#mgcorvo-author wips
mbcorvo-author · 6 years
Works in Progress Masterpost
Sci Fi Wip: Otherverse
This is my longest work in progress ever, also it’s my joy and my damnation in many ways. And the fact that my writer’s block started while I was working on this, made everything more painful. The only thing I haven’t changed in all these years is the title.
I started working on this WiP around the end of 2012 and first months of 2013 as a setting for an homebrew sci-fi/cyberpunk rpg. Project that was set aside after realizing that it’s not that simple making a role-playing game.I liked the general idea I gave to the setting, so around 2014 I took that project and I started to edit it so it could fit a novel and I continued gathering lots of resources to write it and I started the first chapter around 2016. Then, I completely changed it during summer 2017. I wanted to keep the far future sci-fi part of the idea, but I wanted that the technology and such used in the story were something plausible, so I needed to fix some plot holes and rewrite a bunch of things. I was happy with the edits and the new plot and I started drafting the prologue and the generic route that the story should follow to reach the ending I planned. This lead to this year, 2018, where I noticed a really big bad plot hole. Fixing that plot hole (thank you Interstellar to make me notice it) sadly made all the new story planned the year before completely nonsense. It collapsed on its own. I’m really sad about this but I’m even more determined to complete this novel. It’s like my little kid…a rather rebellious kid that doesn’t want to do what I want. But I love it. If nothing will work, it already have its backstory jotted down and I could fall back to that. I’m not sure, though.
TL;DR version: My oldest wip that is also a pain in the butt working on it, but one day I’ll be able to fix it. Far future sci-fi with plausible technology and completely new worlds.
I made a post for this wip to group all the links about it and also in case I'll return working on it! You can find it here
The WiP in few points:
Sci-Fi with some cyberpunk shades
Far future setting
Plausibile technology (I’m researching a lot for this)
Hard science kind of sci-fi
Realistic feel of the worlds: climate, flora&fauna, aliens, whatever are thought in detail. (other intense researches)
Urban Fantasy WiP: Beyond the Veil
After struggling a lot with my sci-fi, I decided that maybe I should try writing something different from it so my mind would have some time to rest a bit and let all the ideas soak for some time. So I thought about returning to the “origins” and go for something fantasy. Except that I didn’t want something like classic high fantasy and the likes, so I decided to go for an urban fantasy that was different from the urban fantasy I’m used to see in bookstores (here all the shelf are filled with Twilight-styles novels. Nothing against them, but I feel that the love triangle with supernatural beings is a tad bit overused).
The characters are born before the plot. Like, they literally spawned in my mind while reading some writing prompts and because of that, this wip is more like a weird blob of scenes without a fixed plot to connect them.
After thinking for some time, I think that I may have found the plot that “clicks” and that is simple and perfect to connect all the scenes and ideas that I have for this story.
I’ll send you to my wip page at this link where you’ll find a sythetic plot, something about the characters and links to the excerpts/snippets I shared here.
What I’m planning for this WiP:
A nice blend of creatures and other things from different mythologies and folklores (well, at least I’ll try)
Lots of LGBT+ and poc characters
Sirens (not merfolk, but something that looks like classic greek sirens)
Supernatural beings mixed with humans (well, most of them)
A revisitation of witches/wizards
Werebeasts. Not your common werewolves.
Wip 3 - Collection of shorts stories
In these years I found a bunch of scenes, ideas for some stories and similar things set aside in a folder in my laptop or in a notebook in my room. I liked some of them so I thought that I could rewrite the ones I liked and shape them into short stories that I could put togheter in a single collection.
At the moment, I have the first short story on in its third draft and it’s going through the latest edits before completion while the others are still in their “embryonic” phase.
Biblical Horror - In the Pits of Hell
It was quite some time since I had this idea in the backburner, since when the staff in the rpg I was playing started to ruin nice plots to show off their over powered characters and ruining the game for the other players...or maybe even before that, since I found old notes about a horror-themed story with devils, fallen angels, Hell and other things like that.
So, in the end, I decided to start jotting down something and trying to find the right plot that works between the ideas I have floating in my mind.
You can find this wip's page with the links to excerpts/snippets/ect here
What I'd like to put in this WiP:
Biblical stuff like angels, fallen angels, devils/demons, Hell, Heaven, and so on
Horror stuff, so there will be some blood&gore I think. But not too much because I personally dislike gratuitous gore.
War between Heaven and Hell
A plot
One of the ideas had something about the Apocalypse, but I still have to see how to make it work with the other ideas.
Another idea was to try to make the plot fit at least few parts of the plots used for some quests that got ruined in the already mentioned rpg.
Not sure if the title will stay there or not, but as for now it fits.
If I'll change the title, this one will be used as chapter title.
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[Italian version under the cut! / Versione in italiano a seguire!]
Sci-Fi WiP: Oltreverso
Questo è il più lungo dei miei work in progress, inoltre è anche la mia gioia e dannazione in svariati modi. E il fatto che il mio blocco dello scrittore è iniziato mentre stavo lavorando a questo progetto, mi ha causato un po’ di sofferenza. L'unica cosa che non gli ho cambiato in tutti questi anni è il titolo.
Ho iniziato a lavorare a questo progetto attorno alla fine del 2012 e i primi mesi del 2013 come ambientazione per un GdR di fantascienza/cyberpunk che volevo realizzare. Progetto che poi accantonai quando mi resi conto che non è poi così semplice realizzare un gioco di ruolo. Mi piaceva l'idea generale che avevo messo dietro quell'ambientazione, così nel 2014 ripresi il progetto e iniziai a modificarlo così che si potesse adattare a un romanzo e da allora continuai a raccogliere informazioni e risorse varie per poterlo scrivere e scrissi la bozza del primo capitolo nel 2016. Poi lo cambiai completamente nell'estate del 2017. Volevo mantenere la parte del “fantascienza ambientata in un futuro lontano”, ma volevo che la tecnologia e quant'altro presenti nella storia fossero qualcosa di plausibile e realistico, così ho dovuto correggere alcuni buchi nella trama e riscrivere un po’ di cose. Ero felice delle modifiche e della nuova trama e scrissi anche la bozza del prologo così come il percorso che in generale avrebbe dovuto seguire la storia per raggiungere la conclusione che avevo ideato. Questo ci conduce a quest'anno, 2018, in cui ho notato un un brutto grosso buco nella trama. Sistemata quella falla (grazie Interstellar per avermelo fatto notare) purtroppo tutta la storia che avevo progettato l'anno prima ha perso senso. È collassata su sé stessa. Sono molto dispiaciuto per questo, ma sono anche molto determinato a completare questo romanzo. È come se fosse il mio bambino…un bambino piuttosto ribelle che non vuole fare quello che voglio io. Ma lo amo comunque. Se niente funzionerà, ho la storia precedente ai fatti del romanzo appuntata e potrei provare a ripiegare su quello. Non ne sono sicuro però.
Riassumendo: Il mio progetto più vecchio che è una spina al fianco lavorarci, ma un giorno sarò in grado di sistemarlo. Fantascientifico ambientato in un lontano futuro, con tecnologia plausibile e mondi completamente nuovi.
Ho creato un post dedicato a questo progetto per raggruppare tutti i link a riguardo e anche in caso io decidessi di tornare a lavorarci! Potete trovarlo qui
Il progetto in pochi punti:
Fantascientifico con qualche sfumatura cyberpunk
Ambientazione in un futuro lontano
Tecnologia plausibile (sto facendo molte ricerche per questo)
Mondi dall'aria realistica: clima, flora&fauna, alieni e che altro sono tutti studiati nel dettaglio. (anche qua svariate intense ricerche)
Urban Fantasy WiP: Oltre il Velo
Dopo aver avuto difficoltà con il romanzo di fantascienza, ho deciso che forse avrei dovuto provare a scrivere qualcosa di differente così che la mia mente avesse il tempo di riposare un po’ e lasciare le idee a “macerare” per qualche tempo. Pensai così di tornare alle origini e puntare su di un'ambientazione fantasy. Dato che non volevo un'ambientazione classica high-fantasy (es. il Signore degli Anelli), ho deciso di provare a puntare su un'ambientazione moderna urban fantasy seppur diversa da quelle in cui mi è capitato di incappare svariate volte nelle librerie (dalle mie parti gli scaffali delle librerie sono zeppi di romanzi con storie stile Twilight. Non ho nulla contro di loro, ma trovo che il triangolo amoroso con creature sovrannaturali sia un tantino troppo usato).
Sono nati prima i personaggi della trama. Sono tipo letteralmente comparsi all'improvviso nella mia mente mentre leggevo alcuni writing prompts qui su Tumblr. Forse è per questo che al momento il progetto è più simile a un informe ammasso di scene senza una precisa trama a collegarle.
Dopo qualche tempo di riflessione, finalmente credo di essere riuscito a “ingranare” una trama semplice e adatta a collegare insieme le scene che avevo già abbozzato così come le idee che avevo già in mente. Vi rimando alla pagina wip che potete trovare a questo link per avere un'idea migliore riguardo la trama, i personaggi e trovare i link agli estratti e frammenti che ho condiviso qua.
Cosa sto pianificando per questo progetto:
Un piacevole miscela di creature e altre cose provenienti da diverse mitologie e folklori (beh, almeno ci proverò a ottenere un bel risultato)
Molti personaggi LGBT+ e POC
Sirene (ma non quelle che vi immaginate, bensì qualcosa di più simile alle sirene della mitologia greca)
Creature sovrannaturali mescolate tra gli umani (almeno, la maggior parte di loro)
Una rivisitazione di streghe e stregoni
Mannari. Non i soliti comuni lupi mannari.
WiP 3 - Raccolta di Racconti
In questi anni ho trovato un mucchio di scene, idee per storie e cose simili messe da parte in una cartella del mio portatile o in un quaderno dimenticato in camera mia. Alcune di loro mi piacevano e così ho pensato che potrei riscrivere sotto forma di racconto breve quelle che mi piacevano di più, così da raccoglierle tutte insieme in un'unica raccolta.
Al momento, ho il primo racconto breve alla terza scrittura e vi sto facendo le - spero - ultime correzioni prima del completamento definitivo mentre gli altri racconti sono ancora in “fase embrionale”.
Horror Biblico - Nelle Profondità dell'Inferno
Era ormai un po' di tempo che avevo questa idea che mi ronzava in testa, da quando nel gdr dove giocavo lo staff aveva iniziato a rovinare le belle trame per sfoggiare i loro personaggi overpowered e rovinando il gioco agli altri giocatori...or forse anche da prima, dato che ho trovato vecchi appunti per una storia dell'orrore con diavoli, angeli caduti, Inferno e altre cose affini.
Quindi, allafine, ho deciso di iniziare ad abbozzare qualcosa e provare a cercare la giusta trama che funzioni tra tutte le idee che mi svolazzano per la mente.
A questo link trovate il post dedicato a questo progetto, con i link di tutti gli estratti e i frammenti che ho condiviso nel mio blog.
Cosa mi piacerebbe inserire in questo progetto:
Roba biblica come angeli, angeli caduti, diavoli/demoni, Inferno, Paradiso, e così via.
Cose horror, quindi ci sarà un po' di sangue e gore credo. Non sarà esagerato, anche perché io personalmente disprezzo il gore gratuito.
Guerra tra Paradiso e Inferno
Una trama
Una delle idee riguardava l'Apocalisse, ma devo ancora vedere come farlo funzionare con le altre idee.
Un'altra idea era di provare a cercare di inserire nella trama almeno qualche piccola parte delle trame che usarono in alcune quest e che furono rovinate nel sopracitato gdr.
Non sono sicuro se il titolo rimarrà così o meno, ma per ora ci azzecca. Anche se preferisco la versione inglese!
Se cambierò il titolo, questo lo utilizzerò come titolo di uno dei capitoli
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charlie---writes · 5 years
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In Which Fate Has A Speaking Role 
[page] [tag] [my writing]
YA Urban Fantasy
Progress: 4th Draft, 106k
3rd Person POV
Standalone Novel
Tags: found family, friendship, lgbt+, britain, magical realism, magicians, witches, world walkers, seers, shapeshifters, other worlds
Fate demands a sacrifice; no one is willing to let it happen.
Every few decades, a world walker is sacrificed. However, it's only been nine years and Fate is back. With the very balance of the worlds being threatened, it's time to fight.
The first stage has already begun. However, the chosen seer, Marcia, is not willing to play her part. She's joined in her rebellion by three other unwilling pawns: there's Isaac, an old friend overwhelmed by a family secret; Elsie, a photographer, intrinsically unusual, the girl of the woods; and the magician, a nameless runaway.
Time begins to run out and it becomes harder to know whether their actions are their own or Fate's. How do you stop what is destined to come?
Thought I should probably reintroduce my WIP after all this time... I’m going to post about the characters next! Hopefully in the next week. Thanks all! As usual, if you’d liked to be added or taken from my tag list just send me a message or respond somehow on this post :)
@mvcreates, @wordsofpaintandsmoke, @alessia-writes, @yourundead, @aurumni-writes, @bad-carrot, @cjjameswriting, @letterstomidnightkids, @dreamswithadashofspice, @endlesshourglass, @maskedlady, @stories-by-rie, @skyfootsteps, @soul-write, @norwegianamericanwritblr, @chaotic-titania, @omgbrekkerkaz, @akane022, @mgcorvo-author, @katerinarevel
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kira-desomma · 5 years
First Line Tag
I was tagged by @mgcorvo-author to post the first line of my WiP, Sea Glass Soul! Thank you so much :) Here it is: 
Damp, salty wind brushed the sand in one direction, and that was everywhere.
I tag @thespooniewrites @cogesque @writingwordsanddrawingpictures and @pen-for-sword and anyone who sees this and wants to try! :D 
You can read Sea Glass Soul here. 
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emmafenton · 5 years
10 Words/Phrases Tag
Inspired to do this by @mgcorvo-author -- I’m so excited about this :)
Rules: List 10 words/phrases that have something to do with your work(s) in progress and then tag 10 people to do the same.
Doing this for The Hunted Queen (sequel to Throne of Shadows):
Questing Road-trip
Invented Mythology
Deals with Demons
Elaborate Disguises
Found Family
Lady Knights
If you see this post and you’re like, “I really want to do this,” boom, consider yourself tagged -- and please tag me so I can see the 10 words/phrases you’re using to describe your WIP!
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storyteller-shealie · 5 years
First Line Tag
Tagged by @sweetcatminteareblog
Rules: post the first line of a WiP and tag as many people as there are words in the quote.
“Every hero is somebody’s villain.”
So, 5 people: @dragoneran @dotr-rose-love @writer-jessicac @mgcorvo-author @marie-writess
(Feel free to ignore if you’ve been tagged with this already / simply aren’t in the mood to do this!)
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sassypandacandy · 5 years
15 Questions, Fire and Lightning edition!
Rules: pick a character from your WIP, and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people!
Tagged by @waterfallwritings
I did something similar with Darwin and Briar from A Day Out of Time and After/Effects last time, which ended up being a bad decision a lot of fun. Keeping up with the theme of asking cranky OCs, I’m gonna go with my sorceress from Fire and Lightning, Ash and Stone.
1. What is your full name?
Liana Dragonslayer.
2. What does your name mean?
It means that there’s one less flying iguana in the world than there was last month.
3. What are your nicknames/other names?
Not worth the price you’d have to pay to hear them.
4. What’s your gender?
Irritated, usually. But between that, I’m a woman.
5. What’s your sexuality?
Interested for an hour at best.
6. Where are you from?
Cel-something. I forget most days. You can still find it in some history books though.
7. How old are you?
Two hundred and thirty-eight, though I shouldn’t look a day over two hundred if the spells are holding.
8. What is your magic form/what designation are you?
Oh, you can’t miss me. I’m the one who’s usually wreathed in lightning.
9. What does your human form look like?
Short and disgruntled.
10. What’s your aesthetic?
Windswept mountains, a lone candle burning beside an open book, ink- and chalk-stained fingers, a clear sky full of stars, amethyst light, a bolt of lightning, a collection of bottled ingredients on a desk.
11. Who’s your best friend?
Usually whoever presents me with the most interesting magical problem to solve. 
12. Would you ever get a piercing/tattoo?
Not in this life or the next.
13. When are you happiest?
When I’m knee-deep in an experiment or a discussion on magical theory. I find the fabric of the world absolutely fascinating.
14. What’s your biggest secret?
How I’ve kept my beauty all these years.
15. Do you have a sidekick?
I have an entire retinue, although they might hesitate to call themselves that. Apparently they’re supposed to be main characters too.
Tagging @skyfootsteps @tiredbard and @mgcorvo-author
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mbcorvo-author · 4 years
Find the Word - III
Thank you so much for tagging me @dotr-rose-love! This game made me take some time and re-read some drafts I have sitting in my computer since ages lol (lockdown didn’t help my writer’s block like I hoped lol)
The words I had to find are: sun, blood, the and shake.
The sunlight that was filtering by the window was touching softly her figure, creating a bronze glow on her umber skin and her curly mahogany hair tied in a ponytail, decorated by a pastel yellow bow.
(from this old Beyond the Veil excerpt)
His clothes soaked by the rain hung tightly to his body like his drenched hair were plastered to his face. He kept his head low, eyes wide open fixed on his own hands stained with blood that started to get washed away by the heavy rain.
(from Voices, a scene I wrote for a drabble challenge) 
The basement's corridors were dark and barely lit by the cold light of the fluorescent lights on the ceiling that had some panels missing. The walls were covered in tiles that probably some time ago were white, now dirtied by dust and who knows what else. The floors had reduced to bare worn concrete, dirty and with still some streaks of something that was accidentally spilt on them and that didn't go away even with the aid of chemical detergents whose smell still filled the stagnant air of that place. Some thick and heavy doors divided the corridors, to provide a sort of isolation for the different areas of the basement.
(For this, I chose a piece never posted of the excerpt “An experiment”)
The dark place was lit up from the eerily red light coming from the big circle that appeared on the ground around him. Ground that trembled like it was shaken by an earthquake, while its temperature was rising. On the inside of the circle four spots, like corners of a square, started to glow more brightly, becoming incandescent like lava spewed out of a volcano and from there long chains slithered out and wrapped around his limbs and body, pulling him and forcing him to kneel on the soil
(From A child’s play a scene I wrote for Writober 19 day 1)
My words for the people that would like to try this are: darkness, scream, fire and gold~
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charlie---writes · 5 years
Tag List
Since I went MIA for over half a year, I thought I should probably check to see if people still wanted to be tagged ahead of me starting to post more original content. (Finally!) In case you’ve forgotten what I write, here are a few links!
In Which Fate Has A Speaking Role: WIP Page #my writing, #my poetry Treasure Troves, a nature poetry chapbook on Wattpad
Please like/reblog/comment if you’d like to be on my tag list.
I’m going to be posting a WIP Intro soon since my only one is over a year old now and drafting has definitely changed some things! After that, I’ll probably start posting more excerpts and hopefully get back into writing poetry. On that note, just a reminder that if you’d rather only be tagged in WIP stuff or only poetry, that’s cool with me, just ask :)
Thanks all!
@katerinarevel | @zigortega4life | @scribbles-to-feed-the-void | @aurumni-writes | @endlesshourglass | @starlitesymphony | @reininginthefirewriting | @the-real-rg | @cjjameswriting | @human-nonsense | @alessia-writes | @soul-write | @maskedlady | @ashesconstellation | @dreamswithadashofspice | @skyfootsteps | @omgbrekkerkaz | @letterstomidnightkids | @mgcorvo-author | @if-only-we-could-read-it | @yetmorestories | @focusdumbass | @yourundead | @simplelinesunfashiond | @akane022 | @ohnoitsthebat | @mvcreates | @quilloftheclouds | @purpleshadows1989 | @fierywords | @lottieiswriting |  @dahladahlabills 
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starlitesymphony · 6 years
Novel Prep Tag
@imani-writes tagged me, thank you!!
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! Even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
Tagging @woodhouse-jay @tachycardick @drabbleitout @dimawriting @mgcorvo-author @meteorwrites @stormbeyondreality @writingrosesonneptune @thesingingsunflower @altheathewriter It’s pretty long, feel free to pass :)
(For my sci-fi WIP, Ark of the Timelost)
First Look
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
A young woman leaves her privileged life as a spy-in-training to rescue her mom from the midst of a rebel uprising on another planet.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
Somewhere around 120k words. It’s currently a standalone, but I could easily do a sequel or series.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
Vast, lush utopian cities. Ocean waves crashing. Deep black space beyond tall windows.
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
Many sci-fi books and movies, naturally, but if I had to name names—Snowpiercer, Dark City, and Blade Runner. The books Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. Most of all, Banner of Souls and Winterstrike by Liz Williams. Obscure, weird as hell, and totally engrossing.
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
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(Quin aboard the stolen starship)
Main Character
6. Who is your protagonist?
Quin Gadara
7. Who is their closest ally?
Her mentor, Maddox. Her implanted armor came from his, and he’s training her to become a spy like him. They share a subconscious bond, so he can sense if she’s afraid or in pain no matter how far apart they are.
8. Who is their enemy?
Primarily Nadira, a silver-tongued hacker.
9. What do they want more than anything?
To reach her mother before anything terrible happens to her.
10. Why can’t they have it?
It’s going to take three weeks to travel from Gallanthius to the planet where Quin’s mom is being held. Quin can only hope she’s all right, and that the wrong people haven’t gotten there first.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
She doesn’t always have faith in her abilities, and doesn’t always believe she’s spy material.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
She’s tall, like 6’5, with very long curly hair, brown skin, and a surfer’s physique. She has a warm smile and dark eyes. She often carries a sniper rifle, but thinks it’s a bit overkill.
Plot Points
13. What is the internal conflict?
Is this my fault? Is it hopeless? Am I hopeless?
14. What is the external conflict?
Quin, Maddox, and Ash go on the run from their handlers when they’re forbidden from chasing after her mom.
The starship they steal may have been taken over by gigantic squid creatures.
Nadira has been sent to track them down. She’s also after them for reasons of her own.
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
Nadira intends to capture them. If she succeeds, they will be tortured and their memories wiped.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?  
Maddox and Ash’s mentor, Aneke, has to do with everything.
17. Do you know how it ends?  
Bits and Bobs
18. What is the theme?
Learning to trust. Facing trauma and the past. Learning the truth even if it hurts.
19. What is a reoccurring symbol?
Butterflies, bees, birds, black/white, monochrome/color, ancient/modern, a single bullet
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)  
There are three main settings,
Gallanthius—the heart of the empire, a city grown in the impact crater where an ark hit the planet. From space, it looks like an enormous eye surrounded by ocean. A rocky mountain range rings a shallow sea, which encircles the city. The cream-colored marble buildings are still growing although some of them reach past the stratosphere. Pink-blossoming trees are ubiquitous year-round.
The starship—a labyrinth, the size of about 5 Enterprises stuck together. It’s been abandoned for centuries and in most places it’s impossible to tell humans were ever there.
Sancta Salubria—a city on planet Hale, where Quin’s mom has been taken. It’s situated between ocean and desert, centered around a famous shrine, and covered in apple trees.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
Yes, lol. I’ve been working on this book for 2 years and some months now. Currently slogging through the second draft.
22. What excited you about this story?  
The world. The stakes. A small cast, so the character arcs are complex (sometimes overwhelmingly)
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
I have a disaster of a notebook that I jot down ideas in, and iron out issues when I get stuck. I started with a general outline, but I still wing it pretty often. I like to listen to music, mostly industrial and electro.
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Tagged by @mgcorvo-author
I tag @lileyreyes , @leave-her-a-tome , @writings-of-a-narwhal , @bookeworm94, and anyone else who’d like to do this! How to know you’re in a Michael Milliken novel:
Every character gets roasted. Either literally or figuratively, guess you just have to read to find out
If it’s a trope its a trap
Also, everything else- that’s a trap too
Female characters > Male characters
Everything is trying to kill you- literally, everything.
Red Herring? Also a trap
You have voices in your head, and they’re generally not very pleasant
The nicer they are, the more apt they are to be devilish in the end
Depending on the WIP, you might be surrounded by cool technology or mythological monsters
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to-be-a-rose · 6 years
Find the Word Tag
Thanks @skullszeyes for the tag! 
The rules are to find the words where they first appear in your wip and post the passage. Then tag others and give them new words.
My words are twist, glare, and teach. These are from my YA fantasy wip.
-“I was told to meet-” Ayana paused. Her face twisted from confusion, to recognition, to disgust. June stared as she whirled around and pushed on the bar across the double doors, which didn’t budge an inch. Through the door’s small square windows, some familiar faces appeared.
-“Yeah, so random. And she said the craziest thing. She said some girl got kicked out of school for starting a fire. Do you know that girl?” June glared up at Maris. Her smile wasn’t inviting anymore. Her dark eyes glittered.
-“So, are you going to teach me that?” June said after a while. Ayana started. She had been examining the ends of her long, pale hair.“Teach you what?” she asked. June gestured to her soaking wet clothing. Ayana scoffed.
I tag @itssarcatsm @mgcorvo-author @ajtorres0 @stormbeyondreality @writingandresearching if you’d like to of course!
Your words are: fear, gasp, and laugh
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marthawrites · 6 years
Getting to know the writer
1. What time [of day/night] do you find yourself being the most productive?
Honestly it depends on the day! Due to my work schedule -- and life on top of that -- I don’ t get much time to write, unfortunately! I have found, however, that if/when I begin writing in the morning after I’ve been awake a little bit my ideas seem to flow easier. I tend to just go for it and write more. Whereas if I begin writing in the evenings I feel like I mentally edit and stop myself more often. 
2. How do you go about developing out your ideas? One word after another. Simple answer, right? Sounds way more simple than it is! For me, starting can be the hardest part of the whole writing process. Once I begin it becomes considerably easier as it goes on. At that point my idea can almost write itself. 
3. Favourite style of piece (novel/novella/short story/character piece etc) to write? Due to my experiences in writing I’d have to say short stories are probably a favorite. I also have a soft spot for creating characters and fleshing them out -- not sure of that counts for this question though! 
4. What’s your biggest distraction? Myself. Easy.   
5. Do you have a specific place to write? Not particularly! I either write on my pc in my computer room or elsewhere in the house on my laptop.  
6. How did you come up for the idea for your main wip? I don’t exactly have a current WIP. At the moment I, more or less, have a bunch of ideas to transfer my characters who came from a different platform into separate plots/timelines of their own. 
7. Tell us about your fave character you’ve created. This is such an unfair question! It’s like asking a parent who their favorite child is! I love all the characters I’ve created. 
8. Pick another writeblr and summarize their story. I’m gonna skip this one because I haven’t been around long enough to really follow, learn, and feel comfortable enough with someone else’s writing to be able to summarize it.
9. What’s your favourite thing about writing? The emotion. I love any type of writing that can make me genuinely feel. 
10. What book(s) do you consider as instrumental in your draw to writing? All of them, tbh. I learn something from every author and book I read. 
Tagged by: @haunted-by-neptune -- thank you! <3
tagging: @allisonilluminated @writing-sky-scapes @mgcorvo-author and anyone else who wants to do this!
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sassypandacandy · 6 years
First Line/Last Line Tag
Thanks to @theouterdark for the first line tag, and @mgcorvo-author for the last line tag! Since you guys were literally back-to-back notifications, I decided to combine them. Both examples are from my WIP After/Effects.
Rules: Share a first line! It can be the first line of a chapter, the first line you did in the most recent writing session, the first line of a story, the first line a character says, any kind of first line!
As the computer-generated shuriken came flying at her face, Mia began questioning her life choices just a little. 
Rules: Share the last line or two from your WIP.
“Glad you weren't hurt too bad,” Saul offered, sipping his coffee. “You take too many hits on this job, one day you don't get back up.”
“I've taken hits before.” Gently, Petra ran her fingers over the newest name, smoothing away bits of stone dust from the H and the B. “They haven't killed me yet.”
I like how these excerpts perfectly exemplify the diverse moods found in a Day Out of Time novel. Anyway, tagging @bluenightfire @minny-santa @alinakerrin @human-nonsense @tiredbard
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lunarmoment · 6 years
Thanks for tagging me, @bedsidefables! I have a bunch of these sitting in my drafts because life has been crazy, whoops, so this is from a while ago.
1. What is the name of your first piece of writing or wip?
Like ever? Honestly, I think it was this hilariously awful comic book series I made in second grade: The Adventures of Forgetful Freddy. Truly a piece of comedic genius. I put Marvel to shame at a young age haha
My current wip is called Collecting Keepers!
2. What made you want to become a writer?
It wasn’t a conscious decision, really. I had an idea and decided to write it down. It’s been downhill ever since.
3. What is your wip about?
There are nine Deltas, and Cadiean Vakrinos wants to collect these magical objects for unknown - but most certainly nefarious - reasons. The main character (Adair Knightly) is a Keeper and shockingly does not want to be murdered by Vakrinos. She teams up with a motley crew in order to find the other Keepers and thwart his plot, and this requires traversing across the country and meeting a rolling cast of allies and enemies.
4. Poetry, novel, or short stories?
5. What platform is your favorite to use to connect with other writers - that isn’t Tumblr?
I don’t really have one - should probably work on that haha
6. Have you had any work published? If so, which one?
Nope! I’m intending to submit my thesis to a history journal though if that counts.
7. Did you write fanfiction before you started writing seriously? if so, about what/who?
No fanfiction for me - I have never really read or written it.
8. What’s your favorite book turned to movie?
The Shining, probably. I wouldn’t call it my favorite book or my favorite movie, but I like how they were different from each other. It was easier to enjoy the story in both mediums because I couldn’t go “that didn’t happen in the book!” all the time because that wasn’t the intention in the first place. The movie stuck to the concept of the book rather than trying to cram in a beat-for-beat carbon copy of every line. It was refreshing.
9. How do you deal with rejection or harsh criticism?
Poorly but secretly.
10. What is your best advice for a young one who wants to be a writer?
Write for yourself, know grammar rules so you can break them, and always look at all you have achieved instead of getting scared of how much you have left to do. You know that saying for exercising, “No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everyone on the couch”? Change up the appropriate words and apply it to writing.
Tagging (if you’d like to do this): @kit-tells-a-story, @stingthescribe, @that-aro-writer, @thatdanishwriter, @mgcorvo-author, @hepiit, and whoever else wants to jump in!
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mbcorvo-author · 5 years
12/12/12 Tag Game
I was tagged by @dotr-rose-love, thank you so much!
I didn’t know if to answer this as myself or as one of my characters, so I went for the latter. I have some characters from “Beyond the Veil” that never had answered one of these games...so I rolled a cuple of dice an picked these three!
Javier the Water Witch and the Fae Bros(?) aka Rupert and Rosaline~
1. Do you like your hair?
Rosaline: Yes, of course! And I also do tons of hair care to keep everything soft and shiny~
Rupert: ...what kind of question is this?  *sighs* Yes.
Javier: *scratches messy curls* uhhh...I don’t care?
2. Do you like taking naps?
Rosaline: Yep~
Rupert: Kids take naps
Rosaline: Are you telling me that I’m a kid?
Rupert: You ARE a kid, sis.
Rosaline: I AM NOT! *pouts*
Javier: ...depression naps count too for this question?
3. Can you dance?
Rosaline: Yes, of course!
Rupert: I don’t really like dancing, but I can.
Javier: Nope
4. Which do you like more, history, math, literature, or science?
Rosaline: Maybe literature? I like poetry~
Rupert: I’m maybe more for history
Javier: It’s been ages since last time I went to school...but science, I guess?
5. Were you named after anyone?
Rupert: Fae are all named after themselves, leaving the name our parents gave us at the coming-of-age ceremony, if they want. Also, names for faes are a very important thing.
Rosaline: Yep! But if you mean if the author named us after someone, I only know that I kept the name of a sort of “older version” of me.
Javier: My second and third names are from my grandfathers or grand-grandfathers, I don’t really remember.
6. How many languages can you speak?
Javier: Spanish, English and some bits of latin
Rupert: I’m a fae, I can talk the whatever language.
Rosaline: Let me reveal something! Fae’s “native language” sounds like gaeilge or some of your other celtic languages~
7. What do you notice first when meeting someone new?
Rosaline: Mhh...their look. I mean their appearance, not if they are stylish or not!
Rupert: If they are something from beyond the Veil in disguise or not.
Javier: I...never thought about that? I think their eyes.
8. Would you rather have things or experiences?
Rupert: I don’t really care, I’m not that materialistic...
Rosaline: Can I have tons of plushies and cute dresses?
Javier: Mh...maybe experiences? But getting things sometimes could help...it depends.
9. Do you have any pets?
Rosaline & Rupert: Nope
Javier: Juanito, my cat familiar.
10. How old are you?
Javier: Looking at them, I think that I’m the oldest here...I’m 42.
Rosaline: I’m still a kid, I’m only *raises few fingers* 168 years old, that is like being 16 in fae’s terms.
Rupert: I’m 329 years old, so I’m around thirty-something.
Javier: ¿Qué? *gasps* Seriously?! In the hundreds?!
11. Do you like walking on beaches?
Javier: I could live on beaches. I love the sea, the sound of the waves...
Rosaline: Yep, maybe a romantic walk during a nice sunset while holding hands~
Rupert: Mh *shrugs* I prefer a walk in a park or in the woods
12. What’s your favorite myth?
Rosaline: I prefer fairy tales to myths~
Rupert: I like reading what humans came up about us fae...so, myths about my people.
Javier: I like the myths about the creation of the constellations and such.
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charlie---writes · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Introducing your local druid tea brewers!
Some more info under the cut:
It isn’t a lie to say that the Oakwood family ancestors have been practical druids for thousands of years, but it is a lie to say that all their ancestors have brewed tea. 
Druids traditionally write nothing down. Practises are passed down through the generations but the lack of written evidence often leaves you wondering if what you’ve learned is 20 years old or 2000. Family practises may only be spoken to family, trying to keep the knowledge pure, and the history of the druids may only be spoken by The Great Oak. No druid who has heard the history may ever speak of it to another soul, nor may they write it down. Knowledge is sacred.
In druidic culture, once a practice or history has been learned, it is passed down through blood (essence). While the next generation might not actively know what is being passed down, the knowledge becomes instinctual. Imagine one of your parents came to a crossroad. They went left and after a few hours of walking, met a dead end. You might meet this crossroad and chose to turn right. This is reliant of the fact that the incident happened before you were conceived.
Ava is a druid who can instinctually make teas, more like potions, which are exactly what a customer might need. However, while her skill is enviable, her nephew is the most gifted tea brewer of generations.
While the shop is mostly open for the benefit of supernatural folks, its main clientele is actually quite ordinary. Imagine drinking the perfect tea that satisfies you completely at that moment? Speaking of tea, I better go make myself a cuppa...
Hope you enjoy this little insight into the relevance of tea in my WIP! (Also everyone’s drinking tea all the time coz I self project and can’t imagine life without tea. Did you guess that I was British?) Hope you’ve had an awesome week filled with the perfect amount of tea for you! Here’s to another :) :)
@katerinarevel | @zigortega4life | @scribbles-to-feed-the-void | @aurumni-writes | @endlesshourglass | @starlitesymphony | @reininginthefirewriting | @the-real-rg | @cjjameswriting | @human-nonsense | @alessia-writes | @soul-write | @maskedlady | @ashesconstellation | @dreamswithadashofspice | @skyfootsteps | @omgbrekkerkaz | @letterstomidnightkids | @georgiacambrielwritblr | @mgcorvo-author | @if-only-we-could-read-it | @yetmorestories | @focusdumbass | @yourundead | @simplelinesunfashiond | @akane022 | @ohnoitsthebat | @mvcreates | @quilloftheclouds
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