aishutoon · 2 years
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Hmmm, should I do a drawing for mermay or miimay…..HOW ABOUT BOTH!
Here’s a drawing of the pearl plunder minigame from wii party with some of the guest miis! (Day 18: Party)
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gameboyhamazing · 3 years
Announcing...MII MAY!
A month of creative prompts all about games starring Miis!
Continued under the cut:
Hey! Thanks for clicking keep reading. First off, I want to say that this is my biggest (and admittedly only) multi-stage project so far, and I hope you’ll support it through reblogs. likes are cool too, but this is something I want to get people involved in. 
For a while now, I’ve wanted to get better at art, because (in my humble opinion) my art is honestly trash right now. I’ve tried doing things like Inktober, but while I’m sure other people love it and benefit from it, the prompts weren’t doing it for me, and I couldn’t find anything that really clicked for me. The other day, though, I decided to draw somethign for the heck of it to see how I was doing. I hadn’t drawn anything in a while and was stuck, but then I remembered that I’d  been playing and watchign videos of Wii Sports related things recently, and decided to start drawing the five sports in the original beloved game. 
That’s when it struck me. What if I did a month of Mii prompts? Miis and the Wii were a huge part of my life growing up, and I think this is as fine as any an opportunity to honor it while getting better at art in general. As an added bonus, I get extra practice drawing faces and body proportions, my two biggest obstacles in art currently, for free alongside the fun of drawing, as Miis focus a lot on those two aspects of a character.
So feel free to join me in whatever media you want. Go grab something to participate with! It could be a pen or pencil, paint, digital drawing tools, or even the famed Mii Maker itself if you want to try it (I won’t be using Mii Maker, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t)! And let’s all band together to create art of these beloved Nintendo avatars throughout May. #Mii May
Prompt List
Here is the prompt list for this year’s Mii May. Each one will get its own post the day of the prompt, btu I figured some people would want to know what they were getting into right away:
Day 1. Mii Maker/Mii Channel Day 2. Tennis Day 3. Baseball Day 4. Bowling Day 5. Golf Day 6. Boxing Day 7. Swordplay Day 8. Wakeboarding Day 9. Frisbee Day 10. Archery Day 11. Basketball Day 12. Table Tennis (alternative if satisfied with 1 tennis prompt: Champion) Day 13. Power Cruising Day 14. Canoeing Day 15. Cycling Day 16. Skydiving Day 17. Island Flyover Day 18. Party Day 19. Music Day 20. Plaza Day 21. Find Mii (any version) Day 22. Tanks! Day 23. Fitness Day 24. Train (noun or verb) Day 25. Brawler Day 26. Swordfighter Day 27. Gunner Day 28. Race Day 29. Costume Day 30. Wuhu Island Day 31. Miiverse
Remember to reblog if this interests you, along with mentions and the use of the ‘official’ #Mii May tag. Doing so helps spread the word, and I really want to see what people are capable of!
I hope you’ll join me in celebrating these fun games that shaped many people’s childhoods in any media form you want!
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reunalordi · 7 years
Hello hi okay I was tagged by @amycampbell00 (thank youuuuuu) Rules: Answer the 20 question and tag 20 people you want to get to know better Name?: Miia Nickname?: I've had a lot actually, but i wish to get rid of some, so we're gonna go with Miimai :) Zodiac sing?: sagittarius Height?: .... 156 centimeters... i think, based on the googling i did, it's 5'1???? Dont quote me on that, i'm short af okay Orientation?: ssssstraight i guess i mean i dont really care?? Everyone can love whoever Nationality?: finnish yay Favourite fruit?: eh, i dont really eat a lot of fruit. Oranges? Favourite season?: not spring. I hate spring. Favourite flower?: um... i dont really care? Most flowers are pretty ^-^ Favourite colour?: greens, deep dark blue, orange, dark red Favourite animal(s)?: DRAGONS!!!! :D Average hour of sleep?: depends, 7-10 Cat person or dog person?: cat person, even tho i'm super allergic to cats :/ Favourite fictional character(s)?: Captain Jack Sparrow, the Doctor, Loki, Thor (Anti and Dark if we count those yeah and warfstache) Number of blankets you sleep with?: ... one? Well at the moment like half a blanket because it's so hot in here Dream trip?: i dont actually know. With the right people a trip to my backyard would be the dream. I'd love to meet sean tho so maybe a trip to pax? Blog created?: ... i have no idea. During my first year in ...sixth form.. which was 2013? But there was a like a year in between at some point when i didnt use tumblr at all. It was Anti back in october 2016 that got me back into this mad site coz i needed the gifs and theories :D There you go :) that's me yay I'm not gonna tag anyone tho, sorry ;-;
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