#mine: sonic riders
rosemaryreality · 6 months
Day 39: what would it take, for you to make, a sudden speed transition
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gyroidroves · 2 months
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Magma collab between @chilicheesfry and I!! In Sonic Riders style!
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levil0vesyou · 11 months
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Independent art film
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newmontcraft · 4 months
Okay... I'll Participate
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It never said characters I find attractive! So good luck.
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Okay... Maybe a little too obvious. Well, I'm not gonna explain myself.
NOTE: I was gonna put Jessica Rabbit but her personality (from what I remember) isn't very appealing to me. But just know that I was thinking about it. Also, shout out to Chief Misty Luggins from Bad Guys. Only one from each property. Since I only listed one fellow dude I'm shout to Tom Trench from Hazbin Hotel... And another character that I'm not gonna mention because a lot of others like him too and it's not great for my reputation.
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vmprmae · 4 months
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
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If I die within the next week know it wasnt an accident
#I dont have the energy to elaborate rn and this is a /lh#i just have sooo much nostalgia for rob/dob and every plot point is wrapped up in a lil bow instead of stretching for 9373927393 episodes#i get thats some peoples style! its just not rlly mine :3#as a kid i loved every dragon from Book Of Dragons having its own episode#and i feel like ppl forget that when rtte was coming out; they could only go so far!#like the second movie had already come out. they knew where they were going#which is definitely a strength of the show in some regards#but rob/dob didnt have that#we hsd no idea where rhe franchise was going#which made big lore revelations so meaningful#Hiccup discovering the box with a present from his (thought diseased) mother??? THAT WAS SO WILD TO 5 YEAR OLD ME#or Borks papers and the isle of night (which turned out to be a ruse but like!!!! IT STILL FELT SO BIG AT THE TIME!!!!!!)#idk.#i feel like ive been trying to downplay my love for rob/dob which really ignited my love for the franchise to begin with#bc the animation was janky and no one had really seen it and no one in my entire life had ever valued it like i did#(read: i was autistic and didnt realise caring so much about something wasnt “normal”)#But i rewatched it this year and yknow what? it holds up. i ADORE riders of berk. FIGHT ME.#(Sonic destruction Knuckles voice) Try some shit youll catch these hands#FIGHT ME. YOU'LL WIN#httyd#rob/dob#riders of berk#defenders of berk#race to the edge#NOT RTTE NEGATIVITY BTW!!!!! I LOVE RTTE TE WRITING IS RLLY GOOD ITS JUST THE FORMAT OF ROB APPEALS MORE TO ME PERSONALLY#how to train your dragon#hiccup how to train your dragon#beverly says stuff
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measlyfurball13 · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
Well, I'm a fic writer, so prepare for an esoteric assortment of fics in no particular order!
I'll open with my most recent, and the one I consider my best. This is a found family hurt/comfort fic starring Team Dark (comprised of Shadow the hedgehog and his two closest friends Rouge, and Omega, for those unfamiliar with the franchise.) Shadow is immortal, nearly indestructible, and saddled with some truly terrible PTSD around the ones he cares about dying on him, and it was interesting to portray that through a narration style I'd never tried before. This was also the fic where I really fleshed out how I write Omega, who is my all-time favorite character in the Sonic franchise. He's the most delightful blend of blunt and violent but also more caring than he lets on.
This one also deals with the unusually serious subject matter of post-mortem care. I remember waffling about posting this fic for weeks, worried that people would think a Sonic fanfic with such a down-to-earth subject matter would be scoffed at. Surprise! I was wrong. Once I posted it, this fic got a ton of positive attention, which I was grateful for.
Next up is a truly strange pick- it's a League of Legends fanfic, yet it's not about Veigar, the character I hyperfixated hard on for a solid year. I like the fics I've written with Veigar, don't get me wrong, but I like this one better. It stars Kassadin, a lone desert warrior who lost his family to the darkness he's trying to find the heart of, and Kai'sa, a woman who was consumed by said darkness but managed to wrestle back control of her body.
I really got to develop a unique character narration for the lead, Kassadin. It's a particularly strong, mature, and unique character voice, one that I enjoyed writing a lot and am quite proud of. I also leveraged some fantastic dramatic irony- anyone familiar with League lore knows that the monster he encounters is actually his long-lost daughter, Kai'sa. Yet his attitude towards that fact continually fluctuates, before ending on a negative-leaning note, something that was very challenging for me to do! (I'm a chronic therapy-speak writer, something I'm constantly working to avoid.)
I think it's underrated. League isn't a big fandom anyway, and I posted this onto an otherwise Veigar-focused blog. Perhaps I should post it on AO3.
I just had to mention one of my famous Sigma Overwatch fanfics on this list. I wrote a shitload of fic for this character, and almost all of it blew the fuck up back in 2019. I was the first person to post fic for Sigma once he came out on this website! (Not this fic in particular, mind you, but I thought that fact was worth a mention.)
Of my absolute deluge of Sigma fic, this is probably my favorite. The rest are good, but are a little simple. This one, though, has the thematic thread of "control" woven throughout it that I'm quite proud of. I also feel that this is the fic in which I captured the morally grey character of Moira the best- her emotions towards Sigma are complicated, but ultimately, she is his superior and the one responsible for a portion of his mistreatment here at Talon. This fic is essentially about her coming to that realization, and I think that's a powerful moment. It's a character dynamic I haven't seen anywhere else in media/fic. I'm proud that I wrote it.
Okay this next one is weird. By all odds, it should be my least favorite work, right? I'm not a romance writer. Doomfist is far from my favorite character. Hell, I'm not attracted to men, yet this fic continues to linger in my conscience as one that I'm immensely fond of.
I wrote it for and to evoke the writing style of the lovely amazing @ow-old-men. Gabe (op of that blog) has such fucking amazing imagery in his fics, and my imitation of that resulted in some of my favorite imagery and vibes I've ever written. I also think it's some rather strong character work- it's a moment where a confident, practically invincible socialite allows the mask to slip for just a second with a stranger.
Particularly, it's that singular moment that the entire fic was based around, the one that I suggested to Gabe in the first place. The idea that one of the proudest and most powerful men in the world would kneel for you without question so that you could kiss his forehead. Idk man, I still remain in love with the vibes of this one, even though it's so far outside the confines of my usual writing.
And finally, to finish this list off, I just have to plug my longest posted fic to date. This is my incredibly niche crossover of two obscure sci-fi shows that have my whole heart. It was also my first true practice at writing a long-form character arc, to which I think I succeeded.
Kitt, the AI from Knight Rider, wakes up far in the future and realizes that his closest companion is likely long gone. Over the course of this fic, he goes from wanting to deactivate to learning to open back up and allow a new person into his life. There's also some good ol' buddy-cop shenanigans between him and Garibaldi, the security officer aboard the space station that Kitt wakes up on, including a particularly fun scene where Kitt helps him cheat at cards.
This fic is showing its age just a tad with some of the writing and characterization of the Babylon 5 characters, but I'm still immensely, immensely fond and proud of it. Writing this fic taught me a lot that I'm applying to my current projects now. I wouldn't be where I am now without this one.
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thelightfluxtastic · 2 years
I got polls!
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ru-the-fox · 2 years
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Saw it and I couldn't help but think of...
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thankskenpenders · 10 months
I'm a huge fan of Ian, but one criticism of him that I've seen that I kind of agree with is that he sometimes falls into "look how much I know about Sonic" in his writing. For example, a number of references in Frontiers like Tails namedropping Dark Gaia out of nowhere. It's a nice change of pace from Sega not knowing where they wanted to go with Sonic for like a decade, but it might be too far in the opposite direction. What do you think?
There's definitely a thin line between Ian's love of references and lore and lyric quotes being fun and grating, yeah. I think he tends to do it well, choosing things that will support and enhance the story he's trying to tell rather than just dropping random references for the sake of it, but sometimes it can kinda make me roll my eyes and go "okay, Ian, settle down buddy." He readily admits that sometimes he just really wants to play with all the toys in the toy box.
I think an example I might point do would be some of the Classic Sonic comics for IDW. The Tails special in particular felt like it relied very heavily on Ian being excited to use the Witchcarters again, and to use Flicky Island as a setting, but I felt like the story left me wanting a little more beyond just "this obscure old stuff is back again." (The art in all the Classic stuff is phenomenal, though, of course.)
Frontiers absolutely is jam packed full of references, but I think it works there because acknowledging and building off of decades of continuity is one of the main points of the story in Frontiers. It's part of a greater effort Sega has been making to acknowledge Sonic's legacy after much of the late '00s and early 2010s were spent being kind of ashamed of that stuff and trying to streamline the series. Frontiers, meanwhile, wanted to look back on all those past adventures and their inconsistent writing and figure out how to wring some proper character arcs out of them, so that the cast can reflect on those arcs and figure out what they want to do next. Mining hit-or-miss old material for a compelling throughline like that has always been something Ian's excelled at - it's literally what he did to the Archie comics when he started out - and having the characters acknowledge their past adventures is a part of that. It gives us a sense that Sonic and co. really have gone through a lot together, and that those experiences have shaped who they are today.
It's also worth remembering that a ton of more casual Sonic fans aren't as immersed in the state of the canon or Ian's referential writing style as we are. When Frontiers came out you'd see people say stuff like "OMG, Sonic mentioned Jet the Hawk!! I didn't know Sonic Riders was canon to the main series! I loved those games!" That kind of reaction is probably a big part of why those references are there. Sega wants fans to know that Sonic DOES have continuity, unlike a series like Mario where every game and sub-series is kind of its own thing, and that all the old stuff still matters. And if that's what you wanna do, then Ian's the guy for the job.
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e-vay · 5 months
if it’s okay to ask, What are top 5 favourite sonic games and what is it that you like about them?
Mine are 1. Sonic Unleashed, 2. Sonic Adventure 2, 3. The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog, 4. Sonic Riders Zero Gravity, 4. Sonic Frontiers
Those are some great picks!
Mine are constantly changing, but my current top 5 as I'm typing this are:
1: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. This game was so unexpected and it did not need to be as awesome as it was, but man they put everything into it. The art is GORGEOUS. The writing is HILARIOUS. The gameplay is actually fun! And Amy's (basically) the main character? An absolute treasure! I can only hope we get more like it!
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2: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. The game I think of when I think "Sonic." It's the perfect balance of great story and gameplay. It's heavy but it's also fun. The Chao Garden. The main storyline already has great replay value, but the individual challenges for each level were actually fun (and killer) and made you explore each level in a new way. I never get tired of playing this game!
3: Sonic Frontiers. This game is so beautiful not only visually but emotionally. I can't tell you how many times while playing I would specifically scale to the top of a structure just so I could enjoy the view. And every time it rains in the game it's breathtaking! I LOVED that we got a story with serious, heartbreaking themes. I cried multiple times (AND ESPECIALLY DURING EGGMAN MOMENTS!?!). Don't get me wrong, I think it's important for Sonic games to be fun too (and I had a lot of fun playing this, for sure) but I love when the writers aren't afraid to delve deeper and explore the vulnerability of these seemingly unshakable characters.
4: Sonic the Hedgehog 3. My favorite of all the classic Sonic games. I enjoy the graphics in this version the most and the music tracks and levels are peak in my opinion. And even though the bonus level drives me nucking futs, I actually love it (I'm a masochist I suppose).
5: Sonic Dream Team. I was not expecting this level of quality from a mobile game. The character models ARE SO GOOD I CAN'T TAKE IT. They're so beautiful??? Let me kiss them PLEASE. The levels are vivid and so detailed and really look straight out of a dream. There are VOICE LINES?! I constantly replay levels as both Sonic and Amy because I just love hearing them so much. I also love games that offer different gameplay styles depending on the characters you play (though obvi I prefer playing as Sonic and Amy). It's reminiscent of SA2. I just wish it was a console game and not limited to Apple Arcade. More people should be able to play it, especially on a big screen where you can appreciate it!
Thanks for the question!
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rosemaryreality · 5 months
Day 77: a Knuckles redraw.
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eclecticendeavorss · 2 months
⚡️ hii!! this is my first post. i really want to join this community but to be honest, i have no idea how or what even to say. instead, i’ll just share my interests and see if anyone has it in common!! ⭐️
im an avid reader!! my favourite books are the mysterious benedict society, daughter of the deep + more. i also enjoy miss peregrine’s peculiar children, the lockwood & co series and a little guilty pleasure series of mine is the alex rider book series. even if i don’t like that the books that much, rereading it is weirdly comforting. im also a riordanverse fan!! my favs are magnus chase and the kane chronicles.
my favourite shows are jurassic world camp cretaceous, bad education, alex rider + modern family. my favourite movies are christopher robin, boss baby, sing (don’t ask abt the last two…i have an unhealthy attachment to them), sonic the hedgehog 2 and nimona. i also watch bollywood movies! my favourite is probably secret superstar :)
oh, im also a MASSIVE comic fan. marvel comics are my favourite but i dabble in DC if i like the character. my favourite superhero team is champions but x-men is close second <3. i am an mcu hater through and through but i can hold conversation about it. my favourite superheroes are ms marvel, nova (sam), cyclops, ironheart, iceman, spiderman (miles) + more!
im not entirely sure what else i can say. my main ongoing interests encompass peter pan + narnia. those two come back no matter what i do!!
some of my favourite authors are jonathan stroud, rick riordan, roshani chokshi, millie florence (she let me beta read her book!!), elle mcnicoll + more. i really should make a more decisive list instead of changing it up everytime.
anyway, i hope that’s enough as a first post. PLEASE comment and interact so i can meet more people.
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(not sure how this is gonna look when i post it, hopefully it’s not ugly! 😭)
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marinaiguess · 2 years
wholesome wednesday :)
This was supposed to be smaller but...oh well. Have fun with a wholesome brothers moment I came up with today, set after the events of sonic riders zero gravity. i wanted to share this only on the discord server im in, but it’s too long to send it hhhh. so, i hope you enjoy :)
“Mornin’ buddy.” he jumps a little at the greeting, ears still sensitive from their last adventure. Maybe from the lack of sleep as well.
“Good morning, Sonic.” he replies, mentally slapping himself. His voice sounded way too coarse, even coarser than Sonic’s, and now he is certain he is going to get lectured very soon. Despite that, he continues his work, trying to cover up for the slip up by not letting his brother see his face and - potentially - the dark bags under his eyes. Maybe if he acts like nothing is wrong, Sonic won’t suspect a thing and-
“Tails?” he doesn’t flinch, even though it felt like Sonic was on the verge of interrogating him. Instead, he minds his own business. 
“Miles.” A hand on his shoulder and the sound of his birth name in that strict tone, urge him to turn around on his chair as he lets out a long sigh. Tools still in his hands and ears hanging low, Tails suddenly finds interest in the tiles of the workshop’s floor. 
Sonic bends down in an attempt to hold Tails’ gaze, not letting go of the fox just yet. He tilts his head as he tries to get his attention, but his little bro looks the other way, still actively avoiding him. Sonic scoffs at that, impressed by the youngster’s stubborness. 
“Hey, don’t act like looking away can hide your puffy eyes from me.” Sonic resists the urge to roll his eyes as he states the obvious. Yet, that seems like this is enough for Tails to look back at him, though hesitantly, because he knows without a shadow of doubt that there is no chance of escaping getting scolded.
A pair of emerald eyes pierce through him and Tails feels uneasy (and a little disappointed in himself) as soon as he watches Sonic’s serious expression morph into a concerned one. “Why didn’t you sleep?”
Tails brings one tail closer to him, fidgeting with its tip the best he can while not letting the tools out of his grasp. “Who said I didn’t sleep? I-i just got up early because I needed to work on this new prorject of mine that-”
“Tails.” Sonic cocks an eyebrow, voice dangerously calm; it feels like a warning. “How about you try that again? This time no lying though?” 
“I was working on something a-and-”
“Tails,” Sonic interrupts his stuttering in a sing-song voice “I think I said no lying?”
Tails grumbles and crosses his arms. He hates it when Sonic can tell that he islying when he can get away with it all the time! 
Sonic doesn’t know for how long he has to be mad at him, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to keep a straight face when his little bro is pouting in front of him. Aww he’s so cute. 
Still impressed by his persistence (and refusing to let him see a smile slip up while he was getting scolded) , Sonic gets up and lets him go. He knows he won’t get an answer this way so he decides to take a look at what Tails had been tinkering with. 
A yellow extreme gear lies atop of the workbench, alongside many blueprints and scattered tools. 
Sonic inspects it for a few seconds, it seems like nothing has changed since the last time he took a look at it; since yesterday’s events. And usually, when Tails tries to improve his inventions, he makes sure to make it evident that there has been a change made. Right now? Nothing has changed. 
“So, you’ve been working on your extreme gear?” he takes a shot again, hoping he will get an answer this time. 
Tails turns around, facing him. “Yeah!” 
Sonic couldn’t help but notice the uncertainty in his voice. “And, I guess you could show me what exactly took you all night to figure out?” 
He got a wince as a reply. And a fox who appeared to be shinking on his seat the more he kept this conversation going. 
“So, nothing new then.” He traces his fingertips across the smooth metallic surface of the gear. Their only weapons against yesterday’s adventure. 
His eyes widen in realization. 
“Tails, buddy...” he trails off as he allows his face to soften, approaching his brother who is having a hard time comprehending the sudden change in demanour from the other person in the room. “You could’ve told me.” 
“Tell you what?” he counters, confusion prevalent on his features while carefully spectating Sonic who had stopped a few inches away from him. 
“Yesterday was tough for you-”
“What do you mean?” he almost sounded offended and Sonic could only wince at that. So, he bent forward, both hands on his buddy’s shoulders as he continued.
“Alright, yesterday was tough for all of us.” he admitted, images of flying into outer space occupying his mind. “So, you have every right to feel scared, it wasn’t easy-
“I’m not scared!” Tails leans forward, holding Sonic’s gaze as he tries to persuade him. As he tries to persuade himself. Sonic needs a useful and fearless ally by his side, not a whiny and scared little child who backs down at the dangers that come his way. Even though he proved to be the opposite of that yesterday, he still was afraid and the aftermath of the fight wasn’t the best for him. 
Sonic steps back, arms wide open on his sides as he tries to reason with the genius in front of him, “Dude, it was a black hole! The whole world was gonna be blown to pieces, of course you were scared.” A beat of silence and Sonic quickly makes use of Tails’ refusal to speak. “We had to fight a giant mutated robot too, all that while a thunderstorm was happening.”
Tails’ eyes lit up with fear, the reminder of the thunderstorm making his fur stand on edge. 
Sonic wants to get closer to him once again but decides against it, as another idea pops up in his mind. “Hey, listen to me.” he says as he bends down to his eye level. “I’m proud of you. And you are the bravest person I know. You didn’t let your fears stop you from saving the world and that’s one of the coolest things you’ve ever done! I wish I were as cool as you, kicking ass while trying not to drown.” Tails snorts at that and as a result, Sonic’s smile brightens up. “Metaphorically and literally. But you need to give yourself some credit. You did great out there.”
“You...you mean it?” 
“Of course I mean it!” he stands straight, hands planted on his hips, “And you deserve to let yourself get scared. Just remember that you have friends who will try their best to help you out with that.” 
Tails smiles for the first time today and Sonic considers that a win. 
“Come’ ere.” Sonic opens up his arms, an invitation which Tails can do nothing but accept. He bumps head first into his chest as he circles his arms around his waist, grip as strong as the hammer that was long gone from his hands, just like the other tools on his chair. Sonic makes sure to return the gesture, tightening his hug as much as he can, head on top of the yellow bangs he usually likes to ruffle. 
He can feel Tails’ smile grow wider on his chest and it makes him happier by the second. He closes his eyes to embrace this moment. Before making the both of them sit on the floor, a fox snuggled up in his arms, looking as little and vulnerable as he was a long time ago, Sonic makes sure to kiss his forehead softly. 
And he does the same again as he sits against the counter of the workbench, with a fast asleep Tails inside the safety of his hug. 
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dovahkiin796 · 5 months
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We finally got a full body look of the Phantom Rider and I got to say. He looks pretty badass! I hope he comes to Sonic Dash Battle.
Now the biggest mystery surrounding this character is their identity. Who is the person behind the helmet? Well we will have to wait and... it's Mimic. We see Mimic's picture at the bottom next to the Phantom Rider. Now that could be a red herring. Not the first time I seen something like that. But if they are a whole new character. What's the point of the mystery? They have to be Mimic for the reveal to mean something.
But my headcanon is he's Shadow the Hedgehog. Why would Shadow don a masked persona? Probably to not be in the spotlight. But also it be easy for him to move around while undercover. Shadow is almost as well known as Sonic and Shadow has partook in televised races in the past.
Now my crackpot theory is this. The Phantom Rider isn't Mimic. But instead they are....
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Think about it. The Mimic has the ability to compact or increase its form to fit any suit regardless if the suit was made for animatronic or a person. The Mimic could totally compact itself to be Mobian size and don a racing outfit to blend in. Study the competition and mimic their actions for later. The Mimic is deceptively cunning.
I am looking forward to this racing arc. Sonic Riders was a childhood game of mine. X3
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blackhakumen · 3 months
Mini Fanfic #1216: Small Beach Crush (Sonic X SSBU)
4:42 p.m. at the Smash Local Beach..........
A race has been going on in the bright, sunny day at the Smash Beach, that specializes in Extreme Gears founded and provided by the Babylon Rogue Inc.
The two racers, Sonic The Hedgehog and Jet the Hawk, appear to neck to neck towards the Finish Line, in the last lap.....That is until the final racer swoops in outta nowhere, with more vigorous speed, sweeping both of his competition off their boards and onto the sandy ground, much to their surprise.
The crowd begins to roar in applause the very moment he crossed that Finish Line before sticking a gnarly, perfect landing on the ground. It wasn't long before a Shy Guy announcer runs in to announce the winner helping him holding his own arm up, which just so happens to be...I...
Announcer: The Winner of the 5-Lap Riders Prix.....FUUUUNKY KOOOOOOONG!!!
'Even More Applause'
Sonic: (Groans a Bit While Getting Himself Back on his Feet) Darn...... The folks weren't kidding when they say he's the Best Extreme Gear rider of this part of town.
Jet: (Sighs While Getting Up From the Ground as Well) The guy's a natural born surfer. He can make even the most uncontrollable board a cakewalk to ride on.
Sonic: (Begins to Stretch his Back Forward Befire Stretching his Arm Up Next) Welp! If that's the case, I'm gonna that means I gotta to work a little harder next time. Can't afford to be in 2nd Place forever, you know?
Jet: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes) More like 3rd Place...
Sonic: (Turns to Jet With a Raised Eyebrow) Pardon?
Jet: You heard me! 3rd! The place- (Points at Sonic) YOU are currently in!
Sonic: Oh get real. (Starts Butting Heads with Jet) I clearly crossed that line before you could even get close to me!
Jet: Big talk for a guy who's tip of his board Isa millimeter shorter than mines!
Sonic: Oh, so we're measuring boards now?
Jet: If it proves that I'm better than you, why the hell not at this point?
Sonic: (Shrugs) Alright. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on his Face) Still can't beat me in a fist fight though.
Jet: (Angrily Cracking his Knuckles at his Rival) Wanna bet? I been wanting to pulverize that stupid face of your some time now!
Sonic: (Waves Both his Hands Back to Him in a Very Competitive Fashion) Well, bring it then, Birdbrain. I ain't got all-
????: BOYS!
The rivals turns to see the Certified Moms giving both of them their collective Motherly Glares in the mid.
Samus: What the hell did we say about being civil?
Peach: This is a place for fun and relaxation.
Sonic: (Sighs in Defeat Along with Jet) Yes, ma'ams......
Jet: Won't happen again.....(Turns to Sonic) Forgot how scary your moms are..........
Sonic: (Shrugs) They gotta take their jobs seriously somehow....
?????: Hey now!
The duo turns to see the winner of their race, Funky Kong, walk over to them along with the crowd, with a bright, chill smile on his face.
Funky: No need to fuss n' fight now. You both did great out there. Actually had me to workin' up a sweat just to keep up.
Sonic: (Smiles Softly at Funky) Thanks, man. Congratulations on the win.
Jet: Yeah, congrats. But uh...('Clears Throat') Who would you say is the fastest between the two of us here, hm?
Sonic: (Rolls his Eyes at Jet) Could you not waste his time asking that dumb question? The answer's obviously me.
Jet: (Glares at Sonic) Lies! It's me and everyone out here knows it.
Sonic: Yeah, keep telling yourself that you-
Funky: (Breaks Up the Potential Fighting Between Hedgehog and Bird) Hey-Hey-Hey! No more of that now. We're a the fastest here in this wicked beach time. (Holds Both Sonic and Jet's Hands Up) AM I RIGHT, PEOPLE!?
'Uproarious Cheers and Applauses'
Tails: (Watches the Crowd in the Distance With Amy and Coco Sitting Next to Him) Never thought I'd see the day someone would actually out speed Sonic in anything, but...here we are.
Amy: (Sighs Dreamingly at her Man) He may have lost the race, but he'll always be The Fastest, Most Handsomest Thing in my eyes and heart~ (Takes a Look at the Time on her Phone) What is taking Wave so long to get here? (Starts Pouting a Bit) If her boss starts picking fights with Sonic again, there's gonna be heck to pay!
Coco: You know Wave: Have to make extra sure her work is completely done before she could do anything else. (Notices Something) Ooh, speaking of which- (Points Tails and Amy to Their Swallow Friend Walking in the Distance) There she is right now. (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Looking a lot more girlier than usual......
Tails: Girlier?- (Eyes Widened at the Sudden Realization) Wait s second! Is she looking pretty for someone?
Amy: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together as Her Eyes Starts to Sparkle) A secret admirer perhaps?~
Coco: (Casually Shrugs While Forming a Teasing Smirk on her Face) It's the only reason I can think of~
Funky: (Happily Greets Wave) Yooo, Wave, you finally made it!
Wave: Yeah, sorry it took me so long to get here. (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of her Head Back and Forth) You know how I am when it comes getting everything done down in the workplace....B-But I was able to catch some of your racing highlights on stream. (Starts Blushing a Bit) You were.....pretty gnarly out there, I must admit~
Funky: (Chuckles Lightly) Appericate the wicked feedback, little lady. And here I was worried that I ticked you off for outstaging your boss out there.
Wave: (Playfully Scoffs) Please. There's a lot of things that would drive me up the wall. But winning a race against Jet is definitely not one of them.
Funky: Good, good. So, now that you're out and about, what you plan on doing from here on out?
Wave: Well, I-
???: Ohhh Waveee!~
Wave turns around to see Amy giggling softly and Coco and Tails waving at her with teasing grins on each of their faces before letting out an annoyed sigh and turning back to Funky.
Wave: I have a couple of twer-I mean-('Sigh') Friends I gotta to hang out with.
Funky: (Smiles Brightly) Nice! Friends are the one thing that could help build up your character after all, especially in an awesome place like this!
Wave: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit in Annoyance) To an egregious sense maybe.....(Puts on a Small Smile on her Face) Catch you later then?
Funky: (Happily Nodded) Sure thing. Go out and enjoy yourself, Wave! You've earned it after all the work you've done.
Wave: Thanks, Funky. You too. (Walks Away)
Funky: (Watches Wave Leave Before Going Back to the Crowd) Now, which one of you crazy people are up for a game of LIMBO!!?
'Even More Applause'
Wave: (Walks Ovver to the Trio, Already Annoyed) ('Sigh') Alright. Get it all out of your systems already.
Coco: Why hello here, Wave~
Tails: Whatever do you mean exactly?~
Wave: (Glares at her Felliw Tech Friends) Oh don't even try and play the innocent card on me, you little twerps! I can tell by the look in your dumb faces that you're gonna the annoy the hell outta me over this.
Coco: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey, considering all the times you tease us on being a potential couple, it's only fair we find some way to return a flavor~
Tails: All's fair in love and harmless teasings~
Wave: ('Ugh') Whatever. (Turns to an Giddied Up Amy Rose) And what are you smiling about over there?
Amy: Oho nothing too noteworthy!~ Just admiring the fact that a bookworm like you is having yourself a school girl crush~
Wave: (Was About to Ipen her Mou-)
Amy: Don't even try to deny it. (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk of her Own) We seen the way you look and talk to him over there. You're in looove~
Tails and Coco hold onto to each other hands and starts making kissy noises just to get under Wave's skin.
Wave: (Comically Glares at the Duo Again) Will you cut that out!? I'm not crushing over Funky!....At...least not completely!
Amy, Coco, and Tails stares at their blushing swallow friend, unconvinced on everything she's telling them.
Wave: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, so maybe I do have a tiny bit of mushy feelings for him these days. We've been working together on a few business projects as of late. Didn't care for him at first glance, but the more days we work, the....(Starts Blushing a Bit) More I started to enjoy his company a bit. He nice, compassionate with his craftsmanship and profession, and a lot more intelligent than I gave him credit for. He's incredible~
Amy: And just your tyyyyype?~
Wave: ('Sigh') I dunno. Maybe? He's a lot more laid back and outgoing, despite him not being a fan of going out on adventures all that much, oddly enough. Meanwhile, I'm as boring as they come, or as Storm would irritatingly put it...."A Killjoy".
Tails: (Gives Wave a More Reassuring Smile Along with Coco) Come on, Wave, you're none of those things.
Coco: Yeah. I mean, you can be a real pain sometimes, but you're still cool be around in our books.
Wave: (Turns to Coco With Genuine Surprised on her Face) Wow. That.....might be the most nicest thing you've ever said about me yet, kid. Thanks.
Coco: No problem. Don't expect this to be a recurring thing though. (Smirks Again) You're still a nagging know-it-all in my eyes.
Wave: (Smirks Back at Coco) ('Hmph') And you're still a half pint brat.
Coco: Better than being bossy.
Wave: Better than being annoying.
Coco: Better than being an eyesore.
Wave: Takes one to know one, brat.
Coco: Hey, I am PLEASANT to be around!
Wave: Could've fooled me.
Coco: Yeah, well....(Continues Arguing with Wave)
Tails: (Sighs While Watching his Two Tech Friends Bickering With One Another Again) It was fine to see two get along while it lasted, albeit a few seconds. (Turns to See Amy Writing Something Down on her Mini Notebook) Whatcha writing over there, Amy?
Amy: A few confessional and romantic ideas. I'm gonna help make Wave's dating dream come to reality and I want you and Coco to help me.
Tails: (Gives Amy an Uncertain Look on his Face) You sure you want our help on this? We're not really that knowledgeable when it comes to anything romance related.
Amy: Yeah, but you guys know Wave way better than I do these days, so you're crucial for this operation. (Gives Tails the Sad Puppy Dog Look) Plus, I really want us to spend more time together these days~ I miss you-
Tails: ('Sigh') Lower those eyes, Ames, we'll help out. Just.....don't expect this operation to go as flawlessly as you hoped.....Also, I missed you too.
Amy happily pulls Tails into a loving hug as they continue to enjoy their time at the beach together.
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