skesgo · 4 years
So many G!Sans so little time
And thus the Gsans Pandemic had already commenced
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That moment when you change your sona AGAIN, but you're hoping this one will stick!
Anyways, here's a new ref. ;v;
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rittoh · 6 years
Fall (the best weather to wear a hoodie vwv)
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somber-pierce-flare · 7 years
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Just out of the blue, i decided to draw personal little sketches just for a few artists and friends a christmas gift(early/late). So I hope the following had or are having a wonderful hoilday and got amazing presents!~ (from left to right) @artist-in-training-wheels @neko--nya @midnightfoxgirl @battre-la-rage @tomatotechcentral @imjustalazycat @underchaser @manilove223 @qbanalras @nonbinary-gaster @lizherubones / @lizheruskeleton and @crossthefox . (this is only part one of what i drew up tonight.) I’m sorry for anyone i missed and couldn’t be able to draw, but i still hope everyone had a merry Christmas!~
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colbypuppythebaker · 8 years
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Happy Happy Happy Happy belated BIRTHDAY!!!!
I hope you had a wonderful day!
Sorry for taking so long on getting back to you on that drawing I promised, but hopefully this is “amazing” enough to be given as a present and sorry if it isn’t, either way Happy Birthday Colby! ^-^
*screams in excitement* THIS IS ADORABLE! Aaaaah look at the lil angel sans and demon paps! <3 Thank you @midnightfoxgirl!
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So my sister (@midnightfoxgirl ) has been making animations lately and I just wanna pinch the little fox’s cheeks :D Mission accomplished!
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muskka · 6 years
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Thank you for commissioning me  @ lldessyll   Bronze @ lldessyll  Rex x Bronze @ daddy-gigi  Pavot x Timer @fanficcentral30 Kamek x Bowser @ nekonicole013  OC @ midnightfoxgirl  OC x G!Sans @soloshikigami   Calibri  x   Verdana
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muddy-t-wheels · 6 years
So apparently...
There are certian ways to write letters... I wrote a ‘y’ and ‘d’ weird according to @midnightfoxgirl... there’s a certian way to write letter!?
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maro-san · 7 years
You didn’t hear it from me, but midnightfoxgirl did a coloring of your picture! :D
huh what is that supposed to mean? I’m a lil bit confused? 
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skesgo · 5 years
This isn’t a question but, Dude, you are so sweet and kind when reminding us to take care of ourselves, but I hope you are doing the same to yourself and not stressing too much
Henlo dear ❤ Ahhh bless your sweet face ❤ I just wanted to make sure that most of you are doing alright quq, my maternal instincts will kick sometimes whenever I'm away from Tumblr for too long ;; ((Is that weird??))
Don't worry <3 I'm also doing my best not to get too stressed from school. I took a lot of time to rest during breaks and the weekends. Which is why I have been avoiding social media for a bit q7q.
I hope that you have a wonderful day/night ahead, dear! and as always, please take care <3
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Hey everyone!
So seeing as @midnightfoxgirl didn’t tell me when she’d want her gifts for her B-day gifts, I decided to post them today! So...
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HAPPY (Early) BIRTHDAY @midnightfoxgirl ! 
(For those who are wondering her birthday is tomorrow)
I can’t seem to find the post but this is basically a redraw of this picture that I drew about a year ago :P
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rittoh · 6 years
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@midnightfoxgirl @smo1evi1chi1d
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somber-pierce-flare · 7 years
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First pic by @midnightfoxgirl Response: ohh...oh my...This is the most amazing gift, i absouletly love it!! Thank u soo much!~
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soloshikigami · 7 years
An Undertale Anniversary Story Part 1
           SoloShikigami had been wandering the world for a very long time. True to her name, she wandered alone. It wasn't that she didn't have friends, but it had been a while since she walked a path that others wanted to walk with her, and that was okay. She noted the interesting things she saw in the notebook she always carried, using one of the many pens tucked secretly in her belt, the ink changing color depending on what she wrote.
           One day, she heard a sound; music, to be precise. She wandered off her path and peeked over a wall to see the source of the noise. It was a tall skeleton wearing red boots, a red scarf, and an interesting outfit that seemed to be armor of some kind, with a smaller skeleton in black shorts and a blue jacket following faithfully behind.
           The smaller skeleton, surprisingly, looked over at Solo, giving her a wink, and then beckoned to her. Solo blushed at being noticed, but she looked around, climbed over the wall, and discovered Undertale.
           After some time, she started to notice others. She saw their art, read their stories, and was beginning to enjoy them immensely. Her fingers began to twitch, wondering if she should join them, but it had been so long...
           Solo started and turned towards the voice. It belonged to a little rabbit-like creature.
           "I'm Battre! BattrelaRage!"
           "Nice to meet you! Are you gonna write, too?" 
           "I dunno..."
           Battre was friendly, a good writer, and a great artist. Solo really liked her work, and after a little more time and encouragement, she began to write.
           "Another writer?! Can I see? Please?"
           Solo looked up and was a little surprised to see a small cat girl with glasses and wings that fluttered fast as she hovered in front of Solo.
           Solo blushed, gripping her notebook tight, but the eager blue eyes and an encouraging nudge from Battre loosened her grip.
           "This is so good! Thank you! I'm Purrfecktlysinful, but you can just call me Purr!"
           Solo nodded and smiled.
           "SOUL! EIZ! YOU GUYS GOTTA COME OVER HERE!" Purr shouted suddenly.
           Purr's friends came over, introduced themselves, Battre called a few of her friends as well, and they all sat and shared and commented on each other's works.
           More time passed, Solo met more people, her work began to circulate along with the others.
           "Excuse me," another cat girl, blue and black with green eyes and a shy but sweet smile handed Solo a piece of paper. "I hope you don't mind."
           Solo looked down; it was a picture of her, signed MidnightFoxgirl.
           "Thank you," Solo breathed, looking at her to smile. "This means a lot, really it does."
           One day, Solo was invited to meet more people who knew of Undertale, and she soon found herself a little overwhelmed as she met other artists that she admired, like Butters, Ursik, Ally, and Musska. There were great writers, like Type, Jade, and Uggy. Harujuu, a wonderful writer and artist, also became a good friend.
           Surrounded by such talent and so many people overwhelmed Solo, and she was soon trying to find a corner to settle into when she found herself face to face with another girl, blue hair and a mouthful of sharpened teeth, swinging by her legs off a tree branch, holding a picture out.
           "LOOK WHAT I DREW!"
           Solo blinked, then looked at the picture.
           "It's really cool," she said.
           The girl lowered the picture and grinned. "BlueTrashSins, nice to meet you!" Blue's grin shifted to mischievous. "Solo, yeah? My job is to keep people from lurking."
           Solo was about to protest, but found she couldn't.
           Time went on, Solo wrote and wrote, in fact she had begun to write more than she had since she was a child. Solo knew she had her new friends to thank for it.
           “Hey, uhm, you’re SoloShikigami, right?”
           Solo turned to the gentle voice. It belonged to what looked like a skeletal dragon with wings. Their eyes, horns, bits of their tail and feet were rainbow and iridescent, their eyes were kind, their ears and tail fluffy, their hands tucked into the front pocket of their red, asymmetrical hoodie.
           “I am,” Solo murmured, feeling a little intimidated by the newcomer.
           They sat down next to Solo with a smile. “I hope this seat isn’t taken.”
           “It is now.”
           The two were silent, the cool breeze playing gently around them, and Solo felt a sense of peace being in their presence.
           “Mercy-Run,” they murmured.
           Solo nodded. “Nice to meet you, Mercy.”
           Again, a comfortable silence sank gently between them. After a moment, Solo leaned against Mercy a little, expecting them to move away.
           But they didn’t.
Happy 2 Year UnderTale Anniversary! This is definitely far from true to life, but I’ve been playing with this idea about sonas and fandoms and just... something different for today.
Special shoutout to @battre-la-rage, @purrfecktlysinful, @undertailsoulsex, @eiznel, @0netype, @queenofsintale, @idontevenknowwhattoputhereugh, @muskka, @alldrawnup, @midnightfoxgirl, @bluetrashsins, @ursik-l-in-junk-mind, @kolesjoie, @juurizumi, and anyone that I mentioned in the fic but didn’t tag because right now I am really, really tired.
And of course, my sweet, sweet dear, @mercy-run. <3
And of course, all my other friends in this wild and crazy fandom... there should be a part 2, so please don’t think I forgot you XD
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raven-sinner13 · 6 years
Doing a drawing from watching Rittoh and gonna be drawing  #DrawRittohasafrenchgirl2019
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colbypuppythebaker · 7 years
RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
Tagged by: @midnightfoxgirl
A) Age: 25
B) Biggest fear: That no matter what, my best will never be enough- letting people down.
C) Current time: 2:59 pm
D) Drink you last had: Coca Cola
E) Every day starts with: Waking up before my alarm goes off, then either stay in bed until it does go off or getting up early. Bathroom, meds, breakfast.
F) Favourite song atm: don’t tend to pick singular favorites, don’t currently have one I’m obsessing over.
G) Ghosts, are they real?: I’m, kinda split on it? Part of me believes everything has a logical down-to-earth explanation, but another part of me thinks it’s fun to believe in the paranormal and at the very least they make good stories. That said, one time when my sister and I were little we watched a glowing blue humanoid figure go across the wall in our room. We were told it was a shadow... shining through the wall? SHADOWS DON’T GLOW. Maybe it was a light from outside but we’re in a rural area and... goodness that would really just raise more questions. So, I believe in ghosts but at the same time if in a ghostly encounter I’d want to rule out other possibilities first.
H) Hometown?: Wake Forest. Don’t really go into town too often, but I have fond memories of when we’d go to the old part of town to ride bikes to an icecream shop as a kid. That shop’s closed down now, but a super old hotdog place is still there and we still go there sometimes.
I) In love with?: @rittoh <3
J) Jealous of?: I can’t say I really get jealous? Kinda, what’s to point of getting upset at someone for having something just because you don’t? My emotions work in extremes, I’m glad I’m not the jealous sort otherwise it’d be draining.
K) Killed Someone?: Goodness no! 
L) Last time you cried: hrm... last Sunday? No wait I think I managed to keep myself from crying then... it would have been the last time I had a mental breakdown at work. So, probably the time they didn’t give me a place to work or tasks to do at work... so a couple weeks ago?
M) Middle name: Allsbrook 
N) Number of siblings: 1 
O) One wish: uuuuuuuh... *squirrels wish away for use at a later date*
P) Person you last called/texted: My mom.
Q) Questions you are always being asked: “Are you okay?” ...welp.
R) Reasons to smile: All the wonderful people I’ve met over these past few months, the animals getting up to silly antics...
S) Song last sung: I don’t remember, I was singing along to music earlier but I don’t remember what the last song was.
T) Time you woke up: 8:15 am. 15 minutes before my alarm goes off, so I went ahead and got up.
U) Underwear colour: varies.
W) Worst habits: Forgetful, I keep my nails nonexistantly short because otherwise I accidentally scratch myself (I tend to start picking at any scabs or at my head when stressed- better these days), leave socks on the floor where I take em off... eeeeh list probably goes on as far as being untidy around the house goes -_-;
X) X-rays you’ve had: Well, there’s the x-rays the dentist does, apart from that my ankle once when I sprained it really badly, and... I think they used an x-ray when I got a kidney stone?
Z) Zodiac sign: Pisces 
not gonna tag anyone specific this time, but if you wanna give it a shot go for it!
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