#middle school rui kamishiro
scaredy-draws · 10 months
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Nee nee nee
icon versions? and speedpaint
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atlas-of-galaxies · 4 months
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waiting for godot
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rainesleftear · 2 months
Middle School Rui
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i wish there could be some more exploration of middle school Rui. i desperately need more content to analyze.
—also i’m trying to actually post art and use this account to post my own content instead of purely reblogging
also if you want to request any drawings i’d love to do them!! i am perishing from artblock
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gamurin · 1 month
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uhohbigyike · 2 days
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i forgot to color in the pens
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hategirlism · 23 days
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formatting is so weird on here AHHHHHHHHHGH uhh annyways here is more stuff for the ruinene au thingie theres actually THREE ruis i promise to explain soon 🙇🙇
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tsuruiceo · 4 months
middle school
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SpeedPaint because why not
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the-one-that-weeps · 4 months
I think a crucial part of the middle school Mizurui situationship for me is the pretend part. Yeah, sure, they're not friends, but this is the first time ever that someone willing talks to Mizuki without harassing them and it's the first time Rui has felt affection since... A long time.
So they pretend. They go to each other's houses, they try giving each other gifts, go to different places. They look around all these people and ask themselves "have we done it? Is this how normal people do things?" And realize they can't find the answer.
The phase doesn't last, it just doesn't feel right. Rui is much more comfortable just infodumping all about his newest work and Mizuki still isn't fully comfortable with going to the mall (especially if someone finds them looking at a frilly dress they definitely can't wear).
It's not what people would call a normal friendship. And that's okay; they never do anything right. But this is the safest they felt in a long time. And 2 years later they still sometimes stay on call until two in the morning and they let each other's shoulders bump ever so slightly in the halls. And they both smell like home, even the littlest bit.
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sadokushi · 2 months
Imagine going online once year. Pff, couldn't be me 😝
Anyway, some sketches!
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Going back to hibernation. Hope you have a great summer! Byyyee 💞
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kerizaret · 6 months
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Small concepts for the time traveler x immortal au! I've never actually drawn them before they were just eating at my brain from the inside
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Rui quite often changes his looks and hairstyles between various periods to have the feeling of actually like... changing at all, that time passed
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cookiekat-blogz · 3 months
last day of pride month
so here, take this past rui pic before gays disappear for another 366 days.
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God he’s so gorgeous I wish gays were real
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scaredy-draws · 4 months
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arzzz · 2 months
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natulska · 2 months
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Middle school Rui and Mizuki in the first pic btw :3 IDK WHO MADE THAT SECOND PIC I FOUND IT ON PINTEREST💔💔💔
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adhdtsukasa · 4 months
because nene's full yoru ni kakeru alt releases in LESS THAN A WEEK!!!! and i'm sooo so sane about this cover (a lie!), i just can't go on with my life without RAMBLING!!! and i'm rather surprised that it hasn't been done before (or maybe i just can't search properly. also very possible. anyways), so here it is — an analysis? of how yoru ni kakeru's lyrics correspond to ruinene's relationship so much that it HURTS (and why nene got this cover instead of rui, even though it's about suicide).
quick disclaimer: i will be using the lyrics from vocaloid lyrics wiki, because i'm uh. not a fan of the official english ver. and because it had to be somewhat changed so the english translation could fit the rhythm, it's also just not the same as original. hope you understand.
also this is not neccesarily a ship post. feel free to view it as such, but i'm interpreting everything here as fully platonic and how it is in canon.
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starting with basically one of the first lines, it immediately connects with rui and nene losing contact during middle school — even moreso, to their unfamous scramble crossing conversation, where rui tells nene that he's now doing shows alone. they talked just like normal (did they, though?) and rui was still polite and kind towards nene, yet his goodbye was carrying something else with it: they're not best friends anymore. hell, it's not even clear if they're still friends, or did they simply become complete strangers to each other.
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a throwback to their first meeting, so i'll also say it now: i see the whole song as kind of a messy retrospection, actually. the lyrics basically escalate in a present (as of main story) -> middle school -> childhood -> middle school -> present (still as of in main story) way, but i think it's rather easy to spot on? so i'm not gonna talk about it too much.
whatever, let's get back to the topic: it's important to remember that nene was rui's first friend, the first person (outside of his parents, obviously) that accepted him for who he is. obviously rui had a lonely gaze when they first met — because he was lonely. he was alone.
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the first two verses can be referencing how rui's peers treated him: they were scared of him, they called him a weirdo. for a child like him, these words surely were enough to make him cry, as he only wanted to have friends — that's why nene is here for the rescue! they're together, so he doesn't have to be scared anymore. as long as they're together, everything will be just fine.
the happiness they want to find is ordinary, but that's because rui wants to be treated as an ordinary human being, too.
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nene wanted to be rui's friend, sincerely. he was and still is such an important person to her, her very best friend. she wishes for him to finally be happy, to finally have friends, to finally give her the sincerest of all of his smiles. and she wants to be a part of his happiness.
as long as they have each other, the sun will surely rise for them. but...
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...as the years pass by, everything starts to fall apart. rui is getting more and more stigmatized and him being in middle school now is definitely not helping him in any way. in this moment, we're back to their conversation mentioned at the very beginning: rui tells nene everything, and nene tries to believe it. she really does! if rui didn't beg for her to get closer to him again, then he surely must be fine being alone, surely.
but there is doubt in her heart, and it's sickening. it cannot be true. this is in no way what rui wanted.
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she still hopes that they can go back to what they used to be. one day, rui will surely trust her again. and maybe one day, she'll finally understand his struggles. she wishes for that out of the kindness of her heart — but rui's middle school self is just unable to fulfill this wish.
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but the days are still passing by, and nothing is going for the better — everything is actually deteriorating. everytime nene tries to approach rui, his answer is always the same. he doesn't want her close. and soon, rui isolating himself from her is not her only problem (or you can even say, her only trauma). her stage incident happens and she's left with nothing, as well as with no one to turn to. rui is already tired of everything, and nene is slowly becoming tired too. the days are getting duller and more gray for both of them.
their hands are just like parallel lines. somehow, they also can never meet.
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so now, nene is just like rui. traumatized. alone. scared. she's just like that until she starts her first year of high school, because then she suddenly sees rui again. oh, god, she sees rui again. he offers her to join wxs, and he's actually smiling. his smile is just like a cure for all of her problems. it's a smile she has always wanted to see... a smile that he has offered her when he finally reached out to her.
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so, nene joins wxs. and it's not the end of their problems, but also surely a new beginning for their relationship. the damage has been already done and they both suffered because of it, so they're still racing into the night, but at least they're together—
there's one thing that differs them from the yoru ni kakeru story, though (and i'm talking about the lyrics exclusively here. and, well, the end of the mv. but nothing else, none of the references that the song used) — yoru ni kakeru is about suicide, after all. the mv ends with the main character committing, that's a dead end. but it's nothing like that for rui and nene; ever since they joined wxs, their lives slowly started to get better. they managed to achieve their happy ending, despite the circumstances.
they're friends again.
so, why is not rui covering this song? after all, his middle school self just screams depression, suicidal thoughts, stuff like that, he'd be such an obvious pick. but... from the perspective of the lyrics, there's something more to the song than just the theme of suicide. the lyrics are going in the direction of being unable to help the person you love, of being forced to only look at how they're becoming worse and worse each day, of finally getting overwhelmed by it as well. that's precisely what middle school nene was. suicide is not enough to give it to rui. he wouldn't fit the lyrics at all, since his relationship with nene didn't look like that from his side.
was nene actually suicidal during middle school as well? i believe that's a question that should be left to one's own interpretation. but i think it's worth considering, especially since proseka's line distribution usually implies some things.
oh, obviously, they could've just picked her because she was the most accurate vocal to sing this song. but you cannot say that it doesn't fit her. it does. a lot.
middle school rui kamishiro and nene kusanagi, i hope you explode.
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demodraws0606 · 4 months
I'm really scared about the fact that Rui will graduate next year (in project sekai time) because I 100 pourcent think the idea of leaving the highschool friends he literally recently just made and everyone else in kamikou would definitely make him emotional.
And also there is definitely a bad association between graduating/changing periods in his life and losing people he was close to
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