#might edit this in a few days
lookingforcactus · 8 months
Went to a big quilting convention today and am feeling inspired so here's todays edition of
What the fuck do you mean that's a quilt??
Most people have no idea about how much craft goes into quilting or how much quilting as a craft, art, and even a science has been evolving in recent years. So here's my personal appreciation post
And btw the flat images do NOT even do these quilts justice, especially in terms of the absolutely amazing and detailed texture embroidery that a lot of quilters are using these days. Up close the texture and the sheer detail of many of them is just stunning
These are all from the Road to California quilt show 2023
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1st Place: Portrait
Title: Sharing the Moment Maker: Hollis Chatelain Quilter: Hollis Chatelain Design Basis: Maker's Original Design African-American women are a powerful force in motivating their families and communities to vote. I wanted to create a piece about this and highlight the fact that African-American women did not receive the right to vote in all 50 states until 1965 when the Voting Rights Act was passed. I met Phyllis at a rally. I was drawn to her and asked if she would be my model. Without hesitation she said yes. She later brought her friend Loretta with her.
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1st Place: Naturescape
Title: Augustinii Maker: Andrea Brokenshire Quilter: Andrea Brokenshire Design Basis: Maker's Original Design “Augustinii” is a blue/purple variety of rhododendron my momma planted within her forest garden. I was lucky to be home on when it was in bloom. When I see this quilt, I am reminded of my momma and how she loves to tend her garden and “grub in the dirt.”
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1st Place: Pictorial
Title: Leap of Faith Maker: Kestrel Michaud Quilter: Kestrel Michaud Design Basis: Original design In this Steampunk fantasy world, men and women have taken to the skies on ships held aloft by hot air, ingenuity, and luck. Faith’s favorite past-time is bungee-jumping off the side of her airship, with Bubo, her pet clockwork owl. This quilt depicts the photo Faith took on her latest jump to test her brand-new camera and selfie stick.
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2nd Place: Naturescape
Title: Homage to Birches Bare Maker: Jessica Noble Quilter: Jessica Noble Design Basis: Fabric recreation of Kesler Woodward's Birches Bare, acrylic on I fell in love with Kesler Woodward’s Birches Bare painting and knew I had to create it in fabric. I cut about 1,700 pattern pieces out of freezer paper and then fused fabric, through the fall of 2019 until the pandemic started. During this time, I homeschooled my two children and the quilt sat in quarantine. I quilted this freehand on my midarm in the winter of 2021. I managed to take the majority of the summer of 2022 on the binding.
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2nd Place: Pictorial
Title: Toroweap Overlook Maker: Sandra Mollon Quilter: Sandra Mollon Design Basis: Derived from a photo Toroweap Overlook, in the Grand Canyon National Park, is an incredible view of the Colorado River. When John Slot sent me the photo to consider for an art quilt, I realized the complexity of the amount of the pieces it would require, but knew I had to do it. Raw edge fused, machine quilted, small amounts of media.
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3rd Place: Pictorial
Title: Catch it Yuri! Maker: Hiroko Miyama and Masanobu Miyama Quilter: Hiroko Miyama Design Basis: Maker's Original Design Inspired by dogs’ action. Yuri, golden retriever big jumped to catch a ball and Ponta, mix hardly waited his turn. Dogs and girl were fused appliquéd.
Seriously can you believe these are all quilts!!! incredible amazing showstopping spectacular
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avornalino · 2 months
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doing a little lovestruck gp with these two!! a little backstory under the cut if you're interested!
adelaide (ada) and valerie (val) met as freshmen in college at britechester when they were randomly paired together as roommates. ada studied communications and hoped to become a journalist, val was unsure what she wanted to do at first but knew that she wanted to do something with art and possibly fashion. they didn't click at first but over time became inseparable. for the next 3 years, they lived together and when graduation came, val decided she wanted to move back to her hometown, ciudad enamorada, and ada, now unsure of what to do with her life post-grad, decided to go with her. they found a nice 2 bedroom apartment in the historic center of the city to rent for the foreseeable future while they explore the city and all it offers.
despite getting along really well, the two are pretty much opposites. val loves going out meeting making out with new people while ada prefers to make friends, she's also a little awkward when it comes to romance... (she's trying her best!)
ada: writer (journalist) | best-selling author // active, creative, romantically reserved
val: style influencer (stylist) | romantic explorer // heartbreaker, clubber, high maintenence
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plulp · 11 months
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beaulesbian · 6 months
Thoughts and more thoughts about the potential of Rob Lucci after chapter 1111 - spoilers and theory
(disclaimer: this might be totally implausible and not at all what could happen, but it's something that's been on my mind since last chapter, so here are my thoughts on this. again, very long post ahead, I don't know how it keeps happening)
The way Oda allowed Lucci to feel during chapter 1111, is something I didn't expect to find so intriguing, and it points to how much depth really has each character in this story.
There is a subtle change of certain aspects of Rob Lucci's personality since the start of Egghead, and in the chapter 1111 even a bigger focus is on his reaction to meeting Mars Gorosei and asking for Kaku to be spared.
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Given this swept away answer with seeing whom he's been serving all this time, there could come a realization that'd sort of wake him up. There's a potential to somewhat turn power of Cipher Pol agents from blindlessly following the World Government. To stop being the WG's shield.
It's very probable the story might deal with the reform or even collapse as a whole of the World Government - especially since the Gorosei are currently Luffy's main enemies. With that, the Cipher Poll intelligence could play a significant part of it as well, along with other moving pieces like the Revolutionary Army, Shanks, Luffy's fleet or even Morgans and his newspapers, and, of course, the Strawhats.
There's been comments of readers who only saw Lucci and Zoro's fight as one dimensional - one has to win, the other has to lose, and comparing points and skills without really diving into their respective characters - thankfully Oda knows those characters and knows how to make the story interesting and compelling. Where before I hoped we would get a follow up about the words directed at Zoro, instead Lucci was given more space for this chapter.
Where one would hope for Zoro to win and move to other parts of the island with the Strawhats, we instead stayed with Lucci and him witnessing Mars in his full on demon form - something that even Lucci was shocked to see.
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Those two pages were such incredible moments for Lucci as a character who serves fully the Gorosei and the World Government in first place, yet! Yet! In the last part he's on the page, he's allowed and shown to be worried and caring for someone else than himself- after arcs and arcs where he appeared here and there just carrying out on orders and missions without seemingly caring about anyone to much depth before, he's given space to actually express the concern regarding Kaku.
Of course he's still this same of bloodthirsty killer, just like in Enies Lobby, (ch. 382),
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both his immediate fight upon seeing Luffy on Egghead, and later against Zoro paints it clear what he's capable of.
Rob Lucci is regarded as one of the strongest assassin's in the Cipher Pol agency CP9 (and later with higher rank of CP0). Just reading his wikia to remember more moments, the section about his personality is mostly compiled of traits like cold-hearted, agressive, and especially taking the Wold Governments meaning of Justice into brutal heights, thinking all is allowed to accomplish his goals/missions/orders.
There's his past and how he has been trained by WG to do as they told him, or even go to length which he wasn't even ask to do, but knowing his position as assassin he did as he wanted.
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By the end of Water 7 and leaving to Enies Lobby, where he preteded to be friends with Iceberg, Paulie and other shipwrights for 5 years, he didn't show any regrets leaving the place (contrary to Kaku, who seemed to really enjoy his work as shipwright and is sometimes shown really excited about new places and such)
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Up until the chapter 1111 I mostly took him as someone really dutiful to follow orders through and through and not gave it much more thought beside that, but it's true that this already started to shift around chapter 1062, when we see Lucci, Kaku and Stussy on their way to Egghead Island:
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"They want us to eliminate the most useful man in the world..."
"The last thing a man as keenly perceptive as you should be doing is looking for answers." (says Stussy, a double agent working for Vegapunk, lol).
I wouldn't call it distrust in WG, yet. At this point he was still adamant about following the mission to kill Vegapunk. But maybe it's more visible that he's thinking more about such orders and their consequences.
He fights Luffy immediately after setting foot on Egghead, calls it as it is in wanting to defeat Luffy and destroy his whole crew without any pretense (and maybe that honesty was why Luffy took his word for their brief cooperation in fighting Seraphim). ch. 1076
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He says this honestly, yet after the Strawhats and Vegapunks are healing later on, Lucci still tries to attack Vegapunk, ch.1091
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Once knowing Kizaru appeared too, Lucci returnes back to finish his mission, he strikes at Vegapunk again - unsuccessfuly because Stussy takes that attack, and Zoro pushes him from the lab and then keep him occupied until the latest chapter 1111.
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And that is a big part of him, eyes always on the mission - get information to his bosses, to Navy/Saturn/Gorosei/Kizaru, and keep his enemies occupied or better yet - dead. This thinking was always present with him to this point in ch. 1111, and that is from where it could lead to even more nuance in his future decisions:
The first time seeing Mars in his demon form there's that blink-and-you-miss it expression of pure horror, hinting that even the highest ranking agents probably had no idea just what the true nature of the Gorosei looks like, and that a sight like that can pull this expression from Lucci:
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After that brief shocked state, he goes back to immediately report all informations he has on Vegapunks, Strawhats, even their plan of escape, as well as mentioning the other Cipher Pol agents, trapped in the Lab:
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then there's this panel, "well done. no further questions.":
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which reminded me of very similar words Lucci said to Robin in Water 7, ch. 348: "you've fulfilled your role. good work."
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Maybe it's not intended as parallel, but just that similarity of something he's been clearly hearing from his higher ups, that he added it to his own vocabulary.
But then there's this more surprising part of ch. 1111:
After his shock of seeing that monster in front of him, and after giving Mars all the informations, he still finds the strength to ask him to spare his partner's life, to save Kaku:
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What he gets as an answer is along the lines of: "it might be difficult when everyone to us is like ants" and that's the last of Rob Lucci for this chapter.
Mars seem to share this same thinking like Saturn expressed before, while the navy guy heard that even the life of an CP0 agents isn't something Saturn (and Gorosei) would really be troubled over, if lost.
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and hearing that from Mars could be an eyeopening moment for Lucci.
They're assassins and an intelligence agency of almost the highest standing among the World Governement, but even the lives of Kaku and such seem to mean nothing to the Gorosei.
The point of the current anime episode 1098 where Lucci & CP0 were just arriving on Egghead reminded me how he was asking Vegapunk about the missing Cipher Pol agents and their disappearances, ch. 1068:
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It's not that he was only concerned about Kaku in the latest chapter, but since the end of Water 7 - and seeing how his crew cared for him to pay for his medical bills (cover story chapters 491 - 528, manga only, which is very interesting that the anime didn't adapt that cover story), I think he started to care more about "his own people" - the Cipher Pol agents in general - even to visit to their "hometown" while he was healing and defended that place (and the new young trainees) from the Marines who were sent to attack CP9 after their failure at Enies Lobby:
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So the question is.. once Lucci saw just who he was serving all those years, the World Government and the Gorosei - and now seeing Mars in his bird monster form disregarding any care for any lives, even their own agents - will that be a tipping point for him?
He asked Mars to spare Kaku but got an answer that all of them, Cipher Pol agents even on the highest places, are still the same as insects in the eyes of the Gorosei
Could that be something that will help him make a certain change?
My possible theory of what he might do/what might happen (given that he still has the strength to walk after his fight with Zoro):
Find Kaku himself - he was trapped in the bubble like the other Seraphim - we don't know if anyone else un-trapped him in the meantime, and Lucci himself doesn't know about the bubble prison, given his flashback to Kaku is just him laying down, as he last remembers that from the Lab.
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Sanji said to Kaku that Lucci abandoned him - something that Lucci kept taunting Zoro with during their fight - about the inability to sacrifice one from their team for the greater good. (It could mean that Kaku either wouldn't count on Lucci coming back, but it would work even better if it was shown Lucci actually coming back for Kaku
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and they could go finish their side mission of rescuing the other Cipher Pol agents -
and that's another thing -
even during that brief panel of their rescue -they were thankful to Luffy! Despite their positions of agents of Government, which puts them always directly opposing pirates/Strawhats/Luffy, they appreciated and thanked Luffy for giving them food and saving them, ch. 1090
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This together I feel could become a moment of all these agents realizing that Luffy isn't their real enemy - or wake up from their WG brainwashed thinking once they see just who is outside fighting: Gorosei in their monster forms vs. Luffy
I think that Rob Lucci stands there now as one of the few who could sway the Governments power to a tipping point from the inside.
Not precisely helping Luffy or Strawhats, but taking that power of the intelligence agency away from the WG and Marines.
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It was shown in multiple pages how the Gorosei care more about the rank and position than any lives of their trained assassins, and think of them as something to be disgarded left and right.
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Their intelligence agency and assassins act as a Shield to the WG, and the CP0 even carries that in their name: AEGIS, (a powerful shield from greek mythology).
If the other agents would follow Lucci in a different direction, he could be the one to take away that shield from the Gorosei, uncover one of the layers that act as their security, leaving them more exposed and vulnerable to future attacks (possibly from people like Dragon and Revolutionary army when the time comes for them to strike).
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wormboytrav · 15 days
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Soultember 9: Media crossover
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 10 months
the incel problem in the kr game industry has been there for years, but it really seems like projmoon started a chain reaction to the recent things going down. the company in the spotlight currently is nexon, involving maplestory n blue archive among other games. and nexon doesn't have the "indie company" excuse
dudes are currently complaining any time they see anything resembling a 🤏 pinching hand gesture. an artist from an animation studio working with nexon (studio ppuri) has been fired. art is being edited or taken down because of incels combing through literal seconds of clips to catch things that look like 🤏 . studio ppuri is under investigation; associations and unions have been holding conferences and protests against nexon
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(clip of the ppuri mv that was taken down. the screenshot under it shows up for only a second and just looks like a half heart)
blue archive is also.... currently under a lotta heat online for other reasons including this...
+ these guys brought up the gesture when they harassed the limbus cg artist too but it didn't cross my mind at the time
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(the limbus company cg mentioned)
a korean radfem group, megalia, did use the pinching gesture as a symbol in the past, but they're defunct. and obviously assuming all feminists are like that or that anyone who does/draws the pinching movement is one of them is still ridiculous. so is claiming any instance of it is hate speech like nexon is doing
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a couple days after i initially wrote this post it came to light that the artist who was fired wasn't even responsible for that part of the storyboard. she was scrapegoated. nexon has also been coddling the incels and harming women employees by doing things like giving out the social medias of said employees to fans of dungeon & fighter (what the hell)
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 days
sometimes doing art is a random person coming by u and winking at u and u absolutely do not know what they're doing that about at all. and sometimes they tell u and ur like that's so beautiful that u've found that in my art but I didnt put it in there
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nina-ya · 8 days
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!! HAPPY THURSDAY!!! How are we doing??? I hope you have an amazing day we just have to push through to the weekend!!
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everypanelofizuku · 2 months
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Chapter 54 - Re: Ingenium
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years
Your Six Balls is so cute I need more of him
I'll offer you by heart in return: ❤️🧎🏻‍♀️
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How can you offer me your heart when Six Balls already has it?
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dalish-rogue · 9 days
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I still haven’t finished the prologue because she’s too pretty, it’s distracting 😭✨💖
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avornalino · 8 months
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hiiii.. 🙃🙃
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becky5203 · 4 months
Something I find really interesting about Colin as a character, and something I think a lot of people miss about him and his character arc, is his place within his sibling’s birth order. He is the third born boy in a family of 8 children with three sisters between him and his brother 7 years younger than him. He has a unique position within his family in that he is sandwiched between his two older brothers who are closer in age to each other than they are to him and the first born girl of his family who is only a year younger than him, and because of this he falls into this category where he is considered a “baby of the family” despite actually only being the third oldest. You can see it in the way his family acts towards him and talks to and about him. They love him dearly but they don’t respect him as the adult man he is. He wants to grow up and mature and be seen as someone other than as a young boy within his family but he just doesn't know how because his family doesn't treat him like it and they don't expect him to.
It's even been mentioned in interviews that he struggles with being a third son in a world where all you need is "an heir and a spare". He doesn't know where to fit in. Unlike Benedict and Anthony, he was still a child when he lost his father, leaving him feeling somewhat stunted, I think. Anthony was expected to become the head of the family and Benedict was probably expected to take on more responsibility as well, but Colin seemingly became a mama's boy who his mother would lean on and would try to bring cheer and joy to his family in their time of grief. Colin, Eloise, and Franchesca all seem to have their own unique brand of "middle child syndrome", and they deal with it in different ways. El is the second girl, she's not the first to enter the marriage mart but she knows its an inevitability for her, and she's terrified. She, like Colin, wants to find her place in the world, but she does this by being as outspoken and definitive about her life as possible. Franny is also scared but she hides away from it all, trying her hardest to blend into the background. Colin, however, is just lost and drifting. Not being truly seen, not being truly heard despite trying to.
It's brought up in season 1 how Anthony sees him compared to Daphne, who, again, is only a year younger than him, but because she is the eldest girl, and is the first responsible for marrying into another family instead of providing for her own, she is expected to grow up and leave as soon as she can while Colin is expected to take his time, "sow his wild oats", and put aside the notions of leaving his family and starting his own for many years. But he doesn't want to, he wants to grow up, be "taken seriously" as he put it, and find a purpose for his life. He thinks he can do this by getting married and starting a family because he just saw Daphne do it, but Daphne had something he didn't: Love. In season 2, he deals with that fallout by looking anywhere and everywhere for purpose and answers. Trying to ask who really sees him, how he should've handled the Marina situation better, what is his purpose. His hero complex leads him to protecting Penelope and her family, not even realizing that by doing this he's protecting the one who holds his heart, and he has found his purpose, and for a short time he feels fulfilled. But then he's off traveling again, and when he returns he is seemingly overcompensating for how he still hasn't found his purpose by pushing his sensitivity and emotions down, becoming even more flirty and charming to the women of the ton but not making any serious attachments and overall avoiding who he really is. He's putting on a facade because he thinks that's the way he'll finally learn how to grow up. He's been traveling the world to find his purpose only he hasn't realized yet that it's been right across the street this entire time.
While I have my own problems with the idea of the "Bridgerton glow up" within the fandom, that is probably deserving of its own post, I do think that even his costuming throughout the show reflects this characterization. In season 1, he is boyish and sweet looking, still young, naive, and finding his way in the world before his heart is broken. In season 2, he comes back more grown up looking, but in a way so drastic and different to the previous season that it comes off seemingly forced and ill fitting to him and his own style. From what we've seen of season 3, he SEEMS to have finally captured a style, look, and personality that is right for him. But it almost seems too perfect, TOO 'grown up', again, like he's trying to force a change he hasn't fully felt in himself yet.
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heyclickadee · 9 months
I think there’s a little bit of a bambi effect with Pabu (the episode, not the place). I mean—you know how when people talk about Bambi it’s always, “Oh yeah, that movie where the little baby fawn frolics with his woodland friends and then his mom dies and oh isn’t it sad.”
And yes, it is sad, and there are adorable baby animals and all that, but in all the times I’ve ever heard anyone my age bring up that movie, I’ve never heard anyone comment on anything that happens in the entire second half after the mom dies and after Bambi grows up, including the entire climax of the film where there’s a huge forest fire and Bambi almost gets killed by hunting dogs. A lot happens! It’s actually kind of intense! But—and I’m not sure why this is, though I suspect it’s a combination of well-meaning parents turning the movie off before the scene where Bambi’s mom dies/some kids having such a hard time with that sequence that they don’t remember anything past it/kid’s losing interest during the second half—people don’t remember that section most of the time.
But, anyway, that’s what I mean by bambi effect—the first and overall calmer half of an episode or movie completely overshadowing the more intense and more eventful second half in fan discussions. And with Pabu, we tend to talk about the first half. It’s always, “The batch goes to Space Greece for a vacation and eats sushi,” and not, “THERE’S A TSUNAMI AND EVERYONE ALMOST DIES.” Because that also happens. It’s funny.
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goatwithaplan · 6 months
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i went to walkmart the other day and look at who i found
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stellarspecter · 1 year
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@pscentral event 17: vibrance ↳ tessa violet - bad ideas (2018)
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