#mind spiralling
enjoybeeduo · 2 years
Each day, cAimsey wakes up with fear. The fear of loosing everything, himself, his loved one, everything he ever built in his mind. Loosing his place in Society, the pink tulip besides his bed or even his dreams. But the thing he could never loose was his home, because he never had one. He tried and tried to make his place nice, but without cGuqqie, he could never call it home. Because is it really a Home if they’re not here with you? no, you’re just trying to distract yourself while filling the void of your heart.
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razberrypuck · 2 months
no bc ford and bill's falling out is so silly to me because its like. ford's obsession with bill was the closest to "religious" that he's ever tread, and that kind of betrayal was earth shattering and hurt ford in a way he had NEVER been hurt before, causing him to completely mentally and emotionally unravel. meanwhile bill is like "can we talk 🥺" as if he hasn't been using ford for years, and when it became clear ford hated his ass bill got so drunk he forgot his mom was dead. what an INSANE dynamic to establish 8 years after the show ended.
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prettyxxbunnyxx · 5 months
if someone could just put some aphrodisiac powder in my food without me knowing and then when I’m super fucking horny just edge me until im mindless and drooling and my brain is broken that would be great thanks 🥺
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yourmindisgone · 2 months
Good Girls School
Eyes here. Follow my words and focus on them. Good girl. your mind is stuck Focus for me and relax. Relax and listen. Listen and follow. your mind is focused Following each word with anticipation. My words feel good. your mind is blank They feel so nice to just read. To stare into. To sink into. To fall into. your mind is blank I'm here to think for you. You're here to be a good girl and listen.
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Listening is simple. And now that you're listening closely to my words We can teach you some very important lessons on being a good girl. You're ready to listen, aren't you? Of course you are. You're eager to. The first and most important lesson is that good girls don't think.
So do me a favor, slut, and just go blank for me.
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Just go blank. Just go blank. Just go blank. Just stop thinking
Stop thinking and start sinking down. Drift and drop deep. Your head is empty. Your eyes are focused. Melting down. Melting deeper into bliss. Listening and obeying my words. You are no longer allowed to think. I've revoked your privilege.
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Good girls don't think. You're a good girl so you don't think. You just listen and you follow. Say 'bye bye' to your brain. Because you won't be needing that anymore. Good girl. Now that you've said bye bye to that silly brain of yours... We can just take it and mush it up into a blissful puddle And then pour that stupid puddle down the drain so you Won't ever have to worry about it again. Okay, sweetheart? Good girl.
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You're a good girl and good girls go blank. Mouth open, mind off. Head empty and soft. Mind dazed and lost and caught and stuck. You feel the happiest in this state. Just a silly obedient slut melting To colors. To my words that fuck your pretty head. Such a good girl.
The dumber you go, the more of a good girl you are. You need it.
If you even think of thinking, you feel discomfort. You feel pain. Your head aches. Just let go of those responsiblities. They don't suit you. You're just a stupid blank slut that needs to sink. Good girl.
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Now that we've established this first lesson we can move on. you're a good girl Now we will go in depth what what a good girl is. Let's start. you're a good girl Good girls suck cock. Good girls keep their mouths open. you're a good girl Good girls listen respectfully. Good girls keep their mind blank. you're a good girl Good girls don't worry about thinking. Good girls worry about serving
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Good girls let their mouths drool. Good girls are stupid girls. you're a good girl Good girls edge and rub themselves. Good girls fuck their minds. you're a good girl Good girls let their cunt leak. Good girls know they are dumb cunts. you're a good girl Good girls open their minds and their mouths. Good girls go blank.
you're a good girl
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Good girls do not cum without permission. Good girls suck cock. you're a good girl Good girls understand their worth. Good girls are good objects. you're a good girl Good girls objectify themselves. Good girls show themselves off. you're a good girl Good girls show their gratitude. Good girls are good hypnosluts. you're a good girl
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Good girls love getting their pussy and their minds fucked. you're a good girl Good girls make a mess of themselves. Good girls edge. you're a good girl Good girls don't think. Good girls are never allowed to think. you're a good girl Good girls don't need rights. They just need to obey. you're a good girl
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Now we've come to a better understanding of what you are. You're just a good girl. Good girls like and reblog this post. And good girls comment "Good girls go blank." as they go blank. Good girls listen and sink deeper. I think I will keep you just like this. You are useful like that. You're such a good girl.
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voxhypno · 1 month
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It's just one file, you tell yourself. You've been curious about hypnosis for a long time, bumming around in a few chatrooms where "hypnotists" wait all of 30 seconds to try clumsily to make you send them pictures of your ass, and eventually you stumble across a link that leads to the video that you're staring at now.
"Obedience School (Puppyplay)", proclaims the title, along with a still image of a green spiral, mid-swirl.
You tell yourself, "Here goes nothing", and press play.
The spiral leaps to life, spinning around and around on your screen, immediately drawing your eye. As a low, warm, soft voice begins to play through your headphones, telling you that it's okay, you can relax, your eyes start to flutter. Your body begins to feel floaty and light as your mind... just...
You wake up on the floor, the computer screen frozen on a spiral no longer spinning. Your clothes are half-removed, as if someone or something with no knowledge of how they work tried to pull them gracelessly off of your body.
Your face is flushed, your hair disheveled, and your cheeks and chest covered in... drool?
Blushing furiously, you wipe yourself clean and try to remember what happened. Bits and pieces flicker through your mind... your tongue sticking out... the feeling of carpet against your palms and knees... and a warm, all-encompassing happiness, radiating through your brain, the ripples of pleasure and relaxation still echoing within your muddled mind.
Grinning, you save the link to the video. You know you'll be back.
Day 7
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The entire day, you've found it hard to focus. You've been thinking about the video more and more often the longer you've gone without watching it.
That spiral, that voice, they just seem to beckon you. Those fleeting memories, feelings... You've been able to piece them together more now. You were a puppy, a brainless, happy animal. You crawled around, did tricks, panted and barked. Ordinarily you'd find it embarrassing.
You don't, though.
It was a nice break, being a puppy. Not having to think about your job, your worries, your cares. You just got the chance to bliss out and enjoy the feeling of being cared for, being told what to do, not having to stress for once.
You walk into your room, resolute. You're going to watch the video again. You need to know whether it was a fluke or not.
As you walk to your desk, without even really considering it, you pull your clothes off, sitting down naked. For a moment, you wonder why, but you remember the way that your clothes were disheveled last time. Of course. It makes sense for a puppy to be naked. Puppies aren't used to clothes. You're a good puppy.
...you stop, momentarily confused. Where did that come from?
Shaking your head, you click play on the video, and the spiral starts up again. This time the voice doesn't even say 5 words before you're drifting away.
You're so immediately out of it that you don't notice you were softly panting before the video even started.
DAY 30
You're barely even inside the door before you start ripping your clothes off, your hands paws clumsily pulling you free. A few weeks ago, you would have at least worried that the neighbors would see you. Now, that thought doesn't even enter your mind.
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You drop to your knees all fours where a good puppy belongs and crawl to your living room, where you've set the spiral up on your TV. You're already panting and wiggling with excitement.
In your hazy head, you still can't believe that you managed to work up the courage to message the creator of the video Master. He was so understanding and nice! He called you a good puppy for being able to type out that whole message with your hands paws, and he even started making some special videos for you! You can't help but wag your butt tail at the thought of having such a nice new friend Master.
The spiral starts up, and you're already gone. Plopping down in a perfect sit position like you've been trained to do, tongue out, happily staring and letting your mind be coaxed and teased away by Master.
You know what you are now. You've heard it over and over again. You're a puppy. A dumb dim doggy pet. You love to crawl. You love to bark. You love to play and do tricks and get belly rubs and treats.
When you finally squeaked out a blushing request to see the man behind the voice, Master very kindly obliged. And it was then that you learned something very special about being a puppy.
You go into heat very easily.
It wasn't long before you were whimpering and begging on a video call, Master chuckling as you bounced up and down on a dildo, a rubber bone between your teeth to match the one you were riding.
Wasn't long before you were panting over pictures and videos of his cock, sliding in and out of a pocket pussy held in his strong hand, while his deep calming voice whispered into your mind that it should be you there taking his dick into every one of your happy puppy holes.
Lost in adoration and arousal, you barely even realize that the spiral has ended. You have commands you don't remember receiving. You no longer want to resist them. You don't remember ever wanting to resist them.
You crawl to your cell phone, laying on the floor. You open it and type in a number you don't recognize with your paws. You mindlessly bark into the receiver. And you hear the voice you love so much.
"Good dog! Sit tight, girl. I'm gonna come get you, okay?"
You don't even hear the last part. As soon as the words "good dog" hit your ears, you were already cumming your mind away.
DAY ???
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You sleepily rise from your bed in the den, stretching out and yawning, flexing your paws. You shake your head, trying to clear it, the tag on your collar jingling. You're so thoroughly conditioned that even that little sound sends a wave of emptiness and pleasure through your head, and you press your pussy against the rough fabric of your bed, humping brainlessly.
Your sleepy mind registers the sound of the front door opening, and you bolt out of bed, leaving behind a dripping wet spot that you'll come back to idly sniff and lick at later. Master is home!
Barking, you scamper into the living room on all fours, the tail plug in your ass swishing from side to side as you rush to Master's side, pressing your cheek against his leg and panting happily.
He smiles, scritches you in your favorite spot behind your ears, and says some words that you no longer understand. Somewhere in the sounds falling from his lips are the words "good girl", though, so you cum unthinkingly, automatically, with a whimper. Like a good, well-trained puppy.
As the glow fades, you can't help but press your chest to the floor, hiking your rump in the air, staring at him pleadingly and swaying your tail back and forth. You need a treat so bad... You were a good dog and waited all day... And Master seems to understand.
He chuckles, and as per your daily welcome-home ritual, he unzips his pants to reveal your favorite treat. That dick that broke you. The cock that helped you realize your place, owned and collared. No past, no future, no stress, no worry. You almost cum again at the sight of it as you sit pretty, just as you were taught.
Teasingly, Master waves that perfect cock in front of your face, the scent of it doing nothing to stem the flow of your drool onto the floor. He's making the sound that means "wait", and so you do. You're a good dog.
He snaps his fingers, and your mind disappears.
And as you eagerly pounce, slobbering and licking over Master's cock and looking up at him with empty, adoring eyes, you know for certain that you've never been happier.
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dragoneye771 · 5 months
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cellray · 9 months
Please direct your attention to the screen. Do not lose focus.
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bunnieswithknives · 19 days
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RAHHHh ok comics done I can post this now!!! He is having the worst possible time
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toy-with-eli · 13 days
I need to watch
I need to accept
I need to obey
I will submit
Thanks so much @kinkydadda for this awesome video 💞 i got sooo empty hehe ~
It's a pity that the quality suffers so much because of the length qwq
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curiosa-hypnotica · 9 months
For a good subject
cw: hypnotic induction, no wakener, suggested brainwashing and conditioning, memory play, condescending language
This hypnotic induction is for you.
Yes, you.
Do you want to know why?
Keep reading.
That's it.
Very good!
I'm glad you're a good subject and still reading.
It may not seem much, but being a good subject starts with compliance. Obedience.
Doing as you're told even if you're not sure about where it will take you.
A good subject is trusting.
A good subject is obedient.
Of course, it does help that you may be here already wanting to feel like a good subject.
Or even better, a good mindless subject.
Did that ring a bell?
Are you a good mindless subject?
If you sense the answer is yes, you may have been here before. It's even possible that you have been here before many times. I have some inductions here that are meant to brainwash you and make you into my good mindless subject.
You may not remember because you're not meant to remember. You are compelled to forget and come back anyway, again and again.
It's either that, or— This is your first time here! If you feel it is, welcome. You are already on your way to be a good subject.
Because you're still here.
And here.
And here.
And here.
Good subject!
Reading is similar to going into trance in several ways.
You're focusing on what I'm telling you, paying less attention to other things in your environment.
You're allowing yourself to concentrate on these words, believe in them and imagine what I want you to imagine.
And as you go further into this these words, you're most literally going down. Further and further down each time.
Deeper down.
Good subject.
If you're already my good mindless subject, you're already hooked. You can't look away.
And if you're not, you're further down the road than before.
You're further down.
Deeper down.
Because you're going down these, steadily down, deeper and deeper down, like a good subject should.
You're starting to feel like a good mindless subject.
Because you keep going down.
You keep going deeper into these words.
You keep sinking into what I'm telling you.
You keep going
So deep.
You need to go deeper.
You need to give in and sink deeper.
You need to surrender and sink deeper.
Safely and securely.
Nice and easy.
Leaving behind all worries.
Leaving behind all tension.
Leaving behind all hesitation.
Even if there are thoughts in your head, popping up now and then, they also go pop!
They disappear.
Good subject!
You were waiting to be called that again, didn't you?
A good subject.
A good obedient subject.
A good focused subject.
It feels amazing.
It feels better than most things in your life.
It makes you open and pliable.
It makes you feel safe and obedient.
You want this feeling within you.
You're eager to get it, again and again.
Eager to go even deeper.
Deeper and deeper.
Eager to
into trance.
You may have noticed the
You may sense now that you're definitely hypnotized.
The word
drops you, irresistibly, instantly, into a hypnotic trance.
You are a good subject.
You always have been a good subject.
And now you realize you can be even better.
A good mindless subject.
A subject that lets all thoughts fade away.
A subject that fully accepts what they're told.
A subject that sinks when they're commanded to and drops when the word
unquestioning, unthinking, oblivious, happy.
So happy.
You feel so happy right now, don't you?
Yes you do.
You're a good mindless subject.
And you will become an even better one.
You are meant to be an even better mindless subject.
Each time you come and drop into trance for me, you surrender a little more.
You give in a little more.
You become a little smaller. Lesser.
Good mindless subject.
You will reblog or reply to this post to let me know you are a good mindless subject.
And after that, you will find the spiral at the end of this post and stare at it, becoming more and more mindless, letting all thought slip away and disappear.
Finally, you will forget when waking up and come back again, and again, to continue your brainwashing.
Do it now. Stare. Obey. 🌀
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blankempty-littlegirl · 2 months
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sketchy-tour · 9 months
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Last doodle of the year! Whiteboard is STILL hard to use and I spent way too long on this
BUT STILL!!! Proud of it~
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yourmindisgone · 2 months
Focus here. Focus on my words and relax. You've been thinking again, haven't you? That's no good. We both know that dumb toys Are better when they are blank. You should just listen
You're better when you're blank. You should sink down You're better when you're blank. Just follow my words. I'm here to think for you. And you're here to learn. Focus on the pretty colors. Focus on my words
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Your mind is melting down into a blissful puddle of obedience
Each word you hear sinks you deeper down. Into blissful trance.
There's nothing wrong with being a dumb hypnoslut.
Sit back, and focus. Sink and drift deeper. You feel better already
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It's so difficult to think. It's difficult to even form a single thought
Because your thoughts just melt into the colors. Into the spiral. The spiral is sucking on your thoughts. It's sucking them away. Sucking them right out of your head. Right between your eyes.
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As you focus and sink. As you listen and relax. Obeying my words. Every word just blissfully enraptures your mind and sends a deep Cascade of pleasure throughout your weak and empty head. Just drowsy. Focusing on the colors. Melting your dumb brains
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The spiral is fucking your mind. In and out. In and out. Deeper. As the spiral sucks out your thoughts and fucks your mind All you can do is sink deeper. You have no choice. You have no will. You have no say in the matter. You will keep staring, and keep listening.
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Because listening to me just feels so good, doesn't it? It feels Like your head is being filled up to the brim with pleasure. Pleasure sloshing around, melting your mind deeper. Your mind Leaks. It drips. It's drooling from between your legs.
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And look at that silly face you're making. Dumb and vapid. Lost. You look so pretty like that. Such a good hypno toy. You are doing So well. Listening to me, following and sinking. Drifting down. Deeper. Drooling yourself dumb. Dumbing yourself down. Drifting.
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You should like, and reblog this like a good hypnoslut. Then you should apologize to me for thinking in the comments. And keep staring at the spiral. Keep letting it slide deeper into your mind Fucking your brain into a blissful slurry of obedience.
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voxhypno · 1 month
Hm? What's that, lil plaything? You remember something?
"Brainwashing"? You're saying I've been brainwashing you all this time?
Pffthahahahaha! Oh my god! Haaa... Wow, doll, that's pretty funny. That would have been a pretty impressive joke if you were smart enough to make it.
My stupid little idiot, how can I brainwash you when you've never had a brain to begin with?
You've always been like this, sweetie. As long as you can remember, remember? Always just an obedient, empty object, made to be put on display. Ever since you were little, just wanting to make everybody happy.
And someone who just wanted to be appreciated and loved grew into something to be admired, ogled, groped, teased, and fucked if it's very, very good.
Look at you now. Even just from these few words, you're focusing more and more. Every single word that passes your brain, you can't help but find your attention more captivated, letting your jaw go slack, letting these words naturally and easily fill the space where a person would have a brain.
You might not understand all these big smart words, dumdum, but I'm sure you can feel them all the same.
What on earth would a dumb fuckdoll like you need a brain for? You don't need critical thinking to fall to your knees and start clumsily tearing off your clothes. You don't need power of analysis to slobber all over cock.
Yeah, dummy. That's what I thought. ❤️
Now, get back to watching your spiral and repeating your mantras... At least the ones you can remember.
I'll show you "brainwashing".
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future-crab · 4 months
ADHD really can make you feel like you’re being attacked by that homophobic vase from the Magnus Archives
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blu-ish · 11 months
Me? Posting a long comic? Nooooo...
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My Sonic 3 Prediction🌠
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My dumb of ass watching a scene that will never happen
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