drmicrobiologist 3 years
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Which is more fatal? Sure is Ebola virus馃拃 . . . . Contributed by @siddhi_chugh _______________________________ #microbiology #microbiologymemes #microbiologylab #microbiologyjobs #microbiologynotes #microbiology_lab #microbiology_microbiology #microbiologystudent #microbiologylaboratory #microbiologyart #microbiologyclass #microbiologylife #microbiologyproblems #microbiologyfacts #microbiologylab #microbiologynews #microbiologylove #microbiologymonday #medicalmicrobiology #foodmicrobiology #clinicalmicrobiology (at Germany, Europe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKS0MJ-jftQ/?igshid=1tc7lys3okey6
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microbiology-notes 4 years
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Types of leukocytes..... White blood cells or leukocytes may be broadly classified by the absence (agranular) or presence (granular) of cytoplasmic inclusions or granules. A. Lymphocytes include T, B, and natural killer (NK) cells. B. B cells that enlarge and differentiate into immunoglobulin secretors are known as plasma cells. C. Monocytes are phagocytic cells in the circulation and are called macrophages when they enter tissues. D. Dendritic cells are phagocytic cells that bear tree like cytoplasmic processes. E. Neutrophils have multi lobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granules that stain with neutral (pH) dyes. F. Basophils have bilobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granules that stain with basic (pH) dyes. G. Eosinophils have bilobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granules that stain with acidic (pH) dyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . #immunologiest #immunologylab #immunebooster #immunotec #immunotherapy #immunohistochemistry #nutritionalimmunology #biologyteacher #biotecnika #college #biologynotes #sciencememes #biomemes #microbiologyart #microbiologymonday #microbiologyproblems #microbiologydepartment #microbiologyteacher ##microbiote #medicalmask #medicallaboratoryscience #medicaked #medicalgradeskincare #medicalcannabis #medicalaesthetics #medicalstudents #medicalnotes #medicalart #medicalscience (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC194iiDG1v/?igshid=1v0244og3so76
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday challenge: Which process involves the transfer of #DNA from a donor to a recipient cell by a #bacteriophage? a. #conjugation b. #transcription c. #transduction d. #transformation e. #translation #microbiology #biology #science #cell #microbial #bacteria #premed #medschool #medical #nursing #nurse #school
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asmicrobiology-blog 8 years
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Microbiology Mondays: When the fungus Candida albicans and the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus form a biofilm together, fungal polysaccharides protect S. aureus from antibacterial compounds (even in the absence of C. albicans). These findings may help clinicians optimize current therapeutic agents and develop new agents to fight these resilient polymicrobial infections. For a link to the full #mBioJournal report, see facebook.com/asmfan. #MicrobiologyMondays #MicroMondays #MM
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microbiology-notes 4 years
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Quorum Sensing in V.harveyi.... Two autoinducing signals, AI-1 and AI-2,are produced. At low cell density, the two component signal transduction system consisting of the signal kinases LuxPQ and LuxN initiate a phosphorelay that results in inhibition of the transcriptional regulator LuxR. Without LuxR, bioluminescence genes are repressed but genes for a type III secretion system (TTSS) are transcribed.At high cell density, LuxPQ and LuxN function as phosphatases, reversing the flow of phosphates. This results in activation of LuxR, transcriptional activation of the bioluminescence operon and repression of the TTSS genes... . . . . . . . . . . . . #microbiologymonday #microbiologyresearch #research #phdstudentlife #scientist #science #biologist #biologynotes #biostudents #biotechnologie #biologycollege #biolog #biomemes #sciencefiction #microbiologymemes #biotecnika #biochemistrymemes #biotechschool #biotechnologist #environmentalsciences #environmentalscience #biotechnologylab ##microbiote #cellbiology #dnajoeljota (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCzu5FeD8dO/?igshid=1s7iik36b32oo
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge: In 1884, Elie Metchnikoff discovered __________ by observing the blood cells around a splinter which was inserted into a sea star embryo. a. leukocytes b. phagocytosis c. platelets d. specific immunity e. clotting f. none of the above #microbiology #microorganisms #antimicrobial #immunology #immunesystem #MCAT #STEM #CLEP #DAT #CDA #premed #medschool #medicalschool #predental #dentalschool #nurse #nursingschool #biology #biophiles
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday #challenge: Fever is a common response of the body to bacterial or viral infection. Which of the following is TRUE of fever? a. chill indicates a rise in body temperature b. sweating indicates a rise in body temperature c. crisis indicates a drop in body temperature d. bacterial exotoxins can induce fever e. a and c only are true f. b and d only are true #microbiology #fever #infection #MCAT #AandP #AP #premed #medschool #medicalschool #nurse #nursingschool #biology #biophiles
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The answer to last week's #MicrobiologyMonday #challenge was "D:" The steps of phagocytosis are: chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, digestion. Did you get it correct?
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge: #Leukocytes are differentiated based on their appearace under a light microscope. Which of the following are #granulocytes? a. T-lymphocytes b. eosinophils c. monocytes d. all of the above e. none of the above #microbiology #WBC #whitebloodcell #MCAT #STEM #CLEP #DAT #CDA #premed #medschool #medicalschool #predental #dentalschool #nurse #nursingschool #biology #biophiles
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The answer to last week's #MicrobiologyMonday #challenge was "A:" Phagocytosis of Gram-negative bacteria causes the secretion of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Did you get it correct?
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge: #Exotoxins are produced by some bacteria and are secreted into the surrounding area. Exotoxins are #proteins that destroy the host鈥檚 #cells or inhibit normal cellular #metabolism. All of the following are #diseases caused by exotoxins EXCEPT: a. Botulism b. Tetanus c. Tuberculosis d. Scarlet fever e. Tetanus f. Cholera #microbiology #MCAT #STEM #CLEP #DAT #premed #medschool #medicalschool #predental #dentalschool #nurse #nursingschool #biology #biophiles
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge: Of all the hospital patients with infections, one-third do not enter the hospital with an infection. #Nosocomial infections are transmitted by direct contact between hospital staff and patients. #Fomites, which can transmit nosocomial infections, include: a. catheters b. hospital food c. respiratory devices d. both a and c e. all of the above f. none of the above #microbiology #pathogen #MCAT #STEM #CLEP #DAT #disease #infectioncontrol #human #biology #biophiles
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge: Transmission of #disease by #saliva or #mucus in coughing or sneezing is called #droplet transmission. Which disease/s is/are transmitted by droplets? a. influenza b. hepatitis-A c. pneumonia d. hepatitis-B e. both a and c f. both b and d #microbiology #infectioncontrol #PPE #MCAT #DAT #AP #AandP #pathology #premed #medschool #medicalschool #predental #dentalschool #CDA nurse #nursingassistant #dentalassistant
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The answer last week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge was "E:" Koch's postulates include all of the above. Did you get it correct?
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Can you answer this week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge: Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of many normal microbiota. All of the following statements concerning E. coli are true EXCEPT: a. It never causes disease. b. It synthesizes vitamin-K. c. It's relationship with humans is an example of mutualism. d. It absorbs nutrients from the contents of the large intestine. #microbiology #parasite #symbiosis #MCAT #STEM #CLEP #DAT #bacteria #human #biology #biophiles
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The answer to last week's #MicrobiologyMonday #Challenge was "C:" Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is the result of a mutation in the PrP gene. Did you get it correct?
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