#michael polish
classichorrorblog · 1 year
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Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)
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gameofthunder66 · 2 months
'Before I Wake' (2016) film
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-watched 7/25/2024- 3 [3/4] stars- on Netflix
67% Rotten Tomatoes
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my-midlife-crisis · 4 months
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
David and his fabulously pink nails at the opening night of Mean Girls at the Savoy Theatre tonight.
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pol-ski · 9 months
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Archangel Michael fighting Satan by Zofia Stryjeńska (Polish, 1891-1976)
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daily-tma · 6 months
can we see stranger micheal?
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Daily TMA 174 - With Michael’s history of being manipulated and used, how I could I not make him a doll
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skyblueartt · 4 months
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Super quick sketch I did in the car of the Aftons— what a nice, normal family….!
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pigeocore · 3 months
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Are we fucking with Dethklok mom headcannons? Idk I have some very specific thoughts about Murderface and Toki's moms. More very long but fun info under the cut
Tammy was born and grew up in the same trailer park that her son would ultimatly inhabit. She was a louzy student, didn't care about grades, loved skipping school and there wasn't a single class she didn't spend chatting with the other girls. No suprise that she ultimatly dropped out of high school. For a while she worked odd jobs to justify Stella not kicking her out of the trailer up until she was a young adult. That's when she found her new purpouse: to become a star. She moved to the big city with big hopes and dreams, sighned up to every audition possible for pretty much everything, ready to take the hearts of Americans by storm. Anyway she quit that two months in because it was too much work and got hired as a waitress instead.
Murderface's dad, who I don't feel like giving a name to, was a regular at a diner that Tammy woked at. He was a middle class guy, a few years older than her with a relativly good job and a wife. He saw something in her and soon enough, Tammy became the other woman in his relationship. Although their affair wasn't strictly limited to intercourse, anything other than that was rather messy and the two were constaly on again and off again. That is until Tammy got pregnant and in a suprising decision, Murderface's dad decided to step up. He divorced his previous wife and married her instead, turning her from a poor waitress to a full-on picket fence housewife, something that he'd come to quickly regret. Their relationship started falling apart pretty much immidietly. When they weren't having screaming maches or mediocre sex, they didn't talk at all. He'd spend the whole day working or sitting in front of the TV drinking and she'd tend to the house. This tension was what would ultimatly lead him to commit the infamous murder-suicide.
Now, Tammy was not good at her job. In fact, she kinda sucked. Her cooking was terrible, she'd constantly half-ass any task she was given and would not take any criticism. Still, it was at least good enough to not make the house explode. Her not being nor striving to be the picture-perfect housewife was what ended up alienating her from a lot of other women around her. Still, she didn't care about fitting in with those girls, she saw the as "pompous bitches" and continued doing her thing
A lot of that attitude also carried over to her parenting. She was very irresponsible, although most of her behaviour stemed from lack of knowlage rather than anything purpouseful. Tammy was totally the kind of mom to leave her baby alone in the car while she went shopping or let it crawl around the house unsupervised. Once again, she would not take ANY criticism about her parenting techniques. Still, she did geniuanly love Willy a lot for what it was worth. Her son ment the world to her and god forbid anyone call him ugly. Whenever her husband, who unlike her had a lot of distaste for their baby, tried to say anything on the matter she'd fight him until the neighbours were calling the cops due to noise complains
She also had a bit of a morbid side to her. She loved violent movies and would sneak into grindhouse theaters on occassions, especially when she was younger. Truly a shame she died before Texas Chainsaw Massacre came out. She would've been ecstatic to hear her son joined a death metal band, although I don't think she would've supported all of his shenanigans.
Also she looks like Murderface because I think it would be really funny if he just looked like every woman in his family lol
Anna, nicknamed Andzia by her family was born in the polish region of lubelszczyzna in a fictional village of Jagiellonki Książęce Kościelne trzecie A-Kolonia. It was the kind of village where there was nothing except a church, roadside shrine and a few homes. Her family were farmers, she spend a good chunk of her childhood picking fruits and tending to farm animals.
In school, she was considered an excellent student, both due to her behaviour and preformance. She was very quiet and well behaved, always stuck in her own little world and never getting in any trouble. She also had really good grades. Andzia especially excelled at language learning, something that'd come to be very useful for her in the future. She wasn't very interested in persuing an academic career though and cared more about other stuff, including helping her parents around the farm
Another thing she cared about very deeply was her religion. She went to mass every sunday, pray every day before going to bed, took part in every possible church activity and even sung in the church choir. She was proud of being a christian, always looking for ways to become even more devoted. However, she wasn't always the nicest about her belifs and tended to secretly judge other christians who did less than her
Andzia met her future husband through complete coincidence. They both happend to be on seprate pilgrimages to the same holy site, it was tradition in Aslaug's cult that before taking the role of the reverend the man must go on a spiritual journey for one last time. The two just kinda bumped into eachoter and ended up clicking. Andzia saw Aslung's belifs as a way for her to become an even better christian and Aslaug saw her as a good fit for a wife. She stayed with him after her group departed from the site and within a month, the two were engaged and organizing a way for her to leave Poland. Andzia came to Norway and officially joined the cult through marrige a few months later, something that would've probably happend sooner if leaving Poland through less legal means at the time was a bit easier. She took the name Anja Wartooth in order to assimilate better into her new Norwegian family. Toki was born a year later
I know a lot of people like to headcannon Anja as a victim of abuse in the same way that Toki was, but I personally see her as someone who was very much complicit in her son's treatment. Although I don't think Aslaug was the best husband to her, she still treated Toki just as badly as he did and though she now thinks she may have sometimes went bit too far, she doesn't really see herself as in the wrong
Overall her and Toki's relationship is not good. TLDR: She always saw him as a dissapointment and if she could, she would've had other kids to replace him with (Unfortunatly she and her husband didn't have any luck conceving again, which they blamed on Toki too for some reason). He on the other hand really wants to love her but can't help but rightfully feel resentful and hate her for all she did to him
Despite that, Anja cared enough for her son to teach him a bit of polish and some facts about their culture. Toki then continued learning from the polish books she brought with her from back home (He didn't have much to do inbetween work, praying and punishments) and actually ended up being almost fluent in it at some point. Currently he has gone rusty but still knows enough to read some signs and order some beer at the bar, which was enough to impress the band at their first international tour
One last fun fact: As you can guess, Aslaug's cult dennounced the pope which was really hard on Anja because like every polish person at the time she fucking loved John Paul II. He was her secret true love/celebrity crush, despite everything she secretly kept a picture of him in her room. When she discovered he died somewhere during the events of Dethfam she was DEVISTATED. Toki on the other hand is a rzułta morda meme connosiour.
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charliemxwll209 · 28 days
The Michael Afton I drew for matching wallpaper with my friend
We decided to draw our favorite characters making a heart ^.^
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If you wanna use it then go on, but if you are doing a screen recording and sending it to the internet then credit me please
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Please reblog, I *do* care and it helps the post to be more noticeable
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theophan-o · 1 year
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Jan Stanisławski (1860-1907), the Polish artist, born near Korsuń (Корсунь) in Ukraine.
St Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv, oil painting on cardboard, 23,5 cm X 32,5 cm (1903)
From the collection of the National Museum in Kraków (Poland):
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persephone-s-moon · 1 year
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Here's my painting for the amazing @fleouriarts's DTIYS :]
(I'm actually happy with how I've drawn Marko for once which is such a big shock)
It was so much fun to do bc I feel like I haven't done anything in my actual style in so long and it's evolved so much since the last DTIYS I did a year ago
Original drawing under the cut!
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nikeatyquis · 6 months
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The culture of kissing in the 18th century varies regionally, although in the culture of Eastern Europe, including the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, kissing another man was not associated with romance and was common among people of both sexes. Representatives of the upper classes kissed as a sign of friendship, humility and respect, and the places of kissing were differentiated depending on status, age, level of relationship and the ceremony of the meeting. Friends often kissed each other on the face, neck or shoulders. It was common to kiss hands, and the greatest sign of respect was kissing knees or shoes. There were often kiss fights in which nobles tried to show humility trough a kiss, so often one tried to kiss the other "more and lower". Something unbelievable for 18th century French man.
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
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cr1mzncomedian · 2 years
all bisexual men are insane and all insane men are bisexual
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