#might come up with a better au tag another time we'll see
bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮. [Closed Doors]
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Jungkook makes decisions every day- but none has ever felt as hard to make as the decision whether or not to keep or leave you.
Tags/Warnings: Hospital/Medical AU, Doctor!Jungkook, slightly aged up!Jungkook, Hybrid!Reader, Dog Hybrid!Reader, another slightly heavy one but the comfort is strong with this hurt, angst, fluff, romance, strangers to lovers, blood, medical stuff, mentions of domestic (physical and mental) abuse, corruption, mentions of drug abuse, health scare²
Length: 2.3k Words, it's very tiny I'm very sorry
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: hi sorry I just really like this fic pls eat your vegetables
"The little guy is recovering good." Namjoon nods. "But we'll have to inform child protective services, no matter if it was an accident or not.." He sighs, as Jungkook nods.
"I'm pretty sure it'll go well if it really was just that." He says. "I can't believe people just leave this stuff around when they know children eat any candy they see the moment they get the chance to." He shakes his head a bit angrily. "If that boy was a hybrid he'd be dead."
"Luckily he's not. I'll send the boy over to pediatrics, and as soon as that happens, he's out of our hands." Namjoon reminds his friend and coworker, as they both silently agree, walking through the hall. "How's your puppy doing?"
"Awake, and she's been transferred out of the ICU this morning, so I'm gonna check on her now and see how she's doing." Jungkook sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"Have you decided if you want to take her in yet?" Namjoon wonders, greeting a fellow doctor who's passing by.
"No." Jungkook shakes his head. "Not.. yet."
It's a touchy subject for now- so Namjoon leaves it alone- letting the doctor enter your new room on his own, to check up on you.
It's quiet inside, no nurse yet present- and Jungkook is actually a little thankful for the short, quiet moment he's got. Standing close to you, he lets his hand run over one of your soft ears- now cleaned and fur soft and vibrant in color. It's something Jimin had informed him about yesterday- how you cried from happiness after he'd helped you properly clean your ears and tail, something that appeared to be very much unfamiliar and new to you.
It angers him, to know that you were nothing but something to show off until now.
So many of your health problems could've been avoided if you just had received any amount of proper care and attention. Yoongi already suspects that you might have developed some behavioral issues from the way you've been living until now- all that, combined with your physical troubles will take weeks if not months to resolve. If they ever resolve fully at all, that is.
Not that Jungkook really cares. He'd take you in even if you were to bite and scratch.
But it's not that easy, and he knows this. "Hello?" He carefully says as his hand shakes your shoulder gently. "Can you wake up for me for a moment?" He requests, and your eyes slowly open, squinting at the bright hospital lights, before you stretch- and hiss at something cramping. "Good morning." He greets you- and suddenly you seem to realize who's there- and your tail begins to wag under the blanket, ears turned towards him as you smile. "How do you feel, hm?" He wonders, but you don't answer.
It's to be expected. All of these traumatic events must've taken a toll on you- not just physically.
"Well you're looking a lot better already, that's for sure." Jungkook tells mostly himself, though he smiles when he spots you taking the praise for yourself as well. It gives him a moment just to quietly look at you; imagine what life could be like if someone like you was to wait for him inside his apartment, every day whenever he'd come home from work.
Surely, you'd turn his apartment into a home in no time. The thought of just a little more chaos inside his living space, a little more of a mess here and there, a bit of disorder in his life, might just be what could color his life a little more vibrantly. Make things more exciting, more emotionally valuable- maybe it could even make his life less about work, and more about..
well, living.
You're yawning, and he laughs, train of thought broken as he pets your head teasingly, before the door opens, and a very chipper Jimin walks in. "Ah, there's my favorite person!" He sings almost, walking in to put the small tray of food down, before he looks at Jungkook. "And you too, Doctor Jeon."
"Well thank you." Jungkook jokes, before he watches as Jimin opens the tray, revealing some light soup and rice for you to eat. It's only a small portion- just to slowly ease you back into eating, and not overwhelm you again. He notices how attached you seem to what he recognizes is an empty pillowcase of all things you seem to cling to, probably for comfort, taken from your first room you occupied. It's another problem- you now have no one to bring you any clothes or comforting items into hospital at all.
You're alone, all by yourself.
And for some reason, the realization of that small fact hits him hard.
It's been not even a full 24 hours, and you're already causing mischief.
"There you are!" Jungkook sighs, relieved to have finally found you near a vending machine two floors away from where you should be- which is in your room, in your bed. You, meanwhile, are just simply smiling at him, tail wagging at the sight of him crouching down to you to pet your head. "Come on now, you gave the poor nurses a near heart-attack by vanishing like that." He gently scolds, before he stands back up to his full height, reaching for your hand.
But you just let yourself fall to your side, stubborn. Tail still wagging, smacking onto the smooth floor.
"Got yourself a troublemaker, huh doctor Jeon?" An older nurse laughs, watching the interaction between the hybrid specialist and you while she prepares a cart with food trays for the patients. The news of Jungkook's interest in maybe adopting you permanently has made it's round quite quickly by now- mostly thanks to Jimin, who's the unofficial news reporter of every bit of gossip there is.
Jungkook sighs. "Seems like it." He chuckles, unable to really be upset with you, considering how glad he is to see you up and running again instead of pale and fighting in the ER. It's as if you finally realized that in here, no one actually wants to hurt you. No one blames you. No one is mad at you. You're actually being cared for here- you can truly be yourself, and no one's gonna get upset over it.
And slowly, Jungkook starts to see your true personality- which does help in his decision whether or not you'll fit into his life, or not. He's not made one yet- the papers are still at home, on his desk in his office, unsigned.
It's a tough decision to make, after all.
On one hand, sure; he really likes you, you seem absolutely sweet and also independent enough to stay at home by yourself if he goes by all of your documents, which included general assessment of your overall intelligence and social capabilities. You're a bit of an odd case- while your instincts are very strong, your hybrid features very well developed, and your overall behavior shows habits and reactions similar to a hybrid much higher on the scale, you do know how to properly process situations in a more human way.
For example; Loud noises startle you, but they don't make you panic. Food and snacks make you excited, but they're useless as bribery if you don't want to do something. You can read, write, and are educated to a very good degree, and you understand social cues without any issues.
But on the other hand, Jungkook isn't a man with endless patience. He gets frustrated easily, especially with himself- so what if he snaps at you on accident? Will you understand that he doesn't mean it badly, and that it's not even directed at you? And what about when he has to work- will you be lonely in his home, unhappy but too nice to actually tell him? He doesn't want you to just waste away while he's too focused on his career. It's something important for him, after all- he can't just quit and call it a day.
Even if you were to say that you don't need the attention, or the affection, or constant care or anything at all- he'd still feel bad for not providing it anyways. Because you deserve it. You deserve someone who can love you each day properly, someone who doesn't have to push you to the back every time his job has to take priority.
He's not sure what decision to make.
Or if there's even a choice at all.
Suddenly, you're pulling on his shirt to get back his attention- probably because he started to look mad while thinking. He knows he does this- it's why he usually turns away from patients whenever he has to think about something, which makes his face look upset. "I'm not mad." He reassures you, smiling again, petting your ears again while you watch him with suspicion. You're currently in a different headspace, regressing after all the stress and honestly rather traumatic events, which makes communication a little difficult- but everyone manages, since you're quite expressive in other ways, able to tell what you want and think either way.
Jungkook wants to take care of you- he wants to take you home, and make sure you're happy forever, but he can't be selfish, or too fast with his decision.
"Now come on, it's lunch soon. You hungry?" He asks, and you nod, tail wagging as you stand up alongside him, hand holding onto his shirt as you walk next to him-
and this time, he decides to cave in a little, as he instead holds your hand in his while walking back to your room with you.
Jungkook likes to play music in his apartment, even if it's just quiet.
It fills the space with noise, makes him feel less lonely, takes his mind off of things. It helps relax. But tonight, it doesn't really work, as he sits in his office, sighing as he looks at the unsigned paperwork still on his desk in front of him. He's read through all the documents more than twice now, knows what's written down, what information it all gives out to him- and yet, he's unsure what to do with it.
If he signs it, you'll be given to him for a foster time first- three weeks of 'trying it out' so to speak, to see if you're a good fit for him, and if he's a good fit for you. During that time, a careworker will visit randomly to check up once or twice, and at the end of it, it's you both who have to agree to an actual permanent registration. But Jungkook worries, he always does.
The thing he worries most about, is the fact that he feels like he's already in too deep. There's a small, pink and white plush toy in his lap after all, bought yesterday straight after work from a store specializing in hybrid clothing and other items. It's a comfort plush that holds scents very well, so he keeps it close to his body ever since buying it to offer it to you tomorrow morning when he's back in hospital to check up on you.
And yes, he has been browsing what a dog hybrid of your specific breed might need to live a happy life. He might also have looked up options for sports or other activities you might want to do-
he's really in deep, isn't he?
He sighs yet again, scratching his head in frustration after he puts down the pen, staring at the 'signature here' spot at the bottom. It could all be so easy, but he really doesn't want to fuck this all up.
He knows from Taehyung, an anesthesiologist and good friend, that having a hybrid can actually work out perfectly. He's balancing it just fine, his own hybrid at home happy and healthy, his work never suffering, his happiness thriving. The young medical worker always shows off pictures of him and his hybrid, proudly, and he really has every reason to be, considering where she came from.
But Jungkook also knows how tough it can be.
He's reminded of it every time he checks up on Yoongi and his cat hybrid- now awake, but clearly in distress over her lack of control over her own body, and it's going to be a long road to recovery for her and Yoongi just as much. He knows they'll get through it- but the amount of heartbreak and absolute terror that went down just scared Jungkook, straight up.
And he knows, your future together is absolutely going to be both of those scenarios- good, and bad.
"What's the worst that can happen.." He hums to himself, one hand playing with the fuzz of the comfort plush in his lap, little black eyes staring blankly at him, tiny mouth curved into a forever smile.
You deserve a happy future. You deserve to have opportunities, and care, and affection, and a stable environment you can rely on, and thrive in. And he won't ever really gain the knowledge of that happening if he's not the one providing that for you.
And yet, the doubts are still there, clouding his mind.
What's he going to do?
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
I keep forgetting to send these in XD stuff I've thought of for the ship Grycho (you don't have to post publicly if you don't want to, I just wanted to be able to use italics and stuff)
- I'm not sure how you imagine they got together. But me personally, I think it might have been like a slow burn situation. Like maybe they got separated from the others somehow (whether it be for a mission or they got in trouble), and now they have to work together. Maybe whatever this situation, they'd see sides to each other they didn't see before, and it brings them closer ^^
(Either thar or, alternate scenario that's kinda crack, they were together but broke up before the gang got together, and are nowkinda bitter exes (or rather they're still in love and don't want to admit it) and that's why they fight all the time)
- Ok so I they did get together, I imagine they'd deal with their drastic horny levels in one of two ways. One, either Psycho will sleep with Greasy (when he's in the mood) for him. Or two, they make like some sort of agreement that Greasy can still go out and find someone to sleep with, as long as he always comes back home to Psycho (I'll be honest, I like the second option a bit more. It's sweet that they'd trust and love each other that much)
- if it's the latter, Psycho would be all over Greasy as soon as he comes home. Partially because he missed his boyfriend, and partially to get the smell of another person off of him (this will also become an indicator to the others whether or not Greasy got some. So Greasy can't lie about his fuck number anymore XD
Greasy: "Oh, I found a particularly beautiful woman last night. We had quite the time too~"
Wheezy: *glancing at Psycho, who's just doing his own thing right now* "... Really?"
- I'm not sure which I like better; them fighting less because they're now in love and becoming one of those complete opposite couples thar rarely fight, or they still butt heads, but now the other weasels won't try to intervene because they know that Greasy abd Psycho are going to be gross (as Smartass would put it) again in like fifteen minutes... Kinda like Tiffany and Chucky XD
(Omg. AU where Greasy and Psycho are Tiffany and Chucky. Who would be Glen and Glenda? (Stupid and Y/N from the Smartass' daughter AU XD))
- Also, since they're boyfriends, they can now do more missions together WITHOUT anyone else tagging along to be a mediator between them. I like to think that they have the potential to be a dangerous duo.
- If Psycho can get away with it, he'll refuse to eat anything that isn't Greasy's cooking. If he's starving, he'll accept a sandwich. But he would prefer his boyfriends food anyway.
Psycho: "No! I'm not hungry!" *liar*
Wheezy: "Look, Greasy has been gone for hours, and I'm pretty certain he's gonna be gone for another few. So please, just fucking eat sonething."
Psycho: "... No."
Wheezy: *smokes harder*
- not really a headcannon, more like a crack idea; in your Smartass' daughter story, Greasy and Psycho become Y/N's crazy gay unkles. If they didn't live with each other, Smartass would be like "Oh fuck they're coming over." Whenever he gets news that they're dropping by (assuming they'd even give him a warning XDD)
(Which also makes me think of when Jessica was asking 'What if she likes girls' in your last chapter. I can't stop imagining Greasy and Psycho just looking at each other in humor/sarcasm like "Omg babe, are we homophobic?" "I dunno, our pre-outing make-out session was pretty sus." XD)
That's all I've got today. I hope you like these! ^^
OOOOOH I'm picturing the Toon Patrol have to make a quick getaway and Greasy and Psycho were too busy fighting to notice- and then the van is gone and they're left alone together for the f i r s t time ever. They manage to find a phone, call Smartass, and ask what the motherfucking heck happened. When he basically says 'we had ta get outta there. You bozos were too slow. Now get a motel room and we'll come getcha in a week'.
And thus, their rom com beginning XD Greasy and Psycho stuck in a seedy motel with only eachother for a week (Possibly more is Smartass is feeling particularly mischeivious- or Wheezy pays him).
I love the second option too!! But like, imagine if Psycho only agrees to it because Greasy's never managed to snag ass before, so what makes him think now he'll be successful?? But then one day his manipulative pervert comes home covered in someone else's stink and a smug look on his face, and- YES!! suddenly Psycho is a l l over Grease. Rubbing himself on him to get his sent back on him.
Ahhh! Contrary-wise, I actually like the idea of them still fighting a lot!! But like- it's not out of hatred anymore. Just annoyance and differing opinion. The only way you know they're more then coworkers is the very careful way they watch eachother in a dangerous situation and the way they protect eachother ^^ (IMAGINE PSYCHO GETTING TERRITORIAL OVER GREASY. Like, someone's threatening to hurt Greasy and Psycho suddenly comes out like a rabid animal. Greasy knows Psycho will always come to protect him like a guard dog now, too, so he's even less concerned these days about insulting people bigger then him 😅😅😅) (Also, IMAGINE GREASY TALKING PSYCHO OUT OF SCRAPES. Like, if Psycho chewed up the neighbours rose garden and the neighbour was p i s s e d, Greasy would be there to smooth things over. 'Sí, Sí, no it will never happen again. Never. We promise you. Right Psycho?? That growling means sí. Bye bye now!~ *as soon as they're out of earshot* and good riddance 🙄, that rose garden was heinous.')
OH THEY'D BE SUCH A DANGEROUS DUO. At least that's one thing Smartass is happy about XD Wheezy, too, now he doesn't have to mediate 😅 they'd also be a pretty... scary duo, too though. They have very similar levels of empathy... which is not a lot. They'll get the info, and still kill the guy. No one will ever find the body and the only reason Smartass, Wheezy and Stupid even know what happened is because of a very suspicious grin the two shared at breakfast.
Omgggggg, that last one 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I need to see Jessica's resonce to that. She'd be so fucking done.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @tetrapod7 ...i did some of them already, but not all! so i might as well answer the ones i didn't already answer!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 155! now that i have an anonymous fic these all will get more annoying to answer, looool
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 478,822
3. what fandoms do you write for? right now i just write for "men's football rpf." i'm occasionally tempted to write for the Old Fandom again.
4. top five fics by kudos: top 5 of all time are all from a song of ice and fire days:
drabbles of ice and fire
egg baby
arya saves the day
ends and beginnings
was i the best writer of aged-up arya/jaqen AUs in the fandom? uh, yes, since 4 of those are...that, lol.
if we're just talking footy though...
shakira ex machina
two hundred words to say i love you
ça c'est ma dope
oh ffs...removing the crossovers....
shakira ex machina
two hundred words to say i love you
the right kind of blue
desperate times
5. do you respond to comments? sometimes....when i don't lose track 😭 i need to be better...
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i answered that here!
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ummm...not sure. could it be 5.VII? that's a really satisfying ending. i'll go ahead and say that one.
8. do you get hate on fics? only once, and it was a very pathetic stab at armchair activism "how dare you write a fic on this problematic topic" shit. it could happen again at any time i guess.
9. do you write smut? unfortunately...i'm not very good at it and it stresses me out.
10. craziest crossover: i wrote hozier x jaqen h'ghar for my bestie long ago and posted it at like ass am in zurich airport :')
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? yes! answered here. it was this rakidric! published 3 days before we all locked down. i have not read this in a zillion years.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? also answered here!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? answered here but also i want to cowrite with someone so very much!
14. all time favorite ship? also answered here!
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? my ivantoine, "In The" :'( and others too...my post-WC modren for example. i'm wondering if Mare Liberum will ever be finished. we'll see...
16. what are your writing strengths? i think i am confident and experienced and that comes across (?) even things i wrote a while ago, that i think are "better" (more artistic, more daring) sound less experienced at the same time. my dialogue has improved so much. i think my fics have a good rhythm--varied sentence lengths, good use of repetition and parallelism, line breaks, etc. i like to think i can get people to empathize with/care about people they didn't expect. my writing helps me examine my own flaws. i am not sure what else? my bff said i describe love and loss really well <3
17. what are your writing weaknesses? i think i'm a weak writer, actually! i think my writing is shallow and always sounds the same. a lot of angsty endings, alienated characters, sounds more immature than it should. i don't know how to make porn hot (because i think strange things are hot, i guess?). truly, i've been grappling with how shallow it all sounds. i am a deep feeler (lol) but not a deep thinker at all and i think that shows.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? answered here
19. first fandom you wrote in? answered here!
20. favorite fic you've written? honestly--my favorites are probably still trophy boyfriend and then "chief of the armed forces" because that's just an absolute crackfic masterpiece. in footy...i probably should pick some favorites, no? let's go with dangerous, i tore off the golden branch, possible red card - violent conduct, rojo y blanco/crvena bijela, and 5.VII. i feel like some franko fics belong here but i just chose 5!
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sorceress-queen · 2 years
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I posted 1,365 times in 2022
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I tagged 1,351 of my posts in 2022
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#morgana - 310 posts
#arthur x morgana - 177 posts
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#modern au - 103 posts
#rp musings - 83 posts
#rp musing - 77 posts
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#musings - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#//speaking of which merlin as patroclus or odysseus even and arthur as achilleus and gwen as briseis maybe 🤔 heck that role could even fit
My Top Posts in 2022:
So I did this wonderful uquiz again, well tried to do it as Mogs from the rock star au. And I teared up when reading the result cause it fits to where she is with love right now, and how hopeful she is about it all. Maybe next time I try and do this quiz for her college days or just pre love confessions between her and @arthur-rex 's amazing Arthur 🥰. We'll see, I just really love this quiz a lot for some reason 😅.
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soft fresh green
Nice breeze, bare feet and freshly cut grass. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's protecting your eyes from the sun but enjoying the light rays still, it's laying on the grass and feeling it tickle your neck. You look to the side and they look back at you, full of hope and plans too. You plan together and laugh all day and your sunburn will feel like them.
Your love is delicate, hesitant. A well curated binder full of collages for a future you can't be sure will come, but you keep going, you keep planning, you keep squinting at the sun and smiling, and running your hands through the grass so it will smell better. You keep holding onto the bright sky even as the sunsets, even as the starry night stares back. But you keep on holding, you keep on dreaming, you close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin and convince yourself that the sunburn is good, it's something to hold on to, just makes it linger a bit longer. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's sweet and wonderful and it keeps love alive, makes the world a better place. You run your hands through the grass, clench your fingers tighter and keep making plans. And I can only thank you and hope I can learn to love like you someday.
17 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
I really wish that we would have gotten an episode in S1 when ArMor was still a thing on the show as a romantic pairing about a noble/prince being interested in marrying/courting Morgana when he comes to visit Camelot or for the main four (Arthur, Morgana, Merlin, Gwen) to travel to another kingdom for diplomatic reasons (would give us a chance to see places other than Camelot and expand the world) And if we put this ep sometime after the Valiant one, just imagine Arthur trying to prove that the man is evil or sg, in order to protect Morgana. (plus there could be some funny scenes happening while he tries to prove the guy's evilness, who could just be a good person really)
@twisted-shipper 💕 I thought this idea might interest you.
18 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Arthur x Morgana [ArMor]
Pure marital bliss & marshmallow sweet fluff + Morgana is pregnant. 🤗
"Arthur," Morgana nudges his side and he gives her an annoyed look after getting woken up, then his expression becomes alarmed. "Is everything alright?" He questions her as he sits up, his hair standing in all directions while he looks around.
"Yes, I..." she trails off and giggles when she notices his hair in the moonlight. "Yes, everything is fine." She assures him and takes his hand in her own.
"The baby kicked for the first time." Morgana smiles as she places his hand over her baby bump.
"Night owl like you, hmmm?" He asks as he settles back on the bed, rubbing her stomach slowly, experimentally, with an awed expression on his face at the life that they have created together with Morgana.
"Maybe," she chuckles as she leans back against the pillows. "or just energetic like their dad." Morgana smiles and runs her fingers through his messy hair for a moment.
Arthur hums and looks at her while he continues to caress her stomach. "Now, 'Gana you are energetic too." He mumbles and kisses her shoulder before he nuzzles his nose against her neck to make her laugh which she does.
"It tickles," she complains between giggles before stilling completely when the baby kicks again. "Did you feel it?" She asks as she turns to her husband; their noses pressing together. "I did," he nods and smiles brightly at her, twirling a lock of her hair between his fingers before he leans in for a kiss.
"You are amazing," he whispers against her mouth while he pulls his wife into another kiss.
"And what else?" She asks playfully as she moves to straddle his lap, the covers falling around her body as she does so. "A shirt stealer." He jests and tugs at the hem of one of his red shirts on her.
"Arthur," she pouts and moves to swat at his shoulder, something she has done since they were kids and she never quite grown out of, not that he would ever want her to.
"Alright, alright," he sighs as he gives in, she is far too adorable not to; he pulls the covers back around her to keep her nice and warm.
"You are clever, you are magical, you are the most beautiful woman in my eyes. I admire your sharp tongue and your horsemanship and the way you use a sword, taught by me, of course." He grins as he punctuates each word with gentle caresses all over her body, paying close attention to the spots he knows ache due to her pregnancy.
"You have gotten so much better at complimenting me, my King." She smirks as she leans down to kiss him but he meets her halfway, his fingers twining in the soft curls at the back of her head. "Mhm... I have had time to practice, my Queen." He chuckles and presses a kiss to her mouth and then her cheeks and temples.
"We should go back to sleep." He whispers; his forehead is pressed against the side of her head. "Yes, we should... ." Morgana agrees and squirms a little.
"You know I am always here for you, I am not going anywhere. Should you have a bad dream or... a vision wake me up." He presses kisses all over her face until she smiles and nods her head.
"I'll hold you, as always." Arthur assures Morgana as they settle back into a more comfortable sleeping position, their heads resting on the same pillow.
"I love you." He whispers as her hand seeks out the spot over the left side of his chest to feel the drumming of his heart beneath her hand.
"I love you too, Arthur." She says it back as she gazes into his loving eyes, his hand seeks out her rounded belly once more. He doesn't take it off even after he falls back into a peaceful slumber with his other arm lazily thrown over her waist.
19 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
It's likely to sleep deprivation (I woke up like five-six times for no apparent reason) and my mind being in ArMor gutter rn but this got me thinking of them having an almost-kiss moment and Uther walking in lmao. Pre reveal though if it happens after the reveal then ooooooooh, the angst just unf.... Also, I wonder if they were each other's first kiss when they were younger; Arthur is older than her in the series, I think, so I can see them having an 'argument' about stuff like kissing that leads to them exploring it but IDK. I don't even think I am making sense at this point and this is not going to reach a lot of people anyway, which due to how silly this is I don't mind at all. Perks of shipping a not-so-popular ship in a fandom.
22 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have been thinking and I feel like we were robbed from getting an episode of Morgana under a love spell in s1-2 era, possibly even s3, but I'd really prefer s1. Like imagine some Duke believeing that he could get Uther's support and all by marrying his son to the King's Ward.
Gwen trying to be supportive but confused about Morgana's behaviour, compared to the last time this particular noble family came to visit Camelot. Plus, she hasn't heard Morgana 'complain' about Arthur in days now.
Arthur trying to cover up his jealousy and being offended should Morgana consider that man over him as her Champion. And trying to make her see reason that that buffon is no good for her. I'd low-key love for them to have a chat like the one they had about Sophia, I think, where he says something like 'If you are jealous Morgana it's okay to admit it, it wouldn't be the first time now would it?'
Merlin being on the fence about finding a cure cause Killgarah probably said something about how it would be better if Morgana married the Duke's son compared to her staying in Camelot, but in the end deciding to do the right thing and cure Morgana.
@twisted-shipper I thought you might like this idea of yet another s1 era episode I wish we would have gotten. And yep jealous Arthur again cause why not 😌.
23 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
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nirikeehan · 2 years
End-of-Year Fic Writer Round Up
I got tagged by @rakshadow and @little--abyss to do this (the latter of whom GENEROUSLY gave me a shoutout in their favorite read fics this year which has just sent me OVER the moon!!) so... why not, let's goooo! Each one had slight variations, so I tried to combine them.
Also tagging, if you are so inclined:
@anneapocalypse | @warpedlegacy | @oxygenforthewicked | @highwayphantoms | @monocytogenes | @inquisimer | @bluewren | @delicatefade | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @fandomn00blr
Words posted: ... AO3 claims it's 120,351, which I'm honestly not sure is actually possible. My stats are sorta screwed up -- a large quantity of my overall count was posted in 2019, which doesn't show up on my totals at all. 🤔 So I'm not sure if it's actually that high. I did write a lot this year, though, so it might be.
Additional Words Written: According to Scrivener, I have an additional 13,642 words that come from miscellaneous fills for @dadrunkwriting, some of which are random snippets and some that might feature in future chapters of fics, so we'll see.
Grand total of words: If the stats are to be believed, that's around 134k. holy shit. That's like two full length novels. Apparently I CAN write a lot in a short time, as long as I break them up into multiple projects and rotate through them at random, lmao.
Fandoms: 2 (Dragon Age and the Witcher)
Highest Kudos: Tactical Maneuvers, a light-hearted and frankly silly smut piece featuring Thalia/Cullen. It's got 58 kudos.
Highest Hit Oneshot: Also Tactical Maneuvers at 911 hits. It's officially my second most popular fic ever, after a Star Wars Reylo longfic I was writing at the height of that fandom, lmao.
Smut scenes: In addition to the above, there's also a smut scene in chapter 5 of Kingdom Come. That one's between a widowed Thalia and Thom Rainier. I strive for nothing if not equal representation of points in that love triangle, lmao.
New things I tried: I played around a lot with different fic lengths this year. For most of my life if I had an idea for fiction, I would pour heart and soul into this ONE THING for months or years until I ran out of steam and... eventually abandoned it due to burnout. I tried to be kinder to myself this year and write whatever the hell I wanted to when I wanted to. I wrote a lot of one-shots, but I have a handful of ongoing multi-chapter fics going, too. I'm not sure how long any of them might end up being, but I learned I do a lot better juggling multiple projects than becoming hyper-focused on one and being unable to start another until that one is properly "finished"... that would lead to a cycle of guilt that often meant I would write nothing at all. So this seems to work much better!
Fic I spent the most time on: It's hard to gauge due to how my previously explained process works, but it's probably Through a Glass, Darkly. It started as a dark one-shot in April but I was so intrigued by the nightmare au setting that I decided to expand it into a longfic. I've done the most world-building for that one, and it's the longest right now at 6 chapters and 24k words. I think the scope on that one is the most ambitious too, as it's a cat-and-mouse game between Thalia Trevelyan, Cullen and Samson, and I'm hoping to expand the cast of on-screen characters as well. Also Thalia and Cullen might have to actually like, idk, fix the nightmare world at some point 🤣 and that's not even addressing the tension that keeps getting weirder and weirder between Thalia and Samson...
Fic I spent the least time on: Hard to say for sure, but probably one of the one-shots I wrote for Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle that came to me in a flash, like Shadows in the Rain (Thalia/Cullen in battle together), Heavy in Your Arms (Thalia/Blackwall post-Trespasser angstfest), and The Wolf in Your Darkest Room (Thalia/Blackwall post-Revelations angstfest).
Favourite thing I wrote: I just keep coming back to A Little Grace, and Some Elegance. I was in a dark place at the beginning of the year and banged out 10k in a week or two in some sort of fugue state. It's technically Thalia/Cullen, but focuses far more on Cullen and Samson's friendship, how it fell apart, and the role lyrium addiction plays in both their lives. Since it's complete, it feels like the best finished piece of writing I've done this year.
Favourite thing I read: I read a lot of excellent stuff this year, especially through DA Drunk Writing, but here's a few that stick out in my mind as being especially right up my alley. Love Lost Love Found by Meraad (7 chapters, WIP) is super delightful – it's the only other fic I've found besides my own that engages with the Blackwall/Inquisitor/Cullen love triangle that has destroyed my brain. 😅 Blackwall was also lost in the Fade and assumed dead for awhile, and he's come back half-mad only to learn the Inquisitor, Briar Lavellan, has married Cullen in the meantime. No one is clearly in the wrong or in the right, either — I love that sort of nuance. Can't recommend enough.
Aside from that, @warpedlegacy is writing a delightful post-Trespasser Cullen/f!Trevelyan fic in While Time Remains (10 chapters, WIP) with her Inquisitor, Theresa Trevelyan. Cullen and Theresa have married and are spending time with Cullen's family, who have been fleshed out wonderfully. I'm a few chapters behind right now, but it's a really lovely exploration of trauma, grief, love, and healing. Definitely check it out if you're into that sort of thing!
Also gonna engage in some blatant nepotism and encourage anyone who might like the stuff I write with Thalia to check out my bestie @monocytogenes's one-shots with her OC, Pravin Talavera. We devised the AU together, where Pravin is Thalia's long lost older cousin and fellow black sheep of the family. He is a bard and is recruited to be an additional advisor to Thalia – but his identity as her relative is unknown to everyone but them. I've written a bit, she's written a bit, and we have more planned. Lots of cute found family feels, including Pravin as the voice of reason during all of Thalia's love life disasters. Two one-shots by her are up currently, As With Any Shitshow and Seems Like A Real Gentleman, which introduce Pravin to the setting and the Inquisition.
Writing goals for next year: Maybe finish at least one of the multi-chapter fics I have going? I think that's a reasonable goal, as some of them aren't meant to be that long. (I know, I know, famous last words.) Maybe do more exchanges this year, if I get clued into them on time. I'm already participating in the 22/23 Platonic Ideal Exchange, so that's a start!
So, as a rule I don't share much about my real life here, but 2022 was a particularly challenging year for me personally. I just wanted to say I am not sure I would have survived if not for the outlet fic and the Dragon Age fandom has afforded me. (And, of course, an excellent therapist.) If you're reading this, thanks for making this year a little brighter for me. I appreciate you all. ❤️ ❤️
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scover-va · 2 years
Gimme the what ifs, I just played a bit of the hex (on the Bryce part) and I need that awesome what if scenarios in my head
Apologies in advance for how fucking long it is, but I have several thoughts on these scenarios
So, this is all under the assumption that almost everything that happens pre-game (so in the memory/flashback bits) still happens, and that Reggie and Jeremiah are just simply not out for revenge. Maybe Reggie used some critical thinking skills or something, I don't know. Only backstory differences would be 1. Lazarus' backstory/flashback (if the flashbacks happened) would be about something else, since The Artifact mission never would've happened. Likely fleshing out his feelings on what happened after SOL failed, and having a similar situation to that one scene from the first trailer. With some calmer/dialogue-heavy bits including Junior and Jay ofc 2. The 'Lionel wants this' incident would not be shown in FPP's chapter due to technically being irrelevant. If this were in the format of the game, it'd just be an easter egg
With that out of the way, here's some other important notes:
Reggie and Jeremiah would never be the murderers or the victims. Jeremiah does whatever Reggie tells him to, and would never act out of his own free-will, despite Reggie's protests otherwise. Reggie, on the other hand, would get the final say in everything, like what happens to the killer. Well, the player has some input in that, but still. Reggie and the player are, essentially, the judges in the case. No one has any real reason to target these two, either.
The murders cannot be prevented. The murder will happen at some point, and all you can do is catch who did it
Like as hinted at in the og trailer, the POVs would jump around out of order. In a game-style format, you could switch around as pleased post-murder, and the flashbacks would be triggered by certain things. What triggers the flashbacks? I don't know, depends on the victim-killer scenario, but likely some sort of reminder for each of the characters
Sado and Irving never show up in present time. They may be mentioned for different reasons, but they'd never be the murderer or victim in these scenarios
Everything Lionel did still happened, and he and Carla still have their issues, but again, they're less important in this au
The what-if scenarios might be connected via game resets. This will be fully figured out if I write a fic, but for now, it is merely a possibility.
Now, for whoever the killer is, what happens to them after being caught is dependent on how the cast feels about the victim and said killer, and also just their overall personalities. Again, Reggie gets the final say in the matter, but the inn patrons do get to argue about what should happen to the killer. But the four outcomes are:
Being reported to the Gameworks: The only reason Irving would show up. The killer would be reported for killing another game character, and considering how hurting an innocent npc leads to a permanent game ban, I can't imagine punishment for killing a playable character would just be a slap on the back, and punishment would be permanent deletion. It's relatively painless, but you get my point. Lazarus, Chandrelle, and FPP are aware of the cruel punishment. Weasel Kid, Rust, and Bryce are not aware of the punishment and assume it leads to imprisonment.
Being executed at the inn: Obviously, this is quite the extreme compared to the other three choices, but sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands to ensure they don't hurt anyone ever again. Chandrelle and Rust are more in favour towards execution. Weasel Kid, FPP, and Lazarus are neutral towards execution. Bryce is more against execution.
Being locked away at the inn: Not entirely sure where someone would be locked up at the inn, given the rooms and stuff, but if the storyline was a genuine murder mystery I'm sure there would conveniently be a place to lock them up. This is definitely more of a neutral punishment, not resulting in anything harmful, but also not being too kind hearted. Weasel Kid, Bryce, and FPP are more in favour towards imprisonment. Rust and Lazarus are more neutral towards imprisonment. Chandrelle is more against imprisonment.
Being kicked out of the inn: The most kind-hearted of the four choices, leading to no punishment for the killer. This one is more likely for if someone kills in self-defence, since most of the patrons are at least somewhat reasonable. Rust and Bryce are more in favour towards banning. Weasel Kid and FPP are more neutral towards banning. Lazarus and Chandrelle are more against banning.
Suicide: Upon being caught, the killer takes fates into their own hands and kills themself. This is not a punishment option, and is purely situation dependent. May occur before or after everyone decides on a punishment.
Impulse kill: One character acts without the input of the others, and executes the murderer by their own hand. This is not a punishment option, and is purely situation dependent. May occur before or after everyone decides on a punishment.
Reggie never decides based on personal opinion. In case of a majorly favoured opinion, he will go with that. In case of a tie, he will choose the more logical choice.
Now then, with all that stuff out of the way, I'm gonna list off the possible victim-killer scenarios! All will be further explored if I write proper fics for each scenario, and punishment choices would be more dependent on what happens in each scenario between the characters, both before and after the murder takes place.
Weasel Kid kills Bryce: Due to his game failing and being abandoned by Lionel due to Lionel signing a contract with Gamefuna. Weasel Kid might choose to take it out on someone who is associated with the Gamefuna contract. He would choose Bryce due to an assumed favouritism, since Bryce was one of Lionel's favourite game characters growing up, and take his anger out on him. Would sneak into Bryce's room and surprise-attack him. He would not use a murder weapon, just simply using his teeth.
Weasel Kid kills Chandrelle: Similar situation as listed above. He would choose Chandrelle due to her being the first known character Lionel created and fleshed out after Weasel Kid, due to other Combat Arena X characters not being present, and Bryce being purchased against his will. Similar to Bryce, he'd sneak up on Chandrelle to get the element of surprise. He would once again use his teeth, but may bring a physical weapon as a back up option due to her ability to use magic.
Bryce would only kill out of self-defence due to holding no grudges and having no motive for murder. Location and weapon are victim dependent.
Chandrelle kills Weasel Kid: Chandrelle has a tendency to react violently if upset, annoyed, or angry, as shown when she kills Moji without a second thought due to him being 'tedious as ever'. Due to their egos clashing and them constantly bickering and angering each other, Chandrelle may eventually take her anger out on Weasel Kid. She would attack Weasel Kid outside or in the basement, so no one can overhear as easily. She would not use a physical weapon, instead only using her magic.
Chandrelle kills Bryce: Due to past experience in Combat Arena X, Chandrelle knows she can overpower Bryce, and he wpuld be an easier option in case of murdering someone. As for a legitimate motive, it might be something Vallamir-related, due to her and Bryce having a positive relation. She would attack Bryce in the kitchen, where she knows he will inevitably go. She would use her magic, but hide Lazarus' sword in her inventory as a backup option, due to the fact that Bryce has dodged her spells with ease before, and the sword is easily available to her and harder for Bryce to block.
Chandrelle kills Rust: Rust, despite his weapons, is practically the most harmless in the cast in her eyes. Why, you may ask? Simple. He's simply not all there. He isn't aware of what's happening around him, everyone thinks he's delusional, everyone either distrusts him or is weirded out by him which would therefore cause him to be alone, and overall, Chandrelle is pretty certain that he would never even realize what's happening until it's too late to stop it. He's an incredibly easy target. She would lure him to a secondary location where no one else is, or possibly find a way into his room. She wouldn't even bother with wasting her mana, simply sneaking up behind him and using her trusty dagger to kill him.
Chandrelle kills FPP: Another easy target, due to FPP being unable to speak. They can't scream or call for help, can't keep someone closeby via a conversation, and has no weapon to defend himself with. Only issue is that Chandrelle can tell FPP does not trust her specifically, but cannot tell why. Location would be dependent on where FPP goes, since Chandrelle can't lure him anywhere. She would use her magic, but have her dagger handy just in case.
Rust would only kill out of self-defence due to holding no grudges and having no motive for murder. Location and weapon are victim dependent.
Lazarus kills Chandrelle: Listing this one first, but in this scenario, he'd want revenge for what she caused him to go through, and due to all the people he had to kill during his time in Vicious Galaxy 2, what's one more? He views what she did as a full betrayal after all, and despite his rpg programming telling him not to hurt her, his emotions get the better of him. He'd lure Chandrelle to a secondary location due to her trusting him, and would shoot her dead, likely execution style.
Lazarus kills Bryce: Following the same revenge plan as above, in this scenario, Bryce finds out about the murder plans, and tries to peacefully confront Lazarus to prevent anyone from dying. However, Lazarus panics and kills Bryce instead, worried that Bryce will report him to someone, causing him to either have to go back to his game, or be deleted by the Gameworks. Bryce would likely bring Lazarus to the kitchen to talk things out, and Lazarus would shoot him dead.
FPP kills Chandrelle: Knowing exactly what she did, FPP plans on almost playing God, mirroring how Lionel is basically the group's God. They know that Chandrelle's actions led to the deaths of lots of others, ruined Lionel's game (which FPP has heard about too many times to be okay with), and it led to Lionel stealing money from his employees and possibly Carla turning Sado into a purely hostile, satanic entity. So, FPP decides to punish her themself for these reasons, using the fact that they're seemingly powerless and innocent to his advantage. He'd try to lure Chandrelle to a second location, but would be able to figure out a way to get her alone no matter what. They'd either use a kitchen knife or one of the weapons locked away behind the kitchen/bar.
Future scenarios might get added if I get more ideas, but for now, those are the scenarios I've got in mind. Obviously, random murders could occur without need for any sort of motive, intention, or reasoning, but. Those are incredibly boring. Other than that, that's what I've got figured out so far! I really enjoy murder mysteries so all these possible scenarios are scratching a certain spot in my brain. Feel free to overanalyze these or come up with alt. scenarios because murder fun when it's fictional
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bontenten · 3 years
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Pairings: Osamu x F!Reader x Atsumu; Miyacest WC: 7.4k Genre/Warnings: smut, fairytale retelling (Hansel and Gretel), magic au, dubcon/noncon, incest (miyacest), fear, knife, monster, bondage, snuff, vore, gore/blood, object insertion, body horror, a bit of size, tummy bulge, oral (m.receiving), anal (m. receiving), masturbation (f. & m.), voyeurism, arson...
Summary: The unexpected guests at your cottage have a mysterious past and hidden agenda. Will they allow you to accompany them on their journey?
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Travelers are advised not to spend the night in the Dark Woods. It's said that beyond the last hiking trail, past a brook, lives an Evil Witch. That witch is vile and merciless; often, fools lost in the woods are never seen again. It's said that she must be over 800 years old, feeding off of the essences of children and young men unfortunate enough to cross her paths. It’s said that she even eats fellow witches. No one really knows. After all, no one who has seen her has lived to tell the tale.
It's been a few months since your teacher has left you to fend for yourself here in the woods—your first time alone during this apprenticeship. She said she had to attend a big conference with a whole bunch of other grand witches. You asked if you could tag along, but she insisted that you stay and watch the cottage. The lack of company is about to drive you insane so you often resort to conversing with yourself or the forest itself.
The soft moss muffles the sound of your footsteps as you begin the trek back home, a faint off-trail path away from the main road that no one else would usually notice. On any other day, you would just go home without a fuss, but loneliness makes people do some bizarre and odd things. For instance, the desperate longing for companionship leads to you dropping a not-so-hidden trail of fancy pebbles to inadvertently lead someone to your abode.
For most travelers, going off-trail is akin to a death sentence as any wrong turn might lure them into the forest's deadly maze. Not for you though, you know this place very well: every fallen tree, overturned log, the wanted signs nailed to the trunk...
Wait. A wanted sign?
You can make out from your distance that there are two heads on it, but the details are fuzzy, and the bounty looks smudged. Before you can get a closer look, you hear the birds caw in the trees, signaling the beginning of sunset. You pull your attention away from the poster and continue on to your way home.
The cottage is extremely cozy and warm. The windows are bejeweled and the door is solid wood. You live here comfortably with your teacher, after all, learning about the principles of magic and what it means to be a witch. It's much more than curses and spells, as your teacher would tell you, witches have character and a moral compass. Although there are certainly those who decide to experiment with the darker arts.
While you get a fire going in the huge furnace and boil some water on the stovetop, you hear two voices squabbling outside followed by three raps on the door. You're stunned by the noise, turning to face the shut door wondering if you were just dreaming about the noise. Is it? Visitors? No, you must have heard wrong.
"'Samu, I bet it's a farce, let's not." The voice sounds both tired and weary, almost out of breath.
"Let me just try again, I can smell a working kitchen in there, someone is definitely there," another voice insists. Three more knocking sounds. "Excuse me! Is the owner of the house available? My brother and I followed a path of colored stone and came upon your establishment...could you spare us some water? A bite of food?"
Two men, though they sound friendly. You're frozen in the kitchen, staring at the door that remains between you and the strangers.
"Is there someone home?" The second voice tries again. "Please, my brother is not feeling very well."
Your initial wariness for the stranger melts when you hear about the brother, which does not sound like a lie based on the raspy voice you first hear. A witch's character is fundamentally kind to all sentient beings, especially those in need. But you're still nervous, so you end up grabbing a metal ladle before carefully going to open the door. When you crack the door open, you see a pair of twins. Beautiful men, one blonde and one grey-haired. The former, with a quirky grin, although his eyes certainly look lackluster. But the other seems like he's at the right place, eyes peering past you into your home, fixated on your kitchen.
"I'm Osamu. And this," he gestures to his twin, "is my brother Atsumu. We're a bit lost, you see."
You nod your head in a casual greeting and introduce yourself as the resident apprentice at this cottage. As a good host should, you open the door to the weary guests preparing to welcome them in.
"Are we welcomed in?" Osamu asks, not moving from his spot. Atsumu isn’t budging either, arms crossed and only looking at you from the corner of his eye, waiting for your answer.
Without giving much thought you nod and open the door wider. "Both of you are most welcomed in."
"Then we thank you for your hospitality," Osamu says, taking a step inside, dragging his twin with him.
Words, especially spoken words carry power and hold intent. And a witch's words, no matter how careless they slip out, contain magic. Welcome, as you say. So welcome, they are.
You shut the door behind them and prepare to go give your first-ever guests some water. When you turn around, you notice Osamu already in the kitchen, the sleeves of his tunic rolled up past his elbows.
"Your food is about to burn. Heat's too high," he tells you, expertly taking control of the sizzling pots and pans. "I got it, don't worry."
Feeling flustered at the faint smell of scorching food, you hurry over to see if you can be of any assistance. "Let me help out."
"No, it's quite alright."
How can a host let her guests do all the work like that? And the first company in a while too! What an utter failure.
"How—" you try to argue back, but you're cut off by Atsumu tugging on your wrist, dragging you over to the sofa in the corner.
"Don't worry about him, he loves to cook." Atsumu brushes out the wisps of his bangs with a huff. "And actually quite good at it. Anything that goes through his hands...well, in short, all become part of his design."
Like his twin, Atsumu's frame is broad and huge, but there is a quality of emptiness of sorts. Osamu's shoulders are wide but there's more substance to it, whereas Atsumu's form seems contained. You can't help but use your learnings to see if you can figure out just what's off about Atsumu. He's slowly walking around the living room and studying the portraits hanging on the wall. He picks up a frame that is set above the fireplace and comments, "None of these are you. How come?"
"Oh, they're my teacher. I'm just a witch-in-training at the moment, so—"
"A witch?" Atsumu questions, clenching the frame tightly. His hands begin to shake, the glass under his thumb beginning to crack.
You did not expect Atsumu to display such a visceral reaction upon the mention of witches. After all, witches normally stayed far away from ordinary human society and when they do mix, it's often a role of healing. But the look that sparks in Atsumu's eyes, it's almost—feral.
"'Tsumu!" Osamu yells while stalking over quickly from the kitchen. He throws his arm around Atsumu's neck and drags him off into the shadows. You can't make out the muffled voices and deep growling noises that are coming from down the hall.
It's their private matter, so you go back to the kitchen. True enough, Osamu's hands are almost like magic. The bubbling pot of broth doesn't seem to be on the verge of overflowing, the onions caramelizing beautifully, filling the air with deliciousness.
Moments later, the twins come back. You notice that Osamu clothes are wrinkled from tugging Atsumu around, but at the very least, Atsumu is looking much better than before.
The three of you set the table for dinner. Osamu brings out the plates as though he knows the kitchen inside and out already. Atsumu comes emerging from the cellar with two bottles of fine wine that you didn't even know your teacher had stowed away. Surely, she wouldn't mind? With Osamu and Atsumu sitting to the left and right of you at the round table, it almost feels like a more familiar, cozier gathering between friends than a situation of a host and her guests.
They tell you that they have been traveling across the lands for a long time now, looking for a cure for Atsumu's illness. It reminds you of the hollow, repressed form you saw earlier and your curiosity gets the better of you. They don't tell you the nature of the malady, but what they do share is that they are looking for a witch to undo the curse on Atsumu, a result of dark witchcraft.
"I am a witch!" you exclaim, feeling your call to action at the moment. "Please, is there truly nothing for me to help to undo the spell?"
Osamu leans in close to you, and wipes a bit of sauce staining the corner of your lips with the pad of his thumb. He smiles. "We're looking for a very high-level witch. One day, maybe you'll get to the level of magic needed."
"You're too weak," Atsumu bluntly points out. You're sure Osamu means to say the same thing, but Atsumu's words are really sharp.
"I know," you sigh. "My teacher tells me that all the time. So, I'm really trying. I'm sure there's at least something I can do."
"I definitely think that. Don't be so hard on yourself," Osamu comforts. "Have you been living alone here for a long time?"
You feel two pairs of eyes glued onto you waiting for your answer. You smile reflexively before your eyes trail to the empty plate and carefully choose your words. "Yea. Just me and my teacher. She's a grand witch...maybe if you wait here for a few days, you can meet her when she comes back from her conference."
"We'll be gone tomorrow!" Atsumu snaps, staring into Osamu's eyes.
Osamu doesn't pay any mind to Atsumu, and puts an extra piece of dessert onto your plate.
"We have a long way to go. Atsumu's condition isn't getting better, so we can't stop in one place for long."
It makes you a little sad, because you were hoping to spend some more time with the twins, both of whom you have grown fond of. Osamu and his gentleness. And even Atsumu, despite his quick remarks and outbursts, adds a particular spice to your mundane life.
"Maybe we'll bring you with us," Osamu comments lightly, "'Tsumu, wouldn't that be nice?"
"She'll just be dead weight," Atsumu retorts. You wonder if he absolutely hates you. Is that why he is always so against you being next to Osamu?
Osamu puts an arm around you and blows on the shell of your ear. It tickles and you can feel his body enveloping you. "But she's so sweet," he tells Atsumu and whispers into your ear, "Aren't you?"
You find your wandering gaze looking into his half-lidded grey eyes. His face is right next to you, lips just hovering barely five centimeters away. The overwhelming presence of him is undeniably alluring. Your breaths become shallow as your heart rate speeds up with desire.
"I'm exhausted! 'Samu you too. We're going to bed!" Atsumu drops the silverware onto his plate and stands up. He comes around the table, muttering curses under his breath. Atsumu grabs Osamu by the wrist and drags him off towards the guest bedroom you have shown them before.
You didn't quite catch Atsumu's angry mutters, but you hear "slut" and "harlot" thrown around a few times. Were they directed at you? No, you're not like that, you tell yourself. Atsumu must have been thinking that you are trying to seduce his twin. After you clear out the table, you decide to clear up any misunderstanding.
You tip-toe down the hall to the guest bedroom prepared to knock when you hear muffled sounds coming from inside. You carefully press your ears to the crevice of the door and clamp a hand around your mouth upon hearing the stream of moans.
"'Samu, 'Samu please, ah—"
That's Atsumu? Your eyes are wide and still trying to process the shock of what you're hearing. You tell yourself you shouldn't be here. You should not be listening to whatever is happening behind the closed door, but you can't help it. Hearing Atsumu's moans makes you want to squirm.
You slightly jump when you hear a slap, followed with a pleasured groan. The sound is so clean it feels as though the phantom hands are touching your own heated skin.
Osamu's chuckle nearly makes your knees weak.
"Don't get cocky, if it were any other day ngh—, any other day, I would be the one pushing you into the mattress."
Slap. "Shut up, cute 'Tsumu. I like you being so needy for me like this. What do you want from me? Tell me."
"Fuck me, 'Samu."
"With pleasure."
The wood creaks loudly and you tell yourself, you really need to get out as you back away and try to quickly walk down the hall back to your bedroom.
You throw the door open and lock the door behind you with a click. With your eyes closed, you try to steady your breath and the building heat in your core. It's quiet. There's no noise coming from their room. But they are twins! 
You remind yourself that a witch is all-accepting and kind. There are so many circumstances beyond your understanding, judgement is not a part of your nature. And if what they are performing is wrong, what should you say about yourself? You peel off your clothes and step out of the soaked panty that is proof of your lust.
Pillows are fluffed and covers are pulled over your body. You try to sleep, but each time you are about to drift, Atsumu's cries of pleasure come back into your head. Your hand trails down your navel until the fingertips trace over your clit. Gathering some slick from your cunt, you drag it across the sensitive bud.
You shudder from the touch as images, constructed in your fantasy, cloud your mind. You imagine Atsumu's hands spreading your legs apart and Osamu's teasing words next to your ear. He would tell you to open wide and shove his cock down your throat. You suck on three of your fingers until lips wrap over the knuckles, your saliva pooling from hunger. And slip your fingers into your cunt easily, curling them against the plush walls.
"F-fuck me," you moan into your pillow.
With pleasure.
You quiver, clit pulsating, and your pussy juice dripping into your palm. The wash from the high soon takes you into sleep. All throughout the night, you squirm and feel the phantom sensation of being watched. Not just observed, but studied, by two pairs of glinting hungry eyes. You can almost imagine them on either side of the bed, trapping you into the mattress no matter which way you turn.
A few times the weird feelings almost pull you awake, but you don't dare crack an eye open to confirm your suspicions until the morning light begins to filter through the windows, rousing you from sleep. The air is filled with fragrant herbs and the sizzle of delicious brunch from someone awake before you.
No doubt, it's Osamu, because who else can it be? Atsumu? Please. The twins....
You climb out of bed and stretch your neck on the way to the washroom. Your bedroom door is open, but it's too early to notice that detail.
"Morning!" Osamu greets you from the kitchen. You find a fresh mug of coffee shoved into your hands from him.
You mumble thanks and sip at the brew while watching Osamu fry the eggs. Osamu looks to be deep in thought, probably thinking about something pleasant from the faint smile ghosting on his face. You feel a pang of guilt from both listening to their private lives, and also the strange feelings that maybe they heard your private life too—it's all your paranoia talking.
"You're so talented," you blurt out, fisting the fabric of your long skirt.
"Thanks, but better not let 'Tsumu hear ya, he gets jealous super easily."
Even if Atsumu hears, it's fine. You really mean both of them. Both of the twins both seem super talented as a duo; like they've been out there and seen the world. Meanwhile, you're still stuck here, without company. Would it be possible...if they simply stayed?
Osamu senses the words that are stuck in your mouth and answers them for you. "We're gonna be leaving right after breakfast. There's still lots of ground to cover today," he explains, plating the pancake before preparing to ladle a spoonful of batter for the next one.
"Do you have to leave?" you ask, almost pleading.
"It's cozy here and comfortable. We enjoy your company too, but we have to go. Your teacher would hate us, immensely, and on top of that...let's just say, we're always on the run."
"You say it like you two are fugitives or something."
Osamu chuckles and leans closer to you, hot breath flaming your cheeks, or maybe it's just the heat from the stove. A teasing grin pulls his cheeks up slightly as your eyes flicker over to see his lips spell out, "Maybe. Scared?"
Embarrassed, you take a defensive step back, squeaking and bumping into another body.
"MORNING!" Atsumu announces behind you. He's in good spirits and he has his hands on your waist to steady you; he sniffs your hair and smiles before letting you go. "I smell something delicious."
"Breakfast is ready," Osamu says, plating the pancakes. "Hungry 'Tsumu?"
"Tch." Atsumu shoves past you and knees Osamu, mood doing a complete 180. You're almost left like a fly on the wall as you watch the scene unfold.
Osamu is quick to catch his balance while keeping watch on the stove. "Not awake yet?" Osamu grins and passes him a plate of pancakes, essentially telling him to shut up and eat. "Who shoved a stick up your ass? Go eat."
"Fuck you."
Atsumu grumbles but digs into his food anyway. Osamu catches your amused expression in the corner and explains, "It's always like that between us. It's our...way of showing how much we care."
"I know." It's sort of endearing, the banter between the two brothers. Even if the world turns against them, no matter what the odds are, at least Miya Osamu will have Miya Atsumu, and Atsumu will have Osamu. Perhaps it's exactly that sort of bond the two share that you're envious of. Body and soul. Because if only you could have just an ounce of that sort of familiarity with another. But you're just an outsider without an invitation to join in.
While you're mulling over your thoughts, you don't catch the darkening gazes being exchanged between the twins. At some point, Atsmu's plate is already emptied and the wooden table is cleared while you're still lost in your mind. Osamu is fiddling with the metal tea strainer, bobbing it up and down to brew a mug of tea. He threads a cotton string in and out like it's a plaything.
"Do you really want to be with us?" Osamu asks nonchalantly. "'Tsumu and I were talking about it. If you do, maybe we can work something out."
"I just..." You feel like this is your final chance to tell them that you don't want them to go. None of the going around circle hinting that you have been doing. This is the moment to just tell it to them. If you miss this chance, you feel like you won't have another. And even though a pit pulls at your inwards telling you to reconsider, you're brave. "I just want to be together with you all, and help you cure Atsumu. My teacher is so talented, I'm sure she'll have a remedy."
They grin.
Osamu is a great cook, he can do that. Atsumu sometimes seems lazy, but he's super strong and quick to help too. And you can pick up all sorts of other tasks in the area! Maybe because they're so helpful, your teacher will even let them stay once Atsumu is cured. Maybe they can learn magic too! You have heard of warlocks who are powerful with spells too. And you can already imagine, the three of you, like a team, eventually going out into the world to fight demons and monsters and—
"Open wide," a sultry voice sounds next to you. Backing away automatically, you find Atsumu standing right behind you.
"W-wait," your voice shakes, stuck in your throat. "What are—"
His fingers reach for your mouth, prying it open. Before you can voice your distaste, a warm, metal ball gets shoved into your mouth, the thin chain quickly tangles into your hair. The faint traces of tea seep out of its small holes down your tongue and throat, while some spill out the corner of your mouth like trails of drool down your jawline.
Osamu smiles and wipes the liquid away with his thumb, relishing in how your widening eyes gape at him in confusion.
"Being together," he answers the question you wanted to ask, "is what you want isn't it?" He takes a spool of kitchen twine and begins to secure the tea strainer in your mouth. The thin cotton threads wrap around your head over and over again, tightening the steel against your tongue.
You shake your head and try to take another step away from the man you're beginning to become wary of, but the strong grip of Atsumu's hands on your shoulder prevents you from squirming at all. His fingers dig into your flesh, and when you turn to look at him you catch a glint in his eyes, glowering down at you.
"No, no, no, behave," he taunts you, "listen to 'Samu. He'll make you feel real good, trust me."
With the gag in your mouth, all you can let out are weak, warbling gargles from the back of your throat. Why are you doing this? You weren't like this before? Loud snorts flare out your nostrils from the fear screaming through your body.
Osamu comes back with a paring knife, examining the edge under the sunlight filtering in through the stained glass. He presses the cool blade along your cheek, dragging with the dull edge just enough so the sharp end doesn't cut your skin. You feel your knees growing weak and if not for Atsumu's hold on you, you would sink into a shuddering heap on the floor.
"You know, I think you might be the best meal yet," Osamu compliments, blade trailing down to your collarbone. The tip of the knife toys with the first button, pressing tension on the x-cross stitching. Snap. The first button pops off, dropping onto the wooden floor and rolling away to an inconspicuous corner. "I'll prep you well."
Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. The knife flicks again and all the buttons clatter on the floor before running away for refuge.
Atsumu has cleared the table already and you find yourself hoisted up and laid onto the surface like a slab of meat on a cutting board. The cold surface presses against the back of your shoulder and ass. Osamu ties your wrist together with a hemp rope and secures the other end around the table leg. He also secures your ankles to two other anchor points.
You're utterly exposed and ashamed at your body's display, mortified at how your body is reacting when you catch sight of Atsumu, his eyes dilated, looking at your slit that you know is drenched already. The rough texture of the rope presses painfully into your skin from how tight the bindings are. You can only let out gagged whines in complaint, chest rising up and down from the loud breaths.
"Can't do, love," Osamu chides, kissing the knot at your wrist, satisfied with the results. His fingertips trail down to cup your jaw and his thumb runs across the tea strainer. You close your eyes and groan at his touch. Osamu murmurs, "I won't let anything go to waste."
Atsumu is growing impatient at the sight of his twin treating you like the finest specimen ever. You're not the first one. You won't be the last one, but he still can't stand the sight of someone looking just like himself having first tastes while he's missing out himself. He wants to shove Osamu aside, but he knows that Osamu absolutely hates it when he ravages the meal when it's not ready.
Atsumu unzips his pants and lets his hardened, leaking cock spring free. You stare at Atsumu who is fixated on his own pleasure. His hand wraps around his cock and pumps the length up and down.
Osamu turns your head to look at himself instead. "Someone there is impatient, but let's not learn from him, okay? I want to take you slow, make sure you'll be ready. I don't want you stressed, you release too much cortisol and that toughens the meat."
Anything that goes through his hands...well, in short, all become part of his design.
His hand kneads your breast and toys with your nipple, circling and tugging on the tiny, erect bud.
"Relax," he whispers into your ear. "Just like you did last night."
You try to clamp your thighs shut from reflex. Immediately the resistance from the rope ties stop your movements. Osamu squeezes your thighs and pushes them apart once more.
"Right here isn't it, after hearing me fuck 'Tsumu..." Osamu's finger runs down the sides of your labia. "You just couldn't help touching yourself too huh?"
He knows. They know. You feel your cheeks burn at the realization.
"There's nothing embarrassing about it. If anyone should be, it should be us twins, " Osamu's fingers easily slip in, your pussy already dripping with arousal. "Oh woops, I shouldn't need to comfort you. You're clearly not shy."
Osamu's fingers are thick and long, able to reach far deeper than you ever can. Your tongue is still struggling against the gag while your saliva steeps the tea leaves trapped in the ball.
"Oi," Atsumu cuts in with annoyance. "I thought you said to not play with food. What the fuck are you doing, chef?"
Osamu stops his finger in you for a moment before dragging them out. You're trembling at the sudden emptiness and desire to fill the space immediately. The lack of stimulation is irritating and you are desperate.
Osamu walks up to Atsumu, bringing his drenched fingers covered in your slick to his lips for a taste. Before he can do so, Atsumu grabs Osamu's wrist and takes in those digits, sucking on them gingerly.
Osamu smiles and runs the other hand through Atsumu's hair.
"Patience is a virtue, 'Tsumu, I was just getting her fully prepared for you. I'm giving her all to you already, you couldn't even let me have a taste of her?"
Atsumu releases Osamu's fingers with a pop. "I never said I wasn't going to share," he mutters before pulling Osamu in for a kiss, passing the taste of you along their tongues.
Your body jostles as you finally get a visual matching what you heard last night. You feel your pussy leaking with more excitement, the arousal drips all the way down to your asshole. And the more you squirm, it's as though the rope ties become tighter and tighter, rubbing your skin raw. But even that pain is incomparable to the need to quell your fire.
Atsumu pulls away and presses one last kiss on Osamu's nose. "I always love what you serve, thank you 'Samu." Your heart rate rapidly speeds up as Atsumu comes towards you. He's positioned between your legs, both hands on your thighs, marveling at the display of your body. His hands feel hot.
Atsumu grins. "You probably didn't expect me to be the one taking you, huh?" He guides his cock to your entrance, the bulging tip prodding along your puffy lips. "Did you want Osamu to be the one fucking you?"
No? You want to argue, straining your head up slightly, but only tea-laced saliva drips out from the corners of your mouth.
"'Fuck me, 'Samu. Fuck me, please.' Is that what you heard? Is that what you wanted to say too?"
Your screams are muffled whimpers.
Osamu snorts off to the side, watching Atsumu do exactly what he accused Osamu earlier of: playing with his food. Hypocrite.
Atsumu glares at Osamu before turning his attention back to you. "You'll be begging for me, Atsumu, after I'm done with you."
He lines himself at your entrance and inches himself in, groaning at how your cunt is somehow just sucking him in. You're so warm and tight inside, wrapping perfectly around every part of him. He sits in you for a moment, just enjoying being blanketed by your muscles and chuckling how you tighten around him every now and then.
You whine, urging Atsumu to move a little.
"Okay, okay. Geez, and 'Samu says I'm impatient." Atsumu slowly draws his cock out and snaps his hips forward, the base of his balls slapping against your ass. He delights at how you squeeze your eyes shut and continues rocking into you at a comfortable pace.
Osamu enjoys standing off to the side for a while. He always liked watching Atsumu savor and delight the food he prepares. Atsumu always eats with such gusto. It should have always been that way, until the witch ruined everything. The curse, an experiment with the dark arts, should have never happened. Above all else, it should never have been on Atsumu. Osamu can only wonder if the reason they are subjected to this fate is because they are twins. Until a cure is found, Atsumu, his most beloved other, will have to replenish himself in this way.
A sharp pain rips through you and tears well up in your eyes. You feel Atsumu's cock suddenly begin to pulsate and grow in size. At first, you thought it was because you're clamping down on him too hard and will yourself to relax. But the cock, the thing, is certainly unnatural now. And between your tear-stained vision, you can just barely make out... Monster.
You begin to thrash wildly, head tossing side to side, back arched as much as you can in a futile escape attempt. Atsumu's claws rest on your hips while he pounds into you furiously. His groans, now deep growls, send vibrations that you can feel within your throbbing clit. You fear that you'll actually be ripped in half by the way Atsumu is thrusting into you. The engorged cockhead hits your cervix each time and his ball sack, even heavier, bowls and knocks against you.
Osamu unfolds his arms and comes over.
"It'll only hurt if you don't relax," he tells you, reaching out to press on your clit. "Just let him have his way."
"Go fuck her somewhere else," Atsumu snarls. His voice is warped and bellowing. Your mind is getting foggy as Osamu's fingers on your clit don't stop teasing the bud while having a petty talk with Atsumu. And Atsumu, ticked off by Osamu, picks up his speed.
"There we go, now that's beautiful," Osamu comments, taking his hand away and watching you unfurl in your pleasure. Your abused cunt is puffy when Atsumu pulls out, and you feel the thick liquid start to flow out when you take breaths.
"No, don't do that," Osamu chides, taking three fingers to gather the cum spilling out and stuffing it back in. "Better keep it all in. 'Tsumu isn't done with you yet."
Not yet? You can't even voice your thoughts except weakly shaking your head and moaning into the steel gag. In the moment, your stomach rumbles loudly.
"'Samu, she's hungry," Atsumu points out, rubbing your tummy. "You feed her and I'll stuff her."
Osamu ruffles Atsumu's long hair and gives his new, erected horns a teasing squeeze. Atsumu yelps at the touch. "'Samu!"
"Okay, okay," Osamu relents and stands next to your head. You see him take the paring knife again and slide the icy blade between the cotton ties and your hot cheek. A quick slice and you feel the pressure of the gag release. Osamu removes the tea strainer from your mouth and tosses it into the sink.
"Must have been so over-brewed, I apologize for that," he says. You know he doesn't mean it at all.
"Why?" you croak out. Your jaw and cheeks are sore from being held in position for so long. There's so many things you believe you can ask why about. Why they are prepping you like a meal, fucking you like a toy...Why Atsumu is the way he is. Why Osamu is not who you think he is either. Why you.
Despite Atsumu's grotesque figure, you're sure that you fear this twin more. Osamu's thoughts are so well-hidden behind his eyes; he never gives away what he's thinking or planning. You can only accept his decisions from the receiving end.
"Because of Atsumu," Osamu answers. Everything is for 'Tsumu. "I'll feed you."
Osamu cradles your head with both hands, his fingers tangled in your hair. He prods his cock against your lips. Feeling your resistance, he grips your hair tightly, painfully pulling on your scalp, and presses the tip of his cock to force your lips open. You nearly gag at the length entering your throat and your hands ball into tight fists. Your nose is buried in the base of his cock, pressing into his balls. Each breath you take is heavy with his musky, hot scent.
It's easy to focus on Osamu's cock fucking into your throat, leaving an unamused, monstrous twin off to the side preparing to turn your attention back to him by force.
Atsumu rubs himself against you, preparing to enter you again. You're sure that he has become even bigger. When the tip pushes through, your body attempts to fight the intrusion in self-preservation. The claws at your hips dig in and Atsumu all but pulls you onto his length like a sock. You scream around Osamu's cock, throat clenching around his thick length, and nearly black out from the stretch.
You never had anything this big in you before. Atsumu lifts you up slightly, his grasp becoming large enough to encircle around your whole waist. Your ankles are still tethered and tug on you, much to Atsumu's annoyance. He easily slices through the bondages with a sharp claw. Now free of restraints, Atsumu can cradle you more easily, finally pushing the last section into you. 
You can’t cry while you're stuffed with Osamu’s cock, but tears stream endlessly from your eyes. You’re sure your pelvic floor is broken, completely forced apart in a futile attempt to accommodate Atsumu stuffing you beyond your physical capacity. Your hips give out as your two legs, bone out from their sockets, dangle grotesquely.
“Just focus on me,” Osamu wipes your tears away and continues to pump into you. But you cannot focus on the human object in your mouth when your whole lower half and inwards are broken, stretched or squashed.
"Hey look ‘Samu! It's bulging," Atsumu marvels at the imprint of his tip pushing your flesh out from the inside. “Look, my cock is saying ‘hello’.”
Atsumu excitement translates into messy thrusts, treating your body like a game. “Maybe I can even touch your dick through her!” 
Your whole body is numb, the brain shuts its pain signals off completely, and hormones pour through your bloodstream in overdrive. The broken climax spasms through your body like the last bits of a faltering system.
“Better hurry...she’s...she’s fading soon,” Osamu warns between his grunts. He clasps your head and spurts his seed into you. You mindlessly swallow every drop of him, letting the contents slowly flow down your throat. You can’t process anything nor recognize any of the murky images. Who are you? Where are you?
Your memory fades in and out as your eyesight drifts between black and white. You can’t do anything about how the monster is now on all fours over your body, unrecognizable as Atsumu. You don’t feel any fear towards this grotesque figure. You don’t register how his tongue licks your neck.
Your mouth is now empty but you can’t formulate syllables.
“I’m sorry,” you hear Osamu whisper before sharp fangs pierce into your jugular, digging in deeper and tearing a chunk out. Red sprays across your body in fast spurts, drenching Atsumu and covering Osamu. The teeth at your throat gnaw at the flesh, starved, tearing through the skin, fat, and tissues like a child crunching fruit. 
You can feel the droplets falling onto your face like fresh rain after a storm. You vaguely remember your teacher and her warning of strangers. She always reprimanded you and you wanted to make her proud. There will no longer be any chance of that now. You weren’t a good student, and only an utter failure.
Osamu waits for Atsumu to finish you off. Atsumu always gets messy at this point. Osamu tried to help Atsumu section his prey off by cutting and organizing the limbs and even attempted to debone the meal beforehand, but Atsumu has his preferences, and Osamu respects them. So, Osamu delegates cleaning duties to himself instead. 
You’re already beyond recognition when Osamu comes back with barrels of oil. All that is left is a kitchen stained with blood and a pile of bone with chewed connective tissue left. Atsumu sometimes eats the bones too, but not always.
“‘Tsumu, are you full now?” Osamu asks, reaching out to cradle his twin. Atsumu has now transformed back to the way he is supposed to be. Osamu threads his hand through Atsumu’s blonde hair and inhales his twin’s scent.
Atsumu doesn’t respond and tugs at Osamu’s collar, trailing down his arm to bring Osamu’s hand to his own cock.
Osamu grins and kisses the top of Atsumu’s head. “Do you want to fuck me ‘Tsumu? I know you like to, after your meals.”
Atsumu whines and nips at Osamu’s jaw, pushing the twin down on the blood-stained floor.
“Okay, okay.” Osamu unzips and pulls down his pants before crawling onto all fours.
Atsumu’s hand cups Osamu’s ass and pries the cheeks open before curiously fingering at the specimen plugging Osamu’s hole. Atsumu holds onto the base and turns the object, before laughing.
“‘Samu, what is this you have in your ass,” Atsumu teases. “I like this presentation.”
This time, Osamu is the one embarrassed. “Last meal, it hurt like hell. So...I wanted to prepare a little.”
“With an egg holder?” Atsumu cackles again, fiddling with the ceramic object. “Should’ve just told me ‘Samu, I could never bear to hurt you.”
Atsumu holds onto the base and slowly pulls the object out before tossing it aside. He smiles and teases Osamu’s enlarged hole that’s opening and closing around nothing. Gathering up some saliva, he spits onto Osamu’s asshole before lining his cock at the rim and slowly pushing in.
Along with the curse comes a near insatiable lust. Atsumu knows that if he doesn’t fulfill his need to fuck or be fucked, he will snap. He doesn’t really care who he kills during a frenzy of that sort, but it’s too risky to get Osamu caught up in the collateral.
The witch that wanted to create the perfect weapon, failed. She failed because she underestimated the twins’ bonds for each other. She failed because the twins discovered that witches excrete a very special hormone in their body after climax, and it is exactly that substance that is slowly curing Atsumu. With every witch eaten and absorbed, Atsumu is healing and gaining magical powers. He is even capable of passing those essences to Osamu. One day, everything will be the way it's supposed to be.
Osamu plays with a few strands of Atsumu’s hair. Atsumu’s softened cock still buried inside of him. Atsumu has his jaw resting on Osamu’s shoulder.
“You make me feel so good,” Atsumu sighs, enjoying the quiet moments after his high.
“And what about her?” Osamu asks, gesturing to the table where your remains are still at.
“She made me feel good too. The best one yet, but don’t be jealous.”
“Come on, let’s clean up and get out of here.”
After washing their bodies and changing into clean clothes, Atsumu and Osamu are ready to say goodbye to the cottage they have overstayed their welcomes at.
"Let's go 'Samu, we're already behind." Atsumu finishes dumping the last bucket of oil along the edges of the room.
The clamor of boots stride across the creaking wood. As though with the passing of its owner, the cottage itself has lost the will to live.
"Coming," Osamu calls back, walking past the makeshift funeral pyre for you. He notices a flash on the ground and bends down to pick up a button.
"'Samu! Get the fuck out or I'll burn ya down too!"
"Yea, yea."
Osamu drops the button into his shirt pocket and joins his twin outside. Atsumu strikes a matchstick and tosses the small flame into the cottage. Fire meets oil and spreads in an instance, engulfing the cottage in an angry blend of orange and red, devouring all contents and remains within. The smell of scorched wood reaches the twins who are looking at the sight from a distance.
"She was good," Atsumu comments, looking at his twin unsure about what Osamu's grey eyes are thinking about. Atsumu realizes that he didn't specify what good exactly means. But it doesn't seem like Osamu is paying much attention. Is Osamu thinking about you? Is he unhappy? Does he regret what happened to you? Although what's done is done already, if time can go back, would Osamu choose? You or Atsumu?
Osamu slips his hand into Atsumu's, erasing the unspoken worries away. He gently leads Atsumu onto the trail, leaving the burning cottage behind.
"Stop thinking such nonsense," Osamu mutters, squeezing Atsumu's hand. No matter what happens, Atsumu will always come first. His needs, his desires. That's what it means for Osamu to love Atsumu. Even though the rest of the world may not understand the relationship the twins share, calling it depraved and disgusting, it's still selfless on their part. What sin is there to honestly love? What sin is there to try and save his loved ones?
While Osamu admits to himself that he does feel a deep attraction to you and knows that Atsumu feels the same pull as well, there's nothing that can be done about Atsumu's condition. But it's not as though you are completely gone. Your essences and core are within both twins, being absorbed as one with their bodies and soul. You'll forever be with them in that way, even if you no longer have any sentient memory of it.
Osamu fiddles the button in his pocket; there's still a physical reminder of you in that tiny form.
It must be about a twenty-minute trek from the burning site. Although the flames are already far from eyesight, the scorching smell and embers still drift over. The twins pick up their pace, eager to exit the forest before nightfall and make it to the next destination. On the way, they pass by the tree trunk with a wanted poster.
"They never get my best angles!" Atsumu complains, ripping a wanted poster that is nailed to the tree trunk.
"It's not like you have a good angle, ‘Tsumu."
"Shut it, we look the same ‘Samu. You're just calling yourself ugly too!"
Osamu shrugs and continues his trek down the main trail. Atsumu huffs, tearing the parchment into indistinguishable pieces before throwing the shreds up into the air like confetti.
"Wait up!"
Osamu stops in his tracks. "Hurry up, loser. We still have a long way to go."
Atsumu takes a few wide strides and swings his arm around his twin's shoulder. Behind them, a very light drizzle falls from the sky.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (4/4)
Here we are! What a journey, and while perhaps this season wasn't at MoM level it was REALLY good, with great new villains/allies, great little throwbacks and an awesome story! 🤩
How to get this was very good to great? Give me a very good ending Seabound!! 💕💕
Alright, here we go!
I genuinely got too much into this remaining four episodes and forgot to put any general thoughts 😅 So you'll see me rambling at the end, see you there 😉
This title really summarize my feelings so far, like, I'm seriously wondering how it will move on from now, but I do expect the outcome to be CRAZY 🤯
Aaahhhh, yep, the one in Shintaro is a fake 😅 I wonder when did the change happen? How did Kalmaar pulled that off, wow
Heeeeyyy, it's youuuu... huh... *watch scribble on hand* google snake guy, huh... Glucose... yep, good old Glutine and everything 😅
Are we having a "I may have made a mistake being evil" with this guy?
Jay: ah, Prime Empire! I was in that game you know! I fought for my life and the ones of all of Ninjago and I've seen my best friends and the love of my life die before my eyes... good times 🙂
Jay and Nya having fun at DDR has to be one of my favorite thing, they are so in sync and so lovable ❤💙❤💙
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MY SHIP 💙❤💙❤ They even gave each other high gives... this is neat, and it means something awful will happen right 🙂
Commissioner: he's saying something about a giant snake... and the end of the world... didn't we already have something like that?
Okay yep, he did the trick while fighting Nya, dang Kalmaar is sneaky! Not too shabby... but I gotta say, the summoning of the Great Devourer was a lot more dramatic 🤣🤣 Props to the serpentine, still my favorite snakes 💪💪
Wojira seems to be a little smaller than the Devourer maybe? His head way bigger than the bounty, while hers is not that massive even in comparison with Kalmaar
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I might be wrong but at first glance, I stand by my opinion and by the superiority of the OG giant snake 🤷‍♀️
Yep Glutine guy did have a change of heart, better late than never 🤷‍♀️
You're telling me that Jay doesn't do engineering anymore, okay... HOW IS KAI A BETTER SOLUTION??? 🤣🤣🤣 Lol look at the messy brothers, love Lloyd and Kai so much I miss them interact 💚❤💚❤
Thank you Kelly for the alert 😗
It makes me wonder if they actually do have simulations of evacuations often, it would be pretty smart considering the city 🤷‍♀️
OKINO IS THERE HI DUDE!!! 😍 I hope he's doing great! 🥰🥰
Gail Gossip! Been a while!
WOW, this is going Deluge like, my first Spinjitzu Master! 😱 How... how do we go with three episodes from here? Like, I'm guessing Nya will have to do what Nyad did before her (which TERRIFIES me), so are they going to struggle trying to find another way? IDK BUT I'M IN LET'S GO!! 🤯
Alright, pretty straightforward title, let's see what we got here!
Tourists?... that actually makes sense, I mean, I would want to visit all the places where history was made on this island 😍 Aww nice to see they remember the battle against Garmy of Hunted, also that it is known that Jay was the one who faced Unagami 👍👍
DARETH!!! 🤎🤎🤎
Where have you been you knucklehead, I've missed you! 💕 I think I've last seen him in a commercial from the Fire Chapter?
This is a terrible guide 😵 Not knowing the brown ninja? Owner of the dojo the Green Ninja had trained in? Brief commander of the Stone Army? Master of makeup and puffy potstickers? Unforgivable, someone fire this woman ASAP 😡😡
LOOK AT DARETH TAKING CHARGE!!! 🤩 He's right, he should get involved every once in a while, come on guys!
Ah okay good, I'm not the only one struggling with that google snake name 😂
Yay Bentho is fully integrated with the team! He is a great addiction, like, I know he'll probably take the throne at the end or something but I do hope we'll need his help again in the future! 💙
Sometimes I forget how much I love Kai and Zane interacting 🤣 The brainiac and the airhead 🤍❤🤍❤
Oh right, Cole came back from Shintaro! So... now in this extremely secret city there is a fake amulet hanging into a highly secured place... how is it always Shintaro the keeper of flukes? 😂😂
A bath as a boat but it has a whole 😂😂 I love this show's randomness
What ears are they supposed to cover 😅
I LOVE THIS ATMOSPHERE!!! 😍😍😍 Between the gray sky of storm and the sea underneath, this is the perfect scenario for Wojira and it's not even forced! I love how they are handling backgrounds for Ninjago recently, I really hope it gets as good as in the finale of Prime Empire 💙💙💙
AAAAAAHHHHHhhhhh okay for a moment I was scared Wojira was going to eat Jay 😅 After The Island this is already the second time Bluebell risks it... STOP
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NUUUUU WHAT NOW??? 😱😱😱 We have two more episodes, how is this going to end? I DON'T KNOW AND I REALLY WANT TO PLEASE GIVE ME A GOOD FINALE SEABOUND!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Daaaang she can just float on that? She got super good at controlling water! Now I want her and Kai just randomly flying around with their powers 😂😂 Kai got missiles in his hands come on 🔥🔥🔥
What would Kai do? WHAT WOULD KAI DO?? DID YOU DECIDE YOU WANT TO DIE JAY WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF HIM??? ... although technically Kai is the only one with Jay who didn't straight up die before coming back to life in a dramatic moment... huh... Kai might be the most reasonable choice after all 😅
We grew up from Ninja never quit to NINJA AREN'T IDIOTS AND KNOW WHEN TO GET THE HECK OUT 😎😎 Even our motto got a character development 💪
BENTHO YAAAAAAASSSS 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Did I ever say that I love shark boy? BECAUSE I FREAKING DO!! 💙
Master prankster Wu once again, take that empty ship Calamari head 😎 Although the poor bounty doesn't deserve to get destroyed as many times as it did until now, it's my favorite ship... pun intended 😜
Ah more ninjajan, wait a moment
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"Auto Pilot". Fair enough, although I was hoping for a "psych" or something 😂😂
But Cole running to his best friend immediately? HECK yes 🖤💙🖤💙
NYA CARRYING HER BOYFRIEND BRIDAL STYLE THIS IS THE RIGHTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! ❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙 Gosh this season gave me amazing Jaya moments, I've been fed 👌👌
Okay Lloyd pacing back and forth? Kai already mad at their enemies? All the guys eager to help Jay? MY FAVORITE NINJA FAMILY BABY!!! 😎😎
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Oh... oh gosh I knew Nya doing the Nyad thing was meant to happen, but this way? My heart is melting already 😭
I remember a post that said that Jay told Nya that he loves her many times, while she never did. Tommy reponded that she lets her actions speak... boy do I see it now, I see all of her love 😢😢
I never felt such conflicting emotions for a villain like I do for Kalmaar, like, he caused so much pain to Nya... but he is voiced by Giles... but he is the reason Jay is hurt... but that startle gag 😂😂😂
Okay this? Is adorable?
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What the HECK? The police in this city is generally not very helpful, but the Commissioner is very wholesome 💜
Nyaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭 I didn't think it was possible to love her even more, she was ignored for so long during the show, but now we finally see all of her. She is an amazing warrior, a selfless person, and a real hero 💪💪 And coming from such a mature girl that doesn't like to act irrationally, this means so much more
Jaya grew up so much, it went through some very questionable phases yes, but what they have here? It's the result of all they had lived together 💙❤💙❤
I have chills, this is amazing so far, I'm legit scared of going further 😱
SHE SAID IT!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Okay this moment, everything, EVERYTHING, is absolutely marvelous. Nya said I love you without a voice, alone, showing again that she values the actions more, but still her feelings are 100% truthful. Then the transformation (THERE IT IS HER BEAUTIFUL WATER FORM 😍😍😍), Jay getting saved, the realization of what she just did from everyone... DANG IT IT'S ALL BEAUTIFUL HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO THINK OF THIS SCENE???
*slow clap for Bragi, Tommy, and the Ninjago crew*
Jay and water Nya with their hands together gives me big The Form of Water vibes... LOVE THAT MOVIE WHO'S READY FOR AN AU??
Jay wants to help her, I had no doubt 💙 They always help each other in these BOUNDs seasons 😍😍😍
Kalmaar: where are the ninja??
Commissioner: I don't know, they are ninja!
Oh, curious title? It feels a little vague, I don't really know what it could be
YES GIRL GO GET HIS CALAMARI BUTT HECK YES!!! Just how cool can you be for walking slowly while the attacks go straight through you? 😂
Hey Nya still recognizes Jay! 😃😃
HEY NYA GOT VAPORIZED WTH 😱😱 It's too early, I don't believe that's it!
WHOA JAY WENT BERSERK JUST NOW!! I don't think I've seen this before, this is the coolest thing! 💙💙💙 I just love when he shows how strong he is, you can be a comic relief AND kick butts 😎
What the- was... was that a cameo of the lightning chicken? Ninjago what the HECK I love your randomness 😂😂
BENTHOMAAR TAGS IN!!! Showing off why he is best boy of the season 💙 These fightings are very cool but I can't help imagining Wojira just chilling while there are midgets getting very angry at each other onto her head 🤣🤣🤣
WHOA, CALAMARI BITE! Kalmaar got the Pythor treatment... might change color by next season if he returns 😅
(Please return I loved having Giles' voice in this season 💙💙💙)
NYA IS A DRAGON!!! I REPEAT NYA IS A DRAGON!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I was wondering where the dragon moment was, this is Ninjago after all 🤷‍♀️
Head empty, just Jay smiling softy at Nya because he loves her 💙💙💙
IT'S RAINING NYA, HALLELUIA IT'S RAINING NYA, HEYE!! ☔☔☔ This fight is MASSIVE! We had finales with big creatures before but now one of the ninja is big enough to face them and that's 🤯
NYA DID IT!!! 🤩🤩🤩 ... now onto the angst that I KNOW it's coming
Kai being unbelieving is tragic, and Jay's "don't leave me" broke my heart. Please end this misery, where is the deus ex machina that solves everything?
Wait she left?
Omg the grief in this is beautiful, nice to see Jay and Maya so close to each other! Also Kai leaning onto his mom while Cole is comforting his best best friend? Amazing, they really do these scenes great 👌
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EVERYONE SHOWED UP I LOVE THIS CITY SO MUCH 😭😭😭 Aww Ed and Edna, wasn't this such a sad situation I would be so much happier to see you guys 🥺
Master Wu even mentioned that she built Samurai X, you really want to make me cry now do you? 🥺🥺
Omg look at Cole being there for his best friend, he is amazing 🖤💙🖤💙
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I have such Rebooted vibes from this... is it hopeful? That Nya comes back like Zane? She's no nindroid but still... oh my gosh they got her symbol on the vase I just noticed, I need more tissues 😭😭
"In loving memory of Kirby Morrow". Always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
I'm speechless... like that's true, have A LOT to write over here 😅
This type of plot twist reminds me of our early seasons. Zane sacrificing himself, Garmadon giving up his life, those moments that made me so curious and excited about the following. I have no idea what will be the outcome for this, but I can't wait to find out
With that out of the way, AMAZING SEASON 😍😍😍 I think this finale beats MoM's, just because it was really unexpected and opens up a SEA of possibilities... yeah too soon 😭
I'm still shaken, my world, they did something HUGE and I do hope it will be a good shake to the entire Ninjago plotline. Nya is "gone", we still don't know about the person behind all that vengestone, we haven't heard from Garmy in forever, there are so many good ideas out there now that they've set the ground for more 🤩🤩
Voice acting was *chef's kiss*, not only for the villain which I already stressed enough about, I think Kelly reached a new level of emotional intimacy with Nya and I'm so happy she showed her skills 💜💜
Animation is TOP, there's little to no point into saying anything else since they showed it very clearly in the latest season ☺
This was the emotional, witty and engaging writing I was looking for! Good jokes, meaningful dialogues, emotional scenes, everything was really good and I'm gonna rewatch some scenes especially for that 😍
It turned out having Maya and Ray back was kind of a distraction to fool us all 😅😅 Well played actually, and it was very cool seeing them again in any case 🙋‍♀️
And now? Jay lost his love, I have no idea if the show will work on him getting over her or hold onto her memory (thinking of Jay probably the latter, although I do think that handling the first would be an interesting idea). KAI LOST HIS SISTER 😢😢😢 I have no doubt he's gonna beat himself up for it, like he did when Zane was gone too. Everyone lost their friend, she had become such a vital part of the team and now she is not here anymore it will be hard...
They are back with the four plus one green savior formation, I sincerely don't know how I feel about that 😅 I'm always happy when we get the OGs, but this is about going on without Nya... maybe Skylor will be called? Or Pixal will be more active? That could be interesting to see, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Gosh, how are they going to handle the next season? It will have to give A LOT of answers to the millions questions we all have right now. Man I can't wait, it could be anything!!! This is a Ninjago revolution!
But if I have to mention a little complain, and I'm a fangirl so I absolutely have to, Kai didn't show much of a reaction to Nya's "departure". Okay, she didn't straight up die like in Skybound (I'm gonna fear all BOUND seasons from now on 😱), but he's her brother and he loves deeply his family. Either we're gonna see him go all out next season, or the writers really did only focus on Jaya. A tiny bit salty... but you got me a fantastic finale so I'll move on 👍
Outstanding, I'm blown away. Whenever I think I'm used to this show they do stuff like this. I'm so glad and sad you guys 😅 But mostly happy that despite everything I still get very strong emotions while I watch this long time favorite show of mine 💜💜💜
What else can I say at this point? ONTO NEXT SEASON!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Thank you for reading me freaking out over LEGO spinning ninja as always! It helps me calm down but this time it might be harder thant the others... *sobs*
I need to lay down and process all of this, I'll be on my way 😂😂 BYE!!! 💜
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 - 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 1.9k
warnings: swearing, cheating
italics means flashback/memory recall
listen to the music masterlist
| next
quick message! unlike on my wattpad, i’m not doing a character introduction chapter on here. so heads up for he/they armin and she/they sasha!! those are just my personal headcanons i included into the story :) also, i wrote this a LONG time ago. i posted this on my wattpad on 2/24/21. i apologize in advance for any errors. i do plan to re-edit a lot of things regarding this fic in the future.
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"She's coming back tomorrow," Jean said casually while pouring himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. You choked on your breakfast. Armin took a worried glance at your coughing form from across the table.
"Sorry." You hacked.
"Mikasa is?" Eren peeked his head through the bathroom doorway as he looked away from the mirror.
"Yeah, I'm going to pick her up from the airport tomorrow night." Jean put down the pot of coffee and took a sip from his hot mug.
"Why so sudden?" Armin put down his book on the table in front of his plate.
"She spoke to me about it briefly. said there was something she needed to do when she got here. I'm just as shocked as you are. I didn't think she'd be back any time soon" Jean brushed the crumbs off his hands and put his plate in the sink.
"How can you all be so calm about this? Did you hear him? Mikasa is coming home tomorrow. She left nearly two years ago! She's finally coming back and none of you are freaking out? She didn't even say why exactly she was coming back." You stood up and threw your hands in the air. Suddenly you lost your appetite. 
"No need to get all bent out of shape, Y/n. You act like we haven't seen her in ten years." Eren said with a hair tie in his mouth as he grew impatient with his long and tangled mess of hair.
You rolled your eyes. "Obviously, but she left for a reason. Even when she gets here, will she still want to play with us? Her absence from the band has taken a toll on everyone, and our audience was less than pleased when she announced her vacation, or rather when I announced her vacation." You start pacing in the living room.
Armin's eyes followed you as you moved. "I hope she does, but it's unlikely. I recall her saying she never wanted to see Jean again. I doubt she'll want to play with him here." He theorized.
"Well, she did call me to say she was coming back so I don't think she's still very upset with me." Jean finished off his coffee and tucked his hair behind his ears. "It happened two years ago, after all."
"I hope she's doing better. It's not like we've heard much from her since she left. I have to clean this house! Oh god, it's a mess! You boys are pigs." You said frantically.
Eren snickered. "Well, it looks like you haven't gotten over your little crush."
"Shut it, Jaeger. I'm doing fine and, frankly, that's none of your business." Still pacing, you held your stomach as the nervous feeling grew.
"Yeah, it sure looks like you're fine." His lips pulled into a grin as he rolled his eyes.
"I think I'm going to faint."
"Do you need to lie down? You look a bit pale." Armin stood up and came to my side.
"I think I'll take a nap."
"You just woke up, smarty. Going back to bed already?" Jean chuckled. "I'm going to Marco's place. See you losers later."
A chorus of 'bye, Jeans' sounded throughout the room when he left through the garage door.
"Y/n, were you serious about cleaning the house? Because I have to go and I really don't want to clean so-"
"Yeah, Eren. You can leave, I don't care."
"You're the best! Thank you!" Eren chirped and practically skipped through the door.
"I have nowhere to be. So I guess I'll stick with you here." Armin smiled. "Do you need help with anything?"
"I'll be fine, thanks. Just nervous is all." You wrung your hands and blinked several times.
"Okay, I'll be in the office if you need anything." Armin patted your shoulder and left you alone in the large living room.
You quickly got to cleaning the house in a nervous frenzy, deep in thought. Mikasa had left one night almost two years ago after a heated situation between her and Jean that ultimately resulted in their breakup and Mikasa leaving the band with only a painful note left behind.
Apparently, there was more to the breakup than you knew, but Jean kept what we didn't hear to himself for Mikasa's sake. Essentially, Mikasa caught Jean and Marco together at a party Eren threw for his nineteenth birthday. You were with her when she saw them.
You and Mikasa were having a silly conversation in the long hallway in front of the dining room. Mikasa stopped looking at you and started focusing on something behind you. her small smile dropped. "and that's why I never- hey Mikasa? You okay? What are you looking at?" You stopped telling your story and became more concerned for your friend.
Confused, you turned around. You gasped loudly. "Oh Mikasa, I'm so sorry." You reached a hand out to her but she left the hall quickly. "Don't worry about it, Y/n. It's not a big deal."  You watched her speedwalk up the stairs with her hand covering her mouth. 
You confronted Jean calmly, not wanting to disturb the party, despite being furious. "Hey, Jean. the world can see you, dickbag. And so did your girlfriend. Have fun explaining this to her. She went upstairs. Find her yourself. If you even care enough to do so."  You spat and darted away from them.
"Wait, Y/n!" Jean pushed past people as you swiftly made your way through the crowd in an attempt to find Eren. Normally, you'd look for Armin, but he was out of town for the night. You got to the kitchen and desperately glanced around. Jean took hold of your arm before you could get any farther. He turned you to face him and took note of your angry expression. "I'm sorry. let me explain."
You shoved him away from you. "Don't apologize to me. Don't explain anything to me. Tell it to your girlfriend. I'm finding Eren and ending this shitty party early. Frankly, Jean, I don't care what excuse you have." You kicked off your heels in a random spot and continued the search for your friend. Jean tried to follow you at first but gave up.
You pushed through crowds looking everywhere for Eren. "Where is he? Eren I need you," You muttered. You caught a glimpse of dark hair being pulled out of an updo. You took a sharp turn and bumped into someone. You fell backward on the floor and rubbed your side that you fell on. "Ouch."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!"  A girl with multiple party foods in her arms shouted apologetically. She hastily set down her collection and helped you up. I took a quick look around the room, Eren wasn't there. The brunette in front of me tilted her head. "Are you looking for someone? I can help you find them to make up for bumping into you. Hey, you're really pretty. Are you the guitarist from that band? Wait, so you live here? Oh no, I bumped into someone famous! Connie and Niccolo are gonna freak out when I tell them! I'm Sasha by the way. Your name is Y/n right?" 
Taken aback by her rambling, and the fact that she recognized you, you stuttered for a bit before gaining your composure. "Yeah, I'm looking for a friend, actually. And that's me. I live here."
Sasha grinned. "Cool! Who are you looking for? I might know them." She linked her arm through yours and pulled you to the outside deck.
"I'm looking for Eren. Uh- Jaeger. My friend Eren Jaeger. I need to find him."  Your voice sounded shaky.
"Me and him were partners in Professor Hange's science class back in high school! He invited me since we go way back." She opened the door and stepped outside. "Hey Y/n, you sound upset. Did something happen?" She unhooked your arm from hers and put her hands on your shoulders with a concerned stare. You were on the brink of tears and didn't want to cry in front of a stranger, but when you heard the caution in her tone you couldn't help but let some tears escape.
"Hey! Hey, hey Y/n, don't cry now. We'll find Eren." She pulled you in for a hug and you slowly accepted it. You weren't even the one who got cheated on yet you were the one crying. You were worried about the band. You were worried about the fight Eren and Jean were sure to get in. You were worried about what Armin would think. But most importantly, you were worried about Mikasa.
The thought of her locking herself in a room upstairs alone after what happened was enough to make you feel sick. You had to find Eren and end the party. You had to keep him calm once he found out. A part of you had always hoped they would break up, and you always felt extremely guilty about it, but you never hoped  it would end in a way that hurt them both. 
You quietly sobbed into sasha's clothed shoulder, definitely staining her frilly dress. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess right now." You stepped away and wiped your eyes several times. 
"No, don't apologize. You don't have to tell me what happened, either. Let's go find Eren, yeah?" She gently took my face in her hands and wiped away at my tears. She hooked her arm through mine again as we continued our search for Eren. 
We finally found him after looking for a good fifteen minutes. He was sitting alone on the front porch with a beer in hand, his hair a ragged mess. He took a swig of it and scowled at the taste. Sasha nodded to you and left you alone with him. You opened the glass door and stood awkwardly behind him.
"Hey, Eren."
"The party's inside." He said bitterly.
"I know." You sat down next him and smoothed out your dress in the process. "What are you doing out here at your own party? I've been looking for you everywhere."
He sighed. "I heard what happened. with Jean and Mikasa. He went looking for her so I assume he's found her, that was thirty minutes ago, give or take. I needed a break and came out here." 
You let your head slump on his shoulder. He let out another long sigh. "I saw it happen. She ran upstairs so I came looking for you. I figured once I told you, you could end the party. That sounds ridiculous now, considering how many people came." You let out a dry laugh and felt him laugh along with you. His head rested on top of yours and he placed a gentle kiss on it.
"What are we gonna do now, Y/n? There’s no chance this'll go over well. The band could be ruined.” He paused and sighed. “I bet Armin would know what to do right about now."
"I bet he would." You took Eren's hand in yours. "I don't even want to think about what could happen."
"Neither do I. Do you want to stay out here a little while longer? We can go back in later." Eren offered.
"Yeah. That sounds nice." 
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posted: 8/23/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 4,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: Bittersweet-After 7
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @rideordiechronicles @pixie88 @txemrn @lucy-268 @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @bebepac @imturaxamara @blackkingliamstan @queenjilian @secretaryunpaid @ridgy--didge @theworldofprompts @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @theworldofprompts prompt “What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?” it'll be in bold in black. Also I know that I can’t be the only one who’s excited that they picked the greatest Disney movie one-liner as a prompt.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
A/N 2: I had a time writing this chapter. Writers block and all out forgetfulness is a bitch! But I did it! *pats self on the back*
TW: paranormal activity. Communication with the dead. Reader Discretion Is STRONGLY ADVISED.
Chapter 22.) Reflection.
It′s crazy how you flaunt your passion.
When you let meaning of them worth take over you.
You stare into my soul like that.
Makes me wonder when you ain't get by the side of me.
It′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you, you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It′s bittersweet.
It had been 3 days since Naia was rushed to the hospital because of Wolfbane being in her system. Her parents, especially her mother, were both distraught and furious that their daughter had gotten herself caught up in the tireless war between The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory. Those three days felt like years to them. Both took turns sitting vigil over their daughter.
The only saving grace was that her condition hadn't changed. It hadn't gotten better but Laurie and Shane were thankful it hadn't worsened. They just wanted her to open her eyes. Laurie needed her daughter to wake up. She had to hear her voice again. And every moment that she didn't the more she went crazy. Laurie would just sit at Naia’s bedside holding onto her hand and pray Naia would squeeze her hand. The agony of waiting was going to kill her.
“Anything?” her husband asked as he entered the room with coffee in hand.
Laurie just shook her head no.
“It'll happen, baby. It has to. She'll wake up and we'll be able to breathe again.”
She never said a word to him. She just held onto Naia’s hand as Shane set the cup of coffee he brought her down. Laurie's eyes were red and puffy and her face was a mess. She blamed The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory but mostly she blamed herself. She swore to protect her daughter from all of this. To prevent her from going through the hell she went through over 30 years ago. And feels like she failed. A pain no mother wants to go through.
Laurie rubbed Naia’s knuckle silently, willing their daughter to wake up.
“Have you eaten baby?”
Laurie shook her head no.
“You should go eat something baby.”
“I don't want food. I want our daughter. I want her to wake up now.”
Shane sat beside her and placed his hand over hers.
“I know, baby. I want that too. I need it. You need it. But it's not good for you not to eat something.”
“I can't leave her! What if she wakes up and I'm not here?! I have to be here!”
Her frantic tone worried Shane.
“Baby listen to me! You need to go eat something. I'll be right here. I will watch over her. If anything happens I swear to you that I will tell you immediately.”
“But Shane—”
“No buts! Go eat something. Now! I won't let anything happen to her. I swear that on my life.”
Laurie looked at him before getting up and going to the door. When she looked back towards Naia, Shane smiled softly at her.
“It's okay baby, I'll keep her safe.”
Laurie nodded sadly before walking out the door.
Shane turned his attention back to their daughter, his worry, resentment, rage, sorrow, protectiveness, and anxiety all on high. His little girl. His flesh and blood. She hadn't moved or spoken since he last saw her. He was thankful for the hospital staff. They were able to get her allergic reaction to Wolfbane under control but she was still unconscious. None of the meds she was on seemed to be working.
It′s so easy to listen.
When your tongue is an innocent prisoner of war oh yeah.
And it might bе wrong but we never еnd that.
Damage is done, always pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
It didn't take Laurie long to come back from the cafeteria. When Shane looked up she walked in with food for them both.
“I'm not the only one who needed to eat.”
Shane smiled softly as she handed him a sandwich.
“Still nothing?”
“Still no change. But I'm not giving up.”
Laurie smiled at her husband's resolve. They sat together and ate their food in silence. Their eyes went from Naia to the IV drip machine she was hooked up to.
“Don't worry baby. Our girl will wake up.”
“I know she will. She has to. And when she does…we have to tell her the truth.”
Shane looked at his wife confused.
“Are you sure? Are you sure you’re ready to do that?”
“Look at her Shane! She wouldn't be here, hell we wouldn't even be here if she knew the truth. It's time. So when she wakes up and is lucid enough to hear it we'll tell her everything.”
Shane took his wife's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Okay. If you’re ready and you're sure. Then I am too.”
Laurie offered him a small smile.
Yeah I know you know me.
That′s why you the only one can push my buttons.
Sometimes it's like you speak another language.
Got me like adios buenas noches baby.
Oh it′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's always bittersweet.
While her body was still, Naia was subconsciously awake.
Naia slowly opened her eyes, and looked around frantically and confusedly. She couldn't see anything or anyone.
“What? Where am I?”
That's when she heard a woman's voice.
“I've been waiting to meet you.”
When Naia turned around she saw a figure she didn't recognize.
“Who’s there? Who are you? What is this place?”
The figure in front of her soon materialized into an elderly black woman. One that she recognized.
“Oh…my…God! You’re…you're…Delia?”
She smiled at Naia.
“Hello, my dear. It's wonderful to finally meet you.”
Naia’s jaw dropped.
“But how?!”
“I thought you…you died a long time ago!”
“I did. 3 years ago.”
“Wait! Am I dead?”
Delia laughed softly.
“No dear, you’re not dead. You are in the world between worlds.”
Naia blinked in realization.
“I was here with Roman. Where is he?! Is he hurt?! Did Trent shoot him?!”
Delia placed a calming hand on Naia’s shoulder.
“All will be revealed shortly. I promise.”
Naia took a shaky breath then nodded.
“Now come sit with me. We have much to discuss.”
Naia followed Delia to a bench that appeared out of nowhere. When they sat down Delia cocked her head to the side at Naia curiously. Making her feel super awkward.
“Is there something on my face?”
“No. I’m just curious about you. You’re as beautiful as I imagined you’d be.”
Naia couldn’t keep the blush from creeping up on her face.
“A ghost just called me beautiful. I must be hallucinating.”
Delia chuckled.
“You said we had much to discuss. What are we discussing?”
“You, my dear. Your connection to the town, the people, and especially Roman.”
“I mean I’ve been in town for a few months. I don’t know anyone outside of my uncle Trent and the Pack.”
Delia nods.
“And what are your impressions of them so far?”
Naia chewed the inside of her cheek.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course dear. That’s why we are here.”
“I understand why my mom doesn’t want me around Roman. Because to be honest, he’s terrifying. But at the same time…I can’t stay away from him. I can’t get enough of him. He makes me feel safe. And loved. And wanted. And I…”
“I care about him. A lot. But I don't know if I'm ready to give up my life for him. I don't know if I'm ready to be his mate.”
Deli nodded.
“It is a lot to ask of a young woman. I would know.”
“How did you decide Delia? Or was it decided for you?”
Delia chuckles softly.
“It wasn’t my intent to be Xander’s mate when I first came to Hunt’s Peak.”
Naia blinked in confusion.
“You’re not from Hunt’s Peak?”
“No. Originally from the Pittsburgh area.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I grew up in foster care so it wasn’t like many had missed me when I left.”
“So what brought you to Hunt’s Peak?”
“I was hired as a 5th teacher. I loved my job. Teaching children became my passion.”
“And how did you meet Xander?”
“I’ve always been a Wolfkin and I knew it was my destiny to become the mate to a member of The Pack but I never thought I would be Xander’s mate. But to answer your question, I was walking along the creek when I saw him and his father Ferdinand. We were smitten at first sight.”
“Oh…did his father accept you?”
“Yes, he did. And after some convincing so did his mother Cecilia.”
“When did Xander become Alpha?”
“Shortly after we met. Maybe 6 months or so.”
“Is that when you became his mate?”
“Yes. He courted me until he became Alpha.”
“Courted how?”
Delia smiled as if lost in a memory.
“He would come by the school. Regale my students in wild tales of werewolves as knights and kings and sorceresses and sorcerers. That sort of thing. But the biggest thing he did for me, was he planted a single night flower and let it blossom into a field full of them.”
“Sounds like he was a romantic at heart.”
“He used to be but when he became Alpha, responsibility and obligation replaced flowers and romance.”
“Was it hard?”
“No. Not at first. I always understood my role as The Alpha’s mate. And I cherished it. Becoming a sort of Den Mother gave me a purpose.”
“What changed?”
Delia looked at Naia with a new curiosity.
“He met your mother.”
Naia swallowed.
“Mommy told me how she met him.”
“I remember that. I remember when he told her no at first. I was furious at him. So I not so subtly encouraged him to reconsider not protecting her and your uncle.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Your mother was a child at the time. And your uncle couldn’t protect her as he should have. Only Xander and The Pack could do that.”
“She also told me about the day he offered her The Pack’s protection.”
“I remember when Xander told me about Bobby Giles threatening her. He was furious and I was disgusted. But we both knew that he couldn't just charge into town and rid it of him. Well, he could but it wasn't in his nature at the time. So he sent a few wolves in their human forms to investigate.”
“She told me that too. And the time that Bobby pulled a gun out on Xander.”
Delia snickered.
“The fool. He believed that his gun would scare Xander. But he learned the hard way that day.”
Naia shifted in her seat.
“Mommy showed me the necklace that Xander gave her.”
“I know about that. He gave it to her on her 18th birthday.”
“She also said that she was bonded to him.”
“She's right. She was bonded to him until he died.”
“Are you angry about that?”
Delia went quiet
“To be honest, I was very angry with her. Jaded and bitter even. But I realized after she left that my anger was misplaced.”
“Misplaced how?”
“After she left I found out that Xander was telling her that she was to be his new mate. And at that time your mother was a young impressionable girl.”
“He was manipulating her?”
“Yes, he played with her heart and preyed on it.”
“My God. Why did you stay with him for so long?”
“I was bound by Pack Law to stay with my mate until his death.”
Naia shuddered.
“Will that happen to me?”
“If you choose to be Roman’s mate you are bound by Pack Law to be at his side until his death.”
“Well, that explains what my mom said about you and Xander being married on paper.”
Delia nodded.
“If I was the mate of any other Pack member I could leave. But I was Xander’s mate. As was your mother. As yet…”
“She ran away.”
“Can you tell me about Xander?”
“What would you like to know?”
“What did he look like?”
Delia waves a hand and a picture of Xander materialized in front of them.
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“That is Xander in all his glory.”
“He and Roman look just alike.”
Delia smiled softly.
“Yes. He has his father's looks and stubbornness but he also has my heart.”
“Will I meet Xander?”
“No my dear. You won't.”
“Crisis averted.”
“So, will you be Roman’s mate or will you go back to your life as a human woman?”
Just as Naia was about to speak another panel appeared in front of her and Delia.
“What's this?”
“Roman. He's trying to connect to you through your bond. We are about to look at life through his eyes. These panels that appear are what life is like.”
“Why can’t he connect with me?”
Instead of responding, Delia put a finger to her lips then pointed to the panel. When Naia looked at the panel she was transported into Roman’s mind.
She and Delia were looking at a memory of them.
She had convinced Layla to let her turn Buck’s into a mini-movie theater for the pups and their parents. To give them something fun to do. When Roman heard about it he was both curious and thrilled. The girls decided on watching Lion King. With Gino and popcorn in hand, Naia snuggled next to Roman.
“So this movie is about…cats?”
“The circle of life. And lions.”
“…lions are cats are they not?”
Naia shook her head at the memory before turning to Delia.
“I remember this.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. It was the day I learned that your son doesn’t like my impressions.”
Delia chuckled. They turned back to the memory and as they did, they came upon Naia’s impression of one of her favorite scenes in the movie.
“Hyenas. I hate hyenas. So what’s your plan for getting past those guys?”
“Live bait.”
“Good idea!…hey!”
“Come on Timon, you guys have to create a diversion.”
“What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?”
Roman groaned.
“Are you going to be like this the rest of the movie?”
“What? Gino likes my impression. You don’t like my impression?”
“Everyone’s a damn critic.”
Roman rolled his eyes. But he would soon find out which scene is her favorite scene in the whole movie.
“Hey! Who’s the pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Uh oh! Did he call him a pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Shouldn’t have done that!”
“Are you talking to me?!”
“Now they’re in for it!”
“They call me: Mr. Pig!”
And just as she got Pumbaa’s yell Roman clamped a hand to her mouth.
“Beloved…how am I to enjoy this movie you’ve chosen with your incessant talking?”
Naia just giggled as the panel changed to a more recent memory. One that Naia didn’t recognize.
“Yes, my dear. This was just a few days ago.”
“But I don’t remember this.”
“Because you aren’t there.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
Delia pointed to the panel as it showed Roman walking into her room. He looked distraught as he looked around. Naia could feel his anguish in her chest. When his eyes fell on Gino sitting on the bed, she felt tears on her cheek as he held Gino close to his chest.
“I don’t understand.”
“The one he considers to be his mate is missing.”
“His mate? You mean me?”
“Yes, my dear.”
“But why is he looking for me?”
“Because your bond with him is disrupted. He’s trying to reconnect with you.”
“But why?”
Delia turned back to the panel as it showed Roman in wolf form curled up on her bed with Gino under his jaw. She felt his agony and his pain as well as his longing as he whimpered. He was missing her. He was needing her. Her presence. Her smile. Her laugh. It broke her heart. She stood up shouting to the panel.
“Roman! Roman! I'm here! I'm right here!”
Delia put a hand on her shoulder.
“He can't hear you. This is only a vision of what has already been.”
Naia turned to Delia with pleading in her eyes.
“You said that he couldn’t connect to me, why can’t he connect to me?”
With a wave of a hand another panel appeared. This one showed Naia lying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV with her mother at her side.
“I–I–I…it can’t be! You said I wasn’t dead!”
“You aren’t Naia. You’ve been injected with Wolfbane. It’s a toxin that can be deadly but thankfully you were taken to the hospital in time to save you.”
“Injected?! How?!”
“You don’t remember?”
Naia stood there confused until it hit her.
“The tranquilizer dart! The one that Trent was using! Am I right?”
Delia nodded.
“If I’m on an IV then why haven’t I woken up?”
“Because the spirits aren’t ready for you to wake up yet.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Delia looked at Naia.
“Answer this. Why do you think you’re here?”
Naia didn't know how to answer that question.
“I don't know.”
As soon as those words left her mouth another panel appeared. This one was of Trent after he left the hospital. He was in his boss’s office going off about Wolfbane.
“What is wrong with you Moses?!”
“The tranquilizer! You said it was harmless!”
“It is harmless! It effects those beasts and their ability to shift!”
“What about humans?”
“It doesn’t effect humans!”
Trent eyed him with an intense yet calm fury.
“What is Wolfbane?”
Bernard blinked in confusion.
“Where did you hear that name?”
“Answer the question!”
“It’s the name of the tranquilizer. It doesn’t effect humans.”
“Yes it does.”
“No it does not!”
Trent pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Naia was hit by one of the tranquilizer darts.”
“The young woman you brought here the other day?”
“Yes. She collapsed after being hit and is now in the hospital fighting for her life. According to her mother Wolfbane is a poison that you and Xander created.”
Bernard looked at Trent genuinely confused.
“Her mother?”
“I didn't stutter.”
“What was her last name again?”
“I knew someone with that last name but it was a he not a she.”
“Probably her dad. Her mother’s maiden name is Roberts.”
Bernard’s face lit up.
“Roberts? As in Laurie Roberts? Zane Roberts sister?”
“I knew that girl looked familiar!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know her mother. Which means Xander was right. She did run off with Evans. I can’t believe she finally came back home.”
“Is what her mother said true? That you created this with Xander?”
“Yes it is but he took it too far. It wasn’t designed to be lethal. I tried to stop him but you can see what good it did.”
“So Xander truly was a monster?”
“Ohhh yes my boy. A monster indeed.”
As she watched with Delia, Naia wasn’t entirely convinced that Bernard was totally innocent.
“I don’t like him. I don’t trust him.”
“That’s Bernard Sayre for you.”
“Has he always been this way?”
“Oh yes. Even when I was amongst the living he and especially his motives were always questionable.”
“Why does the town let him do what he does?”
“Only the town can answer that.”
“I guess…”
The panel showed Trent in his cabin sitting on his couch with a bottle in his hand. Naia could feel his guilt and shame as well as his anger. His anger at his boss and anger at himself. He didn’t mean to hurt her. She just came out of nowhere. By the time he pulled the trigger it was too late. He didn't see her at first but when she dropped to the ground his heart dropped when she did. He wanted to be there at the hospital with her. To tell her how sorry he was. How much she means to him. How he wishes he could take it all back.
But at that moment he couldn't. All he could do was wallow in his festering grief and simmering anger. The same as Roman. This war had taken away a lot for both of them but this was the final straw. Trent wasn't about to lose to Roman again. And Roman had finally had enough of Trent being a thorn in his side. Both had subconsciously decided that this was an all-out war.
All of it broke Naia.
“They aren't serious are they?”
“Yes. Both are hurt and angry. Both at themselves and each other.”
“But I don't want this! I don't want them fighting!”
“Then you've found your reason for being here.”
“What do you mean?”
“You asked me why you were brought here. My dear, you were brought here to heal what is broken.”
“You mean Roman and Trent?”
“And your family. Your mother, especially.”
“Yes. She is hurting. And angry. And confused. And you are the key to healing her wounds. And theirs.”
Naia nodded.
“How do I do that?”
“You can start by answering your mother’s prayer.”
Delia turned back to the panel that showed Laurie. When Naia looked up, her mother was holding the necklace that Xander gave her. She looking out of the window to the moon in the sky.
“Spirits of the earth,
I don't know if you can hear me or that I even have the right to ask this. But I come to you with a simple prayer. I ask you to heal my daughter. She doesn't deserve to be here. She doesn't deserve this. She's innocent. If you're angry with me for abandoning The Pack and my duties as Xander’s mate I understand. But I beg you! Don't make my daughter suffer because of me. I beg you, please bring her back to me. Let her eyes open again. Let her speak again. I just want my little girl back. I need her back. Please! Heal her.”
Delia turned to Naia with a question.
“Now that you know your purpose, are you ready my dear?”
“Yes. I am ready to heal all that is broken.”
Delia waved her hand and the panels disappeared. They were replaced by a doorway.
“Then go. Your mother is waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Delia.”
Delia smiled at her.
“You're welcome, my dear. Tell my son that I miss him and that I love him and that I'm sorry.”
Naia smiled at her.
“I will.”
Naia stepped through the doorway and was transported back to her hospital room, just as her mother finished praying. She had moved her head slightly which both startled and excited Laurie.
“Naia? Naia baby are you awake?”
Naia’s eyes fluttered open and when she spoke her voice was weak.
Laurie had tears in her eyes.
“I'm here baby. I'm right here.”
Laurie was overcome with joy and relief.
“You came back to me!”
“I missed you, mommy.”
“I missed you too, baby girl.”
Laurie nodded resolutely.
“Yes, we do. It's time for you to know the true reason why I left.”
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emachinescat · 3 years
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Another whumpy AU.
Title: Henry's Allegory of the Doghouse | Fandom: Psych
Summary: Just when Henry is wondering if trying to repair his relationship with his son is worth it, after all, he gets a call that changes everything. "Mr. Spencer? It's Gus. I'm at Santa Barbara General. There's been an accident." Spellingg Bee AU; part 2 of "AU That Glitters" series. Contains spoilers and whump.
Words: 3,307
TW: motorcycle accident
AO3 Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Episode: s01e02 Spellingg Bee, Whump
Year Published: 2017
Full story here or on AO3!
When Henry ventured back outside, dusk had come and gone and night was beginning in earnest. He wasn't surprised to see that Shawn had left without saying goodbye. He was even less surprised that he'd left the doghouse unfinished and the tools out. With a grunt of irritation, Henry lugged the pitiful excuse of a doghouse back into the garage and tossed the toolbox in behind them. Half wishing that he could slam down the garage door to get some of his irritation out, he had to settle for jabbing the control button repeatedly and aggressively.
He should have known. Shawn had never finished anything when he was a kid; why would he start now? Never mind the fact that he was pushing thirty. Henry snorted. Face it, Spencer, he ordered himself. Shawn never grew up, and chances are he never will.
Stomping back up the stairs to the porch and slamming the front door behind him, Henry found himself wondering if it was even worth trying to salvage the mess he and Shawn had made of their relationship at this point. Shawn obviously wasn't trying, just like he never tried at anything. Why should he have to put in all this effort if Shawn was just going to give up, like usual?
It wasn't about the dog house, he realized. It never had been. It was, and always had been, about their relationship. With a small, unamused chuckle as he puttered around, getting ready to turn in, Henry acknowledged that his relationship with his son was the doghouse. Too much effort to make it work, stuffed into a dark corner until it necessity demanded it be dragged out and refinished, but it was still too much effort to make it work, and so… and so back in the darkness it went.
Shawn internally cursed that stupid doghouse as he veered his motorcycle around a wide curve. Why was nothing ever simple with his father? For Pete's sake, Shawn had asked for a tiny favor, and his dad had dragged out the Hound Hotel from Hell out of the garage and insist that Shawn finish it. Did he not realize that this case was time sensitive? If he was going to solve this case and keep his standing at the police department, prove that he wasn't a one-hit-psychic wonder, he needed results and fast. Did Dad not realize that this kind of thing was one of the reasons he'd left home in the first place?
Yeah, the divorce and being there for his mom were factors – big ones, in fact – but did his father ever stop to consider that what might have driven Shawn away – driven Mom away – might have been his overbearing, overruling, stifling iron grip? No, of course he didn't. Because all he cared about was results. How many hats, Shawn? How many hats?
Who – the hell – cares?
With a frustrated sigh, willing to admit, at least to himself, that he was, by this point, possibly, brooding, he tried to clear his mind and focus on the road before him. Maybe he'd given up a little too soon. As much as he hated that idiotic doghouse, it was, unfortunately, his key to finding out what had poisoned the spelling bee judge. Tomorrow, he'd come back and fix the damn house, get his results, and go back to avoiding his dad as much as possible.
The headlights of a larger vehicle coming up fast behind him indicated that someone wanted to pass. Shawn kept to his side of the road to let them by, but they just kept coming. Before Shawn could figure out what exactly was going on, they were on him, jarring the back of his bike and sending him careening off course.
Shawn struggled to regain control of his bike, but it was too late. The last thing he saw before being tossed from his bike and toward the rocky ravine on the side of the road was a large van, headlights blazing, overtaking the smoldering corpse of his bike and disappearing over the hill.
Then there was pain, and everything went black.
Henry's phone woke him up.
Looking at the clock on the nightstand, he saw that it was just a few minutes to midnight. "Seriously, Shawn?" he grumbled as he fumbled out of bed and groped around for his phone. Who else would be calling him this late? And probably wanting some asinine favor as well. Well, tough luck, kid.
When he looked at the number on displayed on the screen, though, he didn't recognize it. Damn telemarketers were getting a lot more ambitious these days. Still, a spike of foreboding rose up in his gut. Telemarketers didn't work these kinds of hours. Even they, devil spawn though they were, had to sleep sometime. And Henry didn't give his number out to just anybody, so who…?
Clamping down on the sick feeling trying to encapsulate his being, Henry answered gruffly.
"Yeah, hello?"
The voice on the other side was quiet and shaky. He didn't recognize it until it said, "Mr. Spencer? It's Gus."
Guster? Really? Henry could've sworn he had the kid's number, if only to keep tabs on Shawn. Maybe he'd gotten a new number, or Henry hadn't added Gus's number when he got his own cell phone earlier in the year. Either way, it looked like it was his son's much-too-patient-and-forgiving best friend calling, which meant that Shawn had done something stupid. Again.
"Gus? What did Shawn do this time? You're not at the Mexican border, are you?"
The next words froze Henry's veins and released the fear that had been trying to build up inside of him. "N-no. I'm at Santa Barbara General. There's been an accident."
Henry was out the door before Gus finished speaking, in his truck, and speeding toward the hospital.
God, please. Not again.
When he arrived, it was to find Gus pacing back and forth in the ER waiting room, arms crossed tightly across his chest, a breathy keening noise accompanying every breath. Henry recognized it instantly as a panic attack, as he'd had to coach a much younger Guster through several of them when he and Shawn were kids, once when a large, but harmless, spider had found its way onto Gus's sneaker. That one had been a doozy.
But Henry didn't have time to put the kid gloves on (oddly enough, it'd always been a lot easier to don the kid gloves for a kid who wasn't his own). Stalking over to Gus, grabbing the frantic man by his tense shoulders, and spinning him around to face him, Henry demanded, "What happened?"
Gus's eyes were red-rimmed, but he managed to regain relative control of himself. "I'm not sure. I got a call about forty-five minutes ago from the hospital. They said that Shawn had been in an accident and that he was en route to the ER. They didn't give me much more than that; I'm waiting on the doctor right now."
Henry's heart tripped over its metaphorical feet in relief. That meant Shawn was alive. Hopefully, he would stay that way. Then Henry could kill him himself. How many times had he told Shawn to get rid of that death machine?
A thought suddenly occurred to him, and it troubled him more than he cared to admit: "Why'd they call you? Why didn't I get a notification?"
Gus was suddenly very interested in a stain that looked disturbingly like dried vomit on the waiting room's wall.
"I don't know; they told me I was Shawn's emergency contact."
Henry's heart sunk like lead into his gut. "What about me? Last time—"
"I don't know, Mr. Spencer. I'm sorry. Shawn must have changed it. You'll have to ask him, I don't know…"
The wheezing was starting back again. Releasing the tension in his shoulders the best he could, knowing that Gus wasn't at fault, Henry gently guided the young man to an empty chair and sat him down. After Henry had settled in beside him, he spent a few moments studying his son's best friend. He hadn't seen the kid much since Shawn had left home. Hadn't seen him at all since he'd left for Florida and come back last year. Kid must be keeping himself busy, he assumed. He looked good, though. Other than the obvious panic attack ravaging his systems.
"It's okay, Gus," Henry said, awkwardly patting the young man's back. Once Gus had calmed down enough, Henry rose to his feet. "I'm going to go to the front desk, see what they can tell me."
From behind his hands came Gus's muffled reply, "Good luck with that. They wouldn't tell me a thing except to please sit down and we'll let you know as soon as we know something." The high-pitched mocking tone was so petulant, it nearly caused Henry to let out a bark of hysterical laughter. Instead, he made his way to the desk, determined to get some answers about his son.
Three frustrating minutes later, he sat back down beside Gus and let his own face drop into his own hands. "Dammit."
Gus's muttered "told you" didn't help matters any, and Henry closed his eyes and tried to stave off his own waves of panic.
Dammit, kid. Why didn't I check up on you sooner? I should've asked you to stay for dinner… I should have made you finish it… I should have gotten rid of that damn bike a long time ago.
It was a little over an hour later when a nurse poked her head into the room and announced, "Shawn Spencer?"
Henry and Gus clambered to their feet and followed her when she beckoned them over. "We'll just take a moment to talk before we go see Shawn, okay?" She led them to a quiet hallway to the left of the main bustle of the ER and into a small office better suited to be a broom closet. "Have a seat." Gus and Henry scrunched themselves into the two hard plastic chairs nearly stacked on top of one another on one side of the office. For two people who hadn't properly spoken in years, it was a little too close for comfort, but neither complained, too focused on getting information about Shawn.
"Hi, I'm Lily Eastridge," she introduced herself. "I've been helping Dr. Davis with Shawn; he's finishing up with him right now. Are you Shawn's father?"
Henry dipped his head. "Henry Spencer; this is Shawn's friend, Gus. How's my son?"
"Overall, he's pretty lucky, Mr. Spencer. It could have been a lot worse. Still, he has some pretty extensive injuries, but none that should prove to be life-threatening. Your son should make a full recovery."
Both Henry and Gus breathed sighs of relief. "Thank God," Gus exhaled.
The nurse smiled. "So this is what we're looking at right now." She consulted her chart with a quick flick of her eyes before continuing, "Shawn was brought in via ambulance after a passerby spotted his motorcycle off of Nilesferry."
"He was on that backroad on his bike? No wonder he crashed," Henry couldn't help but grouse. How many times had he told Shawn to stick to well-lit roads, especially at night.
The nurse allowed his micro-tantrum, then went on as if nothing had happened. "We did several tests, including an MRI, an XRAY, and an Ultra Sound to check for internal organ damage. Ultimately, we treated Shawn for a severe concussion – no skull fracture, but it was probably a close thing – and a broken wrist."
"That's all?"
The nurse raised her eyebrow at Henry's brash, but somewhat relieved, tone. "No. He had a couple of other concerning injuries, including a four-inch-long gash in his left shin and a dislocated kneecap." Gus and Henry winced in synchronization, but Nurse Lily wasn't done just yet. "This leads me to what is, along with the concussion, perhaps the most severe and concerning of his injuries. Shawn sustained a complete tear to his patellar tendon."
Gus said a word that Henry didn't even know was in the kid's vocabulary. Outwardly, Henry shot the kid a disapproving look. Inwardly, he was a bit proud of him. Didn't know Gus had it in him. But that led him to realize that something that would incite such a reaction in someone like Gus was probably not good at all for his son.
"Can we speak in layman's terms?" Henry asked irritably, his worry for his son coming out as it always did – through gruff words and brash tones.
"The patellar tendon's what anchors the kneecap to the shinbone," Gus explained. "It's usually a pretty debilitating injury, especially a complete tear."
The nurse shot Gus an impressed look. "Wow, are you in the medical field?"
Even in his state of worry, Gus managed to adapt a smug look on his face and flick the side of his nose like a mosquito had just landed on it. "I'm in pharmaceuticals. Surprised I haven't seen you around here."
"Gus, time and place," Henry snapped. "So what are you going to do about the tendon?"
"We've scheduled him for surgery first thing tomorrow morning. Dr. Cunningham is doing the procedure; he's very skilled at what he does. After that, Shawn will have to go through some pretty intensive physical therapy, and he may have a limp for a while, but he should, eventually, regain full mobility and function of his leg again."
"Thank God." This time it was Henry's turn to thank a deity he wasn't even sure he believed in.
"Can we see him?" Gus asked.
"Certainly. Fair warning, he is in a good deal of pain. We do have him on morphine, but low doses so that we can better monitor his concussion overnight. As long as those symptoms don't worsen, the doctor should be able to use an anesthetic to put Shawn to sleep during the surgery instead of a local one, and we should be able to bump up his pain meds after the surgery." She gave them an encouraging smile. "Now, if you'll follow me, I'll take you to Shawn. The doctor should be getting him moved out of the ER and into a room shortly, and then you can stay with him tonight if you wish."
Shawn looked, for lack of a better word, like hell. Lying there with his left leg bandaged and suspended above the bed, IV pumping drugs – but not enough to dull the shine of pain in his eyes and on his forehead – into his arms, head bandaged, eyes unfocused and glassy, wrist in a splint until they put it in a more permanent cast…
"Dammit, kid," Henry said for what felt like the hundredth time that night. He reached out, hesitated, then told his pride to shove it and brushed a strand of sweaty hair off of the kid's forehead. "I told you that damn thing wasn't safe."
Shawn seemed to be having trouble following the conversation, because at least two and a half minutes passed before he responded, words slurred and voice hoarse, "'t wasn' my fault."
Henry shook his head. "It never is, kid."
"N-no," Shawn gasped, squirming slightly against the pain. "Wasn' an… acc'dent."
Henry's heart stuttered. Was Shawn trying to say what it sounded like he was saying? "Shawn, did someone do this to you? Was this intentional?"
It was another long, agonizing minute before Shawn caught up with the conversation and tried to nod, decided against it with a wince of pain, and answered aloud, "Yes. Someone ran me… off th' road."
Anger like none Henry had ever felt welled up inside of him like a volcanic eruption. Someone had done this to his son. Someone had tried – and damn near succeeded – to kill him. He cursed. Loudly. So loudly, in fact, that he woke Gus, who had nodded off in the window seat.
"Don't worry about it, Gus; go back to sleep," Henry ordered.
Muttering something indistinct about Pluto, Gus acquiesced with a cavernous yawn.
"How'd I … get here?" Shawn asked blearily. He looked like he was about to drift off, and Henry hoped to God that the meds were starting to do something.
"Ambulance, kid. How else? Some good Samaritan saw your bike in the brush and called 911."
Shawn was now trying to shake his head and discovering that this, too, was a no-no for people with severe concussions. "Can't be right," he muttered. "The d'rection the bike … was headin' … too far out, no street lights. No one could'a seen me…"
Henry narrowed his eyes. "What are you saying, Shawn?"
"M'be they didn' mean to kill me."
Henry's eyes now flew to the opposite end of the spectrum and widened. "You think the person who ran you off the road might've called 911?"
"Why not?" Shawn asked. "Should'a been no … way t' know it was them… Pro'ly waited a few minutes … then called. Would'a attracted lotta atten…tion if they'd killed me … 'tention they didn' … need…"
Shawn's eyes were drooping exponentially now, and although Henry's first instinct was to press for details about the car that had done this – because about to crash or not, Shawn would have noticed – he ultimately pushed his cop instincts aside and waded into the very strange – and new, and awkward, and uncomfortable, but not unwelcome – waters of father instincts. Giving his son an encouraging smile that the kid probably didn't even see, he smoothed back another couple strands of hair and said, "That's a good lead, Shawn. I'll call the station right now and have them track the number and see if we can find the person who did this."
Barely conscious anymore, Shawn added, sounding like he was already asleep, "…pro'ly … find … our killer … too …"
Henry laughed softly. "Damn it if you don't manage to solve this case while concussed in a hospital bed, kid."
To his surprise, Shawn said one final thing before succumbing to slumber, "I'll fix … the doghouse … t'morrow, kay, dad?"
Amazed, with a tightness in his chest that felt surprisingly like pride, Henry shook his head at his son's drugged and concussed optimism. "Don't think you'll be up to that for a while, sport," he said, resting a hand briefly on Shawn's mussed hair. "We'll do it together when you get better, huh?"
There was no response. Henry waited a few minutes, until he was certain that Shawn was finally, mercifully asleep, then grabbed his cell phone and stood up to make the call. Halfway to the door, Henry turned to look at his now resting son. He thought of the doghouse, and of how he'd lamented the effort that Shawn didn't seem to be willing to put into it, or the relationship. He remembered how he'd wondered if it was even worth it to try to resurrect his relationship with his son.
After the roller coaster of emotions he'd ridden in just a few short hours, he'd learned one thing: It was most definitely worth it. He'd lost him once to circumstances and hard feelings. Now that he had a chance to get him back, Henry was sure as hell not going to lose him again. It would be a long, hard, tough road, and they'd probably regret taking it at some point or another, but the moments with his son tonight in the hospital room had proven that it could be done.
It would be done, just like the damn doghouse, even if he had to do all the work himself.
But smiling softly, remembering his son's offer to fix the doghouse the same day he would be having his knee opened up, he realized that he probably wouldn't have to.
Maybe, just maybe, Shawn was willing to try to fix the ragged remains of the doghouse of their relationship, too.
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blackroseaki38 · 6 years
Hide and Go Varian
Rapunzel: Varian! Where are you?
Eugene: Come out, come out where ever you are!
Cassandra: Kid, in the interest of your safety, I would recommend you to come out before my father finds out.
Captain: Before I find out what?
Cassandra: Dad! What . . . are you doing here?
Captain: Well, when I got back to the castle after picking some things in town, I was surprised to see almost all my men looking for something when they should have been working.
Eugene: Really! Why those slackers must have misplaced something!
Rapunzel: Yes! I lose . . . Pascal all the time.
Captain: When I asked what they were looking for, they had no answer for me. All I could tell was that they were more scared of their temporary Captain than me at the moment.
Cassandra: Really! I have no idea why they would be scared of me.
Captain: Honey . . . what's going on.
Cassandra: Well, you know how Varian isn't allowed out of his room without supervision.
Captain: Yes.
Eugene: Angry and Red were visiting him when they snuck him out to Rapunzel's room to play with Pascal.
Rapunzel: And I was okay with Varian without supervision because I was supervising, which is okay, right?
Captain: Sigh. Yes, that is okay if someone else was there with you. Then what happened.
Rapunzel: Angry and Red wanted to play hide and go seek, so I counted to 100 while they hid. I found the girls easily, but . . . we still can't find Varian.
Captain: You mean to tell me Varian is potentially loose in the castle and probably ran away by this time?!
Eugene: Yes. You know, Captain, red really isn't your color. Maybe you should try thinking of calm thoughts. Your complexion would be less like tomato like then.
Captain: Fitzherbert! Please shut your mouth before I get . . . even more tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Don't worry, Dad! We have all the guards, the Snuggly Duckling Pub thugs, Lance, and a lot of kids looking for him all throughout town.
Rapunzel: Yeah! We'll find him in no time! We got some of the best seekers in town looking for him.
Eugene: That list probably has me on top as #1 Seeker of all Time!
Captain: Well . . . then why aren't you out looking for him!
Eugene: On my way, right now!
Cassandra: Don't worry, dad. We'll make sure he's back in his room soon.
Captain: He better be or else the King will not be happy him if he finds out.
Thirty more minutes later . . .
Eugene: Where can that boy be?!
Lance: Well, now we know never to let Varian play hide 'n go seek ever again. We'll just have to stick to tag.
Eugene: Lance!
Lance: Okay, okay! Freeze tag.
Eugene: Lance! Please stop talking before I'm tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Wow. Your starting to sound like my dad, Eugene.
Eugene: Your right! Wow! Responsibly sure changed me. I used to be a carefree thief and now . . . I teach the guards how to be sneaky and try to be a good role model for three kids.
Rapunzel: And I love you even more for those reasons. The newer you is just like the old you, but more . . . mature.
Eugene: Well, then I like the new you just as well. You're even more beautiful as you care for your people as their princess.
Rapunzel: Oh, Eugene . . .
Eugene: Rapunzel . . .
Cassandra: Oh, Lance . . . my love!
Lance: Yes, Cassandra, my dearest!
Eugene: Shut up, guys. Your embarrassing Rapunzel.
Lance: Well, then you should have thought of that before you two starting romancing it up in front of us!
Eugene: Lance!
Cassandra: Well, when he's right, he's right.
Rapunzel: Cass!
Lance: Now that we have all expressed our feelings, we can concentrate on finding our little boy!
Eugene: Ah, Lance? You know Varian's not a little kid. And you’re not the best choice to be a parental figure for him.
Lance: So? I can be his big brother! I mean, we're basically already Angry and Red's big brothers, so why not Varian's as well
Eugene: Well, um, . . . then sure. That actually makes some sense, so might as well embrace it.
Lance: Yes! It's official. I'm a big brother. Now, I can officially do brother stuff like give Varian candy and not make him brush his teeth.
Eugene: Um, buddy. I don't think that's how being a big brother works.
Cassandra: Can we concentrate back on finding Varian? Who knows where he is at this point? He's probably escaped.
Rapunzel: Oh, come on, Cass! Varian hasn't tried to escape ever since he was put on castle arrest.
Cassandra: He hasn't tried to escape because Old Corona was full of guards at the time. Now, most of the damage has been fixed. He might have decided to try escaping now.
Eugene: Well, let's get on with finding him before he runs away.
Lance: Yeah! I can't have my new baby brother running away so soon. People will think I scared him off or something.
Cassandra: Are you sure you haven't already scared him off?
Lance: Did you say something, Cass?
Cassandra: Nothing really. Um . . . just talking to myself.
Lance: You should consider not doing that around other people. They'll start thinking you’re crazy.
Cassandra: Thank you for the advice, Lance. By the way, have I ever given you a closer look at my sword?
Eugene: Um, why don't we concentrate on finding Varian before Lance takes a . . . closer look at your very sharp blade.
Cassandra: Sure, if Lance can keep his mouth closed that long.
Rapunzel: Oh! I have an idea! Let's check out the garden! Maybe he's there!
Cassandra: Good idea, Raps. He might try escaping that way.
Rapunzel: Cass! He wouldn't try escaping at all!
An hour later . . .
Eugene: Raps, remind me again why the royal garden is so BIG.
Rapunzel: Eugene, my mom loves plants. You remember how we had breakfast in the garden on her birthday, right?
Eugene: Rrrriiiggghhttt. Of course, I do, dear!
Cassandra: He sure does.
Lance: That long 'right' wasn't because he forgot an important memory.
Eugene: Shut up, you two!
Rapunzel: Did you guys say something?
Eugene: Nope! Pretty sure those were some little birds tweeting and chirping about.
Lance: Yes, two very truthful birdies.
Eugene: Lance!
Rapunzel: Wait, everyone! Be quiet!
Eugene: For what-
Cassandra: Shut up, Eugene!
. . .
Rapunzel: I hear something. Quick! Follow me!
Eugene: Why are we going into my room?!
Lance: You mean our room. Remember? The King didn't trust me . . .
Eugene: I know, Lance!
Lance: . . . so he paired us up and gave us a bigger room to share.
Cassandra: Yeah, why are we in these two idiots’ room.
Rapunzel: Shhhhh! Because of those two.
Eugene: Varian! Oh, thank goodness we found him!
Lance: Awwwwww! He missed us so he went to hide in our room while waiting for us to find him.
Rapunzel: He and Rudiger look so cute like this!
Cassandra: Even I think so.
Eugene: That's great and all, but let's get this kid back to the Captain before he has a stroke, or worse, blames me for this.
Rapunzel: Eugene, why don't we let Varian sleep a bit longer?
Cassandra: Yeah. I'll talk to my father right now.
Lance: And I will cuddle up with Var while you guys do that.
Rapunzel: Aww! No fair! I want to join the cuddlefest as well.
Eugene: If Blondie's joining in, I might as well too.
Cassandra: I'll be back and then I might decide to sit on the bed next to you guys.
Lance: I will go get Angry and Red. They will be so upset if I didn't invite them.
And so, Varian's impromptu game of Hide and Go Seek led them all into having a relaxing after spending the day looking for the wayward alchemist. Maybe next time they can play a nice game of tag instead! Good idea, right? :)
AN: I wrote this in one of my various notebooks a long time ago during work. But, I lost in the chaos of my room. I recently found it and typed up how much I had written. I just got back from work, where I basically worked on another Tangled AU for most of my day, to a home with a pizza party is going on. My dad is horrible drunk, breaking his New Year's revolution like 5+ times already in 2019. He now wants our whole family to go out to Reno, Nevada for his wedding anniversary, but are not considerate about the fact I have work and no one cover me since my co-worker Adrien is leaving the country the day before and my other co-worker Kim is going to be the receptionist that day. Everyone always pressures me to put my on-call job at risk making up reasons to try to get the day off, but no one can cover for me since my two other co-workers work 5 days and week and can not work more than 5 days in a row. Right now, I'm stuck with the family. My back, eyes, and head hurt because of all the loud music playing. I can't go to sleep even if I wanted to since my room is right next to the living room. I feel so stressed all the time, but hopefully posting this chat will make me feel better. Hope you guys like it!
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