#middy: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
theflyingfeeling · 10 months
Samy getting excited about someone breaking a glass during their cover of Billy Idol's Rebel Yell 😂 (a rough translation in the tags)
@ Revolution, Jyväskylä, 5.12.2023
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samyelbanette · 4 months
Look at Johnny with his arm around his tiny husband's shoulders 🥰
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Also the height difference is frying my brain.
Middy looks so good. 😍
Johnny could annihilate him.
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starrysnowdrop · 8 months
Top 5 Minions!
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Well, my #1 minion has to be the Wind-up Aymeric, because of course it has to be! It’s the one I take out the most, and canonically Hali takes her Aymeric mammet everywhere with her. Tiny Aymeric is always there to cheer his snowdrop on! 💖
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For me, a very close second is the Starbird. I’ll try to be vague for spoiler reasons, but the Starbird holds such significance in the overall story, not to mention this is a gorgeous bird with amazing tail feathers, so it’s just cool to show off as well. The drop rate is insanely low though, so I’m having to show it to y’all on an old pic of Yume, because it still hasn’t dropped for Hali.
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Coming in third is Caduceus! He’s so damn adorable and he’s the minion that drops from Hermes, so I am obligated as a Hermes shipper to have him in my top five. This took about a dozen runs of Kitisis to get him, but it was worth it.
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Fourth place goes to the Crabe de la Crabe, which is one of the minions your fishing retainer brings back to you from waterside exploration, and for Hali, this minion is Hali’s pet crab Beignet! So total cuteness.
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I feel obligated as well to put Midgardsormr on the list, aka Middy for short. For many many years, Middy here was my favorite minion, and similar to the Starbird, the minion itself hold great significance to the story, so I think that automatically earns him a spot on my list.
Honorable Mentions go to the Wind-up Aidoneus, Wind-up Philos, and the Zodiark Idol minions, with the first two being way too damn expensive for me to ever buy them most likely, but they are both very special to me. The last one is technically not out yet, but my mom has gifted me the latest EW art book that comes with the Zodiark Idol minion! Here’s a preview of it:
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Thank you so much for the ask @pinxli!!! 🥰💖
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rpf-bat · 1 year
Hello! I went digging around Tumblr a bit and found more of Santa cruz in makeup AND there's a video~
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(Middy is wearing something slutty like I hoped and it looks like Johnny is gripping his hip, which makes me feel very normal I promise)
And as a little bonus here's a photo of Middy where you can see his nipple ring more clearly 🥰
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So I watched the video, and I found this part…interesting. 😳
The piercing definitely suits him 👀
But I don’t like how it’s so easy to see his ribs. Are you eating enough, Middy darling?? I can cook for you…
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danieljradcliffe · 1 year
Worthy Wednesday
We see the same (admittedly excellent) stories recommended over and over and over. Let's expand our horizons!  Recommend and briefly describe a fic or two or three (or more) that you've never (or rarely) seen mentioned. Extra points if you don't personally know the writer. Tag @trickiwooao3 or #Worthy Wednesday 
Thanks for the tag @flowertrigger!
Hold Onto Me by @chicgeekgirl89 — this was one of the first fics I bookmarked when I started really getting into LS fic in early 2022.
It’s Hotter than Hell Where I’m At by @petalwritesx — one of the reasons I got into LS fics was because my friends were writing it and this is one great fic by a great friend that made me want more, more, more!
Searching for a Trail to Follow by @middyblue — another friend who wrote another beautiful Tarlos fic. I knew it would be incredible because middy is one of my all time fav Schitt’s Creek authors. 🥰🥰
espero ese momento by @lilythesilly — this was one of the first Tarlos fics I ever read! And that’s because it was written by Lily who writes some of the most beautiful words. She has written more LS fics since that just as lovely.
Running Into You by @three-drink-amy — there’s little I love more than a 5+1. And this 5+1 features Tarlos as husbands so what is not to love?! This is also her first LS fic after me bugging her for literal years to write Tarlos and the wait was totally worth it. She’s also written 2 Tarlos fics since that are also so, so good.
A Case of Cruel to be Kind by @maxbegone — An About Time Tarlos AU!!!! My favourite movie and fav ship?! Let’s go. Ally put her whole heart into this. It’s 10 chapters of love and grief and healing and growth. I love it very much.
(Tagging everyone I mentioned above)
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lnights · 2 years
If you're still doing requests can I request hurt/ comfort and Samy being badly hurt by someone and Taz comforting and caring for him 🥺 thank you! 🥰
This screams friendship for me, so here's a younger Samy & Taz
Taz waited for the buzz that would let him into the apartment building, playing on his phone.
He wasn't in Jyväskylä often, but he had helped a relative move and had finished earlier than he thought they would, so why not see a couple friends?
Ossi was out of town apparently, Mirko and Arttu working, but Samy was free, so why not?
As he was able to get in the front and made his way up to Samy's, his phone rumbled and he looked to see a message from Mirko:
M: Hey I saw in the group chat that you're hanging with Samy?
M: fair warning, he's in a bad spot right now. If you can keep him company until I'm off work at 4 I would appreciate it.
Taz read the message a couple times before knocking on Samy's door, wondering what could drag down the sunny 20 year old.
He certainly looked out of it when he opened the door, hair sticking out in every direction and clothes extremely rumpled, eyes puffy.
"Hey man," Taz said cautiously, "how you been?"
Samy gave him a wane smile, "oh same old, same old, you?"
"Uh, fine." He replied as he followed him in, the apartment like a physical manifestation of how Samy looked.
They made small talk for a while before Taz sighed and decided to ask him what was going on.
"My girlfriend and I broke up." Samy admitted, "last week I... I didn't see it coming."
"Well shit, sorry man." Taz sighed, "you two were together a couple years yeah?"
"Met in highschool," Samy nodded, swallowing hard, "apparently she's been cheating on me ever since then too."
Oh fuck.
Taz put down the beer he had been sipping and moved to sit by him on the couch, throwing an arm around his shoulders.
"Forget her," Taz told him, "cheaters aren't worth your time or tears, alright?"
Samy's shoulders shook a little, with a scoff or a sob he was unsure, so he pulled the younger man closer, his head against his chest while he regaled him with tales of his own previous relationships, the time he and Johnny had to carry Middy away so he wouldn't play Every Rose Has Its Thorns outside of his crush's bedroom window while drunk, that Archie talks a big game but hasn't kissed anyone in at least a year and a half.
Eventually he heard Samy's infectious laughter as the stories continued, laughing along with him and lost track of time until his phone went off.
M: Hey I have to stay a little late but I'll be there soon.
Taz looked down at his friend, laughing so hard he almost couldn't breathe, wide smile on his face and quickly made a decision.
T: Don't worry about it, I can head back to Helsinki tomorrow.
He wasn't going anywhere now.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
I’ll take ginge any day over middy knies 🥰
whatever helps you sleep at night
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Middy as a ballet dancer AU when? 😁 /🐍
Ballet AU?! I'm taking all the ballet AUs!! God I love ballet, hi💕
I would come up with something, unfortunately I don't know their characters very much, so sadly I can't give anything. But Middy in a full white tutu, yes please. Oh now I'm thinking of Step Up, so have ballet dancer Middy trying to show Johnny some moves who absolutely can't dance, at least not as elegantly as ballet needs it, but through dancing they grow so much closer and then they fall in love🥰
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sunflowerpumpkinpie · 3 years
Because I am very tired and he looks very cuddly
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why is he so pretty, who let him be so pretty???
also his smile in the second one makes my heart melt hfnsjsknewbrk
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pinkfadespirit · 3 years
Creators have been revealed for the @dasmutquisition exchange so I want to share the fantastic gifts I received here and say thank you to the creators. 
(Everything below is rated Explicit, so heads up just in case you need to be careful where you open it, particularly with the art links)
Chemistry is you touching my mind and setting my body aflame by @factorykat
An Anders/Male Hawke/Karl Thekla fic that was written as a follow up to We Deserve A Soft Epilogue, where Karl is alive after the events of DA2 and meets up with Anders and Hawke at Skyhold. I love this ship because it’s like taking my two favourite pairings and smushing them together. What could be better? It made me feel so warm and happy inside to see Karl getting all the love and happiness he deserves 🥰 Thank you so much for continuing this wonderful story for me, Kat. I really loved where you went with it!
Rooted by @midnightprelude and @oftachancer
I had a feeling this one was by both of you! The way you write together is so beautiful, it was such a joy to read. Thank you both for gifting us Kanders fans with such gorgeous garden smut. It was good to see Anders and Karl enjoying the outdoors together hehe! 
Garrett and Anders Do It In The Hanged Man (Artwork) by @hollyand-writes
Still not over the sneakiness of you gifting this treat to yourself so no one would suspect you 😂 I had no idea! I was hoping to see some Handers art from you someday and this was such a good way of surprising us all with it! Thank you, I love it! Everyone who wants to see Anders and Hawke shamelessly going at it in The Hanged Man should absolutely go and check out this lovely artwork!
Now for my own works... and since I’ve been very slow about replying to comments lately, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who commented and left kudos. I had a lot of self-doubt when posting all of these and was amazed by the response to everything I shared.Thank you all so much!
Marked for @sorrowfuldread
An Anders/Male Hawke fic with bloodplay and Anders in lingerie. I think that about sums it up really, not much in the way of plot here 😅
Leave the Boots On for Celeme
Some very spicy Bethany/Isabela art.  
Tumbling in the Wildflowers for @midnightprelude
Anders/Dorian art, loosely inspired by Middy and oftachancer’s wonderful fic, Underneath the Bough 
no feeling in the world like it for @greyduckgreygoose
Isabela/Merrill art. Just because I figured you could never have too much smutty Merribela art 
And don’t forget to check out the rest of the collection. There’s a lot of really great fic and art. One last thank you to the mods for organising the event. It was a lot of fun to take part in!
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hey camille happy santa cruz (minus *rch*e) saturday!!
i hope you like these pretty husband men (especially middy because look at him omg) and i really love that one of him and taz they’re so AAAAAAAAAA
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i hope you’re having a great day! xx 🖤
Happy Santa Cruz (minus *rch*e) day, because everyday is that day anyway !!!
I find it very rude that those husbands are not my husbands, but that's how it goes I guess.
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Middy looks like he stole all the gender here, the audacity of men - once again ... But who can blame him when he looks like that.
Also, have pics of those lovely idiots (affectionate) cuddling in exchange 🥰 because they make my heart melt
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Have a wonderful evening
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
Send 🐲 to see them doing or wearing something associated with dragons.
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Middy’s favorite spot to perch? On top of Hali’s head of course! 🤷‍♀️🐉
Thank you so much for the ask @mimble-sparklepudding!! 🥰💖 And once again, thank you for the wonderful prompt lists!!
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rpf-bat · 1 year
Good morning! Here are some photos I found on Lars Johnson's Instagram where Johnny, Middy and Taz are all wearing makeup (the black lipstick is a look™)
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Also them wearing pretty masks for new years 🥰
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I don’t know who Lars Johnson is?? 😐
But that’s definitely a look lol
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lnights · 2 years
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So happy to see I'm not the only one who feels this way! Here, have a tiny armed Middy 🥰
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Awwww 🥺 he's precious and vicious and I'm putting him in my pocket 🖤
Love for artist! Love for a thousand years!💕
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paleangels13 · 3 years
Archie/Johnny please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Totally didn't see this ask coming 😜
Jk, happy someone asked 🥰 it's not much yet and if there are any mistakes you gotta excuse that ^^"
Let me know what you (all) think 👀
-> Snippet after the cut in case anyone doesn't wanna see/read Archie related stuff or something
Loud music was pulsing through the air mixed with lively chatter and excited screams. He hadn't planned on coming here. Or, well, he had planned to visit the festival, even if it was just to meet up with Taz and Middy and Samy, of course. But he hadn't planned to find a place from which he could casually observe the stage and watch a certain blond singer.
Archie was, well, still Archie though his look had changed. Johnny wasn't sure if it had been for the better. The mullet definitely was something, nothing necessarily good in his opinion but that didn't really matter. The blond's shoulders had gotten broader, his arm muscles now much more defined. In general he had put on weight, probably mainly muscles but it had changed his face as well.
Johnny wasn't entirely sure he liked what he saw. However, he couldn't judge Archie and he never would. The past years hadn't been easy or kind to the younger man and the producer probably knew that better than anyone else. But then again, neither had Archie been easy or kind to anyone who had ever been close to him.
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thetimecrystal · 3 years
Heyo Mica and happy International Middy day 🥰💕💕
Here have some old man photos to celebrate the day :')
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Hope you had a great middy day dear 💕 Love you a lot and feel hugged and adored 💕💕💕
hiiii juliaa <3 happy international middy dayyyyy!!!! can you believe he is an old man now? :') /s
AND. AND. HE IS SUCH A BABE CAN YOU BELIEVE? AAAAAAAAA also the photo of him fiddling with his bass on the floor? with the bun??? BABE.
also for the occasion
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anyways have some of my favourite middy pics too
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i hope you too have had a great middy day <3 <3 <3 sending you lots and lots of hugs and smooches <3 love you tooo
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