long-manic-nights · 1 year
Akashi and Midorima dated during their second and the beginning of their third year at Teiko. It ended as bad as you think. Akashi will never forgive himself for it. Midorima says everything happens for a reason, so it’s fine.
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dira333 · 1 month
I'd rather have one Snorlax than the whole world - Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader
tagging @true-deru and @alienaiver for the Pokemon theme even though I don't know if you know this Anime
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“What kind of Pokemon would you be?” Kise asks just as you all sit down to eat.
“What kind of stupid ass question is that?” Aomine asks back.
“You’re just angry because you’d be something stupid like Electrode,” Kise snarks.
“Quiet, Jigglypuff,” you tell him off, swatting at Atsushi’s hand when he goes for your dessert.
“But it’s Matcha Flavored,” he whines, “You don’t even like that.”
“Still. You’ve got to ask.”
“Can I have your dessert-”
“I am NOT Jigglypuff,” Kise cries, interrupting Atsushi.
“The iffy one? For sure.” Aomine snorts, getting out of the way when a book comes flying, smacking Kise in the head.
“What was that for?” Kise wails, rubbing his reddening cheek.
“You interrupted me,” Atsushi points out, voice dripping with annoyance before he turns to you again. “Can I have your dessert please?”
You sigh. “You didn’t have to hit him for that. Sure you can.”
“Yay,” he wiggles around a bit on the bench, knocking his hip into yours. “You can have my veggies.”
“Forget it, they’re for you to eat.”
“I’m telling you, Kurokocchi, you’d totally be a Squirtle. Your hair has the perfect color for it.”
“I am not sure-”
“And… and Midorimacchi is Turtwig. Green color and they both look kinda constipated.”
“Excuse me?!” 
With a sigh, Atsushi’s head drops onto yours.
“Tired?” You ask, rolling your shoulders back a little.
“They’re still at it,” he mumbles. “What’s so interesting about Pokemon?”
“Well, they all have some kind of character. It’s fun to compare.”
He’s quiet for a while.
“What Pokemon would I be?” His voice is so low, you barely catch it.
“I’ll tell you when we get out of here,” you promise, not wanting Kise to overhear. 
Atsushi huffs and sits beside you, pretending to look into the book you’re reading. Soon enough though, his head sinks onto your shoulder and his breathing evens out.
You let him sleep, even though it’s a little uncomfortable. After all, they have only so few breaks in between Class and Training.
Somewhere in front, Kise’s still discussing Pokemon choices, unable to find one that fits Akashi well enough to present it. 
Satsuki’s hanging off Kuroko’s arm, asking him what kind of Pokemon he thinks she’d be most like.
It’s still warm out, the approaching fall season not yet strong enough to fight the last remnants of summer. Still, Atsushi’s warm hand feels nice, wrapped around yours.
It’s not that you haven’t told anyone that you’re dating yet. 
It’s just that no one thought to ask. 
You’re pretty sure that both Kise and Aomine have no clue. After all, Atsushi is neither less nor more affectionate toward you than he was before.
Midorima would blow a fuse if he knew, so whatever he’s thinking about all the time, it’s not the relationship status of his friends.
Satsuki has only eyes for Kuroko and Kuroko, well… He knows. He knows for sure. 
But just like Akashi, he knows when to stay quiet about a topic, choosing to let it play out the way it wants to, smiling knowingly whenever Atsushi drapes himself over you.
“Okay guys, Satsuki, we’re leaving.” You call after them, motioning at the turn in the road that leads you home. “See you tomorrow!”
“See you!” Satsuki waves her hand exaggeratedly. “Let me do your hair tomorrow, okay?”
“We’ll see!” You tell her, which translates to a “Nowhere in hell” but she laughs and nods and runs after the others.
Atsushi’s quiet as you walk the rest of your way home, his thumb drawing odd shapes into the back of your hand.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask when your house comes into view, knowing full well he’s going to crash there first, taking a quick nap before entering the madness that is his own home - five children with equally large appetites do not create a peaceful atmosphere.
“I was thinking about what Pokemon you would be.”
“Oh?” You turn, curious.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “The only one I know is Pikachu but you’re cuter.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet.” You coo, pulling your joined hands up as if to kiss it before biting into his. “I could eat you up.”
He laughs, the sound rumbling through him.
“You’re so weird.”
“You love it.”
“I do.”
You smile up at him at that, pulling him up the stairs to your bedroom.
“You know what Pokemon you are?” You ask, managing to fluff up one pillow before he drops onto them like dead weight.
“Snorlax.” You grin, flopping down on top of him.
“Because Snorlax is big and lazy and cuddly and sweet and he likes to eat and sleep and do nothing all day.”
“Hmmm…” Atsushi pulls you in, hooking his head over your shoulder. “What a life.”
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japeneselunchtimerush · 9 months
Akashi Seijuro as Captain Holt Quotes
In honor of Andre Braugher's Death. Rest in Peace Captain. These are just scenarios with captain Holt in them that I can(even just a little bit) corrate to akashi.
(The GoM after doing something stupid again .)
Aomine: "Anyone else have the weird urge to lecture themselves?"
Aomine, as Akashi: "Aomine, what are you doing?"
Akashi, appearing from behind Aomine: "Aomine, what are you doing?"
Aomine: "I conjured him."
[Akahi and Kuroko are playing chess]
Akashi: I don't know why you're so confident you'll win. You still don't even know the names of all the pieces, you dumbass.
Kuroko: Nice, but I do know the names. I've simply rebranded them. My queen is Catherine, my king is Shakespeare.
Kuroko: *picks up pawn* And this little guy is Nijimura-san. Would you be willing to murder Nijimura-san, the love of your life?
Akashi: Yes, chess Nijimura-san means nothing to me.
[I didn't know what ship to use so I went with nijiaka cause I love that ship]
[Akashi after telling the Uncrowned Kings that Mayuzumi never exsisted]
Akashi: I believe the term is uh..
Akashi:Messing with you
Kise: So, Akashicchi I have some news
Akashi: What happened
Kise: Well, remember when you told me not to burn down the gym.
Akashi: You burned down the gym??
Kise: No, Midorimacchi had the fire put out almost immediately. This is a success story
Akashi: Here are two pictures. One is your locker. The other is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell which is which?
Aomine, guessing: That one’s the dump?
Akashi: They’re both your locker.
[Kise is playing a match in the seconed string and kuroko isnt available, Akashi is not taking any chances]
Kise: “You Guys”? Midorimacchi is coming with me? Akashicchi, with all due respect, I don’t need backup.
Akashi: It’s not backup. It’s babysitting.
Akashi: When people say "good morning" they mean "hello"
Akashi: When people say "how are you" they mean "hello"
Akashi: When people say "what's up" they mean "i'm a person not worth talking to"
[Akashi describing how he felt during teiko]
Akashi: I had been sitting by the pool contentedly watching a bee struggle to avoid drowning. And thinking to myself, how I am like that bee.
Kise: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to answer an age-old question. The question is: who here does the best impression of Akashicchi. You'll be judged on voice, body language and overall lack of flair. Everyone will perform the same scenario: Akashicchi eating a marshmallow for the very first time. LET THE Akashicchi-OFF BEGIN!
Midorima (impersonating Akashi): What is this glutinous monstrosity before me?
Aomine (impersonating Akashi): The sugar in this is quite sweet.
Murasakibara (impersonating Akashi): oooohhhh *starts giggling profusely*
Kise: That's your Akashicchi impression?
Murasakibara: I can hear him doing that.
Kuroko (impersonating Akashi): Looks like a sticky pillow.
Momoi(impersonating Akashi): I don't care for it. Classical music.
*Everybody laughs*
Akashi(entering the room): What's going on here? What are you doing?
Kise: Akashicchi, hey. Nothing, just eating some marshmallows. Care for one?
Akashi (picking one up): Marshed mellow?
Akashi: *starts giggling profusely while chewing*
Murasakibara: I KNEW IT!!!!!!
Extra Kuroko Quote:
Kuroko: "Nigou! Where is my dog?!"
Kagami: "Aren't you standing right next to him?"
Kuroko: "This bitch?? Please. Watch *kneels down* Shake, shake, pssh idiot. I know one of you took Nigou, and you did it for the sake of your sanity, but if anything happens to him, I will end you. I couldn't bring myself to neuter Nigou, but I will neuter you all."
Kuroko: "Wait a minute this isn't a vanilla milkshake. "This is a normal milkshake. And you're not Nigou. You're just some common bitch!
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kuroko-no-cuties · 10 months
I can hear Kise in this photo
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Hey, could I request some headcanons of how Midorima’s team would react to seeing scratches down his back (from the previous night with his s/o)? I’ve left the team open so you can pick whether you want to write vorpal swords or shutoku
Why not both teams? Lol This got so long XD
Midorima Shintaro
Takao notices them first and does a double take. His brain literally breaks trying to figure out how Shin-chan of all people could have what looked like nail marks on his back. Did he lose his lucky item and get attacked by a cat or something? He’s literally incapable of comprehending the idea that the marks came from sex
Since he’s in third year by this point, I can’t name any others, but the rest of the team notices after Takao squawks “Are those what I think they are?!”
Then it’s open season.
He’s not leaving that locker room without being thoroughly razed. They want details, lurid ones and the more he denies them, the more they want to know. Only Takao takes pity on him in the end, because he’s scarlet and scowling and there’s a scolding brewing – for you. Poor s/o.
Vorpal Swords
As can be expected, it’s Akashi that notices them first, though he doesn’t say anything right away. A small smirk and a raised eyebrow is about it.
Unfortunately for Midorima, the expression catches Kise’s attention and then all hell breaks loose. Well, for Midorima anyway.
Kise giggles like a little girl and exclaims at how good Midorimacchi must be in bed. Many teasing remarks about keeping you satisfied and how many scars he must have.
Kagami turns a mottled red-purple once they start talking about it, since he’s pure boy*. Also because the last thing he wants to think about is any of the GOM’s sex life. He is, however, familiar with teenaged boys (being one) and so he knows better than to complain about it. He just gets ready faster.
Aomine’s jealous lol Like, how the fuck is the weirdo getting some and he isn’t? Of course, he’s met you, so he knows how, but he’s cranky about it. Does get to teasing eventually though. So. Much. Leering. Probably demands details.
Murasakibara just sort of blinks. It’s not that he doesn’t know what’s going on, he just doesn’t see why it’s a big deal. What does it matter what Midochin does with you? Midorima actually appreciates Murasakibara in this moment, because he’s the only one that doesn’t say anything or do anything. He doesn’t even make a face.
Kuroko stares, the unnerving one that freaks everyone out. He’s a little troll though, and will probably ask if he marked you up too. He doesn’t actually want to know, and knows that Midorima would die before saying anything, but he likes poking the beasts every once in a while. Eventually says something like “I’m glad your relationship is going so well, Midorima-kun.”
Which is somehow worse than the jeers and teasing from Kise and Aomine. They all know the comment for what it was – teasing, maybe even mocking.
Takao has seen it before, so he just snickers, and Hyuga and Wakasa react basically the same as Kagami, only grumpier. Also, since they are outside of the fairly close knit group, they’re mostly just uncomfortable.
Akashi has the last word. He’s Akashi. He can’t help but get a tiny shot in, though he’s nice enough to end the teasing. “You exceed expectations, Midorima. ____ is clearly well taken care of.”
Midorima probably storms out of the room leaving laughter behind him.
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marshiro-blog · 2 years
Kise: have a great day Midorimacchi
Midorima: Don't tell me What kind of day to have. Getting all presumptuos and rude.
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phantomknights · 11 months
People gonna be rapping my characters name their first and last name are both really long and cuz the coach is gonna have to introduce them and so will other people itll go like this
Kise: “Who’s the new member, Midorimacchi?”
Aomine: “This? Oh, this is Nadeshikoiro Sekichikuiro.”
Kise: “..Eminem?”
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"oh! i heard it was your birthday. happy birthday midorimacchi." kise grinned, he didn't really get him anything thoughtful, but, he had something he could use. maybe. "feel free to use it anytime."giving him a 'one free favour' coupon.
Happy Birthday Shintarō! / Still Accepting! / @sportbaes
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A smirk came onto Shintarō's face as he pushed up his glasses the moment he read that Kise had given him a "free favor" coupon. There was no way he wasn't going to take advantage of this.
"Thank you Kise, I'll be sure to use it nanodayo."
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tetsunabouquet · 10 months
When Teiko Discovers The Werewolves Of Millers Hollow Part 2
PART 1 Aomine pointed to Kise, who looked insulted and decided to cast his vote on Aomine. Rolling his eyes, Midorima said, "You two are childish. I vote on the mayor, Kuroko shouldn't be underestimated." Momoi, being both herself and a werewolf, decided to quickly cast her vote on Aomine whose mouth dropped at the betrayal. "Satsuki!" Because he had two votes already, Kuroko decided to cast his vote on Aomine too. As the mayor, his vote counted twice; a rule that was implemented to prevent the voting in resulting into a tie. With 4 votes, Aomine automatically lost. "It appears the first to be burnt at the stake is Aomine! Will the devil inside of him reveal itself or did the townsfolk get the wrong guy?" Aomine revealed his card with a sour face, showing he was a regular villager. "Another innocent has been murdered! Will the townsfolk be slaughtered in a panic, or will tomorrow morning be a succesful endeavor? Night has struck once more! With your Seer having been killed, only the werewolves get to open their eyes!" Momoi, Nijimura and Kuroko opened their eyes again, the 'dead' looking on this time. Aomine shook his head, now knowing why Momoi had killed him off. Nijimura voted on Midorima, but Kuroko shook his head in silence and pointed at Kise. Momoi bit her lip before doing the same. Akashi could see where this was going. Kuroko's skills really shouldn't be underestimated indeed, just as Midorima said. He understood people. The coach once more did the trick of distracting everyone before revealing Kise's card. Another normal villager. Kise had definitely been pouting over not having a special role earlier. As the coach retreated he spoke again. "Upon the morning, people found Kise's headless body in his vandalized home. The clock begins to tick! Is this town doomed for failure?" Before everyone could even 'wake up' Kise cried out. "No, this isn't fair! Why did you kill me Midorimacchi?!" Midorima looked at him. "Why are you assuming I killed you, nanodayo?" "I KNOW it was you! Look at my headless corpse! I know you just couldn't stand my handsome face!" Kise cried out dramatically, already losing himself in the role of a ghost. Midorima groaned with annoyance, as Kise fake-bawled on the floor which the former ignored. He pointed his finger at Kuroko again. "I still find you highly suspicious. You did vote for an innocent person to be burnt." He looked at Murasakibara, as if he was trying to convince him of his argument but he only stared at the table in thought. Momoi voted on Midorima. "And I find it suspicious you keep trying to kill our mayor. You're a werewolf trying to create chaos and take the power for yourself!" "What are you saying, nanodayo." Mursakibara looked at the exchange this time, and pointed at Midorima. "Mido-chin's suspicious." Kuroko and Nijimura nodded and pointed their own fingers at Midorima, who once more groaned. "The town's folk have gathered around to burn young Midorima, but is the boy innocent or will the devil be burnt out of him indeed?" Midorima revealed his card and everyone was stunned for a second. The peeking little girl, which allows the player to peek between their fingers and spy. Midorima was the only player who had known who the werewolves were from the very beginning. Kise's eyes widened in realization. "Kurokochii, tell me you didn't kill me!" "As Kise's ghost realizes he was betrayed by the one he trusted most, night struck and the final human was brutally murdered." The coach said, considering Murasakibara stood no chance to survive as the only human left. Murasakibara looked up, blinking. "So I'm dead?" "Obviously, considering Momoi, Kuroko and Nijimura were the werewolves." Aomine grumbled. Kise pouted to the coach. "I need another round! My spirit has to avenge himself!" The group laughed, and the second round began. This time, Kise felt pretty great. As Cupid, he couldn't wait to pair up Kuroko and Midorima. He was looking forward to see them struggle to keep their each other alive, because if one died, the other would die of a broken heart. Hehe.
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debigpat · 5 years
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There a fanart of my favorite player of generation of miracle Shintarou Midorima from Kuroko No Basket ! Tell me in comments what player of generation of miracle do you like ? Follow @debigpat for more ! . . . . Tag : #kuroko #kurokonobasuke #kurokotetsuya #kagamitaiga #tetsuyakuroko #midorima #midorimashintarou #midorimashintaro #midorimacchi #midorimakun #animestyleart #animedrawingstyle #mangaartstyle #mangaartists #mangaarts #drawinglife #drawingday #drawingforfun #drawingreference #drawingonpaper #generationofmiracles #generationofmiracle #debigpatart #animeartgj #animeartists #basketballislife🏀 #basketballers #basketballneverstops🏀 #basketballart #basketball4life https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PY7lLB4Sy/?igshid=zcfepsqeaie8
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misfits1a · 2 years
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long-manic-nights · 1 year
Akashi and Midorima have very strong mom vibes:
“Why aren’t you eating, Ryouta?”
“I’m not hungry”
“You have to eat”
“But I don’t want to, Midorimacchi”
“You are going to eat”
“Okay, Akashicchi”
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diyingartist · 7 years
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knb series; sketch 1
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ryouta-aomine · 5 years
midorima: this relationship is over! you take everything as a joke!
kise, sadly: knock knock
midorima, sighing: ...who's there?
kise, tearfully: regret
midorima: oh i'm so sorry
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lost-sleeping-zoro · 7 years
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Midorimachi in military outfit :3 @noctolucis 💕 . #cosplay #cosplayphotography #portrait #midorima #midorimashintarou #midorimacosplay #midorimashintaroucosplay #knb #knbcosplay #kurokonobasuke #kurokonobasket #kurokonobasketcosplay #kurokonobasukecosplay #midorimacchi
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adoseofyukiya · 6 years
Since Then (Constant)
Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke
Relationships: MidoKise friendship, MidoTaka, hinted AoKise
Summary: Midorima Shintarou has long forgotten the last time when he actually didn’t celebrate his own birthday, all thanks to one Kise Ryouta whom he had the misfortune to call as best friend. He believed that this year would be like any other but it seemed like Fate has other plans.
A/N: This is me experimenting how to write Midorimacchi so please be gentle in rebuking me on how much I murdered his character here. Or maybe harsh, I’ll try to brace myself. I’m actually very stressed right now and it’s odd but I’ve began to turn into writing in order to cope. (I’m normally weird but a stressed me is even more so.) This whole fic spiraled out of my control to be honest. Simply because I got too engrossed in building the friendship for the two.  (シ_ _)シ
Of course the idea initially revolved around Midorimacchi’s birthday but the MidoKise was my innate desire and @nina3491‘s idea. So this is for her. I really do salute you for your efforts.
This is supposed to be a two-shot but I’ve only written like three words on the next part so it might take a while but I sure hope this won’t be the case.
Someone's at the door. Midorima Shintarou's sleep addled brain registered the words. The echoing sound of the doorbell evidently indicated it. And he has a good idea on who the culprit was. There was only one person who could possibly annoy him by simply ringing his doorbell.
Still a little groggy, Midorima forced himself to stumble out of his bed while fumbling for his glasses. He had to stop his idiotic friend from disturbing his neighbors. Not that it'd be the first time the idiot did it but of course with little charm and he'd get away with it.
Midorima dragged his feet towards the door annoyed and exasperated. He yanked the door open, eyes blazing ready to give the person on the other side an earful. His momentum was lost though as he saw the familiar sunny smile and heard the cheerful greeting.
“Happy birthday, Midorimacchi!” Standing outside his door at freaking four AM in the morning was Kise Ryouta, looking like he just stepped out of a photo shoot but in this case, Midorima was pretty sure that the blond was on the way towards one. 
The blond was carrying a cake with a lit candle on top smiling proudly and obviously feeling accomplished. Midorima only gave him an unimpressed look and crossed his arms all sleepiness and ire gone.
“Before you go into grumpy mode on me, you better blow the candle first. And don't forget to make a wish.”
Midorima internally sighed. He personally didn't believe in birthday wishes but indulging his best friend on their yearly tradition was well –tradition. He closed his eyes for a moment silently thinking for his wish. It’s a hit or miss, anyways. And it’s not the first time I’ve taken the shot. Opening his eyes, Midorima blew the candle out.
“I would give you a hug if I could but this -” The blond gestured towards the cake. “Just come in.” Midorima took the cake and allowed the blond to come in first. “Happy birthday again, Midorimacchi. I'm really sorry. I'd really love to stay and celebrate with you but,” Kise paused for a moment gave him an apologetic look before taking off his coat and hanged it on the rack. “I really can't skip this one out.  This shoot's a favor for a friend and I can't really refuse. So I thought that I'd at least wish you a happy birthday before I fly out. I must've woken you up.”
“I mean I know that Midorimacchi's an early riser but you must admit that four AM in the morning on a Saturday is too early even for you,” Kise chattered as he took out plates from Midorima's cupboard knowing exactly where they were placed at. Familiarity was obvious in the way the blond moved around his apartment. Given that they were childhood friends, Kise was practically entitled to know his way around his place. The number of times the blond had come to deliver his mom's cooking whenever he went back home while Midorima  was on his unending school works alone was countless.
“Where are you off to, again?” Midorima asked placing the cake at his table. Kise stayed silent and simply looked at him unimpressed, a pout on his face. Midorima sighed again, this time, loudly. He stood up and came around to the blond.
Kise placed the plates on the table and opened his arms for him. Midorima came closer and enveloped his childhood friend in a hug. The blond hugged him back placing his head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
Kise's chuckle was muffled at his neck. “What?” asked Midorima in confusion. “Why are you so allergic to feelings, Shincchi? At this rate you definitely won't find the courage to talk with that cute –“
“Shut up, Ryouta. And I told you not to call me that,” snapped Midorima letting go of the blond and turned his back away silently hoping his best friend won't notice his burning face. The familiar use of the other’s name signaled his ire towards his so-called best friend.
“Shincchi~” teased Kise, finally taking his seat at the table.
“Seriously Ryouta, stop it.” Kise, the childish brat that he is simply winked at him. “Should I call you Rou-chan just like the old times, then? Shintarou was a little too mouthful for a two year old back then. We’ve been together for so long, huh?”
Midorima chose to remain silent and simply began slicing the cake, making sure that the blond’s portion was half the size of his own. The number of times the blond whined to him about his diet was innumerable. Though, Midorima did notice that this type of whining was practically saved for him. And maybe to Aomine. Most likely this counted as one of the privileges of a childhood friend. Lucky him. It has indeed been so long, they’ve practically been friends their whole life beginning that rainy day when the Kise family moved in the house across theirs when they were still both snotty two year olds and now they’re both almost on their way to fulfill their dreams.
“Just don’t call me anything. We both know your naming sense is non-existent.”
“Excuse you. My naming sense is excellent. Just ask Aominecchi,” sassily replied the blond before finally taking a bite off his cake. “This is great! Murasakibaracchi’s really well on his way to becoming a professional.”
Midorima also took a bite off his own slice silently agreeing to the blond’s remark about the cake. “He’s going out with you. So pardon me if I don’t trust his judgment when it comes to you. Besides Aomine isn’t really known for his intelligence anyway.”
“I beg to disagree, Rou-chan. The fact that he’s going out with me is a statement of his intelligence, don’t you think?” proudly replied the blond. Midorima would normally count this as one of his childhood friend’s insufferable bragging, yet another privilege reserved for him, but he knew that the blissful look the blond was sporting now was one that was only reserved for a certain basketball idiot. And Midorima, despite being exposed to the couple’s undeniable connection from the beginning, can’t help but be amazed on how the two of them made everything work. He internally shook his head. The exposure to the sap that was his best friend and the lack of sleep was definitely making him maudlin.
“Whatever, Kise. Won’t you be late for your flight?”
The blond looked at his wristwatch before replying, “I’m still good but I do need to get going soon.” Kise reached out for his pockets and placed two small rectangular boxes at the table and shoved them towards Midorima. One box had a green ribbon tied neatly around it while the other one had none.
“Happy birthday, Shin. Let’s celebrate the next one together, okay?” The happiness that can be seen in the blond’s eyes can almost make anyone think that he was the one celebrating a birthday instead. But Midorima knew that every celebration of his birthday meant a lot to his best friend.
“Thanks. And of course, my next year belongs to you. Again.” Midorima sighed dramatically before pushing up his glasses. Kise, understanding Midorima’s rare jab at humor, let out a hearty chuckle.
The promise to celebrate their birthday for the next year was one of their traditions. One that they haven’t broken ever since the near fatal accident Midorima had back on his seventh birthday.
The two of them had planned to have their own celebration that day on their ‘secret base’ but the blond was unable to come because he caught a cold. Midorima still went to their base that day to get ‘Mr. Fox’, the stuff toy that he knew his best friend favored. He hoped it’d help his friend get better faster. He was on his way back to their neighborhood when he saw a collision between a truck and a car. And it was then that the out of control vehicle sent him flying off. Midorima was in a coma for two days before regaining consciousness, thankfully without any lasting damage. And when he was declared to finally be well enough to receive visitors outside his family, he got himself an armful of blond mess. Kise was wailing out loud and kept on saying, ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again. It took him hours to calm his friend down and to make him understand that the accident wasn’t his fault. Despite Midorima’s best efforts though, the blond won’t budge on his accountability about his accident so in exchange to stop his friend’s irrational behavior a promise was made that they would always celebrate each other’s birthday together.
From then on, Kise became a permanent fixture on Midorima’s birthday and vice versa. They kept this promise until it became a tradition for the two of them. Throughout the years, their methods of celebrating ranged from full blown surprise parties to quick drop off of gifts to one another but there was one tradition that the blond never failed to keep, the blowing of candles for his birthday wish. As a result, his birthday cake also ranged from order made ones with elaborate decorations, disastrous handmade ones to store brought cupcakes.
The tradition used to annoy Midorima to no end but when he realized that the simple act of him making a wish meant more for his friend. To Kise, Midorima making his birthday wish meant happiness and hope. Happiness because he got his best friend for yet another year and hope that he could look forward for the next one. This mentality used to worry Midorima but he gradually realized that his friend was slowly overcoming his dependency to their friendship and the trauma from almost losing his best friend as both their horizons widened. In the recent years, their celebrations has simply become a tradition, one they both have no intention of breaking. Not that Midorima would ever admit this fact to his best friend.
Back to the present, Midorima first reached out for the plain box. Inside it, was a simple black fountain pen. At a closer inspection though, Midorima saw that the pen had something engraved around it. Dr. Shin.
Midorima looked up to the blond who was now grinning ear to ear at him. “It’s your lucky item for today. I checked Oha Asa in advance. I hope that the engraving won’t mess up any of its ‘luck’. It only said a fountain pen but then I realized how something like that could be used more than as a ‘lucky item’ for a day so I had the engraving made. You must admit it was creative of me, right?”
“I’m not a doctor, yet,” absentmindedly replied Midorima as he continued to trace the elegant letters of the engraving almost in fascination. Shin. Kise was the only person who called him that, refusing to use his full name because it was too old fashioned according to him to which Midorima strongly disagrees. The blond used it at times when he actually felt like cooperating to Midorima’s request of not adding any of messed up honorifics and when he was being serious or when he was reprimanding him (a rare occurrence ‘cause it is usually the other way around for them).
“You’re such a party pooper, Shincchi,” pouted the blond. “We both know it’s only a matter of time for you to finally have that title. Make sure you use it once you’re a practitioner, okay? Now get to your actual birthday present.”
Midorima slowly unwrapped the box, untangling the ribbon and laid it down the table. A bronze rectangular pin was nestled in a pristine white cushion. It was another engraved item. A caduceus was engraved on its extreme right while words that almost awed Midorima was centered on the remaining spaces.
 Dr. Midorima Shintarou
Medical Resident
 It was a simple gift, one that didn’t compare to the blond’s usual elaborate ones, but it was probably the one that meant the most to Midorima right now. His residency wasn’t confirmed yet but seeing his very own pin at his own hands made his goal more attainable and concrete. He had no idea how the blond knew about his inhibitions but Midorima recognized that in his own very Kise-like manner, his best friend was showing him his support and his confidence that he’d achieve his goal.
I really can’t win against this idiot. Midorima internally shook his head. His fixation towards the item must’ve took longer than expected because the blond broke the silence that enveloped the two of them.
“Did you like it? I made sure to ask your professor for the specifications and he sent me to the place where students usually have them made.”
Midorima continued to stay silent still looking pensive at the pin which unsettled the blond.
“I knew it! I was being presumptuous, aren’t I? Sorry. I’ll take it back and find something else,” panicked remarked the blond. He stood up and was on the motion of grabbing the pin from Midorima when the bandaged fingers closed around it cradling it almost delicately.
“No. I like it,” resolutely replied Midorima looking straight to his best friend. “Damn it, Ryouta. I love it.” Midorima swallowed thickly to control his emotions. Then he stood up and circled around the table towards his best friend.
Kise was too stunned to do anything when Midorima enveloped him in a hug for the second time. “Thank you. I didn’t even know that I needed this but I do. Quite badly in fact. You’re a handful most of the time but you’re not so bad to have as a best friend after all,” whispered Midorima his voice full of gratitude and appreciation.
“I’m a great best friend, Shin. And we both know it,” replied the blond before returning the hug. The two of them stayed silent for a few moments soaking in each other’s warmth. Midorima wanted to say more to his friend on how much he appreciated him and how Kise was not the only one thankful that they get to celebrate another year with one another alive and well but he was never good with words so he only hugged his best friend harder hoping to convey his feelings with it. He knew that Kise being Kise understood him even without the words.
“Are you crying in happiness, Shincchi?” started the blond when he deemed the silence long enough for the unspoken words to be relayed.
“No, I’m not, idiot Kise.” To Midorima’s embarrassment, his voice came out gruffer than intended as a result of his overwhelming emotions.
Kise only chuckled before replying, “As much as I like receiving this rare hug since you initiated this, I really need to get going, Shin.”
Midorima gave him one last squeeze before letting go of his friend. Kise took one last bite of his own cake and downed the glass of water. Midorima was thankful that the blond didn’t tease him about the moment they shared but he should’ve known after all, Kise always understood him, words or no words.
“Gotta go. Kyoto is waiting.” Kise went straight to the door with Midorima trailing behind.
Midorima watched Kise take his coat off the hook and wore it back on in a swift motion. “Don’t stay cooped up here, okay? Oha Asa said something about how the one thing you’ve wanted for a while can be found outside the house or something like that. And Cancer’s in second place and you already have your lucky item so don’t even think about making up any excuses,” admonished Kise perfectly knowing how Midorima planned to spend the rest of his day now that he was left on his own devices. And he knows he can’t refute the blond because he knew he won’t lie about his fortune ever, not after that one time when he tricked Midorima about a fake one as a prank and faced the consequences.
“Fine. Maybe I’ll check out the library or the bookstore for a new reference book,” reluctantly agreed Midorima knowing the blond would definitely check up on him.
Kise cringed at his reply. “You’re so boring, Midorimacchi. Maybe I should call Kurokocchi or Aominecchi? You might want to shoot a few hoops with them,” suggested the blond.
“No need. I’d rather deal with one idiot even just for today.” Midorima crossed his arms on his chest.
“Mean, Midorimacchi. Even though you’re so happy with my gift you actually cried.”
“I –I didn’t cry, idiot Kise! Just get going already,” protested Midorima almost red faced in embarrassment.
“Fine, fine. Happy birthday again, Shin.” The blond was grinning before he turned around finally opening the door out.
“Thanks. And be careful. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I can’t have you miss me too much.” Kise gave him another wink before walking out to the hallway. The outside was still cold, dark and evidently silent as an evidence that their rendezvous was way too early for normal people to be up and about. Midorima shivered at the sudden drop in temperature and rubbed the sides of his arms for a bit of warmth.
Despite the cold, he continued to watch Kise on the hallway until the blond reached the elevator. The blond waved at him excitedly until the elevator door finally closed obscuring his view.
The smile that Midorima wore as he went back inside his apartment was a content one. The content feeling stayed with him until he finally went back to catch a few hours of sleep before he could fulfil his promise to his idiotic but definitely endearing best friend.
Oha Asa was right again. Today really is a lucky day. These were the last thoughts that drifted in Midorima’s head before he let himself succumb to the embrace of sleep.
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