as depicted in a pre-shattering Gravity Tribe codex.
The Slizurions were once a sprawling and prominent empire throughout the galaxy. At their hands were limitless miracles beyond anything the Great Beings could now conceive of, channeling their power in various medallions.
However, for reasons still unknown, the Slizurions began to drop in population. Planets once lit up by their vast cities blinked out and faded into dust. Their mark on the world rapidly waned. Desperate, a group of survivors scoured the cosmos for a new world, happening upon a lifeless rock filled to the brim with a shimmering, miraculous substance. They sent countless machines to the planet's surface, divided into 7 elemental factions so they could toil and terraform the world. They sealed themselves deep within the planet, trapped in an indefinite slumber, waiting for the work of the machines to end.
With the turn of The Millenium, a strange meteor's impact would stop their grand plans. Over millions of years, the machines would undergo unintended evolutions and the Slizurions would be lost to the folds of time, never to touch the galaxy again...
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villainsimpqueen · 3 months
Barren Land Na'vi Lore Dump #1.
The Barren Land Na'vi were created by me when i wrote my fic "The Barren Lands" right after Avatar way of water came out.
Fun fact is that this fic caused many others to be inspired to create their own fanclans.
Some fanclans you should definitely check out would be @nin3kyuu Mountain Na'vi and soon Sea Na'vi. And @choclodox Night Na'vi.
Now to the L o r e .
Drop #1
Barren Lands Legends/Protectors. 
Eliana would be there very first
'Daughter of the sun' 
Because she existed when the lands weren't desert. 
I was thinking about it being more jungle/wetlands like swampy or marshes until a piece of the sun (meteor) crashed and caused such a large reaction to their land it caused dust & sand storms blocking out the sun and killing the plants. surrounding all in darkness of the storms, many couldn't see, but she was one of the few who could, & she started gathering as many as she could to try to travel out of the storms. With new land changes came new predators that could spot them and lure them to death. 
She kept those she led from being lured away from pretty light displays as they were lies with sharp claws and beaks. 
Barren lands na'vi get their snake like patterns from her generation, as it once was a way to blend into the marshy jungle, now evolved to blend into sands. 
And the start of the possum genes evolution as many had starved to death due to the food sources dying. 
 she is the daughter of the sun
The protector of  Apxa of the srane sands- Golden sands 
The four stars around her are her children
"Once the Apxa of the Srane sands, was covered in darkness, the sun had dyed in the sky, our people could not see and where dying from thirst and hunger for they could not find food or water, Eliana was blessed with eyes of the sun, she lead our people through the darkness to food and water, until a new sun grew, She raised her children to bring light in ones darkness and to take away light from those who only bring darkness, when she died her and her children were blessed to be amongst eywa and help guide eywa's children of the barren lands.."’
Lytta would be last. 
daughter of rage 
the red sands.
she would exist when the low mountain range started forming and the sands turned red. 
She was trying to raise a family in the landscape but she lost her mate and some children due to banished na'vi in desperation to survive and take whatever they could, The others she was losing to heat exhaustion as the land was getting hotter and hotter Between the banished and the climate change she started to go crazy and thus in desperation to protect her last surviving child she starting attacking and killing any that was not native to the land. Because it was so hot and temps kept rising, to keep herself and her child from collapsing in heat she would cut their hair bald. Which was seen as soulless because the Na’vi are so spiritually connected to their hair. 
All her attempts to keep her last child alive went in vain as a tribe of banished na'vi had attacked her and them to take the hunt she had killed to provide. 
When they took her child she let out a sound of pure anger and in time the heat burst from the sands and hit red liquid started to form. She had believed that this was the blood of her slain children and all the other natives that must've perished due to the banished and exiled na'vi. 
She had attacked the group killing all but one and told them to flee and find as many banished they could and tell them to leave the lands for if she found them, she would stain the sands red with their blood as they had done to so many of her children and others. 
She would not allow another unworthy and invasive banish make it deeper into the lands. 
This had caused many banish leave, more so to take chances to find other places to live or risk being caught from their old clans. 
And once they had mostly all  disappeared it was only then Lytta saw the red liquid stop and it cooled, leaving large (yet not so large) cool red rock structures. 
which became the low range mountains and she too let her rage settle and cool,as she knew only those worthy would be able to pass deeper. 
The sand was now red, a warning to those who were not worthy of the lands to flee or their blood would darken the sand.
(rich iron from the volcanic vents explosions and the high temperatures stained the sands.) 
This is more so where the larger ears like fennec foxes traits started to form and the more aggressive behavior traits started to form. As The need to listen for rivals sneaking up on you grew stronger and the need to be more able to defend yourself and offspring grew more. As the strong survived and the weak perished. 
Daughter of rage, The three that are with her are her children, She will guide you and protect the Nga whenua onepu toto- Red sands
"'Her home lands used to be golden,but long time ago Banished na'vi came onto our lands, they did not know our way of living and they tried to take the sands that were close to their banished homes, after losing her second born child, and mate, she lost herself from eywa and stained the lands sand with the blood of the banished, protecting ewyas children of the barren lands, She had lost all three of her children and her mate to the banished na'vi but our people where protected. Now banished na'vi do not last long on our lands if they come into our home with ill intentions to our people. "’
Tama whakaae, 
Tama  I think would be the second. 
As many clans at the time would  believe that there was no species or living in the desserts, and they deemed that place to be perfect to send the banished & exiles (basically to their deaths) and he was banished because he was fooling around with another clans leaders daughter (rivals( in secret and had mated to her which got then   caught, The daughters parents refused their mating, and wanted him punished or they would bring war to his clan. 
His clans leaders didn't want war nor did they have the warriors for it so they banished him to the deserts where he would die out there and never be able to connect to ewya again. 
Before he was chased out he stole a seed from his lands spirit tree as a way to "rebel"  about not being able to connect to the mother. (In desperation to have some sort of connection to the mother) He fled into the deserts, which he would find Na'vi there living, feral and brutal. He would also find other banished perished in the sand or withering away. 
He would make peace offerings to the native Na'vi  (golden sands) and learn to survive in which he taught other banished to survive, as they kept traveling they found the canyons with its blue clay, they followed them and found the blue sands, he would take the blue clay from the canyons and trunk from a young spiked plant and carry it deep into the blue sands and  combine the seed to that plant and bury it with the clay into the blue sands and grew the thorn tree, allowing those who had followed him, banished and golden sands to be able to connect back to Way over time.
This is where some of the barren lands navi have some clan structure and spiritual structure. While no longer as strong as others in full form clans and more broken and scattered practices that were twisted and turned to better suit the land.  
Accepted son, He will guide your through Whenua one puru, land of blue sands, and is the protector of the barren lands spirit tree
There are his two children around him.
"'He was a banished na'vi, He came to our home seeking shelter, He passed Lyttas tests and was allowed through Eliana's lands, She guided him through her lands, to sands that were dull of life where no one could find him, He then planted a seed from his home lands and tended to it every day until it grew the spiked spirit tree, connecting our home and people to great mother eywa. To praise him, she blessed his sands to be as blue as his skin, so that he and his children may never be seen from the sands, He and his children protected and moved the tree so now the spiked tree moves on its own, He and his children will guide you to the tree, if they deem you worthy to Lytta and Eliana lands.”
Their constellation used by Barren lands na'vi to travel between the three sand biomes that makes up the entire Barren Lands.
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And a rough map, which i will later redo.
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Between the seperation of each sand biome are low range mountains, between the golden sands and Red sands, and cayons between the golden sands and blue sands.
The golden sands are the largest section of the barren lands.
Lore Dump 2
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #787:
Shingo Adachi's Story of Meteor Artbook: Page 52
I'm failing to add a translated page to this, but the only real notation on here at the center of the page is merely saying shuriken color at the top, and hand color below, as Shinobi Rockman is in that blurry throwing motion. As well as flames moving forward from Dino War Rock's mouth in the bottom left piece.
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/DRr2f5dD
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saltysplayt00ns · 6 months
Page 849 Reworked
I've been waiting a long time to show this one, and had to adjust some stuff cause the author thought rushing to place an out of place fog would make things better, but just adds on the confusion of a fog only showing around their and not around the area. Also would've had a scene of them going through the fog and we seen the Two tribes coming in through the fog. This would've been a better battle and advantage CAUSE LET ME REMIND YA. There are two tribes band together to take down Meteor tribe and a few of Whispervale members. THIS IS A NO WIN BATTLE, Meteor has to be strategic and improvise from a no win scenario. Ronja and other would've taken advantage of the fog and fought them there and not up the freaking mountains. taken advantage when the elements plus the rain coming down would make it more thick in mist. THE BATTLE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF!!!.
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Close-up shots;
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I did adjustment of the whole scene cause this is an action scene;
Panel adjustments and add-ons
Added lighting and shadows
Added SFX
Reworked the BG
Added armor
Added tribal paint
Worked Dialogue bubble cause yikes Ronja.
He also has the other half of his body.
Adjust to make the dogs more like fur.
Diarko had him more primitive and connect the dark markings.
Also quote from the author themselves; " No paint on any of them for this, it's tedious enough to have to draw all this armor X)" SO BASICALLY YOU, an author that is drawing a Raiding battle of tribes that is between life and death, doesn't want to do paint nor any detailed important stuff, so we don't know who's fighting who. It's not even battle armor cause None of them ARE WEARING ANYTHING TO PROTECT THEMSELVESM, Meteortribe is more equipped with clothes then the tribes that are experienced not wearing any, they're the one's that say burning bodies is ' primitive '. let me tell ya after 2-3 pages its laughable on him trying to make this the final boss type BS when they. How these dogs advanced again? ya got literally spirits giving out free loot XD This is what I mean by ' changing plot to fit the story ' and ' inconsistencies ' like this an annoying blemish, instead of a competent tribes that are more experienced and trained to handle such things, you are NOT given armor nor paint nor anything of an build-up, because you was lazy and don't know how to find an easy way to do said battle armor - PLUS don't know how to have meteor tribe not lose members. Like, why the heck are the two tribes waited MONTHS to start invading them now why not then?? because kiq. doesn't know how to fix the plot holes, since basically would've been wiped out regardless of the extra protection. why meteor waited so long to fix their defenses?
why Keirr is not with them, isn't he a family oriented dog.?
Why Rhovanion and Feaf are not their isn't Rhov and family oriented dog?
Why meteor didn't leave around winter and waited many months to move at all? , this is not a vacation, its an evacuation.
why Tribes waited years to actually start something now then 30 years ago.?
Why Roamer wants to take the idea from Kargo which was meant for Kargo, roamer, Ferah to make their ' new life? ' why not just have it where its an idea you made on your own???!!!! really putting salt on that wound ain't ya?
When did Kargo know about Rogio, more then Roamer who is literally his boyfriend?
Why Rogio dumping all the chores on Roamer to do? he's been doing it a lot and somehow Roamer have to agree, cause remember those scenes when Roamer put OUT HIS OPINION??!!! and tried to help? he gotten gaslighted and a upper cut of emotional manipulations.
Why Rogio wants a Polycule now? especially after we SAW Rogio snooping AGAIN on other dogs conversations. and Kargo so far is focused on other things then having a threesome. and all these glaring and many more glaring questions. Again the question is why?? why, why and more WHY'S. This stuff usually is dealt with after doing drafts, concepts and revisions.
The quick placement of the Fog was laughable, cause think about it like, why kiq. going to do a dues ex Machina on the mountains and not in the fogs. Think about it in a tactical planning for Ronja and writers. The Fog is more an advantage to hide in the thick mist in dark shades of the trees, then being exposer on plan sight on top of a mountain. Meteor ( Nordguard ) 1. does not know how to wield a sword, 2. they're outnumbered, 3. lack experiences and 4. have children. They needed to think strategically and fast. The fog would've been a perfect scene for them to hide in and cover their scents, Rain and thunder is coming, so more thick fog and cover up from the tribes, they would use that to their advantage and scatter the raid them around. It's a risky maneuver but Ronja can't be hesitant nor meek on this, is all or nothing. THIS STUFF IS GOOD TENSION AND CHARACTER BUILD-UP.
---- This creating armor and concepts is like whip cream on an ice cream cake for me. But hey it's not my Comic to stress over, be a pump and dump for all I bloody know . .....
Side Goodies:
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Quick Armored concept for Dragonsfall
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Dragonsfall Paint marks
The Dragonsfall tribe is a group of Canines who have forged a strong alliance with Fire-breathing lizards, believing themselves to be descendants of these majestic creatures. They are known for crafting a unique bronze metal, believed to be hardened and melted with metal from the scales of dragons. This bronze shines like fire, is harder than regular metal, and exhibits weird translucent colors like the scales. The tribe also molds bits of leather to create softer but sturdier materials. While they may have lost some of the fierce traits associated with dragons over time, certain traits like their scales, reproduction and facials still show hints of their connection to these mythical beings.
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zombiee-reviews · 8 months
Rogio character discussion / breakdown.
• The coward • The asshole • The useless
If you can’t tell, I’m having fun with these lmao.
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So after doing a discussion with Ranach, my next victim is going to be Rogio.
Rogio is rather an easy character to breakdown, considering his actions is a huge contradiction to what Kique has his personality set too in the wiki.
What I will be going over:
• What we know of Rogio’s early life
• Why I feel he is just a shit character
• His friends with benefi- I mean, relationship with Roamer.
• How he is a huge self insert of Kique
• His weird on and off trauma(s)
• His wiki personality is one thing, but the comic shows another.
( Topics are in no particular order, my brain likes to splatter information everywhere lmao. )
So first, I am going to start with what we know of Rogio’s early life. Unfortunately, Rogio doesn’t really talk much about his early life, before MT. What we are told is he was once in a tribe named Snowcap Tribe and they once lived on the Meteor Summit. Rogio also mentions how someone angered a spirit up there and the spirit completely wiped out everyone. Obviously, later in the comic, his brother Iberon survived and was the cause of the spirit destroying the Tribe, but Rogio does not know this.
It is interesting to me how none of these comic characters talk about their backstory, but in Rogio’s case, he only brings up bad things in his backstory so everyone feels bad for him.
Why does Rogio never talk about his brother? His family? His traumatic experiences? You would think we would have some moments of Rogio confiding in Roamer and talking over the events that happened. It would have been good leverage to use his night beast form as past traumas he hasn’t gotten over. Personally, I feel like Kique didn’t come up with Rogio having a sibling that is alive until he made Ranach visit SS. Because this validates Ranach yoinking everyone in SS, because Iberon reminds him so much of Rogio. Ranach even puts two and two together that this COULD be Rogio’s brother. But as readers, we never see a scene where Rogio EVER talks about his sibling(s), or his past. And quite frankly it bothers me? The characters just feel like robots with no backstory, morals, or humanity / humility. They are just puppets to whatever Kique feels like having them do - in MT’s case, puppets to Rogio.
Let’s be honest, Rogio is by far the worst character in Home. Kique likes to label this guy as one of his best characters and will literally protect / defend him at all costs. WHY? I don’t know, maybe it’s because Rogio is a literal carbon copy of Kique in the comic.
It becomes obvious that Rogio is a self insert of Kique when Roamer and Rogio return to MT, after leaving Midnightgarde.
Roamer has a falling out with Kargo and we are shown nosy - ass Rogio listening in. We are then shown that Rogio is battling his own demons and pretty much forcing Roamer to cater to him because he wants to return to MT with Roamer. Kind of funny how Roamer doesn’t ask Rogio why tf he was listening to a private conversation… But anyway.
Even though Roamer and Kargo literally just broke up, Rogio thinks it’s a great idea to back stab his long time friend Kargo and sleep with his ex. How trustworthy Rogio is. I mean hell, Rogio makes the first move on Roamer. And then in a co-dependent manner, Rogio is suddenly healed from his demons, after sleeping with Roamer that night. Even Roamers face shows this “Oh god, Kique is going to use me as NSFW content with this dweeb in the future.” Lmao.
Also Rogio says he didn’t join the Tribe by choice, but he could have left by choice. Rogio had the luxury of leaving the walls when he wanted too, he could have easily just took off one day. He wasn’t that trapped. -_-
One thing I find funny on Rogio returning to MT, was he KNEW there was a possibility that Ranach was still there. So obviously, Kargo was right when he told Roamer that he returned to MT to sleep with Ranach once again. Of course, this is quickly covered up. But it’s obvious to me that Rogio was willing to see Ranach once more and then later in the comic acted like seeing Ranach again would be the end of his world. THEN WHY DID YOU RETURN TO MT IDIOT??
If Ranach terrified / traumatized you SO MUCH, why would you return to MT knowing there was a chance he’d be there, or knowing there was a chance Ranach would return? Didn’t factor that one in, huh buddy?
After reading the documents Staz put out on how Kique was in their relationship, Rogio describes Kique to a damn T. It would also make sense why all the main characters oogle over him, or ask for his advice even tho it’s out of place. Rogio IS Kique.
I mean hell, I absolutely HATE that the MT females don’t gut Rogio for not doing squat for them while he was in MT. When Rogio does return to MT I hate when I see Inna say “We’re glad to have you back Rogio!” GIRL WHAT. This pile of dog crap didn’t bother to save anybody, he had a chance to rebel with Kargo the first time and didn’t do anything! He was too busy banging Ranach and trying to raise his own position in MT as a Baron WITH Ranach. Realistically, NOBODY should be happy to see him!
Oh and let’s not forget Ronja giving him special privileges to call her by her actual name. And then suddenly making him Baron of MT, even though he hasn’t proved his skills to her. Ronjas stupid as well for just giving that much responsibility / status to someone SHE BARELY KNOWS. But it’s ✨ ROGIO ✨
Then came the time when Rogio was completely useless to his rank as a Baron. He’d let everyone go do the work for him when it came time to rid of Ranach and Avanti. He always used the excuse of not wanting to see Ranach, because Ranach was his “abuser”. The goofy thing about this is, Rogio was completely accepting of seeing Ranach again when he was coming back from Midnightgarde.. Also, why would you return to the very place your abuser lives? Why did you come back to MT knowing Ranach would still be around? It’s all dumb writing to me. I understand why Roamer returned, but Rogio could have very easily went his own way and start his own life.
Then another contradiction that Rogio creates for himself, is when he is in the healer hut saying “If anyone had a problem with it, they would have voiced their concern at the meeting.” But when Vigr asks Rogio to use himself to lure Ranach into a trap, Rogio suddenly throws a fit like a child and suffers from a “PTSD” attack. Again, idk why you would want to torment yourself so badly and come back to a place where your abuser is still around. Don’t make sense to me!!
But because Rogio was absolutely useless in the fight against Avanti and decided to not be apart of it, MT lost two members! Fuss and Jonna! Bro, you’re a Baron, a second in command, you don’t get to just kick your feet up. If you felt you weren’t ready to be a Baron, then why the hell did you accept it anyway? You could have easily told Ronja NO, I don’t want to be a Baron, I can’t handle that much responsibility right now. But because Rogio wasn’t there and his help could have potentially saved Fuss and Jonna, we lose them.
I mean shit, Fuss had more of a reason to stay behind, for his daughter! But he went anyway. Then we have lame ass Rogio who doesn’t want to sEe HiS aBuSeR. Even tho he has an entire tribe to protect him from Ranach!
Then came the time when Ranach was attacking the wall with Avanti. I just LOVE that Ronja says “You are the second strongest to Kargo go protect the cave entrance!” Basically saying “Just go run away and be useless!” If Rogio is the second strongest, why is he off diddling in a cave while everyone else has to go face Oreo dog? Oh that’s right! Plot armor! And Kiques way of further dragging the story of Ranach not knowing Rogio is alive yet! And yet furthering my reasons of why Rogio is fucking useless at everything. I mean he needed help from a pup to “kill” Avanti.
Then of course, when Rogio plays this game of ignoring Roamer and goes with Ronja to Tinget. What an asshole. I mean look at the face he is giving Roamer before he leaves??? Not only this, but Ronja ain’t the smartest of the bunch, because anyone can see that her tribe member is not himself, but sure buddy! Show me the way with just us two alone to Tinget! I mean hell, the comic doesn’t really show a relationship / friendship with Ronja or Rogio. Ronja is forced to like Rogio and act like she knows anything about him from Kique, because he is with her family member, Roamer. I mean she can at least see that Rogio is being a bit of a dick to Roamer, but she somehow doesn’t stand up against Rogio and defend her family member. She’s definitely got that minding her own business down lol.
Going to fast forward to the time when Ronja and Rogio are seen after Tinget. They are camping and Rogio miraculously knows that Fjall is spooking at something else other than a night beast. Rogio completely goes feral on this strange dog spying on them. But what would make me uncomfortable in Ronjas position is she had to really put some force in her voice to get Rogio to stop threatening him. Giiirl, that would make me nervous, because you’re alone with ROGIO lmao.
Later, Rogio and Ronja return to MT and Rogio attempts to run off, but cowers out. Heh, wuss. I don’t understand why he didn’t just do it while she was asleep, but to wait last minute while you’re on the border of MT. It just makes it easier for everyone to follow your scent?? IDK.
Once Rogio is in the void with Kargo after fighting his night beast form, the whole scene that follows once they leave is total bullshit. The whole “A punch long overdue.” From Kargo is so wrong in so many ways, if anything, ROGIO deserves that punch from Kargo. Rogio has been nothing but a dickwad to everyone since day one, he damn near isn’t redeemable either. But Kique thinks because Rogio saves Kargo and kills his night beast, it clears anything Rogio has done in the past.
When Kargo says “I have brought so much pain into his life” I think Kique meant for Rogio to say that. I mean Rogio was the biggest asshole to Roamer?? Only thing Kargo has done was just get upset with him over Ferah, and leave him, other than that I haven’t really seen Kargo be a dick to Roamer like Rogio. I mean hell, at least Kargo COMMUNICATES, even if it is when he gets angry.
And what follows after is just sad. I hate how out of character Kique writes Kargo just to benefit Rogio. But I am happy to see the lions wacking Rogio around lmao.
It wasn’t obvious in the beginning, but after finding out Rogio suggests a poly relationship to Roamer, it then becomes obvious Kique planned this shit. He planned a polyship and the three of them to have a child as well, which would be Diarko. Which is dumb as hell, considering his mother is actually alive. But Kique writes her as a mother lacking any maternity instincts, cause she just leaves him with MT? It becomes clear to me that the MT storyline is actually all about Rogio and whatever orbits around him.
Then as they return to MT, suddenly Kargo and Rogio become the best of friends. Okay I get it, Rogio saved him. But honestly, it looks like Kargo didn’t want to be saved. And besides that, Rogio and Kargo had no chemistry together. Just because Kargo dies and Rogio brings him back to life does not undo anything?? Kargo should really be like, okay thanks for bringing me back to life, buh bye dude.
Then Galti, Alva and Javo leave and they have this whole conversation that Ranach may return. Which he potentially could. Obviously brainless Rogio didn’t think this through. Sure bringing back Kargo is cool and all, but it ups the risks once more and puts MT in danger again. But Kique wants us to love Rogio because he brought Kargo back, not even factoring in the risks! What a smart guy!
Now I’ll be going over his weird / abusive af relationship that he has with Roamer.
When Roamer returns from Midnightgarde after giving Ferah and Kargo a thoughtful farewell. Roamer approaches Rogio and gives this whole speech about how the irbloss are the ones that wanted Roamer to see Rogio. WROOONG. Rogio was suppose to die that night, according to others who had script privileges, or heard it from word of mouth from Kique. Yes, that’s right people, Rogio was suppose to die after Ranach sacrificed him. But for some odd reason, Kique chose this wonderful dog to implement himself into. :-)
What also strikes me weird, is how Roamer was shy with Kargo but not with Rogio. Especially after their breakup. I perceived Roamer as shy with Kargo because a MxM relationship was brand new to him and he was figuring himself out. But when it came to Rogio, suddenly that shyness disappeared and he became the more “dominant” one, all in the course of a few days.
Then, Rogio gives this bullshit speech to Roamer about how he feels this relationship is right and he gets a sense of freedom being with him. I’m sorry, but seeing how Rogio treats Roamer in the future, I take this as love bombing and manipulation from Rogio.
Oh also, I hate how Roamer acts like he knows everything about Rogio when he confronts Kargo. “You have no right to talk like you know either of them.” Roamer???? Kargo literally spent years with Rogio in MT and you really want to tell him that?? You’ve only known Rogio for a few days?? Oh! That’s right. This scene is Kique trying to convince his audience that Kargo is the problem, not Rogio. But it’s absolutely hilarious how Roamer goes on the defensive with Kargo over Rogio, like he’s known Rogio his whole life. GET OUT OF HERE BOI.
I also hate how rushed their relationship is. Once Roamer returns from Midnightgarde, they have this forced chemistry about them. It’s almost like they’ve been together for quite a long time, but factoring the pacing, it’s only been a few days?? A week? I mean right from the get go, Rogio is already trying to bang Roamer, when he returns from saying goodbye to Ferah and Kargo.. And also when they wake up the next morning, this behavior is a damn red flag for me?
Also, why the hell did Roamer fail to tell Ronja he returned first? Oh yeah, cause poor Rogipoo needed Roamer to fend off his demons that he should PROBABLY deal with on his own. But Kique made Roamer the one that deals with all of Rogio’s problems.
Also Ronja acting like she knows Rogio, AT ALL. “And Rogio deserves someone like you, after everything he’s been through.” I mean all of chapter nine is pretty much about coddling up to Rogio, even tho Roamer and Ronja don’t know jack shit about him. UGH.
Then of course, Rogio keeping secrets. Roamer had to find out about Rogio and Ranachs relationship, instead of Rogio just telling him. Idk why it was an issue? But if Rogio felt such strong feelings for Roamer, why does he feel the need to not confide in him about something like that, but instead hide it. Then of course, more coddling Rogio over Ranach, even tho Ranach was never shown to abuse Rogio lmfao.
Also why tf was Rogio and Roamer making out like that in front of everyone when Kargo and Ferah are at the gate? There is a literal child right there you freaking creeps.
Then of course, poor Rogipoo couldn’t sleep when Kargo returned, so Roamer is like ITS OKAY BUDDY! I’ll do all of your chores! Go back to sleep!! Damn, I wish I could have someone do my chores because I couldn’t sleep lmfao. Bastard didn’t even say thank you to Roamer lol.
And of course Roamer trying to protect Rogio from Kargo once more. “Do you think he’s proud of the things he’s done?” Girl, I haven’t once seen Rogio take accountability or talk about past things, unless it involved pitying Rogio. It was always poor Rogio! Never, screw Rogio for leaving the MT females to be raped, while he was trying to raise his position in MT and didn’t seem BOTHERED about trying to change anything. Yeah, screw you man.
Then, my all time favorite scene with Kargo whooping Rogio’s ass, rightfully. Everything Kargo says is completely the truth about Rogio. But of course, Kique handles this as Kargo being the asshole and this is suppose to be some half ass redemption arc for Rogio and somehow we’re suppose to feel bad for him here. I mean cmon man, Kargo has the right to be pissed off at Rogio. He literally crept in and immediately started pulling moves on Roamer, DAYS after their break up!
And before Roamer even came into the picture, when Rogio and Kargo were in old MT together. It’s APPARENT that Rogio has backstabbed Kargo before and ( “You turned your back on me the day our bond mattered the most.” ) then did it again when Roamer left him. So why the fuck would any of us feel bad for Rogio here? I think I can speak for all of us logical readers here, we all side with Kargo, Kique.
I also hate that part when Rogio was telling Kargo “We needed each other.” NEEDED WHAT EXACTLY?! A bang buddy?!
And then Kargo asking Rogio if he loves Roamer. OF COURSE HE DOESNT! He is just using Roamer as a bang buddy! Bro literally couldn’t contain himself in front of a CHILD.
Aaaaah, now comes the juicy bits of their relationship. Rogio becomes the victim of his own self pity and decides to stone wall Roamer, because that’s TOTALLY something you should do in a healthy relationship. He does this QUITE a bit with Roamer, later in the comic.
But! You did hit the nail on the head by saying you can’t do anything as a Baron, so that’s why you’ve stepped down. Good job in that self reflection Rogio!
And of course the nightmares return and what does freaking Roamer do? Tries to bang him. Like??? Yall see this? It’s pretty sad that Roamer thinks sex is the way to comfort / get too Rogio. Because when it comes to touchy subjects like that, sex is the answer for him. Not talking it out, I guess. Because guess what! Rogio shoves Roamer off and ignores him! More stonewalling! Guess that didn’t work, Roamer!
Even when Rogio returns from the Tinget meeting, we have even more stonewalling! In typical Rogio fashion, he’s always giving them sad eyes and walking off. You’re pathetic man.
Then to nobodies surprise, chapter 12 begins with pathetic ass Rogio’s nightmares again. Of course, he walks out. Roamer attempts to comfort him and ask him to talk about what he dreamt about, nothing wrong here as Roamer is trying to support / comfort Rogio. But of course Rogio avoids anything Roamer tells him. I mean Roamer is in tears, pushing aside everything and asking him to love and touch him. But then AGAIN, Rogio walks tf out and leaves him alone to cry about it. Here’s a trophy for biggest asshole of this story, Rogio.
As the stonewalling progresses, it then manifests into Rogio trying to sneak out without telling anyone. At least be courteous and TELL SOMEONE. It’s really not that fucking hard to communicate to someone and say “Hey I need my space! So I am leaving for a little bit.” But of course Rogio wants to draw attention on himself and have the whole Tribe worry about him and possibly go search for him. This could have possibly caused more unnecessary deaths, but thankfully Roamer was able to stop him… With sex. Not sure how you can be in love with someone who just wants to bang you, stone wall you and be an absolute ass to you. Rogio is a walking red flag, Roamer lol.
Now my final thing will be Rogio’s weird plot convenient traumas.
Obviously, we’re all aware of Rogio fighting his night beast form and once he comes across the spirit that sends him to the void to fight the night beast, we see more trauma in the sky above him. Except these aren’t any traumas, it’s kind of funny how it’s mostly about Kargo calling out Rogio’s shitty ass behavior, but apparently this is traumatic for Rogio. Well, don’t be an asshole???
And then came the time recently when Rogio suggested that MT can move to his old tribes territory. May I remind you that this is his family’s graveyard? And the territory had a spirit absolutely ravage the whole area, killing the tribe? One would think Rogio would be traumatized from this, but guess what? HE ISNT. Nope! The words of his old families territory rings nothing in Rogio’s empty head. But the poor sop can’t even face Ranach with a whole tribe standing behind him.
I think it’s another dick move for Rogio to not mention anything to Ronja or the tribe about what happened in his old territory. Kique, buddy, you try so hard to make this asshat look good, but end up short every time. You will never change my mind on how I feel about Rogio. SORRY CHUMP.
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Also all of Rogio’s positive personality traits are all bullshit lol. That trustworthy, loyal and courageous one made me laugh LOUDLY.
Tbh I had to cut some things out and focus mainly on Rogio’s behaviors, so I may have missed some things. The conclusion of this is to show people and potentially show die hard fans of Home that Rogio really isn’t that great. Kique tries to shine him under a bright light, but he just ends up making a fool out of Rogio.
Rogio should have died the night Kique said he would.
Also apologies for this taking so long! Rogio is the worst mess in this comic, as you read.
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therovingstar · 2 years
Genuinely baffled by all the details that Bardam’s Mettle contains that add to the steppe’s story without fully explaining a thing (except how utterly ridiculous and death-defying a challenge it is, in the best way). The universal reverence for the place, so shown by the countless myriad flags strewn everywhere, proving the trials and area overall to be some of the few that transcend tribe and creed.
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The dialogue (coming from where, I have no clue) speaking of those of the dusk and of the dawn, hinting that maybe these trials were taken by both Xaela and Raen, and referencing the truce that Nhaama and Azim had found by way of their own soldiers choosing love over war, thus redefining ‘warrior’ to mean one who is a child of both deities rather than only one.
The first boss leading you down into this deep trench, where instead of dark emptiness you find the remnants of civilization and technology? Stone alcoves holding what look like wind turbines, shoddy wooden steps built into the trench walls.
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The second trial speaking, “Be not afraid of falling stars,” and climaxing with a meteor falling as you hide behind other ‘star shards’. Pretty sure Bardam was a Warrior of Light, for the record.
Falling even deeper into that trench, and finding more remnants of civilization. Buildings that look like straight up domiciles built right into the stone, complete with steps and porches and roofs (and traps).
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I’m assuming they’re shrines (if not, holy crap does that raise even more questions as to the history of this place). How did they get down here? Note that you have fall far to get to this point (including tumbling off an entire waterfall). If they are shrines, that speaks to a boatload of dedication to this tradition, that folks would come down here (I’m guessing on yol-back) to build and maintain this place. Just the yol’s inner sanctum speaks to a wild amount of love and care:
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Flags and banners built up around the platform, strung across the walls, torches built into hollowed sections of what’s more or less a mountain crater by this point. And the platform itself, clearly constructed by way of manipulation of the stone, painstakingly chipped at for who-knows-how-long until it ‘rose’ out of the ground. And the glowing depiction of Bardam speaks for itself.
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Hunter x Hunter: Shalnark kurta theory part 2 i think
so as far as kurta attire goes we have some dubiously canon examples from the phantom rogue movie/volume 0 of hxh and of course kurapika himself.
and my questions are: are the robes shalnark wears actually kurtan and if so, what do the symbols mean?
here's a wide shot we get
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and here's a close up of a handful.
i am absolutely perplexed as to what each robe means.
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there are a couple of repeating patterns on each style of robe. the swirlies seem to be the most prominant and at first i thought it was significant of lineage. like the swirlies (circled in red) are one family and then the circle patterns (circled in blue) are another family and the multicolored stripes (circled in yellow) are another etc etc.
but the ones with the pointy symbols (green arrows) caught my eye because those are the same types of symbols kurapika's yorknew fit had. so for that at least i believe are kurtan battle robes.
so by that logic i can imagine that the rest of the patterns correlate with different roles in the tribe, with families usually occupying the same role so therefore wearing similar patterns on their clothes.
as for the style of clothing. i think that's entirely arbitrary. there is zero correlation to who wears what style no matter how i tried to slice it.
but for shalnark's style specifically.
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this is a fit we see him rock in one of the promotional posters for the phantom rogue. so it is just as dubiously canon as the rest of the kurtan attire.
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of the wide shot, i can pick out 3 that have a similar style.
so phantom rouge shal definitely fits the kurtan style with the exception of the pattern. what does the pattern actually mean? who the fuck knows but i have a theory.
so the kurtan shalnark theory gets fucking wild. because consider this: after the clan is massacred, shalnark believes he is the only one left. and he is proud of that fact because now he lives on as the legacy that the kurta clan would willingly push their own away. and as a child, he was given kurtan exile robes, marked with those two white stripes no matter what combination of colors were used for the rest of the tunic.
like he is still very kurtan: stubborn in his beliefs, holds grudges like no one's business and fiercely loyal. But applied differently.
This petty mf, either during or after the massacre, finds a stash of these exile robes and saves them for when he grows into them. he burns the rest. he's an exile and he's proud of it because that is what they did to him and probably several other mixed blood kurtans sent to die.
he was lucky, meteor city turned out to be a loving place where he found friends and made a new family.
the kurta abandoned him. so their legacy will die with him, the last exiled kurtan.
also in his current fit (the purple and green one) he just grew too damn tall XD. the fit was too short and only goes down to his thighs where it was supposed to go to his knees but shh its fine.
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starryscale-art · 7 months
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'the kagon that allowed Azim in'
jai's relationship with the sun means so much to me- his baby brother (os), husband (khor) , wife (ria) and boy bf (the warrior of light/meteor) are sun themed where jai was brought up to fear the sun (kagon tribe),
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