blissfullyactive · 4 years
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Where are all my military followers?? Today is Military Monday and it’s all about you! We are in a virtual learning season in so many ways for both adults and our children!! So I have to ask are you truly taking advantage of the resources at your fingertips!! It time for you to get familiar again with Military OneSource’s MWR Digital library!!! There are teachables for the kids! You can learn another language with Mango Languages! You can have access to do it yourself program!! There are books and documentaries!! If that’s not enough you can practice your ACT/SAT and GRE! Then are you homeschooling and do you need extra resources to move your student to the next level? Yes 🙌🏻 there is support for that as well! Then are you ready to get moving on filing your taxes? Yes! You can access that for free as well!! Take a few moments to get familiar with what is some of the greatest resources for you, your family or your battle buddy!! Sharing is caring so make sure you are getting this information out to the masses!! With any resource if you aren’t using it then we will lose it!! Create your log in and get your education going!! . . . . . . #militarylife #militaryfamily #militaryonesource #militarylifestyle #militarylearning #education #doityourself #digitallearning #reservists #activeduty #nationalguard #coastguard #mwrdigitallibrary #advobliss #blissfullyactive #empoweryourself #knowledgeispower https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7dhd3FSpF/?igshid=wc1piauejfpj
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Military one source is one way the 'atone Corps can help provide financial counseling for you , so that you can invest, save and what ever else interests you with your money. #militaryonesource #rsslakewood #pcsnortholmsted (at Lakewood Marines)
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andyoaklee911 · 7 years
#NationalMedalofHonorDay! Join us in celebrating those who went above and beyond the call of duty while serving our nation. (Credit to @military1source ) #MedalofHonor #DepartmentofDefense #MilitaryOneSource #Army #Navy #MarineCorps #AirForce #MilLife #MilFam #MilSpouse
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instantperson · 10 years
As part of coming out...
I did some digging online about coming out bisexual to military families. Especially since both my parents are/were US Marines. There was this whole stigma in the 80's and 90's about being homosexual and bisexuality today is something that doesn't fit the spectrum...which confuses both parties. I told my Mom at least about my bisexuality, college and my first girlfriend Sara as well as someone who had a crush on me in college (I won't say her name to respect her privacy).
I think I came out as a way of saying that what they were saying was hurtful. Both my parents crack a lot of jokes about gays and even if I try to retort to say "It's not right to say that", they just shook their heads and kept going. What will they do now that someone close to them is now bisexual? I have a feeling vagina and lesbian jokes are going to come out of them in droves.
It's going to be hurtful...but it's a process. It's sort of trying to migrate them away that it's okay to make fun of a demographic...because now that demographic is in the house. Just like we don't use the word 'retarded' in the house because my brother is Autistic and they feel it is disrespectful and an insult to him as a human being.
Just like being called 'Faggot' would be for someone who's gay.
Also I have to note...
If anyone who's reading this also has parents in the military and is thinking about coming out, MilitaryOneSource has a section on coming out and helping people process coming out.
You can check out their resource on Coming Out and LGBTQIA family or friends.
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greatamericandad · 11 years
Re-Deployments... All I got to do was walk off a jet!
Sometimes there are some +MilitaryHomecoming shows that are pretty good. I think this video wins for "extra credit" though... I remember leaving and hugs and kisses and all that but it was the stepping off the jet, coming home, feeling like I had done something great that was so exhilarating.
I stood at the top of the stairs, the last guy off the jet, with my Alabama baseball cap on, ABUs all stinky from a long flight, and life-size +Marvel Entertainment Captain America shield in hand. The only thing missing was an American Flag waving in the background. At the bottom of the stairs were four turds and a smokin'-hot wife ready to resume a normal life again. Unfortunately, it's not that way for everyone. Apparently the Veteran's Administration is almost a year behind on providing psychiatric/mental health care to our veterans. As a nation we've been complaining about the consistently sick or wounded people but now we're seeing more and more cases of mental and psychological suffering. There are several programs that you can get involved with to help:
The Wounded Warrior Project has chapters in cities and towns across America.
The +Veterans of Foreign Wars have always been involved in making sure that Veterans find the help they need, or a cheap beer and good chat.
Military One Source is a 24/7 1-800 number that connects you with the agencies that veterans need and also provide free counseling services with any psychiatric service you need, no records, no questions.
Finally, there's an app coming to the android market that's already hit iPhone called POS REP. It's a digital signal flair connecting military and veteran "members" and uses a Google Map-type of locating service. When in doubt, send it out! A touch of a button allows you to send up a digital "call for help" alerting any subscribed veteran's in your area to your SOS. The app is on the iPhone store and can be downloaded for free from www.pos-rep.com.
Do what you can, get in where you fit in, and let's take care of one another.
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usnwifesublife-blog · 13 years
So time for some military honesty!
Deployments are no joke. If you haven't been through one, it's legit the worst emotional rollercoaster you've ever gone on, and if you HAVE gone through one, you completely understand.
I usually do really well by myself, but this time is completely different. I moved back in with my parents to save money, which in the long run, is the best thing ever for us. But seeing my stuff packed up is absolutely heart wrenching. I don't want to unpack EVERYTHING, because I don't want to feel like I'm here forever... but I hate seeing the boxes. We eloped, so we had NOTHING when we got married. Zero. No bridal shower. No wedding gifts. Everything we have, we worked for and obtained ourselves. And now everything is packed away. I break down all the time. I try to only send positive emails, and keep my crying limited when I AM able to talk to him in ports, because I don't want him to feel bad. I can't imagine if the roles were reversed, how I'd feel seeing my significant other crying because of our life and how I wouldn't be able to help them from so far away.
But today I absolutely snapped and felt like I needed to be honest about my feelings while I was able to talk to him. I just started crying on skype with him about how I need him back and I want to go home (which made no sense to him, since we no longer have a place together, but obviously made sense to me).
So I decided to take advantage of the resources provided to all of us, for free: I went to militaryonesource.com and requested online counseling (just easier for my schedule, but also easier for me to be 100% honest with whatever counselor I have). For whoever isn't familiar with militaryonesource, you can get up to 12 counseling sessions, per issue, per counselor, ABSOLUTELY FREE.
When I went to my first college, I did a whole ten page paper on military wives and mental illnesses, focusing on anxiety and depression (which should have been a huge HELLO WHAT ARE YOU DOING when I got married to a sailor 4 years later) and how most wives DON'T reach out for help. 
Honestly, DO IT. Even if you don't think you need it, it's great to keep your sanity and make sure you're coping how you should be. No matter how strong you feel like you are, or usually are, most people need help at SOME point in their life. This just happens to be mine. 
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