#miles moralas
wazzappp · 1 year
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Absolutely incredible week for bug boy enjoyers
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xan-izme · 3 months
Dubble Life 9 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
summary: Are you going to let your pride get in the way of what matters most?
Part 8, Part 10
Damian was watching you and Miles from afar. It was clear you two were close. He was, a little jealous. But he was quick to brush it off. He knows there is a bond between you and Miles stronger than the one he has with you. So, he won't fuss about it.
"Damian right? you waiting for Y/n?" Rio suddenly came up behind Damian and handed him a cup of juice.
Damian takes the cup and thanks her. "Yes. . . Mrs. Moralas. Do you know any, Miguels involved with my sister?" Damian looked up at Rio, with an innocent curious face.
"Miguel . . . Miguel? No. No, I don't think so? Why?" Rio hoped it wasn't some boy she was involved with.
"Just, wondering."
Bruce was staring at the graffiti art of your mother. He felt, sadness, guilt. Sad because he was too late to be there for you and your mother. Failed to support your mother when she probably needed it the most. Guilty, because he could probably never love your mother as strongly as you do.
He glanced over to where you and your cousin were standing. That was when he sees you actually letting your guard down completely. You looked so, tired. Like the heavy burden he sees you with, doubled by a ton. Yet, you seemed peaceful. Maybe because, your cousin seems to share the same look as you did.
He knew those looks. For a second. a suspicion creeped into his mind. But he was quick to shake it off.
he would think to himself as he lets out a low chuckle. What a silly thought.
The party ended and you and the Waynes stayed behind to help clean and what not. Bruce got to see a lot of your baby pictures thanks to Rio and Jeff.
It was pretty fun, spending time with both families. Even Jason was being tolerable. While everyone was interacting with each other in the living room, Damian slipped away. decided to explore down the halls of the apartment. Pictures of you and Miles on the walls. Family trips, graduation. Every achievement framed and hanged on the walls.
Damian eventually found Miles room. The door was left slightly ajar. He would usually just go in and snoop around. But something was holding him back.
Suddenly Jason was behind him. Catching him off guard while he was deep in thought.
"Todd. What are you doing?" Damian spoke firmly as he glared up at the older. Jason just shrugged and chuckled "Doing the same as you. Taking a look around of course." Jason pushed past the younger boy and entered the bedroom.
Scanning the room, seemingly trying to search for something.
Damian frowns deeply and stomped into the room. "We shouldn't be in here."
Jason scoffs as he picked up a photo of you and Miles together. Dressed in your Sunday best. Smiling without a care in the world.
"Scared your big sis will get mad at you?" Jason mumbled as he set the photo face down back on the table. His eyes scan the desk. Drawings. He walked up to the desk and picked up the papers. shuffling them. looks like drawings of suits. Super suits to be specific.
Spider womans suits to be more specific.
It didn't look like some fanart or just little doodles. These were details. Upgrades with little gadgets.
"He's in on it." Jason mumbled to himself. Realizing your cousin Miles knows your secret. This gives Jason a lot of more information on you now. Proving some theories he had of you. And changing some others.
Damian just stood behind Jason. He didn't understand what Jason said. Nor did he care.
"Stop it Todd. This is an invasion of our hosts privacy." Damian demanded. Jason couldn't help but scoff humorously once again
"Cheap coming from you."
Suddenly two shadows from the open door were noticed by Damian. Before Damian can turn around. A deep voice spoke.
"You should listen to the kid."
When Jason and Damian turn to the door. They were greeted by you and Miles leaning on each side of the doorframe. Glaring at the both of them with cold stoic looks. Your glare was mainly aimed at Jason.
"Y/n I-" Damian was panicking a little. You walked into the room an put your hand on his shoulder. Giving him a small smile. Not the sweet one you usually give him. You were giving him the smile that looked empty.
"Go back and join the others cupcake." You ruffled his head and nudged him along out of the room. You signaled Miles to go along with Damian just in case he wonders off.
"Your cousin a fan of Spider woman? Does he know about-" Jason held up the paper drawings. You snatched the drawings out of his hand with a scowl, you roughly grabbed him by his collar and held him up the ground with your super strength.
"Whoa whoa!" Jason held up his hands in surrender, but he still had that damn smirk on his face. He was enjoying seeing that he pissed you off.
"We made a deal. I suggest you stick to that only." Your tone was an uneasy calmness as you spoke. You carelessly dropped Jason and stormed out of the room.
Jason huffed in annoyance, getting off the floor. You just gave him a warning.
It was time to leave and get back to Gotham. Bruce and the boys were heading back to the limo as you were saying your goodbyes. You and Miles gave each other a tight hug. You sighed as you pulled away. A sad look in your eyes.
"What?" Miles knows somethings wrong. You just, stared at him while holding him by his shoulders. The kind of look that seems far away.
"Nothing. . . love you, bye." You gave a small smile gently cupping one side of his face before letting go. Miles chuckled and smiled back.
"Bye!" He waved as you walked to the limo.
Back at Gotham. It was late in the night. You had gotten an alert from the watch. An anomaly showed up. In Gotham. You were quick. You took out the anomaly before it could do any serious damage.
But before you could get back to the Wayne mansion. You got another alert. You took care of it. Then another showed up.
It wasn't till the sun began to come up did you finally get back to the mansion. You haven't had a night like that in a while. As you laid in bed. Gwen came to mind. Her words.
Her warning of how Miles and Aaron not being able to be your replacement for long.
The anomalies were getting stronger. The more you just laid there and thought about it, the more fear began to creep into your mind. The possibility of losing Miles and Aaron. So many possibilities. Dear God, did it scare you.
You needed help. And you knew the Spider Society could help. But you were too prideful to go back to them. Selfish, you know.
You sighed and sat up from your bed. You grabbed your phone. Instantly greeted with your lockscreen of you and Miles. You stared at it for a moment. His smile. He was always the more joyful one between the two of you.
". . ."
You love Miles. You really do. But you just, can't physically bring yourself to reach out to the Society for help.
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snakedice · 7 months
I actually hate bad spiderverse fans so mych
I hate white rich alternative people LEAPPINGN at spiderverse to say stupid stuff,, and like kuinda exposing like a little bit of racism and classism idk?? "hobie brown dirty" "hobie brown would love me (white)" "Pavitir is uwu softnboy twink... and he loves MEN SPECIFICLY" "i love cop miguel o hara" "Miles jus like me fr... (so hella white and rich and not coming from immigrant parents or whatever its embaressing.. (im refferung to the people who use miles experience to somehow.. swearve them of like devoloping as a person?? I cand descirbe it)) guys just STOP P{LLEASEEE.. I BEG I SHAKE AT THE BARS _PLELAS ESTIPP
tears flow down my face when I think aboiut that
also the way that the very specific white rich side of the spiderverse fans... only care about.. very little.. Its usally revolves around peter b parker.. spider noir miguel o hara. hobie brown. gwen stacy (notice how miles moralas isnt on this list) (also usally white people onlycare about hobie is because of weird feitshy vibe that I majorly dislike)
I rip at the seams! its so terrible! Its not like im not like also a like cringe mentally ill child, who greatly immersesis themselves in media.. its just that im notwhite and doing it! Im non-black too so.. IM PROBABLY MISSING THINGS, THAT RIGHTFULLY MAKE EVEN MORE PEOPLE MAD.. like come ON...
alsosome of the things you do to pavitir is TERRIBLE as the.. only? south asian character that is seen and named in spiderverse... im talking about yalls terrible ship name.. chai, tea, naan, like is he just.. food to yall???
still mad they trashed the cambodian character in the script... she would of been like the best actually.. im kinda glad they didnt add her though because by GOD would she been done DIRTY (her name is delilah I thing??? she appers in spider man 2 which is cool)
anyways please dont be racist thx!
this obv only applies to the minority of the fans... if your not terrible this post should sit fine
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ltlemonpop · 4 months
Pattons human last name is Moralas like Miles I am accepting no constructive criticism at this point because it is unnecessary because I am right
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yomamasoooooocrust · 1 year
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Bro I cannot pick my fav spider man, um actually I can MILES MORALAS Have a lovely night,day or after noon!
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zoranphoto · 1 year
UMRO JE JASMIN STAVROS! Kralj zabave izgubio bitku, do kraja se borio pjesmom i molitvom
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Preminuo je omiljeni pjevač domaće zabavne glazbe Jasmin Stavros (68) koji se borio protiv karcinoma kostiju u KBC Rebro. Jasmin Stavros rođen je 1.11.1954. godine u Splitu u glazbenoj obitelji. Pokojni otac mu je bio glazbenik, djed i brat su se bavili glazbom, a majka je pjevala u HNK Split. Završio je osnovnu glazbenu školu (klavir) i srednju glazbenu školu (kontrabas). Osim toga toga pohađao je i sate solo pjevanja, a već s 12 godina svirao je bubnjeve, dok je sa samo 15 godina počeo profesionalni svirati u brojnim splitskim sastavima poput Delfini, Mladi batali (današnji Magazin) i grupi More.    
Obitelj mu je uvijek bila na prvom mjestu
1973. godine počeo je otkrivati jazz glazbu, a od 1978. godine radio je kao studijski bubnjar u Jugotonu. Bio je jedan od najtraženijih bubnjara u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, a  surađivao je s brojnim velikim glazbenim imenima poput Josipe Lisac, Arsena Dedića, Duška Lokina, Miše Kovača, Ivice Šerfezije, Nede Ukraden, Ljupke Dimitrovske i brojnim drugima. Najveći financijski uspjeh mu je donijela pjesma Julie, koju je snimio s Danijelom Popovićem.Volio je reći kako je za četiri minute bubnjanja kupio stan. 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća je otišao u Ameriku, gdje se zadržao dvije godine i završio privatnu jazz akademiju Stanley Spector u New Yorku. Kao jedan od najboljih studenata i najbolji student iz Europe dobio je 1982. godine zelenu kartu za boravak u Americi, no zbog supruge Žarke i sinova Mile i Krešimira odlučio se vratiti u Hrvatsku.     Prije odlaska u Ameriku četiri godine je svirao udaraljke u HNK, a dirigirali su mu: Vjekoslav Šutej, Nikša Bareza, Bardeli, Papandopulo. Paralelno je snimao ploče i svirao u bendu Olivera Dragojevića i Meri Cetinić. Na ideju da postane pjevač došao je 1986. godine kada je s Doris Dragović snimio duet ”U tebe se neću zaljubiti” na ploči ”Željo moja”. Izvođač koji je trebao s Doris otpjevati duet nije došao, a preslušavši snimku Jasmin je shvatio da nije samo talentirani bubnjar nego i dobar pjevač. Prvu ploču izdao je 1987. godine u suradnji s Rajkom Dujmićem i s Stevom Cvikićem. Ploča je prodana u preko 50 000 primjeraka, a prvi veliki koncert imao je ubrzo u Lisinskom. Ploča ”Ljubio sam anđela” na kojoj je bio i hit “Umoran“, dosegnula je platinastu nakladu dok su uglavnom svi ostali albumi imali zlatnu tiražu.
Odbio služiti u JNA pa uzeo mikrofon u ruke
Stavros je surađivao s diskografskom kućom Ariol u Njemačkoj od koje je dobio ponudu da radi za njih kao studijski bubnjar, no obitelj mu je bila važnija od inozemne karijere. Povratkom u domovinu sa pratećom grupom Naranča odradio je preko 1500 koncerata. Početkom rata dvije godine nije ništa snimao već se odmah prijavio u vojsku, ali kako nije imao vojnu obuku jer je odbio služiti JNA uzeo je mikrofon u ruke i odradio preko 500 humanitarnih koncerata za podizanje morala diljem domovine. Kasnije je karijeru nastavio u suradnji s Tončijem Huljićem i Fedorom Boićem koji su, uz Rajka Dujmića i Stevu Cvikića, bili njegovi najvažniji suradnici.   Osim pjevanja Jasmin Stavros je bio poznat i kao strastveni ribolovac i skijaš, ali i nesuđeni nogometaš. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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gtaradi · 4 months
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its-ashley-95baybe · 1 year
Miles Moralas is a better SpiderMan then Tom Holland. Let’s debate this
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jada-b · 5 years
Ok, I was watching spider verse and LOVED the animation,art style,story,etc etc
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And I was looking threw some flash stuff and thought to myself:
What if they make an animated flash movie?
If they did it probably focus on the multiverse like in spiderverse, and most likely have Barry Allen as the protagonist....
But it would be cool if they focus on Bart Allen and about both time travel and the multiverse
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And maybe Wally west and/or max mercury as his mentors:
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It also cool to see other minor flash family memebers people tend to forget, not know,dc barely uses or mistreats.
like Jessie quick, Avery ho, Wally west ii, Linda parks, irey and Jai west,jay Garrick, jenni ognats,etc,etc
And I would love Francis Manapul to help with the movie:
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His art is very eye catching and amazing
Just a little idea, if you have more ideas, add them!
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wazzappp · 1 year
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Having teef thoughts
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Spidery tears
I tried not to spoil the new spiderman movie... But I can't be silent anymore. When Miles found out his uncle was the prowler... I felt so bad for him I cryed a little. And when he lost his uncle, I was silently bawling in my seat next my sister. I made a sniffle and she didn't notice and she was a little surprised when I told her. Did anyone else cry? Why is no one talking about this? I thought this would blow up by now...
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soulcialdent · 6 years
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Soundtrack
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Soundtrack #spiderman #Marvel #milesmorales
This soundtrack that accompanied the now award-winning animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. I got the chance to watch the movie in December with Lizzo. The movie itself was a great experience that I went and saw it again. Sony really knocked this project out the park. The movie and soundtrack go hand in hand especially after meeting Miles Morales you can see him listening to this…
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waywardsavior · 6 years
I was kinda hoping for some pink highlights in Gwens hair like in her comic. Other than that I’m hype. 
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magewardensurana · 5 years
The fact that a lot of my mutals like:
1) FMA
2) Ace Attorney
3) Into the Spiderverse
Is making a lot of posts HIGHLY confusing.
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mebbrrr · 3 years
thank you for the sex ed miles i am only but 5 years old thank you mebrr otherwise known as miles moralas. morals. for teaching me good morals. about smoking and drugs. i am only but 5 years old
im like a sex ed teacher but with drugs and also i have no qualifications other than personal experience
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bleepblopbloop56 · 4 years
My sexuality is queer because im not bi or pan becaue i dont like men the same way i like enbies and women. All enbies and all women are always lowkey gorgeous but my taste in men is specifically trans men, miles moralas, and men that look like sick victorian boys and theres no word for that
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