#might spend some time in Utah at my uncles house but I don’t even know if I have the PTO for that
wolfstrong · 4 months
I feel like I’m never going to have a life again, I’ll just be stuck working until I die. And no matter how hard I work, I feel like I’ll never be able to afford a house or a nice vacation or anything like that. Like what there really to hope for in the future. I’m not getting any younger
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gehayi · 6 years
A member of the Republican National Committee, fearing primary challengers to President Trump in the wake of incoming GOP Sen. Mitt Romney's scathing op-ed, is urging fellow committee members to change the rules to thwart intra-party threats to Mr. Trump in 2020.
In an email obtained by CBS News, Jevon O.A. Williams, the national committeeman for the Virgin Islands, urged fellow elected RNC members Tuesday night to push for an "unprecedented" rule change in the wake of the Romney op-ed's "calculated political treachery." Williams wants to close "loopholes" in the nomination in a way that would make it tougher for even token challengers to Mr. Trump to enter the fray. The Washington Examiner first reported the letter.
Specifically, Williams urged fellow RNC members to change Rule 40, which requires a candidate for the nomination to garner support from a majority of delegates in at least five states or territories in order to be placed on the nominating ballot at the Republican National Committee Convention. Williams also called for a resolution to declare Mr. Trump the presumptive nominee in 2020, calling for both of those moves to take place at an RNC winter meeting later this month.
"While President Trump would win re-nomination it wouldn't come quick and it wouldn't be inexpensive. Any contested re-nomination campaign—even a forlorn hope—would only help Democrats," Williams wrote. "Accordingly, I am asking for your support to take the unprecedented step of amending the rules to close loopholes in the re-nomination campaign, including Rule 40."
The email was sent to RNC members two hours after Romney, who has yet to be sworn into office, published an arresting op-ed in the Washington Post titled, "The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump's character falls short." Romney argued that Mr. Trump has failed to live up to the mantle of his office in the last two years, and America's standing on the international stage is worse off because of it. The op-ed offered a glimpse of how Romney, who has criticized Mr. Trump in the past, might maneuver being a Republican senator under a polarizing president.
The op-ed prompted visceral responses from Mr. Trump's staunchest defenders — including Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the RNC who is Romney's niece and dropped her maiden name -- Romney -- reportedly to appease Mr. Trump. McDaniel, without naming her uncle, blasted the "incoming Republican freshman senator" for his criticism of the president.
Williams' proposal to thwart challenges to the incumbent president comes as some states also look to fend off challenges to him. CBS News' Caitlin Huey Burns has reported some of Mr. Trump's supporters in early states, including South Carolina and New Hampshire, are looking into allowing the Republican party to simply endorse him--without holding primary contests.
The Iowa caucuses are scheduled to take place in early February 2020.
Here is the full text of the email sent to RNC members, as obtained by CBS News. Williams did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Dear fellow RNC member,
Merry Christmas (yes, it's still Christmas), happy New Year, and warm greetings from where many of you probably want to be right now: America's Caribbean.
Imagine my surprise when I read the junior senator-elect from Utah's unprecedented rebuke of President Donald J. Trump in an op-ed on the pages of The Washington Post that ran before he was even sworn into office. I couldn't believe this was coming from our party's 2012 nominee, who, despite differences in politics, still professes to be a Republican. With Republicans like him who needs Democrats.
Seriously. I swear that Republicans can be their own worst enemy. Democrats don't have to worry about the three-ring circus and civil war that is engulfing their party's 2020 nomination campaign because so-called Republicans are forcing us to spend valuable time, money, and resources in re-nominating our president.
Make no mistake. This was calculated political treachery. The op-ed, again before he even assumed office, was published the night of New Year's Day. This was done to define the week's narrative in the mainstream media and chattering class. It also only serves to undermine our party and its president by playing into the hands of House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer as they seek to divide Republicans and distract attention away from their refusal to protect our borders.
As an immigrant, a combat veteran, a black American, a millennial, and as a member of the RNC, I wholeheartedly support and endorse President Trump for re-nomination. That isn't to say I don't have my disappointments. I do. Like many of you, I have been frustrated by the inability to get Republicans nominated to U.S. attorney, U.S. marshal, and District Court judgeships. But the record is clear and President Trump's policies at home and abroad are getting results by putting the national interest first and foremost.
My friends, you know what's going to happen.
Messrs. Romney, Flake, and Kasich will continue chasing their fantasy of being president, even if that means destroying our party and denying President Trump re-election.
Look, the political history is clear. No Republican president opposed for re-nomination has ever won re-election.
Unfortunately, loopholes in the rules governing the 2020 re-nomination campaign are enabling these so-called Republicans to flirt with the possibility of contested primaries and caucuses.
While President Trump would win re-nomination it wouldn't come quick and it wouldn't be inexpensive. Any contested re-nomination campaign—even a forlorn hope—would only help Democrats.
Accordingly, I am asking for your support to take the unprecedented step of amending the rules to close loopholes in the re-nomination campaign, including Rule 40. These rules, as I read them and has been reported in the press, didn't take into account an incumbent president running for re-election. Beyond a rules amendment, I also ask for your support of a resolution declaring the RNC's unanimous and unequivocal endorsement of President Trump for re-nomination. This resolution would also declare him the presumptive nominee in 2020. I intend for both of these items to be acted upon at the winter meeting later this month, including, if necessary, by suspending the rules to take up this business.
The so-called Republicans seeking to defeat President Trump have used our silence to advance their cause.
It's time to make our voice heard: Our party, be it the RNC or the grassroots in the 56 states, territories and District of Columbia, is united behind President Trump.
Yours always,
Jevon O.A. Williams
National Committeeman, Virgin Islands
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Hello , it is currently Tuesdays April 20, 2020
Things haven't been looking the best honestly and I wish for just a moment of peace , things are falling apart at the seams , and I don't think I can take it .
Mom's going crazy again, I'm not sure if she's on anything but she often leaves me at her friends house and camps up at the old logging roads with her benoculars .
When she is here , she will always try to get rid of me , whether it be asking if I want to go to granpas , and then get upset when I say I don't feel like it . She hasn't hugged me in over 4 months and it's a strange feeling.
On the brighter side of things , this summer I might get to go see my dad who lives in Utah , they plan on letting me spend the school year there , which in my opinion had its flaws. I will be a freshman , a new one , at the bottom of the food chain, and major social anxiety .
The situation at 'home' my aunt's house is difficult . Everytime she catches a bloody bandaids in the garbage , or a small spot of blood on a clothing item she freaks out , and threatens to kick me out. She doesn't like the fact that I'm hurting myself , but won't even bother to get me proper help , just a simple
"if you ever feel sad just tell me"
As if telling her that I'm on the verge of suicide and that I want to end my life will help anything . I'm sure if I tell my mom she's lock me up without a second thought , like she had threatened me in 6th grade when my aunt had told her about my wrists .
I don't exactly blame her for her immidiant thought to go there , for a few examples ,
I was in my room and a song came on that triggered me , and I started crying, and then I got upset and I couldn't take it and punched wall, my mom had came in and saw it all, I pretended to look casual but I'm sure it sparked concern in her.
The whole home situation is difficult ,
I currently live with my aunt and uncle , both Christain , homophobes, and transphobes .
As much as I hate it there , it's still better than my current home , atleast there isn't yelling at 1 am- 6 am on school nights , or my mom coming into my room and crying , badly beaten telling me that we have to go, or siblings that hate your guts and try to do possibly anything to make you upset and threaten to hurt them . All the broken phones , all the bruises , it was just such a bad atmosphere , for at the time I was at the edge of killing myself . This was just last year 2019 , in my diary i had , 2019 was the longest I thought I'd live . I had planned that in the summer of it , right after school ends I'd do it . Out of stupity , I decide to break up with my current girlfriend , who had started to drift apart from be back in December , and the very same night I had admitted my feelings to someone I had met online. They went my red leader , and I always had been fond of them , for about a year , they had added me to a discord server and that night I admitted that I had liked them, without context on why I decided to tell them. I didn't even know them very well, and they seemed to spite my existence , and on top of that they had a girlfriend , thy didn't get Along well, but they were still together . So I admitted my feelings at one in the morning, my friend had bugged me about it , a friend I had only because they were close to red leader . I'd intentionally get information out of him, since he was very talkative . I woke up around 10 , and deleted the message , thinking 'why bother?' and decided to cry a bit before going online .
Afternoon neared and I was in one of the groupchats , actually talking to red leader , who had said that I could call them D.
It slightly annoyed me , for one I wanted to know there name , they're preferred name , and D reminded me a little of and old ex , and I decide to use that as an excuse to get another name out of him .
But anyways we were talking and having an actual conversation , which was rare and I our of curiosity , I asked if he had gotten any messeges early in the morning, he responded with no. I was relieved until her he sent
" wait , actually I did, it was to early and I copy and pasted it into a note
to read it later"
That's had made me feel queasy and I panicked a bit , regretting saying anything . After a few moments of sending curses into the chat he came back on and out of nowhere sent " it's bold of you to assume that I didn't like you back"
I knew that my plans would change .
He asked me out , and I without hesitation said yes . Summer had passed , and I missed my chance of my plan being put into action. By the time school had started up , I was attending a new school. I knew know one and it caused me to go into panick until I officially got the hang out things after 2 weeks . On the third however things were still feeling bad in my brain, I was going to kill myself know matter what , but there was apart of me that tugged at my heart , I couldn't just leave alex , he was also in a hard place and i loved him . But we'd get into arguments , and one was on a Saturday my aunt had church . I was scared and started hurting myself and withoit thinking grabbed the bottle of aspirin, and with blood gosh down my legs I looked at the bottle and picked it up, the only thing in my head was
"I hope this works"
before I snapped back into reality and scaredly cleaned up and put the pills away, and because of that ,Early on Monday morning I decided to make an appointment with the school counselor Mrs .Rollins, I told her how I felt , and my plan, I didn't want to go into detail, but I told her about my self harming ,and how I had hid it from my family for two years. She was concerned and called my aunt . They planned to set up my own councelor but never got around with it.
It didn't help, at all. But I countinues to fight every day, every week , every month , even when things weren't Looking good. Me and Alex would get into more arguments that would end with me ghosting him , so I could go make another mark onto my thigh. After a bit , we got more companionate to each other , and sexual tension would build up.
We started to talk more and one night we had , over one our phone calls , had done some lewd things. We listened to each other get off and it was all in all, a pretty nice feeling . We had bother fell asleep and woke up embarrassed , remembering what we had done . And then it became more and more of a thing, and they'd ask me to tease them , and I would . But I became more and more frequent , until it was happening everyday, and then more than once a day and it exausted me and I felt as if he only came online to get off to me saying lewd things to him . It made me feel a bit upset and things started getting rough around December , and then onto January. In social studies I had made a new friend , wyatte Daniel handler. He was very tall and lean and all in all a class clown. We became close and flirted a bit , but not to a noticeable ammount , and it all started with a note.
" I know this is out of the blue , but you're really cute and your drawings are amazing"
It struck my heart , and I slowly started falling in love, I couldn't admit that to myself yet , cause I was still with Alex , and he was my boyfriend of 9 months , i didn't think i could have feelings for Wyatte , but I did. Because I started to write back to him . And eventually we were gonna meet up at the skating rink. I thought that it was a nice thing to do , so I went , it started at 6 pmand was supposed to end at 9:30pm ,I had came around 7:16 due to traffic, and entered . We hung out and around 8 the skating place changed there plan, they were gonna close at 8:30 , so we decided to leave around 8:15 , he offered to walk with me , to my aunt's work place that wasnt to far from where I was. We talked and hugged , and had hung out by a billboard. He wanted to cuddle , and it was cold out , I offered him my jacket but he declined , but I still wrapped it around him. We had decided to move to the side of the workplace ,where they're was a place to sit for two .I let him straddle me and I hugged him close , I found nothing strange about this at all , I found it quite lovely , and adorable to see him so soft . It was getting close to our pickup times , and he asked me for a kiss, without hesitation I accepted and we embarrassely went in for a kiss . It was only a milisecond but it lit fireworks in my stomache, him licks were soft , even though they were chapped , and I felt him lite mustache hair's against my face , and then the cops pulled up, yup the cops , in their big black SUV, apparently someone around the area had called the cops , and they thought it was us , we quickly got off each other , for we were embarrassed as men , and then we headed off , he got picked up by his grandma , and I waited for 30 minutes inside my aunt's work.
And then it clicked all at once
I had juts cheated on Alex .
But it was fine right? Things would settle down, he wouldn't know.
But things didn't settle down , they actually got more serious . And on the 14th , valentines day we went to go see Sonic ,and I brought him cola and a dozen donuts , after the movie , we went up to his place , which was in walking distance , i hung out in his room, cuddling and giving me kisses , it was a very nice Valentine's day, and I enjoyed it alot .
Things were great, we'd walk home from school, and we'd hang out under the bridge , it was paradise , I told her everything, he was everything to me , I was madly in love with him, obsessed even .and yes things had gotten heated a few times , I'd give him head , and that's pretty much it beside thing here an there like hickeys and stuff .
I'd buy him things whenever I could afford it , I gave him my favorite yellow hoodie,glasses , and a hat I had stole from my cousin . He has also gotten , and gaven me things as well, and it seemed just a very nice relationship. I was still having problems with self harm, and he very strongly disliked it. Things were getting complicated and a friend convinced me that I was shit and had to tell Alex and pick a side. And by now I want sending time with him, things were starting to close off. I told him and he was heartbroken . We after a discussion decided that a poly relationship might be good ,and it wasn't . It made me feel sick . Cause Alex and Wyatte were getting close , even doing thing over the phone , they were doing things that I didn't want them to , I was scared of being used . Wyatte was Putting pressure on me , telling me to pick a side , and Alex was conplianing .
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littlemissjrgd · 5 years
08/31/2019: August Adventures
I want to cap off my August by an In My Opinion (IMO) posts tackling topics from bathrooms to no home works, to no garage no parking to the price of a rice grain. 
My first topic is triggered by the viral controversial video posted by a certain Gretchen Daez wherein in a video you will see that a janitress asked her to use the men’s bathroom since she is not real woman but identifies as a woman. It was mentioned that the reason why she doesn’t want to use the men’s bathroom was because she was concerned about her safety. As the days went by it got weird, because people from different walks of life from different communities have expressed their opinions about it and Gretchen Daez even decided to be involved in politics to fight for her bathroom rights. 
Before I say anything that might be offensive to some let me just make this clear and get it out there that I have nothing against the LGBTQ community. My grandfather’s brother is a famous fashion designer in Dubai and he’s gay. My mom’s brother is also gay. My partner’s uncle is gay and he’s married to a man but I love them and will probably visit and stay with them in Utah.  I have a mix of lesbian, bisexual and gay friends and they are the most creative and the most lovable and beautiful people I have ever known. I have nothing against them or their beliefs. To me it all boils down to respect and acceptance. If people are more open, accepting and respectful then this would not be an issue.  The problem is with today’s world, the “social media” world. It is very easy for people to be judgmental. It is very easy to set standards. It is very easy to compare lives and even though I identify as a millennial, it is something that I dislike.  
Speaking of the bathroom issue my stand is this, if you are a man but you identify as a woman and have taken the final step of the transformation (sex change) then I am okay with you using the women’s bathroom but while you are in transition and you still have something that dangles in between your legs then hell no.  As a woman I do not feel safe knowing that a man dressed as a woman is using the woman’s bathroom. It is called women’s bathroom for a reason. Also, I do not want to feel awkward seeing someone pee while standing up. 
Moving on, my second topic is about a policy that prohibits teachers from giving home works to students from primary school to college so that students will be given more time to spend with family. The child in me wishes that this was passed when I was in school but the adult in me totally disagrees because there were a lot of things that I learned simply by doing my home works.  First of all I learned about researching and working independently. When I started working in the industry there is very little training, not everything is spoon fed just like how it is in school. Most companies expect that you know things because you went to school for it but it’s not the case.  It all boils down to self-learning and self-learning involves researching and sharing what you learned during team meetings.  Effective and efficient research is something that I learned while doing home works. At that point I did not know its purpose. I was only doing it to pass but eventually I learned about its purpose and I am grateful for it. The other thing that I learned while doing home works was working overtime. In school, doing home works feels like doing extra work but on the job doing home works means getting paid over time. While most people complain about it I embraced it and it’s all because I am used to it. I think the no homework policy will do more harm than good, because this will give students a window to watch TV or be in their mobile phones. The other issue I see here is that this policy is teaching the students of today to be lazy.  How is the maker of the policy sure that the students will spend time with family?
My third topic is about the no car, no garage policy. I think this was brought about because there are certain individuals who like to buy multiple cars to show off and they tend to park it on the street which causes traffic on a regular day. Also, having more cars disturbs the peace of other neighbors since these car owners tend to park their vehicle in front of the neighbor’s garage.  I get this but what about those living in apartments that don’t offer a garage? What about households that has multiple cars that live in a house with only one garage? For example my dad has his own car which he parks inside our garage while my brother has his own car which he parks in front of our house which very recently got a ticket for doing so. 
We go through the same car issues here in the United States especially in California where it was known to be a driving State because of how f***** up the public transportation is but how we go about it is different and I guess it could also be applicable to the Philippines. In my case I live in a household with multiple people, each of us have our own cars which obviously could not fit a two car garage. The way our community does it is that they gave us parking permits which we can use for as long as we live in the community. With regards to the parking, we park on the street making sure not to block any of our neighbor’s houses or garages but whenever we have visitors we let them park in front of our house. We even allow them to block our garage and nobody in our community says anything.  In my dad and in my brother’s case I guess my brother should be allowed to park in front of our house even blocking our garage since it is not in any way a hindrance to the community. If anything it is a hindrance to my dad but he too doesn’t really care since my brother and him are related. I believe it is between them to move the cars.
My fourth topic is about farmers that aren’t getting paid enough for the grains that they sell. This has been an ongoing issue since I was a kid. Now that I am already an adult I guess it’s time that these farmers get what they truly deserve. What they do to feed every Filipino who eats rice is a total sacrifice. First of all the heat is unbearable, second of all they don’t just stand in the heat, they do heavy a** activities that most of us does not want to do.
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victoriazoey26 · 6 years
Financial Planning for Beginners
Earlier this year, household debt balances in America rose to $12.73 trillion, the highest in our history. In fact, 73% of us die in debt. With this much debt, it’s hard for many people to reach long-term goals such as retirement savings, or shorter-term goals such as paying for a wedding. Many of us just wing it when it comes to our finances, thereby decreasing our opportunities and our joys in life. But with a bit of planning, we can take control of our finances, which gives us much more control over our lives and our futures.
You will find that the following guidelines make a big difference.
Set Your Financial Goals
We all know it’s impossible to get anywhere without knowing where we want to go. Many of us have more than one financial goal, which means we need to set priorities. That doesn’t mean you can’t work toward more than one goal at once. Think about what is the most important thing to you now:
Paying off debt;
Contributing to an emergency fund;
Saving for short- or medium-term goals, such as paying for a wedding or a vacation; or
Saving for long-term goals, such as retiring comfortably.
In order to reduce both your risk and your anxiety, it’s best for most people to prioritize paying down their debt and building an emergency fund but without ignoring their retirement. Of course, your goal setting will depend to a large extent on your priorities in life. Recognize what those are and plan your spending accordingly. For some people, buying a large, comfortable house is paramount. For others, travel and new experiences are more important. Neither is right nor wrong. The point is to plan and act to make your personal goals become a reality.
Pay off Debt
Many people wonder how they got into so much debt and they don’t see a way out of it. But you can climb out of debt with good planning. If you are part of an average American household, you may have $15,654 in credit card debt, $27,669 in auto loans, and $46,597 in student loans. And almost half of credit card holders have revolving debt, meaning rather than paying off their debts every month, they carry it forward. If you have these kinds of debts, you are probably paying thousands of dollars per year just in interest.
Also, if you are in debt, you may occasionally overdraw your bank account trying to cover payments. That’s usually a minimum $34 bank fee and more if you don’t repay the money almost immediately. Banks are thrilled when you overdraw. They make more than $30 billion every year in overdraft fees.
Contribute to an Emergency Fund
If anything is constant it’s that nothing is constant. Life happens, and you need to be have a little cash put away for an emergency. Try to have at least enough money to get you by for three months. Six months is better. Shockingly, about 70% of Americans have less than $1,000 in the bank. If you have sudden medical bills, an accident, or lose your job, you need some cushion. If you don’t have an emergency fund, this should be a top priority.
Save for Short- and Medium-Term Goals
Once you have your debts under control and have a comfortable emergency fund, you may want to turn your attention to some short- or medium-term goals. This could be anything from buying a car, going on vacation, or buying a house. Life is to be enjoyed. Just don’t pursue these goals while going deep into debt or ignoring putting money aside for an emergency.
Save for Long-Term Goals
Of course, a long-term goal everyone should have is saving for retirement. Here are a few ways to do so:
Start putting money aside as soon as you can, even if it’s only $50 per week.
Don’t put your retirement behind everything else. It is far too easy to push it off. Don’t steal money from your retirement to renovate the kitchen or fly to the Bahamas for a few days.
If your employer will match retirement funds, put in the maximum amount they will match.
If you are over age 50, you can make a larger retirement contribution. Do this.
Know Where Your Money is Going
The first step to reaching your goals is understanding what you have to work with. You need to know where your money is going before you can redirect it to be more in line with your goals.
Go through your bank statements and receipts and list what you are spending on.
Separate your costs into two groups. The first group is fixed costs, such as rent or mortgage payment and insurance. The second group is flexible costs such as going to the movies and other entertainment, eating out, and gasoline.
Make a note of your assets and net worth.
Check your credit scores.
Add up your debt.
You don’t need to go back years. Just take a look at your spending and financial information from the last few months.
Build a Budget
Just as you can’t get anywhere without deciding where you want to go (your goal), you also can’t get there without a plan. Once you have a firm grasp on the money you have coming in, your debts, your expenses, and how you spend your extra money, you need to make a budget.
“Budget” is a word that can strike terror into the hearts of many people to the point that they become paralyzed with fear. The word can conjure images of failure, similar to the word “diet.” There is no need to put yourself through this. Your budget doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Recognize your personal priorities and be realistic.
If you are saving for a short- or medium-term goal that is extremely important to you such as a big wedding or a vacation, you might be willing to tighten your belt in some areas for a bit. But if you live and die for weekend golf or morning lattes, those may not be the first place to look at cutting your spending.
Just realize you may not be able to have it all, at least not all the time.
Get Help if You Need It
Some people become almost paralyzed with fear when it comes to dealing with their finances. If sifting through your financial records and creating a budget is too much for you, get help. There are various levels of help according to your needs. Help can come in the form of budgeting software, budgeting services, financial advisors, accountants, and bankruptcy attorneys.
The most important thing is that you get started immediately, because your future won’t wait.
Free Initial Consultation with a Utah Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
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