#midnight madness 4x4
rpmarmy · 2 years
Monster Trucks at Buck Motorsports Park 10-8-2022
Monster Trucks at Buck Motorsports Park 10-8-2022
Monster Trucks at Buck Motorsports Park 10-8-2022 To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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Wadi Rum
We drove from Aqaba back into the Desert, a protected area called Wadi Rum. It has a very unique, stark, barren looking landscape that actually looks quite similar to Mars. apparently the same type of erosion took place in both places. They’ve used it to film movies like the Martian, Mad Max, Dune, and Star Wars.
We arrived during the golden hour before sunrise, and it was absolutely stunning. The sands at sunrise/sunset glow this beautiful orange colour. (At other times of day they can look more white/yellow/beige). We parked the car at the entrance, and a local Bedouin man picked us up in a 4x4 to take us to our camp. There is absolutely no way the Kia was making it through any sand dune. It barely clears a speed bump. We rode in the back of the pickup (modified with benches) and stopped along the way to view the gorgeous sunset with a little fire.
We stayed in these “bubbles” in the middle of the desert. They have clear plastic ceilings and walls so that you have an unobstructed view, but they come with quirks. The entrance has two doors, one after another, with an antechamber. You have to be very careful not to open the inner door before closing the outer one, or all the air rushes out and the bubble will deflate! They were pretty luxury for essentially inflatable tents, and had electricity, hot water (between 5pm and 11pm) and even hot tubs to relax in and view the stars.
Joelle and I actually went out to do some serious stargazing with a guide that night. We saw Jupiter, Mars, a couple of shooting stars, and got to see some star clusters and nebulas! The Pleiades or “seven sisters” also has an Arabic name that translates to “the chandelier of the sky”. You can see 7 stars with the naked eye, but we could see so many more with the telescope! The man doing the stargazing also showed us some of the artifacts he’d collected from the desert over the years. The desert used to be an old ocean floor hundreds of millions of years ago, and you can still find fossils that prove it! He had found a bunch of preserved shark teeth (still razor sharp, might I add) fossilized urchins, and molluscs.
It was actually freezing cold in the desert at night. It is winter in Jordan right now, and although the days might be 5-10 and sunny in Wadi Rum, the nights are 0 and freezing. Luckily the bubbles have heat pumps, but unluckily ours was broken and we had to do a midnight swap. I was thankful for these Bedouin floor length furry brown coats they provided (although I did feel slightly like the Revenant).
The next day we headed out with a local guide, Ahmed, to explore. “Wadi” is a term that translates to gorge/valley, and Wadi Run means “Valley of the Moon”. The desert here has these towering granite and sandstone mountains that are impossibly beautiful, with fine sand dunes in between. The jeeps do a surprisingly decent job at navigating them, except when Joelle and I are driving 😂. Our guide let us try, but it was manual, and we each had our unique issues. I couldn’t start it, Joelle couldn’t park it (we kept rolling back downhill). we each nearly threw each other out of the back of the pick up truck a couple times. Ahmed was much more adept, but even he couldn’t force the keep up the biggest ones, and we just slid back down. It’s hard to really appreciate the scale of how huge these mountains/dunes are. I tried to use Joelle for scale in some of them, and I can barely even see her in the photos! (I tried circling her in red in a few!).
The sandstone is easily scratch-able, and was used by ancient people as a canvas/slate for inscriptions and petroglyphs. We saw some that depicted humans holding bows and arrows, camels, and ibex. You can also see areas where the sandstone has been eroded by the wind leaving “rock bridges” you can climb. Very cool and an awesome view, but pretty damn sketchy getting up/down. To nobody’s surprise I fell a couple of times, but luckily just a few scratches.
Our guide also cooked us a meal in the desert for lunch. We found an area in a canyon sheltered from the wind and picked up sticks to make a fire. Joelle laughed at me for wanting to use my trauma shears instead of doing things the “traditional way”. But then we both just about lost it when the “traditional way” of lighting these branches was to use a box lighter and a piece of cart board from the pack of cigarettes as a starter 😂. Other than our sunburns (which we didn’t think about in the cold), it was a perfect day.
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oneofusnet · 5 years
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Infestation: Fantastic Fest 2019: FINAL THOUGHTS INFESTATION: FANTASTIC FEST 2019: FINAL THOUGHTS The whole Fest crew got together to talk about all the films that didn’t get discussed in the video reviews we did. And that’s a LOT of films. Short-ish takes on everything from the sweet anime Ride the Wave to the philosophical sci-fi German prison film The Platform is… Read More »Infestation: Fantastic Fest 2019: FINAL THOUGHTS read more on One of Us
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gottalovetheletos · 7 years
Bright Lights, Big City. Series. Chapter 4.
Authors note:  Enjoy! 😘
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 1,610.
Bright Lights, Big City. Chapter 4.
If you haven’t read it here’s: CHAPTER 3
From the beginning. Chapter 1
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I made the coffee and sat down with the boys at the breakfast table in the kitchen. I laid my head in my hands, it was still pounding from last night. “Guys, I am really sorry for last night. I feel so annoyed that I ruined our evening”. “Y/N, we’ve told you it’s not your fault. Please stop blaming yourself. We still had a good nigh..... Hold on” Shannon said taking his ringing phone out of his pocket. “Ugh, it’s Han, I’ll be back. I’m gonna take this outside” he started to walk away. “Hello..” his voice fading into the distance. Truth be told. I felt sorry for the guy. Even though he was mean to me, but hey if something like that was going on in your life, how could you blame him. I was in a relationship like that in my younger years. Then there were a few good ones. When I say good, I mean good at the beginning, they slowly went downhill. Which is why I am single and have been for about 5 years. It’s easier on your own isn’t it? 
 Jared and I started talking about the project again. He said they’d be around for a couple of weeks and then were going away for a while. He reassured me that they’d be back. He then started to talk to me about my needs as a woman. “You know Y/N you gotta let steam off once in a while. You work hard, You deserve pleasure in your life too”. “Where are you heading with this conversation” I laughed nervously. “Well...” He began before Shannon burst through the door. “Fuck, I gotta got she’s mad. Like real mad. I told her I stayed here over night and she flipped”. “Um... Did you say your brother was here to because I don’t want a psycho girl coming to my house thinking I slept with you” I exclaimed. His frantic mood stopped for a moment. “And what would be so bad about sleeping with me” he questioned. “The psycho girlfriend...” he laughed at my reply. “Touche. Right I gotta go anyway, thanks for the couch and the coffee” he kissed me on the cheek and walked into the living room to grab his jacket. “Yeah, I better take him back, we don’t need him tearing down the streets in anger” Jared looked around at his older brother and laughed.  “Okay, I’ll see you both out. Sorry again for last night and having to sleep in the living room, and Shannon, don’t tell that bitch where I live please. Honestly I don’t need any more crazy in my life”.”Of course not. See you Monday”. They got into their car and drove off. I retreated back to bed in an effort to kill the hangover.
    By the time I woke it was 10 pm. “Jesus I slept the day away” I told the dogs. Not that they understood. I looked at my phone. Three missed calls and 2 texts a from Shannon. I quickly rang him back. “Hey, what’s up?” I asked. “Will you let me pick you up and we go for a drive?” He instantly replied. “Uh, yeah. Let me just get myself sorted, I’ve just woken up” “Okay I’ll be at yours in 10 minutes” he hung up. ‘What could be so urgent?’ I thought. I pushed the thought aside and tried to look semi-okay. I threw on some camo leggings, a pink over-sized sweater and some Ugg boots.
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 By the time I put on a little mascara and threw my hair up into a high ponytail he was here, I heard a car honk outside. I took a deep breath grabbed my phone and locked the door behind me. I slowly walked down my drive way to his car, it was some sort of 4X4. I heard the doors unlock as I walked around to the passenger side and the door was already open. I looked in to see Shannon there, he looked so sad. I wondered what had happened. I didn’t say anything and got in the car. We drove for about 5 minutes before anyone had said a word. “Sorry to call by like this but you’re the only person who I could think of” he broke the silence. “That’s okay. Where are we going?” I asked, very wary of the fact I’ve just gotten into a car of a person who I barely know. “We’re going to the hills. I need to take a breather, but didn’t want to go alone” he sighed. The rest of the car ride was filled with awkward silence. “We’re here” Shannon quietly announced. He’d parked in front of a bench, so we got out and sat for a bit, until he was ready to tell me why he’d brought me out. The nights air was fresh yet still warm from the day, the temperature was slowly dropping. “I don’t know what to do” Shannon started. Once again breaking the silence between us. “What do you mean?” I asked him. “With Han, I don’t want to be with her. But every time I try to escape she pulls me back in by guilt tripping me, she keeps saying she’ll have nowhere to live and that everyone will be talking about us for months” “Shannon slow down. You sound like a teen girl stuck in a rut with her boyfriend” I giggled. “I’ve told you. You just need to end it. Like ripping off a band-aid. All that bullshit she’s telling you is exactly that... BULLSHIT. Shan You’ve got to think about things differently”
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“Think about how they’d be if you weren’t with her. Think about how much happier you’d be. Think about how much nicer you’d be to everybody” I laughed. He cracked a smile too. “You’re right. I’ve just gotta do it. Thank you” He smiled at me. “Shan, can I ask you a question?” I looked at him. He nodded. “Why did you choose me, of all people. You have friends, you have family, but instead you rang me?” I looked over at him again then back at the view.
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“Well to be honest, I needed someone who wasn’t going to judge me on my decision and I needed someone to tell me how it is. See my friends think we’re in a happy relationship but its all a facade, and my family.. well they all hate her”. “Right, then don’t you think that’s more of a reason to get rid of her?” he nodded. “Don’t feel bad we all get stuck with a hard decision one time or another” I told him. He smiled looking out at the view. I joined him. His gaze came back my way. “Y/N, you look beautiful tonight you know?” I gave him a look of ‘really’. “Shan I look like a bag of smashed assholes, what are you on?” I giggled. “No you don’t, you’re naturally pretty. Maybe when I break up with devil woman we could give it a shot? I mean I don’t know how my brother would take the news he’s nuts about you too”. I nervously laughed for the second time today but this time at the older brother. “Shannon, as sweet as the offer is and as much as I want to say yes. I am nobody’s rebound” “That’s fair enough, maybe after some time?” “Maybe” I replied. “That’s good enough for me” he smiled.
   We sat on top of the hill until it was past midnight, just talking about life and how crazy things can get. “You cold?” he asked me. “A little” I replied. “Come here” He opened up his jacket a bit and let me slip under his arm. My cold hand laid on his chest feeling the movements of his breathing and his heart beat. It had been a while since I was held like this by a man I guess I missed it a bit. For this little moment I could cherish the fact that I was huddled into Shannon Leto and the fact that he asked me out. I had to stop these thoughts otherwise my head would be too big to fit back into the car. I giggled to myself. “What you thinking about?” he asked me. ‘Shit what do I say?’ I thought. “Just that I haven’t been hugged like this by someone that I liked in a long time” A large smile grew on his face showing his pearly white teeth. “Let’s get you home” I nodded. We got back into the car. Heating turned up to the highest setting and began our drive back down the hill. I had fallen asleep in the car and woke to Shannon gently shaking my arm telling me that we’d arrived back at my house. “Thank you Y/N. For this evening” “No problem. If you ever need to talk I’m here” he leaned in and kissed me passionately. 
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His hand around the back of my neck deepening the kiss. I broke it off. “Shan, not to be a party pooper but for now you are still in a relationship”. “I know. I’m sorry. Hopefully the next time I see you I’ll be a free man”. I gently pecked his lips. “Hopefully” I said before shutting the car door and walking to my front door. “See you around Ms Y/L/N” He shouted from his rolled down window. “See you around Mr Leto” I shouted back before closing the door behind me. 
Chapter 5.
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blackkudos · 8 years
Harvey Mason
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Harvey William Mason (born February 22, 1947) is an American jazz drummer, record producer, and member of the band Fourplay. He has worked with many jazz and jazz fusion artists, including Bob James, Chick Corea, the Brecker Brothers, Chuck Loeb, Nathan East, Lee Ritenour, Herbie Hancock's Headhunters and almost all the Mizell Brothers productions with Donald Byrd, Johnny Hammond, Bobbi Humphrey, and Gary Bartz. He is featured on George Benson's multi-platinum-selling breakthrough jazz to pop crossover album of 1976, 
. Mason is the father of Harvey Mason, Jr.
Starting in 1975, Mason began recording albums as a leader, the first five for Arista Records, which he also produced hiring the cream of the crop of primarily West Coast-based musicians and singers from the jazz, rock, pop, R&B and recording session scenes. In 1979, he had a hit single in dance clubs with "Groovin' You," the title track of his fourth album. It was sampled by house music producer Gusto in his 1995 hit "Disco's Revenge".
Mason endorses Canopus drums, Sabian cymbals, Remo drumheads, DW pedals, Vic Firth drumsticks and Roc N Soc drum thrones. Mason has his own Vic Firth Harvey Mason signature drumstick and Vic Firth Harvey Mason Chameleon signature drumstick. In the past, he has previously used Gretsch drums, Premier drums, Rogers Drums, Tama drums, Zildjian cymbals, Toca percussion and Gibraltar Hardware.
As leader
With Fourplay
As sideman
Leaving This Planet, Charles Earland (Prestige, 1973)
Le Maudit, Véronique Sanson (Warner Bros., 1974)
Who Is This Bitch, Anyway?, Marlena Shaw (Blue Note, 1974)
Nishoku no Koma, Yosui Inoue (Polydor, 1974)
High Energy, Freddie Hubbard (Columbia, 1974)
Montara, Bobby Hutcherson (Blue Note, 1975)
The San Francisco Concert, Hubert Laws (CTI, 1975)
Genetic Walk, Ahmad Jamal (20th Century, 1975)
Macho, Gábor Szabó (Salvation, 1975)
Sunburst, Eddie Henderson (Blue Note, 1975)
Survival of the Fittest, The Headhunters (Arista, 1975)
Pastels, Ron Carter (Milestone, 1976)
Can't Hide Love, Carmen McRae (Blue Note, 1976)
Metamorphosis, Wade Marcus (ABC, 1976)
Black Miracle, Joe Henderson (Milestone, 1976)
Celebrate Me Home, Kenny Loggins (Columbia, 1977)
El Mirage, Jimmy Webb (Atlantic, 1977)
Night Dancing, Joe Farrell (Warner Bros., 1978)
The Mad Hatter, Chick Corea (Polydor, 1978)
Mermaid Boulevard, Kazumi Watanabe (Alfa, 1978)
Headin' Home, Gary Wright (Warner Bros., 1979)
Numbers, Rufus (ABC, 1979)
Donna Summer, Donna Summer (Geffen, 1982)
Now, Patrice Rushen (Elektra, 1984)
Whitestone, Joe Pass (Pablo, 1985)
Street Dreams, Chet Atkins (Columbia, 1986)
Audiophile, Victor Feldman (1997)
Walk Tall: Tribute to Cannonball Adderley, Eric Marienthal (1998)
Random Hearts, Dave Grusin (1999)
Dingo, Miles Davis & Michel Legrand (Warner Bros., 1991)
Midnight Sun, Herb Alpert (A&M, 1992)
Aries, Luis Miguel (Warner Bros., 1993)
Midnight, Diane Schuur (Concord, 2003)
Motown, Michael McDonald (2003)
The Hang, Don Grusin (2004)
Music for Lovers, Earl Klugh (2006)
Once Again, John Legend 2006)
Hot Sauce, Jessy J (2011)
Plain 'n' Simple, Chuck Loeb (2011)
Bringing It Back Home, Robben Ford (2013)
The Essential Bill Withers, Bill Withers (2013)
With Larry Carlton
Deep into It (2001)
I Hear Angels Calling (2006)
With George Benson
Breezin' (Warner Bros., 1976)
In Flight (Warner Bros., 1977)
Weekend in L.A. (Warner Bros., 1978)
Collaboration (Warner Bros., 1987)
Guitar Man (2011)
With Donald Byrd
Street Lady (Blue Note, 1973)
Stepping into Tomorrow (Blue Note, 1974)
Places and Spaces (Blue Note, 1975)
Caricatures (Blue Note, 1976)
With Casiopea
4x4 (Alpha, 1982)
Light and Shadows (Pony Canyon, 1997)
With Herbie Hancock
Head Hunters (Columbia, 1973)
Man-Child (Columbia, 1975)
Mr. Hands (Columbia, 1978)
Mr. Funk (2001)
With Gene Harris
In a Special Way (Blue Note, 1976)
Tone Tantrum (Blue Note, 1977)
With Bobbi Humphrey
Blacks and Blues (Blue Note, 1973)
Satin Doll (Blue Note, 1974)
Fancy Dancer (Blue Note, 1975)
With Bob James
One (1974)
Two (1975)
Three (1976)
BJ4 (1977)
Heads (1977)
Hi-Fi (2003)
Angels of Shanghai (2006)
With Lee Ritenour
Gentle Thoughts (JVC, 1977)
Captain Fingers (Epic, 1977)
Sugar Loaf Express (JVC, 1977)
Earth Run (GRP, 1986)
Stolen Moments (GRP, 1990)
Overtime (2005)
Six String Theory (2010)
With Stanley Turrentine
Have You Ever Seen the Rain (Fantasy, 1975)
Everybody Come On Out (Fantasy, 1976)
Wonderland (Blue Note, 1984)
Do You Have Any Sugar?, Stanley Turrentine 1999
With Grover Washington, Jr.
A Secret Place (Kudu, 1976)
Mister Magic (Kudu, 1973)
With Carole King
Rhymes and Reasons (Ode, 1972)
Fantasy (Epic, 1973)
With Moacir Santos
Saudade (Blue Note, 1974)
Carnival of the Spirits (Blue Note, 1975)
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks at Buck Motorsports Park 10-8-2022
Tuff Trucks at Buck Motorsports Park 10-8-2022
Tuff Trucks at Buck Motorsports Park 10-8-2022 recorded in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This was the season finale along with Monster Trucks at the event. To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks "Why We Can't Have Nice Things"
Tuff Trucks “Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”
Tuff Trucks "Why We Can't Have Nice Things" To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
6 Close Tuff Truck Races in 2022
6 Close Tuff Truck Races in 2022
6 Close Tuff Truck Races in 2022 To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks "Rubbin is Racin"
Tuff Trucks “Rubbin is Racin”
Tuff Trucks "Rubbin is Racin" To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things!" PREVIEW
Tuff Trucks “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things!” PREVIEW
#shorts Tuff Trucks "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things!" PREVIEW. To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!" 👉 Watch Next – Tuff Trucks "JUST SEND IT!" https://youtu.be/nq21ir_3oHk To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks at Dennis Anderson's Muddy Motorsports Park 10-22-2022
Tuff Trucks at Dennis Anderson’s Muddy Motorsports Park 10-22-2022
Tuff Trucks at Dennis Anderson's Muddy Motorsports Park 10-22-2022 To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks Windsor Pa 10-16-2022
Tuff Trucks Windsor Pa 10-16-2022
Tuff Trucks Windsor Pa 10-16-2022 To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Trucks Rally in the Valley 10-15-2022
Tuff Trucks Rally in the Valley 10-15-2022
Tuff Trucks Rally in the Valley 10-15-2022 To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Monster Trucks and Tuff Trucks Fishersville VA 2022
Monster Trucks and Tuff Trucks Fishersville VA 2022
Monster Trucks and Tuff Trucks Fishersville VA 2022 To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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rpmarmy · 2 years
Tuff Truck Photo Finish 9-17-2022
Tuff Truck Photo Finish 9-17-2022
Tuff Truck Photo Finish 9-17-2022 by Chris Wolff & Jason Keys at Rally in the Valley in Fawn Grove Pa. To Subscribe to Midnight Madness 4×4: https://www.youtube.com/user/MidnightMadness4x4?sub_confirmation=1 Feedback is always welcome! Whether it's a Like, Dislike, or a comment so feel free to leave one! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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