#mieteve minijoma
bluevelvetvideo · 2 years
Bughead Appreciation Week: Fandom Love
Okay, friends. I know I have been MIA from this hellscape, but my love for Bughead and our community has not waned.
We've been on an emotional rollercoaster with our Buggie babes, but we've always had our fam to listen to our rants, write what our souls want, and gif our favorite moments.
This fandom is full of so many amazing and talented people. There are a few in particular who have made my fandom (and life) experience a wonderful one.
I want to shout out @bettycooper and @theheavycrown for being the bedrock of this fandom. Cat and Sarah have always been wonderful to me, and I am grateful to have been able to work on past events with them and to be able to call them friends. (Also I miss you both).
Special love and appreciation goes out to @mieteve-minijoma for being an absolute goddess. Bina, my love, you have been a source of happiness to me since the day we started talking. I have gotten to call you my soultwin for the last 5ish years (give or take). You are a beautiful, talented, boss ass bitch and I am forever grateful to have you in my life.
There are more folks in fandom who have touched my life: @srainebuggie @ratherdieasthedevil @sweetpea-cc @cacti-evie my original babes in this fandom. I love you all.
I owe a lot to this fandom. There are too many people to name individually. Just know that if we've interacted, i adore and appreciate you and all of your talents you share with us.
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mieteve-minijoma · 2 years
17 Crimes - Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 - About A Girl
Jesus... Cheryl might actually be The Red Queen... he thought to himself as he wandered among the hedges, his fingers tracing the petals of a blood-red rose. Well, no wet paint. Guess Alice got to keep her head... for now... 
Suddenly, Jughead froze as the sounds of someone softly crying floated through the night air. 
It was faint - as if the person was trying to keep anyone from hearing them - but he knew that whoever they were had to be close by. Typically, Jughead would have walked away, not one to get into drama or other people’s business, but his curiosity got the better of him. 
Plus, if someone was actually hurt, he would feel like an epic asshole if he just left them out there all alone in a creepy Kubrick-style hedge maze. (It wasn’t snowing, but knowing Thornhill and all its gothic horror aesthetic, there might actually be some crazy guy with an ax somewhere nearby.)
He followed the soft sobs to the center of the maze and found a blonde sitting alone on a stone bench, her back to him as she curled in on herself and cried. Even with her hair down and shrouding her face, Jughead would know this weeping angel anywhere. 
Betty Cooper.
Read First Chapter Now On AO3
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
for being so nice and cute, copy this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. 💕✨💖💖💕❤💕❤💖💕💖💕💕💖
ahhhh!!! you’re so kind to me!💜
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lizzy92rc · 4 years
⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it's time to spread positivity! 🌠💫
Love you💞💞💞
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At this point, Riverdale is whatever it is week to week, but our love for Bughead  isn’t going anywhere! (Lbr neither is theirs for each other.) Five-ever shoutout to everyone in our (excellent endless meme making) corner of the internet for continuing to take the time to create, show love to everyone who does, & just for being here & making this fandom a more gorgeous, hilarious, & excellently well-written place to be. 
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If you’re looking for all manner of choice reads, art pieces, edits, or gifs, don’t miss out on all the fantastic content and creators that were nominated this round! They can ever-so-conveniently be found in our Nominees Masterlist Posts: [Multi-Chapters] [Oneshots] [Specifics - Multi-Chapter or Oneshot] [Authors and Bonus] [9th Bughead Fanfiction Awards - Nominees AO3 collection].
Get out the bulk order Party Village FBI jackets milkshakes, it’s time to congratulate the winners of The Ninth Bughead Fanfiction Awards & flat out just celebrate our entire fandom! 
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Multi-Chapter Overall: Complete: kill your darlings by meditationonbaaal / @sweetsoundsofignorance
​​Multi-Chapter Overall: WIP: ​a shot in the dark by iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail 
Multi Fluff (TIED!!): I Seem to Have Loved You in Numberless Forms by lady_grey_reborn / @middleagedresidentofriverdale AND you can count on me by stonerbughead / @stonerbughead ​
Multi Angst or Hurt/Comfort: ​Scars & Souvenirs by bluevelvetvideo, Mieteve_Minijoma / @bluevelvetvideo, @mieteve-minijoma ​​
Multi Fantasy/SciFi: there’s something wrong in the village by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom 
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Oneshot Overall: ​five endings jughead never wrote (and one he did) by loveleee / @imreallyloveleee​
Oneshot Fluff: old friends by sullypants / @sullypants​
Oneshot Angst or Hurt/Comfort: Revival by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45​
Oneshot Fantasy/SciFi: Amor Fati by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle
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Favorite Betty or Jughead: ​Betty Cooper, Girl Reporter by sullypants / @sullypants 
Between the Sheets: Viper Radio by Lucivar / @lucivar 
Under the Radar: ​a soft epilogue by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom 
Tropefest: ​the unbearable temptation of jughead jones by Smudge / @thetaoofbetty​​
Favorite Series: Adventures with Uncle Hobo by EdgarsAbandonedRocketship / @edgarsabandonedrocketship​ ​
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Author Overall: LikeMeReckless / @likemereckless ​
New(er) in Town: ​EdgarsAbandonedRocketship / @edgarsabandonedrocketship 
Smut (TIED!!): lucivar / @lucivar AND Smudge / @thetaoofbetty​ 
Fluff: Loveleee / @imreallyloveleee ​​
Angst or Hurt/Comfort: ​​heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown
Fantasy/SciFI (TIED!!): easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 AND kesleyjo / @kesleyjo​​
Creative: thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle​ ​
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​Favorite Commenter: @stonerbughead​ 
Bughead Edit/Gif Maker: @bugheadchemistry
Riverdale Gif Maker:​ ​​@horrorlesbion
Fan Artist (TIED!!): ​​​@edamamechips​ AND @satelliteinasupernova
Looking to read all the winning fanfics? You can find them in our 9th Bughead Fanfiction Awards - Winners AO3 Collection!
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thestaredown · 2 years
Intrigued by the possibility that speculation about Jughead writing everything could be true (and looking more likely by the day)
But now I also wonder how far into fulfilling what was said in the 100 the next episode will go.
We were told Jughead would die and be forgotten.
Now Jughead has died, I wonder if the other end will hold true.
We could have another Jughead in his place and no one knowing who he is.
That is potentially interesting.
Thanks to @mieteve-minijoma whose musings have cracked open my head.
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stonerbughead · 2 years
@mieteve-minijoma tagged me and these are always fun so let’s do it
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people. No skipping! 😊
1. coffee - sylvan esso
2. doves in the wind - sza, kendrick lamar
3. motion sickness - phoebe bridgers
4. on your side - wet
5. coming back - james blake, sza
6. love you for a long time - maggie rogers
7. where did i go? - jorja smith
8. garden (say it like dat) - sza
9. moon river- frank ocean
10. bedouin dress - fleet foxes
okay this is the most on brand list of songs ever LMAO
Tagging ten babes @heartunsettledsoul @thetaoofbetty @sullypants @imreallyloveleee @iconic-ponytail @winterlovesong1 @lurker-no-more @bugheadcuddles @feisty-aquarius4 @simon-eriksson
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dayenurose · 3 years
Bughead Appreciation Week - Day One: Fandom Love Day
While this last season was airing, a friend who is only tangentially interested in Riverdale asked me to let her know when there were episodes (or, as it turned out to be, parts of episodes) worth watching. The criteria for ‘worth watching’ was simple enough—good Bughead moments. There really wasn’t much in the way of quality show content to offer her this season, but there were a few moments.
After 5x17, I started the conversation with “Last night’s episode of Bughead….” When I corrected my mistake, she responded with “No, I like what you call the show better.”
And, yes, I had to agree. Bughead is why I watch the show. It’s why I keep coming back, in hopes that the relationship developing over the first four seasons will return. But, while the show continually disappoints, the Bughead fandom hasn’t.
Being new to the fandom, there is an abundance of riches in which to indulge. I’ve had many more hours of enjoyment delving into the amazing fanworks than I ever had of watching the show. Because my record keeping is abysmal and I have years of ficfiction I’ve delved into over the past seven months, there’s no way I can mention all the writers and artists and fan creators that I have helped cement my enjoyment as a Bughead fan.
Here are a few shoutouts to those who have been part of my journey and have made it worth continuing…
@mieteve-minijoma (ao3) — We met in another fandom and when I finally took the plunge into Riverdale, Bina listened to me ramble about the show. She is an awesome, encouraging friend. Thanks for being there as I started this crazy journey. She is also an amazing writer. I love her Fairytale of New York series.
@50shades-of-bughead / @decydoodles (ao3) — Decy has created a myriad of worlds featuring Bughead, each of which pulls me deeper into loving Bughead. She not only has an amazing talent as an artist, but as a storyteller as well. Even when the story is a drawing and a few paragraphs, you know that there’s a whole world there to explore. Her attention to detail is spectacular. I love looking at her drawings and finding those details which add so much depth to the stories she’s telling.  Decy is also incredibly encouraging, kind, and generous. Check out her art on both her Tumblrs. Her SoS stories are absolutely spellbinding and has introduced Pen (eeiii!) to the world. Also, definitely give Armageddon a read!
Podfics - I’ve always been a fan of audio books, audio dramas, and other forms of audio storytelling. I love being able to listen to a story while my hands are busy crafting or cooking, etc. So, I was absolutely delighted when I came across these two lovely individuals who made Bughead podfics. Check out the collection of podfics by Mo1347 (I wasn’t able to find a Tumblr for Mo) and Hufflepuff Betty ( @protectorofthesmoll ).
For an added podfic bonus, check out HufflepuffBetty’s Welcome to Riverdale. It’s a clever fic which gives us a Nightvale AU version of Riverdale. (It works!) And, I can tell already miles better than anything we’ll see in Rivervale.
@bughead-in-the-comics - Before coming to Riverdale and subsequently Bughead, my familiarity with Jughead and Betty was mainly through cultural osmosis. Thank you to bighead-in-the-comics for your dedication in sharing the long history of Bughead in the comics. I appreciate all the work you’ve done.
@blueandgoldoffice, and @bughead-quotes - A big thanks to the folks that run these blogs. These blogs are dedicated to sharing (and finding) Bughead fics. They’ve helped introduce me to many an excellent fics that would have passed me by. And, the tag system at blueandgoldoffice has been a great help when I have an idea about the kind of fic I’m interested in reading at the moment, but don’t have a particular story in mind.
There are many more fics and authors that I have come to love. I can’t name them all. Here are a few that I have read multiple times and have greatly shaped my understanding and enjoyment of Bughead. While I’ve only mentioned one fic for each of the authors, all their fics are worth reading.
The Elusive Elenor Clancy by @darknessaroundus  (Part of the Willowdale-verse series)
On the Observation of Trifles by @thepointoftheneedle
a comic miniverse series by @sullypants 
Eye for an Eye by @lazydaizies
Cowboy Jones series by @writeradamanteve 
What Does Shakespeare Know? Parts (1) (2) (3) by makingitwork (@typing123)
For everyone I have and haven’t mentioned--Thank you for writing, drawing, making edits and gif sets, and sharing episode analysis, fan theories, and synopsis. Thank you for being part of fandom and sharing your work. Thanks to everyone who has liked, kudo-ed, re-blogged and reviewed. You all make our fandom a wonderful place to be. It’s all of you who keep us invested in this fandom and creating. Thank you. <3<3<3
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bluevelvetvideo · 3 years
Hello, I have just begun to read Scars & Souvenirs, which sounds very interesting, but I just need to know if the Jughead character will be modeled for Cole throughout? And possible Trula as Lili also? Jughead’s backstory of course is based on Cole, but I avoid RPF as generally and before going too far would like to understand just how deeply this characterization will extend in terms of the real people. (Obviously the events are not real!) Thank you for your time, I hope I don’t offend.
Hey Anon. Thanks for reading, we hope you like it!
To address your concerns about this being an RFP, it most certainly isn't. The only irl thing for Jughead that coinsides with Cole is a twin and a child star. Everything else is pure AU. If there are other similarities to the actors who portray our faves, it was completely unintentional.
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mieteve-minijoma · 2 years
17 Crimes - Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Sunday Morning
Jughead parked the truck in the empty driveway, turning off the ignition before shifting in the bench seat to face Betty. He remained silent, unsure of what she wanted to happen next but not really ready to leave her just yet.
“Um, thanks, Jug. I had a really good time with you today...” Betty admitted, smiling impishly down at her lap, their kiss still fresh in her mind.
“Me too, Princess,” he answered softly, “So, I’ll pick you up at like noon tomorrow?”
“Or...” she mumbled, looking up at him through her lashes.
“You could come in for a nightcap?” she replied, smiling at him with hopeful eyes.
“To tell you the truth, I’m not much of a drinker.”
“Me either but I had something else in mind-- if you’re up for it?”
“Color me intrigued...”  he flirted with a smug look, throwing her words back at her. “Are you planning to have your dirty way with me already, Betts? Cause, I only go to second base on the third date, just so we’re clear.”
“Oh, whatever!” she harrumphed, her ears burning, “Seriously, does your mind ever leave the gutter?”
“‘Fraid not, Princess. It twas born there and it shall die there.”
“Come on, gutter boy. I think you’ll like this,” she huffed, pulling on the sleeve of his coat and dragging him to the front door. “Say, you like video games, right?”
Read Chapter Four On AO3
Or Start At The Beginning
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it's time to spread positivity! 🌠💫
Hello you mythical marigold of magnetic proportions! 
You’re sweet! I’d hug you if I could. But like, respectfully and social distance-ally. 
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Hello & welcome to the Bughead Fanfiction Awards Nomimations—where we drop a ton of quality content all in one area for you to enjoy & celebrate!! Voting will open March 15th at  6pm EST / 11pm GMT / 9am AEST (16 March) & close March 22th at 6pm EST / 11pm GMT / 9am AEST (23 March). Be sure follow us so you don’t miss the voting post!
To find details on our eligibility process please check our original event post. You may also find the fics nominated in our 9th Bughead Fanfiction Awards - Nominees AO3 collection. Without further ado, congratulations to all of this session’s nominees!
Due to Tumblr being Tumblr, this masterlist is posted in 4 parts.
Author Overall (Ao3 username/tumblr url)
bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo 
heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul 
heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown
iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail 
LikeMeReckless / @likemereckless 
satelliteinasupernova / @satelliteinasupernova 
stillscape / @stillscape
stirringsofconsciousness / @stirringsofconsciousness
stonerbughead / @stonerbughead
sullypants / @sullypants 
thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom 
thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle
New(er) in Town
Bettsdevil / @bettsdevil
bugheadfangirl / @bugheadsfangirl
DayenuRose / @dayenurose 
dsvridiculousfangirl / @daphnesvieira 
EdgarsAbandonedRocketship / @edgarsabandonedrocketship 
Freezing82 / @freezing82
lady_grey_reborn / @middleagedresidentofriverdale 
nightskiye  / @nightskiye 
NotInWonderlandAnymore / @notinwonderlandanym0re 
ShyMeg / @shymeg
winterlovesong / @winterlovesong1
easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45
LazyDaizy / @lazydaizies 
lucivar / @lucivar 
meditationonbaaal / @sweetsoundsofignorance 
NotInWonderlandAnymore / @notinwonderlandanym0re 
riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming
Sarahxxxlovey / @quirksandcaffeine
Smudge / @thetaoofbetty
Sunshinebunnie / @sunshinebunnie
anchor_bird_94 / @anchor-bird-94
falloutmars / @fallout-mars
Ithoughtyoulikedmereckless / @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless
lady_grey_reborn / @middleagedresidentofriverdale 
literatiruinedme / @literatiruinedme
Loveleee / @imreallyloveleee 
MmbBlossom14 / @hbiccjsblog
mrscolesprouse / @mrscolesprouse
riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol
stillscape / @stillscape
ultravioletswift / @ultravioletswift
Angst or Hurt/Comfort
heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul 
heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown
iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail
LeandraDeRaven / @leandraderaven
LikeMeReckless / @likemereckless
likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love
literatiruinedme / @literatiruinedme
Loveleee / @imreallyloveleee
meditationonbaaal / @sweetsoundsofignorance 
msmaj / @ms-maj
SummerRaine14 / @srainebuggie
sunflowerx / @thesunflowerx
thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom
AdamantEve / @writeradamanteve
Cassidius_Wilde / @decysstuff 
DayenuRose / @dayenurose 
easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45
Goldy / @go-ldy
heytherejulietx / @heytherejulietx
kesleyjo / @kesleyjo
likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love
Mieteve_Minijoma / @mieteve-minijoma
msmaj / @ms-maj
polkadotpancake / @polkadotpancake
sandraven / @ssssandraven
satelliteinasupernova / @satelliteinasupernova
southsidewrites / @southsidewrites
AdamantEve / @writeradamanteve
bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo 
crazymisscarly / @crazymisscarly
DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus
EdgarsAbandonedRocketship / @edgarsabandonedrocketship 
falloutmars / @fallout-mars
flwrpotts / @flwrpotts
lucivar / @lucivar 
Mieteve_Minijoma / @mieteve-minijoma
sullypants /@sullypants 
sunflowerx / @thesunflowerx
thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle 
winterlovesong / @winterlovesong1
Favorite Commenter
Favorite Bughead Edit/ Gif Maker
Favorite Riverdale Gif Maker
Favorite Fan Artist
Don’t forget to come back when voting begins on March 14th!
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sunshinebunnie · 2 years
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people. No skipping! 😊
I got tagged by the lovely @actnatural-ly. Thanks, doll!!! 🥰🥰🥰 (Welcome to my schizophrenic mind…😂😂😂😂😂)
1) Emenius Sleepus — Green Day
2) Fantasia on a Theme — Master & Commander Soundtrack
3) The Nutcracker, Op. 71, No. 4 — Tchaikovsky (National Philharmonic Orchestra)
4) Cringe — Matt Maeson
5) High Hopes — Panic! At the Disco
6) Filthy Gorgeous — Scissor Sisters
7) Rolling in the Deep — Adele
8) The Day is My Enemy — Prodigy*
9) Out of the Garage — The Man From U.N.C.L.E movie soundtrack
10) Vi är f��r alltid — Kent*
*these are both on my playlist because my 4.5 y.o. ADORES them. 🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Tagging @jandjsalmon @juuls @joeyjoeylee @aestheticophelia @elisegenevive @riverdalenerdlol @mieteve-minijoma and anyone else who wants in!
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mrscolesprouse · 2 years
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people. No skipping! 😊
i got tagged by @hbiccjsblog @bugheadsfangirl @bugheadalwaysandforever @mieteve-minijoma
firearm by Lizzy McAlpine
Savior Complex by Phoebe Bridgers
Look Like That by LÉON
Late Night Talking by Harry Styles
Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex
Hard Times by Ethel Cain
Sunny and 62 by Mac Ayres
Hard Place by H.E.R
Lost In Yesterday by Tame Impala
Feel It All Around by Washed Out
tagging: @bughead4days @bettyjugheads @sprouseharts @literatiruinedme @stonerbughead @jugandbettsdetectiveagency @livelovecaliforniadreams @sprousehart-x @satelliteinasupernova @sabs1d
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cheryllclayton · 4 years
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Bughead Fandom Love Day
Wow, where do I even begin...this is the first fandom I have ever joined, my love for Archie Comics and Bughead drawing me into the show...and that drawl somehow led me here, to Tumblr (where I’ve resided daily ever since). I don’t think I can even call the people I’ve met here just ‘fans/followers/aquaintences, etc’ because in all honestly, after this long it feels much more like family most days (complete with the nuts that most family trees have as well as the relatives no one claims).
There are some of you who I talk to more than people I know in person, or just as much as the friends I see everyday, and as crazy as this fandom drives me some days, I will NEVER regret joining it as it has brought some of the most special people into my life, and blessed me with friendships that I will cherish for long after Riverdale ends. I know if I list people (which I will do below), I will inevitably miss some of these important people, especially with the tag limit (tho I may do a repost with more tags ☺️), but please know...if we have ever talked or interacted, or if I have read your work, or shared your art, or just sent an ask to say Hi, that means you are one of these amazing people who have helped shaped this disfunctional little family for me, and for that I will always be grateful ❤️. That includes my followers, even though some of us may not interact directly, or have maybe never chatted, I see you and I appreciate you. I love you guys (and Bughead) and I am so very thankful to be a part of this beautiful disaster with you🥰😘❤️.
@lazydaizies @daphnesvieira @laurie526 @jandjsalmon @lucivar @sweetsfuckingpea @a92vm @lilireinhartsboobs @charliemeg @anchor-bird-94 @gogenevieveart @easyluckyfree45 @likemereckless @theheavycrown @writeradamanteve @crashhale @lizzybuggie @sweetbettycooper @miltonbradley2015 @brook-a @peaceblessingspeyton @thetaoofbetty @lovedinapastlife @mieteve-minijoma @cooper-jonesxo @thugheadjones @riverdalenerdlol @ohmisskate @alicat-gotyourtongue @egbdf20 @edamamechips @latenightcoffeetalks @absurdsoutherner @sabrinas1d @literatiruinedme @sprousehart-x @itsindiansummer13 @thatiranianphantom @night-hawk94 @secretsofthesky @lurker-no-more @lilibug--xx @earthlaughsinflowersblog @blackberry-beee @tory-b @alpacalypseartb @sylwrites @crowns-and-milkshakes @gol-dy @jenny-jensen
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stonerbughead · 4 years
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bughead appreciation week | day three: favorite bughead trope
investigative duo bughead
our gif makers are hard at work celebrating our favorite partners in crime—check out (and reblog!) a gorgeous set by @jemmablossom and a beautiful set by @lilireinxarts celebrating our favorite teen detectives
but I thought I’d put some fic recs together that incorporate the investigative ~vibe of bughead because ever since Bughead’s first kiss caused Betty to have a revelation about “the car!” I have been a diehard fan of Bughead solving mysteries together. Between bughead working best when they work together being the most romantic thing ever AND it being the way they fell in love and the fact that it’s their literal KINK—investigative duo Bughead is peak Bughead, in canon and fic alike!
side note: I know i have a few investigative bughead fics sitting in my “to read” list rn—looking at you @heartunsettledsoul and @go-ldy
Plz feel free to reblog with additions, this is definitely not exhaustive!
a revelation in the light of day by @iconic-ponytail
The Final Girl and The Thaw by @thepointoftheneedle and the sequel “They started investigating a murder and then they started investigating each other”
What We Lost (What We Will Be) by @darknessaroundus
I Want To Believe by @bugheadsextape
i can’t fall in love without you by @thetaoofbetty
what doesn’t kill me makes you want me more by @heartunsettledsoul and @iconic-ponytail
Mystery Inc by @literatiruinedme
foolish hearts series by @catthecoder
Fairytale of New York series by @mieteve-minijoma
and finally, my contribution to this trope is probably the fic people know me the least for, but i’m still very proud of it—RAs on duty by @stonerbughead aka me and honestly thinking about it makes me miss S3-era Bughead craziness.
May Bughead solve lots of mysteries and eat all the pizza together for eternity 💖🔦🔍
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