#mexicat arts
mexicancat-girl · 1 year
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Sakuino supremacy always and forever.
Art I made for @narutocharacterpolls because I love Ino and her soulmate-girlfriend Sakura. Plus I think women deserve love and appreciation in this fandom <3
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nedsecondline · 4 months
Jenny And The Mexicats - Qué Descaro el Tuyo (art track) - YouTube
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mx-bright-sky · 5 years
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I already love Clover. If anything happened to them, I would kill everyone in the room and then myself.
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kiss-myvans · 7 years
KMV Profile: Pilar Ontaneda 🌺
Seguimos celebrando la autenticidad de chicas que nos inspiran y con las que nos sentimos identificadas. Estas Vans girls siempre están ejerciendo el #GIRLPOWER en todos los ámbitos de su vida y empoderando a las mujeres de nuevas generaciones que las siguen de cerca en sus redes sociales.
El arte y los deportes extremos son los most para el día a día de Pilar, nos encanta su buena vibra y la seguridad que muestra en su actitud. 
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Cuéntanos un poco sobre ti:
Me llamo Pilar, estudié Diseño Gráfico y en Abril empezaré una Certificación para ser entrenadora personal.
Me gusta mucho hacer cosas outdoors y estar sobre tablas como Paddle board, Skate y Longboard, (Estoy aprendiendo a surfear ), Hikes, Snorkel y me encanta viajar!!!!
Si te pudieras describir en un verso de alguna canción, ¿cuál sería?
Jajaja seguramente un clásico de Jenny y los mexicats:
"A ella no le gusta trabajar lo que le gusta es bailar, moviendo las caderas siempre va con su caguama."
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¿Cuales piensas que son los atributos de una verdadera Vans girl?
Creo que ser Vans girl representa diversión, disfrutar las cosas bonitas y simples del día a día, vivir feliz y al máximo y compartirlo con tus humanos favoritos!
¿Como ejerces el girl power?
Pues café y luego existo jaja me encanta estar creando diseños diferentes para marcas, para editorial, escuchando música mientras patino o entreno para llegar más lejos que donde estaba ayer.
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¿Cuales son tus vans favoritos y con que prendas de ropa los combinas?
Los Classics Old Skool siempre quedan con todo!!! 
¿Con cuál pilar de vans te identificas más?  ¿Por qué?
Arte y Deportes de alto impacto yo creo que es con lo que me puedo identificar y nunca cansar de ver es lo que te hace único y bueno el arte es una muy bonita forma de mandarle un mensaje a las personas hoy en día, como dicen una imagen vale más que mil palabras.
Y el deporte de alto impacto es super divertido! en el nivel en el que te encuentres haciendo deportes extremos vas a estar divirtiéndote y superando tus propias expectativas, yo creo que es algo super cool y casi un tipo de meditación.
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¿Para ti qué es ser autentica?
Para mi ser auténtica es ser una persona dispuesta a probar cosas nuevas, siempre explorando el mundo, descubriendo cada vez más, cosas bonitas dentro y fuera de ti.  
Siempre tratando de ver la vida de una manera positiva y buena onda.
Sigue a Pilar en instagram: @Pilaaroo 🌸
@lizaborjas <3
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littlestarcafe · 7 years
Tagged again
@aylindogan has tagged me and I’m a bored so yeah I’ll do this
Rules: Answer the questions and tag [20] (or as many as you want!) followers you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Odalis Nickname: Odi, Odis, Wee Devil, Osi, Osito (little bear), Jay (beacuse of my first name), to name a few Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Height: 1.59m (that’s 5,9.5 ft) Sexual Orientation: Asexual Favourite Fruit: Tie with Apples and Grapes Favourite Season: Autumn  Favourite Book Series: The entire Harry Potter series and also a few independent ones
Favourite Fictional Character: TOO MANY: Catbug, Beth, Chris K.,Wander, Popplio, Bashful, Sneezy, Harold H., Dopey, Penn Zero, Sashi, Marco, Princess Luna, Plum, Bee, Puppycat, Marina, Star Butterfly, Lucy Loud, Moana, Luna Loud, Lincoln Loud, Twilight Sparkle, Tikki, David, Gwen, Lisa Loud, Enid, K.O, Amethyst, Steven, Smoky Quartz, Paddy, Lapis Lazulli, the list goes on
Favorite Flower: Sunflowers and succulents, even if those aren’t flowers Favourite Scent: Apple Cinnamon and Lavander Favourite Colour: Purple and teal Favourite Animal: DOGS Favourite Band: Maroon 5, Jenny&The Mexicats, Gorillaz, The Beetles, Queen and I’m a bit into KPop bands (thanks to @heart-baek-bleed) Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate: Both tea and chocolate Average Hours of Sleep: 6-7 hours, sometimes 5 if I’m sleep deprived Number of Blankets: By now 2, it’s fall and weather here is crazy Dream Trip: My family has plans to go to Toronto this december and it’s been long since I’ve been there and tbh I’m really excited for this trip Last Thing I Googled: ESCENA, escuela de animacion de la Cd. de Mexico (I was doing homework when I looked that) How Many Blogs I Follow: 2,748 Number of Followers: 538 What I Usually Post About: It varies, from my favorite shows, to movies to recipies, to aesthetics, to dogs, I’m a multifandom trash bin
I’ll tag: @fanbottherobotperson @brighteronthesunnyside @heart-baek-bleed @abraca-mari @karaoke-bomber @alluvia-larsson@purplepottypeople @puellamagialexmagica1993@enderon@brighteronthesunnyside @animatedtrash4@paw-n-arts @ditzyblonde-e @cutie-tabootie@candyrandyjuniverse @star-banners @glampyra @lowly-wandererand @lunasillusionsofthemist (feel free to do it, no pressure)
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dracvlae · 7 years
i just copy pasted tsu’s whole post before reading anything i dunno what i’m in for i’m just jumping right in and i’ll tag @nihilumen @sapphilluminati @earthbendergem and tbh all my mutuals should do this and tag me! i like including all of you but i’m bad at remembering urls so early in the morning;;;; you don’t have to but i’d love to see it
First tag game(s)
I was tagged by @tsukareta-levi and @kaguneko 
1) Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers/people you’d like to get know better. 2) Put your music on shuffle, list the first ten songs, and tag ten people.
1) 20 questions
nickname(s): louis de pointe du lac
zodiac sign: 🎃
height: of the party
orientation: east
nationality: burger king
favorite fruit: grapes
favorite season: gloomy season
favorite book: i’m sure there’s one i’m not thinking of right now
favorite flower: my dog violet
favorite scent: the ones that smell good,, cookies or bleach or something
favorite color: don’t make me choose but there are ugly colors like yellow brown or something. i dunno. they’re all good in their own way.
favorite animal: my dog violet
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: tea, coffee, hot cocoa, in that order
cat or dog person: i would literally jump onto a grenade for my dog violet but she’s kind of an outlier and i think dogs and cats have their own pros and cons and it’s apples and oranges to me
favorite fictional characters: taxidermy from lenore
# of blankets you sleep with: 0 right now
dream trip: who has time for this
blog created: long ago in a galaxy far away
# of followers: at least 3
random fact: e.t.’s walking sound was made by someone squishing their hands in jelly
2) 10 random songs
Clan of Xymox - Something Wrong
Illion - Miracle
Breakbot - Baby I’m Yours
Boy Harsher - Pain
Cabaret Nocturne - Blind Trust
Cigarettes After Sex - Apocalypse
Los Campesinos! - The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future
Jenny and the Mexicats - Verde Mas Alla
マクロスMACROSS 82-99 - Fun Tonight
Nirvana - You Know You’re Right
Second tag game
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ABILITY:
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (not that i’d ever want to) I’m a fast runner  I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES:
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES:
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS:
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school/university My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT:
I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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Happy Friday, Memphis! Here are the five things you won’t want to miss in Memphis this weekend—while staying safe at home and social distancing if you have to get out. But first, be sure you didn’t miss anything on the blog lately: Virtual DJ Dance Parties (starts tonight!) Memphis Spring Festivals Reschedule Guide (new dates for postponed events) Updated Virtual Events Guide (please submit yours here) ICYMI: The Absolutely Savage Memphis Food Challenge Get Your Memphis Beer To-Go…or Delivered! How Not Be A Jerk While You Shop Breakfast Takeout and Delivery Don’t forget Wear masks, wash hands, stop going to stores every day and having block parties… OK here’s your guide: 1. Levitt Shell @ Home, Fridays, 7:30 p.m., donations needed, all ages The Levitt Shell has been so good to us, and now it’s time to spread some love to them. They depend on donations to exist, and they’re in need! Drop a donation in the virtual bucket here. Even though the spring season is cancelled, the Shell has video of past concerts. The Orion Virtual Concert Series continues this week with a recorded performance from Jenny and the Mexicats. Tune in on Facebook. 2. Culturalyst Musical Performance by Erlee, Facebook, Friday, 7:30 p.m. The Collective is hosting regular live streams of Memphis artists, poets, and musicians. This Friday night, tune in to the sounds of Memphis artist Erlee, who sings, raps, and performs on the keys. 3. Vintage 901 Virtual Spring Weekend, Friday – Sunday, Facebook Live The Vintage 901 weekend festival is going virtual this year! Here’s what event organizers have to say: “join us throughout the weekend for a virtual experience to include LIVE sommelier-led wine pairing, recipes, chef demonstrations, a live online auction, giveaways and more.” 4. Memphis Old School Rap DJ Set, Social Media, Friday, 8:30 p.m. – 10 p.m., free, 18+ This week, my friends at the Memphis Music Hub announced a new four-part DJ Series, live streaming from the super cool lobby of the Central Station hotel. First up is DJ Spanish Fly aka the Godfather of Memphis Rap with a Friday night hip hop dance party. You can tune in via I Love Memphis accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter —I’ll be sharing the link to the stream once it starts. The Music Hub will also release a video of the music show next Wednesday in a special 360° format. Get details and see the other themes here. 5. Memphis Modern Market Pop-Up and Giveaway, Instagram, Saturday, noon – 3 p.m., costs vary Virtual artists market and a giveaway from all twelve vendors. Head over to IG to see the items for sale and support mostly local makers and artisans and enter to win a prize pack. Plus a few more ideas… DontLetMeDownMem is broadcasting daily Facebook concerts from the rooftop of the Chisca Hotel with different artists. It’s raising funds for Slingshot Memphis. Louise Page hosts another Friday night of her Zebra Lounge piano bar set live to your living room with her lovely voice. Suggested donation is $10—$5 for Ms. Page and $5 for Zebra’s bartenders. Venmo accounts will be posted! More details here. Memphis Music From Crosstown Arts’ Against The Grain Want to tune in to one of these music streams I keep talking about, but are kinda picky about what you listen to? Or maybe haven’t seen your favorite local artist on any streams yet? Crosstown Arts has launched a new Memphis music channel called Against the Grain. For a few bucks each, you can enjoy creative videos and music from more than 55 local artists from 13 different genres and counting . This is really one of the coolest things I’ve seen come out of Memphis quarantine creativity. Stop what you’re doing right now and head over to The Website and peruse all the Memphis talent that you can support. OK, that’s it for this week. Got a lot of great stuff coming your way next week, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything. I’ll see y’all tonight for the DJ Dance Party Series featuring DJ Spanish Fly. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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apsychrenegade · 7 years
Primeras fechas de El Arte del Saltar, la nueva gira de El Kanka
Ya conocemos las primeras citas en directo de la presentación del cuarto álbum de estudio de El Kanka, El Arte de Saltar, que se publica el 23 de febrero del próximo año.
El Kanka se embarcará a partir de marzo de 2018 en una nueva gira que le llevará por festivales y salas nacionales y también a Latinoamérica y Europa para encontrarse con su público.
El Arte de Saltar (A Volar Music, 2018) tomará el relevo a De Pana y Rubí (Maldito Records, 2015), un disco que ha permitido al cantautor malagueño pasearse por los escenarios de la geografía española y latinoamericana sumando veintitrés festivales y ciento cuarenta y un conciertos en salas (setenta y dos sold outs), ganarse el respeto del público y abrirse un hueco en la industria musical de este país trabajando duro, desde la independencia más pura.
Junto a las fechas hasta ahora confirmadas del tour, ya conocemos algunos detalles más que El Kanka ha ido desvelando de El Arte de Saltar. El primero es que, como viene siendo habitual en el malagueño, seguirá trabajando desde la independencia y editará el álbum con su propio sello de reciente creación, A Volar Music, y con distribución a través de Altafonte. También se desvelaba hace unos días la portada y el track list de El Arte de Saltar y, a través del diario de grabación de seis entregas que el artista ha compartido semana tras semana mientras estaba metido en el estudio, supimos que su cuarto trabajo contaría con dos colaboraciones muy especiales: Jorge Drexler y otra con la comparsa Martínez Ares, una de las más relevantes del Carnaval de Cádiz.
El Arte de Saltar // Primeras fechas de presentación
16 marzo – Jerez – Festival Primavera Trompetera 13 abril – Barcelona – Guitar Festival, Sala Barts 14 abril – Valencia – Sala Moon 20 abril – Jaen – Sala Kharma 21 abril – Alicante – The One 5 mayo – Córdoba – Sala M100 11 mayo – Castellón – Sala Opal 18 y 19 mayo – Sevilla – Festival Interestelar 26 mayo – Madrid – Sala La Riviera 1 junio – Valladolid – Sala Blanca 22 junio – Coruña – Sala Playa Club 23 junio – Bilbao – Kafe Antzokia 5, 6 y 7 julio – Torre del Mar – Festival Weekend Beach 31 julio. 1, 2, 3 y 4 agosto – Burriana – Festival Arenal Sound 28 septiembre – Dublín – Rock Sin Subtitulos, The Button Factory 29 septiembre – Londres – Rock Sin Subtitulos, Sala Scala 5 octubre – León – Sala Gran Café 6 octubre – Pamplona – Auditorio
Track list de El Arte de Saltar
‘Para eso canto’
‘Quién me mandaba a mí’
‘Por tu olor’ (con Jorge Drexler)
‘Demasiada pasión’
‘Triste trofeo’
‘Sí que puedes’
‘Después de esta mañana’
‘Búsquese una vida’
‘Desde lejos’ (con Ares y la comparsa de Martínez Ares)
‘Tienes que saltar’
El 23 de febrero de 2018 verá la luz el nuevo disco de El Kanka. Un esperado LP que seguirá la línea de los trabajos anteriores del malagueño pero con un toque más de madurez y que contará con dos colaboraciones estelares: Jorge Drexler y la comparsa Martínez Ares del Carnaval de Cádiz.
Durante todo el mes de octubre y parte de noviembre, El Kanka ha estado grabando las canciones de su nuevo LP, el cuarto de su carrera. Un esperado disco que ya tiene fecha de salida, 23 de febrero, y que tomará el relevo a De Pana Y Rubí (Maldito Records, 2015), un trabajo que ha permitido al cantautor malagueño pasearse por los escenarios de la geografía española y latinoamericana sumando veintitrés festivales y ciento cuarenta y un conciertos en salas (setenta y dos sold outs), ganarse el respeto del público y abrirse un hueco en la industria musical de este país trabajando duro, desde la independencia más pura.
Dos colaboraciones estelares: Jorge Drexler y la comparsa Martínez Ares
De este nuevo trabajo hemos ido sabiendo algunos detalles a través del diario de grabación de seis entregas que el artista ha compartido semana tras semana. Ya conocemos, además de la fecha de salida fijada el 23 de febrero de 2018,  que contará con dos colaboraciones estelares, una con el artista Jorge Drexler y otra con la comparsa Martínez Ares, una de las más relevantes del Carnaval de Cádiz. El nombre del disco todavía es un misterio que se desvelará más adelante.
Será un disco de canciones, sin artificios. Con un punto de maldad que no tienen los otros, con toques del folklore sudamericano.
El Kanka se ha encerrado junto a su banda para grabar las diez nuevas canciones más un bonus track que compondrán su cuarto LP.
El esperado nuevo disco del que todavía no se ha desvelado el nombre, se ha fraguado en los dos años que separan a El Kanka de su anterior trabajo De Pana Y Rubí. Dos años de carretera y gira imparable, dos años de éxito creciente y de haber triplicado el aforo de sus conciertos. Lo nuevo de El Kanka ya está en marcha y verá la luz a principios de 2018.
Será un disco de canciones, sin artifícios. Con un punto de maldad que no tienen los otros, con toques del folklore sudamericano.
Esta semana es una de las más importantes del año en el calendario de El Kanka porque marca el inicio de una nueva etapa: la grabación de su próximo larga duración. Después del amplio recorrido que ha tenido De Pana Y Rubí (Maldito Records, 2015) con veintitrés festivales y ciento dieciséis conciertos en salas (sesenta y cinco sold outs) a sus espaldas, llega el momento de dar forma a un nuevo disco firmado por el ya conocido como cantautor del buen rollo. Buen rollo en las letras de sus canciones; buen rollo encima del escenario; buen rollo con su gente; y con amigos de la industria como Rozalén, El Niño de la Hipoteca, Carmen Boza; The Mexicats o Mikel Izal; buen rollo con los medios de comunicación que se han encontrado con él y, sobre todo, buen rollo con su público que en estos dos años ha llenado aforos cada vez más y más grandes.
El nuevo trabajo de El Kanka llegará a principios de 2018 y se fraguará en un sprint intenso durante este mes de octubre y parte de noviembre, en Tercero Estudios de Barcelona con Carlos Manzanares como productor. De momento sabemos que el disco contendrá diez temas y un bonus track y alguna sorpresa más que se irá desvelando. El Kanka avanza que «será un disco de canciones, sin artifícios. Con un punto de maldad que no tienen los otros, con toques del folklore sudamericano».
El año 2017 ha supuesto un maratón de directos de lo más satisfactorio para El Kanka. Desde que a principios de año consiguiera el hito de llenar en tiempo récord la madrileña sala La Riviera (dos mil personas), colgar el cartel de «entradas agotadas» se ha convertido en habitual en la agenda del malagueño: la Sala Apolo de Barcelona (mil doscientas personas), el Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla (mil quinientas personas), el Muelle Uno de Málaga (tres mil personas) y todo el ciclo Live the Roof por tercer año consecutivo entre otros llenos. Además, la presencia de El Kanka en festivales se ha convertido en imprescindible, algo casi inimaginable hace unos años para un cantautor. Haber llegado donde ha llegado El Kanka no es fácil teniendo en cuenta que lo ha hecho siempre desde la independencia más pura, y que su pilar fundamental ha sido siempre el apoyo de un público fiel.
Lo mal que estoy y lo poco que me quejo (2013) fue su carta de presentación, un disco del que todavía siguen siendo actuales hits como ‘Canela en rama’ o ‘Confesión’. Después vendría El día de suerte de Juan Gómez (2014) y sus temas ‘Volar’, ‘A dieta de dietas’ y ‘Vengas cuando vengas’. Y por fin el máximo reconocimiento del público llegó con su último trabajo De Pana Y Rubí (2015) del que se han extraído los temas ‘Querría’, ‘Me gusta’ y ‘Pudo pasar’; y con el single dedicado a su tierra, ‘Andalucía’.
Conciertos hasta final de año
Pero el año no acaba con la grabación del nuevo trabajo, porque a El Kanka le quedan todavía conciertos hasta final de año: un concierto en Lima (Perú) muy especial el 3 de noviembre (Quincha Bar Resto); 18 de noviembre en Joy Eslava de Madrid, donde acaba de agotar todas las entradas a más de un mes de la fecha; 30 de noviembre en Albacete; la visita a Canarias el 1 de diciembre en Las Palmas y el 2 de diciembre en Tenerife; el 15 de diciembre en Sagunto; 16 de diciembre en Elche y el 21 y 22 de diciembre en Granada con ambas fechas sold out ya.
from El Ukelele http://ift.tt/2C4L7Z6 via IFTTT
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itsworn · 7 years
Lone Star Round Up – A Hot Rodder’s Shangri-La
When the Lonestar Round-Up, sponsored by The Kontinentals Car Club, hits Austin, TX in early April each year it’s like the whole dang town has turned into a cool car Shangri-La. The very air vibrates with sweet exhaust notes from engines housed in pre-1964 American automobiles and the Americana music that Austin, The Live Music Capital of the World, is famous for. April 2017’s Round-Up at the Travis County Expo Center showcased over 1800 cars, with entries from across the globe, an untallied as of press time but very large number of international spectators, and a parking lot full of non-entrant vehicles that would still do any weekend cruise night proud.
Sixteen years ago on a muggy Texas April weekend Austin car club The Kontinentals sponsored the first Lonestar Round-Up on a football field in central Austin. The only rule was that cars had to be built in America in 1963 or earlier. All 88 fit on the field handily, although torquey tires and turf didn’t always interact as smoothly as they might have.
The second and third Round-Ups were held in East Austin on the grass and under the trees of the lovely Fiesta Gardens alongside the impoundment of the Colorado River that Austin calls Ladybird Lake. At first all of the cars were still shiny. Austin guitarslinger Jimmie Vaughn’s ‘63 Riviera held a place of honor. ZZ Top’s Billy Gibbons could be seen wandering about in beard and nubby skullcap, accompanying customs like Cadzilla, Eliminator, and Copperhed.
The fourth through seventh Round-Ups expanded from Fiesta Gardens to take up all of Festival Beach. T-shirts bearing the HAMB (Hokey-Ass-Message-Board, an Austin-based clearing house for all things traditional hot rod) logo became popular. Vendors and booths included a wide variety of kool Kustom culture, including both of Austin’s female roller derby leagues. The Kontinentals painted almost all of their cars semi-gloss black and gave them red wheels. In a show of road warrior pride, entrants from further parts left the well-earned road grime on their vehicles. The LSRU world started to get a little grittier.
By 2008, Festival Beach could no longer contain the Round-Up, so it moved to the Travis County Expo Center, home of The Austin Rodeo and Republic of Texas Motorcycle Rally. Show cars, like Aaron Grote’s 59 Plymouth bubbletop Atomic Punk, Pete Chapouris’ California Kid, Jake Jacob’s Yellow Coupe, Mike Young’s Exotica, more Jimmy Vaughn owned and Gary Howard built customs, and Kontinental Jefe Steve Wertheimer’s Jim Bruns built Black Dahlia took over the hill at the Round-Up’s main entrance.
The weekend officially begins to the north and east in Taylor, TX, with the Thursday night Meatheads’ Barbecue (also sponsored by The Thunderbolts and host club The Kontinentals) where a couple of cows and a dozen pigs give it all up for your dining pleasure.
Friday’s early risers can meet south of town in Oak Hill at 7:45 AM to receive maps to the Garage Crawl.  This year instead of hitting the usual suspects like the Austin Speed Shop, Murpho’s, or Gus’ Garage, they toured private collections.  The crawl always ends up in central Austin at the Dell Children’s Hospital, where the kids receive gifts and a chance to get up close and personal with some very fine rides.
The Round-Up itself begins Friday at the Travis County Expo Center, and includes not just cars but a swap meet, mini bike races on dirt, constant music from classic acts like bona fide rockabilly queen Wanda Jackson, baritone voiced guitar madman Junior Brown, 80’s new wave road warriors The Woggles, garage rockers Ugly Beats or the latest in rock en Español from Mexico City, Jenny & The Mexicats.  The crowds provide the best people watching of the year, as attendees don their gladdest retro slicked up piled high custom pin-up kar klub glad rags and strut about with Texas pride.
On Friday night Congress Avenue takes on all comers as it does its imitation of the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise. The spectacle of Round-Up rods and whatever locals feel worthy of showing off inches along under the flashing lights of ever vigilant police cruisers.  North Carolina’s hillbilly grunge band Southern Culture on the Skids performs its annual multi night residency at Kontinentals clubhouse and namesake The Continental Club.  Many will swear that it just isn’t the Round Up without the sweet taste of ‘nanner pudding doled out by the band’s dollfaced singer Mary Huff.
South of town, The Austin Speed Shop parties both nights, showcasing its latest projects, rockin’ bands like the re-located from Los Angeles Paladins, and often free promotional alcohol (don’t forget to tip your server).   North on Burnet, Top Notch drive-in burger joint features music, vintage hotrod films, charcoal burgers and thick shakes along with its vintage vehicles.
Sunday starts with the Slow Ride to The Oasis on Lake Travis, famous for its spectacular sunset views, and ends west of town at Mercury Charlie’s Hot Rods & Honeys with more music, more cars and more overall Austin hip wonderfulness before one has to bid a fond adieu.  For a lot of us, it’s the best week of the year, and packed into just four days.
One of this year’s standouts was a chopped and stretched long lean 59 Cadillac, resplendent in a mile deep purplish hue. Probably the big star of the show, though, was 2016’s Ridler Award winning 39 Olds convertible coupe built by Customs and Hot Rods of Andice, Texas and owned by Billy Thomas of Corpus Christi. It’s been said many times before, but seeing a Ridler winner in person gives you a much deeper understanding of all of the work put into these cars and the exquisite beauty that results. A fellow could about taste the curves and smooth metalwork of Thomas’ deserving award winner. But you also couldn’t escape the aftertaste of sweat from all of the effort the crew at Customs and Hot Rods put in.
Down the hill and deep into the display, last year’s big noise (and smoke) came from an early show appearance by the Corns family’s radial-airplane-engined 39 Plymouth truck. The aviation themed bare metal truck is such an amazing creation that it ended up gracing the cover of the October 2016 HOT ROD.
Rounds of Chicken Shit Bingo, a local tradition, can be found throughout the weekend.
Down the hill and even farther into The Round-Up’s inner reaches, back in the Early Oughts, the rat rod movement blossomed in distressed metal, road-signs and license plate body panels, and rust. TV stars and recent Roadkill nemeses Gas Monkey were early proponents, offering up slammed sedans with slit rear windows and sectioned so skinny the driver sat looking out through a hole in the roof. Others added a Texas touch with cowskulls and horns, rotting cowboy boots with (probably) fake femurs as gearshifts, and living cacti on rooftop gardens. These days there are still some tetanus traps sporting crosscut saw visors and sharp metal mohawks, but the cognoscenti have proclaimed such things as officially uncool.
Texas is a haven for trucks, with a calendar full of Truck Months. Every year Fords and Chevys are represented well and thoroughly. This year featured a few more Internationals along with voluptuous Studebaker TranStars. Last year’s revelation was cab-over-engine workhorses. The trick here was that most everybody had moved the engine behind the cab, so there would be room for big Cummins diesels, etc.  Some COEs even hauled their own hotrods, setting up a beauty contest between hauler and haul-ee.
Bobbers, or “Rudy Trucks,” so named after the archetypal 35 Ford created in 2002 by Rudy Rodriguez of California’s Fullerton Fabrication, are still popular. When a builder gets the proportions right on a chopped thirties pickup cab lowered onto a stepped frame and made useful with a special tailored bed, the appeal is undeniable.
This year diesels were king. Big and old trucks that once upon a time pulled semi trailers, wildly plumbed dual turbo rat rods, a low mean black 63 Cadillac with so many louvers in the hood it was practically lace all housed oilburners.  Hotrodded stepvans and schoolbuses are showing up in larger numbers. There was even a huge red art deco bus that was probably branded with a name that ended in cruiser or liner carefully navigating the show’s parking lot.
The variety of vehicles for sale in this year’s car corral was also impressive. Folks who wanted to purchase a turnkey testament to their coolness could find something to make them happy, but so could somebody looking for a new project. Willys gasser bodies, arguably close to finished rat rods, a couple of sweet El Caminos, a Rambler station wagon sporting oversized Foose wheels, even a multi colored truck based custom straight out of the 80s (picture the inspiration for Chevy’s SSR) could be had for the right amount of cash.
As always, there were plenty of Model T’s, from buckets to track, Model A’s, deuces, tri-fives, fifties Fords and Chevy trucks.  Austin’s Lone Star Round Up remains a haven for all 63 and earlier American built cars.  And if you are into that sort of thing, it’s also early enough in the season to get a glimpse into some of the newer trends in the hot rod universe.
The post Lone Star Round Up – A Hot Rodder’s Shangri-La appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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mexicancat-girl · 2 months
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My entry for the 2024 @marcnathzine!
I had a ton of fun with this piece! I really got out of my comfort zone with the dynamic pose and the colors. Who knew teaching color theory classes could help with coloring artwork? Wack.
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nedsecondline · 1 year
(1) Jenny and the Mexicats - Call Me Art - YouTube
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mexicancat-girl · 6 months
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I really wanted to draw Kabru but was unsure where to start, so I used a Dev Patel reference in hopes his handsomeness could help.
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mexicancat-girl · 7 months
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For @mlbfemslashfebruary day 16!
I went with the prompt 'hip hop' to make a hip hop album cover featuring Aeon and Alya! Their outfits are based on a mix of their civilian and hero suits.
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mexicancat-girl · 8 months
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Julerose for @mlbfemslashfebruary! They're married <3
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mexicancat-girl · 8 months
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For @mlbfemslashfebruary day 9!
My friend made the swordfish ship name and has their tag on ao3 on their back. So I made this art for them. Love these girls <3
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mexicancat-girl · 2 years
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Made a cute little adrino drawing, as a treat
I think this is the first time I’ve drawn either of them... boy sons <3
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