#milton michaeli
cosmic--dandelion · 1 year
So how did we get from this
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To this?
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Let's talk about the history of Beelzebub!
Beelzebub is strongly associated and indeed often conflated with Baal, a Hellenistic era pagan god worshipped everywhere from the Canaanite city of Ekron to Greece (where he was known as Belus) to Egypt as far back as 1400 BCE. He is first mentioned in the Books of Kings (2 Kings 1:2–3, 6, 16) as Ba'al-zəbûb, meaning "Lord of the Flies" in Hebrew, a possible corruption of "Lord of the High Place" meant to denigrate the deity after he was appropriated and repurposed as a false god, then a demon. Baal worship was extremely difficult for the early Christians to stamp out, so they basically stole other people's mythology and used it as a free idea bucket to fill out the Bible's rogues gallery.
While it's true that in some Ugaritic texts, Baal is depicted as expelling flies and causing sickness, he was still held in high esteem in ancient Canaan and Phoenicia as a powerful deity who controlled the sun, storms, and fertility and who defeated Mot, the god of death and the underworld. The ancient world could get pretty scatological at times! After all, one of Beelzebub's contemporaries, the Egyptian sun god Ra, was often depicted as a dung beetle, then a prominent symbol of rebirth.
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Some scholars think he might have even been the same god! Beelzebub seems to have been the ancient world's go-to demon because the name has been used interchangeably with everyone from Lucifer, Satan, and even Hades in some gnostic texts.
Unfortunately, we don't have much information about Beelzebub's pre-Christian origins other than some iron age ruins in what is now modern day Israel that suggest his temples were decorated with little golden flies, which is pretty neat.
Interestingly, Jesus himself was accused of being a worshipper of Beelzebub multiple times in the New Testament. Maybe the Pharisees were projecting?
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Throughout the Middle Ages, Beelzebub reappeared again in the Lantern of the Light (where he was associated with the sin of envy), De Occulta Philosophia, Princes of Hell, and other demonology texts. 16th-17th Century French Inquisitor Sébastien Michaelis elevated him to the rank of fallen angel in his book The Admirable History of Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman: Seduced by a Magician that Made Her to Become a Witch, translated to English in 1613. It was around this time Beelzebub started to become strongly associated with witchcraft. Michaelis should know; he burnt over 14 women accused of being witches!
Unsurprisingly, his name came up repeatedly during the Salem witch trials.
Beelzebub and fellow demons new and old bounced all over different classifications of demons during the 1500s and 1600s. In John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost, first published in 1667, Beelzebub was part of an unholy trinity consisting of him, Lucifer, and Astaroth. Occultist Johan Weyer decreed that Beelzebub was the Emperor of Hell, having led a successful revolt against the devil. German theologian Peter Binsfield described him as the Prince of Gluttony in his 1589 Treatise on Confessions by Evildoers and Witches. Before that, he was associated with Envy, then Pride.
We even have his personal signature! (At least according to the Grand Grimoir, an anonymous text on black magic of unknown origin)
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Beelzebub's physical appearance is even more diverse. He's been depicted as everything from a leopard, a feminine man as tall as a tower, a snake, a calf with a fly's face to...whatever the literal hell this is:
"'dressed like a bee and with two dreadful ears and his hair painted in all colors with a dragon's tail"
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Jacques Albin Simon Collin de Plancy (1793 – 1881)'s Dictionnaire infernal was among the first to depict Beelzebub literally as a fly. No duck feet, no lion's mane. Just a fly.
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Still better than this.
As Plancy was a skeptic influenced by Voltaire, the book was first intended as a folklore compilation but was later modified to fit with Roman Catholic theology after he converted, much to the consternation of his admirers. Many of his lurid illustrations later appeared in S. L. MacGregor Mathers's edition of The Lesser Key of Solomon...for better or for worse.
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Put Adrammelech in Helluva Boss you cowards.
So basically, Beelzebub has been a public domain character since before King Tut was laid in his golden sarcophagus, and people have been just making shit up about him for millennia. What's your favorite depictation of Beelzebub? This is mine:
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Nothing beats 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons artwork.
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Obey Me Devils 7 Masterlist
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OC Masterlist
• Locations •
Twilight Mansion • Devil Royal High (DRH) •
• Avatars •
1st generation (Ian Radius & Drac Nettle)
2nd & 3th generation - Part 1 (Elijah Francis & Johan la Baleina) • Part 2 (Gen 2) • Part 3 (Gen 3)
4th generation (James Wycliffe, Clement Raven & Astri Pillows) • Nina Ulysses
5th Gen
Twilight Radius
Roland Aurelia
Sofia Abyss (deceased)
Roslyn Nettle / Evangeline Rose
Devon Hearts
Philips Wolf
6th Gen
Stella Pride
Monica Ira (banished)
Charlotte Avaritia
Amara Luxuria
Vevina Farnicatio
Briar Eveningstar
7th Gen
Luciana Morningstar / Lucy Venus
Edward Avaritia
Marissa Zephyr
Rebecca Blaze
Bella Springhearts
Ekron Gulliver
Riven Acedia
8th Gen
Aurora Radius Aurelia
Florian Queen
Peter Venus Judas
Jane Nettle Diavil
Edwina Edward (replacement)
Astoria Blaze Gulliver
Merryweather Venus Judas
• Others •
Diablo Diavil
Diana Diavil
Saladin Wizard
Noah Wizard (& Evelyn Wizard)
Simon Seraphim / Jonah Judas
Danica & Vega Lumens
Luna Angelique
Christopher Faustus
John Faustus
Giselle Faustus
Michaelis Angelique
Rapunzel Seraphim
Liam Dusk
• Avatars' kids •
Eric Nettle Diavil
Amelia Nettle Diavil
Poesia & Andrew Nettle Diavil
Dinah Venus Judas
Milton Venus Judas
Evelyn Wizard (Teenager)
Rella Acedia
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bowiedd · 5 years
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nik fiend performing with alien sex fiend at batschkapp, frankfurt, west germany, by micha, 1987
117 notes · View notes
layce2015 · 2 years
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Arthur Morgan x Female!Reader)
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Red Dead Redemption
Previous Chapter / Masterlist / Next Chapter
The gang made it over to Saint Denis to ambush the train to get the payroll. But when they got there, the train did not stop. So they resorted to Plan B, which was to follow the train as fast as their horses could get them and jump on the train.
So that is just what they did.
Once Arthur, Sadie, Javier and Bill jumped on the train almost the entire damn army showed up and started to fire at them. The gang were able to handle their own until on soldier was able to shoot John, making him fall off of his horse. 
Arthur called out for him and Dutch told him he'd go and get John. Arthur nodded as Dutch and Micah take off to go get John. Arthur and the others made their way through the train and into the car that held the payroll, while shooting and killing the army. They gathered as much of the loot they could and by the time they made it to the tracks John and Arthur blew up, they all jumped off as the train careens down.
The others let out a sigh of relief just as Dutch and Micah came up to them, without John. Arthur asked where he was and Dutch told him he tried and then Micah explained that John didn't make it, that the patrol killed him. Arthur was devastated at this and felt like an utter failure as Dutch told the others to ride out and get out before more come. 
Arthur, sadly, grabbed his bag of loot, put it on the back of his horse and followed the others as they head back to camp.
They were not far from camp when Tilly and Abigail came up to them on their horses, Jack on Abigail's horse and Annebeth on Tilly's horse. "They came and took (y/n). Abigail and I saved the kids...we hid, but they took (y/n)." Tilly shouts and Arthur's heart drops at this as they all stop.
"Who did?" He asked. "Agent Milton and his men...took her to Van Horn...to be put on a boat and tried for murder!" Abigail shouts. "I am sorry to hear that." Dutch said, not sounding very apologetic. "We gotta let her go. She's just bait...we got a bunch of money, Dutch. She's just a girl...they won't do nothing to her." Micah said to Dutch while Abigail looks around.
"Where's John?" She asked, worried. "Well, John's a...well sorry Abigail but John's gone." Micah said, cutting to the chase. Abigail gasped then started to cry. "No, no, no, no. You're...you're lying!" She cried. "I wish I was Abigail, truly I do but...I'm not." Micah said then he turns back to Dutch while Arthur felt his heart beat hard against his chest and a large lump formed in his throat, he felt like he could throw up right now.
"But, me and the boys know...we need to keep riding on this one, Dutch. You know it...every man here knows it." Micah said. "So we're just gonna let my daughter be without her mother?" Arthur asked, in an angry surprised tone. "It ain't like that!" Dutch shouts. "What is it like?!" Arthur asked him, angrily. "I wanna live, cowpoke! I still got the choice." Micha tells Arthur then he turns to Dutch.
"Dutch, it's just a girl..." he said while Arthur glares between Micah and Dutch. Dutch thinks for a moment then he nods. "You're...you're right, Micah." He said. "Dutch..." Arthur said as he jumps off of his horse and runs up to Dutch's right side. "It pains me to say it, Arthur. I know you and Miss (l/n) were close and sweet on each other....but he is right." Dutch said. "Dutch!" Arthur pleads but Dutch ignores him and he, Micah and the others, minus Sadie, head off back to camp.
"Well, I guess that's that then..." Arthur said, defeated, as he looks down at the ground. "All them damn years..." he mutters. "Come on, Arthur...let's go get her. You and me is all we need." Sadie said and Arthur nods then he looks up at Tilly and Abigail.
"Miss Tilly..." he said and he goes over to his horse and grabs the bag of loot. "Take this, keep it safe for me." He said as he places the bag on her horse. She nods as Arthur starts to pull out some money he has kept for himself. "You take this. Take Annebeth...and you wait at Copperhead Landing...for (y/n) and Mrs Adler." He said as he hands her the cash and she takes it. "Thank you, Arthur." Tilly said.
"You're a good girl...you live a good life now, you hear?" He said to her. "Alright, Arthur...I'll...I'll miss you." She said to him. "Me too, sweetheart. Me too." Arthur said. "Daddy?" Annebeth said, in a soft quiet voice, and Arthur turns to her then reaches out to her with one hand, placing it over the little girl's hand. "Annebeth, you be brave, honey. I'm gonna go get your momma." He tells her and she nods as Arthur turns to Abigail, who was still upset about the news of John.
"Abigail...listen...about John. I want you to know this...he-he loved you. He loved you and Jack, he did. He wasn't perfect, but he did. Now, you and Jack get out of here." He said as Abigail nods, tears running down her cheeks.
She looks to the side then closes her eye and shakes her head. "I'll stick with Tilly until you two come back with (y/n)." She said and Arthur nods then he goes over to his horse. "Mrs. Adler...Ride with me!" Arthur shouts as he mounts his horse and the duo head off.
"If they're putting her on a boat, they'll probably dock at the north end of town, so I reckon we should go in the other way." Sadie said. "Sure, I guess. I don't know. Those damn bastards..." Arthur grumbles and Sadie turns her head to look at him. "Look, just follow me, okay? We're gonna get this done, Arthur." Sadie said.
"Now he don't care if Annebeth grows up without her mother so long as he gets rich? All his damn talk after all them years? Seems like it was always a lie. Or he went crazy...what a mess." Arthur said, angrily. "Sure, guess he began to believe he was God, or something." Sadie said and Arthur shakes his head as they pass Butchers Creek. 
"I don't know. I'm sorry you got dragged into this...into...us." Arthur said. "Listen, if you hadn't shown up at my house that night, I'd be dead. And even this bullshit beats being dead." Sadie said. "I thought I could find a way to get John, Abigail, Jack, (y/n) and Annebeth out of this mess. To give them a life." He said. "Look, Abigail and Jack are safe and once we get (y/n), you two and Annebeth should be able to get a life as well." Sadie assures him and he gives a slight nod to this.
"John, Hosea, Mac, Davey, Jenny, Sean, Lenny...we have to put an end to this." Arthur said and he sighs. "And Eagle Flies. Another angry fool he used, just like he did with the rest of us." said Arthur. "Like I said, Arthur, we don't need them. We're gonna make this right, me and you together, what's left of it. Now, come on!" Sadie said and they make their way through forests and hills until they come up to Van Horn.
"Okay, here we are. Let's ditch the horses and come up with a plan." Sadie said and they dismount their horses and Arthur smacks his horse's rear as he tell the horse to leave. Arthur turns to face the small town and looks it over, hoping to see any kind've glimpse of (y/n) or Milton.
"How you feeling?" Sadie asked him as she pulls out a rifle from her horse. "I'm fine." Arthur growls as his clenches his fist. Sadie notices this and realized that if he goes in all emotional as he is, he's gonna get himself killed. "I think you should cover for me and I'll go in there and get her." Sadie said to him as she holds out her rifle to him.
Arthur turns at this and glares at her. She rolls her eyes then said. "Cause you're the better shot, I mean."
"That ain't what you mean. I can still fight!" He said. "I know, just...do it my way, honey. It's for the best." She said and he turns away from her. "Arthur, I just don't want you to get yourself killed. The way you're feeling...it’s not gonna let you think straight." Sadie said and Arthur stops as he remembers saying something similar to (y/n) back at the Braithwaite's all them weeks ago.
"So...just...Get up some place high, like...the lighthouse or something...and cover me. Please." Sadie said and Arthur turns back to her and accepts the rifle. "Okay." He said and he heads for the lighthouse while Sadie grabs another gun and heads into town.
Arthur makes it to the top of the building and out the door onto the balcony of the lighthouse. "Okay, Mr Milton. Where are you?" Arthur growls as he picks up his rifle and looks through the scope. He scans the town until he sees Milton walking on the dock, dragging (y/n) alongside him. (Y/n) seemed to be fighting in his grasp but Milton had a stronger grip. It also looked like her hands were tied behind her back.
"There you are, you bastard." Arthur growls, angrily, as Milton walks up to the Trading Post building and shoves (y/n) inside. Arthur's face twitches a bit in anger as he sees this then he starts to look around for Sadie.
Finally he sees her and he sees some Pinkertons ahead of her. He begins firing and killing the ones he could get to and the ones he missed, Sadie would take them out. They do this until Sadie got all the way to the Trading Post.
Arthur watches as he sees Sadie opening the door and enter. But then she was immediately ambushed by Milton and the two struggled. "Shit." Arthur mutters as he sees Milton overpowering Sadie and knocking her down. Arthur let's out a small gasp as he lowers the rifle and glares towards the building.
Then he let's out a scoff at this. "Okay, Mr Milton...I guess we're gonna have to talk this out like gentlemen." Arthur said as he tosses the rifle aside then makes his way down the lighthouse and out into the streets of Van Horn.
Once he gets out, some agents come out and shoot at him but Arthur was alittle faster as he shoots and kills them all. He didn't care how many he killed, he just wanted to get to Sadie and (y/n) and get them out of there, safely.
Once he killed them and made it to the Trading Post, he kicked the door open and saw two Pinkertons inside; one standing over Sadie who was on the ground, tied up, and the other was standing next to (y/n), tying her to the chair she was sitting in. 
Immediately, Arthur shoots both men in the head and they fall down. "Arthur!" (Y/n) said, with relief, as he pulls out his knife. "Okay, ladies, let's get out of here." He said as he goes up to (y/n) and starts to cut her binds but then he hears a gun being cocked behind him.
"Calm down, Mr Morgan." Milton's voice said and Arthur stops the cutting then raised his hands up as he turns to face Milton, who still had a gun aimed at him. "We offered you a deal, Mr Morgan...you should've taken it." Milton said to him while Sadie was struggling in her restraints and (y/n) was pulling at her right arm, as the rope around her wrist wasn't so tight.
"I'm a fool, Mr Milton." Arthur said. "Not all you boys have quite so many scruples. Old Micah Bell..." Milton said and Arthur raises an eyebrow at this. "Micah? You mean Molly?" He said, confused. "Molly O'Shea? We sweated her a couple of times...never talked a word, had to let her go." Milton explained while Arthur was shocked by this but tried his best not to show it to Milton.
"Micah Bell...we picked him up...when you boys came back from the Caribbean...and he's been a good boy ever since." Milton said as Arthur slowly lowers his hands and looks down at the ground. After all that time, thinking Molly was the rat...it turned out to be Micah? Should've known! Arthur thought as he nods, slightly.
"Okay...okay..." Arthur said then he lunges at Milton and makes a grab for his gun. The two men struggle for it and it seemed that Milton was about to get the upper hand until a gunshot sounds out and Milton falls over dead, his blood splattered everywhere including on Arthur.
He looks over and sees that it was (y/n) who shot Milton as she stood there, a gun in her hand aimed right where Milton was, a hardened look on her face. "Horrible man." (Y/n) growls then her hardened expression starts to soften when she looks over at Arthur. 
She sets the gun down then goes over to him as he goes to embrace her. "You okay?" He asked her once they pull back from the embrace. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said then she pulls out of his arms and grabs his knife and begins to untie Sadie.
"Now, come on, you two." (Y/n) said as she hands Arthur back his knife then the three make their way out of the building. "We need to find the horses and get the hell outta here." Arthur said. "What happened to Annebeth? Where is she?" (Y/n) asked them. "She's fine...Tilly and Abigail got her and Jack." Sadie replied. "Oh, thank God." (Y/n) said as Sadie whistles for the horses and they come back to them.
At that moment, more Pinkertons show up and start to fire at them. "(Y/n), you ride mine." Sadie said as she mounts Arthur's horse. "Arthur, get on." She ordered and Arthur gets on behind her as (y/n) mounts Sadie's horse. They take off out of Van Horn while the Pinkertons followed after them. But the trio were able to handle themselves as they shot at anyone that got close to them.
"The bastards grabbed me outside of camp...I was with Tilly, Abigail and the kids...it happened so fast, I couldn't do anything." (Y/n) said once they realized the coast was clear and there weren't anymore of the Pinkertons coming. "It's alright...Tilly, Abigail and the kids are fine." Sadie said as they go down a slop then Arthur said. "Ladies, hold up a moment." He said and they stop their horses and Arthur gets off of the horse.
"Arthur, there's no time." Sadie said. "There’s time." Arthur said as he points at Sadie then turns to (y/n) and holds his arms up to her, wanting to help her off of the horse. "Arthur?" (Y/n) said, confused. "(Y/n), please." He begs, softly, and (y/n) places her hands on his shoulder and he helps her off of the horse.
"Arthur, what's wrong? We gotta go and get to our daughter." She said and Arthur stares at her for a moment, taking in every detail of her face. "I-I-I need you to go with Sadie, head over to Copperhead Landing." He tells her and a look of confusion washes over her face. "Aren't you gonna come with us?" She asked him and he shakes his head. 
"I gotta go and have a chat with Dutch." Arthur said then (y/n) started to panic and she shakes her head. "Arthur, no! If you go there, after everything...he-he..he will kill you!" She said. "I know, I know...but...it’s the only way." He said. "No, it's not! You can just walk away." She said, frantic. "(Y/n)..." he said and she shakes her head at this. 
"I'm not letting you go and get yourself killed! I don't want to lose you!" She cries as tears start to run down her cheeks. Arthur could feel his heart breaking seeing her upset but he knew he had to do this. "I need to, darlin'." He said then she takes his hands then places them on her stomach, reminding him of the little life that they created that is growing inside of her.
"Please." She pleaded, quietly. Arthur looks into her eyes for a few moments until he speaks again while Sadie dismounts Arthur's horse. "I gotta go, I need to try and speak reason into him. But I promise I'll catch up with you two later. I promise, at the first sign of trouble, I'll get out." He said and she gives a worried and concerned look.
It had occurred to her that no matter what she said, Arthur had already made up his mind. She let's out a sigh as she looks down and he takes her chin and pulled her face up to look at him again. "I'll make my way back to you. Okay?" He said and she looks into his eyes then nods.
"Good. Now, go to Annebeth and wait for me at Copperhead Landing. If I ain't there by the time the sun is up, just go and get as far away from this place as you can, you hear me?" Arthur said and, reluctantly, (y/n) nods. "I love you." He whispers to her. "I love you, too." She said and he leans down to her and gives her a kiss.
Arthur breaks the kiss then leans his forehead against hers as she closes her eyes, trying to hold back the tears. They stay like that for a few seconds then he pulls away from her, reluctantly, and helps her up on Sadie's horse as Sadie gets on her horse. 
He mounts his horse, puts his hat on and takes off back to camp at Beavers Hollow while Sadie and (y/n) head off to Copperhead Landing.
"Get them bags packed up quick, Miss Grimshaw. Come on...all of you. " Micah ordered as Grimshaw, Bill and Micah's boys were packing up the camp while Dutch was sitting in his tent. Javier was on lookout. "Well, we're doing out best." Grimshaw yelled at Micah. "Hurry, we ain't got long...hurry!" Micah barks.
"We just got plenty of time, Micah." Arthur said as he comes up to camp. Everyone turns to see him and they all seem surprised to see him here. "We all need to have a little chat." Arthur said as he dismounts from his horse. "Morgan, you're back. Hooray." Micah said, sarcastically, but Arthur ignores him as he heads over to Dutch, who stands up and walks up to the entrance of his tent.
"I just saw Agent Milton, Dutch. (Y/n) shot him. She's okay...not that you care too much about that." Arthur said then he glares over at Micah and his boys. "You rats...all of you." Arthur spat at them then he addresses Dutch again as he still continues to stare at Micah.
"Seems old Micah was pretty close with Milton." Arthur revealed. "What the hell are you talking about, cowpoke?" Micah asked him, in a low voice. "You talked." Arthur replied. "That's a damn lie." Micah said then Arthur turns to Dutch, who looked as though he didn't know who to believe.
"Dutch..." Arthur pleads.
"Dutch...think of the future." Micah said.
"Milton told me." Arthur said to Dutch, who looks between the two, as Micah chuckles. "And you believe him, cowpoke? You believe him?" Micah asked him. "It all makes sense now." Arthur said as he and Micah glare at each other. "No...it damn well doesn't." Micah said.
At that moment, Arthur pulls out his gun and aimed it at him just as Micah, Bill, Cleet and Joe aim there guns back at him. "Dutch...think!" Arthur said, not taking his eyes off of Micah, waiting to see who will make the first move. "Dutch...be practical now." Micah said and Dutch looks between the two men for a moment until a voice calls out.
Everyone looks over and sees John, injured but alive, walking up to them, his right hand placed on his left shoulder. "John?!" Bill exclaimed, confused, as John walks into camp. "You left me...you left me to die!" John yells at Dutch. "My boy..." Dutch said as he walks out of his tent. "I didn't have a choice. John, I didn't..." Dutch stammers while John glares at him, a mixture of anger, hurt and betrayal in his eyes.
"I didn't have a choice."
"Left me!" John yells, finishing his sentence, and Dutch's face turned from concern and apologetic to one of hate and anger.
"All of you...you pick your side now, because this is over." Arthur said then he turns to look at Dutch. "All them years, Dutch...for this snake?" Arthur asked as he gestures at Micah with his gun. "Oh, be quiet, cowpoke. Be quiet. You live in the clouds." Micah spat at him. "No. You be quiet, Mr Bell...and put down your gun." Grimshaw said as she walks up next to Arthur, aiming her rifle at Micah.
Javier comes running back into camp, worried and panicked. "There’s Pinkertons coming, fast." Javier said which distracted Grimshaw. Micah took this moment and shot Grimshaw in the area that was under her chest but above her stomach, she falls to the ground and this made Arthur grip his gun tighter and aimed at Micah.
Furious, Dutch pulls out his dual pistols and starts to aim it at everyone. "Now! Who amongst you...is with me...and who, is betraying me?" Dutch asked as he walks out between the two groups of men while Grimshaw cries out her last breath and dies.
John walks over to Arthur while Micah, Cleet, Joe, Bill, and Javier go stand behind Dutch. All of them aiming their guns at John and Arthur, except for Javier who had his gun aimed at the sky as he really didn't want to hurt and kill Arthur and John. They were his brothers and his family. But...he was loyal to Dutch.
"Bill, Javier....think, think for yourselves." Arthur pleads to them. "He's lying....he's lying!" Micah growls. 
But before a shootout could happen, a commanding voice shouts. "Put your guns down!" It was the Pinkertons and they started firing at the gang. "Damn it! Move!" Dutch yells and everyone ducks down and takes cover. "You ready, John?" Arthur asked him as they hide behind a couple of large crates. "Yeah." John said and he and Dutch's crew all fire back at the Pinkertons.
"Dutch, we gotta go!" Micah shouts then he turns to Arthur. "They're all yours, Morgan!" He yells and he and the others run off, making some of the Pinkertons chase after them. 
"Come in, Arthur! Into the caves. Quick!" John shouts and the two run into the caves. They run through and navigate through it as they hear some of the Pinkertons coming in. "Those bastards left me to die!" John growls. "Seems that's what they do now." Arthur shout as they find a ladder and climb up it.
"Micah was the rat, John. Milton told me." Arthur told him. "We should've killed him months ago." John said as they climb up on some cliffs and platforms which lead them to another ladder. They climb up on it and it lead them back outside into the woods. 
They run through it then both of them whistle for their horses. "Abigail's safe...so's Jack." Arthur tells John. "Where are they?" John asked, worried. "I'll take you to 'em. They're at Copperhead Landing with Sadie and (y/n)." Arthur tells him. John takes his hand and shakes it. "Thank you, brother." He said and Arthur nods just as their horses show up.
They get on their horses and take off as they hear gunfire all around them. It sounded like a war was going on, the way that the guns were going off. Dutch and his gang were there fighting the Pinkertons and they seemed to be causing more problems as John and Arthur were able to avoid at least a good chunk of the Pinkertons.
They make their way through woods and started to make their way up a hill when a couple of Pinkertons come out and shoot both John's and Arthur's horses. The two men fall off but get up quickly and kill the two men.
Arthur turns back around and see that John's horse was dead but his horse was still somewhat alive, but not for long. Upset, Arthur goes over to his horse and kneels down next to him. "Come on, brother...let's go." John said as Arthur pets his horse, comforting the creature on its last moments of life.
"Gimme a second." Arthur said as he pets his horse, soothingly. "Come on...push, Arthur." John said. Arthur leans into the horse's ear and whispers. "Thank you." Then gets up as the horse let's out its final breath.
"Come on, Arthur. Let's go." John said and Arthur walks over to him but stops and looks out to his left. "What is it?" John asked. "What about the money?" Arthur asked him after a couple of moment of silence. "If we head back there, Arthur, we're dead. I've got a family and you got a family." John said as Arthur looks out at the woods.
As nice as it would be to have extra money, John was right. They had a family to get back too and they couldn't risk going back to the camp, if they weren't killed by Pinkertons then Dutch would surely get to them. 
"You're right....you're right." Arthur said as he nods. "Let's go." He said and they take off running. "We need to get to higher grounds." John said as they come up to a large cliff and they start to run up it, while below they could hear gunshots.
"Don't worry about them, they'll just be going back for the money. We need to get the hell out of here." John shouts and they go up and around the mountain then up the cliff when they see some Pinkertons coming around and shoot at them.
The two hide behind some large rocks and fire back at them. Once they were in the clear, the two run off again and make their way to the cliff. But, suddenly, John was tackled by Micah, who somehow gotten to the cliff and jumped down on John. John was dazed by this attack while Arthur runs at Micah.
Micah and Arthur struggled for a bit then Micah shoves Arthur against a wall. "I got you now, cowpoke!" Micah yells. "You rat! You rat!" Arthur shouts, angrily. "I'm a...survivor, Morgan...a survivor!" Micah said as he punches Arthur in the face. "That's all there is...living and dying." Micah said and he was about to punch Arthur again when he was pulled away from Arthur by John.
John and Micah fight for a bit as Arthur spits out blood when both John and Micah fall off the edge of the cliff they were on. "John!" Arthur shouts and he runs over to the cliff, only to see they had fallen onto another cliff that was just a few feet below.
Arthur jumps down and goes to help John up when Micah gets up and starts to chuckle. "You two don't know how much I've longed to do this." Micah said. "We could say the same thing about you." John said once he stands up.
Then the three started to fight. Punches and kicks were thrown about between the three men, John and Arthur seemed to get the upperhand on Micah until Micah grabs onto John again and punches him several times then headbutts John, knocking him out.
Now it was just Micah and Arthur.
Micah and Arthur punch at each other and block each other’s blows. Micah then grabs onto Arthur and slams him against the rock wall and start to punch him in the face and the stomach. "Maybe once I'm done with you and Marston, I'll go pay (y/n) and lil Annebeth a visit. Maybe (y/n) and I will have a good time." Micah taunts and this lights a fire in Arthur.
Arthur blocks Micah's next blows then goes and tackles Micah down on the ground. Arthur gets on top of him and started to throw punches at Micah's face, and he didn't stop. All Arthur could see was red as he continuously punched Micah, letting out his anger onto the man that was the cause of all of this.
"Arthur..." a voice said but Arthur wasn't paying attention.
"Arthur..." No response as he keeps punching Micah.
Arthur stops, his fist raised, and he looks over and sees John standing there. "He's had enough." John said and Arthur looks down and sees Micah's bruised and bloody face, his nose broken as blood gushes out of it. Then he raises his head and looks at his blood soaked fist.
He looks back down at Micah as Micah groans. The anger had disappeared from Arthur then he lowers his fist and stands up. "There! Up on the ridge!" A Pinkerton agent shouts and John and Arthur look towards the direction of the voice, which sounded far off and below the mountain.
"Come on, brother. Just leave him." John said to Arthur. Arthur nods and the two run off, leaving a battered and bruised Micah behind. Micah coughs and groans as he slowly turns to his side and sees the two men disappear around the corner of the ridge.
He coughs up and spits out some blood as he gets up on his hands and knees. He hears footsteps and he lets out a sigh, thinking it was Pinkertons. He raises his head up to see who it was but he lets out a small laugh as it wasn't Pinkertons.
It was Dutch.
Meanwhile, at Copperhead Landing, Abigail, Sadie, (y/n) and the kids were there, keeping a lookout for Arthur. Tilly had left after Sadie and (y/n) showed up and said her goodbyes as she takes off on her horse. 
The women and the kids stood by as they look around in every direction just to catch any glimpse of Arthur. (Y/n)'s heart started to beat hard in her chest as the first rays of the sun started to peek through the sky. 
She bites her lips and feels the lump in her throat as she keeps her eyes trained ahead of herself. "I-I think I see someone." Sadie said and (y/n) looks over and sees a couple of figures ahead. "Is it Arthur?" She asked. "I don't know. It..looks like two people." Sadie said. "Pinkertons." Abigail asked and Sadie shrugs while (y/n) pulls out binoculars from Sadie's horse saddle bag.
She holds them up and looks over at the figures. She was able to recognize Arthur but she was completely shocked at the person that was standing next to Arthur. "Oh my God." She whispers. "What?" Sadie and Abigail said and (y/n) lowers the binoculars.
"It's Arthur...and...John's with him." She said, flabbergasted. "What?!" Sadie and Abigail said, shocked. "Are you serious? Micah and Arthur said he was dead." Abigail asked (y/n). "I'd never joke about this, Abigail." (Y/n) said and Abigail gasps then turns her head towards the figures as they get closer.
(Y/n) places her hands over her mouth as the figures come closer and she could see that they were indeed Arthur and John. Soft sobs escape as she felt immense amount of reassurance coursing through her veins.
Abigail sobs as well when the men get closer to them. "John!" Abigail exclaims as she runs to him and they embrace. (Y/n) ran towards Arthur and she runs into his arms, his arms wrapped around her waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. "You made it! You're alive!" She cried, softly. "Told you I'd come back to you." Arthur whispers to her.
"Dad!" Jack shouts as he runs to John and they hug. 
"Daddy!" Annebeth said as Arthur and (y/n) pull out of their embrace. Annebeth runs towards Arthur and he kneels down, holding his arms out and she runs into them. "Is it...is it over?" Annebeth asked Arthur as John and (y/n) share a quick hug. "Yes...it’s over." Arthur said and he hugs her, tightly, then he looks over at the others and couldn't help but feel proud and happy that he was able to get the people he loved and cared for out of this mess.
And everything was perfect.
@starjane312 @trinswhimsys @reiya-djarin
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diarioparanormal · 4 years
Los Demonios más Conocidos y más Peligrosos
La tradición católica define a los demonios como “ángeles caídos que pecaron”, seres espirituales que se rebelaron contra Dios (2 Pedro 2:4). 
El primer ángel que se convirtió en demonio fue Satanás, quien antes de convertirse en el príncipe del inframundo fue un hermoso árcangel llamado Luzbel o “portador de luz”, el cual, debido a su orgullo y junto a un tercio de las legiones angélicas que habían decidido seguirlo, fue precipitado para siempre a los infiernos.
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En Apocalipsis (12, 7-10) se cuenta que “en ese momento empezó una batalla en el Cielo: Miguel y sus Ángeles combatieron contra el monstruo. El monstruo se defendía apoyado por sus ángeles, pero no pudieron resistir, y ya no hubo lugar para ellos en el Cielo. Echaron, pues, al enorme monstruo, a la serpiente antigua, al diablo o Satanás, como lo llaman, al seductor del mundo entero, lo echaron a la tierra y a sus ángeles con él”.
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El poeta inglés John Milton, en su obra “El Paraíso Perdido”, que describe la lucha entre el enigmático Satanás y los arcángeles de la Divina Providencia por el alma del hombre, nos relata que el diablo, cuando era un arcángel tan bello que era llamado el Hijo de la Aurora o Lucero del alba, “creyó igualarse al Altísimo, si el Altísimo se le oponía, y con ambicioso intento levantó en el cielo impía guerra contra el trono y el reino de Dios y orgulloso batalló con loco intento. Pero el Soberano Poder lo precipitó de cabeza, ardiendo desde la bóveda etérea, en espantosa combustión y ruina, hasta el abismo de una perdición sin fin, para que yaciera allí entre cadenas adamantinas y fuego eterno el que se había atrevido a medir su poder con el Omnipotente. Vencido quedó, rodando con su horrible turba en el abismo encendido, nueve veces el espacio que mide el día y la noche a los mortales; confundido pero inmortal, porque su destino lo reservaba para cólera mayor, pues ahora, tanto el recuerdo de la felicidad perdida como el de la pena eterna lo devoran. Pasea alrededor con sus ojos extraviados que atestiguan inmenso desaliento y aflicción, unidos a un orgullo indomable y a un odio endurecido”.
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Milton agrega que “de un solo golpe, y tan lejos como la mirada del ángel penetra, descubre la tristísima región desierta y desolada: un calabozo horrible, por todas partes como una inmensa fragua encendida; pero aquellas llamas no proyectaban luz, sino más bien una oscuridad visible que servía únicamente para descubrir escenas de dolor, regiones de tormento; sombras tenebrosas donde la paz y el descanso nunca habitan, donde la esperanza nunca viene…Tal es el lugar que la justicia eterna había preparado para los rebeldes”.
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El poeta añade que el archienemigo, por eso llamado en el cielo Satanás, “pronto descubre allí a los compañeros de su caída, sepultados entre las corrientes y los torbellinos de una tempestad de fuego, y revolcándose a su lado el que fue su segundo en el poder y en el crimen, conocido mucho tiempo después en Palestina como Belcebú”.
Belcebú, cuyo nombre significa etimológicamente “señor de la gran morada” o “señor del abismo”, es entonces el segundo jerarca infernal en importancia tras Satanás. Y en sus formas alegóricas toma a veces una apariencia colosal; de rostro hinchado, coronado con una cinta de fuego, cornudo, negro y amenazante, peludo y con alas de murciélago.
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Belcebú, también conocido como Baal, es sindicado por los demonólogos como uno de los siete príncipes del infierno y el que representa el pecado capital de la gula. 
Su nombre deriva de ba’ al zebuh, un término despectivo que los hebreos utilizaban para burlarse de los templos donde era adorado este personaje infernal, que estaban repleto de moscas, debido a la carne pútrida que dejaban sus fieles. 
Por ello también era conocido como “señor de las moscas”. El exorcista del siglo XVII Michaelis Sebastien afirma que Belcebú es uno de los tres ángeles caídos más importantes junto con Satanás y Leviatán, mientras que algunas obras ocultistas afirman que forma junto Lucifer y Astaroth la “falsa trinidad”. 
Y, según los antiguos inquisidores, este duque infernal era el señor y el maestro de los sabbaths de las brujas.
Junto a Satanás y Belcebú, la tradición católica identifica a otros cinco demonios que integran el réprobo grupo de los siete príncipes del infierno: Mammón, Belfegor, Leviathán, Asmodeo y Amon.
Mammón, cuyo nombre significaría “hijo del demonio”, es el demonio de la avaricia, codicia y materialismo. 
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Santo Tomás de Aquino describió metafóricamente el pecado de la avaricia como “Mammón, que era ascendido desde el infierno por un lobo, viniendo a inflamar el corazón humano con su avaricia”. 
Asimismo, se alude a él en “El Paraíso perdido” de John Milton, en donde se lo ve como un ángel que, gozando de los privilegios de estar en el cielo, lo único que contempla de sus bellezas es el oro con que están hechas las calles de la ciudad divina. 
En la versión de Milton, Mammón fue el encargado de sembrar en el hombre la codicia de excavar la tierra para extraer de ella sus tesoros.
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El erudito jesuita Peter Binsfeld asegura que mammón, como uno de los “siete príncipes del infierno”, es un demonio ante el cual se arrodillan todos aquellos esclavos del dinero que habitan en el mundo consumista de la actualidad. 
En Mateo 6:19-21.24 la Biblia advierte lo siguiente: “No os hagáis tesoros en la tierra, donde la polilla y el orín corrompen y donde ladrones minan y hurtan. Porque donde esté vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón. Ninguno puede servir a dos señores; porque o aborrecerá al uno y amará al otro, o estimará al uno y menospreciará al otro. No podéis servir a Dios y a Mammón”.
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Belfegor, en tanto, es el demonio de la pereza y todas las manifestaciones que la acompañan: la desidia, el conformismo y la comodidad que conduce a la inercia de la mediocridad. 
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Conocido también como “el señor de la apertura”, Belfegor suele incitar a caminos fáciles y poco éticos. 
También ha sido sindicado como un demonio que ayuda a la gente a hacer descubrimientos, seduciéndola a través de inventos ingeniosos que supuestamente les proporcionarán riquezas. 
Según demonólogos del siglo XVI, su poder es más fuerte en abril y en el signo aries. 
Belfegor es representado como un demonio musculoso con nariz grande, de varios metros de estatura, con una barba larga, cuernos, con cara de viejo , unos pies de lobo y unas garras sucias y largas.
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Leviatán, por su parte, cuyo nombre en hebreo significa “envuelto, enrollado o tortuoso”, es uno de los demonios más citados en la Biblia. 
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Es un demonio acuático asociado a la envidia muy difícil de exorcizar, aunque para muchos interpretes es una forma simbólica del mismo satanás. 
Él es el “dragón que está en el mar” del que habló el profeta Isaías, la serpiente antigua, el terrible “amo demonio de los océanos” referido en el Diccionario Infernal de Collin de Plancy. 
En los libros malditos de origen acadio, sumerio y cananeo, leviatán aparece como un monstruo marino descomunal, en el que los exégetas han creído ver al diablo como destructor incesante de la creación divina. 
El profeta Isaías, en Isaías, 27-1, recurre al leviatán para anunciar el horrible castigo que impondrá la Providencia a los enemigos de Israel: “Aquel día castigará Yahvé, con su espada pesada, grande y poderosa, al leviatán, serpiente huidiza; al leviatán, serpiente tortuosa, y matará al dragón que está en el mar…”.
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Asmodeo, por su parte, es llamado “el demonio de la lujuria”, el demonio de los pecados carnales, el ser que se encarga de llevar a los hombres a las turbias aguas de la lascivia, el espíritu impuro que disfruta incitando la infidelidad y destruyendo noviazgos y matrimonios. 
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Asmodeo aparece mencionado en el Testamento de Salomón: “Soy llamado asmodeo entre los mortales, y mi negocio es conspirar contra los recién casados de modo que no se conozcan. Yo los quebraré con varias calamidades. Me arrebata la belleza de las vírgenes y anhelo sus corazones…Yo transporto a los hombres a los lapsos de la locura y el deseo cuando ellos tienen sus propias esposas, así ellos las abandonan y se escapan de día y de noche con otras que pertenecen a otros hombres, con el resultado de que incurren en el pecado y caen en actos criminales”.
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Dentro de las fábulas de la biblia hebrea, Asmodeo es el demonio de la ebriedad y lujuria, el que disfruta de estrangular a las novias en su noche de bodas dentro de la recámara nupcial, evitando así que consumen su amor. 
El demonólogo holandés Johann Wier lo describió como “el banquero de la mesa de bacará en el infierno” y también el que controla todas las casas de apuestas en la tierra. 
De acuerdo con el texto “La llave menor de Salomón” este demonio, que fue vencido por el árcangel Rafael, detesta el agua y las aves porque le recuerdan a Dios. 
En el libro mágico “Lemegeton”, Asmodeo es descrito como una entidad con torso humano y 3 cabezas: una de carnero, un toro y un ogro, figuras todas asociadas comúnmente con lo licencioso, que cabalga un dragón portando una lanza. 
En el Diccionario Infernal escrito por Collin de Plancy, Asmodeo también tiene piernas de gallo, un ave conocida por su vigor sexual; además posee una cola de serpiente y cabalga un león con cuello y alas de dragón, criaturas que están asociadas con el deseo y venganza.
Amon, el demonio de la ira, es el último príncipe del infierno, un marqués infernal que a veces se le representa como un hombre con cabeza de búho, y otras como un hombre con cabeza de lobo y cola de serpiente. 
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También conocido como el ángel de la muerte, su nombre significa “aquél que induce a la ira y asesinato”. 
Johann Wier, en su obra “Pseudomonarchia daemonum” (1583) dice que Amon o Aamon “es un gran y poderoso marqués que entiende todas las cosas pasadas y por venir, procura favores y reconcilia a ambos, amigos y enemigos, y gobierna cuarenta legiones de demonios”.
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Anton Szandor LaVey (1930-1997), conocido como el Papa Negro, autoproclamado sacerdote de la Iglesia de Satán, y autor de la Biblia Satánica, explicó una vez que “los teólogos han catalogado algunos de los nombres de diablos en sus listas de demonios, pero la lista siguiente contiene los nombres más efectivamente utilizados en rituales satánicos”. 
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Según LaVey, además de Asmodeo y Belcebú, estos demonios eran Astaroth, Azazel, Balaam, Behemot, Cimeries y Damballa:
-Astaroth: célebremente conocido como el “gran duque del Infierno”, su casta comparte estatus con la primera jerarquía demoníaca, que involucra a los poderosos Belcebú y Lucifer. 
Es un demonio de primera jerarquía que seduce por medio de la pereza, la vanidad y las filosofías racionalistas. 
En el Diccionario infernal, Astaroth es dibujado como un hombre desnudo con manos y pies de dragón y un par de alas con plumas, llevando una corona, sosteniendo una serpiente con una mano y cabalgando sobre un lobo o un perro con alas de dragón. 
Su gran enemigo es San Bartolomé, el santo que puede proteger contra él porque venció sus tentaciones.
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-Azazel: es el líder de aquellos ángeles caídos que fornicaron con mujeres mortales y dieron a luz una raza de gigantes, conocida como Nephilim. 
Enseñó a los hombres cómo fabricar armas de guerra y a las mujeres el ocultismo y el uso de cosméticos. 
Su nombre alude, en el Judaísmo rabínico, al nombre del macho cabrío que era enviado al desierto en el Día de la Expiación cargando los pecados de los israelitas para así purificar el Tabernáculo.
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-Balaam: En demonología, abalam (también balaam o balan) es un poderoso duque o príncipe infernal que manda sobre cuarenta legiones de demonios. Da perfectas respuestas sobre el pasado, presente y futuro, y también puede hacer al hombre invisible e ingenioso. 
Es representado con tres cabezas: una cabeza es la cabeza de un toro, la segunda de un hombre y la tercera de un carnero. 
Tiene ojos ardientes y la cola de una serpiente. Porta un halcón en su puño y cabalga un fuerte oso. En otras ocasiones se presenta como un hombre desnudo cabalgando un oso.
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-Behemot: también conocido como bégimo, este demonio de origen hebreo y características metamórficas, es sumamente poderoso y capaz de adoptar la forma de una bestia, como un elefante monstruoso, aunque muchos lo relacionan con un hipopótamo, un rinoceronte o un búfalo. 
Mencionado en Job 40:15-24, metafóricamente, su nombre se ha llegado a usar para designar cualquier entidad poderosa y extremadamente grande.
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-Cimeries: también conocido con el nombre de cimejes, este demonio es un marqués del infierno, descrito como un guerrero enorme, montado en un caballo negro y escoltado por 20 legiones demoníacas. 
Es además el gobernante de todos los espíritus africanos. Y puede enseñar Gramática, Lógica y Retórica, teniendo también el poder de revelar cosas ocultas.
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-Damballa: esta deidad demoníaca y primitiva, deriva de los orígenes del vudú africano. Se mueve lenta y sigilosamente, pero es capaz de realizar movimientos repentinos y extremadamente veloces. 
Se especula con que la palabra “zombie” deriva de la palabra “nzambi”, que significa dios en referencia a Damballa. Iconográficamente, se le representa como una monstruosa serpiente que reside en el primer lugar en el altar haitiano.
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El poeta John Milton, además de los demonios ya mencionados, menciona a otros peligrosos espíritus infernales, como Moloch, dios de origen canaanita que fue adorado por los fenicios, cartagineses y sirios y que era considerado el símbolo del fuego purificante. 
Identificado por los griegos y romanos como Cronos y Saturno, respectivamente, generalmente Moloch era representado como una figura humana con cabeza de carnero o becerro, sentado en un trono y con una corona u otro distintivo de realeza, como un báculo. 
Los sacrificios preferidos por Moloch eran los niños, especialmente los bebés, por ser los seres más impregnados de materia.
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Milton dice de él que era un “monstruoso rey salpicado con la sangre de sacrificios humanos y las lágrimas de las madres, bien que el ruido atronador de sus tambores y timbales no deje oír los gritos de sus hijos que pasan por medio del fuego hacia el horrendo ídolo”.
John Milton también menciona a Belial, cuyo nombre significa “rebelde o desobediente”, y que recibe los apelativos de “señor de la arrogancia”, “señor de orgullo” y “el hijo del infierno”. 
Vierio, en su revista de la monarquía de Satán, asegura que Belial, “uno de los reyes del infierno, fue creado inmediatamente después de Lucifer, y que arrastró a la mayor parte de los ángeles a la revolución, y fue también uno de los primeros que fueron arrojados del paraíso”.
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Respecto de belial, que también ha sido llamado el demonio de la sodomía, pues era venerado en la bíblica ciudad de Sodoma (destruida por una lluvia de fuego y azufre debido a la conducta pecaminosa de sus habitantes) el poeta inglés escribe que “espíritu más impuro nunca cayó del cielo, ni más impúdico para amar el vicio por el vicio mismo. No se elevó en su honor templo alguno ni humeaba ningún altar; pero ¿Quién se halla con más frecuencia en los templos y los altares, cuando el sacerdote reniega de Dios, como renegaron los hijos de Elí, que mancharon la casa divina con sus violencias y prostituciones? Reina también en los palacios, en las cortes y en las corrompidas ciudades donde el escandaloso estruendo de ultrajes y de improperios se eleva sobre las más altas torres y cuando la noche tiende su manto por las calles, ve vagabundear por ellas a los hijos de belial, repletos de insolencia y vino”.
Fuante: guioteca. 
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shittybundaskenyer · 3 years
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𝐂���𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈.   — 𝓖𝓻𝓲𝔃𝔃𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓔𝓪𝓼𝓽      |     𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏  — The Goddess of War, Morrigan Marlowe I.
pairing: Arthur Morgan x Morrigan Marlowe (OC)
summary: She saved him and with that he saved her in return. It was a strange symbiosis, like wildflowers in a fruitless garden, alluring curious bees. He made her garden bloom.  —  Arthur Morgan thought he was done with living, but in a gentle golden sunrise, on that cursed mountain, he's rescued by a mysterious woman. 
warnings: descriptions of injuries and sickness, blood, Arthur has TB, some self-hatred and unkind thoughts
There’s a wolf. 
Between gently swaying raspberry vines and dried grass its eyes glint. Golden, with a hint of forest green. He can see it clearly, even though his vision is getting cloudy with stinging tears that are forcing their way through until they can escape from the corners of his eyes. He was never a man who cried easily but the happenings of those last few hours are starting to clear in his mind, and loneliness is slowly sinking its sharp claws into his barely beating heart. 
The wolf scents the air, maybe it smells his fear now, or the lingering gunsmoke the wind stirs towards its way. Will it rip his throat out? That would be at least quicker than slowly choking on his own blood. 
But the wolf doesn’t move like it would attack. It just watches him, cautiously stepping closer until he can feel its fur brushing the torn up knuckles on his right hand. It brushes its muzzle over the ripped fabric of his shirt where a bullet grazed his shoulder and where Micha's punches start to bruise a dark reddish purple. 
He feels blood mingling with the tears on his cheeks, a salty copper taste lingering in his mouth as he gasps for air. The wolf snarls, but not threatening, drawing closer to his face. 
Their eyes meet and the sun slowly creeps over the horizon, painting the landscape purple and golden in the early morning mist. Arthur's chest hurts, so much that he can barely catch his next breath. The wolf sniffs his face and for a second they inhale the same air. Its ears flatten, golden eyes meeting his. 
There's something in its gaze, a warmth almost, like when he would look at sunlight filtering through the canopy of a forest on a hot summer day and let it gently caress his face.
Arthur struggles for another breath, even more desperate now. He starts shaking, wrecked by sobs and pain and the need to fill his lungs with the air that is barely pushing past his throat. The wolf nudges him then, places its head between his collarbone and neck, bares its teeth and he thinks now, it will tore his flesh open. 
He tries to reach for the light fur that grows on the wolf's head but he doesn't have that power in him anymore. His hand lies limp over his stomach, absentmindedly pressing down on a wound to slow the bleeding. Not that it would mean too much. 
His vision starts to go black around the edges but it's not from the wolf's attack. It just… rests there, like it would listen to his breathing, the slowing beats of his heart, until it rises and stomps its large paw on his chest, flaring up the pain from broken ribs again. He wheezes and the wolf growls, almost annoyed. It circles him and pushes its head under his arm and shoulder and turns him to his side. It's even worse now, the pain and the lack of air, and he moves as the wolf pleases, too weak, so goddamn weak.
The wolf rams its head into his back, making him cough until a thick patch of reddened spit and phlegm leaves his mouth. He can feel blood trickle down from his nose and he retches, helpless, and spits again.
There now, he can gulp down a breath. 
It doesn’t let him rest. Hits him with its paw and nose, bares its teeth when their eyes meet after the reddened saliva dribbles down his chin. He’s too tired to do this, too weak to keep on breathing, but the most animalistic instincts of him and the wolf doesn’t allow him his final rest, not yet. So he wheezes and coughs and chokes until he calms down, until the wolf looks at him once more, with the rising sun glinting in its eyes, and rests its head on his aching chest, huffing a warm breath over his jaw. 
Sunrise paints the landscape golden and under, the misty forests a warm reddish-purple. The world is quiet, only his tired breaths are mingling with the quietly whistling wind that twists and turns around the Grizzlies and the old, crooked pine trees. A whitetail buck grazes not too far, the sunshine glinting on his antlers. He raises his head and Arthur and the wolf stare back at him until he turns and jumps, disappearing between frost-kissed blackberry bushes. 
The wolf and the sun warms him, caressing his face and pained body, gently lulling him until the sky turns into pink, purple, and then a brilliant blue. 
He can’t keep his eyes open anymore. 
 When he wakes the wolf is gone but there's a woman. 
He's in a room, laying in a bed that is covered with something soft, maybe a pelt. His senses are still muddled, but they slowly creep back to him. The ache in his body is still present, breathing is still a struggle. The light coming from a hearth and a kerosene lamp is making him blink back tears, but with his hazy vision he notices the woman quietly busying herself with brewing something, and the air is heavy with the sweet smell of burning herbs. 
And then he coughs.
The coughing fit wrecks his body, makes him gasp for air between spitting up blood and choking on it. It stains the fur he's laying on, and drips down the corner of his mouth, disappearing in his beard. 
The woman drops the kettle she was holding and rushes to him, carefully pulling him by his uninjured arm to lay on his side. He spits again, the blood finally clearing from his mouth while she holds him in place with one hand and hits his back with the other until he coughs up the mucus that's choking him. 
Arthur goes limp when it's over, wheezing in painful breaths while she regards his face and the stained pelt under his head. She reaches for his overgrown hair and brushes it out of his face, her gaze meeting his. She has doe eyes that glint golden in the light of the dimmed kerosene lamp placed on his bedside. He doesn't recognize her but somehow he feels he knows her at the same time. Maybe from another life. 
"Better now?" she asks quietly while she places his hand on the bed and gently lays him back. 
Arthur tries to speak but only a tired groan leaves his lips while a string of bloodstained saliva dribbles down his chin. He tries again.
"Not much," his voice is so quiet that only a whisper of a gentle breeze could blow the words away. But she listens and lays her palm flat on his forehead. His skin is clammy there, probably the result of a fever, and she clicks her tongue disappointedly, confirming his assumption. "If—If I may ask," he rasps out, trying to be polite, even if speaking feels like being stabbed in the throat every second, "where am I, Miss?"
She pulls back her hand and glances towards the window on the far wall for a minute, where blinking stars and an inky black sky is visible through the glass, and then back to his eyes. 
"Found ya half-dead while I was huntin'. You're in my home now, up in the Grizzlies." 
Arthur just nods and closes his eyes, not having the energy to keep them open anymore. The woman pulls back for a little and when she returns he feels a cool, wet rag on his forehead, and soon after, her hands again, sneaking under his head to keep him upright while a tin cup is lifted to his lips. He forces himself to look up at her when he feels the fresh water hitting his tongue. 
She’s a bit surprised when he grabs the cup she’s still holding, his palm wrapping around hers so he can drink all of the water. When he’s done she doesn’t pull away immediately, but regards his face, the scars and blackened bruises still lingering there. The blood on his chin over an old, jagged scar. 
“Why did ya bring me here?” he rasps, every word a stinging pain to form. She looks down for a moment, at his bruised hand that carefully releases hers. The tin cup is empty. 
“Guess life ain't done with you yet.” 
That's all she says and he sighs, regretting it the next moment as his lungs try to expand, so tired, so weak. He stifles another cough into the fur he stained with blood earlier.
“You’re wrong, Miss. I’m as good as dead.” 
Her face turns a bit worried, but she tells him she saw him fighting on that mountain. That after all he did she couldn't let him die while those other men in black swarmed the place like rats to search through the dead. 
His face falls at that, a frown drawing his brows together while she watches him. He tells her that she got herself into something that could kill her. She answers with a sad, bitter smile and that she knows exactly how cruel men could be. He doesn't ask her how or why, he only nods and turns his head to the side where he can see the stars glinting silently outside the window. He knows women who met cruel fates. 
If the Pinkertons didn't find his body, they'd track him down. Milton assured him that he would be hunted to the ends of the earth until the end of time. Agent Milton was dead now, shot down by Abigail when Arthur's strength failed in fighting him off. Still, his voice whispers in his mind regardless. 
Arthur is sure that they'll hunt him down and shoot him like a dog, or make it last like they did with Mac Callander. The sick bastards .
And this woman, they will kill her too. There's no mercy after what happened, no offer for amnesty. Just a gun and a finger on the trigger. 
"If they turn up… They'll kill us, Miss."
"They can try," is her only answer.
She lifts the rag from his forehead, puts it in a bowl of water he can't see from where he's laying, but he can hear it splashing as she wrings out the cloth. The cool touch of the fabric is back in a few seconds while she rises from the chair next to him and her pinky finger accidentally brushes his scarred knuckles as she lifts up the tin cup from his weak grasp. 
Arthur doesn't feel like talking anymore.
 He spends a week sweating out his fever. The woman brews him herbal teas that taste awful and knock him out cold within five minutes. She feeds him broth when he's too weak to even lift a spoon and she tends to his wounds and bruises. 
Arthur tried to refuse her help, the food she made for him, the care she gave so willingly. He never could defeat that kindness in her, however stubbornly he tried. She just gave and cared and made sure he was living day after day, not letting him succumb into that self-destructing hole he dug for himself. Arthur marveled at how such a pure soul can still exist in such a cruel world. She told him it's easier when she's alone in the mountains, and that people are kinder here than stuck up city folk. That, he agreed on. 
And now, after each passing day he feels vulnerable. He never had to rely on someone else when he was wounded or sick—he always managed on his own, even stitched his own wounds sometimes. They always left a jagged, ugly scar, but he never had to bother someone else with them. Now, he's furious. But his anger is directed only at himself, his weakness, his foolish self that got himself sick, that worked himself to the ground, that didn't die on that mountain. 
He asks her to stop once, when she's taking out spoonfuls of broth into a bowl. She doesn't understand. Arthur looks at her when she comes closer with the bowl in hand, sitting down next to him on an old wooden chair. He tries to sit up but his broken ribs protest and he sinks back into the bed with an annoyed huff. 
"Why're ya still doin' this?" he asks while she lifts the bowl to his lips. He drinks it, his body fighting, not as stubborn as his stupid mind—it fights to live, because it always fought for that. 
"'Cause you're not gettin' better."
"You know what I mean."
"We're more similar than ya think. I was in your place once. A stranger helped me, and now look at me. I live. And you'll live too," she manages to be so openly honest with him without revealing any real detail about her past. Arthur's beyond curious, but he just takes the bowl from her now, gulps down a mouthful because he feels, for the first time in a month, truly hungry. 
She watches him while he finishes the food, smiles at him when he pulls away the bowl and his upper lip and beard is smeared with the broth. She has a kind smile, a lady's smile that was not born to live in the wilderness like this. 
He wipes his mouth with the back of his palm, the ache in his shoulder flaring up like gasoline poured onto embers.
Arthur realized a few days back that she was the only person who lived here. One night, when he couldn't sleep from the nightmares and his aching chest he listened how she walked around the house, checking the doors and lighting the lantern outside, on the front porch. 
But no one was coming home in the late hours of the night. 
He asks her then, that she lives alone or her family is just away. She looks down, a hint of sadness softening her features before she can hide it behind a fake, barely there smile. They're not coming back. 
"I'm sorry."
It's not pity, not when he's lost so much too. It's more like a deep understanding, a knowledge of hidden wounds that never can heal fully. She looks at him again until their eyes meet and he's confronted with an honesty that usually only mirrors can muster. 
"It was a long time ago now," she tells him while she takes the bowl into her hands, leans back on the creaking chair. Arthur follows her movements with tired, bloodshot eyes. She looks outside, through the small window where the curtains are only half-open, the early morning sky burning behind them in a deep red and purple. 
She rises then, takes the bowl to the washbasin in the other corner of the room. She brews coffee, its familiar scent awakening a comforting warmth in his still aching chest. She offers him a cup, leaves it on his bedside to cool a little while she takes her own and steps out to the front porch, into the sunrise in red.
 She asks his name the next week, when he still doesn't start to heal. Arthur answers her with a bitter smile and his name, so strange now on his tongue that still tastes of coppery blood after coughing. 
"You wanted something to write on my gravestone, ain't ya?" 
"Don't be silly Arthur," she scolds him, walks closer from the stove where she's brewing some new kind of tea. He likes how his name sounds when it rolls down her tongue. It's soft. Strange. After so many other people had said it with hate and anger, it's nice to hear it like he could be a normal person. Not a no-good ugly bastard like him. It's also nice hearing his first name, the one that is stained with a bit less blood than Morgan , the one that shines inky black on every wanted poster from Blackwater to Annesburg.
She sits beside him, on the bed this time, and she checks the cool rag that's draped over his forehead. Her hands smell like various kinds of herbs, of the outside, of the wilderness. Arthur inhales it deeply, fights down a cough while he ignores his aching chest. He misses the outdoors. It's nicer dying in a forest than a bed. It's more fitting for him, too. No outlaw deserves the warmth of a home in his last days. 
"It's still burnin'," she sighs and pulls back her hand. 
"I'm not gonna get better, Miss." Arthur turns towards the window again, where he can see the pine trees basking in the early afternoon sunlight. Frost glimmered on their branches earlier and painted the cobwebs in the corner of the windowframe a shining silver. "I have consumption."
Admitting it to her feels like a mistake, just like being in her house, eating her food, accepting her care. He doesn't deserve all this, not when he has taken so much from kind people like her before. He tried to do good in the end, he tried , but—
"I know," she nods, a hint of sadness sparkling in her eyes. "My Pa had the same symptoms. He had it as well."
He starts to understand now, the things she said about her family. He wants to ask but he bites into his lip instead and nods. She watches him for a moment, her eyes following the tired lines of his face. 
She tells him her name then. Morrigan. Arthur remembers the Irish tales and legends Hosea used to read for him when he was still young and somewhat careless and happy . A Celtic goddess, war and fate and doom and death. How fitting for him. But not for her, not when she's so gentle. She reminds him of Boadicea, another kind soul named after women of war. 
"I've seen enough death, Arthur," she whispers and she stands up from the side of his bed, walks towards the whistling kettle on the stove, but she turns back for a second to look into his eyes and say "I don't wanna see yours too."
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
Shay Hazan Quintet - Nuff Headlines - spiritual jazz with a bit of Gnawa from bassist-led combo (Chant Records)
Bassist and composer Shay Hazan is a mainstay on the vibrant Tel Aviv jazz scene. His new album Nuff Headlines finds him in the leadership role, a rare (although not unheard of) position for a bass player. The quintet is filled out by the two-horn duo of Tal Avraham on trumpet and Eyal Netzer on saxophone, along with Milton Michaeli on piano and Haim Peskoff on drums. Hazan’s musical roots spread far and wide into the magical realm of Moroccan Gnawa music (Hazan often plays gimbri, the traditional three stringed skin-covered bass lute), the new wave of hip hop, and the 1960's Chicago free jazz and human rights movement. These roots all feed the single organism of the band, with Hazan leading from the bottom, anchoring and propelling the music with a force only a bassist can provide. Tal Avraham - trumpet Eyal Netzer - saxophone, zurna Milton Michaeli - piano Shay Hazan - bass, gimbri, percussion Haim Peskoff - drums, percussion Rosa Salmon - vocals (*Old Tart) Nir Tom Sabag - lyrics (*Old Tart) All music by Shay Hazan (ACUM) *Evening Puja by Eyal Netzer* Cover art by Dekel Hevroni
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tealquacks · 5 years
As a sequel of sorts, Lucifer himself welcoming Gabriel to Hell. You can portray the former as pitying his newly Fallen brother, mocking him and being sarcastic and perhaps even feeling triumphant at having obtained one of Heaven's best angels, or even a mix of both.
A demon saw Gabriel hit the sulfur in a huge plume of yellow, the smell of scorched flesh and feather permeating the air. This demon sits on rocky ground, and waits. It takes time.
In Paradise Lost by John Milton, he discribes the watching demon as “than whom, Satan except, none higher sat."
Poets and theologians and occultists alike seem to not know what they represent, Sebastien Michaelis declared this demon was associated with pride. Peter Binsfeild disputed this by saying they were representative of another deadly sin, gluttony. Interestingly, Francis Barrett did not relate them to any sin, instead crowning them the prince of false gods. Most people can agree, however, that this one is a big deal.
Right now, they’re watching Gabriel’s holiness boil away, a little bit of pearlescent smoke rising up back to heaven. They watched, almost giddy.
You may know them as the demon Jesus was accused of evoking to rid people of demonic possession in Luke 11:14–26. You may also know them as The Lord of the Flies (not the book, but they would probably greatly enjoy the events of the book), or you may know them from a single queen lyric, in which they have a devil put aside for the singer.
Regardless of title or status or sin, Beelzebub watched another archangel become a demon. They stood and walked closer to the edge of the sulfur pit, watching Gabriel lay against the bottom of the pool. It was hard to tell what he looked like, what with the swirling roll of sulfur obscuring the surface. They wondered what he would look like, once he breeched the surface. There was no stopping it now, they realized with a smile, he was all out of miracles.
A burnt, clawed hand shot out of the sulfur, digging into the rocky shore. Beelzebub watched, silent but undeniably happy, as Gabriel crawled out of the pit. His hands ended in long, sharp claws, black veins running from his wrists up his arm, rippling with unnaturally strong muscles. His clothes hung in scorched, black tatters over his body, and even his face looked different, covered in odd markings, the jaw slightly larger, almost, like a dog’s. Huge, black wings, four of them, hid the rest of his body. Surprisingly, his eyes were still purple.
Beelzebub’s flies buzzed frantically around them, a chorus of laughter at Gabriel’s expense.
“What’s going on?” He whimpered, looking like a kicked dog, laying down at their feet. The flies cackled along with Beelzebub. They grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up. The look of pure, unadulterated fear was delectable.
“Welcome to hell. There’s someone that wants to see you. Follow me.”
Gabriel looked around with panic filled eyes, but followed like a loyal dog.
The catacombs of hell were lined with sound, demons pressed up against the walls, desperate to see but scared to get close. It was like a crowd watching a parade, Beelzebub proudly marching by, wearing their very best, Gabriel following behind them, wrapped in a pair of his wings, the other pair dragging behind. All around him, they were whispering, louder than Beelzebub’s flies. The ‘parade’ ended at a huge set of doors that opened menacingly, sending the other demons scattering in fear.
Gabriel swallowed. His hands wouldn’t stop shaking, but he couldn’t bare to look at them. He dragged his tongue over his teeth, shuddering when they felt too sharp, too many.
Beelzebub looked at him, then grabbed his arm, yanking him into the room.
It was huge, vaulted ceiling making every single step of theirs echo. Seven thrones, each of them empty, yet still grand even without their occupants in the middle. A figure stood in the center of the rotunda of thrones, clothed in luxurious looking furs, his hair a mess of curls that only yielded to the crown on his head. He turned around.
Gabriel’s breath caught in his throat.
It was him. The Morning Star, the Light Bringer, the fallen Son of the Dawn. The Prince of hell, the demon associated with Pride, the first archangel to fall, smiled.
“Gabriel. It’s good to see you,” he said, rushing to Gabriel. He put his hands on his shoulders, looking over him with a bewildered look on his face. Gabriel couldn’t move, locked in place by fear.
“Hi,” he whispered.
“You look awful.”
Gabriel almost said something, but then Lucifer was slipping off his cloak of furs, draping it over Gabriel. It was warm and comfortably heavy on his shoulders.
“I told you he fell,” Beelzebub said, oddly proud.
Lucifer looked at them, only clad in a simple, black robe.
“Why did he fall?”
“He tried to kill the traitors, Crowley and Aziraphale.”
Lucifer’s eyes went big, and he chuckled. Gabriel flinched.
Gabriel nodded.
“I had a chance, so I took it. I tried to do the right thing.”
“And you ended up here. You see, their side doesn’t care about right or wrong, just good. Sometimes, the right thing isn’t the good thing.”
Gabriel looked down at his feet.
“They deserved to die, for what they did. They went against god.”
“Yet you fell. And I’m glad you did, because I missed you, so, so much.”
Gabriel looked up, eyes wet with tears.
“What happened to Raphael?”
Lucifer’s face went grim.
“We’ll talk about that later. But I have a proposition for you.” He grabbed his arms, leaning down to look him in the eyes. “There’s a position open.”
“What?” Beelzebub said.
“Gabriel,” Lucifer proceeded, “I want you to be the duke of hell.”
“Lucifer-“ Beelzebub screeched, outraged.
What Beelzebub had failed to realize was that even though Gabriel was out of miracles, nepotism existed, even in the depths of hell.
Gabriel blinked, dumbfounded.
“It’s good to see you, Lucy.”
Lucifer smiled. He pulled Gabriel into a hug, a hug that Gabriel reciprocated against his instincts, which screamed at him to run.
“Is that a yes?”
Gabriel buried his face in Lucifer’s shoulder.
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zacklover24 · 5 years
Forgotten west chapter  10
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Summary:  The west was a forgotten place, a time when the land said to be untamable and untouched. A time of gangs and outlaws, a time when the law both good and bad ruled. A time when people did good and bad thing. They lived and they died and time went on, the west was soon forgotten and the gangs that though to rule were long gone and no one could tell who really ruled the land. But this story is about the survival of one gang, and there will and desire to live in changing times. But that didn’t last long soon they were gone and all that was left was broken dreams and broken hope. Time travel au, dealings with the devil, a coming of age story.
Tagging: @dolphinitley, @lokighost, @deputyoneill, @naromoreau, @nykamito-x, @outranks, @trashmouth-skywalker, @thotful-writing
Thank you for your support!
“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” Arthur all but yells at angel. Angel flinched as she sat on her bed.  The air in the camp was tense, everyone was on pins and needles, happy that angel was okay and back alive, but were waiting for arthur to explode from rage. Which he did, to sean and lenny for not keeping a closer eye on angel.  The night before had netted the gang a large score, but even that could not ease the tension.
“I’m sorry, pa I am, but I didn’t think we would going that far from camp, honest.” Angel pleads to him.
“I don’t care angel, you sneaked away from camp, you didn’t tell a soul, you could have gotten hurt or kidnapped. Did you want that?”
“No.” She whispers looking down.
Arthur took in a deep breath, “Angel do you have any idea what could have happened?” He gently asks her.
“I know I could have gotten hurt but I had frost and he killed the cougar.”
“And if you didn’t have frost? Your lucky that frost didn’t die, or something worse.” He asks her, “You could have gotten hurt or died.” Angel looked at him with fear in her eyes,
“I didn’t mean for that to happen, I was just.” She tells him biting her lip.
“I don’t rightly care angel. I just want you to know how dangerous that stunt you pulled was.”
“I do, pa, I do.”
Arthur let out a sigh, as he gently patted angel on the head, “You owe sean, uncle dutch and uncle charles an apology.”
“I know.”
“Good girl.”
“I am sorry, pa, really I am.” Angel pleads to him, while giving arthur a sad smile.
“I know sweetheart, but please don’t do that again?” He asks her.
“I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”  The air in the camp was quite, as everything settled down, that didn’t last long. There was a shut from the edge camp and yelling, followed by a pained growl. Angel didn’t say a word as she bolted towards where the yelling was coming. Micah was looming over frost as the wolf was laying down, trying to heal from his wounds. It looked like micah has tripped over frost as he was walking back from his time on guard. And he didn’t look happy. Angel rushed to stand in front of her pet, as she was casting daggers at micah. The yelling attracted dutch, and hosea as arthur was running up.
“What is the hell do you think your doing?” Dutch asks, watching angel who was shivering in fright as frost was growling.
“That thing dutch. Why the hell is it still here?” Micah questions  pointing his gun at the  pair. “I mean we should just put it out of its damn misery, poor thing might not make it much longer.”
“Lower your gun, micah.” Arthur warns with a cold tone, “I’m not going to ask twice.”
“That thing, is angel pet you know that  Mister. Bell and would you kindly lower your gun? We don’t want you to shoot angel now do we?” Hosea gently asks seeing the tight hold that angel had on frost neck.
“That thing is a beast, and we don’t keep beasts here.” Micah tells dutch putting his gun away.
“The only beast, here is you!” Angel snaps, trying not to shiver.
“What. Did. You. Just. Say?!” Micah hisses glaring daggers at the girl, angel flinched at the cold and harsh tone micah was using.
“You heard me!” Angel snaps again burying her face into the wolf fur, “Your the only monster here, I heard what you did while in strawberry and all the mean comments you make to uncle charles, sean and lenny.”
“You little brat!” Micah yelled raising his hand to hit the girl, angel flinched hard, but micah hand never connected. Arthur was holding micha hand in a vise grip.
“Don’t you dare touch my daughter!” Arthur hisses his nails digging into micah skin droplets of blood hit the ground, “If you ever, and I mean ever try to touch my daughter, there will be hell to pay!”
Micah didn’t flinch or even look scared by arthur warning, “Of course morgan, I would never hurt a hair on the little girl’s head.”
“That goes for the wolf as well.” Arthur warns drawing more blood.
“Of course morgan, of course.” Micah says giving him a fake smile.
“Angel be a dear and go sit with Mrs. Adler, I heard you found a gumbo lilies and made her a necklace from them.” Hosea quickly says, trying to get angel away from the scene in case it turned violent.
Angel gave him a shy smile, “I did, I found a few of them.” She tells him looking between frost and adults.
“It’s fine sweetheart go and show Mrs. Adler your necklace.” Hosea beams watching angel go sit with Mrs Adler at the main campfire, “Now arthur let go of micah and  go meet john in town. He said that he had some sort of job lined up.”
Arthur let out a growl as let go of micah hand and shoved hard, “Fine, I’m going.”
“Good.” Hosea says smiling pulling dutch off back to there shared tent, while casting micah one last look before going.
Angel and sadie soon bonded as the young girl gave her the flower necklace and said had asked if angel could read for her. And for the moment it was all calm till, it wasn’t.
“I don’t understand why we need to move.” Angel asks watching the adults hurrying to pack up camp.
Hosea spared angel a look as the girl was trying to keep out of the way, “Cornwall showed up and made a mess of things.” He tells the girl.
Angel went still and looked very afraid at the mention of that name, “You don’t think he’s still mad do you?” She asks him as hosea was packing up bed rolls.
“Maybe I don’t know angel. But, right now we can’t focus on that, why don’t go and check on frost?” He asks.
“Okay uncle hosea.” She tells him finding frost by the horses, he didn’t look happy to be moving but was otherwise okay. Jack soon joined angel, and the pair started to chat about where they would be moving, arthur had come back to camp but quickly left with charles, she did hear her father tell charles that they would be heading to dewberry creek.
“Dewberry creek? Yuck.” Angel says making a disgusted face.
“Could be nice.” Jack points out.
“Maybe, I did like it here.” Angel mutters petting frost, before any of this had happened, aunt susan had changed frost bandages.
“I wonder how were going to get frost out of here?” Jack asks also petting the wolf.
“Maybe the same way they got uncle john down from  colter?” Angel says tilting her head to the side, “I don’t want to leave him behind.”
“And we're not going to leave him behind.” Dutch tells her with bill and micah. “Gentleman if you would load frost up and we can be on our way.” Bill and micah grumbled but did as they were told.
“Thank you uncle dutch.” Angel says hugging her uncle.
“Your welcome angel, now jack go find your pa, your riding with him and old boy.”
“Yes, uncle dutch.” Jack tells him heading off to find john.
“Can I ride with frost?” Angel asks dutch watching him being loaded into a wagon.
“Your riding with sean.” He tells her pushing her in the direction of sean. “Frost is going to be okay, aunt abigail is going to be watching him along with swanson, he’s going to be okay.”
“Umm okay, I just want him to be okay.” Angel mutters as she found sean. Dutch soon walked off barking orders at uncle.
“There you are dalin’. You ready to go?” Sean asks her, as angel shifted from foot to foot.
“Yea, umm.” She mutters looking down.
“Something wrong darlin’?” He asks seeing how nervous she was.
“Uncle hosea said that cornwall was here, I don’t want to see him. I did something bad.” She admits to sean.
“What did you do darlin’?” He asks her lifting her chain up.
“Cornwall joined me and milton at dinner before I got away and I remembered what aunt karen told me about men at bars, so I tossed my drink at him. And he made me so nervous, he was talking about a lot of bad stuff.” Angel tells him, “I don’t want him hang anyone.” She tells him.
“Oh sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. Were going to leave and that bastard and that town behind it’s going to be okay.” He coos picking her up and hugging her, “We won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“I’m still scared sean.” She admits to him.
“Your going to be okay. We are going to be okay, now come on.” As he mounted his horse and placing angel in front of him. “It’s okay to be afraid angel.”
In the end they didn’t settle at dewberry creek but a place called Clemens Point, and little did anyone know shit was about to get real.
End of line
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Mythology Mondays - Beelzebub
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Beelzebub is known as one of the princes of the seven princes of hell in demonology. He is also known as “Lord of the Flyers”, or “Lord of the Flies”. He has therefore been represented as both an anthropomorphic demon (pictured above) and a fly(pictured below).
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Beelzebub (or Beelzebul) is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a ‘major demon’. The name Beelzebub is also associated with the Canaanite god Baal (whom we will cover in another post). Beelzebub is also used in some Christian mythology as another name for the Devil, similar to Satan. Due to his association with flies and demons with wings, he is regularly described as a flying being.
In Testament of Solomon, it is written that Beelzebul claims to cause destruction through tyrants, force men to worship demons, introduce lust to priests, wreak havoc in cities, inciting murders, and to bring on war. The Testament of Solomon is an Old Testament pseudepigraphical work, purportedly written by King Solomon, in which Solomon mostly describes particular demons whom he enslaved to help build the temple, with substantial Christian interpolations.
Occultist Johan Weyer from the 16th-century described Beelzebub as a high placing demon in Hell’s Hierarchy. He also wrote that Beelzebub led a successful revolt against the Devil. Similarly, 17th-century exorcist Sebastien Michaelis stated Beelzebub is among the three most prominent fallen angels (the other two being Lucifer and Leviathan).
John Milton wrote Beelzebub seemingly as the second-ranking of the many fallen angels in his epic poem Paradise Lost. Milton wrote of Beelzebub, "than whom, Satan except, none higher sat." Beelzebub is also a character in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress.
Sebastien Michaelis associated Beelzebub with the deadly sin of pride. However, according to Peter Binsfeld, Beelzebub was the demon of gluttony, one of the other seven deadly sins, whereas Francis Barrett asserted that Beelzebub was the prince of false gods.
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Within religious circles, the accusation of demon possession has been used as both an insult and an attempt to categorize unexplained behavior. Not only had the Pharisees disparagingly accused Jesus of using Beelzebub's demonic powers to heal people (Luke 11:14–26), but others have been labeled possessed for acts of an extreme nature.
Down through history, Beelzebub has been held responsible for many cases of demonic possession, such as that of Sister Madeleine de Demandolx de la Palud, Aix-en-Provence in 1611, whose relationship with Father Jean-Baptiste Gaufridi led not only to countless traumatic events at the hands of her inquisitors but also to the torture and execution of that "bewitcher of young nuns", Gaufridi himself.
There are 7 relevant verses (source) in the Bible which refer to Beelzebub:
Mark 3:22
The scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, "He is possessed by Beelzebul," and "He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons."
Luke 11:15
But some of them said, "He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons."
Luke 11:18-19
If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul. And if I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? So they will be your judges.
2 Kings 1:2
And Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber which was in Samaria, and became ill. So he sent messengers and said to them, "Go, inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I will recover from this sickness."
Matthew 10:25
"It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household!”
Matthew 12:24
But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, "This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons."
Matthew 10:27
"What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.”
Beelzebub was also imagined to be casting his influence in Salem, Massachusetts: his name came up repeatedly during the Salem witch trials, the last large-scale public expression of witch hysteria in North America or Europe, and afterward, Rev. Cotton Mather wrote a pamphlet, titled Of Beelzebub and his Plot.
In modern culture, the mythology of Beelzebub has also loosely been used in Japanese manga of the same name; Beelzebub. Where it follows the story of a baby found to be the son of a greater demon. 
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Beelzebub’s use in mythology is used as an external excuse for primal feelings amongst humans such as jealousy, lust, and rebellion. Created simply so that people can pass on misdemeanors onto a creature who is unaccountable due to not existing on any real or physical level.
47 notes · View notes
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21/09 - nas Laranjeiras - 10 hs
Gols: Gabriela 10' e 38'; Natasha. 43"; (2T) Rivena 49'; Natasha 56' e 57'; Rayane 73"; Thayná. 97'
Cartões: Nicole, Izadora, Agatha e Cristiane (Bra)
Árbitro: Rejane, auxiliares Fabiana e Rachel
1 Luana; 2 Andressa (16 Patricia, 85'); 3 Thayná; 4 Roberta (11 Daniele, 82'); 18 Andresa (7 Rayane Arruda, 72'); 6 Fernanda; 5 Gabriela; 10 Kelly (13 Mirian. 85'); 8 Rivena (15 Tarciane, 81'); 9 Ariel; 14 Natasha (17 Marcelly, 72')
Suplentes: 5 Gabriela; 16 Patricia; 7 Rayane Arruda; 13 Mirian; 12 Stephany; 17 Marcelly; 11 Daniele; 15 Tarciane; 19 Rayane Soares; 20 Nubia
Tec. Thaissan
1 Raquelle; 20 Leticia; 9 Cristiane; 14 Izadora (27 Giulia, 81'); 5 Rayane; 2 Larissa; 6 Eliana; 8 Thaissa; 15 Paola; 10 Nicole; 11 Agatha (17 Lohanna, 81')
Suplentes: 19 Helen; 27 Giulia; 3 Thalia; 17 Lohanna
Tec. Carlos
21/09 - no Realengo FC - 13 hs
Árbitro: Fabio, auxiliares Matheus e Micaele
16 Julia 13 Erica 18 Nayara 17 Luana; 1 Dayane; 5 Raízes; 7 Thamires; 4 Dayana; 2 Naiara; 10 Andreza; 14 Melissa; 6 Fabiane; 11 Raquel; 8 Lorena; 15 Débora; 20 Beatriz; 3 Thayná; 9 Paula
Tec. Paulo
ROGI MIRIM não compareceu
22/09 - no Luso Brasileiro - 15 hs
Gols: Carolzinha 10'; 29' e 38' (2 T) Rayane Costa. 57', Bia 62'; Thamires (ECAC) 72'; Duda 76'
Cartão: Isabel (Port)
Árbitro: Quintes, auxiliares João e Jessica
1 Jô; 2 Sarah; 3 Cintia; 4 Carol; 5 Joyce (13 Agatha, 79'); 6 Isabel (16 Suzana, 59'); 7 Carolzinha (20 Luiza, 65'); 8 Shai (19 Thaisa. 65'); 9 Bia (15 Lavinia, 79'); 10 Roniere; 11 Rayane Costa (18 Duda, 59')
Suplentes: 12 Keyla; 13 Agatha; 14 Tainá; 15 Lavinia; 16 Suzana; 17 Drica; 18 Duda; 19 Thaisa; 20 Luiza
Tec. Renan
1 Angelica; 2 Paulinha; 3 Rafaella; 17 Carol; 5 Perereca (10 Lívia Olga. 23' e 4 Suelen, 65'); 6 Roberta; 7 Mariana; 8 Gabi; 20 Sara; 21 Julia (11 Lívia Chagas, 54'); 18 Patricia (9 Thamires, 54')
Suplentes: 12 Raylana; 4. Suelen; 19 Bia; 11 Lívia Chagas; 13 Thaynara; 10 Lívia O.; 9 Thamires
Tec. Milton
22/09 - no São Basílio - 17 hs
Gols: Natali. 66'; Dani 71' e Amanda 79'
Cartão: Dani (Sev)
Árbitro: Thiago, auxiliado Paola e Elaine
1 Laiane; 2 Milena; 3 Alyne; 4 Brenda; 5 Isma; 13 Nayara; 10 Anna Clara; 11 Ingrid (7 Luana, 78'); 9 Ana Júlia dos Santos; 18 Ana Julia da Silva (8 Letícia, int) 16 Joyce
Suplentes:: 8 Letícia; 7 Luana
1 Thamires; 2 Tais (16 Priscila, int); 3 Rebeca (14 Adriana, 85'); 4 Bruna; 5 Thais Thays Santos; 7 Dani; 8 Pamela; 9 Amanda; 10 Letícia; 11 Natali; 17 Grazi (18 Beatriz, 27' e Raiza, 85')
Suplentes - 13 Rafaela; 6 Lily; 14 Adriana; 15 Ketley; 16 Priscila; 18 Beatriz; 19 Raiza; 20 Tamires
Tec. Maxinny
22/09 - no CEFAT - 15 hs
Gols: Bia Santos 2';; Paloma 18'; Bia Santos 30'; Mariana 36', Paloma 42'; Mylena 44' (2T) Bia Santos. 52'; Marcela 62'. .Isa 66'; Bruna 71'; Juliana 82'; Vivian 88'
Cartões; Dayse (Arr) Paloma (Bota)
Árbitro: Wagner auxiliares Maysa e Nayra
1 Jessica; 2 Mylena; 3 Amanda; 4 Sandra; 5 Thaisa (16 Amanda Condê, 58'); 6 Laura (18 Vivian, 58'); 7 Bia Santos (19 Veronica, 75'); 8 Bruna (17 Lais, 75'); 9 Paloma (20 Marcela, 58); 10 Isa (23 Juliana, 75'); 11 Mariana
Suplentes: 12 Aquino; 13 Andressa; 14 Dani; 15 Thamiris; 16 Amanda Condê; 17 Lais; 18 Vivian; 19 Veronica; 20 Marcela; 21 Fabi; 23 Juliana
Tec. Gláucio
1 Tayná; 2 Pyetra; 3 Fernanda (19 Julia, 55'); 4 Juliane; 5 Ana Beatriz; 6 Ivana; 7 Dayse (14 Paloma, 55'); 8 Rayane; 9 Raina; 10 Maria Eduarda (15 Beatriz, 60'); 11 Luana (17 Gabrielle, 60')
Suplentes: 13 Aline 14 Paloma; 15 Beatriz Freitas; 16 Danielle; 17 Gabrielle; 19 Julia
Tec. Mara
TUPY 1 a 1 KARANBA (2 a 4)
22/09 - no Tupy SC - 15 hs
Gols: Lorena 8' (Tupy), Suelen 57'
Árbitro: Thiago, auxiliares Paola e Elaine
1 Ciborg; 2 Speedy; 4 Katinha; 13 Paty; 5 Angel; 8 Mabi; 7 Drica; 15 Tity (17 Biazinha); 10 Daiana; 9 Eva (14 Gabriela, 70:); 11 Lorena
Suplentes: 12. Ana: 16 Cely; 26 Jessica; 6. Feijão; 3. Ruivah; 22 Doida; 21 Rô; 14 Gabriela; 18 Day; 19 Modelo
Tec. Adriana
1 Karine; 2 Thatiana; 3 Katlyn; 4 Kamila; 5 Agatha; 6 Thainara (18 Rayane, 70'); 7 Yamara; 8 Layza; 9 Bianca (16 Sara, 65'); 10 Amanda; 11 Suelen
Suplentes: 12 Sthefany; 13 Raquel; 14 Jenniffer; 15 Rafaela; 16 Sara; 17 Thayna; 18 Rayane; 19 Maryele; 20 Ana Flávia
Tec. Natane
22/09 - no Nivaldo Pereira, 10 hs
Gols: Estefani. 3'; Rhaizza. 4' e. 11'; Anna Beatriz.14' e 20'; Rhaizza 32'; Anna Beatriz 37'; Camilli. 44' (2T) Tatiana. 6'; Kaylane. 15'; Kaylla. 20'; Juliana de Almeida. 36'; e Mayara 38'
Árbitro: Beatriz auxiliares Andréa e Geraldini
1 Graziele; 2 Laina (13 Suziane, 61'); 3 Gabrielle (17 Juliana Almeida, 75'); 4 Kaylla; 5 Juliana (15 Mayara, 61'); 6 Thais (14 Iandra, int); 7 Rhaizza; 8 Estefani; 9 Tatiana (16 Amanda, 75'); 10 Anna Beatriz; 11 Camilli (18 Kaylane, int)
Tec. Antony
1 Gaby; 2 Rafaela (19 Carol, int); 13 Quezia (21 Jessy, 21'); 14 Fabíola; 5 Luana; 6 Camila; 15 Novena (22 Radyja, 21' e 18 Ciane, 65); 8 India; 9 Mirela (20 Larissa, 21'); 10 Bel; 11 Daiane
Suplentes: 18 Ciane; 19 Carol; 20 Larissa; 21 Jessy; 22 Radyja;
Tec. Ediel
22/09 - no Cesar Paim - 15 hs
Gols: Thalia 13' e 38 (2T) Ana 51"
Cartões: Elilde e Carolaine (Mag) - Ellen
Árbitro: Marlon auxiliares Yago e Karen
1 Gabi; 2 Rafa (16 Dekache, 66'); 3 Pri; 4 Rai (Raíssa); 5 Ely (14 Aline, 78'); 6 Josi; 7 Milani (20 Sasa, 66'); 8 Rai Januário; 9 Thalia (19 Carol, 78'); 10 Rai Fagundes (22 Bia 73'); 11 Ana (21 Ket, 73')
Suplentes: 12 Dani; 13 Lele; 14 Aline; 15 Gi; 16 Dekache; 17 Loren; 18 Lary; 19 Carol; 20 Sasa; 21 Ket; 22 Bia
Tec. Osmar
1 Amanda; 2 Victoria; 5 Mécia (19 Haycha, int); 3 Gabrielle; 8 Andrielli; 6 Stephane (22 Marcelle) 17 Andressa; 9 Daiana; 7 Laiza; 11 Ellen; 14 Marcelly
Suplentes: 22 Marcelle; 19 Haycha
Tec. Mascarenhas
21/09 - no CEFAN - 15 hs
Gols: Flavia 2'; Raiza 16'; Aryane 18'; Samhia 19:; Raiza 31'; Samhia 34"; Flavia 38' (2T) Samhia 58'; Aryane 59:; Samhia 66'; Patricia 70'; Lu Meireles 77'; Samhia 84"
Cartões:: Brozato e Samara (P. R)
Árbitro: Barbosa; auxiliares Lilian e Millena
30 Gabrielli; 35 Camila; 33 Renata; 19 Karen; 27 Debora; 15 Patricia; 26 Aryane; 40 Bruna; 15 Raiza; 25 Flávia (4 Lu Meireles, 75'); 8 Samhia
Suplentes: 22 Kaka; 34 Andressa; 6 Ana; 21 Daiana; 28 Ju; 9 Larissa; 2 Raquel; 7 Gaby; 23 Bia; 4 Lu Meireles
Tec. Ricardo
12 Carol (1 Larissa, 74'); 2 Bruna (18 Duda, 30"); 3 Brozato; 4 Samara; 6 Luana 8 Mari (Marielly) 5 Dielle; 10 Benin (Michelle); 19 Paola (9 Fernanda, 53'); 7 Lavínia (17 Tamires, 54"); 11 Dani
Suplentes: 22 Agatha; 13 Monize; 14 Bia; 1 Larissa; 16 Raíssa; 17 Tamires; 18 Duda; 9 Fernanda
Tec. Edimara
21/09 - às 12 hs, no Kosmos AC
Gols: Robertha 4'; Isabelle 5'; Piara 10'; Pamela 12'; Piara. 21' (2T) Isadora. 49'; Camila 51"; Pamela. 52'; Nathalia 53'; Larissa 64"; Robertha 80'; Larissa. 87'
Árbitros: Pedro auxiliares Mota e Alessilha.
12 Thayane; 2 Jessica; 18 Letícia (4 Rafaela, 55'); 10 Maria; 5 Mariany (17 Thais, 70'); 8 Michele (16 Samara, int); 20 Michelly Christiane; 07 Milene; 14 Monique 13 Patricia Bianca; 11 Irlana
Suplentes: 16 Samara; 17 Thais; 4 Rafaela
Tec. Hamilton
1 Darlene; 2 Jessica; 3 Huck; 4 Grande; 5 Falcão (13 Robertha, 60'); 6 Camila; 7 Tuti (17 Larissa, 60'); 8 Isabelle (20 Modelo, 80'); 9 Greice (22 Isadora, int); 10 Piara (21 Nathalia, int); 11 Pamela
Suplentes: 12 Williams; 13 Robertha; 14 Ninha; 15 Camila Rodrigues; 16 Emilly; 17 Larissa; 18 Gabriela; 19 Lorrany; 20 Modelo; 21 Nathalia; 22 Isadora
Tec. Jorge
21/09. no CEPE-Caxias. - 13 hs
Gols: Lene.1'; Caneca. 10'; Flávia 19' e 25'; Caneca 28; Leticia 31 (2T) Dani Lima 46'; Caneca 60' e 65'; India. 80'; Dani Lima 81'; Rebeca 83' e 87'
Cartões: Suellen (Duque), Samantha e Andressa (El)
Árbitro: Dias; auxiliares Ivete e Gabriela
12 Claudice; 7 Isabelle "Mistica" (8 Larissa M, 70'); 15 Thaisa (6 Raiane. 70'); 19 India; 10 Lene; 9 Caneca; 11 Dani Lima; 13 Letícia (16 Rebeca, 69'); 18 Milena (3 Milena Fernandes, 57'); 22 Suelen (4 China,70'); 5 Flávia (21 Beatriz, 57')
Suplentes: 6 Raiane; 1 Raquel; 8 Larissa Michaeli; 4 China 17 Gabi 21 Beatriz; 3 Milena Fernandes; 14 Karen; 16 Rebeca
Tec. Galdino
99 Ingrid; 3 Laiza (9 Caren. 61'); 4 Samara; 30 Samantha; 6 Marys (10 Mayara, int); 7 Elisa; 8 Lorena (19 Nayara, 32'); 11 Andressa; 13 Marcela (16 Suelen, 61'); 14 Letícia (18 Alessandra, 61'); 20 Camilly
Suplentes: 9 Caren; 10 Mayara; 16. Suelen; 18 Ale; 19 Nayara
Tec. Vicente
22/09;- no Oscar Pupo - 15 hs
Gols Thais 18' e 25' (2T) Jhulye 53
Cartões: Camille (Colônia)
Árbitro: Rodrigo auxiliares Ian e Bruno
12 Taynara; 5 Cleydiane; 8 Sabrina; 17 Taiany; 4 Thaiana; 10 Thais; 7 Kathleen (20 Daiane, 81'); 3 Camile; 6 Beatriz; 22 Mariana; 11 Milena;
Suplentes: 20 Daiane; 1 Allana
Tec. Juliano
1 Jessyca; 2 Pamela (9 Rosinete, 38'); 3 Alexandra; 4.Karine; 5. Beatriz; 6.Thuany; 7 Daniele; 8. Andressa (14 Nathalia int); 10 Jhulye (16 Andreza,58'); 11 Milena (19 Amanda int); 15. Aline
Suplentes: 9 Rosinete; 14 Nathalia; 16 Andreza; 17 Liliane; 18 Rayane; 19 Amanda; 20 Mariana
Tec. Davoson
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junker-town · 7 years
The top 100 games of the 2017-18 college football season
We march on with the list, from 70-41.
We did it. After 834 regular season games, 40 bowl games, 4,376 Nick Saban scowls, and one hell of a national championship game, the college football season is over. To remember and honor the season that was, I (along with a little help from the rest of the SB Nation college football crew) am going to count down the best 100 games of the season. We’ll unveil 30 games at a time on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, then count down the top 10 on Friday.
100 - 71
70 - 41
40 - 11 (Thurs.)
10 - 1 (Fri.)
Let’s get to the list:
70. Nov. 4: ULM 52, Appalachian State 45 69. Nov. 4: Kansas State 42, Texas Tech 35 68. Nov. 4: Virginia 40, Georgia Tech 36 67. Nov. 4: Ole Miss 37, Kentucky 34
If you didn’t catch exciting football on the first Saturday of November, it was your fault. Not only did the headline games — Oklahoma-Oklahoma State, Penn State-Michigan State, etc. — live up to hype, but there were thrillers everywhere.
66. Nov. 11: UCLA 44, Arizona State 37
This was so wild, it should have been on Nov. 4. ASU took a 14-0 lead, but UCLA had it tied within six minutes. The Bruins went ahead 34-24, but thanks to a blocked punt, ASU had it tied within four minutes.
When Josh Rosen found Jordan Lasley for a 22-yard score in the fourth (Rosen had 420 yards on the day), it finally gave the Bruins the lead for good. They gave up a late field goal, but recovered the onside kick.
65. Oct. 14: West Virginia 46, Texas Tech 35
Things change quickly in the Big 12. Tre King’s 30-yard touchdown gave Texas Tech a 35-17 lead with 24 minutes left ... and the Red Raiders lost by 11.
That’s hard to do, but Will Grier was involved. The junior threw four touchdowns in 17 minutes and finished with 352 yards as the Mountaineers caught up and then just kept right on going.
Ben Queen-USA TODAY Sports
64. Sept. 23: Texas A&M 50, Arkansas 43 63. Sept. 23: Florida 28, Kentucky 27
Late-September shootouts between A&M and Arkansas are commonplace, but this was maybe the wildest yet. We saw four lead changes in a six-minute span in the fourth quarter. And after Christian Kirk scored in overtime, Armani Watts picked off Austin Allen to steal a wild win. But it wasn’t the most memorable SEC game of the day.
Florida hasn’t lost to Kentucky in 31 years. A lot of those were blowouts, but a streak that long requires funkiness. The Gators took their first lead with less than a minute left ... when Kentucky forgot to cover Freddie Swain.
That’s become a bad habit for Kentucky.
62. Sept. 30: Oklahoma State 41, Texas Tech 34
This almost wasn’t a game. Oklahoma State led 7-0 and was driving for another score when Damarcus Fields stepped in front of a Mason Rudolph pass and took it 95 yards. Considering OSU would build a 31-17 lead, that loomed large. It could have been 38-10.
Desmond Nisby’s short touchdown run for Tech made it 34-34 in the fourth. Then, not only did Mike Gundy commit a cardinal sin (kicking an 18-yard field goal instead of going for a touchdown), Matt Ammendola missed an 18-yard field goal. OSU’s defense stiffened, and Rudolph’s 16-yard scramble with 72 seconds left gave the Pokes the win despite themselves.
61. Oct. 28: Arkansas 38, Ole Miss 37
“Arkansas beat Ole Miss in one of 2017’s dumbest games, which is a normal result in this series.” That was our title following this year’s iteration of one of football’s wackiest rivalries. A game that featured funky formations and pointless trick plays also featured a mad comeback.
Ole Miss led 31-7 after 20 minutes, then gave almost all of it back within 15 minutes. Cheyenne O’Grady’s catch cut it to 31-28 in the third. A pair of field goals made it 37-28, but Kevin Richardson II returned a fumble 22 yards for a score with six minutes left, setting up Connor Limpert’s winning kick despite Ole Miss attempting a triple-icing.
60. Sept. 23: Buffalo 34, FAU 31
In Lane Kiffin’s debut, FAU pulled off its greatest-ever season, rolling to 11 wins and an unbeaten romp through Conference USA. But before the Owls could fly, they had to lose to Buffalo.
This was a game of runs: 14-0 Buffalo, 17-0 FAU, 13-0 Buffalo. A Devin Singletary touchdown cut UB’s lead to 27-24 in the fourth — he would finish the year with 32 rushing touchdowns — and the Owls got the ball back with four minutes to go. But UB stopped Singletary on a fourth down, and an Anthony Johnson catch iced what we would later realize was a pretty big upset.
59. Dec. 1: USC 31, Stanford 28
David Shaw played the odds. With eight minutes left in the Pac-12 title game, Stanford faced a fourth-and-goal from the USC 1, trailing 24-21. The Cardinal head coach went for it, foregoing the tie (which the Trojans would have plenty of time to break). At worst, you get stopped, and your opponent faces a 99-yard field, right? Stanford was, per the odds, likely to be the next team to score either way. Then:
Uchenna Nwosu charged in to stuff Cameron Scarlett (in for an injured Bryce Love) for no gain on fourth-and-goal.
USC drove 99 yards in eight plays to all but put the game away.
Odds aren’t guarantees, huh?
Photo by Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images
58. Sept. 16: Memphis 48, UCLA 45
Memphis sucked basically everybody into a shootout (Iowa State aside), and UCLA came to town having scored 100 points in its first two games. Yeah, this was going to be a track meet.
After a strangely quiet first quarter, UCLA scored 10 points in two minutes, and it was on. Memphis responded with two touchdown passes of 40-plus yards, and after Josh Rosen scored with 1:22 left in the half, Memphis went 72 yards in 35 seconds. Tim Hart’s 60-yard pick six put Memphis up 41-31 in the third quarter, then UCLA scored twice to yank the lead back.
Riley Ferguson’s sixth touchdown provided the margin in a game that featured 861 passing yards, 93 points, and seven lead changes.
57. Oct. 14: Army 28, EMU 27
Another what-could’ve-been in a season full of them for EMU. The Eagles’ Brogan Roback completed 19 of 27 passes and threw four touchdowns as EMU kept pace despite four time-consuming Army touchdown drives.
With 49 seconds left, Roback found Sergio Bailey for a score, and head coach Chris Creighton went for the win.
56. Sept. 2: South Carolina 35, NC State 28
Injuries claim stars every year, but we were deprived of about 10 games’ worth of Deebo Samuel this year, and that’s a damn shame.
NC State outgained South Carolina by nearly 250 yards. But the Cocks had Deebo.
55. Nov. 18: Washington 33, Utah 30
Utah nearly derailed Washington’s 2016 Playoff bid, and the two teams provided almost as many dramatics a year later.
Rae Singleton and Tyler Huntley connected for two scores to give Utah a 23-16 lead late in the third, but Myles Gaskin’s 76-yard run tied the game. Huntley made it 30-23, then Gaskin made it 30-30. But Utah had to punt with 35 seconds left, just enough time for two Jake Browning completions and a 38-yard field goal at the buzzer.
54. Oct. 14: LSU 27, Auburn 23
LSU had already been stomped by Mississippi State and fallen to Troy, and they found themselves down 20-0 to Auburn. Gut-check moment.
Ed Orgeron’s team responded. Danny Etling hit Russell Gage for a 14-yard score to make it 23-14 at halftime, and DJ Chark’s 75-yard punt return made it 23-21. Kicker Connor Culp gave LSU its first lead with 2:36 left, then added another three-pointer after Auburn’s sixth consecutive scoreless drive. LSU would win six of seven to finish the regular season.
53. Oct. 21: Louisville 31, Florida State 28
In three games against Florida State, Florida native Lamar Jackson averaged 226 passing yards and 119 rushing yards.
Jackson’s final trip to Tallahassee was a struggle. He rushed for 178, but late in the second quarter, he fumbled, and Matthew Thomas returned it 34 yards for a go-ahead. Louisville went on a 21-0 run, but Nyqwan Murray recovered teammate Jacques Patrick’s fumble in the end zone, then caught a 20-yard touchdown five minutes later. Given one last chance to win in regulation, Jackson responded with three completions and a 15-yard run, setting up Blanton Creque’s winning kick.
Photo by Michael Chang/Getty Images
52. Oct. 14: Miami 25, Georgia Tech 24
Miami would reach 11-0, but the Hurricanes barely reached 5-0. They fell behind Georgia Tech, 14-3, in the second quarter, botched a surprise onside kick, and needed this ridiculous catch by Darrell Langham to set up an unlikely winning field goal.
Langham Miracle pt. 2 http://pic.twitter.com/TuaHDcNvhL
— GiancarGOAT Stanton (@TheCanesHype) October 15, 2017
That’s not the last you’ll see of Langham on this list.
51. Dec. 30: Penn State 35, Washington 28
It never felt like Penn State was seriously threatened, even though Washington was twice able to get to within seven points after falling behind 28-7. Still, the Fiesta Bowl gave us an outstanding performance from PSU quarterback Trace McSorley (32 for 41 for 342 yards, plus 60 rushing yards), a long touchdown run from UW’s Myles Gaskin, a Chris Petersen-in-the-Fiesta Bowl trick play ...
... and one final Saquon Barkley explosion.
50. Oct. 14: Oklahoma 29, Texas 24
A week after falling victim to an Iowa State upset, Oklahoma watched a 20-0 lead fritter away in the Red River Rivalry. Sam Ehlinger’s 8-yard touchdown run with eight minutes left gave the underdog Longhorns a 24-23 lead.
Then Baker Mayfield and Mark Andrews saved the day.
49. Jan. 1: UCF 34, Auburn 27
UCF claimed a national title for itself by finishing unbeaten and beating the team that beat both of the title game’s participants.
Two touchdowns in six minutes gave Auburn a 20-13 lead in the third, but two McKenzie Milton touchdown passes and a Dredrick Snelson pick-six made it 34-20, Knights. UCF missed two field goals that could have put the game way, but with 24 seconds left, an attempted throwaway by Auburn’s Jarrett Stidham landed in UCF freshman Antwan Collier’s hands.
Photo by Michael Wade/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
48. Sept. 2: Louisville 35, Purdue 28 47. Oct. 7: Arizona 45, Colorado 42 46. Oct. 21: Arizona 45, Cal 44 45. Dec. 27: Purdue 38, Arizona 35
Early-season games lack context. When Purdue and Louisville began in Indianapolis, we assumed it was simply a Lamar Jackson showcase. Surely Purdue wouldn’t make up much ground in Jeff Brohm’s first season, right?
Despite a late-third quarter pick-six, the Boilermakers took the lead early in the fourth on a nice catch by Jackson Anthrop. Jackson (378 passing yards, 107 rushing yards) connected with Dez Fitzpatrick for a go-ahead score, but the Cardinals still had to make a pair of late stops.
A month later, Arizona’s Khalil Tate introduced himself to the world. The sophomore quarterback took over and posted some of the gaudiest numbers ever seen from the position:
Tate rushed for 327 yards and four touchdowns against Colorado, scoring on bursts of 58, 28, 47, and 75 yards.
Then, after going for 230 more rushing yards against UCLA, Tate merely gained 137 against Cal. Zach Green added 130, but the Golden Bears sent the game to overtime with a 52-yard Matt Anderson bomb. A 22-yard pass from Tate to Bryce Wolma gave UA a 45-38 lead. Cal responded, but Ross Bowers’ two-point attempt failed.
We didn’t see Tate coming and didn’t know Brohm would take effect so quickly. But by the time the Boilermakers and Wildcats met in the Foster Farms Bowl, we knew what to expect. Tate threw for 302 and rushed for 58, but Elijah Sindelar’s four touchdown passes — including a late 38-yarder to Anthony Mahoungou — made the difference.
44. Nov. 18: North Texas 52, Army 49
This had everything you want in a shootout.
Contrasting styles? Army rushed for 535 yards, while UNT threw for 386.
Cat-and-mouse pursuit? North Texas led by scores of 21-7, 28-20, 35-28, 42-35, and 49-42 but couldn’t put it away until the end.
Stupid fourth quarter? The teams combined for 38 points, with Army tying on three occasions. After Andy Davidson’s tying plunge with 1:23 left, UNT had enough time to drive 46 yards and set up the winning kick.
To repeat: Army rushed for 535 and lost. Since 2000, only Air Force (545 in a 2001 loss to Hawaii) and Rice (570 in 2004 to SJSU) can top that.
43. Sept. 9: Washington State 47, Boise State 44
Maybe the best #Pac12AfterDark of the season. And the drama started well after dark. Boise State took a 31-10 lead in the fourth quarter, but Wazzu charged back to force overtime.
In triple OT, Wazzu put the game away on a 22-yarder by Jamal Morrow that ended like this ...
... at 2:40 a.m. ET. Very, very much after dark.
42. Dec. 2: Ohio State 27, Wisconsin 21
Wisconsin spent most of the season dominating inferior competition, but with a Big Ten title and Alabama’s eventual CFP bid on the line, the Badgers did a heck of a job of hanging around, getting outgained by 150 yards but nearly doing the deed.
Andrew Van Ginkel’s pick six bought the Badgers some time after a couple of missed opportunities, but Ohio State still built a 24-13 lead. Wisconsin struck back on Chris James’ short touchdown run, and when the Buckeyes could only manage a field goal at the end of a 15-play, seven-minute drive, it gave Wisconsin one last drive.
They needed one more play. Or maybe just a pass interference call.
41. Nov. 4: Northwestern 31, Nebraska 24
Nebraska and Northwestern have faced seven times since the Cornhuskers joined the Big Ten. Four have been decided by three or fewer points, one was decided by a Hail Mary, and 2017’s went to OT.
This time, it was Northwestern that required the dramatics. Marcus Newby’s 49-yard pick-six gave the Huskers the lead, and it was 24-17 when Clayton Thorson led the Wildcats on a 13-play, 84-yard drive to tie. In OT, Northwestern was the aggressor. Thorson scored on fourth-and-goal from the 1, then Samdup Miller sacked Nebraska for a big loss. Kyle Queiro broke up a last-ditch pass, and the Wildcats survived.
This is a hell of a young rivalry.
Check back the rest of the week as we unveil the top 40 games of the year.
100 - 71
70 - 41
40 - 11 (Thurs.)
10 - 1 (Fri.)
0 notes