#military au đŸȘ–
madelynraemunson · 8 months
— barracks bunny (steve harrington) ☆
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divider from @morbidweb
military!steve x civilian!reader 18+
‱ private first class steve harrington who flirts with the ladies by saying, “i do what i’m told”
‱ private first class steve harrington whose known as the “pull up” đŸ’ȘđŸŒ and “pull out” đŸ˜Œ king. the military is essentially a large frat, especially his platoon.
‱ private first class steve harrington who sneaks you onto base at night
‱private first class harrington whose dog tag dangles in your face whenever he fucks you in missionary
‱ private first class steve harrington who gets rock hard when you call him ‘sir’ or say ‘yes sir’, ‘anything for you sir’ when he bends you over
‱ private first class steve harrington who anchors your hips down with his calloused hands as you straddle him, pistoning himself deep inside of you at such a relentless speed that it causes you to repeatedly shower his thighs with your pleasure
“yeaaah, you like that, don’t you baby? making a big ol’ mess on me hm?” “yes sir”
‱ private first class steve harrington who also opens doors for you, protects you, and cares for you
‱ private first class steve harrington who invites you to the military ball
‱ private first class steve harrington who sends you old fashioned letters and postcards whenever he gets deployed for an assignment
239 notes · View notes
she-wolf09231982 · 2 months
Chapter 10- It Had To Be You
Summary: Easy Company is finally in Germany and are pushing the Germans back
Nothing could be better; some soldiers are already saying the war is over. The boys make another jump near Thalem, Germany only to soon find out there is something more sinister in the dark, and they soon realize the Nazis are worse than they'd ever dreamed. This particular situation weighs heavy on Joe, sending him into an infuriated mental state where he instinctively lashes out at you, causing a serious strain on your relationship.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Aggression, Angst, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Yiddish/German language with English translation, Soft Sexual Content, Smoking, Crying, Banter, Pining, FOREVER FLUFF
German is identified with (g)
Yiddish is identified with (y)
This grand finale is for my Liebgott/McCall squad đŸȘ– ♠ đŸŠ…â€ïž
@mrs-greenside @wordsaresimple-imnot @awaterfalls @skiesofrosie @aliciax3
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
April 1945 Sturzelberg, Germany
For once, the men of Easy Company enjoy themselves. Captain Spiers continued mailing home several valuables he's plundered from wealthier houses. George Luz and Frank Perconte forage at a farm for eggs while a farm girl stumbles upon the men in her family’s barn. George ultimately gets slapped in the face after attempting to flirt with her. While the boys kept busy with their activities, President Roosevelt was pronounced dead back in the states.
The company prepares to move on to their new headquarters in Landsberg to deal with bands of Waffen-SS whom Hitler has ordered to fight a guerilla war in the Alps. The men hastily loaded up their duffels and gear onto deuce trucks.
“I got it, Gams.” Liebgott insisted as he took your gear bag from you tossing it up to Webster on the bed of the truck.
“Danken dir, meyn libe.” (y) (Thank you, my love). You say while you affectionately squeeze his arm as you pass him to board the truck.
Webster offered his hand to you to help you up while Liebgott lifted you by the waist.
“Up ya go, doll.” Liebgott grunted as he hoisted you up with ease.
The ride through the mountains could be considered almost a pleasant experience. With the sun shining and the spring scenery through Bavaria had the men in high spirits as they begin singing "Blood upon the Risers.” You listen to the boys singing and enjoying themselves eliciting a smile from you. For once they sang for you and not the other way around.
đŸŽ¶â€œGory, gory what a helluva way to die! Gory, gory what a helluva way to die! He ain’t gonna jump no more!” đŸŽ¶
They all belted out in unison.
“Hey, Y/F/N, you ain’t singin’!” Luz declared.
You chuckle, “I’m relaxin’, George. I’ll sing for you boys when we get there.” You reply with a wink.
As the company arrived to a village halfway to the destination, the officers were in agreement to stop and rest for the night. Speirs ordered Easy to clear a lavish building with many flats to designate as billeting for the men to sleep for the night. The occupants of the home were resistant, and were quite vocal about being evicted from their ritzy residence.
“Was machst du!? Raus aus meinem Haus! (g)(What are you doing!? Get out of my house!)” A German woman of one of the apartments yelled repeatedly at the men when they stormed in.
“Tell her she’s got five minutes.” Speirs called over to Liebgott.
“Raust! Raust! Du hast fĂŒnf Minuten! (g) (Out! Out! You got five minutes!)” Liebgott barked at the woman.
The woman shrilled pleas in German to him while Joe tried to talk over her cries.
“Sir, she says they’ve got nowhere to go, but the house next door is empty-“ Liebgott translated.
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The rest of Easy ushered men, women and children from other living quarters out into the hallways and out the main door.
“We’re only gonna be here one night! You got four minutes!” Speirs shouts over the woman’s protests.
Joe relayed Speirs’ message to the woman as he shooed her out of the room.
You lug your bag up to the second floor of the building, looking forward to the hot shower you’re about to have. You peek through the first door at the top of the stairs and see a well put together parlor with a welcoming seating area and a full liquor display on a bar trolly in the corner. You find the master bedroom with a bed fit for a queen. You release a long sigh of relief as you imagine the restful night of sleep you’ll have later.
You set your duffel on a antique bench seat at the foot of the bed, then sit on the chair at the vanity table to untie your boots when you suddenly hear the door to the apartment open and slam shut.
“Honey, I’m home!” Liebgott’s voice carried through the flat.
You giggle as you shake your head while you proceed to remove your boot.
“Hey, Gams, where you at?”
“In here, Joe!” You call out.
Liebgott appeared in the door way. When he saw you sitting at the make-up table, he smirked as he leaned on his elbow against the door frame. He stood there staring at you as you started removing your other boot. You look up at him.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask him as you eyeball him skeptically.
“Like what?” He scoffed.
You laugh, “Like you’re starved and I’m a T-bone steak.”
Joe chuckled as he slowly strolled into the room towards you.
“I was just thinkin’.”
“About what?”
“About the last time I was alone in a room with you.”
You feel a flutter in your stomach, “Oh? In Holland?”
Joe nodded, “Yeah, when you were fixin’ my neck up in that barn.”
He stood in the middle of the room with his hands in his pockets studying you adoringly with a lazy smile. You smile at him as you stand to walk to him.
“An unforgettable day that was.” You say.
His smile widened, “That was five months ago, ya know?”
Your face twisted up as you recall how long ago Crossroads was.
“You’re right. Time flies when you’re having fun, huh?
He hummed in agreement. You turn away and enter the bathroom undoing your hair from the bun you had it in.
“Have you found a place to sleep?” You project from the bathroom.
“Sure did.” Joe replied as he situated himself onto your bed, getting comfy.
You walk back into the room, “Oh no you don’t.” You scold.
“You can’t sleep in here.” You state.
“And why the hell not?” He retorted.
“Well, what would people say? It’s not-” You try to continue, “-It’s not proper, you know?”
Joe raised his eyebrow at you.
“Since when have I been proper?” He asked seductively with a wink as he got up from the bed, making his way towards you.
” you cautioned as he progressively closed the gap between you.
A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as he slinked his arms around your waist, “What?”
You rest your hands on his chest giving him a gentle push as you lean away from him. You knew what he was up to, and you weren’t going to cave to him. His hands were firmly pressed against the small of your back pulling you closer to him.
“You ain’t gettin’ rid of me that easy.” He said in his low gravelly voice.
You felt yourself unravel in his arms, fighting the smile he was bringing to your face to not fuel his behavior.
“Joseph Liebgott, what would everyone think if they found out you spent the night in my room with me!?”
Joe chuckled, “I think they’d say, about time!”
You let out an exasperated sigh, “Joe, I’m serious.”
He rolled his eyes, “Look, Gams, we ain’t gotta do nothin’, aight? I just wanna hold my girl until I fall asleep. Just the two of us. Nobody’s gonna say anything, ok?” He reassured.
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at him.
“Besides, there ain’t no way I’m not staying in here with you tonight. I’ve been waiting almost two years to hold you in bed without all the guys snoring in the same room.” Joe added.
The following morning, Easy loaded back up onto the trucks to Landsberg. Along the way, they witness over 300,000 newly-surrendered German POW's marching past; noticing that they continue to march proudly even in defeat, Webster begins ranting angrily at the Germans for starting a war they could never have hoped to win, and uprooting his and his fellow soldiers' lives.
“Hey, YOU! You stupid Kraut bastards! That’s right! Say hello to Ford and General fucking Motors! You stupid fascist pigs! Look at you! You have horses, what were you thinking!?” Webster bellowed out at the sea of marching Nazi soldiers.
Webster sat down hard on the bench of the truck, running his hands through his hair mumbling expletives to himself before standing to erupt more shame at the Germans.
“What the fuck are we doing here!?”
Everyone remained silent, allowing Web to violently rant because they agreed with every word he said. As the trucks approached the entrance of Landsberg, they witness French soldiers summarily executing three Germans. A replacement is shaken, looking to you and the boys alarmed, but Perconte simply shrugs at him, while Liebgott looks smug.
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The trucks roll up to the town square and come to a halt. The men begin to stir, offloading from the rears of the vehicles with their gear.
“I wanna send out some patrols. We’ll have Dog Company here in the village, and easy and Fox in the woods.” Winters directs to Speirs and Welsh.
Speirs turns to Welsh, “Easy Company’s gonna take the North-West. LT Lipton.”
“Yes, sir?”
“Have 1st and 2nd platoons swing up to the woods, and have 3rd swing around. Make sure they bring a medic.” Speirs ordered.
Easy trekked through the thickets surrounding Landsberg, bantering and joking like they’re strolling through a park.
“O’Keefe-“ Bull said as he tapped the replacement’s arm.
“Why the hell you so jumpy, boy?” Bull asked smirking when he saw O’Keefe’s worried expression.
“I-I’m not jumpy-“
“You can hear your heart pounding in Arkansas, boy.”
You scoff, “Give the kid a break, Bull.” You say with empathy.
“Hey, George, does this kinda remind you of Bastogne?” Perconte asked.
George looked around, “Yeah, now that you mention it. Except, of course, there’s no snow, we got warm grub in our bellies, and the trees aren’t fucking exploding from Kraut artillery. But, yeah, Frank, other than that, it’s a lot like Bastogne.” Luz replied sarcastically.
“Right?” Perconte agreed.
“Bull, smack him for me, please?” Luz called back to Randleman.
Bull smiled through his cigar as he swat the back of Perconte’s helmet.
“Thank you.”
As you all came close to a clearing at the tree line , you can hear shuffling and rustling near by. The platoon made their rifles ready in case it was the enemy.
“Stay behind us.” Bull whispered to you. You nod.
As you all entered the opening beyond the woods, your eyes fall upon an encampment of some kind. Rows of long, narrow ‘hut’ like buildings locked up within fence line. You look through the barbed wire walls, and see a handful of sickly beings shuffling aimlessly on the main path.
“What is this?” Luz asked baffled by the scene.
More people in striped clothing emerged from the huts, lining up along the inside of the fence.
“Looks like—a prison.” You say as you slowly make your way forward in front of the guys.
Perconte was sent back to the town to retrieve Winters and the rest of Easy Company to see what they found on patrol.
Winters and the rest of the company arrive on the scene, all eyes glued to the horrific display beyond the barbed wire. Winters and Nixon walked up to you, Bull, and Luz. Winters surveyed the sullen faces that stared back at him through the fence. Eugene came straight to you as soon as he got off the truck.
“Hey, Y/F/N.”
“Eugene.” You greet dryly.
“What’s happening ‘ere?” Gene asked motioning with his head to the camp.
“They’re definitely POW’s. Just look at ‘em
those poor souls.” You reply softly, too emotional to raise your voice.
Nixon came to you and Eugene.
“I want you two to take Dog and Fox medics and give these guys a look over once we get in, ok?”
“Yes, sir.” Eugene confirmed.
Perconte and Christenson opened the first set of gates for Winters. As Winters entered, he directed them to open the second gate. You and Eugene walked ahead motioning the other medics to follow.
The prisoners were all male, skeletal with sunken faces and ghostly complexions. The smell of rot and decay filled the air. The residents of this hell began tugging and grabbing at the soldiers as they entered, muttering implorations in a different language.
All the prisoners are near death, seriously ill or starving, some so weakened that they collapse as they try to approach the Americans. While many more are dead as corpses litter the area, Malarkey and Heffron grimly note the number tattoos on dead prisoners' arms marking them "like cattle.” Randleman and Luz discover a hut jam-packed with living and dead prisoners lying shoulder to shoulder.
“Christenson, any of your men speak German?” Winters asked.
“No, sir. But we got Y/L/N here that does—”Christenson offered.
“I need Liebgott..LIEBGOTT!” Winters yelled over the men, “Lipton, find me Liebgott.”
“Sir, I can help.” You insist to Winters as you push through the rabble.
Winters looked at you, “These people need care, you go ahead with Doc Roe and figure out how to help these people.”
Liebgott pushed through the crowd, “Right here, sir.”
One prisoner Winters had pulled aside started speaking to Joe in German.
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“He said the guards left this morning, sir—they burned some of the huts first
with the prisoners still in them, sir—alive.”
“Jesus Christ.” Nixon uttered in disgust.
The man continued.
“Some of the prisoners tried to stop them
some of them were killed.”
Liebgott paused to listen, “They didn’t have enough ammo for all of the prisoners, so
they killed as many as they could
before they left the camp
they locked the gates behind them and headed South.”
“Someone in the town must’ve told them we were coming.” Nixon said.
“Yeah, I think so.” Liebgott agreed.
“Will you ask him what kind of camp this is? Why are they here?” Winters requested.
“Was ist das fĂŒr ein Lager? Warum bist du hier?” Liebgott relayed.
The man struggled to answer.
“He says it’s a work camp for, uh, ‘unerwunscht’
 I’m not sure what the word means, sir. Uh, unwanted, disliked maybe?’
“Criminals?” Nixon asked.
“Eh, I don’t think criminals, sir,” the man proceeded to explain, “
doctors, musicians, tailors, clerks, farmers, intellectuals, I mean, normal people.”
” the man repeated.
Liegott’s jaw clenched.
“They’re Jews
poles and gypsies.”
The prisoner began to sob, pointing beyond the trees stuttering and hiccuping as he spoke.
“The women’s camp is at the next railroad stop.” Liebgott revealed.
The man walked away wailing, unable to speak anymore.
Easy rushes back into the village of Landsberg to gather food and water for the survivors of the camp. Each company raided bakeries, delicatessens, and cheese shops hurrying back to distribute the rations to the prisoners.
When Col Sink arrived with the battlefield surgeon, Winters and Nixon are told they must not continue feeding the survivors. The surgeon claims the survivors' vital systems are unable to handle massive food intake, and they need to be closely monitored during their recovery.
“If we give them too much to eat too quickly, they’ll eat themselves to death. We need to keep them in the camp until we find a place for them in town.” The battlefield surgeon explained to Winters and Nixon.
You walk up to Sink, Winters, and Nixon with a report on the POW’s when you hear:
“You want us to lock these people back up?” Nixon asked in disbelief.
Your eyes widen as your breath catches in your throat.
“We got no choice, Nix.” Sink replied plainly.
“Otherwise they might scatter. we need to keep them centralized so we can supervise their food intake and medical treatment. So, until we find some place better
” the surgeon added.
“It’s a cryin’ ass shame, but let’s get it done.” Sink ordered as he walked away.
“Sir?” You squeak, looking for confirmation on what you just heard.
Winters looks at you with regret. The prisoners were to remain inside the barbed wire fence of the camp to prevent them from potentially spreading diseases
an announcement which Liebgott would be ordered to make.
“Nix, find Liebgott and have him explain to the prisoners what needs to happen-”
“Sir, with all due respect-” you begin to contest.
“Not now, Y/L/N-” Winters replied sternly.
“Sir, you couldn’t make Joe do that. It’ll haunt him for the rest of his-”
“You heard the doctor, Y/F/N. Eating too much could kill them. Go on back and triage as many of the prisoners as you can before they get locked back up.” Nixon pushed back.
You release a breath of defeat, looking over your shoulder to find Joe about ten feet away speaking to another prisoner as Winters and Nixon B lined him to tell him the message that he was to announce.
“I can’t tell ‘em that, sir.”
You run up to the group and stand next to Liebgott.
“You’ve got to, Joe.” Winters replied.
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You squeeze Joe’s tricep gently, letting him know you’re behind him.
Joe averted his eyes to the ground, his jaw once again clenching as he internally battled his thoughts and emotions.
Yes, sir.” Joe complied under his breath as he turned away from the officers and you to mount the rear of a truck to address the sea of prisoners.
“Aufmerksamkeit! Aufmerksamkeit! (g) (Attention! Attention!)” Liebgott projected over the crowd.
Liebgott reluctantly explained in German to the POW’s what was about to happen. The further along Joe got in his explanation, the more the prisoners contested and weeped. He did his best to provide reassurance that it was in their best interest, promising them it is only temporary and that food, supplies and medicine were coming, but they shook their heads and continued to beg to keep their freedom.
Joe struggled to continue, but he pushed through. His words trailed off when the rest of Easy began ushering the prisoners towards the entrance of the camp. Feeling the most utter sense of shame, Joe hung his head, unable to look at his own people in the eye. He staggered backward onto the bench of the truck, allowing his tears to fall.
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May 1945
Easy arranged for long term sleeping quarters in the town’s abandoned buildings that were still intact. One evening, you find Joe sitting on a bench at the end of the cobblestone side walk at the edge of Landsberg.
“Hey, Joe.”
He gave you quick side eye, but didn’t say a word. You look at your boots, searching your mind for the right words to say. But you knew better. Nothing you say could help him feel any better. You can see he was stuck in his thoughts about what he just had to do.
You clear your throat, “Winters assigned me to a mission just now.” You began.
Joe remained silent.
“They’re sending me to Dachau until they can get enough female field nurses to tend to the women prisoners over there. They’re terrified of men so they won’t let any of the male medics near them. I don’t know how long I’ll be there.” You elaborated.
Joe lit a cigarette.
“Roe’s going, too.” You add.
Joe scoffed.
“Yeah? Well hope you two have a good time.” He hissed.
You placed a hand over your stilled heart.
“What?” You choked.
“You heard me.” Joe spat back taking another drag from his cigarette.
“Joe, how could say such a thing? I know you’re hurting-”
“You don’t know a goddamn thing!” He barked, “You ain’t even Jewish! How could you know how I feel!? You go around talking the language like you know somethin’ and you think that makes you one of us? You’re a dizzy dame, you know that!?” He proclaimed.
You push down tears, fighting the urge to cry. You take a deep breath.
“Ok, Liebgott,” you begin as you collect yourself, “see you around.” You say as you turn to walk back to your building.
“Yeah, high tail it and run away like the rest of ‘em.” Joe sneered.
You stop abruptly. You wouldn’t allow it. You turn back and stomp back to him.
“You don’t think I understand pain? Or loss? Defeat? Well, I do! Maybe not through your eyes, but I’ve endured my own, Joseph Liebgott. And until now I thought I’ve suffered the worst of them all.”
“Oh yeah? What’s the worst you’re suffering now? Go ahead and enlighten me!” Joe replied viciously as he stood up hovering in your face.
“Heartbreak! Watching the love of my life slip away because he’s completely submerged in hate and anger!”
Joe stared at you in awe, taken back by your response. He grinded his teeth as he flicked his cigarette butt.
“My condolences.” He sneered as he breezed past you leaving you shivering in the dark alone.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you sat on the bench Joe had been seated on.
June 1945 Thalem, Germany
You remained in Dachau for the duration of May and June with no hope in sight of returning any time soon until the first week or so of July when medical relief finally arrived. Joe had written you a letter the week after you had gone but hadn’t received a response. He had half a mind to go AWOL and hitch a ride to Dachau first chance he got so he could see you again.
Luz, Perconte, Liebgott, Webster, and Randleman sat on the second floor of a bombed out home overseeing the townsfolk in the streets when Nixon joined them. The locals remove the rubble of houses and buildings from the street, as a string quartet plays a somber song in the middle of the square.
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"Tell ya one thing about the Krauts, they sure clean up good." Luz expressed.
"Yeah. All you need's a little Mozart." Liebgott added.
"Beethoven." Nixon corrected as he entered onto the landing.
"Sorry, sir?" Liebgott replied.
"That's not Mozart," Nixon repeated as he stood to listen to the melody, "that's Beethoven."
Nixon looked over at Liebgott.
“Any word from Y/L/N?”
Joe shook his head.
“Hm. You sent a letter?”
Joe nodded, “Four pages long.”
“Did you apologize?”
Joe looked at him unamused.
“Yes, sir, I did. Multiple times.” Joe replied dully.
“I see. She’ll come around.” Nixon reassured.
Joe nodded.
“I don’t know, he said some pretty nasty things to her before she left.” Webster declared.
Joe shot him a look of disdain.
“Shut it, Web.” Joe warned.
“He’s right, Lieb.” Bull interjected, “She told me what you said. You’re a goddamn knucklehead, boy.”
Joe released a frustrated sigh.
“Ok, I fucked up! Alright? I was wrong for saying what I said, but you know what? I can’t change that now.” Joe exclaimed as he stood up and began pacing the landing.
“I ain’t gettin’ her back by writing letters.” Joe thought outloud. He looked at Nixon.
“Sir, if I could just get assigned to a detail to Duchau—”Joe began to negotiate.
“You know I can’t do that, Lieb.” Nixon stated before he could finish.
“But, sir—”
“We can’t just send you off to Duchau to play Romeo, Joe, it’s a waste of man power, I’m sorry. You’re also our best German linguist so we can’t be losing another translator since Y/L/N left.”
Joe looked towards the ground deflated.
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“Right, sir.” Joe groaned as he slumped onto a chair.
Everyone remained silent for a minute or two before Nixon spoke again.
“Hitler’s dead.”
The boys all looked at him.
“Holy shit.” Joe breathed.
“-Shot himself in Berlin.” Nixon added.
“Is the war over, sir?” Bull asked.
Nixon looked at him, “No. we have orders to Berchtesgaden, be ready to move out by 0700 tomorrow.”
“Why? The man’s not home. Should’ve killed himself three years ago, would’ve saved us a lot of trouble.” Webster said.
Nixon smirked weakly as they all started to exit the landing.
“Yeah, he should’ve,” Nixon concurred, “but he didn’t.”
“Allied forces discovered numerous POW, concentration, and death camps. These camps were part of the Nazi attempt to effect the ‘Final Solution’ to the ‘Jewish Question.” At least five million ethnic minorities and six million Jews were murdered- many of them in the camps.” -BoB close out description on Episode 9- Why We Fight
July 1945
You were finally released to Easy Company at the end of June, and were on your way back to Thalem by the first week of July to link up with them before they left for Austria. The only communication you’ve chosen to have with anyone about your status since you left was Major Winters and Captain Nixon. You transmitted a telegram to Winters from Dachau about your completed mission, and also made it quite clear not to tell any of the guys about you coming back. You didn’t want anyone making a fuss about your return.
The truck you had been on for transport to Thalem came to a sudden stop in the plaza, conveniently where Bull, Luz, and Webster had been hanging out in front of HQ.
“Well look who it is!” Luz whooped.
You smile as you approached the three soldiers.
“Hey, boys! Missed me?” You ask as you approached.
Bull greeted you by giving you a quick bear hug.
“We sure did, girl, good to see ya.” Bull professed as he took your duffel from you.
“We didn’t know if you were ever coming back. When did you find out you were coming?” Webster queried.
“I knew about a week ago.” You confess.
Their eyes widened.
you didn’t say anything to anyone?” Luz asked.
“Just Winters and Nixon.”
“Ah.” Luz confirmed.
The air was thick and awkward.
“What?” You ask.
“Well,” Webster began, “we thought Liebgott would’ve been the first to know.”
You sigh irritably, “I am no longer on speaking terms with Liebgott.”
“He said he wrote you a letter.” Luz affirmed.
“He did. But the damage has been done.” You finalize as you adjust your grip on your other bag.
“Come on, boys, leave it alone. All’s that matters is she’s back.” Bull inserted, “Come on, Y/F/N, I’ll show you where the females be stayin’ at.” Bull offered.
“What the fuck did you just say!?” Joe snapped.
Webster’s eyes widened, “Uh, she’s in Thalem. She got here about 20 minutes ago.”
Joe suddenly had a thousand mile stare, looking beyond Webster into the distance out the window as his heart hammered against his rib cage.
“Meine Liebe kehrt zurĂŒck. (g) (My love returns).” Joe whispers to himself.
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He looked back at Webster and grabbed him by the shoulders, “Where is she?”
“She’s getting cleaned up at nurse’s billetting.” Webster disclosed.
“Why didn’t she tell me she was coming back?” Joe asked out loud as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“I think you know why, Joe.” Bull’s voice rang out as he entered the room.
Joe hurried towards Randleman, “How is she, Bull? Is she ok? Does she look good?” Joe rambled.
Bull chuckled, “She’s just peachy, Joe. Give her some time to get back into the swing of things, though, before you go smothering her, ok? You’ll have plenty of time to talk to her on the way to Austria.”
You already picked your seat on the bed of one of the trucks before the rest of Easy showed up. You had your nose in a medical journal, completely absorbed in the chapter when you’re startled by the abrupt collide of someone sitting next to you. You gasp and come face to face with Liebgott. You furrow your eyebrows at him.
“Isn’t there another truck you could’ve picked?” You hiss before turning back to your book.
Joe scoffed, “Nice to see you, too, Gams.”
You huff as you shift your back towards him.
Joe stretched his arms over his head bringing his right one to rest on top of the truck bench behind you. He gazed upon you while you made yourself busy reading your book. He hesitated to speak, hoping you would say something first. He clicked his tongue while his leg bounced with anticipation.
“Why didn’t you write back, Y/F/N?”
You half looked over your shoulder at him annoyed.
“Why do you think?”
“Because I was an idiot.”
“That’s putting it gently.” You retorted.
The rest of the company loaded up and the trucks were on the move.
“So you got my letter?”
“I did.” You replied simply.
“Well, did ya read it?”
“Gams, you gotta give me somethin’ here, it’s like pullin’ teeth gettin’ answers outta you!” Joe pleaded.
You turn to him, “I don’t owe you anything, Joe Liebgott. Not anymore.” You grit at him.
Joe looked around at the rest of the guys sitting with you on the truck.
“Look, you were right, and I was wrong.” Joe admitted in a hushed voice so the conversation was between you and him.
“Go on.” You urge.
“I am an angry, ornery son of a bitch, and the only time I was happy was when you were around. The day we found that camp—” Joe paused to hold his composure, “—it broke me down
almost to the point of no return. I lost it.” He looked at his boots.
You study him with compassion, your heart simultaneously breaking and melting for him.
“After you left, I became a shell of a man because of everything. I couldn’t shut my eyes without seeing your face or the faces of those prisoners, so I started drinking so I could sleep. Ended up gettin’ into a lot of scraps with Fox and Dog Company. Major Winters talked me into cuttin’ back when he said I’d get court marshaled and sent back to the States without seeing you again.”
He fell silent, afraid to look back at you from shame. You sigh, and take his hand. Joe’s eyes eagerly met yours as his hand squeezed yours.
“This war broke all of us at some point, Joe. Ain’t nothing to be ashamed of. But it’s important you don’t push away the people who care about you most.” You exhibit.
He nodded, “I was so lost without you, Y/F/N.”
He cupped the side of your face with his hand as his thumb gingerly rubbed along your cheek. You put your hand over his, leaning into his touch as a single tear escaped the corner of your eye. Joe bowed forward to rest his forehead against yours, your noses tenderly touching.
“Ikh hab dir lib (y) (I love you).” He breathed tilting his head forward until his lips brushed against yours.
Your lips gently lock onto his, each of you inhaling eachother’s breaths. You pull back to look into his honeyed brown eyes.
“I will never disrespect you again.” Joe vowed quietly.
You fall into him as he embraces you. His heartbeat drumming in your ear while your face presses into his chest.
“I love you, Joe.” You reciprocate.
“Ok, you two, you kissed and made up. Can we dispense with the sappy stuff now?” Luz complained.
You giggled as you pull back from Joe’s arms.
“Hey, Y/L/N, you owe us a song!” Luz pointed out.
“Hm, I suppose I do. Any suggestions?”
“I don’t know, surprise us, don’t make me think no more, we just need something nice to hear.” Luz rattled off.
You take a moment to think, until inspiration struck you. The boys wait with anticipation all over their faces, waiting for you to start. You look around the truck, smiling mischievously. You take a deep breath

đŸŽ¶â€œIt had to be you, it had to be you.
I wandered around, finally found , the somebody who,
Could make me be true, Could make me be blueâ€”â€đŸŽ¶
The boys leaned in, already entranced by your soothing voice, relishing the classic you selected. You stood so they could all see you, slipping your hand into Joe’s as you continued to perform.
You glance at Joe and wink, “Das ist fĂŒr dich (g) (This is for you).” You whisper real quick before the next verse.
đŸŽ¶â€œFor nobody else gave me a thrill,
With all your faults, I love you still,
It had to be you, Wonderful you,
It had to be you— *GASP!*â€”â€đŸŽ¶
The truck violently quaked as it hit a pothole in the road, throwing you off balance causing you to stagger forward. Joe once again swooping in, hooking his arm around your hips in front of you before you could fall to the floor. The guys whooped and hollered with laughter and applause.
“Now where have I seen this happen before?” Luz questioned sarcastically rubbing his chin.
You return a hearty laugh and sit back on the bench next to Liebgott.
Joe angled in close to your ear, “Told ya I’d always be there to save you.”
You meet his stare with a smirk as he winks back at you.
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You arrive in Austria and take Eagle's Nest with no resistance. All you find are dead German officers and a considerable amount of war loot. After the men seized Hitler’s private fortress and officer housing surrounding it, Winters announced the war's conclusion in Europe and you were all directed to remain in place until you had to move on.
The guys wasted no time raiding the fully stocked wine cellar, popping open champagne and brandy, drinking from the bottles before claiming a space in any of the empty chambers of the castle and officer’s housing.
As evening approached, Easy lounged around the common room in front of a roaring fire in the massive fireplace, each with their own bottle of wine smoking and joking about anything and everything.
“I suppose you’ll be staying with Y/F/N?” Luz asked Liebgott.
“You bet your ass I am.” Liebgott confirmed.
“Yeah? Well, here’s a couple of extra bottles for ya to bring to the room.” Malarkey hinted with a wink passing Joe two unopened bottles of Cognac.
Joe smirked roguishly at Don, “Ya think I need liquid courage, Malark?”
Don chuckled, “Nah, just settin’ you up for success for the rest of the night.”
“Yeah, you better go to her before she falls asleep, pal!” Perconte teased.
Joe’s smile widened as he pointed at Frank, hastily standing up to rush towards the grand staircase.
“Go get ‘er, Lieb!” A couple of the guys shouted after him as the rest cheered him on.
You found a sleeping chamber with a balcony and one hell of a view of the mountains. You lean on the wall of the stone terrace, amiably staring at the warm hues of the sky as the sun set sun set beyond the blue, snow capped Alps with the lake glistening and sparkling below.
Joe meandered into the bedroom and quietly ambled onto balcony. He set the bottles down, sneaking up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you against him.
“Joe! You startled me!” You feign as you hold his hands in front of you.
Joe nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of vanilla and lavender on your hair.
“You smell incredible, doll.”
You rest your cheek on the side of his head.
“Why thank you, Mr. Liebgott.”
Joe took you by the shoulders to turn you towards him. He affectionately kneaded your arms as he beamed at you.
“You owe me a dance.” he declared.
You tilt your head at him, “You know what? You’re absolutely right.”
You ardently look back into the room.
“Hold that thought.” you prompt him.
You hurry back into the room to the gramophone that sat in the corner of the room. You finger through the record collection and find a song you were familiar with, and prepare it on the turntable. You crank the handle and gently place the needle on the record until the sound of “Sleepy Serenade” by The Andrew Sisters materialized through the horn.
You turn to see Joe’s reaction.
“Guess the Krauts appreciated The Andrew Sisters, too, huh?” He quipped.
“I suppose so.” You snickered.
Joe’s eyes seductively looked you over from head to toe, then casually beckoned you over to him.
“Don’t keep me waiting, Gams.” He hummed flirtatiously.
You sashay over to him as Joe offered his hand. When you were close enough, you place your hand on his to which he grasps it tenderly and proceeds to twirl you around then gracefully pulls you into him, holding you tight and flush against him by the waist as you sway dreamily together to the angelic melody.
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Joe led you through the threshold of the balcony and around the room until you feel the back of your knees bump into the edge of the bed. Joe held you steady gaping into your eyes as he brought his hand up between you to caress your cheek. You lull your head onto his palm, your heart beat drumming.
“Marry me.” Joe purred.
Your mouth collapsed from shock, “You mean it, Joe?”
Joe rest his forehead on yours, “Absolutely. I don’t want to spend one second apart from you ever again.”
Your lips collide, locking onto each other in a deep lustful make out. Joe pulled away.
“So, is that a yes?” He said through his signature grin.
“Yes.” You moan into his mouth as you pull him back onto the bed with you.
You consummate your engagement with a night of pure, passionate love making. A heated, desirous adventure neither of have ever experienced before. Your souls became one that night in Berchtesgaden, never once to be separated or without the other ever again.
The End
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ethanthespookymonth · 3 months
Five Nights at Freddy's Military AU
About: After Mike dealt with Freddy's and William Afton, he decides to join the military.
Mike is in the Army đŸȘ–
If you're wondering where Abby stays, she stays with Vanessa.
Another fact, Vanessa was the one that helped Mike get into the Army.
Mike met Ness after the incident at Freddy's. They are now dating and keep in contact while Mike is gone.
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If there's anything you guys would like to know, you can send me asks or DM me!
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witch-oftheflowers · 2 months
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đŸȘ–Cod MasterList💣
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Ximena Riley x Simon Ghost Riley
🔞- 18! Smut! Minors DNI
🌟- Dark Topics! Dead Dove!
I'm not tiny!!
Covert Mission: A Start
Ximena HC: Military Background
All is Fair in love and war
Warm Dates
Does it Hurt?🌟
Babies Series💕
Monster AU!đŸ‘»
Lost Souls
Poly 141!🔞
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rayvnwolf17 · 4 months
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đ•·đ–”đ–›đ–Š 𝖀𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 đ•±đ–Žđ–—đ–Š 𝕬𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖞
Looking for an antho to keep you warm doing this Memorial Day Weekend? Look no further than Love Under Fire! Snag this awesome antho
Some things you’ll find in this antho
đŸŽ–ïž Second Chance Romance
đŸȘ– Emotional Scars
đŸŽ–ïž Redemption
đŸȘ– StĂ€lking
đŸŽ–ïž Àge Gap
And many more!
Please enjoy stories from:
KD Michaels
Dani Carr
Bronwyn Judde
Cami Carlisle
JLynn Autumn
Teegan Wylde
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benedictscorner · 5 months
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(from my twitter acc: benedictslady)
military benophie!au: benedict is a soldier who fights for his life on the field and with his loneliness, gets comforted by sophie, a lady who sings through the radio, and her angelic voice, while he writes letters and letters to her, hoping to go back home alive to meet herđŸȘ–
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fruttolosope · 1 month
« Pain au chocolat »
sope | 🔞 | 11.6k
tags: canon, post đŸȘ–, friends to lovers, pwp-ish.
“I wanna wake up with your c0ck inside me.” It was the last thing Yoongi said before falling asleep and Hoseok was still thinking about it. Of course he was, how can you forget something like that coming from the mouth of your best friend?”
It’s 2026 and the sun has never shined so bright since they left. It’s because BTS are back from military service and they are helding a new european tour. Everything’s fine, except for Yoongi and Hoseok. Past is still following them like a shadow, until something finally happens in Paris. And well, there’s nothing like Paris to resolve outstanding issues.
You can read it on AO3 ♡
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madelynraemunson · 5 months
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wake me up when september ends (eddie’s version)
it’s forced conforming. that’s what’s killing the kids. in hopes of a better future, eddie enlists in the military when he graduates high school.
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