#minamoto teru analysis
venusdayo · 6 months
The gender of the person that Teru likes and the wrong translation in this scene, a really small analysis:
(Reuploaded here bc a month ago I uploaded it to Twitter and no one saw it... )
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Okay, all of this investigation started bc I asked myself “what if teru actually likes aoi (girl)” And this scene came to my mind, i didn’t remember what he exactly said (about if was a girl) so i rewatched it after. If you want the short answer is no, teru doesn’t mention gender.
If you want the explication, read this post (pls this took me like two hours to investigate )
Let’s begin with the dubbed scene, where he says “her” referencing that hes crush is a girl. I almost added the subtitled scene but I didn’t bc it says the same lol
So, I went to the manga, if i was correct, i remembered that he never said the gender/ pronouns, and I was right
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I could have confirmed that, but I wasn't convinced. What if the MANGA was poorly translated?
So, i went to the raws panels.
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“But Venus! I don’t speak Japanese, what says there?” If you translate ぃ僕 好きな子が ぃるんだ on google, the first option is “there’s a girl I like” but ALSO shows up the option “there’s someone I like”
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"but it is implied that is a girl, otherwise It would give the option of "there is a boy that I like"" be patient my little friend, let me explain you:
I started to investigate deeply the kanjis, conjugations and things like that, after a while I learned what I am going to tell you and now I understand why it is simplified to the feminine gender
The translation of ぃ僕 好きな子が ぃるんだ depends on the context and the tone of the phrase. In general, it can be translated as “there’s a girl I like” or “there’s someone I like”, but it can also have other meanings
According to the DeepL dictionary, “ 僕”is an informal and affectionate way of saying “I” or “me”, which is mainly used by young men. 好きな子 means “child/person I like”, and does not specify the gender of the person.
ぃるんだ is a colloquial way of saying “there is” or “there are”, which expresses emphasis or confession.
Therefore, the phrase could express the feeling of a boy who likes a girl, or a girl who likes a boy, or a person who likes another person regardless of gender
So, in the translation (anime dub and sub) it refers to a girl bc the "僕" (mostly used by young men,who teru is ) and the 好きな子 which refers to liking someone, it can be assumed that it refers to a girl because of the assumed heterosexuality, you know lol
it is never confirmed that “them” is a GIRL, the gender is never mentioned, so there are chances that the person he likes is not a girl. Obviously them could be one, I don't deny it, but it also doesn't rule out the possibility that Teru being queer.
Conclusion: the manga in English is well translated but not the anime, the person Teru likes can be either a boy or a girl. End of explication.
And if you're wondering, could I find the answer to the initial question? Well no, but it reduces the options for Aoi to be who he likes, since it doesn't boil down to her just being a girl, which leaves other options.
But then who could be the person Teru likes? Well, I don't know, but I could make a thread theorizing about it.
*cought* *cought* 𝒶𝓀𝒶𝓃𝑒 *cought* *cought*
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mari-lair · 4 months
Let's talk about Teru and Aoi and how interesting Teru behavior with Aoi is.
Teru is on a mission to see what has changed from the original timeline to this one, he said so himself.
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But he makes a strange move and completely ignores the very big change he was presented with: His engagement with Aoi. The plan was to abandon his 'brand new fiance' and go look for other changes.
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Aoi holding his armband, asking for his attention in a very Aoi way and showing a willingness to go on a date with him shocked Teru less than the engagement news but it stuck to him in a way the engagement did not.
Just compare how Teru go 'welp it is what it is, what a strange timeline,' with a level of dismissal that makes him talk to Akane instead of Aoi about the situation.
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To how he takes this Aoi at least seriously enough to question her request for them to go out.
So the idea Aoi wants to date him is more confusing to him than being engaged. So much so he does what he does with the original Aoi and starts asking her questions, even picturing the old Aoi as he ask for her hand, adding a lot of '...' in it.
It feels like a test.
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A test Aoi failed by accepting his hand, doing something the Aoi he knew never would.
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Teru is closed up during his date with Aoi.
He goes with the flow because he needs answers to go back home, he needs to figure out why she is so different but he is tense about this date. His sword bag is a tight fist, pulling at the strap when she clings to his arm.
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During their entire date, he keeps this fake little smile on. Avoiding to touch her as much as he can, and not having much to say despite usually not only being good at acting like a flirty prince when people want him to, but having fun in the role.
So Teru isn't indifferent in his date he is tense as fuck.
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When he decides he'll send the picture to Akane and Aoi breaks character from lovey dovey fiance, Teru shows a hint of interest again, he goes "ohh? is there a problem?"
It's another test.
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She fails but her panics about hurting Akane must either remind him of the og aoi or entertain his more sadistic side, so he goes 'hmmm', which is unimpressed for sure, but still a far more positive reaction than the "unease" that popped up when aoi had held his hand.
By the end of their date i'm pretty sure Teru comes to the conclusion Aoi likes him. I believe this for two reasons.
First, he start playing along with his fiance role instead of being guarded and silent, asking her to feed him with a smile that doesn't feel fake or tense, it's his usual :D expression instead of the :) he has been wearing this whole chapter.
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The second thing of note is that this is the first time he actually touches Aoi.
During the entire manga, even in the old timeline, Teru never even poked her shoulder, but this time he lightly holds her hand to stabilize the snack.
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He seems bothered by people crowding them and he actually perks up when Aoi asks him to go to a more isolated place, his smile feels somewhat casual at the invite too, not like his tense ones from before.
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When Aoi slaps him he is surprised.
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And this part only further suggests that when he had asked Aoi to fed him, he was under the impression she genuinely likes him in this timeline.
So he doesn't have a problem doing couple things like being fed by Aoi as long as he believes Aoi enjoys it too.
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But she doesn't like him.
Just like the Aoi he knows doesn't. It feels right.
Teru is happy.
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Immediately after learning this Teru tries to find more similarities with the old Aoi, asking about her crush on akane and going back to his mission of determining why changes happened.
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Aoi mentions they are both unhappy in this arranged marriage and that they are only playing along to appease their families. Teru is surprised that he is unhappy too.
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I am not entirely sure what this means but it is noteworthy that he seems genuinely surprised the 'him' of this timeline is opposed to the marriage Aoi.
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This little Teru is a brat, but his smile and blush contrast with his word. Either he is displeased greatly by this but refuses to 'play victim' like Aoi, or he cares more than he lets on.
He was the one who found her when Aoi admitted her intention was to hide. So he went out of his way to find this "annoying victim blaming girl"
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Maybe this means his parents ordered Teru to go find her fiance, make a good first impression, and put on appearances, maybe he went to find her himself for some reason?
As of now, it's hard to say, we don't have enough info about this new timeline to guess very well, but it is food for thought.
Now back to the old timeline, with the Teru we are familiar with: Aoi asks about his family, about expectations and performance, and that isn't a topic he is very comfortable with, just look at his face.
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But he does answer her.
He is very awkward, but he doesn't lie, it feels genuine.
He even mentions his mom, which he hasn't mentioned to anyone before, not even Akane.
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sillyyuserr · 7 months
A longer, more in depth (9 parts all in one) terukane analysis, and/or everything i could find, compiled (one of my better pieces of work imo) ⭐️
Ok so it might be the fact that i ship them so i see alot of things they do as possibly romantic even when theres no romantic implications, but the amount of times it feels like AidaIro seems to be implying that teru likes akane is getting to a suspiciously high number. Like lets look at this from a non-shipper’s pov (or at least try😭)
Item A: teru looking at akane
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Without the context that he’s looking at akane, he genuinely looks like he’s showing something of raw emotion, unchanged by his “fake persona” but a genuine reaction. Looking at this picture at face value one would assume he’s big time crushing. I mean i wouldn’t say “omg hes so in lovveee!!!” But considering he doesn’t really open up to like anyone, i think this is definitely something??
Item B: them going together on a romantic outing
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Yes i did make it sound much more compelling then it actually is but cmon man. The school festival is considered a “romantic event” and these two spent the entire time hanging around the school together. Giving the excuse that "it's our job being in the student council" (which i guess it is) but in reality it was because no one wanted to come with them.
Which i mean they also did technically go on an actual date together
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also nene looking like a hamster 😭😭
Item C: teru trusting akane more than anyone (?)
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Teru likes talking to akane, trusts his intellect, and considers him someone he can rely on but doesn't like it when his whole world starts to revolve around aoi. My guy, that's jealousy.
He is shown to trust him and even show his back to him in multiple instances, knowing he wont hurt him, and he’s someone he can trust (lets ignore what happens on the literal next page)
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Even literally being one of those “i fight alone” type of people but when akane’s there, he’s never fighting alone
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Item D: not sure if thats whats happening here but im pretty sure he tried rizzing akane(?) even blushing n shit like ‘oh no mr judge im not guilty🥺💄💋’
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And then got agitated when it didn’t work
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Item E: akane knows teru better than we think
When kou and teru were fighting, the reason teru even walked out in the first place was because of the fireworks. And whos idea was that?
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Akane’s. He knew he liked fireworks and that they’d lure him out of his room. And again, he was right they did it fact get him to leave
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Item F: valentines day event
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i dont think i even need to break this one down. Its a picture of JUST them TOGETHER posted on VALENTINES DAY. 2/14/24. THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY THAT CELEBRATES NONE OTHER THAN ROMANTIC LOVE. Also teru’s color being used as akane’s sparkles and akane’s color being used as teru’s sparkles kinda shows that AidaIro arent just showing us two characters, they’re showing us TERU and AKANE, TOGETHER. If it really could be anyone im sure they’d put them in a general setting, but with the paired colors i’d say that says otherwise.
some might say they’re looking at eachother
Item G: possible fruit symbolism
first off, this picture.
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First lets look at hanako’s. We can see he has two drinks, both red + with strawberries, along with a red straw. While also being pictured near other red fruits.
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In this picture, nene’s flower(s) are literally strawberry flowers, putting the association between strawberries + nene out there. Meaning the strawberries in his drink could be purposeful, along with the red undertones. (red being her eye color) (sorry for quality im doin this on iPhone)
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Moving on to teru’s, he has one drink, being yellow-ish with pineapple on the side, and chunks in the drink itself. Whilst his straw is orange, while also being pictured around a ginormous pinapple
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And this isnt the first time we’ve seen him pictured with pineapples
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This god awful picture unfortunately exists so im adding it as proof/evidence for my argument. (Oh and not to mention akane has green pants on so everyone’s a lil funky igs)
notice how as soon they got to his house his outfit changed? This is him when they got to his house (clearly in a long-sleeve shirt, not the hoodie)
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this is him with akane + nene going on a date
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All within the same chapter i think, but him changing outfits i feel like says something. Like we’re supposed to associate that with something other than aoi (them talking ab how to save her at his house) or his family. Like aidairo are shoving it in your face ‘disassociate teru w aoi!!!’ He even straight up left when they started talking ab how they missed aoi at the karaoke place. (More or so when he left they started talking but ykwim) Since nene is being associated with strawberries it leaves the only other person to be akane, this also making sense also because of the straw color. (The straw being orange; akane’s rep color being orange, as nene’s is red)
also the fact that fruit is literally associated with the queer community
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Item H: triangles + queer symbolism
Quick history lesson, A triangle has been a symbol for the queer community, initially intended as a badge of shame, but later reclaimed as a positive symbol of self-identity. In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it began as one of the Nazi concentration camp badges, distinguishing those imprisoned because they had been identified by authorities as gay men. In the 1970s, it was again, reclaimed as a symbol of protest against homophobia, and has since been adopted by the larger queer community as a popular symbol of queer pride. More or so, the upsidown triangle. and guess whos ALWAYS wearing a fucking upsidown triangle
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My guy has one for EVERY OUTFIT 😭 he’s just ab the only character to have this. Aidairo finds a way to sneak an upsidown triangle in all of his outfits
Item I: extras
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This picture. Him holding akane’s shirt and aoi’s bag really shows that AidaIro REALLY doesn’t want us to know which one he likes 😭 (if you’re confused, to sum it up AidaIro did a really good job keeping teru’s stance on the “love triangle” between akane, teru and aoi, ambiguous. If you are STILL confused go check out my other analysies i only have like 5 other posts, they go more in depth ab it)
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Him looking at akane after he ate his “home made cooking” 😭 ALSO HIS EYES?? Dude they’re glistening. And the slight blush too
In the “kiss comic” part of the art book, not only are teru and akane’s on the same page, but they also look like they go together
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Thats all i got for now (´-ω-`) MAN this took me like 5 different consecutive days. I wrote like 3 parts on one day, 2 more parts the next, and 1 more part today. 😭 hope you enjoyed and this re-gave you faith that terukane might be canon one day 😔 fake it till you make it
Feel free to comment and tell me ab anything i may have missed!! :3
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yyuxii · 6 months
One sided terukane is so heavily implied and i’m tired of pretending it’s not
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
The common misconception that Akane has no personality outside of Aoi is a sign of immaturity among many fans, in my opinion. This isn’t really their fault, seeing as the majority of the tbhk fandom is on the younger side, but it’s still something that should be noted
When people say this, they are talking about his hobbies. It’s true that every hobby Akane has is something he started to impress Aoi. I’m of the firm belief that he stayed on the Student Council because he enjoys it but that’s slightly up to interpretation (it could also be a way for Teru to keep an eye on him). However, in general, Akane doesn’t seem to have much going on outside of Aoi. His favorite food is something he imagines her baking for him, he joins clubs based on what type of guys she shows interest in, the books he reads all have a character that shares her name, and when she asks him what he enjoys, his response is “I like you, Aoi.” He’s even shown to zone out of conversations when Aoi isn’t mentioned. This is clearly unhealthy, though he does eventually learn to give her some distance which is beneficial to the both of them. But he still doesn’t seem to actively engage in hobbies that have nothing to do with Aoi
This is a consistent character flaw, but it does not mean Akane has no personality or character outside of Aoi. This is where the immaturity bit comes in, kids want to describe themselves entirely based on their interests. With the rise of fan culture and the internet, many adults do the same. It’s not just a young people problem, it’s an issue of how we identify ourselves. We like to put people into categories, understanding them based on their hobbies and careers. These are very important elements of identity, but they aren’t everything. A person with no job and no hobbies is still a person. They might struggle due to having no outlet for their creativity, but they are a person nonetheless
Fandoms notoriously love to understand characters based on their niche interests. Aoi is a gardener, Hanako loves the moon, Nene plays idol games, Teru has a very sad life. These are absolutely elements of their characters, but there’s more to them than their hobbies. They have personalities too, goals and passions outside of what they do in their free time
Akane puts his all into helping others, he takes his Student Council duties very seriously and keeps his hands full during every school event. He is a very empathetic character, able to understand characters like Aoi, Teru, and Nene without them having to tell him what they need. He’s competitive, as seen in his friendship with Teru. He’s romantic, as is the driving force of his character (and romance is a perfectly acceptable goal, marriage is one of the most common things for a person to strive towards in life). He’s violent and overprotective, striking down any man who makes Aoi uncomfortable. He’s emotional, prone to fits of joy, anger, and tears. He’s easily annoyed and carries a chip on his shoulder, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to help people. He hates supernaturals because of how they hurt others, and despite his stance as a School Mystery, he is so painstakingly human. He can be aggressive, especially when someone he loves is trying to do something self-destructive. He cares so deeply for people, wearing his heart on his sleeve. He’d stay up all night playing video games if it made the girl he loves happy, but he won’t attack Teru for having genuine feelings for her. He’s incredibly loyal. He’s also casually bisexual so there’s that
Idk there’s just so much more to Akane’s character than people give him credit for, I didn’t even cover everything. Remember when you’re analyzing a character, it’s important to look deeper than “they enjoy this” or “this is their job.” Akane may devote so much of his life to Aoi, but he is still his own person, whether he realizes that or not
I am begging ya’ll to stop throwing the “no character outside of Aoi” allegations at this man
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sleepyjuice-juice · 4 months
okay okay imagine
this is kou's perfect tl, right? His family is together, his mom is alive, and not only is Sousuke alive and well, but they are close. First name basis. Sousuke knows that Kou is an exorcist even though he keeps that a secret from his other living friends, Yokoo and Satou. They share some sort of exclusive relationship.
And then... Nene, Akane, possibly Teru (Teru is a wildcard atp - Minamoto mom in the mix complicates his motives), possibly others are trying to revert the timeline, back to the one where absolutely nothing is working out for him. Dysfunctional family, loved ones dying, weight of the world on his shoulders all over again.
I mean, one part of this to analyze is how this affects Kou's character development. In the og tl, he's in a very tough spot in his character development, in which he still feels responsible for everyone else's happiness, always putting others first, always at his own expense. He feels weak and unreliable, but holds himself to such a high standard, because otherwise he doesn't know how to hope. He's barely voiced his insecurities to anyone, besides Mitsuba, and also Teru when they fought during the severance arc.
We don't know how much Kou remembers now, nor the rate he'll remember things, nor how adjusted he really is to this new tl. Because Nene, even though she initially struggled to remember the old tl, she also was foggy on some details about the current tl. And Kou set a table for three instead of 5. So, the question this begs is how displaced is Kou's memory atp?
Alright. Moving on. Depending on these factors... how is his development affected by this? He is in an environment that is fulfilling for him in every way, but it is being threatened to be taken away by people he may or may not remember (doesn't remember Nene yet, status with Akane not confirmed, Teru's motives still in question)
And even if he does remember, how will he react? He has everything he's ever wanted, and it's real this time, unlike in picture perfect. Will he finally put his own wishes first, or will he relinquish a life that's better for him, his family, Sousuke, and so many more? And would that really be selfish of him to decide, if this timeline is objectively healthier?
It's suggested that one of the Yugi twins even grew up to be one of Tsuchigomori's colleagues, likely Amane. If he thought about it, Kou could argue that if Nene loves Hanako/Amane, she would choose the world that he got to grow up in instead of the one where he dies prematurely. It's even hinted that Aoi still likes Akane despite her engagement to Teru, so, logically he'd have a really good argument against everyone opposing the new tl, right?
But... it's not his story. We know he's more than likely going to have to lose this life. Lose his loved ones all over again
And of course... to choose Sousuke Mitsuba, he has to unchoose Mitsuba No. 3. Which is another ooooof biiiig storm coming
It's gonna hurt me, I know. I'm just SO goddamn invested in how this is going to play out
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makshu · 7 months
Ok. There's something going on and I need to talk about it.
We've all seen that AidaIro is posting new art every day, and on the 18th there will be a new chapter.
But I noticed something, all these arts are about the last arc and are telling the story of it again.
Let me show you
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The first one we had was on chapter 111, which shows Yashiro. Everything is normal, but behind her we can see typical theater spotlights, it could just be something mundane or reference her school play rehearsals. Well we started with this.
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So we have this art of 12y Tsukasa. Referencing when Yashiro and Mitsuba ended up in the past and found 12y Tsukasa talking to them. He said a rumor about the big clock that further opened the theme of this arc, really an omen for everything.
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This art by Sakura is worth mentioning, as she is part of the broadcast gang. She is behind everything, and theories about her being the god or something powerful are increasing more and more. It's worth mentioning that she wished something for Tsukasa, everything he's doing is because of her (because of Amane too, but he has a bond with Sakura). Sakura is an extremely important piece in this puzzle.
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Let the fun begin! Next in the series we have Mitsuba and Kou enjoying their time at the festival. Eating and playing together. We were informed, the festival has started.
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More moments at the festival. This scene happened in the manga, it is the beginning of the festival that we see. Hanako and Yashiro in the haunted house made by Kou's class. Until that moment everything was normal (or so we thought).
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This one is curious. We only see seal Tsukasa in this arc after the plan is initiated. But I believe he was also out there enjoying his last moments. And you can tell that it's really Tsukasa and not the creature. Well, now we're getting close.
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Ohhh look what we have here! President and vice-president enjoying the festival as well, despite their work they still managed to find some time to have fun. Natsuhiko had already confronted Akane earlier and Teru had already discovered the black crane, they were probably already alert for anything suspicious. But, everything's still normal.
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We return to Sakura, now in her maid outfit. We also have Natsuhiko's first appearance in these arts. This was possibly before or during the festival, but following the chronological line it must have been during. Note that until then this was the only art that did not have a black border (I will talk about this later). Moving on to the next...
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From here things started to get serious. The plan had begun. This moment happens in chapter 105. Blood had started to spread throughout the auditorium and Hanako noticed that something was wrong. We are just a few steps away from entering No.1 boundary.
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And finally we have today's art. The revelation of the immortal human, Natsuhiko. Breaking the timeline, in this art we go back to chapter 104, where Natsuhiko spreads his blood across the clock, thus executing the plan to go after the last yorishiros.
And these were all the arts released so far, the arts that reference the arc in this case. They all seem to be retelling the story of the Festival arc. Now why? Why would AidaIro be recapping the last arc?
We know that the past has changed and everything has a chance of being different from what we know. We go back to the beginning of the festival, where nothing had happened yet. Therefore, none of these events had happened, if everything really changed, the arts are telling an alternative version of history, the version we know.
Moving from analysis to theory... did you notice that almost all arts have a black border? Black borders are used to indicate flashbacks, the past in JSHK. Now, why would they be using this artifice? Assuming the present has changed, this would be the past. But not a past like something that happened years ago, but a past that no longer exists, in the sense of what it was before this current one. That's why the black borders, indicating that this would be the past.
What breaks this theory is Sakura's art in her maid outfit, as it doesn't have a black border. Maybe the borders are part of the new AidaIro style and are something made to style the arts, or actually have a connection to something. Well, that part is just a crazy theory.
But what do you think of this analysis? The images seem to be telling the arc of the festival all over again, and for what reason? Maybe we'll find out on the 18th, when chapter 112 comes out.
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teruwasright · 1 month
The Teru love and brain rot is so bad-
So I'm gonna say it- and I'm gonna say it proud and true.
Teru has it worse then Kou... I said what I said and I mean every word...
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royakahoshiart · 2 days
what’s your favourite dynamic in TBHK? between two or more characters, esp the mysteries, toilet gang, etc!
ACK!! Don't do this to me…
I often talk the romance in tbhk, but my favourite dynamic ever is obviously is between Teru and Kou.
I don't talk enough about how much i love them! everyday i think of their relationship AND I CANT SLEEP.
They make me soooo insane.
First of all, it's a true and loving bond between them like actual sibling. Im soo jealous because it's a relationship ill never have.
Second, its the minamotos c'mon they are so adorable.
The way Kou looks up to him, genuinely aspiring to be like him even right now despite all the contradictions they have with each other is so cute. And also the way Teru will do absolutely everything in his power to keep him and Tiara safe is so endearing to me.
There's a bonus where Kou asks him what he'd do if he turned into a zombie while watching a movie about them. Teru replied saying he would be one too and exterminate humanity together.
Kou said that, trying to figure out what Teru would do if he turned into something ot human like a supernatural, but Teru had a different reaction to what he will have when Kou asked him directly about a 'what if' being a supernatural.
In this one, he doesn't think much about it because it's zombies and they aren't a real thing, and also exposing his hatred for other people and how much he doesn't give a fuck about them. Meanwhile with the one in volume 15, he was speechless because supernaturals where what he was born and raised to fight against, plus the thing threatening his and his sibling's life every day.
The fight they had in the chapter 87 exposed so much. It was clear from the beginning that Teru didn't want Kou to be an exorcist, and the fight made it even more obvious saying it would be better for him to stay home away from danger. He kept Kou distanced from supernaturals and the exorcist life because he didn't want his little brother to turn out like him.
Kou is an open minded and lovable kid who has a lot of empathy for everyone. Even if he hates Tsukasa, in the red house he still wanted to protect him from the possible danger of the house.
Teru obviously knows Kou is open to changing his mind, that's why he always reminded him of how bad supernaturals were. Teru has a special hatred with them too because it ruined his whole childhood, he just wanted to be a normal kid. That's why he tried to keep Kou safe from all of it. And when he did give him a mission to exorcise the seven school mysteries he failed and made Teru believe even more that he was not fit for the job.
He's jealous of how much Kou had a better childhood. Sure, Kou also had it pretty bad being the sole way for the house to stay in order, but at least he doesn't have countless scars from risking his life. And that it good enough for Teru, Kou isn't getting hurt and it's a win.
BHSBSHB meanwhile Kou's perspective of Teru, he looks up to him a whole lot, and all this admiration comes from the fact that first of all he's his older brother and second that he's mostly considered the strongest between Teru's co-workers as we can see at the start of the chapter of the young exorcist arc.
i hope i understood the ask well sbsbs
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kittytheartist · 2 years
it's very popular for people to say that it makes sense that Teru would like Akane instead of Aoi, and yes there's a concerning amount of evidence but there's arguably more reasonable evidence towards Teru liking Aoi, and it's quite over looked, nonetheless it's not as random as you'd think at first glance!
Teru is quite interested in what Aoi does and likes, he asks questions on a regular, Aoi even sees him as a cute dog with how happy he seems, and in her mind he's usually saying good morning and asking her something
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Teru as a character doesn't open up, especially not to students, we've seen him open himself to Akane some, and has fully opened up to Kou in the latest chapters, but he goes up to Aoi and gives his opinion as well as listening to her's. Teru is very interested in her! although they only talk ground level things but Teru is not one for being good at socializing, but I'd say for the students it's a common occurrence for the school king and queen to be next to each other
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and here it says it's Teru's free time, what is he spending it on? Aoi of course! like his siblings he has no problem giving away his time to a trivial conversation, because he just likes being around her.
he gets excited whenever he's around Aoi
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and here he's complaining about how he's tired
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but when he meets Aoi at the convenience store he gets happy and bubbly, I know in this chapter it says he gets more upbeat when he's tired but Aoi's also around! the whole chapter he starts up conversation
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he tells her all about himself, she thinks he's weird because she never asked, never needed to know and is very confused on why he'd tell her all this, but I think even Teru has a hard time understanding that, now this is just my personal character speculation but I think Teru barely understands this feeling of love, he knows platonic love, but being around her gives him this sense of security and giddiness, he's excited to tell her everything, so he just goes with it, he's heard people talk about this feeling so it must be natural, something he openly indulges in, because Aoi is just so precious to him.
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and he's seen blushing here, I know he's happy but those eyes can't hide anything haha he definitely looks very fond of her there, and his "or something" shows he has not planned this out but simply likes the idea of doing it with Aoi, even seeing if she'd like the shark gummies better because she picked up the shark candy, although he's willing to take a no from her and do it with Akane he still much prefers to do it with her (also he's said how gross Akane can be around Aoi so I presume it's sort of his goal to treat her nicely)
and he went as far to ask if she hates him, but he already knew the answer he just wanted to find out what she would respond with, because he of all people would know opinion does not equal an honest answer, but she did give an honest answer, because she also gives this answer in her card, she puts "nothing I particular" on both opinion slots
but it is cute that she chose Teru to send a card, I think that shows when she thinks of someone Teru is in the runnings, he's someone she thinks about because he comes up to her, that's what she remembers him for.
anyways Teru is always a gentleman yes, but I think he was quite aggressive with protecting Aoi
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he got In the register's face really quickly, making sure Aoi was safe, because it's shown that Teru very much dislikes Aoi being treated badly, and again, asks her a question, except this time he just listens
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Aoi seemed very dumbfounded that he would ask her this, because Aoi thinks nobody really cares for her, but she shares this with Teru, because he protected her, and after hearing this Teru tries to cheer her up, I'm sure he knows being upset is no good, especially with how upbeat of a person he is. so they make the gummies together, another moment with Aoi I'm sure he enjoyed.
now with the most popular theory working against TeruAoi is how Teru acted towards the severance. Teru went out looking for Akane because of his glasses, and started saying how he wasn't expecting to find them on the far shore, looking at Aoi, he never expected to see Aoi here again. he may have seemed to not care but I have a few ideas working in my favor.
Teru is an exorcist, when he was talking to Kou in chapter 97 we could see how hard it was growing up, he's delt with other kids being able to see supernaturals and going against him believing that it's their friend, it must have hurt Teru considering he has no friends, and has to exorcise it to protect them from danger they don't even know of. with Aoi he also never expected to see her again, the woman that makes him feel bright, he cares a lot but has been taught not to care, but after seeing her there he decided that he can save her, he will, he wants her back, desperately, but to get her back for Akane, in Teru's eyes, Aoi and Akane are good for each other, he does not agree with how Akane goes about it but he knows they love each other, that Teru has no chance compared to them. so instead of getting her back for himself he's retrieving the one he loves to be with another. I think what brung him to this conclusion is when they were walking in the tunnel, Aoi was sharing herself like she never has before, Akane and Aoi made promises for each other, Teru knew she wouldn't make it but after hearing that she had all these wishes she couldn't do he wanted to grant them for her, he knows that she will be happy with Akane, so he will save her, for Akane. now he planned to save her from the minute he saw her, but he decided to do it for Akane at the tunnel, that's just my speculation though, but he did plan on saving her, that's why he gave her the amulet
we could also see how upset Teru was after that, he seems tired and very sad looking, there's a lot of speculation on it being because of seeing Akane so wrecked over Aoi, but it can also be because of hearing Aoi and Akane talk about the future where he knows he's not a part of.
now now I know what you're wondering "what about the body language signs that usually say he's lying when he says he likes Aoi?" yes good point! I've seen people talk about how Teru's body language says he's lying, and yes, it could. but I think there's a different reason
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but he's been shown to scratch at his cheek or hold the back of his neck as normal mannerisms, heck it was one of the first actions he did on panel when we first met Teru, this may not be a strong counter argument but I think he's just shy, he tries to cover his face in the shrine and he says this immediately planning on walking out. the first time he said this Akane wrote it off as a joke, but in the shrine Teru says he wants Aoi back, and Akane asks if he was serious, Teru completely ignores this dilemma of nobody knowing whether he's serious or not again, he's always avoiding how he really feels, and instead he moved on saying he has a dream, she's part of that dream, Akane has a guess but nothing that can fill in that blank. but Teru words it as "realizing" his dream, now this, again, is just my character speculation, but it's been shown that Teru never had an interest in being an exorcist, and wanted to do something different, but being a cool older brother sounded better than persuading anything, I bet Aoi makes him feel like he can do a lot of things he originally didn't think he could do.
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I'd also like to talk about this little interaction, Akane says that he'll tell Aoi all about how useless Teru was, and this motivated him to a high level, with what he says here it seems that he could not stand being useless in the saving of her, he thinks Aoi should be with Akane but in no means wants to be invisible to her, he wants her to know that he helped.
well, there's also other extras adding to Teru being nice to Aoi and making Akane mad, this can also be AidaIro hinting towards their rivalry. Teru wants to go head to head for Aoi but ultimately thinks Akane is better for her, despite knowing he'd treat her very nicely. and we've all seen how Teru warmed up to Aoi in the latest chapters! he seems very attached to her, all in all I think they have built an interesting relationship, on both sides, Aoi has shown she believes nobody wants to get to know her but on the contrary I think she feels validated by Teru in an odd way, a way she'll never admit, I won't say it's love but I think she could really enjoy having Teru as a friend!
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
One of the things I really like with Nene and Kou, is how insensitive they can be to others characters. Absolutely unwillingly all the time.
And on the other side, we have Teru and Hanako. Stating the harsh realities and coming off as insensitive so they can get shocking reactions, and force people to understand.
Teru and Hanako are annoyed and look down at people for not knowing things, even if they are the ones who refuse to share the information they have most of the time. When they decide to do so, it’s mostly because the person in front of them has no idea what they are talking about.
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In chapter 85, when Teru said he was going to kill Nene to Hanako. We all know that he wasn’t gonna do it at all, his main mission is to protect humans after all. He only said it, in the most shocking way, to give Hanako another perspective and make him realize what he did. Even if he was planning to instantly exorcize him just after, Teru needed to say all of this, so Hanako could understand how wrong he was.
It’s normal for Teru to act like this towards Hanako, he doesn’t like him after all. 
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Most of the time, when he needs to let the truth out, he isn’t happy about it. Especially to people he cares about. He is distressed when he has to announce Aoi is dead to Akane, or when he has to make Kou realize how weak he is. Letting his emotions show way more than people give him credits for. 
For Hanako it’s a bit different.  Both Teru and him still want to be loved at the end of the day, despite what they do and knowing how some things are wrong. But compared to Teru, Hanako also wants to be hated. He knows what he does is wrong, and wants people to despise him for it. He is awful with Nene and with Kou. With Kou to make him move, to obtain a reaction out of him because even if he never said it out loud, he trusts him.
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 And with Nene, because he desperately wants to keep her away from him, despite wanting to be the (only) one doing everything for her. He wants to keep her at a distance to ‘protect her’, while being her savior and having the most important role in her life.
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He knows Kou and Nene are good kids, so it’s easy to say things who will shock them. 
Teru and Hanako tend to have this belief that they need to carry all responsibilities, while keeping everyone in their ignorance, to better protect them. 
So they come off as insensitive, wanting people to let them be in charge, and getting angry when they go against their plans. 
Ignorance is a gift, and the best protection to exist in their opinion. Teru is not saying anything to anyone. Hanako is doing the same and thinking that time and memory loss would fix everything, and that it’s better to make humans live in a sugar coated version of reality. 
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Teru and Hanako act insensitively to get the reactions they want or to prove their points. They KNOW what they are talking about, only letting glimpse of the truth and letting all of it out when they want to.
 On the other hand, Nene and Kou are insensitive because of their ignorance. 
They know nothing about what they are talking about, what is the true meaning of being supernatural, or the real value of life. The knowledge Teru and Hanako have, or at least acknowledge way more. 
They say things that are so stupid at their core, which always come from great intentions. But they really end up hurting people thinking they are doing the greater good. 
Teru was harsh with Kou when he said he was on Nene’s side, going against his brother’s plan and putting them into trouble.
Hanako gets annoyed , and has the need to put them in place, whenever Kou or Nene are over the top optimistic. He always has to put them back in place when they ignore the fact he killed someone.
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Nene has no idea what she is talking about half of the time, and this is normal, she is learning and no one is telling her anything. 
 They are both very naive at their core, thinking that motivation and love will save everything. It is something Hanako loves a lot, it’s important to have people who are optimistic, they both seem to value life and enjoy it and always see the good part of everything.
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But the more the story progresses, the less Hanako talks. He lost all trust in Kou in the perfect picture arc, realizing that nothing is better than actions, and that Kou had no idea what he was talking about. Strong will to talk about big opportunities and futures, but unable to really achieve any plans. 
Kou always talks big about everything, taking way too much work he has no idea how to deal with. And he fails, a lot. He is always a step behind compared to the other characters, and he tends to acknowledge it more and more. Mitsuba is always annoyed at how much Kou is taking, and how big he talks despite not being able to do anything. 
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And Kou’s lack of self confidence is not helping him, transforming even sometimes in absolute lack of self awareness and preservation. He wants to do good, but ends up saying absolutely nonsensical things to Mitsuba or Hanako because he has no real idea what he is supposed to do to make things change.
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It’s no wonder Kou is taking Mitsuba’s request badly in chapter 99, when he has been trying so hard to do the right things, and can’t seem to succeed in any of them. 
Kou’s wish is to make everyone happy, but he still can’t accept Mitsuba’s request, because it would just prove one thing. That he has failed. 
 Kou and Nene are just not good at executing plans right from start to end, because they lack comprehension and knowledge. 
A lot of their actions coming from good intentions, end up being absolute disasters. 
Nene in her escape with Hanako, left her friends to deal with Aoi’s situation. She trusts Akane to take care of it, and Kou to take care of Teru. She never said anything about coming back to Kou, letting all of the responsibilities to deal with the others on him. She isn’t even aware what is happening to them when she is alone with Hanako, thinking she is doing the right thing. Not considering that Aoi will be left in the same position as her, being alive because her best friend died. 
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She absolutely doesn’t get anything about Sumire’s situation, not saying entirely hurtful things, but being wrong on it from A to Z, because she lacks maturity. She refuses to listen to Sumire, when it’s not about Nene at all. Sumire has every right to make her own choices, even if they can come off as weird or horrible from Nene’s pov, but she doesn’t listen. Thinking that if she keeps looking, if she keeps avoiding what is supposed to happen, to find something ‘where no one will be hurt’, it will be better. It’s really coming from good intentions, Nene is a really nice person. But she has no idea how supernaturals work, and that their wants can be really different from humans. 
She will be slapped in the face by the reality by Sakura just after, who won’t even deny that it’s partly her fault, even if she never wanted this to happen. To better manipulate her probably, but also because Sumire indeed already said she was okay with disappearing. 
They have no idea what are the rules they are playing with. And it is a problem. They are slowly starting to realize that they are living a life they have no control over.
The more the story progresses the more they are aware of what is happening around them. They can’t make everyone happy, some people will be left behind, some will die or stay dead. They lost people during their adventures.They realize that not everyone can have a good end, that sometimes, they are absolutely hopeless and useless in some situations. 
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Especially in the red house, despite having found a way to go to the far shore. They had to let Katakuri and little Tsukasa behind, unable to change anything about their fates. And even being the ones creating messes while trying to do good. Saying to Tsukasa that Amane killed him or giving little Amane the wish tags so he can have his wish granted for example.
We can see them trying being more aware of what is happening. With Nene pretending to accept to die to make everything back in order, and Kou bursting into tears when he understands Mitsuba really wants him to exorcize him. They are more aware of the situations they are in and how cruel it can be. 
Kou and Nene are good kids, with self confidence problems. But even with good intentions, they still make selfish decisions, which end up hurting the other persons they know and love. 
They are more aware of the supernatural world, its consequences and injustices. 
 But they are still more optimistic than realistic. This optimism still helped them to manage to come out alive from all the situations they are in. They are slowly gaining maturity on different subjects and I can’t wait to see in which directions their choices will led them now.
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mari-lair · 1 month
Something I found especially interesting after this chapter was the difference in views between Teru and Akane. More specifically I think it’s interesting how Akane claims to hate supernaturals, just like how Teru does but he still goes out of his way in this chapter to defend Mirai and Kako… Obviously we’ve seen in the court arc that he clearly does care for them but still I just think it’s interesting and was wondering if you had any good thoughts and analysis on it (after all your so good at that kinda thing :))))
Akane has a reluctant soft spot for the clock keepers, deep down, but I'm a firm believer that his lackluster attempt to defend Mirai and Kako wasn't born from a place of faith or care, it was out of fear. He shares the same fear as Teru. I talk about why I interpreted it like that here.
But the chapter still show a very interesting diference in view between Teru and Akane when they learn Yugi Amane used to be a teacher.
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Akane is the one who calls this teacher a murderer. Teru's focus is on how he is an adult here.
Teru also calls him by name. Consistently.
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Usually, he only refers to supernaturals by their role or their seat position. Doesn't matter if he is happy, angry, or neutral. It's never by name.
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This shows Teru is still separating one timeline from the other. It's hard to say if he believes Amane is a bad person or not, but Teru does seem to have decided Amane Yugi is a person, not a supernatural.
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He brought up Amane's happiness to make Nene reconsider staying in this world, 100%, but I do think there is a hint of honesty to this question. I wonder what he think of the idea of a ghost, a doomed being, having an actual life, with a job, and such.
It contrasts with how Akane is treating this timeline as a reality. deciding 'Hanako is still Hanako so he is a murderer' despite not knowing anything about Professor Yugi, and 'Aoi is still the same Aoi at heart. I love her' even after seeing her differences from og Aoi.
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Akane is just following his program. ("Aoi is doubting my love!" -> "I will reassure her she is the only one for me.") Which falls on their old pre-severance routine, since the original Aoi main issue used to be her lack of belief she is lovable and while the New Timeline Aoi was acting differently, she still displayed the same possessive and insecure behaviors as pre-severance Aoi used to, not wanting Akane to be too close to a girl. Still, Akane has no way of knowing if this engaged Aoi is the same as the og one. He is just assuming based on the old timeline.
(unrelated but it's interesting that Akane went from "I'll love you my whole life" to "I'll love you my whole life... No, even after that" cause he is the last person to think about becoming a supernatural. It makes me wonder if part of him is aware each timeline is a completely different world, a different life... but I don't have enough insight on him yet for that, is just food for thought/headcanons.)
The main gag of this chapter is Akane treating others like their old selves while Teru treat them as separated from their old timeline counterparts.
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Teru is being a brat here, but he is right. This Aoi has none of the experiences Akane has. Akane needs to adapt.
Similarly, when he talks about the person Nene fell in love with, he isn't talking about a teacher Nene never met, he is talking about the ghost murderer we are familiar with.
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I think if I were to put the difference in their view (not their approach just their view) in a very simplified box, I would say Teru sees supernaturals as unsavable and dangerous, while Akane sees them as unforgivable and dangerous.
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sillyyuserr · 4 months
i feel like so many of us have just glossed over the ‘i already like someone’ line (said by teru chap 1)
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i feel like this is nothing but also ermmm.. he never said she. He said someone. And at this point in time hadnt met aoi yet GUYS
he again reiterates ‘ive liked them since forever’ keyword THEM. forever meaning like a bit and he’s known akane since his first year of middle school when he became no. 1, and this chapter is in the same school year as this one
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Which if you think about it, wasnt that long ago. Currently, it is one year in the future (whether it be the original or new present, still the next school year) meaning he’s probably known him for 5 years at the current newest chapter (chpt 113) and 4 years in the picture im referencing. Most of the important stuff happened during their first year, its where most of it takes place. Then a bit during the summer, and now during their second highschool year, if you understand what im saying.
ok ok point is he didnt meet aoi until that one chapter of kou’s friends peeking in on them walking together. So obviously he’s known akane much much longer than her, roughly 4 years longer, akane kind of being his only actual friend. Teru’s never been the ‘new crush every week’ type, so him having a crush on someone he actually KNOWS makes much more sense, and he KNOWS akane and has KNOWN akane for longer than ive known my bestfriends, and him deliberately saying ‘someone’ and ‘them’, purposefully not giving them gender, might sign that this crush of his, is a boy
pls im going insane i hav nothing to post ab AHHHHH
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viscari-a · 4 months
TBHK Ch 114 (manga spoilers)
moving on to TBHK cause I think Aoi is a bit underrated and Teru a bit oversimplified and the new chapter is SO much fun
It’s so interesting to compare Aoi now vs then!! Based off scraps. She seems better at acting cute but also seems more jaded which I wonder is because of Teri’s influence (boy can be toxic), the engagement, or the changes of her family (lore of her father?? I can’t tell if her family has changed from past line to this line but him having two whole other daughters is insane :<< she seems a bit more unhinged (slaps him with cold eyes and then pouts a second later) and whether that’s her stronger manipulation or the effects of her mixed-message childhood, it’s interesting…
I’m also still so curious about her relationship with Akane. Has he confessed at all? Or hasn’t because she’s engaged? Does her ver of him know neither of them want it? Are they still close or are they more distant? Props to Aidairo for trying to navigate all the convolution and idk we’ll ever find because we have our Akane not hers. But it’s interesting to think about.
on the earlier topic of family, it’s really sad because this whole chapter reinforces the idea that while everyone else lives are improved, Aoi became worse, esp if she and Akane are not close. While she potentially lost her family earlier than og, has a stupid amount of expectations on her due to her status as Teru’s fiancée, and might be chronically be looked down upon by Teru (cause he can be condescending and she’s def the type he doesn’t like), Teru has..more?
He has his mother now (which OMG the Kou-mother interaction T-T and she’s bad at cooking) which potentially can be SO much to him. His father appears to be more present as well. I’m not sure if Tiara is there or not. But either way, he doesn’t have to grow up quite as quickly as he does in canon. It’s hard to say how present line him is different from our line him cause Aoi can tell that’s something is up but that might mostly be to him not acting the way we agreed on?
I’m lowk brainrotting over Aoi cause I feel SO bad for her and omg kid Teru was an unfiltered child. Amazing chapter as always from Aidairo!
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
I wanna preface this by saying I don’t hate Hanako OR Teru, but I find it interesting that fans single out Teru’s threat to kill Nene when Hanako was trying to do the same thing to Aoi
In fact, that’s literally the entire context of the scene and the reason Teru made that threat in the first place. Hanako was actively trying to kill Aoi so Nene could live longer, whereas Teru never made any actual attempts on Nene’s life. The whole “I’ll kill Yashiro” line was an empty threat made to force Hanako to realize the gravity of his actions. Teru wanted Hanako to put himself in his shoes, to show him that it doesn’t feel very nice when someone tries to kill the girl you love
I highly doubt Teru would’ve actually killed Nene, he clearly wasn’t thinking about it seriously since he intended to exorcize Hanako directly after that speech. Even when Hanako asked if he was serious, Teru’s response was “Maybe.” That doesn’t sound very committed to me. He was more-so trying to stress the lengths he would go to protect Aoi. The scene shows that him and Hanako are both hypocrites, but Teru seems to be a lot more self-aware than Hanako. They both follow the same logic of taking on the “dirty jobs” themselves so their loved ones don’t have to get blood on their hands. And they’re both willing to go to extremes to protect the girls they love (though, again, I’m unsure of whether or not Teru would actually kill a human for Aoi)
I find it funny that Teru and Hanako fans beef so often, and that fans of either character always seem to hate the other. They’re similar in so many ways. I do understand hating Hanako for the pervert gags but, then again, you could just as easily hate Teru for the sadist gags
Anyways a lot of the scenes people use as “Teru is irredeemably evil” proof are taken out of context or deeply misunderstood. I’m not sure how, seeing as this manga is fairly on the nose with the points it makes about each character. It might be that a lot of the fans are younger?? Idk, I just think we should stop pitting these goats against each other
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
what r ur opinions on teru minamoto as a character :33 I love the way you “analyze” and/or talk about characters so I’m curious what you think about him unless you’ve already done one on him  ( ^ᴗ^ ) him and akane’s (boy) interactions are so interesting to me tbh
I love reading that you all love my words, it's like a warm hug >,<
Thanks S2
Teru is a painting painted in watercolors and with a little magic paint. At first glance, we find a beautiful painting, full of smiles and joy, surrounded by a beauty unique to him.
But when the hidden paint is revealed, the art mixed with watercolor, we see dark colors, and the painting transforms into something frightening.
Teru is stained art, a stain we cannot fully see. The way he treats other people, the way he despises supernaturals, how he hates them and wants them to disappear.
We can list the reasons, well, a full-time job is not exactly something that anyone in the universe will want, is it?
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A boy who didn't know what it was like to be a child.
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That he had no choices, that he was not allowed. He was the oldest, he would have to take care of his younger brother and sister, and at the same time he would have to protect people he doesn't even know.
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He offered the time of his life for other people, he lost his mother and took his father's place. He takes care of everything, but who takes care of him?
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Every now and then I catch myself thinking about the hatred rooted in Teru's chest. How his tiring work provided him with this, how he put himself in front of his brother so that he wouldn't go through the same thing as him. Even though Kou wanted to be an exorcist.
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So, maybe the hatred was also born because the supernaturals took everything from him, including his mother, can I consider that a hypothesis?
He lost his mother, his father is away because of work, he gained the responsibility of a father and a hero early on. Kou is inspired by him, Teru, in theory, is a hero who saves people from supernaturals, but at what cost?
Teru hides a secret, a melancholy that reflects in those eyes. Almost so obvious that we could hear him calling for help. He is also caught up in responsibilities.
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The first time he was free, he had fun, he became a child again, he allowed himself. Even though he knew it would only be for a short time.
He is a teenager with adult responsibilities and a child's soul. Not literally, but the desire to be free, to do what he never can.
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Of course, Teru has his flaws, but I like to be impartial, to be fair. He is ruthless towards supernaturals, and he will want to kill them no matter what.
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This reflects on his relationship with Akane, how the simple fact that he works on the side of the supernatural irritates Teru to the point that he is always punishing Akane, that he doesn't show that he cares about him as much.
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Teru and Akane have a partnership-based, do-for-me, I'll-do-for-you type of relationship. Nothing beyond that. If Teru cared about him, he would have faced Tsukasa.
If it were Kou instead of Akane, he would risk his life, like he did when number six appeared.
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Teru's hatred and contempt for supernaturals is something that borders on the deeply personal, it's not just a job, something happened.
No one feels hatred for something for no reason. Therefore, sometimes I think that he lost someone very important or had a great trauma because of the supernaturals. Besides, of course, it was because of them that the father is absent, that he himself dedicates his life to destroying them.
There was no choice here. His blood determined his own destiny, which he hates.
But he knows, yes, he knows that even seemingly good supernaturals can do something bad. We don't know if one day in the past, Teru got involved with some supernatural and had to exorcise him for doing something bad.
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It must have been painful, the same pain that Kou would feel if it was necessary to exorcise Mitsuba because he lost control. So, in order not to suffer again, he wouldn't want to get involved with the supernaturals, just get rid of them, it's easier.
Teru's hatred is what intrigues me, I see him and I want more and more to find out why he was born and where he will take him.
Teru is a canvas full of secrets, little by little the painting is completed, and we increasingly see his truer side.
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