#mimi's one hit wonder challenge
bwabys-scenarios · 1 month
Fixer Upper
Part 33
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
pt 32
pt 34
warnings: spoilers for the chimera ant arc, violence
A/N: I was going to stop posting Fixer Upper here, but I wanted to just experiment and see if it will do well. If not it’s going to stay on AO3, so COMMENT AND REBLOG IF YOU LOVE THIS SERIES!
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(Name) collapsed from exhaustion as the timer hit zero. She had finally managed to maintain ren for three hours, her body at its limit.
“Alright, you can go rest now. Once you’ve slept for a few hours, come back and do it again.”
She nodded, barely able to pick herself up and shuffle to her room. It was dark out, the boys had already left to challenge knuckle, and she was glad Bisky understood her limits.
If (Name) was forced to go fight knuckle after maintaining ren for that long, she would pass out before reaching the park.
Lifting a spoonful of soup to her lips, (Name) ate, wincing at the temperature. It wasn’t hot enough to burn her mouth, but warm enough to be uncomfortable.
Bisky might be a bit less hard on her, but the training was still excruciating, and sometimes she just wanted to give up. When (Name) thought about quitting, the image of Kite’s severed arm flying through the air appeared in her mind, strengthening her resolve.
‘We have to save him… if… he’s still alive, that is.’
Taking another bite, she peered outside the window, staring at the full moon. Part of her wondered just exactly how she wandered up here, training until she nearly passed out and only getting a few hours of sleep between sessions.
Maybe if her parents had been better, if she hadn’t taken the Hunter exam, or maybe if Kurapika had chosen her instead of his revenge, she wouldn’t have to suffer like this.
She paused, shaking her head. ‘That’s selfish… why would I think something like that? Kurapika’s revenge is important to him… I just… wasn’t enough to try and balance friendship and his responsibilities to his clan…’
Her heart hurt, especially when she thought about him abandoning her so easily, as if the time they spent together meant nothing to him. All this time she had been making excuses, trying to tell herself that it was just how life was, but while she was exhausted and frustrated, she couldn’t help but feel a bit of hatred in her heart for him leaving her.
(Name) loved him dearly, saw him as her dearest friend and someone she wanted to be with one day… it made her upset to imagine him seeing her as nothing but someone to pass time with. Maybe that was all she had been, someone that would comfort him and be a shoudler to cry on until he didn’t need it anymore.
Until his heart hardened enough to where comfort wasn’t necessary.
(Name) played with her hair, plopping down on her bed after quickly washing her face and doing her night time routine.
‘I better sleep, Bisky won’t let me rest anymore than a few hours…’
She didn’t want to go to sleep feeling hateful, so (Name) closed her eyes and imagined him holding her close, kissing her head when she thought she was asleep.
It made her feel warm and fuzzy, her cheeks growing hot. One day, she wanted to get that Kurapika back.
Her Pika, not the Kurapika he had become.
(Name) woke up when the sun barely began to peek through the window, shielding her eyes from the light. She then raised both of her arms to shield herself when she was hit again with a pillow, the real reason she had woken up.
“Get up, (Name). Gon and I are going to sleep, but Bisky wants you to go train.”
She whined softly, opening her eyes to see Killua hovering over her, holding a pillow and ready to strike again.
“Killua..? What time is-“
He brought down the pillow again, making her yelp. “H-hey, stop that, I’m up, I’m up!”
As she sat up, Killua huffed. “Finally, I’ve been trying to get you to wake up for 10 minutes.”
(Name) stood, rubbing her eyes before peering out the window. “What time is it? The sun’s barely out…”
“I don’t know… like 6 am? I wasn’t paying attention. Bisky kept throwing things at us.”
She shuffled across the room, opening her closet. “Alright, tell her I’ll be out in a second. Gotta change…”
Killua shrugged and left, leaving her alone to get dressed.
After putting on a simple, airy summer dress, (Name) made her way downstairs. Bisky was perched on a stool, looking at a… suspicious magazine. The front cover had a half naked man on the front, making (Name) raise an eyebrow, but she stayed silent.
“I see you’re up. Start ren.”
“Ren? But I haven’t had breakfast-“
“I’m not repeating myself.”
She tried not to groan, getting into position before starting ren.
Not only did she want to save Kite… but she was getting pretty freaked out by Palm’s ominous warnings.
‘I have to try harder…’
(Name) walked on wobbly legs down the street. Her body was exhausted and she felt like she would pass out at any moment.
Between training with Bisky then eating and sleeping, she had little time for herself. So when she was given an hour of free time, she nearly ran to the park.
Well… (Name) couldn’t really run right now persay, but she moved as fast as possible for her exhausted body.
She nearly collapsed on the bench, taking out her phone to scroll mindlessly through social media while snacking.
A smile stretched across her face when she saw a picture of Leorio in his new scrubs, her eyes lighting up when she noticed he was holding a picture of their group.
She liked it before scrolling, nearly jumping out of her skin when someone cleared their throat in front of her.
It was that guy with the pompadour again!
“Uh… hello. You’re Knuckle, right?”
He nodded, narrowing his eyes at her. “And you’re friends with the two boys I’m fighting against,”
She blinked in confusion, tilting her head. “I- how did you-“
“Yesterday I fought against them and came back the their hotel room. You were asleep on the couch.”
(Name)’s cheeks heated up, and she scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “Ah, yeah… I was tired from training.”
Knuckle looked her up and down, frowning. “From what they said, you’re the one that’s going with the winners, right?”
She set aside her snack, turning off her phone. “Apparently, yeah. I’m not quite sure why Chairman Netero chose me, but I’m going anyways so I’m here to support Gon and Killua as much as I can.”
The man nodded, crossing his arms. “And how has that been going so far?”
A frown appeared on her face. In her mind, she hadn’t really done much of use. Despite being several years older than Gon and Killua, she was nowhere near their strength and amount of determination. All (Name) wanted to do was help her friends… and keep Kurapika out of her mind.
“Honestly? Not great. I feel so weak and helpless, and I think I’ll be more of a burden to the team if I’m the one that goes to NGL again. I don’t know why the chairman said I’m going for sure instead of Gon and Killua. They both have so much more skill and experience than I do in battle.”
“But are they as experienced in life as you?”
This made her pause, her eyes flicking up to look at him. “What do you mean?”
He shifted his weight, letting out a grunt. “Those boys may be strong, but they’ve had strength their whole lives. Neither of them truly knows what it means to be utterly weak and defenseless… but you do. You can better understand the battlefield from a different point of view.”
This was something she hadn’t considered. Knuckle offered her a hand, a smile on his face. “If strength is something you want, I can help.”
(Name) hesitantly took his hand, and the two wandered off to begin training.
Kurapika scrolled through his old messages with (Name), laughing to himself at some silly pictures. It had been a rough day with missions going wrong and lots of whining from Neon, so he allowed himself a few minutes of rest.
And he couldn’t help but take out his phone and scroll to her blocked number.
His soft brown eyes took in her sweet smile and read through her jokes and kind words. He got so lost in thought that he hadn’t noticed Melody calling for him until she was looking over his shoulder.
“Oh, is that (Name)?”
Kurapika jumped, his phone slipping from his hand and landing on the floor. He scrambled to pick it up, but Melody got there before he did. On the screen was a picture of (Name) in a bathing suit eating ice cream.
Melody cleared her throat and handed the phone back to him, clearly a bit flustered and uncomfortable. “Apologies, I should have knocked. You’re a teenager, I didn’t even think that you’d be uh… looking at things like this.”
Kurapika nearly died on the spot, his face going red. “N-no, it’s not what it looks like! I was… just looking at old pictures we sent to each other.”
Melody paused, hearing a sorrowful song being sung by his heart. She let out a sigh, turning back towards him.
Although she wanted him and (Name) to reconcile, she could tell that him lingering on her memory while keeping distant was only hurting him.
“Don’t you think it’s… best to leave it alone? I’m not sure it’s fair to either of you if you’re going to act like this.”
His eyes turned scarlet, and he shoved his phone into his pocket before standing. “I don’t think it’s any of your business, Melody.”
“I think it is when you’ve been getting sloppy during missions, Kurapika! You get drunk at night then wake up so hungover you can barely work. How is that fair to the other body guards? Either work this out or…”
She stopped, placing a hand to her temple. “Either go back to her or don’t. If you’re going to break off the friendship, then you can’t be wishy-washy like this. It’s not healthy.”
Kurapika settled back into his chair as she left, staring down at his phone screen. Tears pooled in the corner of his eyes before he swiped them away.
His finger hovered over the delete button… and he clicked it over and over, getting rid of most of their messages and memories.
“Concentrate, (Name). If you can’t hit me, you won’t get any stronger.”
Sweat pooled down her forehead, her shirt soaked. It had been nearly two hours since (Name) began training with Knuckle, and he had only landed a single hit on him the whole time. His ability was annoying, but it was good practice sparring with him.
“Come on, just one more punch and you’ll get a break. Try again.”
She bit her lip, trying to focus and keep calm as he stood before her. Knuckle hadn’t been going easy on (Name), she had specifically asked him to fight her seriously… but god was she exhausted and ready for a break.
All of her nen focused into her fists, surprising him. She wasn’t one to be so reckless… Perhaps this could be a good development.
She sped up the very air around her fists, causing it to get hot enough to have him wincing when she thrust her fist forward.
Indirectly, she had hit him with an attack.
“That was… smart.”
He sat down, passing her a bottle of water, which she downed almost immediately. After collapsing on the grass, she caught her breath before speaking.
“Do you… think I’m getting any stronger? There’s only one more day until I leave for NGL…”
Knuckle waited until she had calmed down before he spoke. “I think you are stronger than you were a week ago.”
She blinked, then smiled, a big genuine smile. Before he could even react, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
“Thanks for this, Knuckle. I really appreciate it.”
The man was left a stuttering mess as (Name) stood up and brushed off her skirt. “I’ve got to get back home and start training with Bisky… that woman won’t tolerate any lateness.”
With a wave, (Name) ran off.
That night, she sat up in bed when she heard the alarm for the boys 3 hour ren training going off.
Opening the door, she peeked out to see Gon and Killua looking quite serious… though they were both grinning ear to ear.
“Are you boys going out again?”
Gon turned, giving her a smile. “Yep, today we’re going to fight him for real!”
(Name) rubbed her eyes as she walked in, still in her pajamas. “I see… I think you’ll do well, and I wish you the best.”
The two were pulled into her arms, a kiss placed on both of their heads. “Just… know that you’re both very strong and smart boys, sometimes… Even though you try your hardest, you can still fail. That’s life.”
Killua frowned, his head rested on her chest as Gon looked up at her. “We’re going to do it, (Name)! We’ll give it our all!”
She giggled, ruffling his hair. “I know you will. Now-“
The sound of paper tearing made them all jump. Palm was scribbling something terrifying onto paper, muttering something barely legible under her breath.
‘Yikes, I’m just glad I won’t be here tomorrow.’
(Name) woke up in the morning, whining softly as she turned. It was Killua again… except this time, he looked devoid of hope.
She was instantly wide awake, throwing back her blanket so she could pull him into her arms. “Killua, sweetheart, what’s the matter? Are you okay?”
He sighed, letting her coddle him for a moment. It felt nice, after how awful his night had been.
“We… didn’t win.”
(Name) had expected as much. Killua and Gon waste my weak by any standard, but at the moment Knuckle was leagues ahead of them. From pure battleground experience alone, he had the advantage.
“I couldn’t fight… I kept…”
Killua choked up, clutching her sleeve. “I kept hearing my older brother’s warning… he always told me to never fight someone if I wasn’t sure I could win… how can I be friends with Gon if I can’t fight by his side!?”
She held him as he cried tears of frustration. He was so angry with himself for being weak, for being afraid.
“Killua, baby…”
There wasn’t much she could say or do, so she quietly pushed back his hair and kissed his forehead. “Maybe you should think about it for a while, sweetheart. Do you think Gon thinks the same way you do?”
Killua was silent, and she wasn’t even sure he heard her. The two stayed like that for a few minutes before he wiped his tears. “… Knuckle and Shoot said you need to be packed up by 3 pm. You’re leaving with them then.”
There was a look of hesitance on his face, and he gripped her sleeve tighter. “Are… you sure you want to go? It’s going to be dangerous, (Name).”
“I know, and I’m sure.”
She stood up, walking over to her dresser. “I’m going to pack, you can stay in here if you want.”
And he did.
(Name) stretched after stepping out of the van, leaning her head against Knuckle. It was strange, he seemed so fidgety after their training the day before.
Gon stood before him, Knuckle’s nen technique still clinging to his shoulder from their fight. “Promise me… you have to save Kite!”
“Got it. I promise I’ll bring him back. I swear on this token.”
(Name) gave them both a hopeful, nervous smile, waving as she left. The two watched her go, both trying their best to stay strong.
(Name) walked into NGL, wearing the clothes she had during her previous trip. Almost immediately she was pulled into a hole, yelping and falling onto her butt.
Knuckle and Shoot landed across from her on their feet, getting into a fighting stance immediately. Knov and Morel stood before them, both of their gazes on (Name).
“We were told you have healing abilities, yes?”
(Name) was escorted to the chimera ant colony, where she was brought into the queen’s room. The ground was crunchy underneath her shoes, and the air was thick with tension.
There were doctors already working on her, and (Name) could tell that the creature was far past any saving.
She knelt beside the queen, looking over her wounds. The doctor to her left spoke.
“Several organs have been damaged beyond repair, and she’s lost a lot of blood.”
(Name) frowned, looking over her body. “I’m… not sure I can do anything. If she had a missing limb or large cut, I could accelerate her atoms to heal faster. My ability speeds up time, if her organs are damaged or gone, all my ability will do is kill her faster, not heal her.”
The heart monitor started to slow, and the ant queen reached out her hand. She was trying to speak.
“Please! Please, you have to do something!”
A chimera ant named Colt grabbed her shoulders. “Anything, please!”
(Name) bit her lip, reaching out her hand. She tried to remember how it felt when Kurapika snapped at her… how time seemed to slow down and stretch forever.
Knov and Morel stared on in awe and disbelief, watching as the ant queen’s heart monitor slowed.
“I’ve stalled her organs failing… please, let her speak.”
‘She… slowed down time? Even for just a localized area, that’s an incredible feat!’ Morel thought, peeking over (Name)’s shoulder.
(Name) didn’t hear a single thing the queen said, all of her energy was spent on stalling just a little longer, keeping time still.
“She’s gone…”
With those words, (Name) collapsed covered in sweat. Shoot was closest, catching her before she hit her head.
(Name) woke up in a feverish haze, her body feeling heavy and way too hot. As her eyes struggled to open, she heard something faint and distant.
Someone was speaking to her, trying to get her attention.
As the fuzziness in her eyes began to fade a bit, she was finally able to focus on the figure sitting next to her bed.
“Ch… chairman… Netero..?”
The man before her had a calm look on his face, leaning back in his chair before speaking. “You’re awake. It’s been four days since you temporarily stopped time.”
“Four days!?”
She jolted up, nearly vomiting after the sudden movement jostled her.
“Easy there. Lay back down, there’s no need to rush. We need you to recover as quickly as possible, and that can’t happen if you’re trying to rush things.”
(Name) blinked her bleary eyes, settling back down and putting her head over her forehead. “You need me..? Why? I did one thing and now I’ve been out of commission for days.”
“You stopped time, (Name). That can be very useful to us.”
She huffed, looking around the room before her eyes settled on a glass of water. “I only slowed down time temporarily for a localized area. It's not enough to help anyone, much less-“
He handed her the cup of water.
“You kept the ant queen alive long enough for her to tell the others the King’s name. That’s crucial information tha can be used as a bargaining chip. It seems you don’t understand the potential you have and the impact your powers can have on the future.”
Netero watched her drink, sighing. “Slowing down time is something impossible, I’m not even sure how you were able to do it. When creating something with nen or performing an ability, it has to have some basis in reality.”
(Name) set the glass beside her, wiping the leftover water from her mouth. “All I did was imagine a moment where time seemed to slow down for me, and-“
“And you transferred that ability into nen! My girl, you’re quite clever, aren’t you?”
For the first time, Netero seemed genuinely impressed. He stood, walking over to a table and picking something up.
“Here, it’s your bag. I’m sure Gon and Killua will want to know what’s happening.”
He turned and walked towards the door.
“An enhancer will be coming by in an hour or so to help with the healing process. You should be good as new within a day or so.”
He paused, turning to look at her. “And make sure you don’t tell anyone about your ability. There are many people that would kill to be able to stop time… even for just a moment.”
With that, he left, closing the door behind him.
(Name) winced as Gon jumped into her arms, nearly knocking the wind out of her.
“Hey, hey, I’m alright…”
She frowned, petting his hair. Gon was completely quiet, his face hidden in her shoulder as he clutched her tightly.
‘He’s already nervous about Kite, I’m sure knowing I was in the hospital scared him…’
Killua stood by her bedside, reaching out to hold onto her shirt. The way Killua showed how he worried for her was pretty cute.
“Chairman Netero said I’ll be fine. An enhancer came by and checked on me a minute ago.”
The two seemed to relax a bit, smiling as they not got comfortable in her hospital bed.
“Ahh, now it’s cramped.”
They watched tv for a bit, eating hospital food and laughing. “You both seem like you’re in a better mood!”
“Yeah, that’s because Knuckle said he found Kite!”
(Name)’s face lit up at Gon’s words, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “Wait, seriously? That’s amazing!”
Killua looked out the window, his eyebrows furrowed.
‘Knuckle seemed troubled when he told us… something is up.’
But he stayed quiet, not wanting to ruin the good vibes. Gon had been training so hard to save Kite… and Killua really wanted to believe everything would be okay.
The three spent the next few days together, sharing their experiences. They were both shocked to learn about her new ability.
(Name) quickly covered his mouth, shushing him. “Shh, I'm not supposed to tell anyone! It’s dangerous information….”
“Then why the hell did you tell us!?”
She sighed, giving him a smile. “Because you two are my friends.”
Killua quieted at that, hugging to try and hide his embarrassment and happiness. “Yeah, yeah…”
Gon leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling. “You’re both my friends, and… I care a lot about you both!”
Killua threw a pillow at him, his cheeks pink. “Oh will you both stop it with the sappy stuff!?”
Gon and (Name) giggled at him, making Killua even more flustered.
(Name) wishes times like these could last forever… but that could never be. Something felt wrong, there was going to be more pain and heartbreak sooner than she wanted…
But there was nothing she could do for now, so she held onto them both, trying her best to be their rock as the days passed by.
Walking down the dark stairway to meet Kite for the first time in months should have been exciting… but all the three felt as they were guided into uncertainty was a nervous, anxious feeling.
Not a single one of them thought everything was okay. Even Gon had a strange expression on his face, half way hopeful, half way dreading what was going to be behind the door.
She put her hand on his back, smiling softly before giving him his space.
If she could stop time right then, she would have done everything in her power to keep Gon from seeing Kite in his current state.
Covered in stitches, staggering and twitching like a zombie. He had been shrunken down by Shoot’s ability, but grew to his full size when let out of his cage.
(Name) tried to stay strong for the boys, but tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she gazed at the man she had admired.
She could tell just from a glance that he had no more life inside of him. He was just a walking corpse with no nen or voice. There was no more communicating with him, he couldn’t be fixed…
Yet Gon walked towards him, allowing himself to be punched as he said it was okay.
(Name) winced, covering her mouth as Gon attempted to speak with him. It was heartbreaking…
Killua couldn’t move, couldn’t say a single word. His eyes were transfixed, moving to follow every strike Kite landed on Gon.
He was finally able to speak, broken from his trance when (Name) reached out to hold his hand and squeeze it gently to comfort him.
The others spoke, but (Name) didn’t hear a thing. The only thing she was focused on was how she would try to heal Gon with her nen after this.
If he would even let her.
Killua helped her up the stairs as they left, letting her lean against him. She was still weak from her overexerting her nen output…
While they walked, Knuckle came up from behind, taking her other arm. “Here, let me help.”
Though Killua really disliked the fact Knuckle had gotten so friendly with (Name), he allowed him to help. He seemed to put (Name) at ease…
“Is… Gon going to be okay?”
The group was sitting in a cafe now, watching as (Name) joined them at the table. She smiled, but it was obvious she was forcing it. “Physically, he’s fine. I healed him up… but…”
Everyone knew what was going unsaid. Gon was in emotional turmoil, struggling to cope with the current situation.
“… there’s still a few weeks before his Nen will be restored.” Knuckle stated, sipping on his coffee. “I guess we’ll just have to watch over him until then.”
On the surface, Gon seemed okay, but both Killua and (Name) knew him well enough to understand it was just a facade. He was storing up all of his anger and strength so he could face off against Pitou.
After a few weeks, the ant extermination group met up in a relatively crowded restaurant, (Name) sitting between Killua and Knuckle as they watched the TV over head.
“What is the agenda behind the sudden flurry of activity recently observed in East Gorteau? Supreme leader Diego has personally invited all citizens in the capital city Peijing to celebrate the nation’s birth in ten days.”
As the news anchors continued to speak, Morel scoffed. “Colt believes the celebration will be used as a screening.”
“We don’t know what they’ll do with those found to have nen, but 99% of the humans there will die. We must stop it before that happens. Our time limit is ten days.” Knov finished, addressing Gon and Killua.
“What’s the old man up to?”
“He sent an email saying that he’s already inside East Gorteau, but I haven’t heard from him since.” Knov replied to Killua.
“Do you think he’s already been taken out?”
“If he fails to contact us today, we’ve been told to assume as much.”
At that, Knov’s phone began to ring. (Name) but her lip, of course Chairman Netero would call right at that exact moment!
“Speak of the devil, it’s the chairman.”
“That old man’s got some sharp ears.”
“He already knows everything, including the fact that you boys and (Name) are here. And that Morel is badmouthing him.”
The text read as follows:
“Divide into pairs and draw the Royal guard away from the king. The night before the celebration, the operation will begin at midnight. (Name), do not use your nen again until then. From the sharp-eared old man.”
“That guy really scares me…”
(Name) laughed at Morel’s words, but in the back of her mind she wondered why she wouldn’t be able to use her nen until then… what did Netero have planned?
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laramiehunt · 6 months
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FULL NAME: Laramie Hunt
BIRTH DATE: October 30, 1990
AGE: 34
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her
FACECLAIM: Tanaya Beatty
LIVING CONDITIONS: three bedroom old ranch house
HOMETOWN: Oxbow Ridge, MT
EDUCATION LEVEL: Equine Orthopedic Surgeon
ACCENT: Generic country accent
She introduces herself as Laramie, always. Despite being a damn good equine vet, she doesn’t like the weird pretentious nature that comes with being called “Doctor”.
She was a cheerleader in high school, but made extra money by writing term papers for other students and taking the SATs for them. She was a nice, yet popular girl. She made friends with everyone.
She made a 35 on ACT, and always wonders where the extra point went, which is a weird thing that tends to come up like an intrusive thought. 
She had a good family — both of her parents are indigenous and her siblings were other adopted indigenous kids. Her parents were a lot more trusting and lax which allowed her to be a teenager more freely. Her father was a horse trainer for reined cow horses, and her mother was the barn manager.
Given her work, she’s close to the Walkers. However, she hasn’t really picked a side. She’s not supportive of turning Oxbow into some sort of city slicker paradise with new land development. That being said, she does wish the city had a frozen yogurt place.
tw cheating
She’s always been a matchbox sort of woman, she imagines she was brought into this world during a thunderstorm. Truthfully, she’ll never know what the weather conditions were like when she was born. Her biological mother passed away when she was little, which placed her into the loving arms of her mother and father. They’re the only parents she knows, and she routinely raises her chin when people try to challenge her on her parents. While they’re down to earth, hard working people, they have their flaws, however it was nothing that didn’t make her a better person in the end.
Laramie had a wild streak a mile wide, in their defense. Smart as a whip, energetic, she was popular in school but never mean. It was rare in a small town like Oxbow, where all the teenagers were just trying to find themselves, but Laramie never felt lost. She’d always known the direction her life was going to go. Given what her parents did, she grew up around horses and the crippling vet bills. However, she loved to be in the barn and over the vet’s shoulder’s asking questions and learning.
It only made sense, that nature of herself was ingrained into the very fiber of who she was. She went onto University of Calgary where she also went to vet school and studied to be an equine vet. College and vet school was a breeze, she enjoyed her time there and even worked on summer internships to continue her education. From there, she went to the University of Saskatchewan to become an equine surgeon.
Somewhere along the way, and unexpected, she had that storybook romance. The agriculture world is small, and during some of her field work, she met a guy who also was a relay rider within the rodeo circuits. She didn’t really expect to hit it off with him, her father warned her about guys who raced. However, this one seemed okay, they seemed to mesh just fine. It was, for a few years. They managed to juggle their difficult schedules: with him always on the road, and her having to work long hours during her schooling.
One day, she decided to drive six hours away and surprise him at one of his races. She often says she wished the story was more theatrical, but it isn’t. After watching him have a rough dismount and get hung up, she went to meet him in the medical tent, and instead of him being happy to see her, she got confronted with the fact that there was another girl there. Turns out, it was his other girlfriend. And before you ask, she’d say, she was a beautiful woman, so at least his taste was still great.
Their relationship ended there, and from there, Laramie finished school in romantic peace. After finishing her residency, she moved back to Oxbow to take a place at Oxbow Vetcare as their equine veterinarian. As a “practicing doctor” — and yes, she uses the air quotes — she remains something of purposely ignorant to the going-ons between the town’s history. If you don’t look too closely, it’s easy to brush off.
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ashxketchum · 2 years
Okay so after a weekend of consistent playing, I'm here with my thoughts on Pokemon ScarVi.
First disclaimer, I'm playing my e-shop purchased copy of Pokemon Violet on my Switch Lite and have not yet experienced any intense bugs or glitches that are being shared online by other users. My one problem as of now is that my character takes a while to display when I'm shopping for hats and stuff or changing the uniform.
So moving on, I LOVE PALDEA! The architecture and topography is wonderful and very rich and so easy to get lost into. And I mean that literally too because love and light to Gamefreak for thinking that I, a functioning adult, will not get distracted for 1 hour following a trail of shiny objects on the ground 😔🙏🏻 I want to publicly apologise to Galar Champion Leon for making fun of his directional skills all these years, I'm sorry Leon I love you and I now know how hard it is to stay on track 🫶🏻
The Pokemon designs are objectively fitting for the region, subjectively a hit and miss, and yet despite of it all somehow (YES YOU'RE READING THIS RIGHT) I'm yet to add Pikachu to my main team 😭 This has never happened before, I mean Pikachu is my lord and saviour I love it more than life itself, but then some of the Paldean pokemon are just too cool to be boxed! So my current team is this:
Captain Q the Quaquaval [My starter]
Zoro the Cyclizar
Charlie the Charcadet [Soon to be Ceruledge]
Bombirdier [No nickname because that's a bomb ass name right there]
Mimi the Pawmo
Shiro the Grafaiai
I obviously am short on time so I've been taking it slow, I've done 3 gyms, 2 titans and 1 star base so far. I thought of following a set order but then I kept getting lost in the wild, so now my current process is just taking on whichever challenge I can navigate myself towards 💀
Nemona is pretty cool, and also so down bad for the protagonist haha 😆 If Ash came to Paldea after his PWC, she would 100% become instant besties with him.
Arven was a bit annoying at first sight lol, but after finding out his backstory, I started to like him a lot. A soft boy who can cook, sign me the f up!
Director Clavell is so funny, iykyk 🤣
I have a lot of theories about Cassiopeia and Penny and Team Star, but I'm gonna try and finish that route to see if my predictions are correct before I say anything! [NO SPOILERS PLEASE!]
And my absolute favourite thing about the game, WE CAN WASH OUR POKEMON!!! Honestly it's just such a fun, intimate moment people share with their pets in real life, and now we get to have that with our pokemon too! Also the reactions the pokemon give out while getting washed are really cute, and while I suck at placing the ingredients correctly on a sandwich, this is the one thing I truly enjoy about the picnic option.
So that's all, I hope I make more progress in the coming week!
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charcherry-weekly · 2 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 209
Hello everyone! This is Mage of Light Nick Card and I am filled with Determination. Now, let's record progress together.
Unovan Challenges
Early this week, Rogue of Heart Charles resolved to face the Unova league. He and his pokemon geared up for the perilous journey upon Victory Road. Charles's team consisted of Floatzel, Eelektross, Leavanny, Lucario, Magmortar, and Swoobat. The greatest challenge was a quartet of trainers, apparently understudies of Dragon Master Lance. However, Charles made use of their teacher's most useful lesson: use your healing items in battle! Reportedly these four trainers were far more advanced than the actual elite four, which Charles and their team was able to defeat without much known detail. Eventually, Charles reported that they had defeated the current Unovan champion and consequently entered the Unovan hall of fame. However, a detail of note, apparently only Unovan residents can actually become the Unovan champion, which in hindsight makes sense, considering it is a position to be defended. Also, apparently Pokemon Trainer Nate (who won the unity village battle tournament last year) defeated Charles's team shortly after. As a result, Charles returned home, exhausted from the trials faced that day. Congratulations to Charles and their pokemon!
Isekai from the Sky
A few nights ago, there was a light commotion in Unity Village. Somebody fell from the sky! While its certainly not the first time its happened, the person found at the landing site was certainly someone new, though perhaps with a few mysteries of their own. Reportedly, they had been hit by a truck isekai-style shortly before being sent here. Out of courtesy, the identity of this person will not be published. Arrangements have been made to make sure they are well accommodated for.
Summer Festival!
Yesterday at noon, the 3rd annual Unity Village Summer Festival kicked off to a roaring start! The town has never quite been this bustling and busy. I do wonder how much of it is due to The Park no longer being open for curious guests to meet and greet pokemon for the first time. It is the first year that the world of Starter Planet has been publicly available to travel to, which is a significant factor either way. As usual, the local businesses and public facilities all have information booths outside, and Professor Coleman Branch is has been handing out starter pokemon to children who have come of responsible age for pokemon training. Needless to say, there are a LOT of children over there. Your dear newsletter writer has been promoting the local library, though most visitors were more interested in using its public swimming pool to cool down in. I'm still not sure why the library was built with a public pool, but it certainly comes in handy for those that want a safe swim on a hot day. Here is the list of booths and attractions that can be found this week:
shinyjiggly snacks (new unity village branch!)
Samm's taiyaki stand (next to Samm's new juice bar!)
Charles's pokemon translation stand
Commemorative T-shirt stand
Derse-themed bouncy house
Dunk tank
Dart throw (win plushies here!)
In terms of events taking place during the festival, Page of Mind Samm will be performing a mindfield show at some point in the middle of the week, and there will be a pokemon tournament on the 8th. Sign-ups are open until the last day. Full team of 6 set to level 50 with a limit of one legendary to a team. So far, only Gym leader Mimi So&So has submitted a team of mostly fairy types and bug types, with no legendaries in it. As usual, those that manage to defeat a gym leader during an official match can earn a gym badge in the process. The battles for this tournament will be held in Unity Gym.
Archipelago Progress Continued
As of late, the archipelago team has been operating at a rather relaxed pace. Outside assistant Magma has been seeking out secrets in Duke Nukem, while your dear newsletter writer has been focusing on playing through Undertale. Because all of the prerequisite items had been found, my playthrough was largely typical, except for in terms of inventory management, as healing items were handed out at the beginning and had to be rationed during the course of the run. After a few nights of playing, I eventually reached the ending, which was so impactful (even after having played this game back when it came out in 2015) that it inspired me to try a different approach with HyacinhHeld. One that will require that the april fools game is separate, but one that should make structuring the experience much easier. That is, if the undertale fan-game engine I found online proves to be user friendly enough (and if my GML skills aren't too rusty). Regardless, progress at the game room is currently a little over 75%, and hopefully the other team members can pull through on their ends soon.
Classified ads
Do you need therapy? Have you been impacted by the cosmic creation game in some manner? Do you have weird problems that likely have supernatural factors? Contact Dr. Winters at 555-555-2425 to schedule an appointment, new client slots open this month.
Language teachers wanted! Neo Alternia is requesting schoolfeeders who specialize in various useful languages used throughout Gene. Please contact the department of education for details.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don’t write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
Temple stand: - Lesser Restoration (50 gp) - Horn (3 gp) - Healer's Kit (5 gp) - Revivify (400 gp) - Torch (1 cp) - Alms Box (5 gp) - Potion of Healing (50 gp) - Ink (1 ounce bottle) (10 gp) - Meditation crystal (100 gp) - Stinging whip (50 gp)
I think that covers just about everything. Skye and Skitis managed to finish act 1 of their custom Ace Attorney case based off of a chapter from Skitis's life, and a limited tram service has been established along lakeside path from Unity to Charcherry. As for me, I need sleeps. Goodnight! https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/446/charcherry-weekly-issue-209
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geminiamethyst · 10 months
Skyline Gang. Chapter 22
Prologue: click HERE
Chapter 21: click HERE
Chapter 23: click HERE
The four reached the main stage area as calmly as they could. Dude and Mimi continued to walk behind Bud and Rainbow, keeping an eye out for anything that might come from the back. Bud focused hard on breathing, remaining as calm as he could. He can’t focus on the anxiety that creeped around him like a predator. If he did, it could be bad news for both him and Dude, no matter who was doing the challenge. The others were waiting patiently. Dawn sat in her throne like always, looking more impatient than ever. The stage was set, a Shadow Man and the props all set up. On each side of the stage was a blackboard and a small table that held a red button in the centre front of it. The blackboards had the same writing. Both held an equation. It was so complex that it was hard to tell how to work it out. That was the challenge being set.
“That’s too much!” Sprout moaned, stumbling back in a dizzy daze.
“I…I’m good at maths. But I’m not that good.” Dude muttered. He gritted his teeth as he looked at the equation. It was too complex for anybody to sort out. Then it hit him like a freight train. He had seen something similar like this already. He turned to Bud, who was looking at the blackboards. He didn’t look stressed out or panicked. For the first time in a while, he looked completely relaxed. If anything, he was ecstatic. It was a wonder how he wasn’t charging to the stage to work it out in an instant. This was his element. “Bud! You’re going to have to be the one to do this.”
Bud suddenly snapped out of his state of mind. His head snapped back towards the group. They all stared at him, eyes full of anticipation. He shuffled back, Rainbow bracing him in case he stumbled. He could feel his heart beating harshly. His chest started to feel tight. He was starting to feel his anxiety pick up in an instant. His stomach was doing backflips as his brain ran rampant.
“No! I…I can’t be smart!” Bud shouted, wishing that he could just run and hide. “People have often told me that I shouldn’t be because they won’t be my friends otherwise!”
“Bud, we want you to be smart!” Mimi protested, gently taking a step forward.
“And whoever told you that you shouldn’t be, are more dumb than Sprout!” Pip grinned, gesturing to the green clad teen.
“Yeah! More dumb then-HEY!” Sprout yelled when he caught on. There were a few laughs at his expense. Bud wasn’t one of them. He just didn’t understand. He was no longer in a frenzy. He was just glancing at one person to another. He took in their faces. All were encouraging and hopeful. Not one seemed to be spiteful. It made a refreshing change.
“You…really want me to be that smart?” Bud questioned, unable to meet anyone’s eyes.
“Yes. And we’ll still be your friends.” Candi smiled, stepping forward with a bounce. Bud bit his lip. He glanced back up at the stage, eyeing at the blackboards. He knew the equation written on them. He had seen it and others like it before. He was already halfway solving it when Dude surprised him. It could do it without a problem. However, he was afraid. He just didn’t want to lose this thing that he had. He recalled how Dude and Mimi called him a friend. Candi sounded genuine with how she vowed that she and the others would still be friends with him. It was like freedom to him as he thought about that. He can’t let that go!
“You can do this.” Dude encouraged, gently placing a hand on Bud’s shoulder. Bud looked at him, shaking from all the emotions that he felt. Emotions were always so confusing. Faces and making eye contact were confusing. It had always been hard for him to tell if anyone was being nice to him or not. But their voices always rang out loud and clear to him. The confidence in him that the others had was strong. They were being right there for him. They always had. He just never realised it. And if this challenge was to be won, he didn’t have much of a choice.
“Bud, reporting for duty!” He smiled as brightly as he could. The others grinned with him, parting a path for him. Taking a deep breath, Bud started walking forward. Rainbow stayed right beside him, insisting that Bud kept his hand on him. The texture of the fur was soothing once more. 
“The mutt stays there.” Dawn suddenly commanded. Bud snapped his head toward her as Rainbow growled softly. He wanted to protest and explain that Rainbow would assist him. The dog was essentially like a crutch to him for the day. However, he knew that he wouldn’t be allowed to have what he wanted. If he protested, the challenge might be forfeited or forced onto Dude. He has to do this on his own.
“I’ll be okay, Rainbow.” He spoke calmly, kneeling down in front of Rainbow. He rubbed the soft head and did his best to maintain eye contact. Rainbow whined a little, but sat down. “Good dog. Thank you for everything today.” Keeping up a composure, Bud stood up straight and started heading up the stage steps. A grey barrier formed behind him, prompting another whine from Rainbow. Dude stroked his head calmly, trying to quill the dog’s worries. Bud approached the blackboard that was available to him. He stared at the equation again. He wanted to make sure that it was clear enough for him to work on. It was complex, but he was determined to solve it. There was a small scratching sound as the Shadow Man already started to work. Bud cursed himself for not having a start. He knew what he was doing, he didn’t need to dwell on anything. He picked up the chalk, registering how hard it felt. He tried not to focus on the texture. He can’t afford to get distracted by something so simple. He raised his hand to start working, but his hand froze as he felt something dark all around him.
“No one cares! You keep being smart, you won’t get friends! You’re on the spectrum, so stop acting smart already, and be stupid like you’re supposed to!”
Kids can be cruel. That was something that Bud was always reminded of. When he was little, it was hard for him to talk to other kids. He’d never interact with them, becoming a ghost. When he was diagnosed, his parents worked hard to provide him with the support that he needed. He excelled all expectations and stayed ahead on his studies. He was set to go to university at sixteen and learn about engineering and robotics. He was ready for bettering his education. However, as he got older and more kids noticed that his was on the spectrum, they started to treat him differently. If any were near him, they’d ignore him. If he was out in a group, he was forced to do all the work. If he tried to offer any help, he’d get shot down instantly. Just like that moment before he was brought to this Skyline. Most didn’t understand autism, which is fine because there is so much that people still don’t understand about it. However, most just use it as an excuse to not have him be part of a group or be a friend. It was so isolating.
“You’ve got this, Bud!”
That voice brought him out of his state. He glanced over his shoulder to see the others. They still encouraged him. He expected to be abandoned, just like always. But they’re different. They didn’t paint him in a bad light. They called him a friend. He didn’t bring up his autism at first because of his past experiences with people finding out. He just didn’t want to be alone again. This situation was a good turn from before. He wasn’t alone.
I’m autistic, but that never bothered them. I’ve been smart around them already, and not one of them has told me to stop. They even helped me during my meltdown. And they’re encouraging me right now. I can’t let them down!
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Bud finally took a deep breath. His mind felt more clear now. His hand automatically started moving. The numbers and answers came to him in an instant. He didn’t need to stop and think. He just allowed the flow to come to him naturally, just like it had always done. He blocked out the world around him. He can’t afford any distractions.
“How is he doing that?” Sprout asked, once again becoming dizzy.
“He’s a genius. Just let him do his thing.” Dude shrugged. Bud didn’t seem to notice the conversation. He just kept working. He felt a small change as his clothes started to glow, but that didn’t stop him. He was almost done. He didn’t see what his opponent was doing. He just focused on his own work and finishing it off. It was easy for him. He just couldn’t help but smile as he finally reached the end with the correct answer. He spun on his heels and reached for the button at the centre of the stage.
“I am Bud, and I wear red! I know it all from A to Z! And I’m even smarter than I think!” He shouted, slamming his hand on the button. There was a moment of silence. Everyone held their breath. There was finally a small ping as the button flashed green. It was don’t. It was over. Bud won. The moment he felt immense relief, his transformation was done. Red dungarees that had two different shades, white short, red and white trainers and a red visor cap on his head. His name was printed on the front of his clothes. It was styled as symbols from the periodic table. He had red eye shadow with white rectangles painted next to his eyes. His lips were red with a white strip in the middle, very similar to how Sprout’s had been done. He grinned gingerly as he held up his hand in a Vulcan salute.
“Cosmic!” He grinned, swelled up with pride. The Shadow Man hung its head in defeat as it disappeared. The barrier also faded away. Dawn sneered as she lost the challenge and faded into her dark cloud. Bud made his way down the stairs as the cloud faded away.
“Well done, Bud! That was well bonkers!” Sprout shouted, charging towards Bud. Bud flinched violently at the noise, stumbled back to get away from the source. Sprout stopped his excitement, screeching to a halt from his sprint. He winced a bit as he was reminded of what happened earlier. He scolded himself for not being careful. He smiled and held up his hand. “Sorry. High five?” Bud was about to reciprocate the gesture. However he stopped, and peered at Sprout’s hand closely.
“Do you know how many germs thrive on a clearly unwashed hand?!” He declared. Sprout started to take the opportunity to joke around. He let out a fake scream as he turned his hand toward his face, fingers poised as if he had claws. He turned to Pip and Candi since they were the closer to him, letting out a growl. Candi let out a squeak as she and Pip started to run from him, playing along with him. Dude and Mimi laughed as the chase started. Sprout grinned himself as he stopped running after ten seconds.
“You know what, I deserved that.” He grinned, not taking the words seriously as he spotted Bud laughing as well. Bud held up his watch, tapping at the screen.
“Are you taking a selfie?” Mimi immediately took interest. She stood next to Bud, starting to fuss about her hair and braving to strike a pose.
“No, I’m calculating how long it took for my transformation and its completion.” Bud stated, setting down his wrist. Mimi pouted a little, but stepped aside as Rainbow approached Bud. Bud immediately started to make a fuss of the dog, feeling more calm now that he had something else to focus on.
“Bud! Come take a look!” Candi suddenly called out, waving excitedly. She took off to the glass doors. Everyone else followed, Bud being at the front. He approached the doors, taking in the rides and cotton candy stand. He almost immediately spotted something different. A few ft away from the cotton candy stand was a wooden hut like structure. Held inside it were different games like hook a duck and darts. One that faced the doors was a game to throw a ball in a bucket. Hanging from the ceiling and corners of the hut were various stuffed toys. The music was back as a figure started to appear. The music was upbeat, but still a little distorted. A red haired man started to walk by the games. He was wearing the same outfit as Bud’s, just missing the visor. It was replaced by a brown tool belt that held a spanner and small screwdriver. He glowed a soft red colour as he walked. He was studying the game in front of him, picking up one if of the balls. He weighed it out in his hand, calculating.
“I loved these carnival games. I’d always find a way to beat the rigged up ones and win. It was a way to train my brain.” Bud commented, not taking his eyes off of the man. The man juggled the ball a little before finally throwing it. The ball bounced a little, but remained in the bucket. Bud clapped, grabbing the man’s attention instantly. “Cosmic! Well done!”
The man smiled as he got the praise. He looked at the toys, but decided not to take one. Instead, he just smiled as waved at the group. As he waved, the music started to fade away. He was moving on as he turned to shimmering red dust. An unknown breeze started to help sweep it away, whisking it into the darkness. The somber feeling lingered as the music finally died away. Just one more challenge to go. Then they can finally go home.
“Dude? Are you okay?” Pip asked suddenly. Everyone turned, noticing that Dude wasn’t by the doors lie they were. He was standing a couple ft away, arms crossed over his chest. He blinked in surprise was all eyes fell on him.
“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, shuffling a little on his feet.
“You haven’t done a challenge yet.” Sprout answered, concern laced in his voice.
“I’m fine, really.” Dude smiled bitterly, taking a step back. He just wanted to get away. He kept taking steps back, increasing the distance. “I’m just going to go check on something. I’ll catch up with you guys later on!”
With that, he took off. With how fast he was going, the others couldn’t tell where he went as he disappeared around the stage. They tried to tell which direction he went and listen out for his footsteps, but he may as well have vanished all together. He hid himself away. Rainbow sniffed around, picking up the scent immediately. He wanted to give chase, but waited for the command. No one gave it, so he just sat and waited some more. Everyone was silent, not sure what they should talk about.
“I’d like to bring forth a concern.” Bud finally said after a few minutes.
“What’s wrong Bud?” Candi asked, tilting her head curiously.
“I’ve observed a few times now that Dude has been displaying odd behaviour.” Bud explained, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“What do you mean?” Sprout asked, trying to think of a way to laugh this off.
“He’s put up a wall, or a mask. Metaphorically speaking.” Bud stated, grimly looking around. He wasn’t sure where Dude was or if he was listening. He just wanted to keep the peace for as long as he could.
“Come on!” Sprout laughed a little. However, his voice was shaky, unconvinced that he could laugh this off so easily.
“No. He’s right. I’ve noticed it too.” Pip sighed. There was no point in hiding it anymore. She kept the incident between Dude and Dawn a secret until Dude up wanted to bring it up again. However, he never did, not since their discussion in the arcade. “A couple of days ago, Dude confronted Dawn. He seemed brave, but I could tell that he was shaking badly. When I approached him, after a while, he tried to hide it.” This rocked everyone to their core. Why didn’t Dude say anything about that? It was important to know. He should’ve mentioned something after it was over or before he even performed such a stunt. He can’t keep something like that under his hat!
“Dude’s the last one to do a challenge. He’s probably feeling a lot of pressure right now.” Mimi brought up, trying to reason with the situation.
“I would agree, but I think that it’s more skin deep than that.” Bud sighed, his voice heavy. No one said anything after that. They just stood in silence, with a dark cloud of worry looming over their heads.
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gacmediadaily · 11 months
Great American Pure Flix recently announced the premiere dates for their Christmas movie premieres from Great American Family.
Here are the dates provided in their press release:
B&B Merry (Wednesday, November 1), starring Jen Lilley, Peter Louis Chouinard, and Jesse Hutch. Tracey a travel blogger is invited by Graham Cooper to Christmas getaway for family's small bed and breakfast. B&B is facing tough competition from a hotel resort that has been stealing guests and threatens survival of the family business.
'Twas the Text Before Christmas (Thursday, November 2), starring Merritt Patterson and Trevor Donovan. An unexpected text message sent to the wrong number (Patterson) sets into motion a Christmas tradition with a new family (Donovan) over three separate years.
Christmas Keepsake (Friday, November 10), starring Jillian Murray and Daniel Lissing. A father (Lissing) bonds with his daughter and stumbles upon an unexpected romance (Murray) while tracking down the original owner of a Christmas time capsule.
A Christmas Blessing (Thursday, November 16), starring Lori Laughlin, Jesse Hutch and James Tupper. Renowned TV star Mandy Gilmore (Loughlin) says goodbye to her hit culinary series, A World of Food, with plans to travel the globe dining in all 142 Michelin star restaurants. Before jetting to Paris, Mandy stops in Milwaukee with the deed to her deceased aunt's food pantry, Angel's Fare, recently purchased by adjacent business owner, Adam Carraway (Tupper). A simple transaction. Until pantry volunteer, Otto Nessen (Hutch) reminds all that Aunt Susie's love of cooking was truly love of feeding and inspires one more holiday feast for those who need it most. Haul out the holly! For we need a little Christmas now.
Santa, Maybe (Wednesday, November 22), starring Aubrey Reynolds and Samuel Whitten. Can theater director Lila (Reynolds) rise to the challenge of putting on the perfect Christmas ballet, while also discovering her office Secret Santa in the process?
A Dash of Christmas (Thursday, November 23), starring Laura Osnes and Christopher Russell. To apply for her dream job at a foodie startup, an executive (Laura Osnes) must learn to bake. When she recruits a handsome baker to help her (Christopher Russell), she inadvertently ends up entered in a Christmas Bakeoff.
Destined 2: Christmas One More (Thursday, November 30), starring Shae Robins and Casey Elliott. In this sequel, Theo (Elliott) continues to miss connecting with his girlfriend, Kim (Robins) as he attempts to propose at Christmas.
My Christmas Hero (Friday, December 1), starring Candace Cameron Bure and Gabriel Hogan. US Army reservist and orthopedic physician, Nicole Ramsey (Bure) is dedicated to serving military service members and their families at the Joint Military Base in Lacey, Washington, home of I Corps and the 62nd Airlift Wing. This Christmas, with the help of many dedicated heroes, Dr. Ramsey is on a mission to honor a special fallen soldier and bring much needed healing to her own family.
Christmas on Windmill Way (Thursday, December 7), starring Christa Taylor Brown and Chad Michael Murray. Mia Miejer (Taylor Brown) excitedly anticipates the Christmas Market Fest Dutch Bake-Off competition and is filled with confidence her Mimi, Ann, will win the festival's top prize with her award-winning Kerststol when she learns Mimi has difficult news to share. Ann had to sell land around the family-owned Jansen Inn, including easements all around the heritage Tall Wooden and Brick Dutch Windmill renowned for centuries for its fine millwork and beautiful wooden furniture. It's an especially tough pill for Mia to swallow when she learns the land developer's representative is her former boyfriend, Brady Schaltz (Michael Murray), who also must let Mia and Ann know the agreement includes the Inn and sawmill, all of which will be torn down.
Peppermint & Postcards (Friday, December 8), starring Christopher Russell, Ella Cannon and Dave Kenneth MacKinnon. When a Christmas letter concerning her love life goes viral, one mom discovers that romance might be right at her door.
Other Christmas movies playing this holiday season on Great American Pure Flix include: An Angelic Christmas, Buttons: A Christmas Tale, A Christmas... Present, etc... There will also be a weekly theme on the streaming platform during the Christmas season... Getting In the Spirit (Nov. 1-5) Celebrate Family (Nov. 6-12) Celebrate Romance (Nov. 13-19) Celebrate Taste of the Season (Nov. 20-26) Celebrate Coming Home (Nov. 27-Dec. 3) Celebrate Christmas Wishes (Dec. 4-10) Celebrate Christmas Miracles (Dec. 11-17) Celebrate Keeping Christ in Christmas (Dec. 18-24)
*Video Promo - 
Celebrate Christmas with Great American Pure Flix:
I just love that Great American Pure Flix focuses on the True Meaning of Christmas! 
Hopefully, this will be a helpful guide to those of you who have a subscription to this streaming service.
0 notes
sagechanoafterdark · 4 years
The Edge
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Pairing: Steve x Reader Warnings: swearing, depression, sad boy Steve, sexual situations, heartbreak, manful tears Note: This is for @captain-rogers-beard​ One Hit Wonder Challenge. My song was Edge of a Broken Heart by Vixen. Thank you for hosting and congratulations on the milestone! Huge thank you goes out to @hysteria87​ for betaing for me. She’s one hell of a person for taking the time out of her schedule to listen to me and push me when I need it. <3
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The drive from upstate into the city always seemed to sap the energy from you. It’s one of the excuses you used as to why you hadn’t made the drive from the Avengers complex down to the Brooklyn apartment in nearly two weeks. 
But at Natasha’s forced insistence you’d made the three-hour drive and tried your best not to look too hard at exactly why. It had been almost a year after what the team called The Snap and the city was still a mess. People were focused on rebuilding and picking up the pieces of their lives or wallowing in misery.
If you could be honest with yourself, that’s why you’d stopped coming into Brooklyn. Keys jingling as you unlocked the door to the apartment, walking inside the dark space and into the decision you’d been dreading the whole drive down. 
Inside it was dark, eyes taking a moment to adjust to the proverbial pitch blackness of the room. The midday sun shown outside brighter than ever, but with the curtains drawn the home you’d come to love was in absolute shambles. This apartment had been your pride and joy just a short time ago, spending countless hours cleaning and living in the space while you waited for him to come back into the city.
The choice you’d made to stay had been a hard one, but you couldn’t turn your back on your own goals and you’d been grateful when he’d understood. Keeping the secret of his returns back to the city to rest and recharge, seeking the warmth of your bed and the meals you’d provide while he was laying low. You were always sure to make it as inviting and warm as possible, ready to give the man on the run a home.
Now there was something cold about the place, as if all the warmth had been sucked out of the rooms you’d taken such care of. Once perfect bookshelves were cleared, tomes scattered on the floor along with the remnants of ceramic figures you’d painfully dusted each week. The polished wood floors were littered with empty bottles of liquor and beer. Stepping further into the apartment your lip curled at the smell, eyeing the half-eaten containers of old take out before setting what you’d brought on the entry table next to your keys. 
Clearly, he’d been busy while you were away. It was almost enough to make you want to cry. The apartment you loved, now in shambles. He’d succeeded in turning this sanctuary into his own private mausoleum.
Your eyes trailed over the rooms, flipping on the lights. Marble countertops were sticky with unknown residue and covered with styrofoam containers. On the far wall of the kitchen, a dent and splatter mark where shards of amber glass laid on the tile, glittering in the light. A deep frown pulled at the corners of your mouth. It had only been two weeks since you’d been here last. Okay, maybe three, but it was so hard to believe that the place would fall to pieces so quickly.
Turning towards the back bedroom, a heavy stone of guilt settled in your gut. Maybe you should have been more careful, more attentive to what was going on and what he needed. You should have come back sooner, been less focused on the world as a whole, and more on the one person you had left in it.
Picking up a few containers on the counter, you threw them in the trash absently, heaving a heavy sigh and fighting back tears as you continued on with what needed to be done. You didn’t expect him to come out of the bedroom as you picked up the pieces he’d left behind. But, you found yourself sinking further into the misery he had surely been feeling.
After the snap, you’d gone back to the complex, looking for answers. Just before finding Thanos, Steve had asked to come to live in the apartment with you and like the hopelessly in love fool you were, you’d thought it would be like old times. Yes, the world had been dealt a heavy blow, but at least you still had each other.
But the man that came back to you was different after the confrontation with Thanos. He was cold, apathetic, and detached in most things he did. The smile never reaching his eyes his kiss edging more on desperation than passion. Losing himself in a bottle night after night and tearing your heart to shreds in the process. Nightmares plagued him waking you in the dark of night and on nights he didn’t it was because he’d slept on the couch instead. He wasn’t the man you’d fallen in love with, he was broken and it was killing you inside.
Memories of before haunted this apartment and lurked like spectators smirking from the shadows. Remnants of laughter echoing in your ears as you cleaned the living room, fluffing pillows and stuffing trash into a bag. The feeling of home and joy shared between the two of you vanishing with every task completed. Right now there was no laughter, no intimate atmosphere, no life in this place.
Glancing at the clock, you’d already been here for over an hour and hadn’t seen any sign of him. Swallowing hard, you set the sacks of trash next to the door; the kitchen and living room straightened up, you sighed, pushing the hair out of your face and started down the hallway towards the bedroom, steeling yourself as you grew closer.
Pushing open the bedroom door and flicking on the light, you found him in the same position he’d been in the last time you’d come. The same place he always was. Laying in bed. Wearing the same clothes with the same dark circles under his eyes as he gazed unblinkingly at the ceiling.
“Steve,” you called softly, coming to stand beside the bed, looking down at him.
He didn’t respond, not even blinking, just the subtle rise and fall of his chest to indicate he was still alive. He’d been like this the last time you’d come and you’d shamefully dropped off the food and left, unable to bear seeing him like this, to see his greatness tarnish like his shield. To see him utterly and truly beaten. If you didn’t have to look at him, he wasn’t broken, he was still strong and tall. You were so selfish.
Standing there at the edge of the bed, your hands went to your hips, eyes sweeping up and down his stained shirt, bedraggled hair, and an unkempt beard. “Get the fuck up, Steve.”
He didn't respond. Hell, he didn’t even twitch, his sea-blue eyes staring ahead.
“Steve, look at me,” you prod, voice sounding as desperate as you felt.
Still nothing, just the clenching of his jaw as you stood there. Your jaw ticked, annoyance rearing its head and with a snort you walked out of the room and towards the kitchen, returning a moment later a glass of ice-cold water clenched in your hand. "Steve," you growled in warning, taking your place beside him once again. "Get out of bed."
"No," came the resounding answer, voice cracking from misuse in the last weeks.
Setting your jaw, you took a step forward, “Fine. If you refuse to get up I’ll just have to make you.” Your arm extended over his head, a look of momentary horror crossing his face as you tipped the full glass, dumping the chilly drink all over him in the bed.
Gasping and sputtering, Steve hadn’t expected it, his hands flailing against now wet sheets as he made a poor attempt to stop you. The silence was deafening when you’d finished. Steve sat upright in the bed, soaking wet greasy strands of hair clung to his forehead. He turned, glaring up at you with tired eyes before clenching his jaw in anger.
Your own outrage matched his; setting the glass on the bedside table, your hands began ripping away the sopping sheet and comforter. He tried to fight you back, fingers gripping the blue and white striped comforter in vain as you ripped it away into a pile on the floor, leaving him exposed in the bed. It only served to draw his ire further, reaching out his hand grasping your wrist hard, yanking you to him.
Fire shone in those blue eyes as your hand fisted in the grimy green t-shirt, pinned beneath him as he pushed you further into the mattress. “Why can’t you just leave me alone!?” Steve snarled out over you, the ungroomed edges of his beard tickling your skin.
The smell of stale beer on his breath made your lip curl, “Is hurting me really the answer? Are you so blinded by your own misery you think you’re the only one in fucking pain, Steve?” He blinked over you, his grip loosening slightly and you used the moment to counter. With a heave you shoved Steve back and off of you as he willingly dropped to the floor. Steve slid one hand into his hair, holding it there and folding his legs under him at the end of the bed.
Standing, your hand rubbed the soreness away in your wrist; it was sure to bruise. “I’m sorry,” he breathed out, head hanging eyes downcast from his place on the floor.
I’m sorry. Steve said that a lot now and it only served to fuel the swirling mess of anger and sadness you felt. Swallowing hard, you turned away from him, “Get your shit together and go take a shower, you reek.” 
With the final order, you returned to the living room, picking up books and placing them back onto the shelf as you pulled the broom out of a hall closet, willing yourself not to cry. From the corner of your eye, you saw Steve enter the bathroom, door slamming closed behind himself. A few tears slipped down your cheeks and you angrily wiped them away with a sniffle and a clenched fist.
Steve was locked in that tiny washroom for a long time; the sound of running water and soap slapping the tiles had ended more than an hour ago. Once you’d finished in the living room, your anger had fizzled, the feeling being replaced with the now-familiar melancholy as the apartment returned to a semi-normal state: kitchen counters no longer sticky, the floors swept and vacuumed, the bedding now washed and dried.
You were occupied with putting away a basket of clean clothes from the last time you’d visited when you felt a hand slide down the back of your arm. It was the lightest of touches but it startled you enough to drop the basket with a gasp. “God damn it, you scared the hell out of me,” you scolded, turning your annoyed gaze towards him.
Blinking, it was like you were looking at a new man. Face clean-shaven and hair shoddily trimmed but combed back from his face, Steve almost looked like himself again. He was the man you’d fallen in love with and it warmed your heart to see him once again. You could feel the smallest of smiles edge at the corner of your mouth as your eyes swept greedily over his bare chest and sinfully tight boxer briefs.
Swallowing hard, you forced your gaze to return to his face, eyes locked with his own. His lips twitched in an almost smirk before his gaze drifted down at your wrist to the light purple marks beginning to appear in such a short time. 
“Steve,” you whispered, watching his expression as he glanced up towards you again, long lashes framing those expressive sea-green orbs. 
Slowly bringing your wrist to his mouth, he pressed an apologetic kiss to the underside of your wrist. “I’m sorry sweetheart.”
“Stop saying that,” you whispered.
"Then what do you want me to say?”
Instinctively, you took another step closer to him, thumb caressing against the smooth skin of his cheek. “I don’t want you to say anything,” you confessed, the hesitation you felt towards him audible in the hitch of your breath. His eyes fell closed, leaning into your touch, and when they reopened it was with an intensity you recognized immediately as he closed the distance.
The kiss was tender at first, tempting and coaxing as his lips met your own. Soft and plush lips enticed you further until you gave in. Your hands sliding over his chest and one into the damp locks of his hair. His own glided down past your waist to the curve of your hip, pulling you closer just as his tongue slipped past your lips. 
The tiniest mewling noise escaped you as he pulled you harder against him and groaned into your mouth. His hand reached down to lift your legs and wrap them around his waist; Steve pinned you to the wall, grinding his erection against your core. Teeth capturing his swollen bottom lip, your head was spinning, enjoying the feeling of his hands holding and kneading your ass and his mouth against yours.
Turning, Steve made the three quick strides to the bed before tossing you down, bouncing slightly on your back as a joyous giggle left you. He looked debauched, chest and cheeks flush, hair mussed from your fingers and lips red from the heat of your kiss. Like a true predator, Steve slowly climbed over you, hooded eyes savoring the look of pleasure on your face, pausing to bite at the swell of your breast before seizing your mouth once more.
“I missed this,” he confessed against your mouth. Lips leaving yours to trail heavy and wet against your neck, his hand slipped under your shirt and pushed your bra up, exposing your nipples to his fingers as he pulled and rolled them. 
The scent of his shampoo filled your lungs, making it near impossible to catch your breath. Steve's tongue lathed against a sensitive spot before returning to your lips, holding your face in his hands as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
“I love you so much, sweetheart.”
His words sent a shock wave through you as his mouth laid claim to yours again, your body stiffening against him. Regret sat heavily like a stone on your heart as your hands slid to his chest and barely pushed, “S-stop.”
It came out as more of a whimper than an actual command, still between his kisses you pushed a little firmer. “Steve, stop.” He didn’t, pressing you a little harder down into the mattress with his weight, kisses fervent and demanding against you. “Stop, stop, stop!”
The order sent him leaping off of you, standing at the end of the bed chest heaving and looking down at you. “Wh-What’s wrong?” His brow furrowed and hair mussed as an embarrassed blush dusted his cheeks. 
Swallowing hard, you slid to the edge of the bed, a panting sweaty mess. Pressing trembling hands against your forehead, you tried in vain to control your breathing. With a heavy sigh you pulled a shaky hand through your now sweaty strands of hair. 
Steve knelt in front of you, hand sliding against your thigh as the other tucked an errant strand behind your ear. He whispered your name, using one finger to lift your chin to meet his gaze. You almost wished you hadn’t with the look of confusion in those crystalline depths.
“We can’t keep doing this, Steve,” you whispered, the grief from the past year beginning to seep through your veins like poison. “I come to see you and you’re still a wreck. You say you love me, then I have to leave again and it's getting harder and harder to do it. You’re going to break my god damn heart, Steve, and I can’t do it.”
He didn’t reply, thumb tracing softly over your cheek and wiping away a few of the tears that managed to escape your eyes. Whispering your name again he leaned forward, pressing a hesitant kiss to your lips. Coaxing you to change your mind, “Please.”
Eyes closed, you returned the kiss; sighing against him, your hands reached out to pull him just a tad closer. Steve had done this before, coaxed you into staying using just a kiss and you had... for another three years. But you couldn't do it anymore. Pulling away, your head dropped down to his shoulder, unable to even look him in the eyes as you delivered the shattering news.
“I'm leaving New York, Steve.” 
You could feel the shock run through him as his body stiffened under you. He’d stopped breathing altogether it seemed, but you continued on, “I'm moving to London; there’s a group of survivors there and they need my help. I don't want to leave you but I can’t keep doing this. I love you too much to keep doing this.”
The tears came unbidden now and you felt his hands slip to your shoulders as you continued on, “I can’t be this for you anymore Steve. I’m sorry. I can’t keep coming here to see you then have to leave you alone. To clean up the broken bottles. To...to kiss you over and over again and have you whisper against my lips like that. I’m living on the edge, Steve.”
Slowly you lifted your head to meet his gaze, his eyes glazed over with tears as he looked at you. This is the reason why you came here today. This was why you had to do this.
“I can go with you,” he started, tears shining in his eyes.
Biting your lip you shook your head, “No. You have to stay in New York. They need you here. Nat needs you. I can’t be your crutch for the world anymore, Steve, because I love you too much and it’s killing me.”
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just-the-hiddles · 5 years
Come on Darling | Loki x Reader
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A/N: This is my entry for @captain-rogers-beard​ One Hit Wonder Challenge. Thanks Mimi for an amazing challenge!!! And happybirthday! My prompt was using Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners.  I have bolded the lines (which I may have tweaked a bit to fit Loki’s style of speech.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: You can’t stand Loki.  You find him cocky and smug.  The two of you are forced together on a mission and during that time true intentions and feelings are revealed.  
Warnings: Smut, fighting, injuries, violence, Oral Sex (f receiving), sex, Language
Word Count: 3123
Whole Enchilada Tag List: @winterisakiller​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @hopelessromanticspoonie​ @pinkzz123​ @jessiejunebug​ @cherrygeek86​ @littleredstarfish​ @rjohnson1280​ @the-minus-four​ @wiczer​ @lotus-eyedindiangoddess​ @catsladen​ @coppercorn-and-cauldron​ @gerli49​ @lovesmesomehiddles​ @devilbat​ @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ @tinchentitri​ @theheartofpenelope​ @noplacelikehome77​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @snoopy3000​ @voila-tout​ @bitchcraft-at-its-finest @kitkatd7​ @wolfsmom1​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @hrtsgetbrkn @xxloki81xx​ @thewaithfuckingannoyme​ @kcd15​ @amirra88​​
God of Mischief Tag List: @drakesfiance​ @obtain-this-grain​ @theoneanna​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @brucestephenbucky​ @lokilover2000​ @lokixme​ @jade10077​ @disconnectedswift​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @bluefrenchfries604​ @myraiswack​ @iexploded69420​ @rosierossette​
Story Tag: @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel​ @mthewitchsworld​
Untaggables: @jumpxjess
No matter how long you stayed in the Tower, you never got used to Loki’s stare. His startling blue eyes pierced right through to your soul in the most unnerving way. It was as though he was seeing you naked. Which given that it was Loki, anything was possible.
"You’re dropping your left guard.”
“I beg your pardon?” You glanced over to find Loki hovering at the edge of the boxing ring.
“You’re dropping your left arm when throw your right hook.” Loki commented as he slinked back and forth like a cat stalking its prey. “It leaves you vulnerable.”
“I’ll survive.” you huffed as you returned to shadow boxing.
You dropped your wrapped hands to your hips. “What is it to you if I survive or not?”
Loki stepped under the rope in one fluid motion. “Attack me.” Loki waved his hands for you to take a swing.
“Are you crazy?”
“Not in the slightest. Now attack me.”
Your hands dropped to your sides as you balled your fists, the wraps stretching. You lunged towards him but Loki blocked the blow with ease.
His arm swung out and caught you hard on your left shoulder. You kicked towards Loki’s shin, but he sidestepped it. You blocked his parry with your forearm. But his long fingers curled around your arm in a tight grip. You spun around, hooking his arm over your shoulder.
With all your might, you pulled down towards the mat, flipping Loki over your shoulder with the momentum. Loki hit the mat with a loud thud, knocking the wind out of him.
As he lay stunned on the mat, you extended a hand to help him up. He took your hand and as you shifted your weight; he tugged you downward. You twisted and landed flat on your back. Loki straddled your hips and pinned your arms above your head.
“As I said earlier,” he commented with labored breath, “you drop your guard.”
You struggled against his grip but to no avail.
“Hey Reindeer Games and Nikita!” Tony bellowed from the gym entrance. “If the two of you are done with the foreplay, I need to speak to both of you in the conference room.”
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and Loki rose quickly from his position. You shuffled to your feet and exited the ring, ignoring where Loki held the ropes open.
“Absolutely not!” You yelled as Steve and Tony stared across the table.
“There’s no other option.” Steve commented.
“What about the two of you?” you jabbed a finger.
Loki cleared his throat. “If I may…” you shot daggers next to you. “… I believe Cap explained that my pocket dimension is the only way to sneak the device into the facility. So unless the Captain or Mr. Stark have acquired magic…” Loki’s lips curled into a smile. “… you are stuck with me.”
“What about Nat?” you snapped back.
“Her cover was blown during our last attempt.”
“Wanda?” you pleaded in desperation.
“On vacation with Vision.”
You groaned as you slumped back into the chair. “Do I have to be his wife?”
“You should be so honored.”
Tony slammed his fists. “Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend. You just have to pretend you like each other for a few hours and dance around a room. Is that so hard? You were practically having sex in the gym earlier!”
“Hardly.” Loki scoffed.
“Please.” you joined.
Steve raised an eyebrow as he stood from the table. “You sound married already.” he smirked.
Tony and Steve left you stewing in the conference room as Loki stared at you with those damn blue eyes.
“I bet you look ravishing in red.” he cooed as he leaned in towards you.
You pushed away in disgust.
“If you even try to dip me, I will knee you in the groin.” you threatened as you stormed out of the room.
“I don’t understand why are you freaking out? I mean there are worse dance partners than Loki.”
Natasha lounged back on your bed as you rifled through the closet.
“He is arrogant and smug and cocky.”
“Interesting choice of words.”
You popped your head around the doorway.
“Mind out of the gutter.”
Nat sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. “You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about him that way.”
You disappeared into the closet before Natasha noticed anything.
“No comment.”
“Oh my God, you have! I knew it!”
Nat rushed into the closet to find your face buried into silk and chiffon.
“No comment.”
Nat flicked through the dresses hanging pushing past you.
“What are you doing?”
“Finding a dress that gives new meaning to the nickname Rock of Ages.” her lips curled into a smile.
Loki paced at the front door of Stark Tower. His shiny dress shoes reflected the overhead lights. He picked at nonexistent lint on his double-breasted tuxedo jacket.
“Stop pacing the floor, brother, you will dig a trench.”
“What is it to you?”
“It is not the pacing which concerns me but rather the reasoning behind it.” Thor commented, glancing up at his brother.
“I am eager to get this mission done and over with.” Loki huffed as he stopped to face his brother.
“I agree you are eager but not about the mission.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, brother.” Loki opened his mouth to say more, but the elevator dinged and Loki whipped around.
You stepped out and Loki’s mouth dropped open.
“You were saying, brother?” Thor whispered in Loki’s ear. He clapped Loki’s shoulder when he walked by.
“You look beautiful.” Thor commented as he walked into the elevator.
“Thanks,” you whispered.
Loki composed himself, tugging on the sleeves of his jacket.
Your long black dress swished around your ankles while the open back and low neckline left you exposed. Loki gulped as he offered your arm.
“I must confess, seeing you in that dress, my thoughts verge on dirty.”
“Loki,” you smirked. “I am not sure if that is a compliment or an insult.”
“A compliment, I assure you. Now…” Loki opened the door and the two of you headed to the car set to take you to the gala.
The music of a big band floated through the air of the venue. Loki headed to the bar under the pretense of getting drinks, while you did a lap to scope out the exits.
“Your drink, my dear.” Loki whispered in your ear as his hand snaked around your waist. His cold fingers landed on the small of your back. Your exposed skin burned at this touch.
“Do you mind?” you glanced back at his hand.
“We are supposed to be happily married. I am merely playing the part. Now how about a kiss for your darling husband?” Loki’s grinned.
“I would sooner kiss a snake.” you downed half your glass of champagne.
“That can be arranged.”
You looked at Loki and the hint of a forked tongue slipped from between his lips. You shivered. Loki drained his glass, and you followed suit. He placed the glasses on a nearby table before grabbing your hand.
“Where do you think we are going?”
“To the dance floor.”
“Why on earth would I dance with you?”
Loki spun you around and then snapped you against his chest. You stared up and into his eyes. Fuck, those eyes. Your stomach did a flip.
“To get close to the target.” Loki commented as he took your hand in his. You placed your hand on his shoulder and he started to twirl you around the dance floor.
“Check out the guards over there.”
You tilted your heads towards two gentlemen dressed in basic tuxedos. They appeared to be patrolling the same square footage in front of a door. Loki moved the two of you across the dance floor to get a closer view.
“Child’s play.” Loki spun you out before flicking his wrist and dipping you.
“Because you are a child. What did I say about dipping?” you sneered, raising your knee toward his groin.
Loki caught you and pulled you standing. Your hands splayed against his chest for balance.
“Come on, darling.” Loki’s lips curled into a smile. “You don’t want to do that. We might have use of that later.” He raised his eyebrows.
Loki dropped your leg without warning and you staggered to catch your balance. He pulled you behind a pillar.
“Keep an eye out for trouble while I’m in there.” Loki stepped away, and you nodded.
Loki strolled past the two guards who made no movement to take him down. Bastard’s invisible! you thought. You heard the stories about Loki’s powers, but you never knew how much was truth and how much was legend and ego. Your mind drifted to thoughts of what other rumors might be true.
BRNNNGGG! A klaxon sounded and red lights flashed. The guards drew their guns on the door.
“Shit.” you cursed as you kicked your heels off behind you. There was no way even a Norse god like Loki could survive that kind of firepower.
You took a running leap and caught one guard square in the shoulder before kicking your legs out to take the second guard to ground.
The first guard regained his composure to turn his weapon on you. With a quick parry, you sent the gun skittering across the floor. He brandished a knife from his belt and caught a blow on your shoulder before the heavy door swung open, knocking him off balance.
“Loki!” you yelled as he ran through the door, a dagger in each hand. He tossed one to you, which you caught midair.
Armed guards streamed out of the open door. You backed against Loki to fend off the guards.
“I think we should take our leave.” Loki commented as he twisted to avoid a punch.
“You think?!” you panted as you blocked a blow and stabbed with the dagger.
“On three.” Loki commented as he reached back to grab your hand.
“One..” you started.
“Two..” Loki chimed in
“Three!” you both shouted.
Loki pulled you against him as the two of you made a mad dash for the entrance, ducking around people and columns. The sounds of shouts and bullets echoed behind you but all you focused on was the death grip you had on Loki’s hand and his raven haired head in front of you. It was only when the car sped away that you trusted yourself to speak again.
“What the hell was that back there?”
“When I summoned the device, it set off the alarms. I don’t know why I am not a mind reader.”
“Did you get everything in place?”
“Yes.” Loki grunted. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.”
“I didn’t. I assumed if they harmed even one hair, I would never hear the end of it.”
You turned in your seat and winced. Loki’s eyebrows furrowed at you.
“Are you hurt? Let me see.” Loki reached for your shoulder but you twisted out of his reach.
"It's just a flesh wound." you commented through gritted teeth. The wound hurt but you wouldn’t admit that to Loki. He reached for you again, this time you didn’t flinch away.
Loki frowned as he pulled the strap of your now damaged dress down to expose the wound. "Your flippant attitude is neither appreciated nor warranted right now. You could have died.”
“What does it matter to you?” you winced as he touched the edges of the slash.
“It matters a great deal to me whether you live or die.” Loki studied the wound for a minute before waving his hand over it.
You spied a hint of golden glow out of the corner of your eye and the wound burned hot and cold but the pain waned, subsiding but not completely gone.
“There.” Loki commented as he ran his fingers down your back, sending shivers through your body. “You will need to take care for a few days. But at least you no longer risk bleeding out in the car.”
“Thank you.” you commented softly, pulling your dress back onto your shoulder.
“My pleasure.”
You spent the rest of the ride back in silence, fidgeting with the beading on your dress. When the car came to a stop outside the Tower, Loki slid out first, holding the door. The two of you stepped into the elevator together, looking worse for wear with a ripped dress and Loki’s jacket split down the back, his tie lost in the fray.
“What did you mean?” you blurted out as your head rested against the cool glass of the elevator.
“By what?” Loki turned his body to face you.
“When you said it matters a great deal to you if I live or die. What did you mean by that?” your voice wavered.
Loki leaned forward and wiped away some dirt on your cheek, casualty of their skirmish back at the gala.
“In all honesty, at this moment you mean everything to me.” his voice soft. You opened your mouth to comment but he raised a hand to stop you. “Against my better judgment, it appears I have fallen in love with you.”
“But you can’t stand me. You’re always teasing me and insulting me. And I’m always threatening you with bodily harm. You can’t possibly love me!” you rationalized as your cheeks began to burn and your stomach flipped as if it was a gymnast.
Loki’s chest now pressed against you. “You know better than anyone that appearances are deceiving. I suspect that your threats are nothing more than… what is the word?” He looked down searching for the word.
“Homicidal ideations?” you offered.
“Foreplay. I believe that is the word.” His breath fanned across your cheek.
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened to the living quarters area. Loki strolled out, and you followed suit. You came up on Loki’s quarter first.
“Goodnight. And take it easy on the shoulder until you fully heal.” Loki rocked back on his heels.
“Thanks again.”
Loki leaned close. “Anything for you.” he whispered in your ear.
He opened his door, and you paused for a moment.
“Fuck it,” you cursed as you lunged towards him.
Loki and you stumbled back into his apartment, lips crushed against each other. Loki gripped your waist to steady the two of you. Your kiss became urgent, fevered and Loki welcomed it.
He tugged the straps of your dress down and the weight of the dress fell heavy on the carpet. You stood before him in just a pair of skimpy panties.
Loki took a step back and unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it to the floor. You moved to run your hands across the sharp planes of his chest and stomach. You licked your lips.
“Do you see something you like?” Loki purred as he steered you towards the bed.
“Just wondering if all the rumors are true.”
Loki placed you onto the bed, taking care with your healing shoulder.
“I assure you…” he stood as you removed his tuxedo pants and boxers. “… the rumors are true.”
You gulped at the sight and your arousal grew even more. It had been too long since you had been with anyone. He tugged at the waistband of your panties. You lifted your hips, and he slid the fabric down your legs.
“So wet.” Loki positioned himself between your legs. “I bet you taste divine.”
He ducked between your legs and licked along your slit.
“Fuck!” you screamed as you gripped the sheets.
Loki chuckled against you and teased his nose against your clit. Your hands weaved into his hair and pulled him against you. Your pleasure grew with each lick and suck of Loki’s expert mouth and you mewled and groaned.
“Now…” Loki pulled away, and you whined. “To properly pleasure you.”
He lined himself with your entranced and pressed into you.
“Aaah!” you moaned as Loki filled you like no one had ever filled you before.
“I love the noises you make.” Loki whispered as he nipped at your neck, thrusting at a languid pace. “Let’s see what else you can say.”
Loki snaked a hand between your bodies to rub your clit while his other arm lifted your hips. His cock grazed against your g-spot and before long you were teetering on the edge despite Loki’s slow pace.
“I’m close, Loki.” you panted as you bucked your hips, urging him to speed up.
“Do you want to come, darling?”
Loki smiled as he snapped his hips against you, bringing not only your orgasm closer but chasing his own release. You pulled him deep, digging your nails into his hips.
Loki pressed against your clit, drawing tight circles, tumbling you over the edge.
“YES! LOKI!” you yelled not caring if others heard.
You spasmed around Loki’s cock. “Yes, pet,” he breathed and a few thrusts later, he spilled inside you, finding his own release.
The two of you lie still until you attempted to roll and winced at the weight.
“Apologies, darling.” Loki rolled to one side and moved you against his chest with care. “Is it your shoulder?”
You nodded, and he pulled you tight against. His body molding to the curves of you back. He kissed your temple.
“Rest my darling,” he whispered as your breath slowed and eyes fluttered closed. Loki sighed against you in contentment.
“I don’t want to go,” you whined as Loki guided you to the small conference room.
“Would you rather them find us otherwise occupied in my bedroom?” Loki commented as his hands wrapped around your waist, kissing your neck.
“Hard pass.”
“Then we must endure.”
You stopped at the door, reaching up to kiss his cheek.
“Fine, but behave yourself. Otherwise, they will figure it out and I am not ready for the debriefing.”
Loki bowed deeply at the waist. “Whatever you command.”
You swatted at him. “Keep that up and I will definitely knee you in the groin.”
Loki straightened himself out and smirked at you.
“We both know that won’t happen.” And he headed into the room.
The two of you carried on as you normally would. If Tony or Steve suspected anything, they didn’t let on. You left rather proud of hiding your budding romance.
As soon as the door clicked shut before you, Steve turned to Tony with a wide grin.
“You owe me twenty bucks.”
Tony’s face reflected confusion.
“For what, Capsicle?”
“They definitely slept together. You owe me twenty bucks.”
“You are dreaming, Cap.”
“I know the right partner when I see it, now pay up.”
“You’re dreaming.”
They argued for thirty minutes until Tony pulled up the security footage and found the two of you kissing in the corridor.
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It’s (Not) My Party and I’ll Dance if I Want To (Pietro x Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey, it’s been a while! I’m posting this as a part of @captain-rogers-beard One Hit Wonder challenge (my song was “The Safety Dance” by Men Without Hats). Mimi was an absolute darling and gave me an extra couple of days so I could get my end of the semester assignments submitted. Lots of love to this excellent writer and amazing human! This was such a fun fic to write--It’s been a looong while since I’ve written for Pietro, and I felt that this song would be perfect to circle back to writing for him!! I hope I did him and the song justice! Enjoy, guys! :)
Summary: It’s your birthday, but not the party you hoped for. A certain Sokovian Speedster has a plan to change that.
Warnings: Fluff
Other Characters: Avengers (mentioned)
Word Count: 846
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“Well, this is . . . quaint,” Pietro says as he approaches the empty spot on the bar next to you. “I thought you said Tony was throwing you a party?”
“Yes, he is,” you say. “What type of event do you think you’re at right now?”
“This is no party, draga,” he says, taking a swig of his beer. “Parties have music and dancing. This is just standing and talking.”
“My friends aren’t big on parties and dancing. I’m not gonna make them do something they don’t want to do.”
“Let’s try this again,” he sighs, turning his front to you, casually resting his elbow on the bar top. You turn to humor him, flashing him a smirk.
“Is this not a party thrown by infamous party animal, Tony Stark?” he starts.
“Yes,” you sigh, playing along with the Sokovian speedster.
“Is it not a party that is supposed to celebrate your birthday?”
“And do you not like to listen to music and dance?” he furthers.
“I do.”
He moves to make a gesture with his beer bottle, but you put a hand on his forearm to lower it and interrupt his point.
“But,” you interject. “I wanted all of my friends here, and while some of the more . . . lively ones couldn’t make it, these people from work are really great. And where my non-superhero friends make up a majority—.”
“Just barely,” he says.
“—I want them to be comfortable.”
He sighs and dramatically rolls his head in an exasperated manner, letting it settle to the left and rest on his shoulder. “But are you having fun?” 
You shrug. “Yeah, it’s fine.”
He squints his eyes skeptically before pushing up on his elbow to stand straight, the corner of his mouth twitching ever-so-slightly before he walks away from the bar, a hand casually in his pocket.
“Pietro,” you say as you follow him, drawing out his name. Instead of letting you follow him, he uses his super speed to slip away and leave you in a gust of wind.
“Okay,” you hear Pietro say over the speakers in the room. “This concludes the first half of the party. It’s come to my attention that some of you here don’t like to dance, so if you fall into that category, please leave through either the elevator or the stairs.”
All eyes in the room fall on to you, extremely confused, and you look at them and shrug, letting them know you have no idea what he’s doing. As Pietro starts to play party music and grooves to the tunes by the sound system, you make your way to the computer where he stands.
“What the hell, Pietro?” you ask
“Celebrating you,” he smiles. “We can dance if we want to—.”
“We can leave your ‘friends’ behind.”
“I told you—!”
“But this so isn’t you,” he whines, interrupting your scolding with full-bodied exasperation. “You like to dance—I’ve seen you at Stark’s other parties. And the look in your eyes . . . You’re not enjoying yourself. We can leave your friends behind for this one, tonight.”
“They’re my friends! That doesn’t mean—.”
You’re stopped mid sentence when Pietro takes your hand and begins to spin you around to the music.
“Pietro, stop!” you try to say sternly, but soon succumb to laughter as he twirls you around.
He just smiles and laughs at your twisting before stopping and holding you close, rocking you from side to side.
“Cause your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, well, they're no friends of mine,” he smirks.
“I never said that they were,” you say.
He twirls you out, making you cackle from the motion, before he starts to dance even more ridiculously than you do.
“What is that?” you laugh, your side hurting from the giggles.
“I have no idea, but it’s the first time I’ve seen you smile like that all night, so I’m going to keep doing it.”
You can’t contain your laughter as you watch the man with the platinum blonde hair make a complete fool of himself just so he can see you smile.
“Pietro, stop it!” you howl, wiping tears away from your eyes. “Stop!”
“Nope!” you see him smirk. “I need you to dance with me and let the party have some music so you enjoy yourself.”
“You’re impossible,” you say, finally coming down from your laughter.
“Is it so bad that I want to see you smile, draga?”
You blush as you tuck some hair behind your ear. “I guess not. That was pretty fun. Thanks.”
“Although, I am afraid my attempt to see you smile drove out your party guests.”
You look and see that he’s right—the only people left are the team, who look very confused.
“Ah, screw em,” you say. “This is more fun.”
“I knew it,” Pietro says, flashing you a large, shiny smile. He takes your hand and twirls you into him. “What song would you like to hear next?”
“Whatever keeps you dancing.”
His eyes twinkle mischievously as a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
“That’s a dangerous answer,” he says.
“Well, it’s my birthday. I can be wild and dangerous if I want to.”
“Stark!” he calls, his eyes not leaving you for one second. “Move that coffee table. (Y/N) has just challenged us to a dance circle.”
“You’re on,” you smirk, bumping his hip with yours. “Let’s dance.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany​ @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101​
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astraeagreengrass · 4 years
Tender Lovin'
After a mission, Bucky's heart finds home
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Word Count: 901
Warnings: just some sticky sweet fluff
A/N: Will I ever get over Domestic!Bucky and Dad!Bucky? I don't think so. Thank you @xbuchananbarnes​ for your help on this one - you're a lifesaver! This is my submission to @captain-rogers-beard​ Mimi's One Hit Wonder Writing Challenge. My prompt was "Tender Love" by Force MD's. Thanks for having me Mimi ♡
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Tender love, love so tender Holding me close to you Baby, I surrender
It was late, too late.
So late that the Howlett's front porch light was out, meaning Katie, their sixteen-year old, was back from whatever party she'd gone to that Friday evening.
Bucky's motorcycle broke the silence of the residential street, rushing past one, two, three lamp posts, leaving a flurry of dead leaves in its wake. He parked in front of the seventh house to the left, twenty meters from the fire hydrant, eight hundred and fifty five meters from the intersection. A turn of the keys and the rumble quieted, as if it'd never disturbed the night in the first place. Then he waited.
Exactly nine seconds later, his phone buzzed on his jean pocket.
No threat detected, the text said.
Four steps to the stairs. Six steps up to the front door. Five beats of his own heart for the Stark-patented scanner to identify him from the superficial skin cells on his hand. A beep, a click and a turn of the knob.
He was home.
He felt his body melting, head falling against the door as it closed in strongbox-like precision. Bucky sighed, nose prickling with the faint scent of wood and the cleaning product you used. He stopped counting, just breathing and feeling himself belong once again to this shrine of love and hope you managed to create. His eyes opened when soft, cotton-like fur grazed his leg.
"Hey, girl," he cooed, voice hoarse from sentiment.
Alpine purred, rubbing herself on her human's leg.
"Where are they, Alpine?" Bucky crouched down to scratch behind the cat's ears. "Take me to them."
A final meow and Alpine was dashing down the foyer in a fuzzy snow white glimmer. Bucky trailed her slowly, right fingertips gazing the frames on the wall in soft reconnaissance, greeting old and new memories in relief.
The door to his destination was ajar; thirteen or so inches open yet more than enough for Alpine to walk through and the hallway light to shine on a foot sticking out the comforter. The lampshade was on and a book was lying haphazardly on the floor, words spilling from pages crumpled by the weight of the hardcover. A hand dangled over it, as if even in your sleep you longed to know the end of the story.
A half-full tea mug sat on the nightstand, next to a StarkPad with a cracked screen - courtesy of Alpine - and a single picture. Black and white and blurred, it showed an inverted V with a circle in the middle. Underneath it, three words: seven week gestation.
Alpine's paw scratched the book cover and Bucky chided her. Displeased, she darted to the en-suite bathroom, ready to tumble on whatever dirty laundry she could find. The sound of the book bindings closing and the light thud of it being placed on the nightstand fueled the sense of peace consuming him and with a sigh, he kissed your forehead.
Bucky was amazed by how sirens, ambulances and Alpine's general havoc-wrecking tendencies couldn't shake you from slumber, but his touch could. Over and over again he'd find you like this, limbs serpentining in the sheets after losing the battle against sleep while waiting for him to come home. And everytime he'd kiss your forehead, your chin, your cheeks and you'd rouse for him and only him in the most loving welcome.
"You're back!" you beamed, lips stretching in the sweetest smile he's ever known.
"Did you miss me?" Bucky asked, hands trailing under blankets to find the slightest bump in your stomach.
"Lots and lots and lots," you grinned, pulling him down in a kiss full of longing and adoration that got him weak at the knees, falling down on the mattress where you'd hold him captive.
Palms tug on the comforter, revealing legs and an old shirt of his.
"How's my other girl?" he lifts the shirt, cradles your belly. A peck lands right above your navel.
"How come you're so sure it's a girl?"
"Because I really really want a girl, so it's a girl," he simply says, nuzzling his face in your abdomen and God nothing's ever been harder than waiting six more months so he can meet his child, his miracle.
Gentle digits scratch his scalp and the nape of his neck and Bucky almost gives in to exhaustion before rolling over, back molding perfectly to his side of the mattress. He tugs you to him and whispers:
"I need some lovin', baby."
In the dead of the night, just you and him in a dimly lit room, Bucky's plea is just a little desperate, a little scared. It bubbles over the tension of the last few days and whatever it was that he saw in his mission. Maybe he'd tell you tomorrow or couple of weeks from now, over dinner or lazing around in the tub. Maybe he'd tell you in hushed whispers, beard whiskers tickling your ears or perhaps in an anguished cry trying to hold back his tears. Maybe he'd never tell you and you'd learn everything from Sam - how brave and strong and good your lover was.
You straddle him, fingertips tracing cheekbones, eyebrows, nose. They linger over soft lips and the puckers them. All it takes is a second and yet it lasts longer and tastes better than the whole week you've spent apart. It feels like hope and dreams togetherness.
It feels like love.
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My masterlist
Taglist: @scentedsongrebel​ @youclickedthislink​ @thegetawaywriter​
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bucky-of-the-opera · 4 years
Put a Little Boogie in It
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: A night out with friends leads to a horrible, wonderful mistake.
Warnings: language, alcohol
Word Count: 2,323
A/N: This is for @captain-rogers-beard follower milestone One Hit Wonder Challenge! My song is “Mickey” by Toni Basil
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You were several episodes into a marathon binge of your latest Netflix show when you heard a knock at your door. 
“One second!” you shouted as you struggled to unravel yourself from your cocoon of blankets. You opened your bedroom door to find Natasha fully dressed for a night out. 
“What are you doing?” she asked coolly. 
“Watching the new season of –”
“Not anymore,” she said, cutting you off. “We’re going out.”
“There’s a new bar opening tonight, and I need a designated driver.”
“Can’t you use one of Tony’s drivers?” you groaned.
She smiled sweetly at you. “But you’re much better company.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine.”
“Great. Now put some pants on, and meet me in front of the elevator when you’re ready to go.”
You looked down at your exposed legs and tugged on your oversized sweatshirt as Natasha walked away. 
“So much for a cozy night all to myself,” you muttered as you shut your door and started getting dressed. 
A little while later you emerged from you room and found Natasha waiting by the elevator.
“Took you long enough,” she said as she pressed the down button. Seconds later the doors opened, revealing Bucky Barnes leaning against the back wall of the elevator. He looked surprised to see the two of you. 
“Evening, Barnes,” Natasha said as she moved to stand next to him. 
“Romanoff,” he responded.
She pressed the button for the garage level. As she did so, she noticed no other button was lit up. 
You scuttled inside before the doors shut, standing on his other side. “Oh, hi Bucky!”
“Hi, Y/N.” He gave you a quick once-over, his gaze lingering on your outfit. He normally saw you in combat gear for missions or in comfortable clothes for exercising or lounging around on a day off. “You look…nice.” His cheeks blushed a bit as he continued. “Where are you two headed?”
“Nat’s dragging me to a bar.”
“I thought you were planning on watching some new show all night. I explicitly remember you telling Steve you were off duty for the foreseeable future until you finished it.”
“And now she’s helping a friend in need,” Natasha interrupted. “By the way, Barnes, it seems you forgot to select a floor.”
His cheeks grew even hotter. “Oh, uh, you’re right.”
Bucky pushed a random button and then shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. 
The rest of the ride was endured in silence until the elevator stopped at Bucky’s floor. He walked through the doors as you called out to him. “Have a good bight, Nucky.
Natasha had to bite her lip to hold back from snickering. 
Your eyes widened as you quickly corrected yourself. “I mean night! Have a good night, Bucky!”
Bucky smiled as he turned around to face you. “You have a good bight too, Y/N.”
The doors shut once more as you slammed your hand to your forehead. 
“Interesting,” Natasha said. 
“What is?” you asked, annoyed. 
“Oh, you know. Just you and Barnes.”
“There is no ‘me and Barnes’.”
“If you say so,” she said, unconvinced. 
You huffed in response and left the elevator when it reached the garage. The two of you had just started walking when you saw Maria Hill heading your way. 
“Where are you off to, all dolled up?” Natasha asked.
Maria smoothed down the front of her blouse. “I was supposed to be meeting someone tonight. But the guy cancelled last minute. Again.”
“Why don’t you come out with us?” you asked.
“Well, I am already dressed for the occasion. Why not?”
“His loss is our gain,” Natasha added as she whipped out her phone. “Our driver will be here any minute.”
You turned to look at her. “I thought I was driving?”
“You were,” Natasha said. “But now it’s a party.”
“What are we drinking to?” Maria asked as she picked up her glass. 
“To Tony, for sponsoring tonight’s event,” Natasha winked. 
The three of you clinked your drinks together before sipping from your glasses.
“So,” Natasha began, “who’s this mystery man you were supposed to see tonight.”
“No one, really. We’ve only gone out twice,” Maria responded as she swirled her drink. “What about you two? Anyone new and exciting in your lives?”
“Not me, but…” Natasha trailed off as she glanced at you.
“Why are you looking at me like that? I’m not seeing anyone.”
“Are you sure?” she continued. “Not even a certain 100 year-old cyborg?”
“Of course not! And he’s not a cyborg.”
“Are you talking about Sergeant Barnes?” Maria asked. “I didn’t realize you two were –”
“We’re not! We’re just friends!” you exclaimed, cutting her off.
“But you want to be something, right?” 
“Is this why you asked me to come out? So you could badger me about Bucky?”
“No, of course not,” Natasha paused, “well, maybe a little. I can’t help it; this whole will-they-or-won’t-they routine is killing me.”
“What are you talking about?” you asked, confused.
She sighed. “I’m talking about the way you’re dancing around your feelings for him. It’s blatantly obvious to every else that you’re infatuated with him.”
You turned to Maria. “Is that true? Does everyone think I…like Bucky?”
“I mean, I’m not around as much as Natasha and the others. But from what I’ve seen, it does seem like you, uh, care for him quite a bit…”
You groaned and buried your head in your folded arms. “I’m going into hibernation when we get back. No one will see me for the next few months.”
Natasha chuckled and patted your back. “There, there. Aunt Nat is here to make all your worries go away.”
You snuck a peek with one eye and saw her slowly push a shot glass toward you. You sighed before grabbing the drink, downing it, and slamming the glass back on the table.
“There you go,” Natasha smiled. “Nothing a little alcohol can’t help.”
“Alcohol is only a temporary fix. I’ll still have to live with the fact that everyone knows I like Bucky.”
“Don’t you think he likes you as well?” Maria asked. 
You fiddled with a thread on your sleeve. “I’m not sure.”
Natasha leaned forward. “Well, lucky for you, I’m very observant.”
“Meaning, I see all. Including his pining for you.”
You scoffed. “I don’t believe you.”
“Take tonight, for instance. Bucky was coming to your room to confess his love for you.”
“Natasha,” you warned her.
“All right, I don’t know if that’s why he was coming, but he was definitely on his way to see you.” She took a sip of her drink, leaving you in suspense. “He was surprised to see you dressed up and leaving the compound.”
“That’s because I told Steve I was confining myself to my room to –”
“Let me finish,” Natasha said. “There was no button lit up besides the one I pushed.”
“He already said he forgot.”
“Or he had pushed the button for your floor and was heading for your room when we caught him on the elevator.”
You traced the rim of your glass with your finger. “Hmm, maybe.”
“Not to mention all the times I’ve caught him staring at you. Much like the times I’ve caught you staring at him,” she grinned.
You groaned. “Okay, that’s enough. I don’t wanna hear  your theories anymore.” You lifted your empty glass. “Can you just get me another drink?”
“That, I can do.”
A few hours later, you and Natasha finally arrived back at the compound after Tony’s driver had dropped Maria off at her place. There was no way you were going to be able to make it back to your room by yourself, so you leaned on Natasha as she led the way.
She closed the bedroom door behind her when the two of you finally reached your bedroom. After carefully placing you on your bed, she searched your drawers for pajamas. 
Meanwhile, you pulled out your phone and opened Pandora, scrolling until you found the 80s Pop station. The app buffered until a song finally started playing.
You gasped. “I love this song!”
“Really?” Natasha asked. 
But you had already started singing along. “Oh Mickey, you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!”
Natasha rolled her eyes as you continued singing to the song. Halfway through however, you had a revelation. 
“You can replace Mickey with Bucky, and the song still works!” You sang more to prove your point. 
“Oh Bucky, what a pity you don't understand. You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.”
Unbeknownst to you, Natasha was already recording your new rendition of “Mickey” as you danced on top of your bed. 
“Oh Bucky, you're so pretty, can't you understand? It's guys like you Bucky! Oh, what you do Bucky, do Bucky! Don't break my heart, Bucky!”
After you had come down from your momentary high, Natasha left so you could finally sleep. But before you did, your phone dinged. Natasha sent you the video she had taken of you. 
You watched a bit of it before deciding to send it to Maria, thinking she might find it funny as well. You turned the sound on your phone off before crawling under your covers and finally dozing off.
When you finally woke up, you felt like shit. I’ve gotta stop drinking with Natasha, you thought. You headed into your bathroom to freshen up.
Minutes later you came back to sit on your bed and checked your phone. You saw a text from Natasha asking if you were still alive. You also saw that you had apparently texted Bucky at almost four in the morning. When you opened the message your heart dropped. Apparently in your inebriated state, you had sent the video to Bucky by mistake.
Your first instinct was to call Natasha. The phone rang twice before she picked up.
“She’s alive!”
“I sent the video to Bucky!”
“The video from last night! I accidentally sent it to him!”
You heard nothing for a few seconds, and then Natasha burst into laughter.
“This isn’t funny; I have to move now! Or fake my own death! I can’t face him. Please Nat, you have to do something.”
She exhaled to try and catch her breath. “I think this could actually be good for you. Expressing your feelings for someone can be hard; but luckily for you, your drunk self did it for you.”
“But I didn’t want to tell him!” You collapsed back onto your bed and mumbled into your phone, “I just wanted to watch my show.” You ended the call and pulled your blanket back over your head, eventually drifting off again. 
A loud knocking on your door roused you from your slumber.
You groaned. “No one’s home; please leave a message!”
“It’s Bucky.”
Your breath caught in your throat. You rolled onto your side with your back facing the door as you pulled your knees closer to your chest.
“Y/N, can I come in? Please?”
“It’s unlocked,” you said softly. 
The handle turned and Bucky slowly entered the room, closing the door behind him. He sat down on the edge of your bed, his back to you. 
He sat in silence for a few moments before speaking. “I went on a jog with Sam earlier today. He told me a corny joke that I think you would’ve appreciated.” Bucky glanced over his shoulder at you, but you were still facing away from him. “How do you make a tissue dance?”
Several seconds passed until you finally answered, your voice muffled by the blanket. “You put a little boogie in it.”
He smiled. “So you’ve heard that one? How about this one: What do you call a fake noodle?” 
“An impasta.”
Bucky shook his head. “I swear, you and Sam have the same sense of humor.”
“We have the best sense of humor.” You rolled onto your back to look at him, the blanket resting just below your chin. “Did you come up here just to tell me some jokes?”
Bucky adjusted himself so he could face you. “Yes. But also because I missed your face.”
You failed at trying to hide your smile. “I missed your face too.” You sat up, letting the blanket drop to your lap. “I’m sorry about the video. I blame alcohol.”
He chuckled. “I never knew you were such a good singer.”
“Can we just forget about this whole thing, please? It’s embarrassing.”
Bucky moved so he was sitting next to you, his arm pressed against yours. “I won’t bring it up, but I want to keep the video.”
“Because it makes me laugh. And because you called me pretty.”
You crossed your arms and pouted. “I didn’t call you pretty. My drunk alter ego called you pretty.”
“But you think I’m pretty too, right?” He nudged you with his elbow. 
“You’re gorgeous,” you said in a flat tone, making him laugh. You sighed. “If you promise not to show the video to anyone else, you can keep it.”
He crossed his heart. “Promise.”
“I need a real promise,” you said, holding your pinkie out to him. 
He squinted at it before locking his pinkie with yours. “I promise.”
“Thank you.”
His eyes met yours. “Ya know, I think you’re pretty too.”
You tried to pull your hand away but even the grip from his pinkie was too strong to break free of.
Bucky moved his face closer to yours, making your heart race. He stopped just mere inches from you, giving you a chance to pull your head back if you wanted. But instead you moved forward as well, your lips meeting his for the briefest moment. When you pulled away, you saw him grinning at you. You smiled back at him before burying your head in his shoulder. 
Don’t break my heart, Bucky.
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sunriserose1023 · 4 years
Like Bogie and Bacall
SUMMARY: You and Bucky, once inseparable, have drifted apart, and you’ve got one last chance to see if you can get back what you had or give it up for good. PROMPT: “Key Largo” by Bertie Higgins. Give it a listen HERE. WORD COUNT: 3298 WARNINGS: Angst, canon-adjacent, talk of divorce, implied sexual content
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Quarantine got me with this one, had me thinking today was the 26th instead of the 27th, but the ever-so-gracious Mimi (aka @captain-rogers-beard​) let me post it for her One Hit Wonder Challenge anyway. “Key Largo” is one of my mom’s favorite songs, so I’ve listened to it for years. I was super pumped to see it on Mimi’s list for this challenge, and this fic is both based off of the song and has some of the lyrics interspersed into the story. Hope you enjoy!
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“Babe?” “In here!”
Bucky smiled as he shrugged his jacket off his shoulders, hanging it on the back of one of the chairs in the little kitchen. He locked the door behind him, toeing his shoes off, pushing a hand through his hair as he walked in his socks towards the den. His smile grew when he saw the pile of blankets and pillows, and your head popped up, grinning at him. He shook his head, a soft laugh leaving his lips. 
“What is all this?” “Unlimited comfort items. I’ve got a cooler over here with your favorite beer and my seltzer things, I’ve got snacks, and I’ve got a movie queued up and waiting for you.”
Bucky nodded.
“Which movie?”
Your grin never faltered. 
“Key Largo.” “What’s it about?”
You motioned with your head and he moved closer, laughing as he caught the sweatpants you tossed at him. He started unbuckling his belt and you turned towards the television, cheeks warming as you spoke. 
“It’s Bogie and Bacall’s last movie together. We’ve seen all the other ones.” “To Have and Have Not was our favorite, right?”
You glanced over your shoulder, smiling and nodding at him. He walked over and leaned down, kissing your lips. 
“Hi there.”
You giggled. 
“Hey. Come sit with me.”
He nodded, now wearing the sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He groaned as he sat beside you, lifting an arm to let you snuggle up to his side, kissing your temple. You fixed a blanket over the two of you and powered up the television, which had gone to sleep while you were waiting for him. Bucky kept his face near yours, his breath tickling your forehead when he murmured to you. 
“Popcorn?” “You can’t watch a movie without popcorn.” “Did you get some—“ “M&Ms are already in the bowl, melted just slightly.” “God, you’re the woman of my dreams.”
You giggled. 
“And don’t you forget it. Now hush.”
Bucky smiled as the film began and you snuggled closer. He shook his head, giving a sigh. 
“Man, there’s just something about Lauren Bacall.” “Did you like her back in the day?”
Bucky shook his head, lifting his metal hand to scratch at his chin. 
“Nah, she wasn’t around back then. I mean, she was, but not where I’d know her yet.” “Yeah, I think her big break was To Have and Have Not, and I think that premiered in ‘45, maybe?”
Bucky smiled a sad half-smile. 
“Just missed her.”
You wrapped your arms around him, putting your face in his chest. Bucky rubbed your shoulder, kissing the top of your head. 
“I’m here now.”
You nodded, lifting your head and staring into his blue eyes. He moved his metal hand to let the backs of his cool fingers brush over your cheek and you leaned into the touch. He turned his hand over to cup your cheek and brought his mouth to yours, giving you a slow, deep kiss. You moved with him, laying down on the pillows and blankets you had around, laying your hands on his hips as he moved over you. You watched him as he leaned down, kissing your lips once before he began kissing down your cheek to your neck. You shook your head, eyes drifting closed at the soft press of his lips to your skin. 
“We … we’re going to miss the movie.” “We can restart it later.”
You sucked in a breath as his metal fingers slid under the shirt you were wearing, one of his that you’d stolen. You nodded as the shirt began raising higher, revealing more skin for his lips to explore and your voice went breathy. 
“Much later.”
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You had a smile on your face and your eyes closed as you rested your head on Bucky’s chest. He was eating cold popcorn by the handful, listening to the music swell as the movie ended. 
“That wasn’t too bad.” “Not as good as The Big Sleep.”
Bucky shook his head. 
“Nothing’s as good as The Big Sleep.” 
You smiled, snuggling closer to him and sighing. Bucky’s flesh hand moved to card his fingers through your hair and you yawned. He smiled, metal hand moving to gently rub your back. 
“Sleepy?” “You wore me out.”
Bucky gave a soft laugh, kissing the top of your head. You shivered and he grabbed another blanket, draping it over you. You moved closer to him and he smiled. 
“Want to go to bed?” “I’m good.” “You’re shivering.” “Just my back. You’re like a space heater.” “Is that why you keep snuggling closer?”
You nodded and he gave a soft laugh, letting it trail into a sigh. 
“It has been damn cold lately.”
You nodded again, feeling yourself start to drift to sleep. 
“Buck?” “I’ve got you, babe. Go to sleep.” “I don’t want you to have to carry me.” “Sweetheart. It’s fine. I’ve got you.”
You nodded, feeling your body relax as you drifted off. Bucky looped his arms around you, taking in a deep breath and exhaling as he let himself drift, too.
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You stepped into the room, lifting the sunglasses from your eyes. You looked at the two queen beds and sighed, setting your purse on the small table and tossing your sunglasses into your bag. You walked to the window and crossed your arms over your chest, staring out at the beach. 
You felt a tickle on the back of your neck a second before you heard the footsteps, and you stayed looking out the window as Bucky carried your bags inside. 
“Wow. This is nice.”
You nodded, not turning away from the window. You heard the soft plops as he put the bags on one of the beds, heard his soft groan as he twisted and his back popped, heard the mattress creak as he sat down. 
Silence filled the space between you, making you feel uncomfortable. You shifted your position, turning your back more fully to him, and Bucky spoke softly. 
“Thank you for coming with me.”
You nodded, your voice just as soft. 
“I needed a change of scenery.” “Talk about a change, New York to Key Largo.”
He chuckled softly and you swallowed. 
“Not to mention, it’ll be good for us to hash everything out before we meet with the lawyers next week.”
You ignored the stuttering of your heart, sneaking a glance over your shoulder to see Bucky’s face pale and drawn. He nodded as he looked down at his hands, staring at the left one for just a moment, clenching his fingers into a fist. You still weren’t used to seeing his left arm “normal,” flesh instead of metal or vibranium, but Shuri had worked overtime to perfect the veil he now wore. 
You lifted your eyes from his hands to meet his, the blue now a stormy gray. He nodded and stood up, walking out the door neither one of you had closed. You closed your eyes, giving a shaky exhale, turning back to the window and blinking back tears. 
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You were sitting on the steps of the beach house when Bucky walked up behind you. He sat on the step under yours, handing you a beer. You nodded your thanks, taking a sip as he twisted the top off his own beer, taking a long drink and sighing. 
“It’s pretty here.”
You nodded, looking out over the sand, watching the waves crash into the beach. 
“It’s peaceful.” “Nothing like the city.”
You shook your head, taking another drink from your beer. You swallowed, staring at the bottle in your hands before you spoke. 
“What made you want to come to Key Largo?”
Bucky was quiet, and you lifted your eyes to find him looking at you. He lifted a shoulder, speaking softly. 
“Sentimental reasons.” “Have you ever been here before?”
One side of his lips quirked up in a sad smile. 
“Not in person.”
You raised an eyebrow and he shrugged again. 
“Only seen it in the movies.”
You nodded, going still when recognition hit. The movie you two had watched so long ago, Bogie and Bacall’s last hit together, Key Largo. You’d always said you wanted to visit the Keys, always joked with Bucky about how he was your Bogie, and he’d always answer that you were so much prettier than Lauren Bacall. You swallowed, looking down at your hands, feeling your cheeks burn. Bucky was quiet, staring out at the waves along the shore until he softly spoke again. 
“What happened with us?”
You sighed, lifting your eyes to stare at the waves again, setting the bottle on the step beside you, wiping your hands on your knees. 
“Everything. Nothing. Neither one of us has been the same since we got snapped.” “Is it my fault?”
You closed your eyes. 
“I think we can share the blame.” “But it’s more on me.”
You gave an exasperated sigh, snatching up your beer and drinking from it. 
“Quit being such a martyr.” “A martyr?”
You shook your head, pushing your hands through your hair. 
“People grow apart. Not everything is your fault. Quit trying to take the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
Bucky nodded slowly, and you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest as you spoke softly. 
“Maybe this was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come.”
Bucky slowly nodded, picking up his beer and draining it. 
“Maybe not.”
He pushed himself up, leaving the empty bottle on the steps as he walked towards the beach. You exhaled sharply, shaking your head and muttering under your breath as you grabbed his bottle and brought it inside with you, stomping all the way to the kitchen. 
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Bucky chewed the bite he’d taken, glancing across the table at you. You had a glass of wine in your hand, just holding it as you stared out the window at the waves. Bucky licked his lips, being the one to finally break the silence. 
“So the meeting’s on Tuesday?”
You slowly nodded, setting the glass on the table. 
“One-thirty, at the office downtown.” “What’s it about?”
You shook your head. 
“I don’t know. Getting the ball rolling, I guess.”
Bucky pushed the food around his plate as he spoke, suddenly losing his appetite. 
“So … you’re going to be the one to file? Or am I supposed to do that?” “Whichever. I think we may can do it together.”
Bucky snorted. 
“One last thing we can do together, huh? File for divorce.”
He shook his head, pushing his chair back from the table. You huffed out a breath and he stopped, turning his head to look at you. 
“What?” “You’re constantly doing that.” “What?” “Walking away. Every time we talk and get the slightest bit uncomfortable, you walk away.”
He nodded, laying his hands on the table. 
“Well, I don’t want to talk about it.” “Well, we have to.” “Why?” “Because I can’t keep being the second thing on your mind.”
Bucky’s eyes widened. 
“You’re not the—“ “You’re telling me if Sam or Sharon called right now, you wouldn’t drop everything to go to them?” “That’s different.” “It’s really not.”
The two of you just stared at each other until Bucky set his jaw and nodded. 
“Well, let’s hash it out, then. You want the apartment?” “Where will you go?”
He shrugged. 
“Sam’s got a couch.”
You swallowed, looking back to your wine glass. 
“There’s the … the stuff in the apartment.” “Take it.”
You looked back across the table and Bucky shook his head. 
“You can have it.” “Buck—“ “Sorry to disappoint you yet again, but I can’t do this.”
He turned and left the kitchen, and you jumped when the door to the beach slammed shut. You put your elbows on the table, face in your hands, finally letting the tears flow. 
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Your eyes shot open a little after three in the morning, feeling disoriented as you looked around the unfamiliar room. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, glancing over to find the bed beside yours empty. You swallowed and made a face, pushing the covers back and going in search of something to soothe your parched throat. 
You tiptoed down the hall, coming to a hard stop in the kitchen doorway. You could see through to the den, where the glow of the television broke through the darkness. You could hear a rough voice even with the low volume, blinking when you recognized Humphrey Bogart on the screen. The next shot was of Lauren Bacall, and you lifted a hand to your chest. 
You hadn’t watched those old movies in years. You and Bucky used to watch them all the time, because they held an air of familiarity for him, taking him back to a time he missed terribly. 
And now here he was, watching them, trying to find that little slip of comfort that you couldn’t give him anymore. 
You blinked back tears as you walked to the fridge, silently pulling it open and finding a bottle of water. You twisted the top and drank greedily, giving a shaky exhale once you’d swallowed. You decided to carry the bottle back with you to the bedroom, and you closed the refrigerator, going back towards your bed. 
“I didn’t wake you, did I?”
You shook your head, speaking as softly as Bucky had. 
“No, I … I was thirsty.” “It won’t bother you if I keep watching, will it?”
You shook your head, voice thick when you spoke again. 
“No, it’s okay.”
The movie stopped, and Bucky turned from his spot on the couch. 
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, staring down at your hands. You did your best to swallow back the tears, speaking softly. 
“What are you watching?” “Oh, this is To Have and Have Not. I already watched The Big Sleep.”
You nodded, feeling a tear slip down your cheek. 
“Babe, are you—“ “You’re watching out of order.”
A soft smile came to his lips. 
“I know. I just love The Big Sleep.”
You nodded, still staring at your hands as he spoke again. 
“You can come sit with me and watch them. I’ll start over.”
You let out a sob, covering your mouth with a hand and shaking your head. Bucky leapt over the back of the couch, moving to stand in front of you, catching the water bottle you dropped. You grabbed hold of his arms, the metal cool under your palm, since he didn’t bother with the veil when it was just the two of you. 
“Easy, honey. Just breathe.”
You shook your head, moving your hands to his chest as he closed the distance between the two of you. You sobbed again, and Bucky closed his eyes, resting his forehead against yours as he spoke softly.
“Do you remember when we watched these movies together? It was right after you moved in, right before I proposed. Remember how fucking cold it was, and how we tried so hard to stay warm? We stayed wrapped up together.”
You slowly shook your head, but of course you remembered. That first cold winter together was the best of your life. 
“Remember that night you dressed up for me? God, you were my very own Lauren Bacall, with your hair and that dress and that lipstick.”
He gave a quiet laugh. 
“You told me I was your hero, and you were my leading lady. Remember that? Just like Bogie and Bacall.”
You moved your hands to the back of his arms, clutching him closer, his hands gently rubbing your back as he held you close, his voice barely a whisper. 
“I know we missed a step somewhere, but god … we can find it again. Please. Please don’t give up on me. I need you.”
You cried as you moved the slightest bit, resting your forehead against his chest. You felt the shaky exhale, heard him swallow before his voice rasped out the words. 
“I love you. Baby, this can't be the end.”
Your hands moved to his cheeks, pulling him down until your lips met his. Bucky pushed you as close as he could, one hand at your hip, the other holding the back of your head. You let your hands slide into his hair, and he lifted you until you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
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You stared out the bedroom window, watching the waves gently lap against the shore in the early morning sunlight. You smiled at the snore coming from beside you, laughing to yourself when Bucky grunted and shifted, the arm around your stomach pulling you closer to his warm chest. 
“Buck?” “Shh. I’m sleeping.”
You giggled, rolling onto your side and gently stroking your fingers through his hair. He grunted again, then moaned softly, burrowing closer to you. You sighed when he pressed his lips to your collarbone, speaking low. 
“You know this doesn’t fix anything.” “I know.”
He lifted his head, shifting where the two of you were laying side-by-side. He let his fingers drift through your hair as he spoke. 
“Whatever you need, just tell me. If we need to go to therapy or buy a house away from the city or whatever, I’ll do it.” “This isn’t just about me, Buck.” “It is for me.”
You shook your head and he leaned forward, kissing your lips and your forehead. 
“I know we need to talk and hash everything out, but we can do it without lawyers. Without going forward with this divorce.” “Do you really think we can get it back? What … what we had?”
He nodded. 
“I do. Just like Bogie and Bacall.”
You snorted softly. 
“Starring in our own late show?” “Late, late show. No one in their right mind would watch us anytime before midnight.”
You giggled and snuggled closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around you. You closed your eyes, letting out a long, deep breath. 
“Here’s looking at you, kid.”
You snorted again. 
“Wrong movie.” “It’s Bogie, though. Still counts.” “Well, in that case, ‘Play it again, Sam.’” “You know he never actually—“
Bucky laughed when you cut him off by surging forward and kissing him, holding you close as the two of you sank into the bed. 
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“Well, would you look at this?”
You smiled from your place in the bed, achy and sore and incredibly happy. Bucky lifted his head to meet your eyes, smiling widely. He shook his head, walking to you, sitting on the edge of your bed. He met your eyes again, shaking his head before he looked back at the sleeping bundle in his arms. 
“I can barely believe this.” “Oh, believe it. I’ve got the stretch marks to prove it.” “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
You raised an eyebrow and Bucky winced. 
“Okay, maybe second most. This little angel definitely takes top billing.”
You laughed, moaning softly at your sore muscles. 
“Don’t make me laugh.” “I’m sorry.”
The baby squirmed and whimpered, and Bucky gently bounced her. 
“Everything’s okay, Lauren. Daddy’s got you.”
You lifted a hand to rest against the pink blanket. 
“I’m just thankful she turned out to be a girl.” “My sweet little Lauren.” “I just couldn’t see us naming a boy Humphrey or Bogart, no matter how much you insisted.”
Bucky smiled, moving the baby to his shoulder. 
“Maybe the next one.”
You gave a laugh. 
“Well, when you can have it, we’ll do ‘the next one.’ I’m tapped out.”
Bucky laughed, leaning over and kissing your lips. You held a hand against his cheek and he spoke softly. 
“I told you we’d get it back.” “All thanks to Key Largo.”
Bucky grinned at you, the two of you looking to your daughter sleeping in his arms. Bucky shook his head, murmuring softly. 
“Just like Bogie and Bacall.”
144 notes · View notes
caps-lockdown · 5 years
Harden My Heart
A/N: This is my entry for Mimi’s one hit wonder challenge! I chose “Harden my Heart” by Quarterfish.
@captain-rogers-beard is an incredible writer and even though I’m far from worthy of her existence and writing talent I decided to take a stab at my first writing challenge! Congrats on 11k!
Y/N Y/L/N format, and no beta so just me owning my mistakes. Bold Italics are thoughts. 
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Words: 3,845 (Ish)
Warnings: Some angst with unrequited love, but there is a happy ending! Language, alcohol use (a lot of it), and some crude humor. Hopefully this comes across as funny as I imagined it.
Summary: A night out with the Avengers is always a bad idea when you mix them with heartbreak and booze.
Harden My heart
Why did it have to be raining?
Because fate was cruel, that’s why. So here you stood, on the corner of the street under the barely there cover of a random bar’s awning. Waiting, like you always did. The glowing of the neon in the bar’s window reminded you why you were here tonight.
The bellowing laughter poured out of every crack of the establishment’s walls as you bounced from foot to foot, nearly catching your death in the chilly air. That’s what you had been good at after all. Patiently waiting for one Steve Rogers to make his presence known. He had promised tonight would be different. He promised you. And Captain America never broke a promise.
It started the same way it always did. Fourth Friday. Eight thirty in the morning. A marathon of meetings going over the end of the month numbers for Stark Industries. Sheets of notes hastily scribbled and multiple cups of coffee ingested. The occasional cough from suited investors and higher management as the illustrious Tony Stark boasted the climbing stock percentages. You had been the eccentric billionaire’s assistant for nearly a year now, and you had come to know that the end of the month was everyone’s least favorite time.
Tony Stark hated Fourth Friday.
The day flew by in a haze, you absentmindedly chewing on the end of your pen deep in thought on the merger that would be taking place next month. Tony assured you that you’d still have a job, but if he had it his way you’d get your own assistant. You weren’t complaining, as the work load kept getting heavier as time went by. Another pair of hands would be extremely welcomed right about now.
The loud sound of a hand smacking the table jolted you to reality, you giving a timid smile to Sam Wilson, his own gap toothed smile spreading across his face.
“Y/N! Welcome back to earth.” You released a chuckle, trying carefully to calm your hammering heart. He loved making you jump, which wasn’t hard as you scared so easily. “You comin’ to team building tonight?”
Ah yes, team building. Tony did this every Fourth Friday. He dragged everyone in the Avengers (and usually you) to do things to “relax” after stressful meetings and even more stressful missions. Your first team outing was laser tag. He rented out a whole roller skating rink once, another time you were roped into inflatable obstacle courses for an afternoon. You partook in paintball and movie nights. You actually came to look forward to the adventures, as it so happened you didn’t have a lot of your own friends. But the team took you in, making you comfortable and never pushing you past your admittedly long list of limitations. You weren’t chicken, but you weren’t stupid either.
But the best part about the team building evenings, and working for Stark in general, came in the form of Steve Rogers. He had been the first to introduce himself to you on your first day working for Tony. He even accompanied you to lunch the whole first week, made sure you met everyone you needed to and answered any questions to put you at ease. Tony had joked that Steve liked taking in strays so they didn’t run away. You didn’t mind in the slightest, and you grew to get on like gasoline on a fire. And that also meant like so many other women, you found yourself harboring feelings for the man out of time. An absolute cliché, but it had been too late to catch yourself when you fell.
“What’s on the docket for tonight Sam?” You asked, staring into your coffee cup and bracing yourself for whatever crazy idea Tony had gotten in his head.
“Karaoke!” You looked up at the second voice, smiling warmly at the tall blond that joined the two of you in the otherwise empty conference room. Steve looked positively delicious in his dark blue button shirt and gray slacks. You had to remember to breathe, choking on nothing when he got closer to you. You would never get tired of the tall drink of water. You swore that man could wear a potato sack and you’d still gladly let him ruin you. “What do ya say Doll, you in? I got your first round of drinks.” He smiled and a whole conservatory of butterflies erupted in your stomach.
He already had ruined you, in a way.
“Depends, you actually going to show up this month?” You cheekily replied, a slight hint of bitterness in your voice. It should be noted that you had been inseparable in the beginning. After you got the hang of your job Steve started inviting you out for coffee. Then he asked you on walks in the morning before he went on his runs. You did everything together for the first six months. Everyone pestered you to find out if you were dating, and you would have jumped at the chance, but he was always quick to fire off that you were just friends. Even though it felt as if he was chipping away at your heart with a pick axe you never confronted him or confessed your feelings. After all, you got to be close friends with Captain America, what more could you ask for?
Then he met Camille.
Three months ago felt like a lifetime to you. Camille Straughton was the daughter of some big wig investor for some company you couldn’t care less to know about. She was gorgeous, her features exact opposite of yours, and didn’t have an insecure bone in her body. Everyone fell in love with her upon meeting her. She was nice to you and you wanted to drop a piano on her. She brought everyone homemade sweets whenever she visited and you imagined pushing her in a vat of hot wax. Alive and screaming the whole way in. The way she said Steve’s name had you sharpening your imaginary pitchfork, torch at the ready.
She was nothing short of perfect, which sucked, and she seemed to have her sights locked on your favorite blond. You didn’t think you were capable of hating someone so much.
Steve told you not to worry. That you couldn’t be replaced. That you were still one of his best friends. Idiot.  So when he skipped lunch with you the first time to grab a bite with Camille you did your best to hide your disappointment from everyone else. Wanda found you crying in a supply closet on the seventh floor five til five and held you until your mascara stopped running. It wasn’t hard for her to figure out why, and you made her swear not to utter a word.
Steve apologized the next day but made a habit of it after that. You eventually got used to eating alone.
When she kissed Steve on his birthday in front of everyone, he returned the favor, everyone “Aww”ed and “Oooo”ed at the now “official” relationship. You took up shooting lessons. Sam and Bucky became increasingly impressed and terrified at your progress. Carol, Maria Hill and Nat dragged you out for a “Men are trash” party and after drinking too much you found yourself crying into homemade cupcakes on someone’s kitchen floor. You made a promise to yourself that you wouldn’t cry over him anymore after that. The hangover of the century the next day helped drive that promise home.
Everyone else didn’t notice how you’d managed to become even more reserved, keeping your smiles to yourself in a lock box that once held your heart. Sounds pretty pathetic right? Steve saw you less and less. Tony said he’d come around. That Camille was good for him, but he’d eventually need to come up for air and want to see his friends.
Then he missed team building for the first time. Tony had kittens. Then the second month he missed it Tony slapped Steve’s face on all the coffee machines and milk jugs in the building, looking for the “Missing Blond Neanderthal that sometimes answers to Capsicle”.  By the third time you had accepted the new norm, but Tony screamed so loud that everyone in the limo remained silent for the duration of the travel time to the Drive in theater. A whole forty minutes, not a sound being heard except Tony’s fast and angry fingers typing empty threats into his phone. You learned quickly not to engage Steve in conversation, keeping your replies short and sweet unless you wanted to hear about Camille. Which you most certainly did NOT.
So needless to say you had to cover your obvious shock when he nodded vigorously at your question that cloudy Friday afternoon.
“I promise Y/N. I’ll be there.”
And this is how you found yourself in slightly damp clothes waiting outside for a little less than an hour, darting your eyes down the sides of the street with an unopened umbrella and slowly diminishing hope.
“Y/N come inside already,” Tony called from the doorway as he pushed the door further out for you, “You knew better than to believe he’d actually make it.”
You shuddered, turning on your heel and walking into the mouth of the rented out bar with a defeated sigh. “He promised Tony.”
“I know, but he’s too wrapped up in her to care about us anymore,” He patted you on the shoulder as you shrugged out of your coat, the knockout outfit you had picked out for tonight falling on blind eyes. “You know she demands that he calls her when we leave for missions and the second we land? How suffocating. Pep would beat my ass if I was that annoying.”
“Bold of you to assume she doesn’t think you annoying to begin with.” His redheaded wife clapped back and you only nodded, not really paying to the conversation after that. This wasn’t the first time you had waited for him in the rain. This wasn’t the first time he had told you something and did something else. You should be used to it. But it didn’t make it hurt any less.
The first shot of tequila went down like battery acid, Bucky’s look of understanding spurring you on to your new goal of drinking to forget Steve’s empty promises. Screw him.
It was during Sam’s cringe worthy performance of “Danger Zone” that Nick Fury entered the bar, Maria hill accompanying him and nearly dying of laughter when he stared at everyone.
“What the actual fuck? I picked this bar to get AWAY from my job. I just want some damn peace and quiet! That too much for a motherfucker to ask?”
You bought him a drink for his troubles. Maria and you threw back another shot to “Fourth Friday” while Fury kept complaining, sipping his bourbon the whole time.
“Here Y/N, pick one!” Sam slammed a large tome of songs down next to you awhile later, a high pitched yelp jumping out of your throat and landing on the bar with a loud SHIT. “Jumpy much?”
“Get bent Wilson.” You muttered into your glass of whatever fruit drink Nat ordered you. He laughed when you flicked the tropical paper umbrella at him before thumbing through the cracked and water damaged pages. “They should laminate these….” You pulled a face, barely reading the titles. Not that you could make out more than a couple words anyway.
Your gaze zeroed in on a song and you flattened your index finger next to it. “This one. I’ll do this one. But not now, maybe when I’ve had a few more?”
“Whatever you want Y/L/N, shot time?”
The third shot went down like water, as did number four.
Nat, Carol, and Wanda all got up to sing “Girls Just want to have fun” you had politely declined, although you were a girl, you were not having fun. Nor did you want to.
Tony wrapped up the nine o’clock hour with an atrocious cover of “Baby got Back.” The slap that Pepper gave him when he suggested that she “Turn around” and “Stick it out” was heard around the world.
Everyone decided to take a small break from the singing after that.
You toasted Sam and Pepper, who had agreed they needed alcohol to burn Tony’s very dated dance moves out of their memories. You decided against another shot for now, not wanting to overdo it when Stark had planned on closing the joint down. Can’t take him anywhere really.
Thor found you an hour later after belting “I would do anything for love (But I won’t do that)”. You hadn’t moved from your spot at the bar, even when the MC reminded you that after Tony it would be your time to sing.
“You look really beautiful tonight Y/N. Is that a new dress? That color really suits you.” His compliment made you beam in thanks, the same blinding smile that landed you the job and put people at ease. “There’s my favorite smile. Who made you hide it away for so long?”
Did I get feelings for the wrong blond?
“You’re too sweet Thor. It wasn’t hidden, just taking a break. Can’t have it out on display all the time you know.”
“Well you wouldn’t hear me complain if you did. I hate seeing you upset. You doing alright?”
“I will be after another shot I think.”
“Then it must be done! Barkeep!”
You both exchanged shot glasses, fully knowing it would do nothing for the Asguardian but he thanked you none the less. By the time midnight came around you were good and tipsy, clinging to the mic stand for dear life as the room spun around and the small squares counted you in on the screen you desperately focused on. As if you didn’t know the words. You could belt this tune in your sleep.
“Cryin' in the corner, waiting in the rain, I swear I’ll never ever wait again. You gave me your word, but words for you are lies.”
Nat and Wanda cat called you from the side of the small brightly lit stage and you felt your confidence, entirely alcohol fueled, soar. You stood up straight, imagining telling off a certain super solider with the song lyrics with newly found power. Douchey, stupid, hunk of perfect idiot. I’ll show him. I will.
“Darlin in my wildest dreams I’d never thought I’d go, but it’s time to let you know, oh
I’m gonna harden my heart. I’m gonna swallow my tears. I’m gonna turn and leave you here.”
As you kept belting out lyrics to the heartbreak ballad everyone tried to hold in their amazement. You were so engrossed in your own imaginary confrontation you didn’t catch the very real and very taken back Steve Rogers practically running into the bar, a pained and confused look on his face as he watched the group of heroes sway and cheer on your impressive vocals.
“Where did she get those pipes?!” Sam excitedly exclaimed as Steve neared the stage, the lights far too bright for you to see past the dingy dated monitor.
“I have no idea, but I TOLD you this was a great idea! As all of my ideas usually are.”
Sam side eyed Tony before knocking back the last bit of his drink, shaking his head.
“Darlin in your wildest dreams you never had a clue, but it’s time you got the news. I’m gonna harden my heart. I’m gonna swallow my tears. I’m gonna turn and leave you here.”
You repeated the chorus and slowly trailed off the end of the song, praising yourself for keeping your pitch in check and not slurring you words to the point of incoherence. The loud clamoring of applause and shouts broke you from your power trip, you giving a small curtsy and taking a large hand off the stage.
When your eyes came to focus on who the hand belonged to you released it as if it had bitten you. Drunken tears welled up in your eyes as Steve appeared in front of you. Without the incredible she-bitch. Your flight instincts kicked in and you promptly turned on your heel and ran awkwardly into the bathroom, heels clicking the whole way as you locked yourself in.
He can’t get me in here you cackled triumphantly, before the dam broke and you started crying your heart out on the hard tile floor. Screw the promise. The booze was more than effective now, your vision blurring from all of the shots and heartache. How dare he show up tonight. What was he playing at? Was he some kind of sadist? As if all of this wasn’t hard enough already. You couldn’t feel your toes due to the heels. So you tore them angrily off your feet and threw them at the door for good measure. Sure showed him huh?
Your thoughts drifted off, the amount of hard liquor finally catching up to your body and forcing you into a unwelcome blackout sleep. You didn’t notice Wanda walk in and levitate your body out of the bathroom ten minutes later, safely putting you into Steve’s arms and telling him sternly,
“You did this to her, you can deal with her.”
You woke up in a bed that was most definitely not yours some time later. Your eyes and throat burned as you groaned, the thunderous banging of your own pulse making you nauseous. You attempted poorly to shield your eyes as the sun glared in through the window without mercy. Where in the hell am I? Checking to make sure your clothes were still on you slowly pulled yourself out of the massively comfortable bed.
Cold hardwood met your feet, eliciting a short squeak from your mouth upon contact. Where the hell are my shoes? Steeling your nerves you were relieved to find the room empty, padding across the floor and inching the door open to the living room. The smell of coffee and hot bacon assaulted your nose and your mouth began to water. The door then decided to release a loud creeeeeaaak causing the subject of your dreams and your most recent nightmares to turn around from the stove.
“Morning sleeping beauty. Rest well?”
He chuckled at you confusion covered face, placing a mug of steaming life juice on the island in front of him and sliding it towards you. “I imagine you could use this.”
“Stop…screaming…head….hurts…” Broken sentences were the best you could manage in your current grogginess, greedily snatching the mug off the counter and relishing the hot liquid climbing down your body and bringing it to life as if it were Frankenstein’s monster. “What…what happened….last night?”
“Before or after you blew everyone away with your singing?” Steve smiled as a blush crept over your face and neck.
“Not a damn thing.” He said confidently, turning to the stove to shut off the burner and plate the remaining bacon. “You passed out in the bathroom and Wanda got you out. She blamed me for your knocked out state and demanded I fix it.”
“You know Wanda,” You hastily tried to cover up your embarrassment, waving your hand, “She always has had a way with words.” A nervous laugh echoed into your coffee cup, noting it was the one you had bought him for his birthday. Peachy. This brought back great memories. Not
He placed a plate of food in your line of sight, complete with a couple aspirin.
“Where…where’s Camille? I don’t think she’d be okay with me sleeping in your bed…”
He shrugged, “Well we broke up last night so I honestly don’t care what she thinks anymore.”
You stared at him with wide eyes, the fork loosely hanging in your fingers mid bite.
“Oh Steve I’m…”
He waved you off. “Don’t say it. We both know you and everyone else were hoping we’d end things. It was exhausting living up to her expectations of me, so I called it quits.”
You nodded, chewing your food as he began to pick at his own. “I can understand that. Relationships shouldn’t feel forced.”
“You’re damn right.” He sighed, taking a bite of bacon and looking at you. “I can’t believe I let her control me so much. I’ve missed everyone. I’ve missed you so much.” He let out a bitter laugh, “Why do I always date the crazies? My dumb luck right?”
“Hey love makes you do crazy things Steve. And your luck isn’t that bad.” You offered a small smile, to which his frown deepened.
“Oh yea?” He questioned, folding his arms and staring you down, “If my luck isn’t so bad then why am I not dating someone like you?”
You stared at him as if he had sprouted a second head. “Ex…excuse me?”
“Did I stutter?” He asked simply, knocking the air out of your lungs as you clung white knuckled to the marble. You stared at him in a stunned silence as he merely shrugged as if it were nothing, “You’re kind, massively intelligent. Beautiful without trying. All of my friends already like you. You don’t belittle me or try to control every aspect of my life. You don’t make me contemplate murder on a daily basis.”
Another deep sigh and agonizing silence before he spoke again, his voice cracking slightly,
“If someone like you would even think about dating me, I’d be the luckiest man I know.”
You couldn’t help it. You started laughing. Months of emotions poured out of your mouth, your laughter on the edge of sounding like that of a lunatic’s. But you couldn’t stop, tears springing to your eyes as you held your sour convulsing stomach. It was Steve’s turn to look stunned.
“You....you moron!” You accused between giggle fits, “I’ve been in LOVE with you for MONTHS!”
Steve started nervously chuckling at that, “You…you are?”
“Yea you big dumb Neanderthal. Where have you been?”
“With the wrong person.”He didn’t waste another second, coming around the side of the island and scooping you up in his arms. His lips met yours and you let out a contented sigh before breaking away from him. “We should probably take this slow. I don’t want to feel like the rebound here.”
“Oh, yea, of course not.” He set you back down on the floor, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck as you giggled, closing the distance and relishing how nervous he looked. “Can I…can I ask you out to dinner sometime then?”
“I got no plans tonight.” You offered, watching him with amusement as he did a double take. “What? I said slow not no. I’m not going to let you get away again, Captain Rogers.”
“Tonight it is then.”His arms found his way around you again as he pulled you into a hug, chuckling softly into the side of your neck. “So last night….were you…were you singing about me?”
“I plead the fifth.”
“I deserve that I suppose.”
“Damn right you do.”
tagging @kaytizzle @cuffski @giggleberts @pies-wands-and-more
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redhairedfeistynerd · 4 years
Break My Stride
Written for @captain-rogers-beard One hit wonder challenge. Thank you for the opportunity to take part in this and giving me extra time to complete this.
A/N The song chosen was ‘Break my Stride’
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Steve Rogers, Bucky’s daughters (Piper and Riley)
Summary: A quick look at Bucky with his daughters and how they would celebrate Mother’s Day their way. (with a little bit of sass and sneaky moments)
Warnings: some fluff, sassy kids, Mother’s Day
Word Count: 2k+
Walking into a silent house was never a good sign.
“Piper? Riley? Where you two at?” Bucky pokes his head into the front room, thinking they may be flopped over the couches on their electronics. No sign of them. Continuing down the hallway, he reaches the kitchen, no girls here either. He’s surprised his house isn’t on fire yet (even though Steve has only been gone for 15 minutes) and assumes they are in their rooms doing something that is of a curious nature. 
“No better time than now to pop on some coffee,” he says to himself and reaches for the carafe, filling it as far as it allows. Setting the dials and turning the machine on, the grinder roars to life and the fragrant smell of his favourite beans, swirl around his nostrils. Reaching to pull open a cupboard by the sink, he pulls out the first mug and smiles when he glances at the design sprawled across the entire body. His girls had created this for him the year before for his birthday with the help of Y/N.  
Ya. Her.
He sighs loudly, glad that he was alone and no one could see his eyes glaze over at the mere thought of her. It was stupid of him to think about it, this was a friendship and only a friendship. Placing the mug down, he turns noticing a note on the counter.
The girls needed a few things from the store this morning and help setting up some kind of picnic. I helped cut up what they needed before I had to head out to the event this afternoon.  
I’ll add it to your tab,
Bucky had been called to check in with a client early that morning and Steve had agreed to watch the girls for a few hours before heading to a Mother’s Day Tea that their friend was hosting for single moms in the community. His girls had Steve wrapped around their fingers; anything they asked (safety permitting), he was in. Bucky was thankful for the help Steve had provided over the years. When he had to work odd hours, when he was sick, or even to take a quick break before his brain exploded, Steve was there for him. Parenting alone wasn’t always easy.  
He stopped to listen and thought he heard a giggle coming from outside, was that his youngest? Peeking out through the blinds, he saw the girls – Piper reaching up to one of the apple trees, handling what looked like a paper lantern and Riley kneeling on a large blanket nearby, arranging several bowls and plates.  
Bucky opens the sliding door, squinting to see what the girls were sitting on. “Is that the duvet from my bed?” Both girls turn towards him but it was Riley that couldn’t keep a straight face as she shook her head no, her eyes wide and lips folded in.
“Riley, I told you not to look at him if he asked!” He heard Piper loud whisper to her sister. Funny how they always forgot about his hearing.  
Bucky pulled the door back further and stepped out onto the back deck.
“Dammit, Piper, now he’s going to crap a brick about the blanket.”
Piper smacked her sister, a loud “shh” spitting from her mouth. “Keep your big mouth shut and let me deal with dad. I mean it!” Riley clamped her mouth shut instantly as Piper stood up, brushing pieces of grass and twigs from her dress. “Hey daddy, we didn’t expect you back so soon,” Piper said sweetly.  
Daddy. He knew something was up when she called him that. Pops, old man, or hey you, were more common than daddy. “You two, inside now,” Bucky said sternly, his thumb motioning back to the house. “You better start explaining what is going on and how you got Uncle Steve involved in this.”
Riley grumbled something he couldn’t make out while Piper was pulling her up from the blanket. “You better hope you don’t screw this up, Ri. You know how hard we worked on this with Uncle Steve.”
Once the girls had settled at the kitchen table, lemonade, fruit and sandwiches set on plates in front of them, he spoke. “So, what is all of this? You have your uncle taking you by the store, you’ve got a spread of food outside, on my new duvet might I mention, and these funky little lanterns hanging from all the fruit trees. What are you two trouble makers up to?”
He watches as Piper squirms, the wooden chair creaking with each movement of her body. “Pops, we invited y/n over for a picnic,” Piper answers, her cheeks flushing red.
Bucky pulled his sandwich away from his mouth, to stare at Piper, “You what?”
“We invited -”
“Ya, I got that... but why?”
Riley leans towards him, “Pops, it’s Mother’s Day and the thing is since, well, since you do 99% of the parenting, Piper and I thought it made sense to celebrate you today and we thought it would be nice to invite your friend too.”
Bucky raised his eyebrow, “Why do you say it like that, my friend? You two know there is a Father’s Day, right?” He lifts one eyebrow glancing to each of his daughters before taking a large bite of his sandwich.
“I didn’t wanna say girlfriend Pops but that’s what you want her to be, right? Pip and I see how you look at her and I don’t think we have ever seen you look at someone like that. You look at her like she’s a tasty burger.”
Piper snorts from across the table, her lemonade is now dribbling down her chin.
“Oh, come on Ri,” he said while running his hand through his hair, “it’s not like that at all. Besides-”
“Pops, you’re wrong. You BOTH stare at each other and I’ve seen you blush when she touches your arm. You’ve got it bad,” she tells him while nodding her head in the sassy manner he is accustomed to.  
“What would you know,” muttered Bucky.
“You know, you aren’t the only one who has great hearing,” Riley replied, throwing a strawberry towards her dad's head. Bucky caught it before it hit him and popped it into his mouth.  
Bucky turns when he hears the creak of the gate, a head popping in and a sweet sing-song “Hello, Barnes family.” Y/N is finally here and he is unusually anxious, he’s pretty sure it has to do with what Riley said earlier.
Piper and Riley stop what they are doing on the duvet and run towards Y/N, jumping into her arms and squealing. Bucky hears an “oof” escape her mouth from the force the girls use to squeeze her. He smiles when he overhears them telling her how much she has been missed.  
When the girls have grown restless, after the food has been devoured, I Spy games have been played; the girls started to toss clumps of grass into each other's hair. A clump of dirty knocks Piper’s forehead and before he knows it, they are wrestling beside what is left of the picnic. Bucky tells them to take it easy and to help with the cleanup and assures y/n that she can relax and he’ll be back momentarily.  
Sliding the patio door shut, he watches her, laying back on the blanket, staring up at the clouds slowly moving by above. One hand in her hair and the other up and waving her finger towards the sky. She doesn’t notice him until he takes a step closer and his shadow crosses her face.  
“Heya Buck, why don’t you come down here and trace the shapes the clouds make with me. I’m curious to see what you see,” Y/N said as she reaches for his hand, pulling him towards her. He stumbles and has to catch himself from falling onto her and all she can do is laugh at him when he lands hard on his backside. “I wish I could show you the look on you face,” she laughed, “oh man, the girls would have loved to see an instant replay of that.”
Bucky’s face gradually turns red the more y/n keeps laughing, her feet stomping at the beginning of each breath. “All right, all right, so I was trying not to fall on you, it’s no big deal.” He brushes his hair back and looks over to her a big smile still across her beautiful face. She pushes at his shoulder until he’s lying beside her and looks up at the sky. Reaching for his hand and lifting it towards the white fluff, she moves it along the largest cloud above them.  
“This one right here, you know what I see, Buck? He looks over to her, a huge grin across her face before she says, “It’s a hippopotamus playing the accordion, do you see it?” She turns her head to look back over to him. It’s the same moment he chooses to look back at her, his blue eyes sparkling with the sunshine.  
“I have no idea how the hell you see that but I’m enjoying your imagination. Tell me some more about these clouds. What about that small one over there, by the peaks of that mountain?” He gives her another smile and reaches over to take her hand in his, squeezing it and waiting to hear what she came up with this time.  
“What do I see in that one,” she replies quietly to herself as her mind swirls with ideas of what that shape could be. Y/L feels Bucky’s thumb sliding softly over her hand. Swish, swish. Swish, swish. It was gentle and calming, encouraging her to tell him about the cloud he had chosen. “Buck, I see Pip, that first time we went for hot chocolate and she had that crazy chocolate mustache, do you see it? Notice how it swipes across her face, like it did that day?” She looks over to him and he’s not smiling anymore but there’s something in his eyes that she hasn’t had the chance to experience yet. A look that could be considered to be longing. Gosh, she hopes that’s what it is.
“Yeah, I remember that day better than most,” he tells her as he turns onto his side to face her and moves his hand to the side of her face. He stalls for a moment, telling himself he can do this and his fingers gently touch her cheek, moving across the soft skin a few times before she decides to turn and face him as well.  
“Don’t stop Buck, okay?” She can smell the hand cream she bought him for his birthday that year, the one for dry skin, the smell of beeswax and olive oil; she swore up and down that it was the only thing that helped her when she was working with her hands as much as she did. He had blushed when she gave him the gift, he had told her it was unexpected and he was flattered that she had thought of him. Y/L reaches over to touch his hair, softly at first but as she notices Bucky leaning in to her hand, she pushes deeper and runs her fingers through the strands. This is the moment. THIS is the moment. Just DO IT already. With her mind running wild, she goes for it, gently pulling his head towards hers and kisses him. She’s pretty sure Bucky is shaking or is it her? He isn’t arguing and he’s not pushing away, so she pulls him a bit closer and has another go at it. He’s kissing her back now and her heart is doing somersaults with each press and each slide of his tongue.  
Bucky Barnes is kissing her. On a blanket. In his backyard.
It doesn’t go on for much longer, he’s worried that they girls might be peeking out of the windows and watching their old man lock lips with his friend. When he pulls away, she looks disappointed but he smiles and runs his thumps across her bottom lip. “Don’t worry, okay? We’ll have other days. She smiles and nods back. “What do you think about going inside and eating some of the ice cream Steve picked up with the girls earlier today?” She didn’t expect Bucky to take her hand in his and she was happy that he didn’t seem to notice that she missed a breath when the warmth spread over her palm and fingers. He pulls her gently into the house and calls the girls down for dessert.
Two pints have been devoured when Riley jumps up from her chair and belts out “Last night I had the strangest dream-”  
Piper chimes in “I sailed away to China In a little row boat to find ya, And you said you had to get your laundry cleaned, Didn't want no one to hold you, what does that mean? And you said-
“What are you two going on about?” Bucky looks at Piper and Riley, confusion crossing his face.
Y/l slides across the tiled floor and belts out “ain’t nothing gonna break my stride.” The girls join in and bounce around each other, singing the chorus, while Bucky puts down the bowl he was washing and turns to watch what he thought was the women in his life going mad.  
Y/N’s eyes meet Bucky’s and she bursts out laughing mid song. In the few stride’s it took him to reach her side, she was already curled up on the floor laughing hysterically with his daughters. He crosses his arms and looks down at the three of them. “Anyone want to let me in on what is going on right now because I’m a little confused.”  
“Don’t you pay attention to what your kids are watching online?”  
“He’s old, don’t even bother asking him,” Riley added, rolling her eyes.
“Hey now, I know all about your Insta-spam thing or that Clip-Clopping stuff you guys do.”  
“Our what? UGH! You are SO EMBARASSING!” Shouts his youngest.
Y/L is howling and Bucky swears he can see tears falling down her cheeks. He can’t help but laugh with her. It’s true, a lot of these devices and apps are beyond him but he’s glad that Y/N can relate to his girls. He’s happy that he met her all those years ago, he doesn’t think life would have been as easy without her smile and laughter.  
The bowls are sticky and sprinkled with coloured bits and left on the table for now. He looks up from his phone, smiling at a thank you message from her, for the great day and the kiss. He thinks he hears a gentle tapping and looks up to see Riley leaning against the doorframe, her smile wide.
“Ain’t nothing gonna break your stride, Pops. I swear she’ll be your girlfriend soon enough,” and with that, Riley winks at him and sprints up the stairs to get ready for bed.
He smiles as he watches her and thinks that maybe, she is on to something.
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filia-sapientiae · 4 years
Como El Viento (Like the Wind)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Mexican!Reader
Summary: Four months ago, Tony hired a new computer scientist for a temporary classified assignment. Bucky didn’t plan on falling in love with her. But now the assignment is over and she’s going back home. Will he be enough to make her stay?
Series Warnings: Novela style drama, angst, cursing, crazy Mexican family dynamics, typical cartel business, drugs and alcohol, smut, rich people being assholes, Spanish 
A/N: This is for Mimi’s One Hit Wonder Challenge hosted by @captain-rogers-beard​     (Inspiration in BOLD)
I’ve had this story in my head for a little over a year and it was literally in my drafts titled “She’s Like the Wind”, so when I saw your challenge, I knew I had to participate!!! 
I’m so sorry it’s late!!! I really struggled in deciding whether or not to make it a WOC!Reader fic. And then it turned into an OC fic. And then went back Latina!Reader. And then it turned into a vague Reader fic, but my brain just wouldn’t let me write it that way. 
This quarantine has given me a lot of time to binge Spanish novelas on Netflix. So I finally settled on making a Mexican!Reader fic. You can totally use the QUEEN Selena Quintanilla as the face claim. It’s how my brain pictured the Reader. But you do you!!! I’ve got a little bit of everything planned for this story. It will definitely read like a Spanish novela!!!
Bucky looked at himself in the mirror. The bags under his eyes were a dead giveaway of the sleep that eluded him for the past two weeks. His hair was dirty and haphazardly thrown into a bun. He sighed as he walked away from his reflection and made his way down to the training room.
Steve eyed Bucky as he made his way to a punching bag.
How could he have been so stupid?
He remembered fawning over every dame that crossed his line of sight. But this was different. She was so different.
And he had to go and fuck it all up!
Bucky swung at the bag ferociously until it split open and sand spilled onto the floor.
“Buck, that’s the fourth bag this week!”
“I can’t stop thinking about her!” Bucky paced in front of the broken bag. His hands fisting in his hair. “Steve, I told Y/N I was in love with her. I put myself out there and she left!”
“You did what?! Bucky, she was in New York on temporary assignment! You knew this!”
“I didn’t plan on falling in love with her!!!” Bucky snapped at Steve.
“Buck,” Steve pulled his best friend into a hug. “What happened?”
“I freaked out when she said she was leaving and it all came out.”
“What’d she say?”
“What do you think she said? She’s gone back to California to her fiance!”
“So she’s still in love with him?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Bucky whispered under his breath. He felt defeated.
“Huh? Whaddya mean?” Steve asked incredulously.
“You remember the night we all went out for drinks and I brought her home early after she twisted her ankle dancing on the bar counter?” Bucky began to tell the account of that night, “God, I was already in love with her then.”
Y/N was snuggled against Bucky’s chest as he carried her up to her room. Bucky laid her gently on the bed. He looked down at her and his chest tightened.
“Bucky, what’s wrong with me?” She sat up with tears in her eyes.
“Nothing’s wrong with you doll. You just twisted your ankle. You’ll be good as new in a couple of days.” Bucky reassured her.
She started sobbing, “No no no no. What’s wrong with me Bucky? Why can’t I bring myself to marry Mateo?”
“Y/N, you guys are engaged. You’re getting married soon.” He sat on the edge of the bed.
“No. I postponed the wedding again!” Y/N blubbered.
“That’s ok. Why’d you postpone? What’s going on?” Bucky asked. Y/N shook her head.
“He is so good. He’s kind and sweet. He comes from a good family. But God, I am so unhappy!”
“Then why stay with him? Why are you going to marry him if you’re not happy?”
“I have to marry him. I promised them.” Y/N sank back down into the mattress and curled to her side away from Bucky.
“Doll, you don’t have to marry him. Who did you-” Bucky was met with Y/N’s quiet snores. He got up from the bed and covered her with a blanket. Bucky took one last look at the woman in front of him and left quietly.
“Buck, she was drunk.” Steve argued.
“I know, but you should’ve seen her. She’s not in love with him.” Bucky rested his head against the wall and sighed.
Y/N wrapped herself in a warm blanket and sat on the windowsill watching the wind blow through the trees.
Y/N had isolated herself for the past two weeks. She kept replaying her last night with Bucky over and over in her head. The feel of his lips. The way her body responded to his kiss. The desperate way he told her he loved her. The way he yelled at her.
“Tell me that you love me too!”
“He doesn’t make you happy. I do! I know I do.”
“Am I a fool to believe that I have anything you need?”
Y/N curled the blanket around her tighter and cried. After a few minutes she let out a frustrated yell. She had cried so much for the last two weeks during her self imposed isolation. She was tired of crying. Y/N stood up and paced around her living room. She was going crazy alone with her thoughts in the small apartment. She knew she couldn’t hide from the world forever.
Y/N stopped and entertained the idea of running away and starting fresh with a new life and new identity. She could do it. She knew people. You didn’t become a computer scientist as good as she was without knowing people. Hell, she had been sought out by Tony Stark for her skills. She would be free.
Y/N started pacing again. She couldn’t do that. She had to go back home. She had responsibilities and duty. The perfect Mexican daughter lived at home until marriage. But what if she didn’t want to be that anymore?
Now there was so much more to consider. The conversation she had with Tony had left her unsure of what she wanted.
“Hey Baby Houseman? Friday said you were in the lab.”
Her hair was up in a messy ponytail and her eyeliner was smudged.
“Are you ok? Were you crying?” Tony kneeled down by her side.
Y/N shook her head. “I’m fine. I’m good. What’s up Tony?”
“Are you sure everything is ok?”
“I’m good Tony.” Y/N snapped.
Tony nodded, “I have a business proposition for you.” He sat on the lab desk in front of her.
“I’m listening.”
“Come work for me. I want you to be Stark Industries’ computer network architect. You’d make communication and use of technology easier for the company to use.”
“Tony, you have your AI system, what do you need me for?” Y/N was confused.
“I want to put you in charge of Friday’s operational system.”
“Tony! I can’t take over control of Friday. Friday is your brainchild! Your baby!” Y/N gasped.
“That’s why I need you. I’m not getting any younger Y/N. Pepper and I want a family. I’m ready, but I can’t make the same mistakes as my father. In order to do that, I need to delegate responsibilities. I can’t let the company take priority over my family. That’s why I need you. You’re the only one I trust for the position. What do you say?”
Y/N stayed quiet in disbelief. “Can I think about it? I need to go home and talk to my family about it. My fiance is in California.”
Tony nodded, “Sure, take the time that you need. We’ll talk when you’re ready..”
Y/N sighed. When had her life become such a mess? The weight of her responsibility and duty and honor was steadily crushing the levity of independence and her dreams.
Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed her phone buzzing.
10 missed calls from “Madre Mia”.
Another call came in.
“Hello?” She knew she was in trouble the second she answered.
“Y/N L/N! I have been calling you! Porque tienes un pinche telefono si no lo contestas?!”
“I’m sorry Mami. I was busy.”
“Oh too busy for your own mother?”
“No Mami. I’m here. We’re talking now. What’s up?” Y/N sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.
“You need to come home. Now.”
“Mami, I’m still working-”
“Don’t lie to me Y/N! Que crees, que tengo cara de estupida? I know you’ve been done for two weeks!”
Shit. Y/N was really in trouble. How did they find out?
“You need to get home now! Estoy harta! You’ve pushed your wedding back too many times. You’re getting married in two weeks.” There was no room for negotiation in her voice. Y/N knew her mother had been pushed beyond her limit.
“Mom, I can’t. Tony offered me a job! It’s a really good job and I want to take it!” Her voice went a little high. The same way it always did when Y/N tried to get her mom to understand.
“No me importa. We’re done playing your games! Your father and I let you postpone because you wanted to go off to school. Ok. We indulged you when you postponed because you said you wanted a doctorate. Fine. We even let you go to New York to help The Avengers. You’re done. You have things to take care of here at home.”
“Mami, please! I promise-” Y/N was not done trying to bargain for her freedom.
“No Y/N! You are marrying Mateo in two weeks. Todo ya esta listo.”
Screw this!
Y/N was old enough to make her own decisions. She was accomplished. She could handle her own! “Mom, I am 26 years old! I have a doctorate! You can’t-”
“Y qué? Crees que tu te mandas sola? No. You are a L/N. You will do as I say as long as I run this family.”
Fine. That’s how she wanted to play? Y/N was done being nice. Now she was going to be heard. “I thought it was Papi that ran things.”
“Who do you think orders him around?”
“What if I say no?” Y/N words dripped with rancor.
“Yo misma me encargare que nunca vuelvas a ver a tus hermanas.”
Y/N voice caught in her throat. No! She couldn’t. Her mother wasn’t ruthless.
“Mami, please! You wouldn’t do that!” Y/N choked out. Her mother held all the bargaining chips. Y/N had lost.
“Try me Y/N. I expect you on the next flight out.” The call ended.
Y/N threw her phone against the wall.
How could she threaten me like that? Threaten to keep my own sisters away from me?
Y/N wiped away her tears. The severity of her situation made its home in her chest.
It was her freedom or her sisters. She had to choose between her dream job or family duty. She had to choose between herself or Luisa and Blanca.
What was she willing to lose?
The decision wasn’t an arduous one. She knew what she had to choose. Y/N made her way to her room to start packing her bags.
PT. 2 coming soon
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Jake On Weed
Pairing: Thor x OC (sort of OC, sort of Reader Insert) Loki x OC Friend of Main Character
Warnings: Fluff, Comedy, Fangirling for Middle Aged Ladies
Word Count: 3799
Summary: You are a huge fan of a-ha, you are going to their concert with your best friend and well, you never know who you’ll see.
A/N: This was written for @captain-rogers-beard​ One Hit Wonder challenge. Thank you for giving me an extension. This thought for a story has been in my head for a while now, so I had to take the opportunity to write it down. My prompt/song was Take On Me by a-ha. A-ha is my favorite band in the world! Plus I saw a comic of Thor wearing an a-ha tshirt and being that I love both, they all had to go together. Also this was inspired by my life events and by my dear friend who had some of the events in the story happen in real life. This is also my tribute to the fact that I have tickets to see them in LA this August, although with the pandemic going on, that may not happen. I kinda left Infinity War/Endgame out and obviously Loki is alive. Also tagging my Thor’s Whores as well. 
@thorfanficwriter​ @lancsnerd​ @saviorsong​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @lovesdarkness​ @fictivefrolic​ @michelehansel​
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The lifelong, not quite obsession but bordering on fanatic for the band had started when you where 11 years old. It started when you had first heard ‘Take On Me’ played on the local radio station. As the song became more popular, it was played more regularly until eventually it became a #1 hit single for the band. Due to the songs resounding popularity, subsequent music video that is still one of the best ever made, and this had catapulted the band into worldwide stardom.
         The more popular they became you knew more about them. Being the first group from Norway to have this kind of international success was a big deal. You always had a special place for Norway in your heart as that’s where your maternal ancestors were from. Each band members were all extremely cute, and the lead singer could sing. I mean his voice was amazing. Within a short time they had more videos on tv, more singles on the radio, you had their posters on your walls, and so that love was cemented.
         It was so much so that when it seemed as though the band had disappeared from the airwaves in America after their amazing second album, you had to buy their music from record stores at import prices. You didn’t mind because you knew their music was worth the price and the time you waited, however that didn’t make it easy to be a fan of the band.
         Being that when they toured the US the last time, you were too young to attend their shows, so sadly you missed out on seeing them in concert.  It was something that you would always regret and that you’d hope to one day change making that dream become reality. Now that dream did come true 10 years ago when the band had decided to go their separate ways and did a final tour including many places they hadn’t toured in more than 20 years.
         That concert was a dream come true. Something that you never thought would happen and you remember it like it happened yesterday. You and your best friend, Bridgette, who also loves the band the way you do, still talk about it. In all actuality it was your mutual love of the band that brought you too each other. That bond is stronger than ever and the fact that this would be the one and only time you’d see the band perform live was a bit disheartening however sharing the experience with her made it hurt less.
         So imagine your mental state when the band announced they be touring again, in support of their first albums release, ‘Hunting High And Low’ playing the album in its entirety on the 35th anniversary of its’ release, as well as a setlist full of their hits and fan favorites, you and your bestie had already decided that if they toured here, you both would be there.
Nothing would stop it.
Nothing short of a global pandemic.
So, when the actual global pandemic happened and the tour was postponed, you two were devastated. What was one more year to wait when the first time you waited 25 years? You had both prayed and thanked Asgard for bringing the band back to you and keeping those that you loved safe. The time had gone fast and you two were planning another weekend that included the concert and hanging out with other friends that were fans too.
         The day of the show was a whirlwind. Meeting your friends for a late lunch prior to going to the preshow fan party. The party was fun. You got hangout and see people that you’d only meet online. A few you had met the prior show and were happy to reconnect with over your shared love of the band. One friend in particular, Elizabeth, who you talked outside of the fan boards and shared life experiences with was there and you were so happy to see her. The following day the three of you were scheduled to go to the fabric district to hang out before the next show the following night.  
         However tonight was what you were focused on. You and Bridge had found your seats. They were in the third row from the stage, just to the left of the stage. Elizabeth and a few of your other friends were in the front and second row just ahead of you. You weren’t sure how you were going to survive but you knew you would. As you two were waiting you were looking around the theatre and the two seats next you were empty. It was getting closer to show time and you were wondering something to yourself, however you said it out loud because that was your mental state at the moment. The energy of the entire place was electric! “Do you think Thor likes A-ha?” You asked Bridge.
         She looked at you and a pensive look crossed her face, a momentary change from the 15 year old fangirl smile you both had been wearing the entire day. “That’s a good question. I mean, why wouldn’t he like A-ha?” She asked you back and you thought about it. You did see that one drawing from the Loki, Agent of Asgard comic and it always had you wondering. In the drawing Thor was wearing an A-ha t-shirt. So maybe??
         “Maybe he does. I mean the band are Norwegian and the ancient Norse did worship Asgard.” You thought about it and so did she. “Wouldn’t it be funny if they sat next to us for the show?” You say and your friends face breaks into a smile before a face of utter shock passes over it. Since you were turned to look at her away from the empty seats on your left you had no idea what was making her react that way. In responding to her you scrunch your eyebrows together, you were perplexed. You mouth ‘what?’ to her and she motioned with her head behind you. Turning to see what got her in awe, you turn to look and into a nearly brick wall of a chest. Slowly turning your gaze up, you see a sight you never thought you would.
Thor. Thor, the God of Thunder. Asgardian King.
There he stood looking down at you. His smile as big as you had seen in photos and on tv. The bluest blue eyes looked at you and they held nothing but joy. You mentally say what the actual fuck, however you realized you actually hadn’t when Thor says to you, “Pardon, I didn’t quite hear you.” You look at him and then you feel a hand on your shoulder as you turn to see your friend standing up next to you holding on for support.
“I’m sorry, did I say something?” You ask him back.
He begins to answer you when from behind him immerges his brother, Loki. “You said what the actual fuck, with a question on the end. You heard her brother; we have much better hearing than the Midgardians do.”
“I know we do, but I try not to make them feel bad about Loki. It’s not their fault.” Thor had turned to his brother and made a sad face at him. Loki rolled his eyes.
“Did I make you feel bad Ms?” Loki asked you and you stood there looking at them both.
Your bestie squeezed your shoulder and you responded, “No, not at all. I mean I know I’m Midgardian and have no powers.”
“See Thor, she’s perfectly fine.” Loki says in his smooth as silk voice. He smiles at you, but you see the mischief in his eyes. “Are you alright?” He asks but you see he is looking at your bestie now. You looked back to her and she’s looking at him.  
She nods her head at him and says, “Yeah, I am.” Her eyes don’t look convinced but you’re not going to point that out. She did stop shaking or was that you? At this point it was possibly both of you.
“Are you excited for the show tonight?” You hear that big voice again and turn your attention back it from Loki and your bestie.
“Oh yeah, we’ve been anticipating it for a while now. Especially since they postponed it from last year. How about you guys?” It felt weird referring to them as just guys but in all honesty they were dressed in casual clothes. Loki in a leather blazer, black with dark jeans, hair slicked back, and this air of magic around him. It was tangible. You were positive everyone around them felt it. Thor was wearing a wine colored bomber jacket, dark blue jeans, black boots, long braided beard, and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail. It had grown out since they had founded New Asgard in Norway after Hela, their sister destroyed Asgard in a jealous fit of rage. A simplistic yet accurate description of events.
Occasionally you see them on the news and other online outlets. Thor helping the New Avengers and Loki keeping mostly quiet. Mostly. “We have been long time fans of the band. Actually, Loki brought the band to my attention within his time travels and being that Asgard is in Norway, well it’s not difficult to be a fan.” Thor answered you and smiled. You smiled back and suddenly the lights dimmed in the theater and you knew the show was about to begin. Thor turned towards the stage after you did. Someone over the sound system said hello to the crowd and you and your friend cheered, loudly. A spotlight came on and Magne stepped out into the light, walking over to his keyboard, Morten followed and stood center stage at his microphone, and Pal Walked out last standing at his mic on the left side of the stage, guitar already slung, ready to play.
“Hello LA” Magne says and the crowd cheers. Your friend Elizabeth turned around and smiled at you and Bridgette. You both smiled at her and then you turned to your left and there was Thor and Loki, Thor cheered along with the crowd, Loki applauded earnestly. You and Thor smiled at each other, you thought you’d died and gone to heaven, maybe you did but who cared? You certainly were in some sort of heaven and you’d be damned if you had to return to whatever life you lived prior.
The band began to play and started with, “Take On Me” The audience was singing along. This may have been their breakout hit but it certainly wasn’t their only one. You turned to Thor and he was singing to the song as well. When the chorus comes on and you swear he and Loki are both singing ‘Jake On Weed’ and not ‘Take On Me’. You and Bridgette both look at Thor and Loki as they sing loudly, ‘Jake On Weed’ during the chorus.
“Sing it with us, ‘Jake On Weed’.” Thor says loudly into your ear as he leans down.
You look at him and ask loudly, “Why?”
“I’ll tell you after the show over drinks, okay my lady.” Thor says and you look at him albeit a bit stunned but you start singing ‘Jake On Weed’ instead of ‘Take On Me’. Now you knew a certain story behind those lyrics, but you had no idea how Thor and Loki knew those exact same ones. You were definitely going to ask him over drinks. Hopefully, he didn’t forget or find the company of another instead. Elizabeth heard you four singing the lyrics and turned around stunned. She knew the story, it was her story after all. She knew that Bridge and you knew, the other two were a huge mystery to her as well. Before the end of the song several people around you were also singing ‘Jake On Weed’ instead of ‘Take On Me’. The band laughed at the audiences’ antics to the lyrics and continued on with the rest of the show. Bridge and you sang along to every song, dancing too, and you tried not to bump into Thor, although it was hard not too. He didn’t seem to mind though, as a matter of fact he loosened up and swayed to the music too. You wouldn’t call it dancing however if you were him, you’d be a little self-conscious too. The first set was the entire album ‘Hunting High and Low’ in the order of the tracks on the album.
You and Bridge couldn’t help but be teary eyed when the band played the title song as you did the first time you saw them live. You tried not to let Thor see but he leaned down, “Are you okay my ladies?”
You nod yes and answer him, “Yes, we just get a bit emotional at the song.” He put his hand on your shoulder and gently squeezed it. You tried not over analyze the interaction, he was just being nice. You both smiled at one another and turned your attentions back to the show.
Set List:
Take On Me
Train Of Thought
Hunting High and Low
The Blue Sky
Living A Boy’s Adventure Tale
The Sun Always Shines On TV
And You Tell Me
Love Is Reason
I Dream Myself Alive
Here I Stand and Face The Rain
The second set was a mix of their hits from their other nine albums as well as new track that hadn’t been released called ‘Digital Rain’.
Set 2
Analogue (All I Want)
Foot of The Mountain
The Swing of The Things
Crying In The Rain
Sycamore Leaves
Digital River
I’ve Been Losing You
Stay on These Roads
Scoundrel Days
The Living Daylights
 You and Bridge got teary eyed during ‘Stay on These Roads’ however Thor didn’t say anything, but sang along with you as you put your arm around him this time. You were not sure why you did but you felt he needed the reassurance and a connection.  He understood the lyrics; if anything they spoke more to him than most. With everything he had been through over his lifetime, he knew that you had to stay on no matter how bad it got. That better things were ahead. The band closed with their Bond Theme, from the movie of the same title, and it was the perfect ending to an amazing night.
You were sad to see it end, however Thor and Loki turned to you, “So I offered to buy you a drink.” He says to you.
“You did offer but you don’t have too.” Trying to let him out of the obligation he set for himself.
“No! Now, we are not ready for the night to end just yet and besides, we promised to tell you the story of the song.” Thor smiles. “Now I know you know who we are but let me introduce myself and my brother. I’m Thor Odinson and this is Loki Odinson, my brother.” Thor extends his hand towards you and you offer yours in kind. Expecting a handshake and getting a kiss on the back of your hand instead. You tried not to blush, but Loki saw it and he made a smirk at you. You rolled your eyes at him and he laughed. Thor kissed Bridge’s hand too, ever the gentleman you thought. She blushed and the blush furthered when Loki winked at her. Again you rolled your eyes at him. He smirked at you and you turned back to Thor.
“My name is Elora and this is my dear friend Bridgette. We are heading out to an after party in Hollywood with other fans. Would you like to join us? Then you can buy us a drink and share your story about Jake On Weed.” You say trying not to sound like you just had one of the best nights of your life but you couldn’t hide your happiness. The smile on your face was too sincere to wish away.
“Loki, what do you say?” Thor asked his brother. Loki looked to you and Bridgette.
“Only if she let’s me buy her drink.” He looks as Bridgette and winks at her.
“Of course he can, right Bridge?” You answer for her because you knew that’s what she wanted. If you considered yourself a Thor’s Whore, well then she was a Loki’s Loose Lady. “I’m going to order a car for us.”
While you were ordering the car, Elizabeth walked over to your happenstance group of the evening. “Hey! The show was fantastic!” She paused and reached out to hug you. You hugged her back and then she continued with what she was saying. “You all are coming to the party, right?” She looked to Bridge, Thor, and Loki.
“We’re all going to be there. Oh, let me introduce you to out newest friends?” You say with a question. You look at Thor and he nods yes to your question. “This is Thor and Loki Odinson, Asgards biggest A-ha fans. Who knew?!”
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Jane says and waves at them from where she’s standing next you. “Okay, do you have the address to the party?”
“Yes. I already ordered a car to come and pick us up. It should be here in about 10 minutes, so we should probably head out to meet it soon.”
“Good. I just ordered our car as well, so we’ll all head out together.” Elizabeth said and then continued her train of audible thought. “Can I ask you two a question?” She looked at Thor and Loki as she asked.
“Certainly. We’ve nothing to hide.” Thor says smiling at Loki who just shakes his head at him.
“Fair enough. So why were you singing ‘Jake On Weed’ instead of ‘Take On Me’?” Elizabeth asked them with a bewildered look on her face.
Thor and Loki exchange glances. Loki actually chuckles before he speaks. “Well it was record store day and upon my travels throughout the realms, I’ve come to discover the love of vinyl. I have quite a collection and I enjoy listening to it. Our mother would’ve loved it, right?”
“Oh she’d love to sit and listen to music with you. You always did have the arts in common.” Thor says with a fondness in his voice to offset Loki’s hint of sadness.
“Upon learning of record store day, I took Thor shopping with me in the DC area to look for the releases. Now we happen into a store, with a young man as the clerk. He is on his phone, managing his social media accounts or whatever it is they do. The phone rings, the store phone not his cell phone, and he answers it. Of course you know he’s trying to be helpful. I can hear her talking to the clerk on the other end of the line. Good hearing, Asgardians have good hearing.”
“We’ve already established that Loki.” Thor interjects and Loki smiles.
“Yes, we have. So She asks him for a specific Record Store Day release. “Take On Me”. Of course he can’t understand her and looks at me. I whisper to him, “Jake On Weed” So repeats it to her, “Jake On Weed?” She replies, “No, Take On Me by A-ha” He answer’s her, “Is that A H A?” She replies “Yes”. He say, “Um, no, we don’t have that one. Sorry.” So that was the end of that conversation. Now you have to understand 3 other individuals called asking about it while we were there. You got the ‘Jake On Weed’ and to the others I told them ‘Spank My Knee’, ‘Pee On Me’, and ‘She Just Teed’. Yours was my favorite.” Loki smiled his mischievously charming smile at Elizabeth who looked amazed and in awe.
“So, it was you who did that?” Elizabeth shook her head and laughed. We all did. Bridge and you had heard her talk about this and sadly you never did get your copy of ‘Jake On Weed’ that Record Store Day. Elizabeth did and she had an unknown interaction with the God of Mischief himself.
“It was and look at how it has brought us all together.” Loki added.
“We should probably head out front, our cars are probably waiting.” You say to the group who has now become a bit larger with Elizabeth’s party joining in on the story you all knew but from one point of view.
“After you.” Thor says and let’s you lead the way out of the front lobby of the theatre. He places a hand on the small of your back as he leads you through the crowd of fans waiting. Loki walks with Bridgette behind the two of you. You spot your car waiting for you.
“We’ll see you there!” You say to Elizabeth.
She’s walking the opposite way to her ride. “Okay, be safe! See you in a bit.” Elizabeth replies with a huge smile.
The four of approach the minivan and the driver roles down the passenger window. “Elora?” He asks.
“Yes, party of four to West Hollywood.” You say to him and he smiles.He opens the side door automatically and Loki grabs Bridgette’s hand.
“Trouble makers to the back of the bus, right?” He askes her and she looks at you then back to Loki.
“It’s the best seat in the van.” Bridgette says to him and helps her in first and slinks in after her. You watch in almost utter amazement as they get into the rear seat of the minivan.
Suddenly you feel the hand move from the small of your back to you right hand. It was large, calloused, and warmly electrifying. You looked over and Thor motioned for you to get it. “After you, Lady Elora.” He bows a bit and you duck inside sitting in the far captain’s chair behind the driver. Thor sits in the other captains chair and the driver closes the door.
“Are we all ready?” The driver asks.
“Yes, my good sir.” Thor answers and turns, smiling at you. “So you ready for that drink?” He asks you.
“Oh yes and you may get a dance if you’re lucky!” You tell him and wink.
“I do feel lucky.” Thor says and reaches over taking your hand. You look at your hands, fingers intertwined. You can hear Loki from the rear seat whispering in Bridgette’s ear. Your hearing wasn’t as bad you pretended. Of course, you didn’t have to hear whatever Asgardian sweet talk he was telling Bridge. Thor wasn’t the only one feeling lucky.
‘We’re talking away
I don’t know what I’m to say
I’ll say it anway
Today’s another day to find you
Shying away
I’ll be coming for your love, okay?’          
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