#mikey is 13
i-restuff · 1 year
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📢 attention nerds 📢 we got character bios!
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mikeywayarchive · 5 months
Stay Connected Book Club IG livestream feat. Mikey Way
[May 13, 2024]
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ierobots · 1 year
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So we’ve all seen the my chem ‘condom’ candy but did you know what the candy looks like? Or that it came with chocolate? These were handed out at concerts in ‘05 on the Three Cheers tour
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obsessedwrhys · 5 months
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Donnie disapproves your magical abilities. Sort of enemies to lovers trope, lots of bickering, reader has telekinetic/telepathic powers (origin will be explained throughout the fic), fluff, angst, this fic is kinda long (didnt proof read I got lazy). Reader is fem!!
To think that all of this started from a normal dumpster that you ended up crashing into after falling out of the sky was like a cliché opening to a movie. Even from the height of the fall, due to your superhuman abilities, you managed to survive but however you endured some severe injuries that left you unconscious.
The crash was loud enough to catch the attention of the four mutant brothers just a few blocks away. Once they made it to the scene, it was like a scene from E.T. They were actually convinced they just witnessed the crash of a spaceship, but there was no spaceship of any kind, just a girl inside a dumpster bin.
"Did she just fall out of the sky?" The eldest asked out of concern.
"Ooooh, do you think she's an alien?" The brother in the blue nudges his brother with a playful smirk.
"According to the visual evidence before me... no, she is NOT an alien Leo"
"Awwww c'mon, maybe aliens also look... humanly!"
"Then does that mean we're aliens?"
"Alright, enough chit-chatting. All this alien talk is making my brain itch. Let's bring her somewhere safe" The eldest suggested which the rest easily went along with.
Just like that you were brought into their lair, you were instantly taken into Donnie's lab to have your wounds treated. Since the brothers trusted him, they left to let him do his work. With his goggles on, he carefully applied medicine on some of your wounds with the help of his tweezers. It was when you hissed that it made his body jump.
"A bit gentle will you?" You asked and he stares at you for a while.... before skedaddling to his monitor to check on your current health status.
From how fast he ran you almost thought you scared him. Just then it came to the realisation that you weren't in your home realm, you were in a completely different place. You could tell because you couldn't detect anyone of your kind with your telepathy. You watched as the... turtle? A walking turtle? Wait turtles walk. A humanoid turtle? Man what realm is this...?
"You're in stable condition even though you fell from about 100 kilometres from the sky. How is that even possible?" He stroked his chin as he taps on the side of his face while trying to make sense of all of this.
"Well... I drank some milk before I ran away. Maybe it made my bones stronger"
"That is absurd. Milk does not make your bones stronger! That supposition is unjustified and irrational. I refuse to hear any of it" He said, or more of the word, yapped. He then took off his goggles and put it aside to continue typing whatever it is on his keyboard.
"Okay, sorry... but I need to get going" You got up but the pain from your injuries made you stutter in your movements, you hiss from the pain.
"That won't be possible. You will need time and energy to heal due to your condition. Besides, what can be more important?" He said, forcing you to lay back down on the operating table.
"Well... would you believe me if I told you I'm a being with superhuman abilities who also happen to be on the run from some space cops because I was accused of breaking realities by travelling in between too much?" You asked. Your question having him bat his eyes at you a few times. Suddenly he starts to examine you with his eyes sparked with intrigue but it was for the wrong reason.
"Ah, hallucination, one of the most common causes of brain damage. How could I have failed to notice this? Could you stare into this light? How many fingers am I holding up?" He continued on trying to examine you but you just stare at him in disbelief.
Of course he thinks you're crazy.
Guess there's only one way to prove yourself.
"Now if you'd just—" The second he sees all of his things floating from the table was when he finally shut his mouth close, his eyes wide from shock as he began to freak out on what to do in this situation.
"I'm not hallucinating and neither are you... this is all magic" You simply said before putting all his things back to it's rightful spots.
He stands there, his eyes not blinking even once as he seems to be having a very hard time digesting your words. Magic?
His left eye twitched which made you wonder if you had just struck a nerve.
"Magic. Does not exist...!" He said, grabbing what seems to be his tool. A staff?
"Magic roughly translates to the art of manipulating natural forces. Annnnnd that's exactly what science does. Magic is just a thing people make up to downplay the works of scientific discovery because SOME people happen to not appreciate the gift of wisdom but rather on fantasy. It's quite self-centered if so to speak" He crossed his arms with a faint smug. Did he just look at you when he highlighted the word some?
"That sucks... but you can't deny that what I have is magic" You said, using your telekinesis to grab a bag of candy from the shelf.
"I'm not touching!! Look!" You held up both your hands in the air as you used your power to feed yourself the candy roll. He glares at you as he snatches the bag of candy from the air.
"That's it! If you will be staying at MY lair living in MY lab, you will be living under MY rules missy!"
"Yes you heard me louuuud and clear!" He said. Ah some part of you is telling you this is gonna be a complicated stay compared to the rest you've had.
For the next few days, you were able to properly get to know the people who have saved you. They introduced themselves as brothers. The one who seemingly always checked up on you was named Raph whilst the other two brothers who are always hanging out with you were Leo and Mikey. That leaves the brother who was... well... constantly eyeing you being Donnie.
The reason why you'd phrase it like that was because every time you found yourself simply resting or spending time with his brothers, you could always catch him spying on you. Most of the time he'd just be peaking from behind objects or if he's feeling brave, he'll straight up choose to stand on the other side of the room with his eyes locked on you like a hawk.
If the staring wasn't weird enough, he would also ask you multiple questions that he seem to have written down in his notebook. He would have the end of his pen pressed against his chin as he asks his questions.
"Well, with your gifted talents, are you able to read minds?" He asked, seated on the ground as he faces you.
"Yes" You responded with your arms folded.
"Confident, but that doesn't mean you're correct. In order to comfirm that theory, we must carry out a test. Now, what number am I thinking?"
He'd stay silent, his brows slightly narrowed as he slowly nods to himself.
"Interesting... buuuuut 7 is the most common number people would think of in this scenario... it could just be a lucky guess" He said, brushing off your showcase just now while he jot down on his notebook.
You tried your hardest not to roll your eyes once you heard his response. Why does he even bother asking these questions if he doesn't like the answers you give him? Something tells you he's probably just messing with you.
"Alright, next question, are you able to carry out mind control?"
Multiple times, you've told yourself to be patient but as days go by, his behaviour was really driving you insane... to be fair you've also been driving him insane by sharing his room. He seems crazy obsessed with privacy. Which you get. But he's on a whole different level.
"Seriously?" You'd stand in front of his invention. You have no knowledge of what it's even made out of but you were sure it was programmed to keep you out of his side of the room. See it as a semi-transparent wall that he can activate and deactivate.
"I'm not gonna touch your things. You act like I'm some kind of criminal"
"Which YOU AREE!! Your story of being wanted by these space cops easily proves that point. I will NOT risk my tech to be stolen by a space criminal!!" He'd say, pointing at you before crossing his arms with his body facing the other away.
"..... no hard feelings" He'd add in the end.
Riggggght. No hard feelings.
"Well then, I guess I'll just go and have a goodnight sleep" You'd turn on your heels but after taking just a few steps, you'd stop in your tracks. Your back still facing him.
"Oh and by the way, the name space criminal sounds pretty cool. Don't you think?" You'd ask as you show him the remote he needs to deactivate the wall he has set up. The second he sees he has lost it, he began to panic and check for ways out.
"Nononono...! But how?!" He'd question since he was sure it was on him the entire time you've talked.
"A criminal never reveals her tricks" You'd grin as you happily hopped away. The sound of him slamming on the wall making the satisfaction in you grow.
Despite you slowly getting use to his behaviour, you still wonder why he has this much dislike towards you. You wouldn't say it's hate since he's still generous enough to let you stay in his room. But who knows? What if he did actually hate you? You laid down on the skateboard ramp as you stared up at the ceiling.
Your peace soon interrupted once you sensed the familiar presence of someone approaching you. You tried to ignore him when he suddenly sat down beside you. It was awkward silence for a moment.
"... what are you doing?"
"Resting? Does your abilities cause you to grow tired quickly?" He'd ask, whipping out his notebook from out of nowhere.
"Is it like a video game where you have an energy bar for each time you use it? Does it happen to also drain your life force? Do you age faster?" His questions were being asked quicker than you could answer. It was really annoying you like he was a fly that wouldn't leave you alone.
"Do you happen to burn calori—"
"Shhhh" The sound of you shushing him mid sentence made his eyes go wide. It was like he wasn't sure what had just happened.
"Excuse me I wasn't—"
His brows twitched almost out of fury once he realised what game you were playing at.
"Now you—"
"SHUUUUUSHHH!" Your words causing him to be so frustrated that he had to turn around and mutter whatever that it is to himself. From a few words you could only pick up being 'Dumb dumb' and 'You're the better person here'. You had to admit watching him lose it was hilarious to watch.
When he turned back around, you quickly stopped yourself from grinning and went back to your poker face. He takes a deep breath before he exhales painfully slow to sooth himself. You're pretty sure he's gone insane.
"It seems there's no use arguing against someone who doesn't listen" He'd speak but you chose not to say anything this time. Your absent of words irritating him bit by bit.
"I see. The common tactic of giving me the cold shoulder in an attempt to make me seem like I'm the idiot, well I hate to disappoint you but i will not easily fall for such trap" He said as he ends up crossing his arms with his chest slightly puffed out. His head facing the other way and his eyes shut from his pettiness.
It's bizarre how you're both the same age but he acts like such a kid compared to you. You sighed.
"Why do you even hate magic so much? Or just me in general. Do you have some sort of grudge?" You questioned and he opened his left eye to look at you, then his right eye. You could see his face relaxing slightly at your question.
"What makes you think I'd tell you?"
Ah what were you thinking... of course he wouldn't tell you...
"... fair point. Have a good day" You got up and ended leaving him there. Your powers helping you sense the disbelief he was experiencing at that moment.
Days passed by and each second that goes, you began to miss the realm you were originally from. Your family, your friends, they must be worried sick about you. Yet you're stuck in this world where you feel caged inside the sewers. There has to be a way to jump back into the realm of your home without triggering the system the space cops have set up.
You'd spend your time drawing out strategies and calculating the possibility of the chances of it succeeding. All of those plans written on plain paper you may or may not have stolen from Donnie's pile but oh well, it's not that you took that many anyways, besides he won't find out since you hide it under your pillow.
After countless tries, you still couldn't find the answer. The security is tight since those space cops are really out to get you. The thought of this being your new life really gives you the shivers. Just as you went in the kitchen to grab a drink, you were then approached by Raph.
"Hey (Y/N), you don't seem to be in good shape" He'd point out the frown on your face which you were quick to drop.
"Oh, that's nothing. Just still adjusting to this world. I haven't really gotten the chance to explore" You said before taking a sip of your drink.
"Well... in that case. How about you join us tonight for patrol?" He'd suggest. The offer so good that obviously you couldn't pass it up.
Which brings you on the rooftop with the four brothers. You had to admit it was nice to finally breath fresh air for once in this realm. The city seems so alive and although the tech isn't as advanced compared to where you're from, it still made the place look so fast paced and pretty. Is that a hotdog stand? You stood at the edge of the rooftop as you admired the streets, failing to notice Donnie who's been glaring at you since you've arrived.
"Alright boys.... and uh... girl. You get the drill!! Let's get this—" Sounds of a scream interrupted his words. All five of you duck to see a woman getting cornered by a gang of thugs in a dark alley.
"Oh no... we gotta help her!"
"Do not worry brother, for I have just the right tool—"
Before he could even finish talking, you have already jump down to the alley with the use of your telekinesis to help you land safely. You threw punches and kicks while simultaneously dodging the attacks thrown at you. Your moves catching the brothers off, each having a reaction of their own.
"Helllll yeahhh!! Save some for me!!" Leo said as he was quick to join you in the fight.
"Wait! Careful!" Raph following close by.
"Man! Who'd knew (Y/N) could fight like that?" Mikey was utterly astonished while Donnie who stands beside him had his teeth gritted out of annoyance.
"Yeaaah... who would have known...." His eyes sharp when examining all of your moves.
It didn't take long until all of the thugs were unconscious on the ground, you used your powers to tie them up with the rope that was conveniently nearby. The woman was safe and had managed to run away safely away from the danger. To avoid anyone from seeing you guys, you were all quick to leave. On the rooftop is where you celebrated your victory with them.
"That was awesome!! Up tops (Y/N)!!" He'd put his hand up and you were fast to high five him.
"What do you say we go celebrate this over some pizza?" Raph suggested which almost everyone went along with, all except Donnie.
Even back in the lair he was quiet. His expression blank like he doesn't seem happy about the pizza or anything. It peaked your interest almost instantly. That's why once the hangout was over and that everyone has gone to sleep, you felt awkward trailing behind him to his room. You could tell from his body language he had his guard up.
"Rough night?" You tried to start small talk with him. Something you didn't think you'd find yourself doing.
Even though he heard you, he still remained silent. This is starting to feel like karma for how you treated him all the time. You watched as he removes his armour to reveal his soft shell. Even though you'd normally just go to your side of the room, you couldn't bring yourself to walk away, you didn't know why but you felt involved with whatever it is he's dealing with right now.
"Is something wrong?" You questioned but he tried to ignore your presence by putting his equipments away.
"You're not your usual self... did something happen?" You asked and you could see his shoulders tense at your words.
"Hey I'm—"
"Just— Just stop!" He'd shout, suddenly turning around to look at you. His gaze deadly cold as he stares into your irises.
"You think you can just come into my life and try to take my spot?! All these countless years of building and inventing machines for my brothers, only for a fairy tale like YOU to pop out of nowhere!!" He'd say, putting out hand gestures to express his emotions.
You didn't say anything but listened with your eyes slightly wide. So this was how he felt about you...?
"It's not fair!! How is it that you can just do all these things with a flick of your wrist while I have to spend restless nights to even achieve that little?! You—!" He'd stop short, unable to finish as he takes a break to catch his breath.
You frown.
Ah you really feel like a terrible person right now... and it's not that you could control how you were birthed with your powers... but it was mostly because of the way you were pushing his buttons ever since you came. You joining their patrol tonight must have been the last straw.
"You're right. It's not fair" You'd utter and he stares at you, a bit taken aback from your sudden confession.
"It's not fair I get a head start compared to the rest... but that doesn't mean you can put out that anger at me! It's not my fault! Besides, you're clearly a smart dude and a very good brother from what I've seen. So why are you comparing yourself to me? It's like comparing a shark to an orca! It was never meant to be fair" You said. His eyes slowly trailing away like he was no longer able to look at you directly like he did before.
"I... sigh you're right... I'm... s—sorry" He muttered, his voice faint but you heard exactly what he was trying to say.
"Don't worry about it... I'm also sorry for the way I've treated you. Let's start over?" You asked, a slight smile on your face and he couldn't help but admit it was a good look on you.
Ever since then, his behaviour around you seemed to change little by little. His questions seem to become less as he was now more attentive when listening to your answers. He'd also quit his weird staring habit... well just almost... he still stares at you but instead of looking so focused like you're a strange object, he looks at you with a more friendly expression.
His drastic change really got to you.
It was like a whole brand new person.
He began to act kind towards you. Even going as far as to offering to help with your strategy planning, it definitely threw you off guard when he told you he was willing to help. Obviously his constant yapping and disagreements are still there but they seem more playful compared to before. It was when you realised how he has made you laugh multiple times that you start to notice these feelings developing in you.
You almost hated yourself when you came to the conclusion you had fallen for the guy.
The same guy you could barely tolerate weeks ago.
The question now was that, did he feel the same for you? You could try reading his mind but would that be crossing the line? You'd be evading his privacy and that's the last thing you'd want to do. Inside the room where you laid on your bed, you couldn't help but think about these thoughts while also having your papers of plans scattered across you. How did all of these feelings even came from...?
"Well you're up early" He'd come in the room with a cup of coffee. You nearly jump at his voice.
"I'm early?" You chuckled, noting he was the one to be first out of bed.
"Jokes on you I didn't even sleep" He then placed his cup on his table before joining to examine your mess of papers.
"Now, shall we continue?" He asked to which you nodded.
It was hard to even focus being so close to him. Gosh you really are incapable of thinking now. You gulped, trying to remain calm. This was not you. You never act like this around anyone. All of this stressing made you zone out that Donnie took notice after realising you hadn't been listening to a thing he's been telling you.
"Hellllooooo? Have you used your telepathy to block me out? That's really typical" He'd say and it quickly took you back to the present.
"What?" He laughs at your confused state. Ah this is giving you even more mixed signals...
"Sorry, just tired from waking up, let's continue" You said, trying to ignore what just happened, feeling as though you were slightly embarrassed.
"Nononoo, you've been constantly daydreaming everytime I talk to you. Something's up" He'd say.
Oh man some part of you wished he wasn't this observant.
"I guess... I'm just missing home...?" You lied, trying to excuse your behaviour. If he ever finds out you might just bury yourself.
"So you're homesick?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Don't worry, there's no shame to it, the sooner we solve this the sooner we get you home" He said confidently.
He then moved closer to you, his actions causing you to freeze. You were unsure what he was trying to do as he inches closer and closer to you.... just to get a pen? You were embarrassed the second he moved back to his spot. With the pen in hand he continued on writing. Ah that was awkward.
All this beating around the bush was driving you crazy.
"I figured it out!" Donnie exclaimed and it got your attention. You turn to him to look at his plan. It was a bit complicated but with the right timing it could work.
Then you wondered what will happen after you finally found a way home.
Are you just gonna simply leave?
"You don't look awfully happy about this. Is the joy too much that you're struggling to express it?" He grinned.
You sigh.
Now would be the best time.
"No I just... uhm... I have feelings for you?" You awkwardly confessed. Your words making the grin on his face drop.
"I'm saying it now so that if you reject me I can just simply go and we can pretend none of this happened" You tried to lighten up the mood with a weak smile but the shock on Donnie's face made you wonder if this was a bad idea.
Suddenly he was blushing.
You had to blink twice to make sure what you seeing was true.
"Ah... why'd you have to make it worse for me? I was trying to get rid of these feelings" He ran his hand across his face.
"Do you not love me?" You asked and it made him panic.
"Nono! It's not that, it's that... how will I love you if you're never with me? You have a home and I realised it's not here" He frown.
Maybe, it was in the heat of the moment, but you suddenly had a solution to solve this problem.
A solution you would blindly do for love.
"Then I'll stay"
"Sta—stay?! You can't—"
"But I can. Those space cops are out to get me and as much as I miss my people, I'm afraid I could put them in danger if I head back. Maybe... I can stay a little longer?" You said and for a second he stares at you... but soon his eyes sparkles with gleam.
"You wanna stay with me?" You smiled at how awfully innocent he sounded when he asked.
"I guess you've grown on me"
"Well wow... haha... okay... um..." He stutters, struggling to even put the right words in the right order.
"Do you want to um... eat lunch... together? I assume that you're starving right now" He said, trying to play it off.
"Sure, will you be cooking my meal?" You joked which he was quick to return with a smile.
"I'm starting to think you're gonna be more of handful now that we're dating"
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Some 2012 boys for a change. Whumptober prompt today was 13.Fracture/Dislocation…
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saturdayisover · 1 year
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seaghosst · 3 months
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happy father’s day :)
this is rushed cause i thought of this 2day and wanted to finish it before father’s day was over but alas
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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i did it. i drew edgy Mikey. my sacred duty as a MCR listener is complete <3
[see the OG edit and post link below!]
behold, the OG post and the edit link: X
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gives immaculate chaotic vibes, he had to be drawn
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earlycuntsets · 6 months
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The Casbah Tremont Music Hall Appalachian State University Charlotte, NC 12/13/2002
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greenxlady · 10 months
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The video of Team Sky in Paldea gave me a sudden rush of inspiration, especially the mention of a "mildly annoying resistance", so I started sketching this the moment I came off watching the video for the third time in a row. And finally, I managed to finish it (feat. the original Nightsky)!
The Rise of the Resistance!
I do have some more ideas involving the adventures of Michael and Grunty Boi, founders and leaders of the Resistance, following the rise of the tyrannical Leader of Team Nightsky, and I hope that I'll manage to have the energy to find and create a good way to tell those tales. (Please click on/download the image for better quality)
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bontwisty · 2 years
Hello! First off all I love your art I think its beautiful! Second of all when I was looking through your posts for more of your comics (again I love your work) I came across your triple Mikey comic (super cute btw) and I read that in your mind you saw 03 Mikey in his 20s 12 Mikey in his late teens and rise Mikey as 14 now please don't take this the wrong way but it made me wonder thier actual ages and did the math... If we went by the math and real world years this is the ages I got... the 03 turtles would 34 by now since they were 15 in the beginning of the 03 show 12 turtles would be 25 (I did the math and they were born a year after me and I'm 26) and in the movie the rise turtles were 17 (raph) 16 (Leo and Donnie) and 15 (Mikey)... Sorry if you don't like this but I thought this was actually pretty interesting info
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Thank you for the compliments!! <33 and funny enough I looked up their birthdates and ages but in the end went with ages I think fit the way they act more at least to me so this was very fun to do and I find it just as interesting too lol
P.s. I can’t believe I forgot they aged by 2 years in the rise movie whoopsie rise Mikey still baby though
1984 Mikey is in the same boat of ageless and BatmanvTmnt Mikey is around 16/17 HC wise (since Leo says he was 16 in the film)
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mikeywayarchive · 17 days
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Instagram story by _jules_is_dead
[Sep 10, 2024]
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poorlemons · 1 year
Song: Rule #4 - Fish in a Birdcage (Fish in a birdcage) theres not really any big story tot his, i just thought about casey jr too hard
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tyforthevnm · 1 year
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paulharries: Mikey and Gerard
Tokyo 2006.
[Taken August 13, 2006 / Posted Augusy 18, 2023]
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ghoulbats · 1 year
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on the ground weeping
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justalittleobsessed · 1 month
The Wedding of the Cat-ury: A Purr-fect Union of Klunk Hamato and Klunk Splinterson
Mikey @justalittleobsessed from Cabin 15 and Mike @languajix from Cabin 14's Klunks are getting married! We're not kitten.
They're sure this will be a wedding to remember fur-ever!
This was it, the wedding of the cat-ury. Today, two cats were coming together in holy matrimony. It would be a beautiful sight, something no one would ever forget. After all, it wasn’t everyday that two cats got married. That didn’t stop the excitement of the event– having been the talk of the camp. Robotic doves had been flying around with wonderfully crafted invitations throughout the past week advertising the union of cats from two cabins, and now the day had finally come.
The whole beach was decorated with great care and detail: no expense spared. Rows and rows of chairs were lined on either side of a long, orange carpet that led up to an altar. The chairs all had large orange bows on them, with each seat having a bag of cat treats on it.
A large arch ran over the altar, decorated with orange flowers and various orange cat toys, and hung around the beach were fairy lights that twinkle.
As the guests file in they can take in the beauty of the setup, and… maybe the over-the-top decorations for a little cat wedding. Whatever. The people who were putting on this wedding must be serious about the event. And who was anyone to ruin such a joyful occasion?
Overhead speakers are hooked up, playing what sounds like a cat cover to “Marry You” by Bruno Mars on repeat. It can only be described as utterly romantic, of course.
Among the guests to arrive were the the Reptile Conundrum boys @fairydragon, Last of Us AU Mikey, Leo, Donnie, and April @thehermitwitch, as well as a very confused Reni @likablemuffin to be witnesses to the event.
Some guests bring presents too: 7 Wonders Mikey and Don @hitwiththetmnt and RTOT April and Little Leo @misshowdoyoudo eagerly bring gifts– something of which the Klunks will be sure to be most appreciative of.
Once the last of the guests file in the music dies down, the beach going silent as everyone holds their breath. Suddenly, Greyscale Mikey @broken-slime-boi and Smokey @belleyells walk down the aisle throwing out orange flower petals from baskets, before going to seats in the first row, waiting for the main event.
Soon after a wedding song starts playing (also a cat cover) over the speakers.
There’s some shuffling, and then everyone turns towards the back of the aisle. There, a one-armed turtle in a big orange dress sets down a cat – presumably one of the Klunks – who’s in a wedding dress. He appears to be crying. Pulling out a laser pointer, he slowly leads his cat up to the altar, picking the cat back up when he gets there. Again everyone turns their attention to the back of the aisle, where the other Klunk in a similar wedding dress is being set down by a turtle in an orange tux with a green tie. This cat is also led up to the altar with a laser pointer and picked up like its counterpart.
It’s then that a large turtle steps up behind them with a bowtie on – Don @clawsandpaws-creativearchive from Cabin 15 – looking ready to officiate the wedding. Don clears his throat, and everyone turns to face him. “Rrrrr. Click. Snort.” He says in turtle speak, and Smokey stands up, addressing the crowd. “Hey says that Mike and Mikey will hold their Klunks for the wedding, so they don’t kiss too early.” Then sits back down. Don did not, in fact, say that. Most at the wedding don’t know turtle speak, though. Both Mike and Mikey hold their Klunks a little closer– Mike’s Klunk pawing at his dress and Mikey’s making little mewing sounds which he attempts to shush with little success and then just gives up in favor of giving her kisses.
Don starts speaking again, all in turtle speak. Almost immediately Mike starts to sob, to which Mikey hands him over a handkerchief seemingly ready for this very moment. The Maid of Honor dabs at his eyes then blows into the cloth dramatically, then repeating the process. At the same time the Best Man fans at his eyes to keep the tears out, loudly crying: “My baby! Oh my baby is getting married!” as well as various incoherent sounds.
Both Mike and Mikey seem inconsolable. The Klunks look on curiously in their wedding dresses at their owners.
As the speech goes on the dramatics increase: at one point Mike drops to his knees, sobbing harder, and Mikey yells: “This is the end of an era!” while shaking his head and starting to sob as well. Don keeps on speaking as if nothing is the matter.
(Anyone who does know turtle speak throughout this speech would know that Don only says “Meow” in various tones that make them sound like different words. It’s fairly impressive. Most people still do not understand.)
“Click. Snort. Click.” Don ends with. Smokey stands back up, once again addressing the audience as both Mike and Mikey seem to pull themselves together. “He says ‘You may now lick the bride.’”
Mike and Mikey take their Klunks and smash their faces together. The cats seem unsure about the matter, pawing at each other until they’re pulled away. “Klunks Hamato-Splinterson everyone!” Smokey announces, and both Michelangelos hold their cats up to the crowd, followed by uproarious cheers.
The two run down the aisle, while the guests continue to cheer, showing their cats in their little wedding dresses as they go past. Eventually they run off and away, leaving everyone else. As they all start to leave, a sign points towards the other side of the beach:
😻❤️Reception this way!❤️😻
The reception is every bit as cheerful and bright as the wedding had been. Everything was decorated in orange again – orange flower centerpieces on tables with orange tablecloths, a dance floor that was orange and green, and ribbons tied around random items with orange ribbons on them.
Once the guests had found their seats and had started eating (a variety of orange foods and drinks, of course), Mike and Mikey called everyone’s attention.
They sat on a raised platform with their own table– their Klunks in-between them and playing with cat toys in a little pen for all to see. Mikey taps his knife on his “champagne” glass, standing up along with Mike as the attention is diverted to them.
“As Best Man,” He points to himself and his very fashionable outfit, “And as Maid of Honor,” He gestures to Mike, who does a little twirl in his dress, “We have a few words we’d like to say.” One of the Klunks below hacks up a hairball in the momentary silence. Mike and Mikey don’t seem to be too concerned on the matter. “Ever since the day I gave birth to me dear Klunk–”
Mike shakes his head. “–you did not–”
“–from my own body, I knew the day may come that she would finally decide to leave the nest.” Mikey sniffles, pulling out a handkerchief from his other pocket this time to dab at his own eyes. “She was always such an independent girl, but I had hoped I could keep her close for awhile longer, ya know? But then… then Klunk met Klunk.”
Mikey scratches behind the ears of the cats as Mike continues on, “We both saw how they clicked. It was obvious from the beginning there was something special there. Not only did they start to find happiness with each other, but I was able to find my long lost twin.”
“It’s crazy how that works, isn’t it?” Mikey picks back up, Mike nodding in agreement. “Not only did they come together, but they brought us together too. I couldn't be happier to call Mike my twin-in-law.”
"It only seemed right, that the most adorable, most gentle, most-" Mike sobs, picking up where he left off in the wedding "Special little girl in the whole wide world would find an almost as adorable, gentle, and special girl to get cat married to." 
"Now hold on-"
Mike nudged Mikey with a grin, both of them smiling. “Now here we are, two months later. Mikey, I couldn’t be happier to call you my twin-in-law either. To all the days to come…” Mike holds up his glass.
“…and to all the memories we’ll make!” Mikey adds. “Cheers to Klunks Hamato-Splinterson!” They both finish at the end, taking long sips from glasses as everyone around them also shows their joy.
A few minutes later both Klunks are brought to the dancefloor, which soon gains a crowd around it for the married couple’s first dance. Setting them in the middle of the floor, both the Maid of Honor and the Best Man pull out cat toys as music starts to play.
With the start of the song, both boys move the cat toys around to the beat, making their cats follow in a slow dance. Although at first not clear, it’s easy to hear now that it is another cat cover to a song. As cats sing “Lover” by Taylor Swift, the kitties move around each other, although soon seem to forget the toys in lieu of playing with the other.
Soon enough everyone is invited to the dance floor, where a variety of cat cover songs plays well into the night.
“Thank you for coming!” Mike waves as everyone leaves, holding up his Klunk one last time.
Mikey does the same, although it's more clear on his Klunk how her dress is askew and a little tattered in some places from the newlyweds playing and dancing with each other. “And don't forget to thank all of our amazing counselors for footing the bill and offering to do clean up! This wouldn't have been possible without you!”
This truly has been a joyous occasion, and we thank everyone who came (and miss the ones who couldn't)!
Congratulations to the happy couple!
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