#might still have some errors
bamsara · 10 days
A quick tutorial on how to Download Fics from AO3
After making this poll about the panic that comes when Archive of Our Own goes down, there seems to be a chunk of folks who didn't know they could download fics for offline use, or don't know how to go about it. Here's a quick tutorial for that.
You do not need an AO3 account (unless the fic you are trying to download is restricted to AO3 users only) you only need an internet connection and a device to download to, whether it's PC or a phone.
These instructions work for both desktop and mobile. At the top of the fic, where the chapter index is, there will be the download option on the right side, and an 'Entire Work' button the left side.
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For One-Shots: Go ahead and click the download button.
For multiple chapter fics: In order to have the fic download all together instead of downloading each chapter individually, make sure you select the 'Entire Work' button. Like the names says, it displays the entire work on the webpage, and will download the entire fic with all it's chapters in the correct order when you go to download.
Click the download button. You've got a couple of options:
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AZW3 - Amazon-developed ebook format that is designed for Kindles and Amazon's systems. Good if you want to read off of a kindle.
EPUB - Standard file format for Ebooks and is basically used as the default for pretty much most ebook readers. This is what I prefer to use when downloading to my phone.
MOBI - An older version of the AZW3. Older but standard as well.
PDF - Downloads the fics as a PDF. Can be read anywhere you can open a PDF.
HTML - Downloads an offline version of the exact webpage you are looking at. Fine if you want to keep the 'look' of AO3 but you can't change the text size or reading style like you can with ebook formats.
Not sure which one to download? Use EPUB since it's standard and readable by pretty much everything, retains images too.
You now have your fic downloaded to your device and can read it on whatever reading app you have. YAY!
Do keep in mind that these are offline files that do not synch with Archive. So if you download an ongoing fic that updates or is edited since you last downloaded, you will need to download it again to have the updated version.
Happy Reading!
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plulp · 11 months
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phaoi · 8 days
we are complimenting your phrats on twitter
hii, yes I’ve seen it <3 I got jumpscared by it earlier today when I opened twitter and the screenshot of my post was the first thing I saw on the tl haha 😭
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pocketramblr · 5 months
Ask Game AU: Where Nao grow suspicious of her husbands "friend" and his constant need to involve himself in their lives so she does her own investigation of the man.
1- Nao was glad, at first, that Kotaro was befriending people at work. He's always been slow to trust. With this friend, though, he wasn't. Kotaro ended up working later, and when he wasn't, going out to dinner or drinks with his coworker. Nao didn't want to bring anything up, didn't want to discourage him, and it wasn't like she had been abandoned to watch Hana all day by herself- her parents were there, and Kotaro wasn't out every single night. Just a lot of them.
2- Still, she doesn't say anything, until one night, Kotaro is back and in bed next to her, only a bit of wine left on his lips, when he brings up trying for a second child. She stares at him, and he withdraws, but she tells him it wasn't a bad thing- just, she had no idea he was thinking about it. They were both only children, and Kotaro had spent some years in a home with many other kids and didn't speak fondly of the experience. Kotaro tells her his friend brought it up, is all, and Nao nods, but is more worried.
3- Kotaro's office is hardly difficult to find things in. She discovers that he was the one to hire his friend, which she notes is weird, because he never mentions that detail. The address on record for him doesn't seem to be a place someone lives. The numbers on his bank account are... fine. But she doesn't find any trace of him online. She asks a few questions to Kotaro here and there, what his friends qualifications were, where he went to school. He's not even found there, on any list of graduates or alum forums. It's odd. but maybe he is just very private.
4- Hana brings up having a little sibling. Nao asks her if her father said anything, and she says no, they had a substitute teacher that day who'd told some stories and said he used to have a little brother. When Kotaro comes home late from work, he's unaware of what his daughter said when Nao asks if he's been thinking about it still. He says he has, and she says she still doesn't know. Two kids after all is a lot of work. and he's not home very often anymore.
5- Nao looks at the package of pills, the last row of seven, and opens her next box instead. She's done it before, once, for a vacation to the beach. She'd spotted a little then, but this time its more. Her birth control's been tampered with. Kotaro couldn't have done it, she'd just gotten the new box the day before she'd opened it and what'd he know anyway about it? What had that pharmacist looked like? Perhaps it was a defect, something she should notify the manufacturer about. She resolves to do so. Kotaro doesn't eat dinner with them that night, and when she asks how it went, he tells her that his friend told him such a funny story about his little brother, listen, he'll tell her and she'll laugh. She asks about the brother, Kotaro goes quiet and says his friend talked about him in the past tense. He's got enough dead family of his own to not press more than that. But really, the story was funny. Nao thinks about Hana's substitute- but clearly, Kotaro's friend was at work that day, must be another coincidence. In a line of many bad ones. Kotaro asks her if she'd like a second child. Nao thinks she might have, before all this. Now, she isn't sure what she'd like. Instead, she tells him that he barely sees Hana. is he really sure that he wants another kid? Kotaro goes quiet again, realizes she's right. He offers to take the next day off. Nao tells him she just wants him home on time for dinner.
+1- Kotaro agrees, and the next day Nao's parents watch Hana for an hour while she meets with her friend Shirota Akiho at the park. Akiho gives Nao a hug, and an unopened box of birth control. She tells her that her sister Beru's bridal shower is in a few weeks, and she can give her another box then. She agrees everything sounds weird- but Kotaro probably isn't to blame. Nao goes home. Kotaro on time for dinner that day. But he realizes when he reacts to Hana telling him she is playing heroes before bed (and Nao and Hana react to his reaction) that maybe he should spend more time at home before welcoming someone else into it.
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nachosncheezies · 2 months
Something that I have observed, in life and in fandom spaces, is that vast cultural and linguistic differences are often unknown, and this has become especially apparent as social usage of the internet has grown worldwide. It's no one's fault. Nobody is "less than" or unintelligent or whatever else for not recognizing it. It's simply something that you can't really know, I think, without being directly exposed to it either by education or personal experience.
I've been lucky to have been something of a nomad, but that comes with its challenges which go way beyond the practical or homesickness. I can say that even within the English language there are VAST regional and cultural differences in modes of expression. Interestingly, the folks I've known who MOST seem to recognize it are linguists and especially professional translators - professions where a recognition of the importance of localized metaphor, unspoken nuance, idiomatic expressions, etc, are absolutely KEY to success. But I digress.
Based on my own experience, I believe that internationally common tongues sometimes fail us to a degree because of this. In some places, culture is more "individualized" - a sort of "what can I do" which often includes a sort of "me against the world" outlook. (I do not mean selfishness. Not at all. I mean it's a starting point, not a goal.) Presenting one's thoughts can best be accomplished by conveying strong, even absolute conviction in one's position, which - "me against the world" - can lead to generalized and sometimes forceful statements. At home, that would be a starting point for discussion and debate, and would be returned in kind. In other places, discussion takes more of an "improv comedy" style, wherein "yes, and..." is the mode of debate. In still others, the places and types of silence can convey just as much about someone's position and can be just as persuasive as words themselves. Sarcasm is especially regionalized, and conveyed differently from place to place. Body language is universally important in adding nuance or clarification to any statement in any place. Put these sorts of things in a blender, and you can easily find misunderstandings where some come off aggressive or as "talking down" to others, others unusually meek, still others appearing to agree when actually, they are not agreeing at all, etc.
I have also observed that in real life situations, differences in regional accents afford a certain amount of grace toward these differences, even when we're not actively conscious of any of the above. (This, I can say with absolute certainty, because I have also lived in a few places long enough to have taken on a floating accent, and when I'm visiting any of these places for more than a day or so, that grace if I stumble back into other modes of expression disappears with whichever accent I got off the plane with 😂)
Unfortunately, online, we don't have this constant audible reminder that a person is something of an "other" coming from some other place where modes of communication may be different. Even people who deal with language as their professional bread and butter can easily forget in online spaces. We tend to hear whatever we read in our local accent, and things such as metaphor and sarcasm may be misconstrued, "individualized conviction" modes may come across as shocking and rude, or the many and varied uses of silence may go completely unnoticed, etc.
Anyway. If you have read this whole novella, thank you. 💕 I have debated posting something like this for a looong time, because I wonder sometimes if conflict I see within fandoms (and educational groups, and professional groups, and and and) might arise, fundamentally, from these sorts of misunderstandings. I do not intend it as a callout to any person or group of people. Perhaps, hopefully, simply food for thought.
#actually not all of this is even regional. it can happen across professions etc too#have a scientist talk to non-scientists and watch how often the scientist's professional ethical obligation#to qualify and be transparent about even miniscule and completely insignificant margins of error#is misconstrued as 'the science isn't settled!' and thus all too often as 'that's just your opinion!'#i can not stress enough how much this has nothing to do with intelligence and how much this is not intended as anything but observation#i don't claim to be an expert but#I firmly believe it is not something that can be fully understood/appreciated without experiencing it and that is never a failure#Hell I was living with it for ages until a group of very kind translators started educating and helping me with it *across* languages#which eventually led to an incredibly italicized *oh* moment about how MONUMENTAL even within-language differences can be#so yeah. idk maybe someone might have their own italicized oh. or maybe not#all i can say is it was a biiiiiiiig deal for me when it happened#bc suddenly i was a lot more aware of how not just my voice and word choice but things like degree of assertiveness or my use of silence#or when and whether to offer someone a drink or even simply how i gesture with my hands FUNDAMENTALLY alters how polite or relatable i am#made real life a whole lot smoother#this shit is actually EASIER across languages because your whole brain just switches#still always harder online bc i have no idea where anyone's from so even regions i have some idea how to talk to like#where you from babe what dialect am i speaking to not sound like a jackass to you???? 😂#the struggle is real#also tangentially related side note#god bless gillian anderson for fully embracing her multiple accents & being frank about it. so incredibly validating for a mutt tbh#long post#linguistics stuff
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a-dope-fiend · 2 years
The thing that bugs me about tfp starscream is that sure, some of his mistakes were definitely him panicking but some of them really seemed like they wanted him to forward the plot
I also hate how the show made it seem like he didn't stand much chance in a fight against other decepticons who were his inferior. HES SECOND IN COMMAND for heavens sake why do they keep having Starscream be overpowered by everyone. The moments we get of Starscream being smart and cunning and kicking ass are so good. Make him scary. He's the second in command bls. Woulda loved to see him kickass more not just with the Decepticons but over the autobots as well. Show us why Megatron would make Starscream his second in command.
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
Mary was thrilled at this seemingly perfect reconciliation, and the common people, who had always been fond of her, were pleased at the improvement in her treatment; however, Queen Jane's interest did not extend to the King's other daughter, the two-year-old Elizabeth, who had been banished to the Palace of Hatfield and was out of favour following the execution of her mother.
Crown of Blood: The Deadly Inheritance of Lady Jane Grey, by Nicola Tallis
#'interest did not extend' hmmm i mean...elizabeth was...as she says here...two#was jane supposed to. what. have a conversation with her?#it seems like a lot to make of just the absence of any report of jane mentioning her (and really; we do not have one; we don't really#even have much in the way of what she was reported to have said of elizabeth's mother#either...)#beyond the disparagement of her character and popularity feb 1536-april 1536#other than that all we have is the spanish chronicle.#chapuys mentioned anne explicitly to jane after she became queen and didn't record a response to the reference if she had one#vs the report of jane's mentions of and attempted intercession for mary#also. elizabeth was 'banished to hatfield'?#she was in a joint household with mary in hundson. at the time. iirc...#also mary and elizabeth were brought to court at the same time.#mary and elizabeth were of equal status insofar as being equally disbarred from the throne by terms of the second act of succession#and that's not to say we can really attribute any of the above to jane either.#but if she tried to influence it otherwise... it wasn't successful#so it seems to not. ipso facto...matter . so much#or at least not to me. i'm of the mind that in the matter of intent vs result; it's result that should be given more weight#anyway. would like to retire this narrative#tallis' new books are vast improvements on her older ones#although they do still have some errors i might expand on later#nicola tallis
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cerealmonster15 · 4 months
learning python is so much more fun now that i am actually absorbing and understanding it lol
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Round 1 Poll 1: "What's Another Year" - Johnny Logan (Ireland, 1980) vs "Arcade" - Duncan Laurence (Netherlands, 2019)
Round 1 Poll 2: "Tu te reconnaîtras" - Anne-Marie David (Luxembourg, 1973) vs "Euphoria" - Loreen (Sweden, 2012)
Round 1 Poll 3: "J'aime la vie" - Sandra Kim (Belgium, 1986) vs "Ein bißchen Frieden" - Nicole (Germany, 1982)
Round 1 Poll 4: "Puppet on a String" - Sandie Shaw (United Kingdom, 1967) vs "The Voice" - Eimear Quinn (Ireland, 1996)
Round 1 Poll 5: "Boom Bang-a-Bang" - Lulu (United Kingdom, 1969) vs "Tom Pillibi" - Jacqueline Boyer (France, 1960)
Round 1 Poll 6: "Rise Like a Phoenix" - Conchita Wurst (Austria, 2014) vs "Toy" - Netta (Israel, 2018)
Round 1 Poll 7: "Refrain" - Lys Assia (Switzerland, 1956) vs "Everyway That I Can" - Sertab Erener (Turkey, 2003)
Round 1 Poll 8: "Diva" (דיווה) - Dana International (Israel, 1998) vs "Satellite" - Lena (Germany, 2010)
Round 1 Poll 9: "Si la vie est cadeau" - Corinne Hermès (Luxembourg, 1983) vs "La det swinge" - Bobbysocks! (Norway, 1985)
Round 1 Poll 10: "Nous les amoureux" - Jean-Claude Pascal (Luxembourg, 1961) vs "Un banc, un arbre, une rue" - Séverine (Monaco, 1971)
Round 1 Poll 11: "Dors, mon amour" - André Claveau (France, 1958) vs "Ne partez pas sans moi" - Céline Dion (Switzerland, 1988)
Round 1 Poll 12: "1944" - Jamala Jamala (Ukraine, 2016) vs "Save Your Kisses for Me" - Brotherhood of Man (United Kingdom, 1976)
Round 1 Poll 13: "Waterloo" - ABBA (Sweden, 1974) vs "Hold Me Now" - Johnny Logan (Ireland, 1987)
Round 1 Poll 14: "Take Me to Your Heaven" - Charlotte Nilsson (Sweden, 1999) vs "Zitti e buoni" - Måneskin (Italy, 2021)
Round 1 Poll 15: "Why Me?" - Linda Martin (Ireland, 1992) vs Ukraine "Wild Dances" - Ruslana (Ukraine, 2004)
Round 1 Poll 16: "Stefania" (Стефанія) - Kalush Orchestra (Ukraine, 2022) vs "De troubadour" - Lenny Kuhr (Netherlands, 1969)
Round 1 Poll 17: "Only Teardrops" - Emmelie de Forest (Denmark, 2013) vs "Nocturne" - Secret Garden (Norway, 1995)
Round 1 Poll 18: "Hallelujah" (הללויה) - Milk and Honey (Israel, 1979) vs "Molitva" (Молитва) - Marija Šerifović (Serbia, 2007)
Round 1 Poll 19: "Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley" - Herreys (Sweden, 1984) vs "I Wanna" - Marie N (Latvia, 2002)
Round 1 Poll 20: "Fairytale" - Alexander Rybak (Norway, 2009) vs "Merci, Chérie" - Udo Jürgens (Austria, 1966)
Round 1 Poll 21: "Fångad av en stormvind" - Carola (Sweden, 1991) vs "A-Ba-Ni-Bi" (א-ב-ני-בי) - Izhar Cohen and the Alphabeta (Israel, 1978)
Round 1 Poll 22: "Après toi" - Vicky Leandros (Luxembourg, 1972) vs "Love Shine a Light" - Katrina and the Waves (United Kingdom, 1997)
Round 1 Poll 23: "Dansevise" - Grethe and Jørgen Ingmann (Denmark, 1963) vs "Fly on the Wings of Love" - Olsen Brothers (Denmark, 2000)
Round 1 Poll 24: "Making Your Mind Up" - Bucks Fizz (United Kingdom, 1981) vs "L'Oiseau et l'Enfant" - Marie Myriam (France, 1977)
Round 1 Poll 25: "Insieme: 1992" - Toto Cutugno (Italy, 1990) vs "Everybody" - Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL (Estonia, 2001)
Round 1 Poll 26: "All Kinds of Everything" - Dana (Ireland, 1970) vs "In Your Eyes" - Niamh Kavanagh (Ireland, 1993)
Round 1 Poll 27: "Hard Rock Hallelujah" - Lordi (Finland, 2006) vs "Net als toen" - Corry Brokken (Netherlands, 1957)
Round 1 Poll 28: "Een beetje" - Teddy Scholten (Netherlands, 1959) vs "Heroes" - Måns Zelmerlöw (Sweden, 2015)
Round 1 Poll 29: "Rock 'n' Roll Kids" - Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan (Ireland, 1994) vs "My Number One" - Helena Paparizou (Greece, 2005)
Round 1 Poll 30: "Running Scared" - Ell and Nikki (Azerbaijan, 2011) vs "Amar pelos dois" - Salvador Sobral (Portugal, 2017)
Round 1 Poll 31: "Poupée de cire, poupée de son" - France Gall (Luxembourg, 1965) vs "Believe" - Dima Bilan (Russia, 2008)
Round 1 Poll 32: "Vivo cantando" - Salomé (Spain, 1969) vs "Tattoo" - Loreen (Sweden, 2023)
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slumbergoblin · 1 year
Copying and pasting a thing I wrote in notepad: Ages: Shortly before Betrayus's disappearance/Present day in story (year born in our years) (heights)
*= OC
Kids Pac: was 3, is currently 14 (2008) (160cm, 5'3") Cylindria: was 4, is currently 15 (2007) (165cm, 5'5") Spiral: was 6, is currently 17 (2005) (180cm, 5'11") Skeebo: was 5, is currently 16 (2006) (173cm, 5'8") Elliptica: was 5, is currently 16 (2006) (175cm, 5'9")
Adults Betrayus: was 39, is currently 50 (1972) (187cm, 6'1") Stratos: was 43, is currently 54 (1968) (218cm, 7'2") *Oscar: was 41, is currently 52 (1970) (167cm, 5'6") *Mei: was 41, is currently 52 (1970) (154cm, 5'1") Zac: was 33, is currently 44 (1978) (175cm, 5'7") Sunny: was 33, is currently 44 (1978) (165cm, 5'4") Spheria: was 48, is currently 59 (1963) (184cm, 6'0") Sir C.: was 59, is currently 70 (1952) (162cm, 5'3")
(adults years apart) Betrayus and Stratos are 4 years apart Oscar and Mei are a couple of months apart Betrayus, Mei, and Oscar are 2 years apart Stratos, Mei, and Oscar are 2 years apart Zac and Sunny are a couple of months apart Betrayus, Zac, and Sunny are 6 years apart Stratos, Zac, and Sunny are 10 years apart Oscar, Mei, Zac, and Sunny are 8 years apart Zac, Sunny, and Spheria are 15 years apart Spheria and Sir C. are 11 years apart Spheria and Stratos are 5 years apart Spheria and Betrayus are 9 years apart Stratos and Sir C. are 16 years apart
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crimmson · 1 year
between my computer deciding to rebel, and work, and life, and I feel like I have a perpetual minor cold with that kinda slightly stuffy feel and that taste in the back of my throat,
I am kindly requesting someone to just Old Yeller me at this point
#the computer one is pissibg me off particularly because i Just built this shit two years ago#then i do a driver update a couple of weeks ago and start noticing that now if i game and watch a stream at the same time#some windows process starts choking the fucking life out of my CPU after a couple of hours#and after following a chain of looking shit up i get to ghe event viewer#and there's just a nonstop parade of errors for typically one or two things#at this point i drag my dad in because im out of my depth#i do some more shit. i update and reflash the bios. i check drivers 500 times. i reformat the drive and reinstall windows from scratch.#even if it seems okay for a bit it eventually starts shitting out errors again.#they are either about DeviceGuard or complaining about the network#i look up some more things! i find some references but they tell me to turn off or on some things that are already enabled or disabled.#we begin thinking theres something wrong with the network part of the motherboard#i have an adapter we grabbed from work to try when i get home.#if that doesnt work then i am buying a new motherboard cpu memory and cpu cooler#because if im going to have to fucking replace shit then i might as well upgrade#part of me wants to keep the old stuff and set up a new computer and try troubleshooting because puzzle. and i hate not knowing WHAT PART#SPECIFICALLY is fucked#bro i am so TIRED#i JUST did the math a few weeks ago and was like YES if i live on ramen for a few pay cycles i will pay off my credit card and start saving#to put toward my student loans when those start up again. and my computer went 'lol thats cute'#like i am deathly afraid that i will replace all this shit and it'll STILL have this issue#like. it's useable. i could live with it. but it's clearly not normal behavior and that's what bothers me. something is clearly wrong.#not to sound old but remember when shit just fuckin worked#like i sat there for 5 hours yesterday trying different shit. finally thought i had fixed something. go to bed. wake up.#STREAM OF ERRORS for the network thing again every few minutes while i was asleep.#what are you DOING. what is WRONG WITH YOU.#my dad is looking over my shoulder at the event viewer like 'that looks like a SQL statement but why is it failing etc etc'#EXCELLENT QUESTION AND I ONLY UNDERSTOOD THREE OF THOSE WORDS! why is my computer sick!!#no it's not a virus. i promise. i was raised better than that#it FEELS like something fundamentally broke. it feels like a hardware thing. but how. what fucking demons did microsoft summon#in a driver update. that went into my computer and physically broke my shit
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I love when I'm actually trying to submit an assignment for once and moodle won't fucking load
#i got a weird error message like 'undefined' and the whole page is just grayed out and supposedly still loading#tried reloading the tab and it just wouldn't work. didn't even get a login screen#cleared cache; got a login screen but then got the same error and site refused to load#like.... i'm genuinely trying to submit my work lol. this is so funny#it loads fine on my phone but my assignment isn't on my phone and i don't think i can get it there#or can i? i mean i guess i can. it's just an html file. but submitting it from my phone sounds like a process i don't have the energy for#i'll just try again tomorrow. if i can't get onto moodle tomorrow i'm fucked anyway because i have to do a quiz tomorrow#i'm also hoping to get my other assignment submitted tomorrow. the assignment that's still only 10% done. that assignment.#i could work on that thing right know but i know i'll get annoyed and ragequit when i run into problems; so what i might do INSTEAD#is anticipate the problems i'm probably going to have (i.e. resizing the carousel; moving the carousel; embedding the youtube video; moving#the youtube video; setting an accordion as a sidebar; doing anything whatsoever with the accordion-sidebar; placing the info where i want)#and do some reading on how to do those things and then bookmarking the resources so i can read them again#because i have all the memory of a goldfish when it comes to this stuff#i could also run through the git tutorial so i don't have to do it on thursday while exhausted from physio and pilates#idk though. if it seems like it's going to be long i will absolutely not be doing that right now#look i finally fixed my portfolio today and figured out how to do a gradient. i don't want to do very much#personal
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
// while i am very pleased with the energy and motivation i've had lately to write, i might have to go back to taking it easy ( but watch me not actually doing that because i never actually listen to my body ). because i've been alternating between stinging pains in my right arm and then losing the feel in it, and since it's my dominant arm, it just makes things Difficult™
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{*Contemplates doing voice recordings for my characters to answer lore questions*}
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psychoticallytrans · 5 months
A surprisingly helpful bit of social maneuvering I've figured out from trial and error: Throughout your life, you are going to need things from people. Often, it's going to be on a deadline. And when that deadline passes, you generally want to know what's going on. So, you need to ask them.
There are two kinds of people, broadly, in this situation. The Shameless will tell you what the holdup is, with absolutely no regard for if the reason is "good enough". This is actually very helpful, because you get the real reason immediately, and can start working on a solution.
The Ashamed is trickier. People who are Ashamed are people who were often told they were giving excuses when they were trying to explain, and they'll often avoid you until they solve the problem on their own. This causes them and you a lot of stress, and often takes a lot longer to solve.
Long term, the strategy for dealing with people who are Ashamed is to provide a supportive environment where they're comfortable sharing any problems they're having with getting things done. But, there's a way to at least partially short-circuit that:
Provide an explanation for them.
One example might be "Hey Susan, I noticed that I don't have your report yet. Are you busy with other projects?" The readymade explanation signals that you're willing to accept an explanation, which is the big anxiety point.
Sometimes, you still won't get an honest answer- especially if the honest answer isn't "good enough" by the standards of the person who traumatized them. But, I've found that it often at least gets you a lie that lets you give them some slack or work around the problem.
Let's say that Susan has actually completely forgotten that she needed to do the report. She's horrified at herself, and completely unwilling to admit the real problem. But, she can now safely reply with "Sorry Jennifer, I've been swamped, and it got lost in the mix. I can have it to you in two days. Does that work?"
From there, so long as Susan gave an estimate for when she can actually do it, she and Jennifer can hash out a solution.
It's not a perfect solution, but it works astonishingly well for how small of a change it is.
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peipakao · 2 months
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made an opm ninja oc named petal!!
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