#mikolas ales
oldpaintings · 1 year
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Karlštejnský havran,1882 by Mikoláš Aleš (Czech, 1852--1913)
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pateralba · 6 months
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Mikolas Ales tarafından 1882'de çizilen "Karlstejnsky Kuzgunu" adlı resim.
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marciamattos · 1 year
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LA LUMIÈRE DANS LA NUIT CHEZ Jakub Schikaneder. Czech (1855 - 1924)
Né le 27 février 1855, à Prague, Jakub Schikaneder est issu d'une famille de douanier qui encourage très tôt son goût prononcé pour les arts. Que ce soit la musique, la peinture ou le théâtre, Jakub se montre talentueux et touche à tout. Un de ses parents de Vienne, n'est autre qu'Emmanuel Schikaneder, grand acteur comique et auteur du libretto de la Flûte enchantée de W.A. Mozart. C'est néanmoins pour la peinture que Jakub montre une plus grande attirance ; dès sa plus tendre enfance, il se consacre beaucoup au dessin.
Il commence à étudier à l'Académie des beaux-arts, à Prague, à l'âge quinze ans et se fait tout de suite remarquer par son talent exceptionnel. Les jeunes artistes de l'époque essaient de sortir du style classique enseigné à l'Académie, et Jakub Schikaneder, Frantisek Zenisek, Mikolas Ales, Maximilian Pirner ou Emanuel Krescenc Liska suivent plutôt les tendances dégagées par les idées de la Commune de Paris.
Le jeune Schikaneder expose pour la première fois au Salon de Zofin à Prague en 1876 : 'La Dernière Oeuvre' (Posledni Dilo), tableau égaré dans le temps. La critique est positive, Jan Neruda notamment (poète et critique Tchèque très connu) s'exprimera en des termes très favorables sur la toile, représentant un jeune peintre mourant devant son dernier tableau.
Jakub Schikaneder part pour Paris en 1878, et est fasciné par la richesse culturelle et esthétique de la capitale en cette fin de siècle. Il part pour Munich peu après. Il continue ses études aux Beaux Arts chez le professeur Gabriel Max. Il passera plusieurs années en Bavière, mais revient souvent à Prague, notamment pour participer à la décoration de la loge royale au Théâtre National. Les tableaux représentent trois moments importants de l'Histoire de la Bohême : l'époque des Premyslides, le règne des Habsbourgs. Malheureusement, ils sont détruits dans l'incendie du Théâtre. Vaclav Brozik sera chargé de décorer la loge lors de sa reconstruction.
Il termine ses études à Munich et en profite pour voyager beaucoup en Europe : France, Italie, Suisse, Angleterre, Ecosse etc. Le peintre Frantisek Zenisek propose à Jakub Schikaneder de devenir son assistant à l'Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs, en 1885. Il devient professeur de peinture décorative en 1891. Le style du peintre change durant cette période, ses tableaux deviennent plus mélancoliques, souvent peints dans un cadre automnal.
En 1890, il peint 'Meurtre dans la Maison' (Vrazda v Dome), une de ses oeuvres les plus connues représentant une jeune femme assassinée allongée sur le sol de la cour d'une maison praguoise, entourée de badauds. Jakub Schikaneder situe souvent ses tableaux dans ces petites ruelles sombres de la la ville de Prague, au crépuscule ou au petit matin, souvent en hiver. Schikaneder se replie sur lui-même et ses tableaux sont le reflet de son âme, triste, mélancolique. Il ne reçoit presque plus personne et voit très peu ses amis, il passe son temps à peindre et à jouer de l'harmonium, sa grande passion. Il se rend souvent au bord de la mer adriatique ou à l'île Helgoland où il peint quelques tableaux poignants.
Jakub Schikaneder meurt à l'Automne 1924, alors qu'il jouait de l'harmonium.
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igawiteknaywo · 22 days
Jakie są szanse Czech na wygraną w konkursie Eurowizji?
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Jakie są szanse Czech na wygraną w konkursie Eurowizji?
Czeska reprezentacja muzyczna ma szansę na zwycięstwo w tegorocznej Eurowizji. Po raz kolejny Czechy postawiły na utalentowanego artystę oraz niepowtarzalny występ sceniczny. Tegoroczny przedstawiciel Czech, Jan Novák, to utalentowany wokalista, który zachwyca swoim głosem i charyzmą. Jego piosenka "Fire and Ice" porusza serca słuchaczy i wyróżnia się na tle innych propozycji.
Czeska propozycja muzyczna została bardzo pozytywnie odebrana przez publiczność oraz krytyków muzycznych. Jan Novák zdobył serca fanów swoim wykonaniem i silną emocjonalną łącznością z publicznością. Ponadto, kreatywna oprawa scenicznego występu dodaje muzyce jeszcze większego uroku i zapada w pamięć słuchaczy.
Eurowizja to konkurs, w którym liczy się nie tylko jakość utworu, ale także prezentacja artystyczna i osobowość sceniczna. Jan Novák potrafi połączyć te wszystkie elementy w sposób naturalny i przekonujący. Dzięki temu ma duże szanse na uzyskanie wysokich ocen i ostateczne zwycięstwo.
Czeska reprezentacja zyskała już uznanie wielu fanów muzyki na całym świecie. Jeśli utrzymają swoją obecną formę i jakość występu, mają szansę przekonać także międzynarodowe jury i zdobyć złoty medal na Eurowizji. Trzymamy kciuki za Czeską propozycję i życzymy Janowi Novákowi powodzenia na wielkiej europejskiej scenie muzycznej!
Reprezentacja Czech na Eurowizji często cieszyła się zainteresowaniem i wsparciem fanów konkursu muzycznego. W tym roku, oczekiwania dla czeskiego zespołu są wysokie, ponieważ mają za sobą udane występy w poprzednich edycjach. Fani Eurowizji liczą na dynamiczny występ, nowoczesną choreografię i przede wszystkim wspaniałą piosenkę, która zapadnie w pamięci słuchaczy.
Ponadto, reprezentacja Czech została doceniona za innowacyjne podejście do prezentacji swoich utworów. W poprzednich latach zespoły reprezentujące ten kraj zaskakiwały oryginalnymi aranżacjami i kreatywnymi wykonaniami, co przynosiło im pozytywne recenzje i szerokie uznanie publiczności.
Oczekuje się, że reprezentacja Czech postawi wysoko poprzeczkę w tegorocznej Eurowizji i zaprezentuje się z godną uwagi propozycją muzyczną. Wielu fanów liczy na to, że czeski zespół zadziwi swoim talentem i umiejętnościami scenicznymi, co może przynieść im sukces podczas finału konkursu.
Nie zabraknie również analiz ekspertów, którzy starannie oceniają szanse poszczególnych reprezentacji. Jednak wszyscy zgodnie podkreślają, że reprezentacja Czech ma potencjał, by przyciągnąć uwagę i zaskoczyć swoim występem podczas Eurowizji.
W świetle tych oczekiwań fani Eurowizji nie mogą się doczekać, aby zobaczyć, jak reprezentacja Czech zaprezentuje się podczas tego prestiżowego konkursu muzycznego. Czy uda im się sprostać oczekiwaniom i zaskoczyć publiczność swoim występem? Odpowiedź poznamy już niebawem, gdy rozpocznie się tegoroczna Eurowizja!
Czechy są jednym z krajów uczestniczących w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji od 2007 roku. Ich historia wyników na tym prestiżowym konkursie była zmienna. Pierwszy raz Czechy zakwalifikowały się do finału Eurowizji w 2016 roku, kiedy reprezentował je zespół Lake Malawi z piosenką "Friend of a Friend". Zajęli wówczas 11. miejsce. Rok później, w 2017 roku, kraj ten był reprezentowany przez Martina Bárta z utworem "My Turn", jednak nie zakwalifikował się do finału.
Największym sukcesem Czech na Eurowizji był rok 2018, kiedy reprezentowała ich artystka Mikolas Josef z piosenką "Lie to Me". Zajął on 6. miejsce, co jest jak dotąd najlepszym wynikiem Czech w historii konkursu. Kolejne lata nie były już tak udane - w 2019 roku Lake Malawi ponownie reprezentowali Czechy z piosenką "Friend of a Friend" i zajęli 11. miejsce, a w 2021 roku reprezentantem był Benny Cristo z utworem "Omaga" i zajął 15. miejsce w półfinale.
Czeskie występy na Eurowizji charakteryzuje często oryginalność i energiczne występy artystów. Mimo zmiennych wyników, Czechy są aktywnym uczestnikiem konkursu i ich udział cieszy się coraz większym zainteresowaniem zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą. Oczekuje się, że w kolejnych latach czeskie akty mogą zdobyć jeszcze większe uznanie i osiągnąć jeszcze lepsze wyniki na Eurowizji.
Reprezentacja Czech na Eurowizji łączy w sobie zarówno entuzjazm, jak i niepewność. Pomimo silnego występu i dobrej jakości wykonania, istnieją pewne potencjalne zagrożenia, które mogą stanowić wyzwanie dla czeskiej drużyny podczas konkursu muzycznego Eurowizji.
Pierwszym potencjalnym zagrożeniem dla reprezentacji Czech jest konkurencja. Konkurs Eurowizji gromadzi uczestników z całej Europy, co oznacza, że czeska drużyna będzie musiała konkurować z wieloma utalentowanymi artystami i zespołami. Silna konkurencja może stanowić trudność w zaprezentowaniu się i zwróceniu uwagi na tle innych występów.
Kolejnym potencjalnym zagrożeniem jest kontrowersyjny charakter konkursu. Eurowizja często jest miejscem sporów i kontrowersji, co może wpłynąć na publiczne odbiór reprezentacji Czech. Konieczność zachowania równowagi między oryginalnością a dostosowaniem się do oczekiwań publiczności może być wyzwaniem dla czeskiej drużyny.
Dodatkowym zagrożeniem są techniczne problemy podczas występu. Podczas wydarzeń na żywo zawsze mogą pojawić się problemy techniczne, takie jak problemy dźwiękowe czy usterki sprzętu. Szybka i skuteczna reakcja na takie sytuacje może być kluczowa dla reprezentacji Czech w utrzymaniu profesjonalnego wizerunku podczas występu.
Mimo tych potencjalnych zagrożeń, reprezentacja Czech ma szansę na udany występ na Eurowizji, jeśli odpowiednio się przygotuje i skoncentruje na swoim wykonaniu. Wsparcie fanów oraz determinacja członków drużyny mogą pomóc w pokonaniu wszelkich trudności i zdobyciu uznania na arenie międzynarodowej.
Analiza konkurencji dla Czech na Eurowizji
Na tegorocznym konkursie Eurowizji reprezentująca Czechy piosenkarka Alice Vogg z utworem "Gravity". Przed występem w trakcie półfinałów oraz finału warto przyjrzeć się konkurencji, z którą będzie musiała się zmierzyć.
Jednym z głównych konkurentów Czech jest reprezentant Szwajcarii, który cieszy się ogromną popularnością za sprawą energetycznego występu i chwytliwej piosenki. Innymi groźnymi rywalami są także artyści reprezentujący Włochy, Szwecję, Ukrainę i Francję, których utwory są często notowane wysoko przez międzynarodowe jury.
Wbrew temu, co mogłoby się wydawać, Czechy również mają wiele atutów. Piosenka Alice Vogg jest dynamiczna, a artystka wokalnie bardzo silna. Dodatkowo, ciekawy występ sceniczny może przyciągnąć uwagę widzów i sędziów. Reprezentantka Czech może liczyć na wsparcie zwłaszcza z państw Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, gdzie popularność konkursu Eurowizji jest nadal bardzo wysoka.
Ostatecznie, Eurowizja to konkurs, który zawsze zaskakuje i czynniki, które decydują o zwycięstwie, mogą być bardzo zróżnicowane. Ważne jest, aby artysta z Czech dobrze się przygotował, dostarczył niezapomniane wrażenia i porwał swoją piosenką publiczność. Czekamy z niecierpliwością na wynik i trzymamy kciuki za reprezentację Czech na tegorocznej Eurowizji.
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juarezesdeporte · 27 days
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Los Angeles.- Shohei Ohtani se embasó tres veces en su debut en casa con los Dodgers, y Los Angeles venció ayer 7-1 a los Cardenales de San Luis en el primer partido de una temporada de expectativas altísimas en el Dodger Stadium
Mookie Betts y Freddie Freeman conectaron jonrones en la tercera entrada, y Tyler Glasnow lanzó seis entradas de dos hits para los Dodgers. Una semana después de que Los Angeles comenzara la temporada con dos juegos en Corea del Sur, el club mostró su talento a través de una plantilla costosa y repleta de estrellas encabezada por tres ex Jugadores Más Valiosos en la cima del orden de bateo.
Ninguna incorporación fue más grande que Ohtani, quien no mostró signos de distracción después de una semana tumultuosa en la que negó enfáticamente las apuestas deportivas tras el despido de su intérprete de toda la vida, Ippei Mizuhara.
Después de recibir una gran ovación de una multitud estridente de 52,667 personas, Ohtani duplicó en su primer turno oficial al bat en Chavez Ravine desde que aceptó su contrato récord de 10 años y 700 millones  de dólares. El dos veces Jugador Más Valioso de la Liga Americana siguió con una base por bolas y un sencillo como bateador designado de los Dodgers.
Freeman conectó dos hits e impulsó tres carreras, mientras que Betts anotó tres carreras y se embasó tres veces. Teoscar Hernández pegó un doble y anotó en la sexta entrada de su debut en casa con los Dodgers, mientras que Max Muncy impulsó dos carreras.
Glasnow (1-0) estuvo brillante en su debut en casa con el equipo de su ciudad natal, ponchando a cinco y permitiendo sólo una carrera en 81 lanzamientos. Se espera que Glasnow, quien también inició el primer partido de los Dodgers en Seúl la semana pasada, sea un pilar para Los Angeles después de que su rotación fue diezmada por lesiones y problemas fuera del campo la temporada pasada.
Ryan Yarbrough lanzó tres entradas de relevo con un solo hit para su primer salvamento.
Paul Goldschmidt jonroneó ante Glasnow, y Miles Mikolas (0-1) permitió siete hits y cinco carreras para los Cardenales, que lograron sólo tres hits en su día inaugural.
El roster de los Dodgers es el más viejo de las Mayores, con un promedio de 31 años, según MLB. También es un grupo notablemente talentoso después de una temporada baja monumental en la que Los Angeles gastó casi 1.4 mil millones de dólares en cinco jugadores, agregando una galería de nuevas estrellas a una plantilla ya cargada.
Aunque el acuerdo de Ohtani fue el plato fuerte, los Dodgers también firmaron a dos de los mejores lanzadores abridores del mercado: Glasnow (cinco años, 136.5 mdd) y a la estrella japonesa Yoshinobu Yamamoto (12 años, 325 mdd), además de agregar al toletero Hernández (un año, 23.5 mdd) y mantener al receptor local Will Smith (10 años, 140 mdd).
Los tres JMV de los Dodgers luego lograron un combinado de 5 de 6 con dos bases por bolas, un doble y dos jonrones contra Mikolas, quien criticó a los Dodgers este mes por jugar ‘beisbol de chequera’ y dijo que ‘sería genial pegarle a los Dodgers’ en la serie de apertura. 
1                     7
Cardenales    Dodgers
La tirilla
Equipo                       123     456     789     C         H         E
San Luis         000     100     000     1         3         0
Los Angeles   203     001     100     7         10       1
PG: Glasnow (1-0)
PD: Mikolas (0-1)
S: Yarbrough (1)
(Associated Press)
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2022 MLB All-Star Game Props Odds and Best Bets
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The American League will look for a ninth straight win over the National League at the 2022 MLB All-Star Game from Dodger Stadium (Santa Ana Bermuda Grass) in Los Angeles on Tuesday night in the Mid-Summer Classic (TV—FOX, RADIO—ESPN; 8 ET/7 CT/5 PT). 카지노사이트
Preceding the 2022 MLB All-Star Game on Monday night at Chavez Ravine will be the 2022 T-Mobile Home Run Derby (TV—ESPN, RADIO—ESPN; 8 ET/7 CT/5 PT) as eight sluggers including a Rookie and the oldest participant ever slug for the $1 million prize.
Kyle Schwarber (Phillies), 2-time defending champion Pete Alonso (Mets), Corey Seager (Rangers), Juan Soto (Nationals), José Ramírez (Guardians), Julio Rodríguez (Mariners), Ronald Acuña, Jr. (Braves) and 42-year-old Albert Pujols (Cardinals) will participate.
AL Seeking 9th Straight Mid-Summer Classic Win Tuesday
Even though the Junior Circuit (AL) has won 8 straight MLB All-Star Games, online oddsmakers at the leading Baseball betting sites have the Senior Circuit (NL) as slight -125 favorites (AL +105) with the Total (Over/Under) set at 8 runs and both team Totals at 3½.
Hometown Dodgers (+350 to win 2022 World Series, SportsBetting.ag) ace southpaw Clayton Kershaw (7-2, 2.13, 0.91 WHIP) is likely to get the start on Tuesday night in Laland after being pulled while pitching a perfect game for los Doyers last week.
Kershaw may face crosstown rival Angels two-way sensation Shohei Ohtani (9-4,123 Ks, 0.99 WHIP) in the All-StarGame, but it will all come down to the decisions of two all-Star Managers, Dusty Baker (AL) and Brian Snitker (NL). The fans want Kershaw and Ohtani.
But 2022 AL MVP candidates Ohtani and Yankees slugger Aaron Judge will be starting in Tuesday night’s 2022 MLB All-Star Game which will also include future Hall of Famer Pujols as a Legacy addition to the NL Roster. The AL Legacy player is Miguel Cabrera.
Pujols is set to become the oldest competitor in the MLB Home Run Derby and oddsmakers have the Cardinals legend at 16/1 odds to win Monday night’s contest at Dodger Stadium which will see the Mets Pete Alonso shoot for his third straight title.
2022 All-Star Game Odds
Moneyline: National League -125, American League +105
Run Line: NL -1½ +175, AL +1½ -205
Total: 8u -125
AL Team Total: 3½o -130
NL Team Total: 3½o -135
MLB All-Star Game Winners
2021—American League (5-2)
2020—Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
2019—American League (4-3)
2018—American League (8-6) 10 innings
2017—American League (2-1)
2016—American League (4-2)
2015—American League (6-3)
2014—American League (5-3)
2013—American League (3-0)
2012—National League (8-0)
2011—National League (5-1)
2010—National League (3-1)
2009—American League (4-3)
2008—American League (4-3)
2007—American League (5-4)
2006—National League (3-1)
2005—American League (7-5)
2004—American League (9-4)
2003—American League (7-6) 바카라사이트
2002—TIE: AL 7 NL 7 (Bud Selig’s bedtime)
2001—American League (4-1)
2000—American League (6-3)
AL Has Dominated the NL in All-Star Game in Millennium
The AL will look to up its Win Streak over the NL to 9 straight games, and over that span (2013-present), the AL has outscored the NL, 37-20, so some bettors bet Streaks or the league they pull for, but can we really call it “Recency Bias” when the AL has W.
The AL is 16-4-1 over the past 21 All-Star Games, so there is no “Recency Bias,” just the fact ma’am and the facts show that if you blindly bet on the American League every single All-Star Game this Millennium, you would have won your bets 80% of the time. Simple.
There have been a number of changes with selected All-Stars injured, so guys like Liam Hendricks, Devin Williams, Ty France, Miles Mikolas, Jordan Romano, Austin Riley, Tyler Anderson, Jake Croneworth, and Santiago Espinal among others are now in Los Angeles.
American League Starters
OF—Aaron Judge, New York Yankees
OF—Byron Buxton (Replaces Mike Trout, Anaheim Angels)
OF—Giancarlo Stanton, New York Yankees
DH—Shohei Ohtani, Anaheim Angels
1B—Vladimir Guerrero, Jr., Toronto Blue Jays
2B—Andrés Giménez, Cleveland Guardians (Replaces Jose Altuve, Houston Astros)
SS—Tim Anderson, Chicago White Sox
3B—Rafael Devers, Boston Red Sox
C—Alejandro Kirk, Toronto Blue Jays
American League Pitchers
Paul Blackburn, Oakland Athletics
Emmanuel Clase, Cleveland Guardians
Nestor Cortes, New York Yankees
Gerrit Cole, New York Yankees (unavailable)
Liam Hendriks, Chicago White Sox (Replacement)
Clay Holmes, New York Yankees
Jorge López, Baltimore Orioles
Alek Manoah, Toronto Blue Jays
Shane McClanahan, Tampa Bay Rays
Shohei Ohtani, Anaheim Angels
Martín Pérez, Texas Rangers
Jordan Romano, Toronto Blue Jays (Replacement)
Gregory Soto, Detroit Tigers
Framber Valdez, Houston Astros
Justin Verlander, Houston Astros (unavailable)
American League Reserves
OF—Ty France, Seattle Mariners (Replacement)
OF—Byron Buxton, Minnesota Twins (Replacement)
OF—Geroge Springer, Toronto Blue Jays
OF—Andrew Benintendi, Kansas City Royals
OF—Kyle Tucker, Houston Astros
OF— Julio Rodríguez, Seattle Mariners
DH—JD Martinez, Boston Red Sox
INF—Luis Arraez, Minnesota Twins
INF—Xander Bogaerts, Boston Red Sox
INF—Santiago Espinal, Toronto Blue Jays
INF—Corey Seager, Texas Rangers (Replacement)
2B—Andrés Giménez, Cleveland Guardians (Replaces Jose Altuve, Houston Astros)
SS—Tim Anderson, Chicago White Sox
3B—Rafael Devers, Boston Red Sox
C—Jose Trevino, New York Yankees
★ Legacy—Miguel Cabrera, Detroit Tigers
National League Starters
OF—Ronald Acuña, Jr., Atlanta Braves
OF—Mookie Betts, Dodgers;
OF—Joc Pederson, San Francisco Giants
DH—Garrett Cooper, Miami Marlins (Replaces Bryce Harper, Philadelphia Phillies)
1B—Paul Goldschmidt, St, Louis Cardinals
2B—Jeff McNeil, New York Mets (Replaces Jazz Chisholm, Miami Marlins)
SS—Trea Turner, Los Angeles Dodgers
3B—Manny Machado, San Diego Padres
C—Willson Contreras, Chicago Cubs
National League Pitchers
Sandy Alcantara, Miami Marlins
Tyler Anderson, Los Angeles Dodgers (Replacement)
David Bednar, Pittsburgh Pirates
Corbin Burnes, Milwaukee Brewers
Luis Castillo, Cincinnati Reds
Edwin Díaz, New York Mets
Max Fried, Atlanta Braves (Unavailable)
Tony Gonsolin, Los Angeles Dodgers
Josh Hader, Milwaukee Brewers (Bereavement List)
Ryan Helsley, St. Louis Cardinals
Clayton Kershaw, Los Angeles Dodgers
Joe Mantiply, Arizona Diamondbacks
Miles Mikolas, St. Louis Cardinals (Replacement)
Joe Musgrove, San Diego Padres
Carlos Rodón, San Francisco Giants (Unavailable Replacement
Devin Williams, Milwaukee Brewers (Replacement)
National League Reserves
OF—Kyle Schwarber, Philadelphia Phillies
OF—Juan Soto, Washington Nationals
OF—Starling Marte, New York Mets
OF—Ian Happ, Chicago Cubs
DH—William Contreras, Atlanta Braves
INF—Nolan Arenado, St. Louis Cardinals (Unavailable)
INF—Pete Alonso, New York Mets
INF—CJ. Cron, Colorado Rockies
INF—Dansby Swanson, Atlanta Braves
INF—Austin Riley, Atlanta Braves (Replacement for Arenado)
INF—Jake Cronenworth, Padres (Replacement for Chisholm)
INF—Freddie Freeman, Dodgers (Replacement)
C—Travis d’Arnaud, Atlanta Braves
★ Legacy—Albert Pujols, St. Louis Cardinals  온라인카지노
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triste-le-roy · 7 years
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Illustration of the Golem of Prague and its creator Rabbi Loew (Judah Loew ben Bezalel) aka Judah Levai aka Judah Allevi (Mikoláš Aleš, 1899).
(via St. Margarets Community Website)
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omg-lucio · 3 years
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1933. Mikola Lemik de Ucrania, asesino del cónsul soviético en Lviv (entonces ciudad polaca), como protesta contra la hambruna deliberada en Ucrania. El tribunal polaco finalmente lo condenó a cadena perpetua, fue liberado al estallar la guerra, luchó contra los alemanes y fue ejecutado por la Gestapo. Tenía 27 años
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las-microfisuras · 4 years
Como si una sola voz los atravesara a todos, sus lados oscuros, sórdidos, su imprudencia de ignorar por completo la felicidad, de posponerla, viven. Conocen la modestia de decir yo, pero prefieren la amplitud de esta noche o el canto adivinado del único ruiseñor que también han oído u oirán y que es igual al silencio. Conocen, también, la medida exacta de algunos enigmas que no sabrían aclarar: ¿por qué algunas partes del cuerpo son como países y otras como celdas? ¿por qué el coraje y la ingenuidad hacen una constelación? En esa discreción que también es un orden (pero menos inocente) hay un flirteo con lo implícito, la esperanza remota de que, vistos de lejos, sus gestos harían una redondez (un sentido). De un trago, se han bebido el verano. Dan, de pronto, muestras de cansancio. Algo les dice que vendrá la lluvia…
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- María Negroni, Islandia
Editorial: Bajo la Luna
- © Mikola Gnisyuk - People in Trees (the Rooks Have Arrived), 1964
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sonicworld555 · 3 years
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Songs that can't be seen:
Teriyaki Boyz- Tokyo drift
Karol G- Tusa
Mikolas Josef- Me gusta
Lili Nas X - Old town road
Hannah Montana- True friend
G.R.L.- Vacation
Fifth Harmony- Work from home
Blackpink- D-Du Du D-Du Du
Juicy J & Wiz Khalifa & Ty Dolla $ign & kill the mouse Madsonik- shell shocked
Ale Farben & ILIRA- Fading
Dimitri Vegas & Daddy Yankee & Natti Natasha & David Guetta & Afro bross- Instagram
Michael Jackson- Bad
Tones and I- Dance monkey
Zara Larson- Talk about love
Loote- 85%
Chris Brown- Yeah 3x
Mk & Jonas Blue & Becky Hill- Back & Forth
Tom Holkenborg- Sonic the hedgehog
Mabel - Boyfriend
Owl City- Gold
Ed Sheraan- Shape of you
Imagine Dragons- Zero, Whates it takes
Will William- Ego
Sonic colors- Reach for the stars
Jonas Blue- Mama
Jay Sean- Down
Avicii- Hey brother
Jason Derulo- Colors
Galantis- No money
Burak Yetter- Happy
Dua lipa- Idgaf
Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez- We don't talk anymore
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marciamattos · 3 years
LA LUMIÈRE DANS LA NUIT CHEZ Jakub Schikaneder. Czech (1855 - 1924)
Né le 27 février 1855, à Prague, Jakub Schikaneder est issu d'une famille de douanier qui encourage très tôt son goût prononcé pour les arts. Que ce soit la musique, la peinture ou le théâtre, Jakub se montre talentueux et touche à tout. Un de ses parents de Vienne, n'est autre qu'Emmanuel Schikaneder, grand acteur comique et auteur du libretto de la Flûte enchantée de W.A. Mozart. C'est néanmoins pour la peinture que Jakub montre une plus grande attirance ; dès sa plus tendre enfance, il se consacre beaucoup au dessin.
Il commence à étudier à l'Académie des beaux-arts, à Prague, à l'âge quinze ans et se fait tout de suite remarquer par son talent exceptionnel. Les jeunes artistes de l'époque essaient de sortir du style classique enseigné à l'Académie, et Jakub Schikaneder, Frantisek Zenisek, Mikolas Ales, Maximilian Pirner ou Emanuel Krescenc Liska suivent plutôt les tendances dégagées par les idées de la Commune de Paris.
Le jeune Schikaneder expose pour la première fois au Salon de Zofin à Prague en 1876 : 'La Dernière Oeuvre' (Posledni Dilo), tableau égaré dans le temps. La critique est positive, Jan Neruda notamment (poète et critique Tchèque très connu) s'exprimera en des termes très favorables sur la toile, représentant un jeune peintre mourant devant son dernier tableau.
Jakub Schikaneder part pour Paris en 1878, et est fasciné par la richesse culturelle et esthétique de la capitale en cette fin de siècle. Il part pour Munich peu après. Il continue ses études aux Beaux Arts chez le professeur Gabriel Max. Il passera plusieurs années en Bavière, mais revient souvent à Prague, notamment pour participer à la décoration de la loge royale au Théâtre National. Les tableaux représentent trois moments importants de l'Histoire de la Bohême : l'époque des Premyslides, le règne des Habsbourgs. Malheureusement, ils sont détruits dans l'incendie du Théâtre. Vaclav Brozik sera chargé de décorer la loge lors de sa reconstruction.
Il termine ses études à Munich et en profite pour voyager beaucoup en Europe : France, Italie, Suisse, Angleterre, Ecosse etc. Le peintre Frantisek Zenisek propose à Jakub Schikaneder de devenir son assistant à l'Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs, en 1885. Il devient professeur de peinture décorative en 1891. Le style du peintre change durant cette période, ses tableaux deviennent plus mélancoliques, souvent peints dans un cadre automnal.
En 1890, il peint 'Meurtre dans la Maison' (Vrazda v Dome), une de ses oeuvres les plus connues représentant une jeune femme assassinée allongée sur le sol de la cour d'une maison praguoise, entourée de badauds. Jakub Schikaneder situe souvent ses tableaux dans ces petites ruelles sombres de la la ville de Prague, au crépuscule ou au petit matin, souvent en hiver. Schikaneder se replie sur lui-même et ses tableaux sont le reflet de son âme, triste, mélancolique. Il ne reçoit presque plus personne et voit très peu ses amis, il passe son temps à peindre et à jouer de l'harmonium, sa grande passion. Il se rend souvent au bord de la mer adriatique ou à l'île Helgoland où il peint quelques tableaux poignants.
Jakub Schikaneder meurt à l'Automne 1924, alors qu'il jouait de l'harmonium.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Ieva Zasimauskaite - “When we’re old” 12th place
After six, long arduous months, this ranking somehow outlived the entire Almaia relationship, and that alone should be reason enough to finish the ranking immediately, but the the upcoming ban of all nfsw stuff (/porn) from this website will also cause a homosexual exodus (homosexodus? 🤔), sooooo, definitely time to finish this ranking before I lose 85% of my current audience. 
Look, listen OKAY, just like how I naturally gravitate towards Lea Sirk’s sass and Elina’s pristineness and DoReDoS’s hilarious whateverthatwas, I was simply never *not* going to like a Lithuanian frumpy space princess and annointed HINDU with a voice more brittle than Theresa May’s position in the House of Commons, whose meditation rites include drinking a cup of boiling water (without the tea! just water) on a daily basis to *purify* her mind and soul. Okay the last MAY be an exaggeration on the behalf of the Flemish commentator (Peter Van de Veire is a known jokester), but then again, I can totally see Ieva telling this to random bystanders in her hotel lobby? Such oblivious, but well-meaning wackiness is just so Ieva SassyMouseKyte. 
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Naturally, one MASSIVE part of my Ieva stanning is JUST her personality, which is both intensely kooky and disarmingly innocent, see above. Another example: Ieva serenly sliding off the stage during the semifinal, only to find the nearest camera and exclaim  ”I FELT THE PRESENCE OF *GODS* ON THE STAGE WHILE I WAS SINGING ^__^ I FEEL *ENLIGHTENED* 🤗🤗” llke she was Siddharta Gautama under the Bodhi tree <3 I am no a religious man but if Ieva said the stage was brightened with a non-descript Eastern Deity’s presence during the performance, who am I to refute it? 😁 
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Gods or no gods, I will say that it took a *serious* amount of dharma to give us *the most unexpected gift* we’ve ever could’ve been granted, which is a COMPETENT EUROVISION ENTRY FOR LITHUANIA. In terms of Eurovision, Lithuania are amongst of the objective *worst* on a  terrifyingly consistent basis and here you have a fairly pleasant Ellie Goulding-inspired, frumpolicious Hindu cleric bringing a ballad about the inevitability of high medieval alliance pacts. Let’s Sing The Song That She Wrote:
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Actually that’s selling the act a bit short, because for a brief moment, Ieva managed to transform her moment during the sheer INSANITY that was this year’s finale (well the sheer insanity streaked with horrifying, terrible, machinal dullness, not naming any names but *cough*austriaandaustralia*cough), into an oasis of *pure show-stopping sentiment* and that’s a powerful feat to accomplish for a Eurovision entry. Normally, you think such an entry would Blackbird itself into oblivion but as Ieva had prophetically declared, GOD WAS ON HER SIDE, AMEN, so nope, think again Christerifer Morningstar 😈
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Speaking of, praise Hallellujah, Oh Glory and Mazzel-Motherfucking-Tov that Ieva qualified under the hilarity that is the current combined voting system (to those who still hate it, AISEL would’ve qualified under the old system despite being 12th in both jury and televote 🙃 Granted this would be funny if this had happened to Sennek or Ari or Eye Cue or basically anyone other than Aisel, but it didn’t so The Old System remains CANCELLED, s/n/s) because not only is Ieva an Elyon Goddess Moste High, and has the unique quality of being a Good Entry from Lithuania, “When We’re Old” is also... fucking awesome in itself?
 “When we’re old” is *not* your typical BorisBubbles fave on the surface (lol as if I can expect you to know what a typical Boris fave is after only two full rankings  on tumblr 😬), but it totally is? Ieva hits that personal sweet spot for me that I require from my faves: Quirky, but not overbearingly weird. Well-liked, but not liked *enough* to top every post-show list. Sentimental, but because her emotions are *real*, not because of some forced commercialized acting gig. (such as, um, fucking Rona Nishliu and her fake-as-fuck dry sobbing ugh die bitch! (k not literally, just musically, 5ever)). Also, this song makes me want to sing along like the soft ass fag that I am. “When Weeeeeeeeee’re OWLED Hooooooooooooooo!!!” All of this cements Ieva as a dark horse, an underdog and an eternal outsider and these are  the *specific*  type of entries that I started this blog for.   
I guess I should write a bit more, with more *sass and pizzazz*, but that’s basically my Ieva love in a nutshell! I think she’s an utter gem, both as a human and a Eurovision participant, “When We’re Old” *still* remains the only entry this year to give me *emotional attachment* in the form of shivers and near-tears and bad impromptu karaoke.  If you don’t think she’s all that, well that’s your loss, not sorry! She made the final through the good graces of Hare Krishna and did better than Jessi*can’t* and *No*lexander ! If I get a relationship, I want it be precisely like Ieva and her Hubbo’s. GET A LIFE!!
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Thank you for reading this ranking, it’s been a blast! See you on the 1st of April 2019 for the #TelAviv2019 preshow ranking. God bless you and shalom! 
01. Lithuania (Ieva Zasimauskaite - “When we’re old”) 02. Moldova (DoReDoS - “My Lucky Day”)
03. Estonia (Elina Nechayeva - “La Forza”)
04. Slovenia (Lea Sirk - “Hvala, ne!”)
05. Switzerland (ZiBBZ - “Stones”)
06. Germany (Michael Schulte - “You let me walk alone”)
07. Albania (Eugent Bushpepa - “Mall”)
08. France (Madame Monsieur - “Mercy”)
09. Hungary (AWS - “Viszlát nyár”)
10. Finland (Saara Aalto - “Monsters”)
11. Bulgaria (EQUINOX - “Bones”)
12. Denmark (Rasmussen - “Higher ground”)
13. Malta (Christabelle - “Taboo”)
14. Cyprus (Eleni Foureira - “Fuego”)
15. United Kingdom (SuRie - “Storm”)
16. Serbia (Balkanika - “Nova Deca”)
17. Portugal (Cláudia Pascoal - “O jardim”)
18. The Netherlands (Waylon - “Outlaw in ‘em”)
19. Ukraine (MÉLOVIN - “Under the ladder”)
20. Macedonia (Eye Cue - “Lost and Found”)
21. San Marino (Jessika ft. Jenifer Brening - “Who We Are”)
22. Sweden (Benjamin Ingrosso - “Dance You Off”)
23. Austria (Cesár Sampson - “Nobody but you”)
24. Latvia (Laura Rizzotto - “Funny girl”)
25. Azerbaijan (AISEL - “X my heart”)
26. Israel (Netta - “Toy”)
27. Norway (Alexander Rybak  - “That’s how you write a song”)
28. Montenegro (Vanja Radovanovic - “Inje”)
29. Armenia (Sevak Khanagyan - “Qami”)
30. Poland (Gromee ft. Lukas Meijer - “Light me up”)
31. Greece (Yianna Terzi - “Oniro mou”)
32. Georgia (Iriao - “For you”)
33. Belgium (Sennek - “A matter of time”)
34. Italy (Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro - “Non mi avete fatto niente”)
35. Romania (The Humans - “Goodbye”)
36. Ireland (Ryan O'Shaughnessy - “Together”)
37. Croatia (Franka - “Crazy”)
38. Belarus (ALEKSEEV - “Forever”)
39. Russia (Julia Samoylova - “I Won’t Break”)
40. Spain (Amaia & Alfred - “Tu canción”)
41. Iceland (Ari Ólafsson - “Our choice”)
42. Australia (Jessica Mauboy - “We got love”)
43. Czech Republic (Mikolas Jozef - “Lie to me”)
HALL OF BORIS BUBBLES EUROVISION FAVES (1972-2018) 1972: the Netherlands (Sandra & Andres - “Als het om de liefde gaat”) 1973: United Kingdom (Cliff Richard - “Power to all our friends”) 1974: Sweden (ABBA - “Waterloo”) (ed: totally by default btw. Shit year.) 1975: Germany (Joy Fleming - “Ein Lied kann Eine Brücke Sein” )  1976: Luxembourg (Jürgen Marcus - “Chansons pour ceux qui s’aiment”) (😂) 1977: Belgium (Dream Express - “A million in 1-2-3″) (ed.: top five ESC year) 1978: Israel (Izhar Cohen & Alfabeta - “A Ba Ni Bi”) 1979: Germany (Dschinghis Khan - “Dschinghis Khan”) 1980: Luxembourg (Sofie & Magaly - “Papa Pingouïn”) 1981: Belgium - (Emly Starr - “Samson”) 1982: Germany - (Nicole - “Ein Bißchen Frieden”) 1983: Israel (Ofra Haza - “Hi”) 1984: Ireland (Linda Martin - “Terminal 3″) 1985: Turkey (MFÖ - “Didai, Didai, Dai”) 1986: Belgium (Sandra Kim - ”J’aime la vie”) (même si c’est une folie!) 1987: Belgium (Liliane St. Pierre - “Soldiers of Love”) (ed.: top Five esc entry) 1988: Switzerland (Céline Dion - “Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi”) 1989: Denmark ( Birthe Kjær -  "Vi maler byen rød") 1990: Yugoslavia/Croatia (Tajci - “Hajde, da ludujemo) 1991: Sweden (Carola -  “ Fångad av en stormvind”) (ed.: top five ESC entry) 1992: Denmark (Lotte Nilsson & Kenny Lübcke - “Allting som ingen ser”) 1993: the Netherlands (Ruth Jacott - “Vrede”) 1994: Germany (MeKaDo  - “Wir geben ‘ne Party”) 1995: Cyprus (Alexandros Panayi - “Sti fotia”) 1996:  Croatia (Maja Blagdan - “Sveta ljubav”) 1997: Poland (Anne-Marie Jopek - “Ale jestem”) (ed.: Top five ESC year) 1998: the Netherlands (Edsilia Rombley - “Hemel en aarde”) (I think???? lol 😬) 1999: Croatia (Doris Dragovic - “MARIJA MAGDALENAAAAAAA”) 2000: Latvia (Brainstorm - “My Star”) (ed.: top five ESC entry) 2001: France (Natasha St. Pier - “Je n’ai que mon âme”) (but also, nobody) 2002: Spain (Rosa - “Yooropz leebin a selebrayshun”) (ed.: this trashfest <3) 2003: Germany (Lou - “Let’s get happy”) (and let’s be GAY!) 2004: Albania (Anjeza Shahini - “Image of you”) 2005: Romania (Luminita Anghel and Sistem - “Let me try”) (Ed.: top five year) 2006: Iceland (Silvia Night - “Congratulations”) (ed.: 2006 SF > 2006 GF 😬)   2007: Georgia (Sopho - “Visionary Dream”) (ed.: i have about 9 absofaves from this year though lol) 2008: Iceland (Euroband - “This is my life) 2009: Iceland (Yohanna - “Is it true?”) (ed.: top five ESC entry) 2010: Albania (Juliana Pasha - “It’s all about you”) 2011: Germany (Lena - “Taken by a stranger) (ed.: top 5 entry, bottom 5 year >_<) 2012: Sweden (Loreen - “Euphoria”) (ed.: as with ABBA Loreen wins my ranking by default because this year is mostly rubbish.) 2013: Greece (Koza Mostra - “Alcohol is free”) (ed.: personal fave ESC year :)) 2014: Slovenia (Tinkara Kovac ft. Lea Sirk - “Round and round) (ed.: top five ESC year) 2015: Latvia (Aminata - “Love Injected”)  2016: Armenia (Iveta Mukuchyan - “LoveWave) 2017: Belgium (Blanche - “City Lights”) 2018: Lithuania (Ieva Zasimauskaite - “When we’re old”) (ooooohhhhhhhh)
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nemzetikonyvtar · 5 years
Az apostol
Újdonságok az elektronikus gyűjteményeinkben
2019. 1. 4. Cooper, James Fenimore: Bőrharisnya történetek http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18948
2019. 1. 4. Gautier, Hubert: Az utak', és utszák' épitésének módja http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18946
2019. 1. 4. Hevesi Lajos: Budapest und seine Umgebungen http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18947
2019. 1. 4. Mikola Sándor: A fizikai megismerés alapjai http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18945
2019. 1. 3. Ceglédi Tímea et al.: Ugródeszka lendülettel - reziliens wális szakkollégisták http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18943
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2019. 1. 3. Ceglédi Tímea: Ugródeszkán http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18942
2019. 1. 3. Gubcsi Lajos: A Habsburg-sas karmai http://mek.oszk.hu/16400/16402
2019. 1. 2. Hüse Lajos: "Érett dió is lehetek" - a megterhelő életesemények és a reziliencia hatása az iskolai pályafutásra http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18941
2019. 1. 2. Aszlányi Dezső: Szerelem (1. A hang) http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18939
2019. 1. 2. Aszlányi Dezső: Világszerelem (Az ember) http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18940
2018. 12. 31. Aszlányi Dezső: Életünk és nemünk http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18936
2018. 12. 31. Tóth Zoltán: Általános gyógypedagógia (1. rész. A gyógypedagógia fogalma) http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18934
2018. 12. 31. Zamozny Gábor: Agrárerdészeti ismeretek http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18937
2018. 12. 31. Hatvani István: Theátrumra alkalmaztatott 's válogatva öszve-szedetett munkák (Az arábiai por : vig-játék egy aktusba báró Holberg munkáiból) http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18935
2018. 12. 31. Petőfi Sándor: Az apostol [Hangoskönyv] http://mek.oszk.hu/18900/18938
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Elektronikus Periodika Archívum
2019. 1. 4. Clio műhelytanulmányok Füzetszám: 2018. 3.
2019. 1. 4. Farmakognóziai hírek : független hírújság Füzetszám: 2019. 14. Naptár
2019. 1. 4. Magyar élet : Hungarian life Füzetszám: 2018. 60. 48. december 13.
2019. 1. 4. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Beregi szemle : társadalomtudomány, irodalom, művészet Füzetszám: 2018. 53. 4.
2019. 1. 4. Kaláka : szépirodalmi folyóirat Füzetszám: 2010. 9. 12. december 20.
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2019. 1. 4. Csurgó és környéke : közéleti és kulturális lap Füzetszám: 2018. 27. 11. november
2019. 1. 3. Kortárs : irodalmi és kritikai folyóirat Füzetszám: 2018. 62. 12.
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2019. 1. 3. Veszprémi szemle : várostörténeti folyóirat Füzetszám: 2018. 20. 4. (51.)
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2019. 1. 2. Katonai logisztika : a Magyar Katonai Logisztikai Egyesület folyóirata Füzetszám: 2018. 26. 3-4.
2019. 1. 2. Könyv, könyvtár, könyvtáros Füzetszám: 2018. 27. 6. június
2019. 1. 2. Report on financial stability : Magyar Nemzeti Bank Füzetszám: 2018.    November
2019. 1. 2. Jelentés a pénzügyi stabilitásról : Magyar Nemzeti Bank Füzetszám: 2018. november
2019. 1. 2. Jelentés az infláció alakulásáról : Magyar Nemzeti Bank Füzetszám: 2018. december
2019. 1. 2. Éves jelentés : Magyar Nemzeti Bank Füzetszám: 2017.
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chiamatemefla · 6 years
impressioni a caldo sulla prima semifinale?
OMG anon sarà una cosa un po’ lunghetta ma proverò a dire tutto quello che penso.
Inizio con il dire che le quattro presentatrici mi fanno un cringe assurdo. Capisco voler puntare sul girl power, davvero, ed hanno probabilmente scelto le presentatrici più belle e brave che avevano ma…ho visto questa prima semifinale smorta dal punto di vista della conduzione, i siparietti degni di una RAI vecchia maniera dove “vecchia maniera” sta per demodé. Il problema non è quindi che son quattro presentatrici donne ma che son quattro presentatrici mosce. Capisco voler passare un messaggio ma almeno scegliete oculatamente chi mandare, persino quella del blue carpet sarebbe stata meglio. Ho però apprezzato questo tributo ad Anna Oxa negli anni 90 e la conduttrice giacca-pantalone che aveva un non so che della cara Turci.
Ora iniziamo con le canzoni (sì, ho la lista davanti e, no, non sono in ordine):
Albania: Allora, dovete sapere che io ho un po’ una simpatia non velata per Eugent Bushpepa. Perché, insomma, fa tutto il bad boy vestito di pelle e con i tatuaggi, poi pesa 35 kg, ha la faccia da orsetto abbracciatutti ed una voce d’angelo. Insomma, capite, penso di aver già spiegato come questo tipo di persone mi lasciano. La canzone, poi, mi è sempre piaciuta perché ha quel non so che che tantissime canzoni dell’Eurovision smollano alla ricerca dell’effettiva e subitanea recettività da parte del pubblico. Dicono “Poco show sul palco” ma mi è sembrata una qualsiasi performance sanremese quindi, almeno per l’italianissima me, non c’è stato chissà quale problema (e daje che dimentico che è l’eurovision e non sanremo).
Austria: Che Cesár sia uno dei miei preferiti penso di aver parlato già abbastanza. Ha una bellissima voce (calda, caldissima) e, di nuovo, il genere è uno che all’Eurovision /va/ ma non sempre va bene. Uniche cosa che mi ha lasciata un po’ interdetta è lo staging. Nel senso: non capisco la piattaforma rialzata con i coristi sotto tipo cameretta a soppalco, non appoggio assolutamente la scelta di quel pigiamino grigio che manco Måns Zelmerlöw con la maglia e il pantalone di H&M era così sciatto. Ma Ces è un pezzo di manzo caraibico quindi si può mettere quel che vuole, avete ragione.
Bulgaria: ALLORA, DEVO DIRLO: SONO STATI UNA PIACEVOLISSIMA SORPRESA. Ammetto che la loro canzone, quest’anno, mi era sfuggita malamente ma, oh, sul palco hanno cantato benissimo e l’unica cosa che non capisco è la scelta di far mettere alla cantante quella parrucca bionda che sa un po’ di Carrà, un po’ si Sia ed un po’ di scopa di saggina.
Cipro: Eleni è una bellissima ragazza ma per me, devo ammettere, sta canzone è no. Il suo balletto, nonché il “”vestito””, da Beyonce wannabe non mi convincono affatto. La canzone è la tipica canzonetta eurovisiva che, in una semifinale come si conviene, non sarebbe certo passata (canzoni simili sono state portate da spagna e portogallo, in passato, e sono state falciate male). Non ho molto da dire su di lei a parte che è bella ma, boh, io dell’occhio me ne faccio poco.
Rep. Ceca: Signori miei, Mikolas Josef è risalito nella mia lista, ebbene sì, Simon dei Chipmunks c’è riuscito! L’esibizione è stata godibile nonostante lui debba muoversi da automa. Avrei preferito avere il cammello ma mi rendo conto che, per scelte organizzative, poteva essere un po’ difficile. Quel che non capisco è il giochino con lo zaino che??? tbh ??? non ??????????? (Ho adorato la sua cartolina, però, una delle più spiritose fino ad ora).
Estonia: La voce di Elina è uno strumento ma canta senza alcuna espressività. Si capisce, inoltre, che canta in una lingua non sua e che non padroneggia minimamente perché le parole vengono cantate piegandosi alla musica e non al significato. Conosco il canto lirico, so che effettivamente spesso la grammatica della frase/gli accenti delle parole si spostano per /necessità/ di emissione della voce ma no, decisamente no, La Forza non è una canzone che ritengo valida. Ciò non toglie che, come già detto, la sua voce è spettacolare e se lanciava un altro acuto mi partiva l’antifurto della macchina probabilmente. Il vestito lo avrò anche pagato 65k euri ma il rumeno di non ricordo quanti anni fa se l’era fatto fare uguale (e pure più rock) per molto meno.
Finlandia: A me Saara Alto sta simpatica perché ha la faccia di quella con cui farei amicizia all’università. La canzone non è tra le mie preferite, semplicemente è senza lode e senza infamia, però mi ha fatto ridere la cosa che ha fregato ai russi il cantante rotante. Quello assicura sempre il passaggio alla finale, oh.
Irlanda: L’irlanda ripropone un episodio di Glee coverando Ed Sheeran ma con un tocco di Happy Pride che strizza l’occhio alla comunità LGBT+ che segue l’euroviscion. Non ho davvero niente da dir su di lui, la canzone è carina ma qualcosa di già ascoltato, i due ragazzi che ballano sul palco sono adorabili e su questo non c’è dubbio, Ryan è sveglio e simpatico ma stiamo votando la simpatia o la canzone?
Israele: La favorita che a me fa schifo al cazzo. In realtà un tempo era solo “non mi piace”, ora provo per lei una sorta di repellenza che non è dovuta alla povera Netta in quanto Netta (che mi starebbe anche simpy se non se la sentisse caldissima) ma alle leccate che tutti le fanno. Regà, chill, ma seriamente. Noi per un namastè s’è gridato alla cultural appropriation per sei mesi, questa porta il kimono, i mici dellall you can eat, e le ballerine con le tutine di evangelion e lei VA BENISSIMO, QUEEN INDISCUSSA, AMORE MIO? Ma scherziamo? La sua esibizione è pacchinissima, la gallina è la cosa meno girl power a cui io possa pensare, alcuni passi della canzone sono di un cringe spropositato. Però che energia. E il rosa le sta proprio bene.
Lituania: Cosa ci fa la Lituania tra i qualificati? Non capisco e non ho commenti perché sta canzone mi ha lasciata indifferente e volerle fare un complimento.
Qui andrò veloce e mi soffermerò solo su un paio che effettivamente ricordo.
LA GRECIA E’ STATA MALTRATTATA. La sua performance era calda, sentita, ed aveva qualcosa di /suo/ non era la tipica canzone impersonale montata su musica pseudo-americana. Sono così pissed che non ho neanche le parole giuste per esprimermi ma lei, la mia dea, sarà sempre la mia vincitrice.
Io capisco che Alekseev ha un musino A D O R A B I L E ma la performance era deboluccia e un po’ di cattivo gusto. Per la prima volta non ha preso manco una stecca live ma capite che non basta? Io gli auguro di migliorare, tornare e farmi cambiare idea perché per me lui era un no da inizio percorso proprio, sks per la unpopular opinion.
Il Belgio era una lagna vera, la Svizzera niente di che, l’Armenia non il mio genere e l’Azerbaijan pessimo. L’islandese mi era simpatico ma la canzone facilmente dimenticabile. Gli altri manco me li ricordo. La Macedonia vestita così male che manco io per andare a comprare il latte all’alimentari.
In generale c’è stato ritmo, poche o nulle ballad, ma sento che manca qualcosa. Questa prima semifinale è stata incredibilmente smorta rispetto a quelle che ho visto fino ad ora e, no, manco è colpa della mancanza di led e fuochi d’artificio, mi riferisco proprio alla sensazione che scorre. Ora vedremo la seconda semifinale ma, in generale, le canzoni che mi colpiscono sono pochissime e, quelle poche, non mi lasciano comunque la voglia di dire “Cavoli, questa devo averla in playlist!”. Vedremo.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Most glaring Trade Deadline needs for each contender
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/mlb/most-glaring-trade-deadline-needs-for-each-contender/
Most glaring Trade Deadline needs for each contender
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The Trade Deadline is three weeks from Friday, and while a handful of teams figure to be sellers during the coming weeks, more than two-thirds of the league is still within striking distance of a postseason berth.
What moves would help those teams make a run with an eye toward October? Some of the teams below might ultimately wind up selling off pieces by the end of the month, but as of Tuesday, each of these 21 clubs took the field within 7 1/2 games of a postseason spot.
Some teams have more than one hole to fill, but here’s a look at the most glaring need for each team as executives look to bolster their rosters for the second half.
Red Sox: First baseman Boston’s .663 OPS at first base ranks 12th in the AL, though Bobby Dalbec has 10 home runs in 226 at-bats. The Red Sox lineup is predominantly right-handed — Rafael Devers and Alex Verdugo are the only everyday lefties, while Marwin Gonzalez is a switch-hitter — so adding a left-handed bat would be preferable. Potential fit: C.J. Cron, Rockies
Rays: Starting pitcher It’s unclear when — or if — the Rays will get injured ace Tyler Glasnow back. (He’s optimistic he’ll return before the postseason, but it’s still too early to say.) In his absence, Tampa Bay hasn’t been able to replace his top-of-the-rotation production; entering Wednesday, the Rays only have two starters with an ERA+ better than league average: 41-year-old Rich Hill and soft-contact specialist Josh Fleming. Perhaps rookies Shane McClanahan or Luis Patiño will step forward to fill the void, or prospect Shane Baz or veteran Chris Archer will provide a late-season boost, but adding a frontline starter would help the Rays in their effort to overtake the Red Sox. Potential fit: Kyle Gibson, Rangers
Blue Jays: Relief pitcher Toronto’s acquisition of Adam Cimber was a start, but the Blue Jays — who also acquired Trevor Richards from the Brewers Tuesday in a deal for Rowdy Tellez — are in need of more relief help for the second half. The Jays have dealt with their share of injuries this season (then again, who hasn’t?), but in an ultra-competitive AL East, Toronto will need to bring in a relief arm or two (not to mention at least one starter) to take aim at the division title. Potential fit: Richard Rodríguez, Pirates
Yankees: Starting pitcher The Yankees’ roster doesn’t have many holes, though underperformance by players such as Gleyber Torres, DJ LeMahieu and Clint Frazier gives off a different impression. If those players can bounce back in the second half, the most glaring need is a starting pitcher to slot in behind Gerrit Cole and Corey Kluber, assuming the latter can return from the injured list and regain his early-season form. Potential fit: Tyler Anderson, Pirates
White Sox: Second baseman The biggest second-half acquisitions for the White Sox would be the return of Eloy Jiménez and Luis Robert, but Nick Madrigal’s season-ending injury left a gaping hole at second base that Chicago will likely address before the Trade Deadline. Given Madrigal’s age and control, a rental second baseman would be the logical move for the White Sox, who will also be in the market for bullpen help like nearly every other contender. Potential fit: Adam Frazier, Pirates
Indians: Outfielder Eddie Rosario’s abdominal injury was a big blow to the Cleveland lineup, taking away one of the club’s more productive hitters. The Indians’ outfield has a collective .713 OPS (10th in the AL), making a solid outfield bat a must-add for the second half. Cleveland could also use some starting pitching depth, even with Zach Plesac set to rejoin the rotation from the injured list. Potential fit: David Peralta, D-Backs
Astros: Relief pitcher Houston could get some relievers back from the injured list in the coming weeks (Joe Smith, Bryan Abreu, Josh James and perhaps Pedro Báez), but adding a dependable reliever to pair with Ryan Pressly would make Houston a strong favorite in the AL West. Potential fit: Taylor Rogers, Twins
Athletics: Relief pitcher Houston isn’t the only AL West contender in need of bullpen help. Oakland’s relief corps features just two dependable late-inning options (Yusmeiro Petit and Lou Trivino), though Sergio Romo has been better of late. Adding another high-leverage reliever would go a long way for the Athletics, who could also use another power bat such as Nelson Cruz. Potential fit: Daniel Bard, Rockies
Mariners: Outfielder/DH The surprising Mariners won’t be dealing away any of their prime young assets for short-term fixes, but GM Jerry Dipoto has always been willing to make a deal when the right one presents itself. Seattle could certainly use an arm or two in both the rotation and bullpen, but the lineup needs to be better if the Mariners plan to contend for a postseason spot. Adding an outfielder or a designated hitter on an expiring contract could help the cause without blocking the path for top prospects Jarred Kelenic and Julio Rodríguez in the long-term. Potential fit: Nelson Cruz, Twins
Angels: Starting pitcher The Angels have survived the absence of Mike Trout to this point, climbing back to the .500 mark as they seek their first postseason appearance since 2014. The rotation’s 5.26 ERA ranks 13th in the AL, so adding a starter (or two) would seem to be the obvious move for GM Perry Minasian if Los Angeles plans to be in the mix down the stretch. Potential fit: Danny Duffy, Royals
Mets: Starting pitcher The Mets’ offense has struggled for most of the season, but recent setbacks for both Carlos Carrasco and Noah Syndergaard have accentuated the need for New York to add a starter to slot in behind Jacob deGrom, Marcus Stroman and Taijuan Walker. The Mets have plenty of talent in the lineup; as long as Francisco Lindor can bounce back and Pete Alonso and Dominic Smith can continue their recent production, the offense should correct itself without any major acquisitions. Potential fit: José Berríos, Twins
Nationals: Starting pitcher Max Scherzer continues to do his thing at the age of 36, but the rest of the Washington rotation has been inconsistent all season. There is no timetable for Stephen Strasburg’s return, while Jon Lester looks like his best days are behind him. The NL East is still up for grabs, making the addition of a starter (or two) the clear direction for the Nationals if they want to contend. Potential fit: Jon Gray, Rockies
Braves: Impact bat That may sound vague, but the Braves have a couple of options depending on who they can acquire. In a perfect world, a left fielder would be the ideal candidate, but Atlanta could also add a third baseman and move Austin Riley to left field. Either way, the need for an additional offensive weapon is clear cut. Potential fit: Joey Gallo, Rangers
Phillies: Relief pitcher This feels like an annual thing for the Phillies, who have struggled to put together a solid bullpen for several years. Philadelphia could also use some back-of-the-rotation help, but the Phillies’ 4.78 bullpen ERA ranks 12th in the NL and shows no signs of getting better. Philly’s biggest problem? The team’s farm system ranked 23rd in MLB Pipeline’s preseason rankings, leaving a scarcity of quality prospects from which to deal. Potential fit: Ian Kennedy, Rangers
Brewers: Third baseman Luis Urías has held his own at the hot corner, but the Brewers could use an upgrade to bolster their lineup. Having already addressed first base (Rowdy Tellez) and shortstop (Willy Adames), Milwaukee is clearly trying to boost its offense to give its stellar pitching staff some run support. Potential fit: Eduardo Escobar, D-backs
Reds: Relief pitcher Following Tuesday’s walk-off loss to the Royals, the Reds’ 5.29 bullpen ERA ranked 14th out of 15 NL clubs, making the bullpen the obvious area of weakness in Cincinnati. Seven different relievers have earned at least one save this season, so adding a lockdown ninth-inning option would benefit the Reds, who have a stable of relievers with ERAs north of 5.00. Potential fit: Yimi García, Marlins
Cubs: Starting pitcher The Cubs’ lineup has struggled during the recent slide, but if Chicago is going to add, the rotation should be the top target. The rotation’s 4.58 ERA ranks 13th in the NL thanks to inconsistency from every starter not named Kyle Hendricks. Of course, the lengthy losing streak has dampened most hopes that the Cubs — who traded Yu Darvish this offseason — will become big buyers in the coming weeks. Potential fit: Matthew Boyd, Tigers
Cardinals: Relief pitcher The return of Jack Flaherty and Miles Mikolas from the injured list should remove the need to add a starter, but the Cardinals’ bullpen could certainly use some help. St. Louis will likely try to add another relief arm that manager Mike Shildt can trust in the late innings to go with Giovanny Gallegos, Alex Reyes and Génesis Cabrera. Potential fit: Kendall Graveman, Mariners
Giants: Starting pitcher Kevin Gausman and Anthony DeSclafani have been a solid 1-2 punch for the Giants, but the back end of the rotation has been impacted by injuries. Adding some rotation depth should be at the front of San Francisco’s list, as the Giants’ roster doesn’t have many other holes that need to be addressed. Potential fit: Danny Duffy, Royals
Dodgers: Starting pitcher The Dodgers were already in need of a starter before Trevor Bauer was placed on administrative leave, making it possible that Los Angeles will need to add two arms to the rotation this month. Julio Urías has already set a career high with 99 1/3 innings pitched, while Tony Gonsolin missed two months with a shoulder injury. Top pitching prospect Josiah Gray also missed two months, and there are questions as to whether he can make an impact in the Majors this season. Potential fit: J.A. Happ, Twins
Padres: Starting pitcher San Diego could use some bullpen help and an outfield bat, but the rotation is arguably the club’s biggest need given Dinelson Lamet’s health, Blake Snell’s inconsistency and Ryan Weathers’ potential workload limitations (he’s thrown 51 1/3 innings, more than half of his career-high 96 from 2019). Potential fit: Michael Pineda, Twins
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