#mike hanlon (named)
incorrect-losers · 2 months
The losers: *Lost on the road*
Ben: Let's look at Mike’s directions
Eddie: Okay. "I-43 to Highway 60. Head east when it gets different." 'When it gets different.' What the hell does that mean?
Bill: Wait. Let me see that. "Go a ways past the… fancy thing… and turn left at the ugly house."
Stan *sarcastically*: Oh, well, if the "fancy thing's" a dead cow, then we're almost there!
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kittykaspbrak · 1 year
Sometimes I forget the loser’s real names are William, Edward, Richard, Stanley, Benjamin, Micheal, and Beverly
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liv45no · 1 year
One afternoon in the barrens the losers all tried to spell out Eddie’s last name for a bet. All of them failed miserably.
“Noop. Next.”
“Close. Try again.”
“wHaT tHe fUcK-”
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Not to ruin your night, but imagine how destroyed Mike is in the aftermath of it all. Losing Stan and Eddie was devastating for the rest of them, after just remembering each other again, but Mike had remembered them the whole time. For 27 years, when he wasn’t doing his research, Mike passed the time imagining the day this would all be over and he’d have his friends back. It was the only way he could bear the burden of being the watchman. He pictured the seven of them together on the other side of It, free from the cloud of Derry, and now two of his friends are dead. Mike never even got to meet Stan as an adult.
He knows what he looked like, though, the way he knew all of their faces, because he’d kept track of them. For 27 years. It was harder for some than others, but the evolution of social media made it basically a hobby instead of a job. He knew when Stan and Eddie graduated college, when they got married, when their parents died, when they got new jobs, and with every piece of their lives he could uncover on the internet or in the newspaper, he imagined getting to see them again, talk to them again, share their lives again.
And then they died, and Mike is left trying to figure out what the hell the point of it all was. He sacrificed his life for his friends only to lose them anyway, and how is he supposed to cope with that?
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thefloatingwriter · 2 years
“homosexual behavior? in my clubhouse?? more likely than you think.” - ben hanscom, at some point probably
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iphigeniacomplex · 15 days
I shelve books; I make out library cards for new patrons; I turn off the microfilm readers careless users sometimes leave on; I joke with Carole Danner about how much I would like to go to bed with her, and she jokes back about how much she'd like to go to bed with me, and both of us know that she's really joking and I'm really not, just as both of us know that she won't stay in a little place like Derry for long and I will be here until I die, taping torn pages in Business Week, sitting down at monthly acquisition meetings with my pipe in one hand and a stack of Library Journals in the other...and waking in the middle of the night with my fists jammed against my mouth to keep in the screams.
Derry: The First Interlude
Sometimes, as when he had been trailing his fingers over the slightly pebbled surface of the stand in which the Memorial Park birdbath was set, or when he had squatted down to look more closely at the trolley tracks which grooved Mont Street in the Old Cape, he would be struck by a profound sense of time... time as something real, as something that had unseen weight, the way sunlight was supposed to have weight (some of the kids in school had laughed when Mrs. Greenguss told them that, but Mike had been too stunned by the concept to laugh; his first thought had been, Light has weight? Oh my Lord, that's terrible!)...time as something that would eventually bury him.
Chapter 6, One of the Missing: A Tale from the Summer of '58
I'm almost done with this diary now—and I suppose a diary is all that it will ever be, and that the story of Derry's old scandals and eccentricities has no place outside these pages. That's fine with me; I think that, when they let me out of here tomorrow, it might finally be time to start thinking about some sort of new life... although just what that might be is unclear to me. I loved you guys, you know. I loved you so much.
Derry: The Last Interlude
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The three that are in a poly relationship + Mike who is confused to why they are so touchy
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seasonal-obsession · 1 year
There are a lot of ways fanfiction authors rewrite IT chapter 2,
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sunflowersand-bees · 2 years
I will never forget the time I watched IT Chapter 2 for the first time, and when it first started, my friend told me, "The actor they chose for Mike in this movie doesn't really look like him as a kid." And I said, "Well that's not Bill Hader's fault." And then we looked at each other for a minute before our brains caught up.
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s-oulpunk · 2 years
Was rewatching Say Anything and couldn’t stop thinking abt it as a Stenbrough AU <3
Bill as Lloyd & Stan as Diane (& Tom as the shitty ex Bev has written 65 songs about)
Just like,,Stan as this quiet nerd who has never really been a part of the social aspect of school. Bill as this social butterfly who has no idea what he wants to do with his life but knows he wants to spend it with Stan. The whole “what are your plans for the summer?” “To spend as much time with you before you leave.” Ugh❤️❤️
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incorrect-losers · 2 years
Stan: …Michael
Mike: Oh no, 'Michael' in b-flat
Mike: You’re disappointed
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liv45no · 1 year
Bill: also from now on we’ll be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One.
Bill: Beverly’s code name: Been There, Done That
Bill: Eddie is Currently Doing That
Bill: Ben is It Happened Once In A Dream
Bill: Richie’s codename: If I Had To Pick A Dude
Bill: Mike is I’m Only Here Because You’re Here
Bill: Stan is...
Bill: Eagle Two
Stan: oh thank god
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I know that Stan is the only canonically Jewish member of the losers club but to me, all of them are Jewish. Maybe Bev was raised Protestant or something but there is something so deeply Jewish about all of those boys and you cannot tell me I’m wrong
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thefloatingwriter · 2 years
was reading a fic a few days ago and the ben and mike scenes were rly cute in it
the funny thing is, the fic wasn’t even meant to be between them as a ship. i checked the tags, thinking i had missed something when i finished it and was like, “why the fuck is this tagged benverly? this is literally benlon.”
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unfinishedcardigan · 4 months
One of the things I'll NEVER forgive the movies is the fact that they took away important personality traits from the losers (as kids).
Like how they removed the dam scene, which explained Ben's line of thought, like, how his mind works for the whole architecture thing. Also like, how they really just brushed off the whole clubhouse thing, since he legit does it for his friends BC he loves them and that.
Or how they took from Mike his research about the damn town and gave it to Ben. Like, in Ben it kinda makes sense since the guy is new and all. BUt IN MIKE? Mike researches bc he wants it to end, it is really interesting for him, and is legit half the things he does in the book, where he goes around picking up all the info he could gather about Derry to learn how to defeat IT, and it really bugs me how they gave it away.
Speaking of Mike, it also bugs me they KILLED his parents. Like, I get it, they wanted more character development or sum, but, William and Jessica Hanlon lit didn't do anything to deserve that fate. Also, they were really nice parents, so it also bugs me, because in a world in which things don't go good for Mike due to his skin color, the fact that he had great parents kinda balanced it. BUT NOO, THEY HAD TO KILL THEM.
And finally, the one that bugs me the most is Stan. Like, BIRDS. HOW COULD THEY TAKE AWAY THE BIRDS? Like, first of all, that was Stan's major bond with his dad, one of the few times they could spend with eachother because that's Donald's legacy on his child, sharing that love for birds. And like, birds were Stan's main reason to carry on while into the sewers. When Stan was about to give up he would think of birds. Hell, birds were just THAT important that when Stan was trying to overcome his fear for IT, his strategy was LITERALLY SCREAMING BIRDS NAMES. Like, this cute boy was screaming bird species to this outer space creature so it didn't eat him. AND THEY TOOK THAT FROM HIM, NOT CARING FATHER, NO BIRDBATH, NO BOOK TO KEEP HIM FROM GIVING UP. THEY ROBBED THIS POOR KID.
Special mention to Bill's grief, since they brushed over it, while (since in the book Bill knows Georgie is dead since the beginning) his guilt is immense, and is also his motivation for going into the sewers. He wants to revenge Georgie to make up for his (now) toxic household. That's sweet, and he really cared, and all that, and I can't cope with the fact that the guilt he feels is different, because we don't see a grieving older brother that feels guilty for being sick; we see a boy in denial BC "no body = He's alive" and I can't, BC he's not acting mature, just whiny.
So yeah, I hate how they treated the losers' main traits, taking IMPORTANT stuff from them.
(note: I still love them, it just hurts to see how they took apart this characters to take important facts of them and that).
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wolfboywarmachines · 11 months
y'all have got to start putting some justice on my boy mike hanlon's name he did not face the brunt of henry bowers' gangs violence, manage to learn more about it and derry than ben, and stay in derry for 27 years swimming in his trauma of that fuck ass town so that he could be the one to call back all the losers to defeat it just for y'all to be overlooking him like this
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