#mine: lwfc
vadreams · 2 years
A bit of music from northern Mexico, including some polka revolucionaria, with some local ballet by the most famous Mexican folk ballet company. For no particular reason. Please note how the music definitely isn't a joropo venezolano.
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vadreams · 2 years
See, I've seen a few clips of LWFC that have been suggested to me on YouTube now and I'm even less impressed.
Under the cut!
First of all let me clarify, I'm sure a lot of people in the region will love it or hate it or whatever because this is a huge, diverse region. I'm speaking only for myself and maybe a little bit for some people I know in real life. This reflects only my opinions.
The music is pretty ???, i's not bad but it's pretty generic with random trumpets and stuff like that. The joropo venezolano in the middle of the revolución mexicana stuff was pretty funny and pretty wrong - Venezuela is almost as far from the north of Mexico as London and the music sounds very, very messy. It looks even weirder than I expected. The choreo so far looks pretty generic too, very Wheeldon, which is fine I guess except that all the claims about cultural accuracy feel pretty disingenuous. As I said in main, this Mexican love story is brought to you by British guys Christopher, Joby, and Bob.
I won't take comparisons to La Bayadere or anything like that - this didn't premiere in the 1870s in Russia and saying "oh, but this thing is much more insensitive" isn't a very good justification. Why couldn't they hire Mexican creatives instead of just consulting them?
I obviously won't be watching because it won't available in my region (Central America) nor will it be in Mexico, which is another whole can of worms. The Met Opera figure this one out and offers streamed paid relays to regions without cinema relays available, why can't the Royal Opera House?
I feel weird and somewhat disappointed to be honest. I hope next time they do better.
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