#mine: writing*
washoping · 1 month
But the scars still linger
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Emily Prentiss x reader
summary: After taking it slow you and Emily are about to have sex for the first time but revealing all of you, including your self-harm scars that were the reason for taking things slow in the first place, turns out to be more panic-inducing than you expected. Luckily Emily is right there to show you how worthy you are.
tags: 18+, fluff and smut, comfort, talk about self-harm, scars, insecurities, panic attacks and mental health struggles in general, body worship, sex
f/f │ 5.2k words │ ao3
a/n: this has been up on my ao3 already but thought i’d post my writing here as well. writing these is like therapy to me but i wanted to share in case they could bring comfort to other people as well. all typos and mistakes are mine, english isn’t my first language. feel free to send requests, i'd love to write more <3
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Emily’s kisses had this strange effect on you. Every time you two kissed since you started dating you felt like all of your worries disappeared the moment Emily’s lips touched yours. She made you feel safer than anyone else before. You had showed her more of your soul than any other person had ever seen and she wasn’t scared of what she had discovered. If anything, it was the total opposite - she was there for you and you couldn’t help but think you didn’t deserve her.
You had talked about your past, about what you’d been through in your life before her. You hadn’t shared even half of that stuff before. Emily knew of the darkness you could easily start slipping into when things got rough but she was right there by your side, ready to catch you before you started to slip. She knew of your struggles with your mental health and you two had made a pact to take things slow. It took you a while to trust people but trusting Emily had been easier than you thought. She made it easy.
You admired Emily’s patience, having very little of it yourself. She had told you multiple times that she would wait for you forever because ”you were worth it”, but you found that hard to believe. You didn’t feel worthy.
That’s why it was so difficult for you to believe that this moment right now was happening. You had never felt this close to anyone before - in fact you had never let anyone this close prior to this. Being this vulnerable was new to you but you knew you’d do anything for Emily.
Emily was kissing you, making your poor heart pound loudly in your chest as if its' only task was to remind you of all the anxiety bubbling inside of you instead of excitement. Emily’s lips were on yours but they weren’t having their usual effect of forgetting about the world on you because you had gone further than before.
Your kisses were more passionate than before now, initiated by you. Emily had sensed it and her hands were travelling all over your clothed body, stroking your upper arms, your sides, your back. Her touch sent shivers down your spine. You found the growing passion between you two thrilling but also terrifying at the same time. When it came to letting people close to you it wasn’t only the mental part of it that you hadn’t done. You had also never let anyone physically this close.
As your kisses got hungrier and hungrier you started to struggle with staying present. Your mind started racing, feeding you all kinds of insecurities to dwell on. Stupid mind.
Emily’s fingers trailed down from your shoulders to your upper arms, then further down your arms. It felt like they left a trail of fire in their wake as they went. You pulled away from the kiss and found yourself unwillingly holding your breath when Emily’s fingers came to your wrists. Her fingers and your skin had the fabric of your long sleeve shirt between them, but it might as well have been nothing because as soon as you felt her touch on your wrist, you flinched in panic and pulled your arm to your side.
No, no, no. You blamed yourself for forgetting about the mess of a person you were for a while and letting things get this far. Damn Emily and her kisses that made you lose all common sense. You felt bad for her, for having to deal with someone like you.
You looked into her eyes, finding hers looking at you with confusion and concern. She was so beautiful. People like you were never meant to be with people like her. She was way too good. You weren’t worthy. Of anyone, you thought, but especially of someone like Emily.
”Hey… what is it?” she asked softly with such understanding you couldn’t fathom it. Her voice was like a soothing balm to your anxiety that was filling your body, making you freeze in spot.
Your throat was suddenly dry and you couldn’t think of what to say. You swallowed hard, trying to come up with something that would make this moment pass quicker.
”It’s nothing”, you lied and hoped Emily would let it go, but it was a stupid thing to do because deep down you knew she would see right through you right away. She profiled people for a living after all. There had also been numerous times that you had been surprised of how it seemed like she knew you better than you knew yourself.
You looked away, trying to escape Emily’s eyes. You couldn’t face the kindness in them. You felt like you didn’t deserve to be treated with kindness after hiding something like this from her for so long. You didn’t even know how you had managed to hide it for so long, but it didn’t matter anymore because you felt Emily’s fingers gently lifting your chin, forcing you to look at her.
”Hey, I can see it’s not nothing”, she whispered, seeing right through you. ”Whatever it is, you can tell me. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Her words made tears well up in your eyes. It was like the weight of your secret was pressing down on your lungs, making it impossible for you to take a deep breath in to calm yourself the way you wanted to. You nodded, still trying your best to hide your panicking.
”Promise not to judge me, Emily…” you said quietly, not really sure if you meant to even say it out loud but Emily had clearly heard it because her brows furrowed in concern as she nodded quickly.
”I would never judge you”, she reassured you.
Without saying anything else you started rolling your sleeves up slowly, revealing the faded scars starting from your wrist, travelling up your arm. You had no idea how you had managed to hide this part of yourself from Emily for all this time you had been together. Long sleeves - obviously. But when she had stroked your arms to show you affection, or touched your thigh to comfort you in a crowded place, or when her leg had brushed against your ankle when cuddling… you had managed to ignore it and hiding had gone well until tonight. Tonight it had ended up being too much.
The room seemed to grow quieter and the air heavier, making it even more difficult for you to breathe properly as Emily took in the sight in front of her. You had never enjoyed complete silence because it made your anxious mind race but bearing this silence was on a whole another level. When you finally dared to look at Emily the look on her face broke your heart.
The silence continued as you watched her reaching out, her touch being feather-light as she traced along the white lines on your skin, some raised, some not. You almost couldn’t take it.
You hated them. Your scars. You had been clean for a good while now and harming yourself, at least the way you had done before, wasn’t a thought that crossed your mind as easily anymore. But back then it had been your primary coping mechanism, a really bad one - you were aware of that. You were prone to having coping mechanisms that in the end didn’t help you cope, but actually made things worse. Cutting had been the worst one.
It would’ve been easier to forget about that horrible phase of your life even existing if there weren’t these neatly placed scars on your left wrist, your upper thighs and ankles, reminding you of how badly you had once wanted to leave this place.
And now you were looking at the one thing in this place that made you want to stay, and seeing her looking at your scars felt worse than any of the pain you had ever inflicted on yourself. This was worse than any of it.
”Why didn’t you tell me before?” Emily finally asked, her voice breaking slightly as she looked up at you.
You shrugged your shoulders, trying to hold back the tears in the corners of your eyes. You felt so exposed, showing these parts of yourself to another human for the first time ever.
”I was scared. I didn’t want you to think less of me. To doubt my sanity or abilities or anything like that”, you explained, voicing out your fears to Emily. She nodded, understanding what you meant right away. You noticed her eyes filling with tears just like yours the moment they met yours and it stung your heart to see it happen because of something you did. ”And I already have a hard time looking at myself… my scars, my body in general. I…” you continued but Emily interrupted you.
”C’mere”, she mumbled and gently pulled your arm to bring you closer to her. She wrapped her arms around you, enclosing you into a tight embrace that brought you more comfort than you dared to even admit to yourself. You needed this. You were against her chest and she stroked your back gently, making you feel so appreciated and loved.
”I would never judge you, I hope I can make you believe that somehow”, she whispered while hugging you. Her hand was stroking your back soothingly, a gesture that told you everything was going to be okay. ”I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that alone. But I’m here now and you don’t have to face it alone anymore, if you just let me be there for you. I want to be.”
In Emily’s arms everything felt okay. Her words felt like a warm blanket wrapped around you, but doubt still gnawed at your heart, your past experiences hanging around you like ghosts.
”Why are you so kind to me, Emily?” you whispered, your voice barely audible because half of your words were muted by Emily’s shirt you were pressed against. ”Why would you want to be with someone like me? I’m… I’m broken, Em. I don’t deserve you.”
Emily broke your embrace for a bit to pull back slightly. She wanted to do it to look into your eyes, but her hands still stayed on your shoulders because she knew you’d appreciate the contact. When your eyes met you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. You felt them falling from your eyes and Emily wiped them away immediately, not wasting a second letting the tears stain your cheeks.
”Don’t you dare say that”, she said, her voice firm but only because of how much she cared. ”You’re not broken. You’ve been hurt, yes, but you’re so strong and beautiful and incredibly deserving of love. We’re all broken. We all have scars. We all have stuff we’ve went through and survived and it doesn’t make us any less capable or worthy. And you, my love… you deserve so much, baby.”
Emily’s words hit you hard. Looking into her eyes as she told you all of that made you realize you had never heard words like hers from anyone else in your life before this. You shook your head, your tears flowing freely now.
”It’s just so hard to believe that”, you admitted, your voice cracking. You looked at Emily who was fighting back tears. ”I’ve felt worthless for so long.”
Emily cupped your face in her hands, both of her thumbs gently wiping away your tears.
”I know it’s hard”, she said so extremely softly. ”But I’ll be here, every step of the way. I’m not going anywhere. You don’t have to do this alone.”
You tried to nod and take a deep breath but it came out shaky and uneven. You were trembling.
”Emily, I… I feel like I’m about to fall apart”, you managed to admit before trying to take another deep breath and failing again. Your chest started to tighten with the familiar sensation of a panic attack that was about to hit you. ”I’m scared”, you whispered through your tears.
Emily’s hold on you tightened and she reminded you of her presence by stroking your upper arms. She walked you to the bed, trying her best to ground you. She knew your bed was where you felt the safest, it was your comfort place. She guided you there and sat you down, kneeling on the floor in front of you. Her hands were stroking your thighs up and down, her touch a reminder that you were here.
”Breathe with me, honey. Can you do that for me?” she whispered, her own breath steady and calm. Without being able to look her in the eyes you tried to mimic her breathing, hoping it would help you calm down too. Emily saw you concentrating as well as you could and she whispered sweet praises to you the whole time.
”In and out… just like that. You’re safe with me. Everything is okay, just focus on my voice.”
And you did. You listened to Emily’s soothing voice while you searched for her hand to hold. She grabbed your hand the moment she realized what you were trying to do. You clung to her, your whole body still trembling. Despite the awkward position with her sitting on the floor she held you, stroking your back, giving you all the time in the world to just breathe.
”That’s it”, she murmured against your hair. ”You’re doing great, baby. Just keep breathing.”
Some minutes passed, though it felt like an eternity, before you felt the weight on your chest lifting. It felt a bit easier to breathe again and when you pulled yourself out of Emily’s arms you saw her flashing you an encouraging smile.
”Thank you”, you whispered and wiped a tear away from your cheek, smiling a little. You didn’t know how to thank Emily enough for being there for you. ”You’re so good to me.”
”Because I love you”, she replied right away with zero hesitation. ”I love you more than you can imagine. And I believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. You’re worth it, every bit of it.”
Her words pierced through the fog of self-doubt that had been shadowing you for years. They brought you a glimmer of light into the darkness that had enveloped you for so long. Maybe, just maybe, with Emily by your side you could start to heal. With her love and support it seemed like anything was possible.
”I’ll try”, you whispered. Your voice was still shaky but there was a layer of newfound hope in it. ”I’ll try my best to believe.”
Emily’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears.
”That’s all I ask, darling. One day at a time, together”, she said and tightened her grip on your hand. You looked down at your intertwined fingers and how Emily’s thumb drew patterns on top of your palm. It was so soft, so soothing.
”Emily… I need… I need to feel close to you. To know this is real”, you confessed with your voice trembling out of vulnerability.
Emily’s eyes softened again and she pushed herself up on her knees to reach you better. She wrapped her arms loosely around your neck and pressed a tender kiss on your lips that were still a bit moist and salty from your tears.
”I’m here”, she whispered against your mouth. ”I’m right here, my love.”
Her hands moved to your shoulders, to your sides. They started roaming over your body, not in a demanding way but more like an offering of comfort and intimacy. She knew that was what you were silently asking for. You responded to Emily’s kiss, letting it grow more urgent, seeking solace in her familiar touch. The atmosphere in the room changed into desperation, it was like you couldn’t get enough of her touch. It was the only thing that could ground you right now.
Emily’s fingers brushed against your scars again. You noticed you had totally forgotten about them. Even though her touching them now was sudden, you didn’t flinch this time. You didn’t pull away. Instead you let her touch you, to soothe the scars with the softness of her fingertips. You both looked down at the lines scattered on your arm for a bit before Emily caught you and distracted you with another kiss.
Then she stood up, pushing you gently down to the bed. She helped you lie down in front of her and when you noticed the hungry gaze she looked at you with, it made your heart race. Emily was all you had ever dreamed of and you couldn’t believe you had the privilege to call her yours.
Her eyes never left yours as she moved above you to straddle your hips. Her eyes were filled with love so profound that the whole moment felt more important than anything else had ever felt before.
”You are everything to me”, Emily whispered, her voice thick with emotion while she started pressing tiny kisses all over your neck, making goosebumps appear on your warm skin. ”Let me show you just how much you mean to me.”
Her hands continued exploring your body with tenderness that took your breath away. Her lips followed the traces her fingers drew. Her movements were directed by her need to make you feel adored. Each kiss, each caress, each tiny little movement she made was a silent promise of her love and support. You clung to her, afraid to let go in case she somehow disappeared out of your reach.
When you felt Emily’s hands slipping underneath your shirt you felt a warmth spread through your body. You sighed into the slow kiss Emily was teasing you with while grazing your soft skin with her fingertips. You could feel her smile while kissing you and it melted your heart. It was so easy to forget about the rest of the world even existing.
Emily was too slow for your liking with your shirt. You couldn’t wait to get it off and feel her skin properly against yours, without any fabric in between. You had been longing for this, absolutely yearning, so it felt like your skin was burning out of pure lust for the woman on your lap.
”Take it off”, you mumbled against her lips and she let out a chuckle. She grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it off. She couldn’t help but stroke the soft skin on your shoulders. She placed a small kiss there, and then on the other shoulder. On your collarbones, then on top of your breasts that were covered by a simple black bra. ”God… just undress me, Em.”
And she complied. She didn’t waste any time getting rid of the rest of your clothes and easing out of her own in the process as well. Both of you were left in just your underwear and you couldn’t help but steal glances of Emily’s body. You noticed she had her own scars and marks as well and suddenly everything she had said earlier made total sense. Your fingers traced a protruding scar on her abdomen and she put her hand on top of yours gently, to show you it was okay. It was part of her. Maybe the pain never truly went away but it was possible to live with it. Maybe you’d learn to live with your scars too.
Emily’s lips crashed against yours again and she gently pressed her whole body against yours, lying on top of you. You loved the feeling of being trapped between her and the mattress, the pressure made you feel safe.
She took a break from kissing you and just looked into your eyes, making sure you were feeling alright. She didn’t need to ask. You nodded, letting her know she had your consent and she answered with a small smile.
You were so mesmerised by how the light hit her deep brown eyes that you only noticed Emily’s hand sneaking down between your legs when an involuntarily moan escaped your mouth. She touched you through your underwear, finding the fabric damp already - which wasn’t a big surprise. It amused her, you could tell by the smirk on her face.
”You’re so pretty when you’re this needy for me”, she teased you in between kisses and started drawing circles with her fingers through your panties. Your hips tried to buckle up but the way she was lying on top of you made it difficult for you to move too much.
She stopped for a short while to ease you out of your bra. With one swift motion she slid her hand behind your back and undid the clasp, then pulling the bra off and throwing it on the floor. You felt a bit self-conscious, you couldn’t hide it. You and Emily had shared so much, seen so much of each other, but this was new. You were almost completely bare, emotionally and physically.
Emily could sense the nervousness in you. She grabbed one of your boobs softly, kneading it in her hand while lowering her head and taking the other’s nipple in her mouth. Your back arched as you watched her and felt her teasing the quickly hardening bud between her lips. You grabbed her head with your hands, your fingers getting lost in her silky black hair. A quick look at you before she swapped to the other nipple and she closed her eyes while giving it the same attention as the first one. You adored the sight in front of you, how your skin glistened with wetness Emily’s mouth left behind.
”Your boobs are perfect”, she stated when she opened her eyes to look up at you. You cradled her face in your hands, finding it difficult to believe her. You tried to, but saying something self-deprecating was your initial reaction.
”I don’t real-”, you managed to start before Emily stopped you right away.
”Shhh…” she shushed you and quickly came up to shut you up with a little kiss. ”None of that, okay? Not on my watch.”
You nodded, trying your best to just focus on Emily and this moment. Your mind was trying to take you elsewhere but it was stopped when Emily took her bra off. She didn’t give you a chance to pay much attention on her boobs before she lowered herself on your body so that she was situated between your legs on her stomach. She looked at you hungrily, inhaling your scent.
”Oh god”, you whispered under your breath when you felt her knuckles brush ever so slightly up and down your slit through your panties. You had never felt this turned on before and you were sure Emily could see it from the way your body reacted to her.
”Such a pretty girl… and all mine. I’m so lucky”, she whispered, blowing air against you on purpose. You writhed on the bed, desperate for her to just touch you properly already. She still dared to tease you by kissing you through your panties for a while until she decided it was time to help you out of them. She undressed you and then took a good look at you, admiring you with her eyes.
You felt shy and felt a blush creeping on your cheeks immediately.
And then she suddenly came up and sat against the headboard of the bed. She pat the spot in between her legs, motioning for you to sit there.
”Lean your back to my chest”, she told you and you did. You two fit like puzzle pieces when you leaned back. When your back was pressed against her you could feel her breasts pressing against your skin. You wanted to touch them, to suck on them, but Emily’s mind was clearly set on bringing you satisfaction instead.
Her arms wrapped around you and you loved how being so close to her felt like. It was pure bliss, the way her hands started travelling down your body and how they ended up caressing your pussy gently. You saw how her fingers glistened with your wetness as they teased you carefully, not touching your clit just yet. With your head leaning on her shoulder she placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
You inhaled sharply and your body jerked a bit when Emily’s fingers finally brushed over your clit. It felt better than any of the times you had done this to yourself before. You closed your eyes, letting Emily guide you through this, giving yourself and all of your trust to her completely.
”Is it okay if I slip a finger inside you?” you heard her asking and saying no didn’t even cross your mind. You nodded yes and heard Emily letting out a deep chuckle. Her voice so close to your ear made you shiver.
And then you felt her entering you, slowly and gently. She knew you could take it. You could hear how wet you were when she started moving her finger in and out of you in a slow rhythm. Her free hand found your breast and grabbed it, holding it like her life depended on it.
”More… another…” you breathed out and even though you didn’t see it you could’ve sworn Emily had a smug smile on her face.
”Another what, baby?” Emily teased you, whispering into your ear as she watched you writhe underneath her touch. You tried to move your hips to make her go deeper and to tell her what you needed, but Emily wouldn’t budge. ”I need you to speak up for me.”
”I need another finger, Emily please”, you finally begged and you could tell it amused Emily because as soon as the words had come out of your mouth she added another finger, and soon after a third one. You felt her fingers filling you and you couldn’t help but moan when she picked up the pace.
”God, you’re so soft…” she whispered into your ear and you turned your head, desperately needing to kiss her lips. You got completely lost in the kiss, moaning and whimpering as Emily’s fingers worked their magic. You couldn’t believe you had gone this long without this.
You felt Emily’s other hand squeezing your boob again, then wrapping tightly around your waist to pull you close to her. She noticed your legs starting to tremble a bit when you got closer to an orgasm so she put her legs over yours, locking you in place, making it impossible for you to close your thighs. You moaned her name in frustration, wanting to move your body purely just because all of this felt so good, but you weren’t able to. Your hands grabbed her arms when her hand found your clit.
”Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you cursed under your breath when you felt Emily fingering you and rubbing your clit at the same time, making your body spasm. You didn’t even realize how tight you squeezed her arms but she didn’t seem to mind, quite the contrary actually - it seemed to fire her up even more and she picked up her pace. As a result your thighs tried to close but she forced them to stay open with her legs. You wriggled in her grasp and groaned, no longer capable of controlling the sounds leaving your mouth. You were somewhere completely else.
”Come for me, my pretty girl”, you heard Emily say right next to your ear with a deep but sweet commanding tone. With that tone it was so easy for Emily to make you do whatever she asked for. You’d obey.
She started planting kisses all over your neck, the side of your face, your shoulder. You knew you wouldn’t last long feeling the combination of her fucking you recklessly and being so sweet with her kisses at the same time. Your hand flew to hers, grabbing it while she was playing with your clit and you squeezed it tight.
”I’m gonna…” you could get out of your mouth but Emily knew already that you were about to reach your peak. She was so good at noticing every tiniest sign from your body that showed you were close. She continued her steady pace of fucking you, not giving you any mercy. She saw your eyes closing in the midst of all the pleasure.
”No… no, baby. Look at me. Don’t close your eyes, I want to see you when you come. Please”, she said and used the same tone as before, knowing you couldn’t resist. You opened your eyes and looked into Emily’s big brown ones right when your orgasm hit you. Her eyes were full of love, her gaze not leaving you for one second while your body shook uncontrollably in her arms. She kept you afloat as you were taken over by your orgasm, repeating Emily’s name over and over again without even realizing it.
She smiled, slowing down the movement of her hands and fingers to let you calm from your high. You held on to her, trying to catch your breath.
Her hand that was on your clit moved to rest gently on your stomach while the fingers of her other hand stayed inside you, barely moving. You fell limp against Emily, feeling your skin sticking to hers. You loved being this close to her, feeling her heartbeat against your skin. She kissed your temple while you tried to calm down after what you could only describe as the best orgasm of your life. You felt so safe in her arms. You didn’t want this to ever end.
When Emily was about to pull her fingers out of you, your hand flew to her wrist to stop her. You didn’t want her to do so just yet. You couldn’t bear the thought of feeling empty so quickly after being filled up by her.
”Stay inside me for a bit more, please?”
”Of course, my love”, Emily answered sweetly, keeping her fingers inside you. You closed your eyes, sighing contently. This time Emily let you close your eyes - but she couldn’t help but reach to kiss your lips when she saw the peaceful look on your face. It was so serene compared to before when you were revealing your scars to her. The panic was gone and she adored the calmness she saw now. She kissed you softly, channeling all her admiration towards you in the kiss.
She gasped when she tasted a salty tear, quickly noticing that it had fallen from your eye down your cheek. She grabbed your cheek with her free hand and you nuzzled into it.
”Are you okay?” Emily asked while drying your tears with her thumb and continuing to stroke your cheek with a soft touch. You nodded and kissed her hand, making her eyes threaten to water too after the sweet gesture. You had never felt so loved before.
”Thank you for being there for me”, you said, your voice breaking a little as you thought about all the ways Emily had shown you how much she cares. You took her hand in yours and smiled when you felt her intertwining your fingers. You wished she’d never let go. You knew you wouldn’t.
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pavus · 18 days
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"Eyes ahead, Carta." Varric's voice found her ears as nothing more than a rumble of warning, and its words tangled into the hiss of restless spirits that surrounded them and the haunting sizzle and crack of the Breach above their heads. "Don't pay them any mind." But they were people, gnarled and burnt and frozen in their last moments of torment — mages and templars alike of all ages, elves and humans and...
Suri pulled her eyes away from a not-quite-familiar-enough corpse that had been reaching for something in its last moments. A doorhandle? A window? There was no way of knowing, not with the state of their surroundings. Glass had burned away, melted into jagged points from the explosion and glowing faintly green at their fingertips. What had been turned to splinters had quickly burned away. All that remained were the corpses, as horrid testaments to what she'd apparently done. If it had been her brother, it wasn't any longer. Everything around them would be ash after a rain. And before long, nothing more than words on a page and hazy memories. Eyes ahead, he told her. She'd have to keep that close.
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kelin-is-writing · 2 years
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warnings: +18, friends to lovers, fluff, masturbation, protected sex, fingering, slight spanking, overstimulation, pet names, dirty talk, dabi is a huge tease who’s actually losing it inside, reader is “dabi touch” starved (yup, i made a whole new category only for him, so what about it? 🤨), let me know if i missed anything!
pairing: dabi x fem!reader
synopsis: it’s been days since you’ve last seen dabi. you just can’t help think about him and his touch that always has you melting, that’s why you thought of taking care of the heat between your legs yourself only to get caught by someone who chooses to lend you an hand, by all meanigs.
words count: 5,4k (well damn...)
notes: dabi is hot as hell and i’m terribly late, that’s it...
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you just came back to your apartment after having the most stressful and awkward dinner with your date that your parents set for you; they were becoming just so unbearable with their talks about marriage, at 24! marriage! when as of now you were so busy with your studies and all, like... they were so noisy about it too. it came to the point your father went and set a blind date for you with one of his friend’s sons and you shivered repulsed by the idea of having some arrogant, narcisistic, stuck up dumbass as boyfriend who’s sole purpose in life is buy expensive cars, name them and care more about those junks than their partner. so yeah! thanks, but no thanks.
besides, you already had someone you liked, a lot too. it took you some time to actually realize it, but in the end you did it and that’s what’s important, right?
it was a very weird relationship the one you have with this guy; you two met at a bar, that nobody knew about, some months ago and he had the aura of someone that didn’t want to be bothered so you thought better to not approach him, the guy approached you instead when after you’ve had one two many drinks you stood from your seat and wobbled nearly falling on him who caught you right away with no problem.
his hands were so warm against your skin and it made you lean on him more. when you looked up at the boy your eyes locked with his beautiful turquoise one and everything around stopped suddenly. that night he accompanied you home after your drunk blabbering and clingy self whined about wanting him to, so he did.
since then it had become a routine for you to go at the bar, find dabi and chat with him for hours until he would accompany you back to your apartment. sometimes he would also stop by between every mission of his and spend some time with you, under your pouty request. he has never declined though, so it was safe to think he wanted to spend time with you too. a very good chemistry has been forming between the two of you.
now that you think about... maybe you’ve actually always been in love with the villain since day one, so what took you so long?
if you knew that he was a villain? of course you did. he and the other members of the ‘league of villains’  would appear on the news every day, so how could you not? did you care? no. where you scared? no. why? because dabi has never tried to hurt you, not even once. he would tease you relentlessly and poke fun at you from time to time, but he has never hurt you once until now. that’s why, for you, there was no reason to be scared of him.
you threw yourself on your bed face down and sinked into it exhausted from that night (you know it won’t even be the last until you find a partner...), on top of that while thinking about dabi you’ve started to miss him! it has been weeks since the last time he has visited and you’re starting to worry, but also miss his warm touch on you like crazy.
the way he would sometimes brush his hand across your cheek to move away a strand of hair, when he's sitting with elbows on the head of the couch and his hand would go to rest on your shoulder after a while or when the back of his hand ever so slightly touches your thighs when he moves on the couch.
an image inside your brain of his hand sneaking between your legs and touching your cunt made you jump on place, hands resting on the cushion as you lifted your upper body staring in front of you horrified with cheeks flaming red.
oh my god... have i lost it? am i that sexually frustrated?, you thought with yourself plopping onto your bed with a ‘poof’ once again, face smashed against the cushion in pure shame. your whole body has started to feel hot all of a sudden too and your eyes were becoming watery, the amount of power dabi had on you even when he wasn’t there is actually unbelievable. the cushion and sheets has also started to smell like him... when he has never been in your room once since you two met! god this was another whole level of absurdity.
you peaked your eyes from the cushion biting down on your bottom lip unsure of what to do, especially since you’ve now started to feel your panties get soaked after that image your brain made for you. do friends actually do those kind of things while thinking about each others?
but well... h-he will never know about this... so maybe... just a little...?, you reassure yourself while turning your head to the side and reaching down between your legs with an hand, resting index and middle finger against your pussy through both panties and stockings too, an heavy sigh leaving your parted lips.
you imagined your fingers being either dabi’s or even better... his cock, the thought only made you start stroke yourself with a quicker pace swallowing hard as your brain drew inside your mind the image of you two being tangled together and his dick deep inside you while you moan, moan and cry out his name, just like you’re doing right now. it was such a blissful feeling, even though it wasn’t enough to quiet your longing for him and his touch, but guess you just had to deal with it.
when a knot started forming inside your lower abdomen and you felt your pussy start aching for a release, you started to stroke it faster and faster while moving your hips to meet them, pitiful sobs leaving your mouth as you tried to reach your climax. all this while thinking of being fucked in every way possible by dabi.
“ngh–! ahh... ahh... urk! ahn...”, you kept moaning while gritting your teethes moving your fingers up and down, even in circles quickly only to find your on wanted and needed orgasm.
while moving them frantically, you suddenly moved them in a way that made that knot tighten up more and you feel your hips stutter for a moment there, but it wasn’t quite there yet... that’s why you kept on stroking at an erratic pace, finally after few last strokes your whole body felt a jolt of pleasure that made you tense up and stop any movement while your orgasm hit you strongly.
“dabi!”, you moaned aloud in a heavy pant, mouth open in an ‘o’ shape as your breath hitched inside your throat.
“did you call for me, princess?”
at hearing that deep husky voice, you froze on spot coming down from your high in a second, completely pale on your face. this wasn’t really happening. this was all a dream. please let it be!
you stood quickly from your bed turning toward the door and, god, he was right there in the doorway leaning against the side with arms crossed over his chest, a smug grin on his face that made your heart skip a beat and look down completely embarrassed by that situation. you should seriously start lock the door of the balcony, because what the hell is this?!
“now, would you look at that? did you really just masturbate thinking of me?”, he teased you, of course, bet he found it revolting that you just touched yourself with him in mind. you wanted to disappear! get swallowed by the ground! oh my god!
trying to collect yourself, for as much as you could, you breathed in from your nose before looking up at him awkwardly, cheeks burning with embarrassment under his intense gaze.
“this... ehm... it’s just that...”, unfortunately for you your brain was in a total black out the more you tried to justify what you just did, one hand going behind to push down your skirt and the other doing the same from the front, trying to hide the proof of your misbehavior like a kid who has taken a candy without permission from their parents.
dabi left his arms fall down to his sides and walked up to you until he wasn’t an inch away from you, turquoise eyes gazing down at you darkly as you swallowed a lump in your throat before parting your lips to speak, only to get beaten on it by the villain:
“what a dirty girl you are, princess”, he spoke with low voice and a cocky smirk on his lips; something about him was so... intimidating right now, he looked more than ready to devour you and that sent shivers down your spine.
“i’m sorry... i–”
“want me to help you with it?”, dabi cut you off placing both hands on your hips and pulling you flush against his body, a spark of pleasure erupted right between your legs making you gasp an inch away from his lips. “bet you thought about my fingers, or maybe my dick.”, he concluded with a mischievous full teethes grin that made your legs tremble, mind becoming fuzzy because of the sudden heat that started to invade every corner of your room.
“what? no! that’s–!”, you got cut off by a little shriek leaving your lips when feeling his hands cup your butt cheeks giving them a squeeze, he then started fondling them slowly making you curl up against his chest as you bit down on your lip.
“god, the way your ass was wiggling... it was so hot to watch... i nearly came at that sight you know...”, dabi spoke huskily in your ear while giving a brief spank to your left butt cheek, you jumped at that straightening up your back right away.
then you suddenly felt his right hand lift your skirt from behind and sneak it inside your stockings pressing his index and middle fingers against your pussy; when feeling how wet you were the boy hissed between his teethes before letting out a dragged groan as he kept on coating his digits with your juices making you whimper and moan while holding onto his white shirt, knees bucking as pleasure started to build up inside of you once again.
“ahh... dahbi...!”, you started moaning as you felt his fingers stroking you from behind eagerly, he wanted to hear you moan much louder than this. your voice moaning his name was music to his ears.
“tell me, why were you touching yourself thinking of me?”, the villain questioned surrounding your waist with one arm to hold you closer, peeking at his hand inside your stockings moving and... damn... it wasn’t enough, at all.
you looked up at him panting and pressing yourself against him more, eyes filled with lust as he kept touching you through your panties slowly but pressing hard between your clothed folds, even going as far as to tease your clit.
“because... i m-missed you...?”, was your answer that sounded more like a question, the overbearing pleasure making you drop your arms to your sides while staring up at him with gaping mouth.
“and you masturbate only ‘cause you miss me?”, you nodded dazed, wanting more of his touch, he stared down at you with a wolfish smirk. “be honest princess, come on now.”, he added snorting sarcastically as he took his hand out and then lifted the front of your skirt sneaking it inside your panties right away, at feeling his fingers touch your cunt directly you gasped holding onto the sleeves of his black jacket letting out a shaky moan.
“because i– i missed your touch...”, you answered him sighing heavily, turned on by the way his gaze had turned even darker with hunger and yearning for you plastered all over his face.
“and?”, he kept on, a groan coming out from his gritted teethes as he felt his fingers getting drenched in your juices.
you bit your bottom lip while pressing your chest against his, hips eagerly moving in sync with dabi’s strokes to get more friction.
“i love you...”, you finally confessed panting right in front of his lips, your honey dripping gaze locked with his and screaming at him how this wasn’t nearly enough for you.
“that’s it good girl. that’s what i wanted to hear.”, and as if on cue his middle finger went inside your hole leaving you breathless at that new found sensation, his long sturdy fingers stroking your walls slowly, savoring the pleasure radiating from your face. “god... do you know what that expression does to me? here, look.”, he took your hand with his free one putting it over his crotch, letting out a dragged groan while throwing his head back with a devilish smirk on his face.
feeling the bulge inside his pants so huge and hard against your palm, your mouth started to become watery to the point you were afraid you would drool right there on the spot and the way dabi was feeling it made everything so much better.
you were so entranced by the gorgeous sight in front of you, that when he looked back down at you while licking his teethes you jumped slightly and that made him grin wider.
“oh you have no idea of the things i want to do to you...”, he whispered before shoving his tongue inside your mouth, adding his forefinger to the other digit inside your pussy making you moan into the kiss.
at hearing his words your walls tightened around his fingers humming against his lips, hand starting to move up and down on his shaft making his breath hitch before he groaned tilting his head to the side.
after a while you two parted from one another and your eyes looked toward him feverishly, heart thumping hard in your chest and you kept moving on his hand feeling his fingers curl up along your walls while the end of his digits stroked against your clit, creating the perfect friction.
“show me then... please...”, you practically begged resting your hands on his hips hooking your indexes to his pants tugging them down, cheeks completely red both from the embarrassment because of what you just said but also the unbearable heat exploding inside of you.
his eyes widened for a brief second before he smirked wolfishly while taking his hand out of your panties, a needy whine coming from your parted lips that made him chuckle lowly, pleased by that reaction.
“don’t worry princess, i’m not letting you go until i won’t be balls deep inside your greedy pussy.”, dabi reassured you as he sucked your juices off of his fingers, licking his lips at the end while staring directly at you like a lion ready to jump his prey.
you stopped breathing for a second there, the way he kept talking since he came in was making you so dizzy; this man was just too much honestly.
dabi rested his hands on your waist and leaned down to kiss you with open mouth, tongue licking your upper lip before sliding it inside your mouth, bending a little to rest his hands behind your thighs and then lift you up, your legs closing around his slim waist right away.
he climbed your bed never parting from the kiss, a very hot, sloppy and possessive kiss that nearly made you faint under him after he laid you down on the mattress. the villain only parted from the kiss to take off his jacket and shirt throwing them somewhere across your room.
“you got all dolled up, care to tell me what for?”, dabi questioned running an hand through his bangs, to move some strands away from his eyes, staring down at you while raising an eyebrow arrogantly. and oh! you understood now why that underlying possessiveness. “and do not think of lying.”, he added undoing the first two buttons of your blouse lifting it over your head, leaving it there to cage your arms up, kissing you ferociously once more.
“mhn! ahh... i– my parents– they set up... a blind date for me... mmh!”, you admitted arching your back slightly, meanwhile he hooked his fingers to the borders of your laced black bra pulling the cups down to expose your chest letting an amused scoff come out from his mouth.
“guess the dude wasn’t all that, seen you went to masturbate thinking about me as soon as you came home.”, he commented smirking satisfied an inch away from your swollen red lips, hands going under your skirt tugging at the hem of the stockings you were wearing taking them off and then throwing them on the ground.
you blushed like crazy up to your ears and turned away peeved by the way he was teasing you, as if you weren’t embarrassed enough by being caught on the act while moaning his name, he wasn’t going to let you live this down.
dabi grinned full teethes excited staring at your beautiful profile leaning down to lick the spot under your ear, making you gasp in surprise, while taking off your panties too and stroking once again your slit slowly, savoring every second of it because he has waited for this moment more than you can even imagine.
“i want to eat you out so bad, baby... but that’ll be for another time.”, the black haired boy confessed panting against the shell of your ear, he then moved back staring down at you with a fake sorrowful expression as he palmed the throbbing erection inside his pants. “‘cause this guy right here can’t wait any longer to have his treat.”, he spoke with a full on lips smirk while undoing his belt under your careful stare; you were aroused to the unbelievable.
“then...”, you reached for the drawer of your bedside table and took out a silver envelope handing it to him, eyes watery sparkling with desire. “hurry up and do me.”
he might’ve looked collected and calm from the outside, a little stunned too, but inside? ohh inside he was losing it so bad! his brain had stopped functioning after hearing your words, that was so filthy in the best way possible for him.
“whatta dirty mouth you’ve got there y/n...”, it should be illegal, but he kept that for himself and hurried to take off his pants together with his boxers; he couldn’t wait to be deep inside of you, completely messing up your guts and brain.
“look who’s talking...”, you retort back pouting at him extricating your way out of your blouse, he let out a snort while putting on the condom long his throbbing shaft that had your mouth watering.
“touché, but you like it princess.”, dabi shoot back staring at you from under his eyelashes with a devilish smirk on, especially after seeing you blush profusely glaring speechless at him.
don’t look at me like that..., you begged inside feeling your lower abdomen start to knot up only because of stare, insanity.
“woah there, i didn’t even put it in yet, so how are you clenching up like that already hm?”, he teased while resting his hands at the side of your face and getting between your legs, hovering over your figure with a shit eating grain on his lips. “do you want me that bad?”
“i do... so hurry and put it in...”, you replied softly surrounding his neck with your arms and resting your hands on his nape, eyes looking straight into his screaming about wanting him to fuck you so much.
dabi didn’t expect that at all. his dick twitched so hard it made a groan come out directly from the back of his throat; god he was going to blow your spine off.
“say no more.”
he rubbed his cock a few times between your folds, coating his length with your juices, making you moan languidly and then aligned its tip with your entrance, swallowing hard as he stared down at your cores.
you were looking down there too shivering at feeling his dick press hard against your pussy’s hole until the head didn’t got inside. it was happening for real!
“ahn–!”, you choked out a moan shutting your eyes while letting your upper body fall onto the bed, back arching as your hips trembled from the pleasure of feeling him slowly fill you up to the brim.
“fuck–! shit, shit, shit–! a-argh–!”, he moaned out with low husky voice as his eyes rolled up to the back of his head, mouth gaping as he kept pushing his dick inside of you until his pelvis didn’t smack flush onto yours. dabi leaned down pressing his chest with yours. “you’re clenching so hard... ahh shit– this is gonna be so damn bad for me...”, he groaned against your neck pressing his lips on it, parting them to start suck harshly on a very visible spot, hoping for your parents to notice it.
“dabi!”, you moaned onto his shoulder feeling his tongue run down from the spot he sucked on to your shoulder and bite into it hard enough to leave his teethes mark, you shrieked in surprise turning to him puzzled.
“put a repellent on you.”, your cheeks flushed at the reason behind what he just said and did, making his grin widen in utter satisfaction. “now we can start.”, with that he put his hands under your knees and pushed your legs up to rest them on his shoulders, he held your wrists toward himself and slowly pulled out ‘till the tip before slamming his dick inside of you roughly knocking the breath out of your lungs.
“ah–!”, you choked out looking up at him shocked by the sudden move, that seemed only to amuse him though and so, just like that, dabi started to pound hard into you making you moan loudly at every thrust.
hearing you he burst into a fit of amused giggles, eyes staring arrogantly down at you as he slapped your pelvis together roughly, making it so that your brain would be filled with him more than it already is and from what he was hearing, he was succeeding in his intent.
“look at yourself, princess... there’s no way you’ll ever be able to be with someone who’s not me.”, and moved his hips against yours in slow wavy motions before snapping them forward making you let out another choked out moan as groaned at every thrust, he did the same thing a few times enjoying how you let out staccato moans with that beautiful face of yours contracted in full on desire.
“g–od dabi yes! that’s it! right there! r-ah-ight– ah!”, you moaned holding his wrist back looking up at his scrunched up face as he kept thrusting against the spot that made you let out those heavenly sounds.
“fuck– you’re tightening up so much... it’s driving me crazy...”, he groaned panting as he kept pounding into you, a throaty moan leaving his gaping mouth as his eyes nearly crossed at how you were clamping on him so hard, wide satisfied smirk on while his brain was becoming all mushy.
dabi then slightly bent forward lifting his hips changing angulation before he started thrust into you at a fast pace, hitting continuously the spongy spot inside your pussy that made you let out a moan louder than the previous ones.
“ah–! i’m so close–! i’m–!”, you moaned before biting down your lips feeling the pleasure even more now that you were about to come, as expected... it just felt so different with dabi.
“it’s okay baby– ngh! just cream all over me.”, he demanded with a groan and an hint of kindness in voice while rubbing his thumb tenderly on your wrist, before moving an hand up to you brushing away a strand of hair that fell in front of your eyes from all the bouncing. “that’s what i’ve always wanted.”, dabi ended with an enamored smile on his lips that you genuinely thought of having dreamed of, but no it was actually real.
“what–?”, you asked staring back at him flabbergasted, choking out a moan when feeling a particular drag of his cock long the inside of your cunt just being so good.
he furrowed his eyes pouting while blushing slightly before resting his forearms at the side of your head and leaning down toward your ear, you let out a cry of pleasure because of how his dick went even deeper in that position; it felt way too good.
“i love you y/n...”, you jumped slightly from the surprise and surrounded his chest, hands resting on his shoulders blades. “ungh! i love you so– fucking mu-ah!-ch...”, he finished resting his forehead on the cushion and starting to thrust faster than before, groans the erupted from between his teethes and echoed not only inside your ear but in the whole room, he had also let out few choked moans that surprised you. god it was such a beautiful sound to come from him and that was enough to undo the knot inside your belly.
“dabi!”, you moaned loud enough for everyone in your condo to hear, but that didn’t matter right now as you hugged him tightly, creaming all over his cock to its base.
he pulled back panting heavily while staring with dazed eyes down at where you two were connected, a thrilled smirk forming on his lips as he watched your cum pooling against his pelvis; god he felt on a high over that only, that was crazy seriously.
“i’m still rock hard here, princess.”, he broke the silence moving his hips slightly twice to make you feel the truth of his words, his lust filled gaze darkening when he heard you cry out another moan. “so bear with me a little more okay?”, the villain pulled out only until the tip was still slightly inside of you, then let you move down your legs from his shoulders and resting both hands on your hips he carefully flipped you over, hands going to hold the back of yours as he leaned down to rest his chin on the crook of your neck and chest flush against your back.
he pushed his dick inside your cunt once again making you let out a breathy whine while throwing your head up, when his length was all in your eyes rolled to the back of your head, mouth gaping at that fantastic sensation that you were feeling.
“no, wait– th-is– is– too much–! ahn!”, you slurred staring in front of you but not actually seeing, too focused on him drilling his cock so hard inside your pussy, his pelvis slapping against your ass so loudly that you could swear anyone of your neighbors could hear it.
“no princess, actually this is nowhere near enough ungh–!”, dabi groaned with raspy voice against the shell of your ear, he then licked behind it pounding hard inside of you feeling your walls clench around his dick and that made him jolt slightly, his thrusts stuttered a little before he pushed them flush against your ass hugging you from behind tightly while coming with a dragged throaty groan.
he stared down at your profile, looking a how you were breathing hard resting the side of your forehead on the cushion; the villain put an hand under your jaw turning you slightly as he leaned in to kiss you with his tongue already ravishing yours, humming into the kiss thrusting slowly and making your breath hitch against his mouth.
“you’re so fucking gorgeous.”, he stated after parting from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your mouths and your cheeks flushing crimson as you stared back timidly into his adoring eyes.
“again... look who’s talking...”, at that response he huffed amused before moving back and gripping your waist strongly with both hands pressing you hard down onto the mattress, hips snapping forward sharply as he thrust into you hitting your weakest spot (that he has already memorized) over and over. “ah–! dabi– dabi!”, you moaned for the fifth time that night gripping onto your cushion hard, teethes clenched and eyes closed as you creamed all over his dick once more.
“there goes my babygirl...”, he praises you again with a satisfied smirk while bending down and moving your hair from your cheeks kissing it lovingly, moving but staying still close to your face as he stared down at you, eyes dripping with adoration. “coming for me once again, like the good girl she is.”, you clicked your tongue looking away embarrassed but still being super happy about his words, the villain cackled amused at your behavior while pulling out and giving you a playful spank that made you lift your upper body and throw the cushion at him; needless to say that the little shit avoided it easily.
after the two of you got cleaned up, and you also got out of the clothes you were wearing, you both laid on bed with you resting your head onto his chest while dabi was drawing figures on your arm staring up at the ceiling, complete silence falling upon you two:
“when did you even fall for me anyways?”, you broke it lifting your head to look up at the boy, eyebrow lifted and curled up lips in curiosity, as he stared down at you calmly.
“you might not believe it, but since the first time i saw you...”, you widened your eyes at that answer and were ready to brush him off all embarrassed, but he continued to talk. “in that magical moment where you threw up on my boots, i knew you were the one for me.”, he teased dramatically grinning down at you cocky, even more satisfied when he saw you fuming basically.
“didn’t we agree to never talk about that again?! you’re such a little bitch i swear!”, you roared raising from your position and smacking him on his chest while he giggled amused; you were just so funny to tease honestly.
you were about to argue back with him but dabi sneaked an arm around your shoulders and pushed you down on his chest, hugging you close as his lips rested on the crown of your head.
“i seriously fell for you the first time we met, for real.”, he spoke with soft voice as the back of his index, of the arm he had around your shoulders, went to caress tenderly your cheek. “the moment i locked eyes with you, inside my mind i was like ‘ah... so this is what love at first sight feels like, huh?’”, dabi confessed while reminiscing that night inside his head with a smile on his lips; he never felt like himself anymore after that day. whenever he tried to focus on his missions, the image of you waiting for you at your house would never leave his mind and that made him commit mistakes in the attempt of finishing everything quickly and go back to you, his heaven.
when he didn’t hear anything from you, dabi tilted his head curiously to look at your face seeing it completely red, his eyes widened briefly before he took your chin between thumb and index lifting your head up kissing you sweetly, like you were made of glass. after he parted the boy smiled down at you.
“i’m going to become so fucking annoying from now on, so brace yourself princess.”, he commented with his usual half-lidded eyes looking at you intensely as a little smirk formed on his lips, he meant every single word by the way.
you huffed amused while staring up at him with a mocking expression on your face, eyebrow lifted arrogantly.
“so as per usual?”
“you little–”, he whispered in a grim tone gazing at you exasperated with a pout while getting ready to tickle you to tears.
“i’m kidding! i’m kidding! no tickling!”, you panicked holding his hands by the wrists, keeping them as far as possible from your waist under his amused and victorious stare.
he snorted and easily shook himself off from your hold going to surround your waist with his arms holding you to his chest, face buried against the side of your neck breathing in your scent that made him feel awfully at home.
a scent that told him he belonged there with you, and nowhere else.
“i love you so much...”, dabi whispered against your skin, kissing it briefly.
you smiled happily surrounding his neck with your arms hugging him back, hand sinking into his black locks that you started to cradle fondly.
“i love you so much too.”
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2023 © kelin-is-writing — do not repost or translate my work. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome!
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igniserii · 4 months
A/B/O and Mpreg.
Pairing: Aemond/Lucerys
Lucerys hummed as he sat in front of the fireplace, and Aemond laid his head on his lap. He let out a small laugh as he felt Aemond lightly tap his stomach. Ever since he told the Alpha he was expecting, Aemond would lay his head on his lap, 'his way of bonding, I suppose' he thought.
Now that the baby started to kick, Aemond would always touch him, trying to feel the baby kicks. Lucerys felt the baby kick and looked at Aemond's eyes widen. He let out a laugh as Aemond quickly sat up, tapping back on the area he felt the kick in. Lucerys smiles and gently rubs his stomach, just to feel another tap from the Alpha. “Is this your way of trying to communicate with the baby?” He asked. Aemond smiled in response; he was truly happy. Lucerys let out a small gasp as Aemond gave a small kiss to his stomach. “One for the baby,” Aemond said as he got closer to Lucerys, “and one for my omega and husband."
Another kick. Another tap. 
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adanima · 1 year
There is a boy and, by his side, there is his sister.
There is a boy who looks at you with eyes wide with trust and soft with devoted belief. There is his sister whose smile comes easy and ever gracious with you and her brother. There is a boy and, by his side, there is his sister and there is you.
You make many promises in your life, with the carefree assurance of someone who thinks they have the power to keep them, and chief of all is that you promised to protect him, her. Them.
You fail.
Now, there is a boy who looks at you with eyes narrow with distrust and sharp with pain and accusation. Now, there is his sister who lies cold and unmoving, her smile now a mere memory that risks being lost to the infinite river of time.
There is a boy, and he's not really a boy anymore, not with so much grief, but he should be and you can't help thinking it's your fault that he's not.
You want to stay by his side, because you promised you'd always be there, you promised you wouldn't leave him.
You fail. There are some things that are just too impossible, even for you.
You are sealed away into darkness. You lay there, in a bed of your own making, with nothing to accompany you but ghosts roosting in the shadows.
Someday, somehow, you find yourself released from the dark. You are amongst the living again and there is a man. There is a man and he wears the face of a boy you have seen grow up too fast but have not seen become this.
There is a man and, by his side, there is no-one.
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queseraone · 1 month
lovely to sit between comfort and chaos
They turn in perfect synchrony, instinct and muscle memory kicking in as two sets of eyes scan the parking garage, taking in their surroundings like it’s second nature.
It’s blissfully empty. Not that that should even matter. After all, there’s nothing particularly scandalous about Tim walking her to her car after shift. They’ve done it about a million times before without so much as a second thought.
But it’s different now, intimate in a way it never was before.
(or, Lucy and Tim go on their first date. And their second. And then, finally, their third.)
Read on AO3.
(Happy Birthday @sisterofficerlucychen!)
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cinnamonrollsledge · 21 days
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Sound of Music Speirton AU
Okay, so hear me out….
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Captain von Speirs is a renowned and currently retired military officer, and the widowed father to seven young children- Floyd, Joseph, George, Frank, William, Donald, and Darrell.
Their mother passed away five years ago, and Captain von Speirs’ grief led him to become increasingly distant and withdrawn from his sons, and to run their home with stern, military-like order and discipline. They, in turn, frequently cycle through nannies, governesses, and tutors, who struggle to cope with the boys’ mischief and misbehavior.
Carwood Lipton is a postulate at a monastery in Salzburg. One day, his superiors send him on an unexpected assignment: filling the gig of private tutor for the von Speirs children.
From their first meeting, Carwood bristles against the handsome but aloof Captain, and his strict, authoritative approach to the children’s upbringing.
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But he departs a few days later for an extended business trip, thus leaving the children entirely under Carwood’s care and command.
Over the next few months, Carwood’s thoughtful and empathetic approach, and his calm, steadfast manner soon win the children’s trust and love.
When Captain von Speirs returns home and finds that Carwood has been defying his strict expectations for order and discipline for the children, the two have a heated argument. Carwood criticizes the Captain for his cold treatment of the children, and the Captain consequently fires him.
However, Captain von Speirs also notices the difference in his children, seeing happiness and sweetness shining through to him for the first time in years. His heart begins to shift, realizing that Carwood’s criticisms of him may have been accurate. He admits as much to the other man, and asks him to stay.
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After this breakthrough, Captain von Speirs begins to withdraw some of his emotional walls and authoritative distance, and starts becoming a doting father again. As a side effect of this and their proximity, he and Carwood inadvertently start developing strong feelings for each other.
But then, a friend of Captain von Speirs makes a comment to Carwood in private suggesting that he seems to have feelings for the Captain. Fearful and embarrassed, Carwood panics. That very night he packs his meager belongings and slips away to return to the monastery.
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The boy are devastated, confused, and heartbroken. Their father is just as much so, although he tries to hide it. All that Carwood left was a brief note, saying that he's very sorry but he misses his life at the monastery and wishes to return. The children even sneak out to go to the him there, where they beg to come in and and speak with Carwood. They are told he is in seclusion, and turned away and sent home.
After this, the Abbot calls Carwood to speak with him, and he kindly orders him to explain what happened. Carwood divulges his true reasons for leaving, particularly his guilt and fear about his feelings. The Abbot persuades him to stop hiding from the situation and to return, to face the Captain with honesty, and pursue this chance for happiness.
Carwood returns to the von Speirs family, and the children's relief and delight is exceeded only by their father 's. However, Carwood tells them his return will just be temporary, until arrangements can be made for a new tutor. The Captain realizes that he and the children will lose Carwood forever if he doesn't act.
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That evening, Carwood goes on a stroll around the grounds bathed in moonlight, and Captain von Speirs finds him. The two finally each admit their feelings for the other, and their desire to be together, no matter the obstacles.
The children are overjoyed when Carwood announces he intends to stay permanently, and, although they must still hide their romance, he and Captain von Speirs are, privately, blissfully happy.
But the political situation between Austria and neighboring Germany threaten danger for the family, particularly as Captain von Speirs has made no secret of his utmost distaste for Hitler and his regime. It's made clear by rumor and threat that when (not if) Austria cedes to Hitler, that Captain von Speirs would be required to return to his former military position and serve the Third Reich. Carwood, as a young able man, may also be drafted into service.
To refuse or resist would endanger each other and their family, but to comply and serve the Nazis would be unthinkable, and either scenario would find them separated from each other and their family. Therefore, Captain and Carwood quietly begin making preparations.
When Germany annexes Austria, the orders soon come. They feign compliance, but as soon as night falls, they flee their home, bringing only a few valuables, the children, and each other.
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After danger and pursuit, they manage to slip across the border into Switzerland, then flee the European continent, and they rebuild a new, happy life together.
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sassymajesty · 9 months
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A series of one shots that follow Clarke and Lexa as they navigate motherhood with their three children: Aden and the twins, Madi and Becca.
previously a patreon story, now on ao3.
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voxmilia · 4 months
Sire! the people plead for inkblade headcanons and scenarios! Will thou not have mercy???
The peasantry demand inkblade, do they? Very well, I shall oblige!
My dear friend Nick @starlingcity just added a new song to our inkblade ship playlist and I got baby about it so these are gonna be more tender and more on the love half of enemies to lovers but!!
Oisin left a note in Adaine's locker asking her to prom freshman year. It was at Ivy's insistence. However, it was right before the bad kids ended up in jail for the death of Johnny Spells. So after days turned to weeks turned to months, that sliver of courage left and Oisin asked Kipperlily to break into Adaine's locker and steal it back. (It doesn't take much for Kipperlily to hate any of the bad kids but this is something she quietly judges Adaine for for years.) Oisin doesn't tell her until long after they've started dating.
It's 3 am and Oisin wakes Ivy out of trance to text her frantically, wondering if she thought it would impress Adaine if he got SO good at glyphs, he could write a message to her inside the giant orb she carries around. Ivy calls him a twat and tells him to go to bed. (The dragon in him, two years later, hopes she's impressed when that same magic throws her into the maws of his distant relatives.)
A headcanon Nick has is that Oisin is a leather worker as a hobby, making things like Ivy's quiver and his spellbook holster. He makes another spellbook holster (it's NOT a courting gift, Ivy, shut up) and leaves it in Adaine's locker early senior year (Kipperlily grumbling as she unlocks it). Adaine knows who it is by the clouds and lightning bolts etched into the leather. She does not thank him but she does wear it when she doesn't want to wear her backpack. (She thanks him belatedly, eventually)
Their first moonar yulenear as a couple, he makes her a sheath for the sword of sight. She thanks him immediately this time
Demi aroace Adaine had never had a crush before Oisin; she thinks the moment at Fabian's party is just the alcohol. She thinks it's a low grade panic attack when he waves at her in the hallway, when he messages her an apology for his party. (Embarrassingly, when she discusses it with her doctor, said doctor tells the young oracle that she likely doesn't need a higher dose of her medication because this isn't that sort of panic. She doesn't tell anyone about the mistake.)
Oisin ended up with an awful stomach ache after the party at Fabian's - he was NOT built to process milk. It's karma, and even he knew it.
Adaine admits to no one that Oisin is partial inspo for why she gets a magic tattoo between junior and senior year, instead crediting only Ayda and Fabian. She and Oisin do get matching tattoos after they get together - the design Nick and I have atm is the eye of the sword of sight surrounded by lightning bolts. (She's the oracle that survived the storm, after all)
EVERYONE knows about Adaine speaking draconic and how Oisin thinks that's very hot, and how they banter and snark at each other with it. But Nick and I have decided that Adaine speaks it almost exclusively the first couple of times Oisin visits Mordred Manor - the sheer love in that house overwhelms him and speaking in a language only Adaine knows makes it feel private and he can breathe a little easier. (Aelwyn teases her relentlessly for this)
Adaine doesn't trust him afer he's revived and he's mostly understanding. It gets old, how much she assumes the worst in him - deserved but still tiring. However, he never stops her when she casts Detect Thoughts. Is it invasive? Yes. Does he believe he owes her that much? Also yes. (She finds ways to disbelieve him anyway, for her own sanity. He gets it but he hates it.)
Eventually, when everything is love now, Fig suggests a double date with Ayda (Fig, who had always been so trusting, so willing to extend a hand, is one of the first bad kids to swallow her pride and try and make begrudging amends. Lucy's presence helps.). Oisin and Ayda get along like a house on fire and Adaine "I never really felt like a kid" Abernant, gets the very sweet teenage experience of sitting in a booth at a crappy dinner, with a boy's arm around her shoulders, laughing with her friends. Content. Happy. Silly. Young.
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rosykims · 10 months
my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder.
dragon age origins — king!alistair x mistress f!cousland (elspeth cousland) | minors DNI | rated E for smut | 3206 words | reunion sex, riding, fluff, minor hurt/comfort, marriage proposals | ao3 link
Impatient as he is, he greets his uncle first. He’s the king, after all, and his advisors deserve at least the pretense of an attentive ruler.
Pleasantries are exchanged between them while his squire helps him out of his gaudy golden excuse for armor. Not unexpectedly, the elephant in the room goes undiscussed, as do the half dozen marriage proposals he's certain have piled up during his absence. After six years, Eamon knows better than to press him on that issue. Likely he'll try his luck in the morning, but tonight the wells of Alistair’s patience have been run thoroughly dry. It must read plainly on his face, given how bad he is at cards. 
As the arl's debrief draws to a close, Alistair's eyes, for the tenth time in half as many minutes, dart towards the exit. Eamon sighs. 
“Well, Your Grace,” he says, tactfully clearing his throat. “The hour is late indeed. I imagine you're weary from your travels?”
Alistair nods. “Oh, very weary. The weariest.”
It's not entirely a lie, but his uncle frowns nonetheless. “Then I won't keep you. Good night, Alistair.”
“You as well, Uncle.”
“I will see you in the morning for your small council meeting. Do try not to be . . . waylaid.”
Well. Hint received. Awkward. He lets out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding when he finally presses the door closed behind him.
Next up: a bath. It's sorely needed, after five weeks back and forth across the Waking Sea. His arrivals home are typically received without much ceremony, per his request, and so the palace is pleasantly quiet. A few saluting guards here, a scurrying servant or two there. It's for their benefit that he keeps his footfalls slow and measured, instead of breaking into the wild sprint down the hallway that he's aching for.
One of those servants must have drawn his bath for him already, he guesses, stepping into his chambers to find it warm and awaiting. He wonders if Teagan roused them from their beds for this, or if they've simply clued into his routine after so many years of it.
He forces himself to bathe slowly. For his own sake, but mostly for hers. The heat soaks into his bones, the grime and dust from the road melting off of him as if little more than a bad memory. He tries to enjoy it, despite his restlessness. And the excitement, Maker, like he's still twenty years old and the anticipation alone might just undo him. Or do him in.
He only hurries as he dries off, reaching for the fresh (and mercifully plain) clothes laid diligently aside for him. A part of him considers forgoing clothes entirely – palace denizens be damned. He wills himself to dress anyway, reluctantly. Quickly. It hasn't been that long since he last saw her, anyway, and they've gone far longer stretches before than this. Nonetheless, between Kirkwall's tyrannical templars and the lingering Qunari threat, he feels as if he hasn't held her in an age.
Clean and fully dressed, he frowns at his reflection. Older, harder, more weary. But happy, still, despite it all. Because of her. Her, waiting for him, just a few rooms away. 
Naked, ideally.
He does away with all pretense and hightails down the hall, paying no mind to his kingsguard and their poorly suppressed grins. Smile away, Alistair thinks. I'll be smiling too, in a minute.
Her door is up ahead. And then before him. The handle is inches away from his outstretched hand. He hesitates.
How’s his breath? His hair? He should have shaved, should have put in a little more effort. Can she hear his creepy breathing behind the door? He fixes his clothes. Squares his shoulders. Knocks. 
A pause. Then, “Alistair?”
His heart tightens painfully in his chest. How he's missed that voice. If Ferelden could speak, it would do so through Elspeth Cousland. The strength of the Frostbacks in that voice of hers. The grim beauty of the Kocari Wilds. Rough like the Highever seas. 
He can tell she’s been brooding before he’s so much as closed the door behind him. Not that he’s surprised — Maker, does the woman know how to brood. She shoots up quickly to her feet, straight and rigid like a soldier standing at attention. Not, mind you, like a Warden-Commander; at this moment Elspeth more closely resembles a clammy-handed recruit, next in line for her Joining. She’s nervous, that much is obvious, with her hands white knuckled and clasped together with uncertainty.  From past experience, he’d wager anything she’s spent the last several days convincing herself he’s somehow fallen out of love with her in the time they’ve been apart.  
And they say he’s the idiot.
Life’s too short to waste on “hello”’s, or “I’ve missed you”’s, or "I brought you a souvenir, but silly me, I accidentally dropped it overboard on the voyage back”. They’ve got less time together than most, after all. Crossing the distance between them is a blur; one moment he's at the door, the next he's hoisting her legs up around his waist, arms enveloping every part of her he can get his hands on, lips working relentlessly against her opened mouth. Whatever insecurities she'd tried to voice in the time it took him to wrap her up in his arms, he doesn't care to hear. He'd much rather focus on ridding her of those doubts entirely.
She gets the message — they've always been in sync like that. Her lips catch up with his, matching the hunger and resolve of his kiss. Her hands, calloused and smelling perpetually of iron, snake around his shoulders. The rest of her smells like roses; she must have come just recently from the garden he’d had built for her, the one place he specifically forbid her from moping in. He takes a moment to refamiliarize himself with her scent, lost in the feeling of her fingers tangled up in his hair, pulling him closer, ever closer, close enough to lose track of whose body belongs to who. And still it's not enough.
He needs her. Badly. She can probably feel as much, too. He carries her to the bed, laying her down amidst the pillows and furs. He finds within himself just enough self restraint to stand back for a long, brazen ogle. Maker, everything about her turns him on. Her freckles, her fingers, her breasts. Her long ashen hair in that ever-familiar braid. Storm gray eyes, pale pink lips. Her nose, one of his many favorite parts of her, set crooked after one too many fists to the face.
That perfect, powerful body of hers, hidden away under just a few thin, tearable layers of clothing . . .
She's way ahead of him, of course, because at this point they've got reunion sex down to an art. She casts off her Warden-blue tunic with only a button or two lost in the process, then grabs him by the front of his own shirt (red, naturally, with a tiny embroidered ‘I love you’ she'd stitched so sneakily behind the hem of his collar) and pulls him down on top of her once it's properly discarded. Their pants and various stubborn affects follow suit, until they’re both left blissfully bare and pawing feverishly at one another, limbs tangled and lips locked. 
His fingers venture down the valley of her breasts, past her stomach to settle in between her legs. He smiles at what he finds, reassured by the proof that he’s not the only one so blatantly aroused. Her thighs part wider for him, hips lifting from the sheets to sooner meet his digits. She moans, perhaps less so from pleasure than the sheer relief of being touched — loved — for the first time in over a month. And he's right there with her. He sighs (or whines, if he's being honest) into the crook of her neck when her own hands find what they've been looking for, working him all too quickly into a frenzy. 
She stops just as suddenly as she'd started, pushing at his chest until he relents and rolls over. She straddles his lap, grinding once, hard and agonizingly slow, for good measure. He moves to drape an arm over his face in some futile attempt to cool his burning cheeks, but she cruelly intercedes, pinning his wrists by either side of his head. He struggles playfully for a bit, laughing breathlessly. His hips buck autonomously at the sight of those strong, muscular arms holding him firmly in place.
They used to spar together, innocently, when they first met. How time flies.
He needs so, so desperately to fuck her. He has all night — all week, all year, all of the rest of their lives— to savor her body the way it's meant to be savored. To make sweet, tender, Chantry sanctioned love to her. But what he needs right now  — what they both need, he recognises — is something desperate and ragged and mindless to the point of being no better than animals. The type of fucking that comes from a shared loneliness he's not certain anybody else has ever experienced before.
He's glad she doesn't give him too much time to dwell on that. Her hips rise just enough for the right angle, before guiding him slowly inside. They both sigh. Elspeth frees his trapped hands to splay her own out against his chest, steadying herself. Her nails dig into his skin as she sinks down onto him, inch by inch, although she's bitten them too short to do any real damage. Alistair fights to keep himself still inside her, waiting for her body to adjust, to give him the go ahead. An uphill battle, really. When he's fully sheathed inside of her she settles, save for the frantic contraction of her muscles around him, driving him to the brink of insanity. 
“I dreamt about this every night I was gone,” he manages. “Maker, I love you, Elles. I love you so much.”
Her eyes go glassy and her bottom lip quivers. It's that old, familiar grief, the one he's never been able to fully free her from after those long, bleak months in the Deep Roads. But as he moves his hips carefully against hers and feels Elspeth moving back, he's confident he can coax it down again, at least for as little as tonight.
“I love you,” she eventually whispers back, and then begins to ride him in earnest.
Ten minutes blurs into one long wave of curling, cresting euphoria. Alistair groans brokenly. He feels absolutely deranged, delirious, gazing up at her while she takes him so completely. Sweat beads at her forehead, and a deep flush creeps from her chest up to her cheeks. His own face must be beet-red, too. 
He's not going to last long, not with the angle she’s hitting and sounds coming out of her mouth. Though, taking those sounds into consideration, he suspects that she won't last much longer, either. They're both too keyed up to pace themselves and too jittery to try, so better to play it out in a wild crescendo. He grabs at her hips, lifting her up and back down onto him, coaxing out one hoarse plea after another. One hand releases its grip to run unfettered across her breasts, and she groans again, falling forwards onto his chest and wrapping herself around him as if she might never get a chance to again. 
Once, a hundred lifetimes ago, his friend Zevran gave him some unsolicited advice about arching. He really hadn’t appreciated it at the time, but he does now, right in this moment, with the friction of this exact position to aid him in such an endeavor. She’s done in half a minute if he can keep her held firmly above him. He’s done, too. He doubles his efforts, recapturing her swollen lips and soon reaching with his tongue to greet the muffled cry when her pleasure finally peaks. Normally he would let her ride it out, but he’s rapidly approaching his own climax and his brain can focus on nothing but her gray, glazed over eyes, her hair in the candlelight, the frantic rise and fall of her chest as she writhes and bucks and bounces against him. Her muscles pulse and he feels himself twitching inside of her in response. 
He’s so close, at the precipice, suspended in mid air, floating . . . And then she tightens around him once more and he finishes inside of her with one long, obscene moan that vibrates through the room and every part of his utterly spent body.
They’re going to get so many looks from the guards come morning.
His every muscle sings with bliss. Their bodies grow slack and boneless together and their movements slow to lazy, drawn out rolls of the hips. He holds her, one hand rubbing her naked back and the other cradling her head as they find their breaths again, together, in the most comfortable of silences. He counts her exhales, and in the afterglow of their efforts he finds himself blinking back tears. Returning to Ferelden, to Denerim, to the palace itself . . . none of it had felt like coming home until this very moment, enveloped in one another, reacquainted at last with the sound of each other’s breathlessness.
He hates it when she rolls up and off of him, but he’s a grown up, apparently, so instead of whining about it he begrudgingly rises from the bed long enough to grab the nearest clean cloth. Then he’s right back in bed with her, his hand returning between her legs to wipe her down, followed by a cursory clean up of himself. She lets out her now thoroughly dishevelled braid while she watches him, not smiling as he’d hoped, but warm and tender nonetheless. Her fingers trace slow and deliberately along the curve of his bicep, frowning at the jagged scar she knows still gives him trouble in the colder months. He makes a mental note to get at least a half dozen laughs out of her before the night is through, just to keep that damned frown of hers at bay.
He offers her a worldless arm when he’s done tidying them both up, and he’s rewarded with a smile, sweet and sheepish, as she moves to snuggle into it. He pulls her close to pepper the top of her head with kisses, humming contentedly in the quiet.
“Marry me,” he says eventually.
Elspeth tenses, and then sighs. “You’re never going to give this up, are you?”
“Ha! Of course I will. The second you say ‘Yes! Yes! Oh, Alistair! One thousand times yes!’”
“I don’t sound like that. Also, do I have to say it a thousand times, or just the once?”
“Well . . . a couple times couldn’t hurt, right?”
And there it is: her first, exasperated chuckle of the night. Winning that laughter means more to him than every battle he’s ever come out of victorious.
“You know I can’t, Ali.” Her laughter fades back into her usual grimness as she runs her palm across his chest, charting routes in the space between his freckles. She places a kiss above his heart, likely in the hopes of avoiding his eye. “We’ve broken too many rules as it is, and I won’t be the cause for yet more unrest in Thedas. I bear responsibility for enough of that already. Besides, I can’t just abandon my men. The Wardens need me.”  
“I need you.” He scoffs as an afterthought. “And the Gray Wardens have Nathaniel, as much as it just kills me to credit that man with anything. But hey! Who said anything about giving them up? A king can be a general. I’m living proof he can be a court jester, too. Why can’t a queen be Warden-Commander?”
She ignores his quip, despite it being a really good one. “Because I don’t know how to be a queen.” She shakes her head hopelessly. “I barely know how to be a person most days. Maybe . . .  maybe I could have done it, once, but now, after everything —”
Better to stop this now before it turns into another one of her signature doom spirals. “Every Arl and Bann in the Coastlands calls you queen already, did you know that?” He grins, having anticipated the eyeroll. Of course she knows that, given how much her fellow Gray Wardens love to gossip. And tease. “The nobles have long been made aware that I won't accept anybody else by my side. And, Maker, it’s not like they would accept anybody else! ‘None but the Cousland Queen’ —  that’s what they say about you. I know that because half of the bannorn have told me. To my face.”  
Some small, dignified part of her — the part that still relishes being a highborn noble — stirs. Her eyes glint with cautious intrigue. “Bann Ceorlic?” she asks.
Alistair clears his throat. “Well, not him.”
“Marry me,” he says again. “Don’t you want to?”
“You know I want to,” she says, “but —”
“— Any excuse you give me will just go in one ear and out the other. Isn’t that just so classically me? Hey, here’s a crazy idea. Let’s get maaaa-rried!”
“You’re just getting funnier and funnier in your old age, aren’t you?”
“And you’re getting grumpier.” 
He takes her face in both hands before she can deny it, kissing her slow and soft and with all of the comfort he knows she secretly needs right now, and likely always will. Now that he’s home - truly home - he can give her as much of that as she can stand, and then some. Tomorrow’s small council meeting be damned. “Marry me, Elles.”
She blinks up at him, searching his eyes for any sign he might one day get tired of waiting. She can find a lot in his eyes (he is really, really terrible at cards) but she’ll never find that. 
“Can I at least ask you how your trip went, first?” she asks finally, softened by the crack of a tiny, rueful smile.
“Ugh.” How could he forget? “Right. That little thing. It -” 
Alistair blinks, Kirkwall forgotten again just as soon as he’d remembered it. “That’s . . . not a ‘no’, by the way,” he says, dumbfounded.
Elspeth settles in closer against him, her leg wrapped around his, her ear pressed in snug at his shoulder. He knows she’s listening for his heartbeat, the thump-thump-thump she’d do anything - everything - for. He knows she put him on the throne to keep that heartbeat going for a few years more, and he knows that’s why it’s so hard for her to give up the endless fight for it now. 
He knows. It doesn’t mean he thinks she’s right.
She looks up at him only after she’s satisfied that his heart isn’t about to cease functioning in his chest. Her hand reaches out to smooth down the errant hairs around his ears, and she opens her mouth several times to reply before pursuing them together in frustration. Then - finally, bashfully - she nods.     
“No,” she admits softly. “I mean, it’s not. It’s . . . it’s not a no.”
‘It’s not a no’. Well, he’s certainly done more with less.
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chenfordspiral · 7 months
ch. 30 - lucky one
Lucy loves wearing Tim's shirts, a double date, a pep talk, and feeling baby move some more.
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October 2026
They opt not to have an actual gender reveal. Sharing the news that they’re having a daughter by just casually throwing it into conversation and then see the wheels turning is as much fun as they imagined it would be, and also comes with all the tears they expected. Well, they did expect tears from Tamara, maybe from Genny and the boys, definitely Angela and maybe Nyla, but they did not expect for Grey to burst into tears because he was so happy that they’d get to live and experience the joys of having a daughter. His reaction all but cemented their decision that he’d be their little one’s honorary grandfather (as if that had ever even been a question before).
And of course, now that they know they’re having a girl, they have no reason to hold back on shopping for baby supplies anymore. They already have a few things but they’d held off on buying anything big until Lucy was further along and they knew the baby’s sex. Which is why Lucy is all snuggled up on the couch after shift with her tablet and scrolling through one of the many websites she found to look for baby clothes.
“Find anything good?” Tim inquires when he comes back to join her, snacks she’d requested ten minutes ago in hand.
“Let’s just say I’m having trouble deciding which things not to get. It’s just all so stinking cute. Thanks,” she replies when he hands her the bowl full of strawberries with peanut butter and maple syrup.
“That sounds about right. Any favorites?” When the only answer he receives is silence, he tries again. “Lucy? Did you hear me?”
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” he asks curiously when he notices the way she’s staring at him.
“Gimmeyoushir’,” she mumbles around a mouthful of strawberry.
She swallows. “Gimme your shirt!”
“I don’t- why?”
“Do I have to have a reason other than wanting it? Gimme your shirt!”
He lets out a sigh because he knows he can’t win. He also doesn’t really want to win because she’s pregnant and he wants her to be comfortable. So here he is, taking off his shirt even though he’s gonna be left naked from the waist up once again. “Here,” he says as he holds it out for her to take and then plops down on the couch next to her.
“Thank you,” she grins and promptly slips his shirt on over her own.
And really, seeing her obviously happy is worth every little thing she asks of him. She’s growing their baby, the least he can do is always make sure she’s okay. He thinks that’s the end of it and she’ll go back to scrolling through the internet, but then she’s suddenly crowding into his space and his arms are full of Lucy before he even understands what’s happening. She’s completely curled into him now, or well, at least as much as her ever-growing baby bump allows it, with her head resting right over his heart, one arm between them and the other curled around his waist.
keep reading on AO3.
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leonsfavgun · 1 year
heyooo, i saw that you are looking for requests 👀 im think something like the reader is exhausted after a long day and alex comes home after spending the whole day at studio so she tries to make him comfortable (like cooking for him and stuff like that) but nothing is working out and shes just on the verge of a mental breakdown because os exhaustion and frustration so Al takes care of her (idk im sleep deprived) (also its ok if you dont feel like writing it) Anywayssss, have a nice day :)
hii !!! im sorry this took literally forever HELP also i made it fluff i hope you dont mind, hope u have a nice day too <33
alex turner x gn!reader
(i imagine this as early sias/coconut hair alex, but the era isnt really described in the fic so u can imagine whoever)
warnings: reader breaks down; kinda angsty in that sense ? but reader gets comforted; ending is fluffy though
when alex comes home, he usually finds you in the living room, watching tv or summat, or playing with your cat milo. you’re usually there, welcoming him home with hugs and kisses and the warmth you always bring him, but today, the house was quiet when he came home.
he calls your name once, twice, before going into his and your room to check if you’re there, maybe just resting or reading.
when he goes inside, he doesn’t expect to see you laying on the bed, hugging a pillow tight, on his side of the bed, with milo also laying near you as you slept. when he takes a closer look at your resting state, he doesn’t expect to see tears drying on your cheeks. he tries leaving the room to let you rest for a while, but you wake up before he can, milo also getting up and leaving.
“al? hi, baby,” you yawn, checking your phone, “fuck, is that the time? i’ll go get dinner cooking,” you mumbled, getting up and walking to the kitchen. alex looped his arm around your waist, pressing a quick peck to your lips before asking if everything was okay. “okay? yeah, why wouldn’t it be, baby,” you mumbled again before continuing to walk to the kitchen.
fifteen minutes pass by and you haven’t made anything for your and alex’s dinner yet, your mind seemingly so preoccupied with other things that you can’t even focus on making two simple dishes. you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, but you just can’t get the soup to taste right, and you don’t know why the chicken isn’t cooking properly.
alex comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder, your head leaning into his chest as you tried turning up the heat for the chicken.
“babe, i don’t think you left the chicken out to thaw for long enough,” he tells you. and it bothers you. it bothers you that he’s right and you didn’t even notice. now you’ve got a frozen half a chicken sitting on the hottest frying pan in the world, and when you check the bottom of the chicken it’s already a little burnt, with flecks of black scattered across it, and you don’t know what’s wrong, why you’ve burnt dinner, why you can’t just focus, why you just can’t seem to do anything right —
and suddenly alex is holding you in his arms on the kitchen floor, tears flowing out of your eyes as you cry. cry about what exactly, you wonder. the half frozen half burnt half a chicken? the soup that tastes so peppery because you’ve accidentally added so much black pepper? the fact that it felt like everyone and everything kept pushing your buttons today, even the poor old lady at the crosswalk who moved a little too slow that you got left at a red light?
sometimes, everything became too much.
alex let you lay in his arms for as long as you needed, even after the tears subsided and were reduced to sniffles. he hugged you even tighter then.
“you okay now, love?” you nodded against his chest. “you wanna go back in bed?” you nodded again. you turned to switch the stoves off, but he’d already turned them off without you noticing. he lifted you up in his arms, bridal style, “then let’s get you back to bed.”
you don’t know how long you’ve been laying in bed with alex, but you’ve definitely calmed down since he brought you to bed. your head is still buried in his chest as you’re playing with his hair and he rubs your cheek with his thumb, his touch more soothing than anything else in that moment. milo comes up to the bed and lays on your side, playing with your tummy, also somehow soothing you.
”better?” you just nodded. “sorry i was at the studio all day, love... if you want me to stay with you, you can tell me and we can do whatever you want, okay?” he kissed your forehead.
“thank you, baby,” you whispered, slowly falling asleep in his arms, “i love you,” you mumbled before you fell asleep.
once he was sure you were asleep, he kissed your forehead again, milo purring as he pet him.
“i love you too.” he followed you to sleep.
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pavus · 1 year
kinktober day 9 : body worship. (yes, i'm behind.) @volotramp's bg3 kinktober prompts. ship : gortash x rosalind. rating : mature. words : 1458.
The kisses that rained down upon his collarbone and sternum burned like holy fire, as if her perfect mouth was the scourge she often wielded against herself. Behind the burn came an ache. Fingers pressed to a fading contusion. Bones cracking and popping and settling again. His chest rose and fell beneath her unfaltering attention, though it was not the only thing about him that stood to attention. 
Gortash angled his hips away from the careless brush of her body to avoid excess stimulation; that was the last thing he needed if she was so committed to taking her time. 
She did not seem to notice.
Instead, Rosalind shifted herself easily to the side, her body curling over his right thigh as she made her tender way across the soft flesh of his chest. The upturned tip of her nose rubbed against the coarse black hair beneath it, and he felt her sigh as she opened her mouth again, a rush of warm breath pouring over his skin before she found what she’d been looking for.
When she shut her lips around his nipple in a hungry suckle, Enver’s thighs spread and hips lifted. There was no other reaction to be had. Anything less would have only been expected of the dead and buried.
“Nnh, there,” Enver sighed, his hand digging deep into the spill of ginger hair that tangled at the nape of her neck. He coaxed her closer, groaning low in his throat when his encouragement hit its mark and the paladin in his bed pulled harder on his chest, pulling with the suction of her mouth and gasping when she could pull no harder. She released him with a wet pop. “Are you finished? How disappointing.”
But she was there again, rolling her tongue around the stiffened peak of his nipple before pulling it in as if she was no more than a ravenous kitten.
Perhaps that was not far off.
The hand that had settled against his waist pulled inward, her callused fingertips swirling through the dense hair that stretched across his stomach only to crawl downwards and disappear into the waist of his trousers. Her nails were blunt things, but they felt good across the sensitive skin of his belly. They had not had much time to steal from each other of late, but every time they did, Rosalind gifted him with this.
Worship. From her, it could only be seen as such.
Her dedication to his pleasure bordered upon zealotry. Enver sank back against the plush stack of pillows behind his head, his eyes falling shut as she moved from one nipple to the other, tasting him all the way, leaving no small amount of kisses behind.
With her mouth otherwise occupied, his drive for more left him reaching for her wrist.
He coaxed her hand downward, hoping to bring it between his legs, but found that she would not budge.
“I want more,” Ros pleaded with him. She slowed her assault to peer up at him, the pale gold and gray of her eyes shining in the morning light. Though he could see little of her face, he knew she was smiling. He felt the shape of it on his chest. “Allow me more time with you.”
Allow me.
Enver bit back another moan that threatened to slip its leash.
She laid another two dozen kisses along his ribs and stomach, exhaling shakily as she lingered above his navel, her thumbs massaging into the curve of his waist where his trousers pressed sharply in against his body. She touched him and marveled at him, and he watched all unfold before his very eyes, half-surprised, half-deserving.
Never before had someone taken their time the way she had. Quick fucks were preferable with noblemen, while the women had a strong preference for being adored, no matter the lip service being paid. There was crossover in either direction, but Rosalind was a first. Not the first, but a first.
Just as he’d been for her.
Toying over the hair that gathered against her cheek as she rested her head down near his thigh, Enver watched her. 
At fifteen, he’d wanted nothing more than to claim her as his. At twenty, he’d thought she owed him no less. At twenty-five, he’d pursued her like he pursued all others. At thirty, he’d attempted a different approach. At thirty-five, he’d cut the wanting out of his heart. At forty, he’d let it back in, no matter how strangely it settled amongst the scarring. At forty-five…
At forty-five, he’d given up entirely.
At forty-six, the sudden loss of her dredged up everything he’d put aside in an instant. He’d done anything he could to bring her back to him, only to discover that she stood as his foe.
And now, Enver watched as she unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down over his hips, past his thighs and calves and off entirely. A glow burned in her cheeks, as if her delight at having him at her mercy was enough to light her from within. Her tired eyes sparkled, somehow, even with such a weight weighing upon her. Circumstance was not enough to dim her, he found.
He believed that nothing could.
Letting himself rest back against the mattress, the corner of his mouth curled. His expression arranged itself into something familiar, some half-smirk that she’d claimed was dangerous when they were both barely old enough to know any better.
“Is that it, then?” he teased. “Are you quite done?”
He could not sound frustrated with her if he tried, not as she laid down between his legs, knees bent and ankles crossed, her pink toes curling eagerly as she found her place.
“Not yet,” Rosalind said, squirming down into the bedding until she found absolute comfort. “Unless…”
Enver arched a brow. “Unless…?” he echoed.
His precious paladin chewed on her lip, rocking the swollen thing back and forth between her teeth. She didn’t want to elaborate; he could see that much in the quick dart of her eyes and hear it in her hesitation. If she said nothing, he could not agree.
“Unless you’d rather I stop.”
They hadn’t spent an abundance of time together since their first night, but he could recall every moment as if they all still happened to him, pleasure layered upon pleasure in every thought and every memory. He knew what her mouth felt like. He knew the rough skin of her palm and her gentle grip. He’d taken her cunt and her ass and anything else she offered him.
But she had not been given enough time to do this. This was new, and this threatened to take his breath away, as if he was some sexual novice rather than a man with more practice than most of Baldur’s Gate.
“Curiosity demands otherwise,” Gortash ventured. The low gravel of his voice made her toes curl again. The sight turned his smirk to a smile. “No, no, I do not want you to stop. Have your way with me, hero. I would love to see what you plan on doing next.”
The points of her ears darkened. She shifted, fitful and flushed – the way she always did when that word rose to his lips.
“Well? Go ahead.”
His cock ached against the pulling fabric of his underwear, but his discomfort waned as she lowered her lips to the soft, hairy muscle of his thigh. Her breath was a sweet thing, something that almost tickled despite the heat that poured through him when he felt her mouth pressing again and again against his flesh. She kissed him there once, then twice, then three times, each higher on his thigh than before.
And then, she moved. She shifted her attention to the other, one arm curling beneath the hook of his knee to keep him stable and keep herself still.
As she moved, her mouth brushed against the straining arch of his cock, but only for a moment.
Only long enough for him to bite out a particularly nasty curse.
“Would you like me to stop now?” Rosalind asked. 
Her voice went quiet and malleable at its edges, and when she glanced up at him from between his legs, her pupils were pools of black. They were endless things, as if he might truly understand the infinite if he continued to stare down into them. 
She was teasing him. If not teasing, then coaxing, urging, hoping. Had she always craved validation so much? Had everything always hung on one precarious point?
Yes, she had.
As had he.
“Don’t…” The word splintered on his tongue. He swallowed hard and shut his eyes, head tipped back and fingers curling tight into the bedding. “Don’t stop.”
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kelin-is-writing · 2 years
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warnings: +18, period sex, fluff, comfort, established relationship, he’s just a horny worried boyfriend who wants to help you with your cramps (🥺), mentions of blood, unprotected sex (always use protections everyone!).
characters: dabi x fem!reader
synopsis: your period is flooring you very bad, so your caring boyfriend helps you relieve the pain in his own way.
words count: 3,2k
notes: i’m on my period, and of course as i’m going through lots of pain i get inspiration for a little something 💀
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it’s that period of the month, again, and your cramps are flooring you so bad that it’s a miracle you’ve even managed to stand up, get out of bed and reach the kitchen for a glass of water and some snacks.
on the couch your boyfriend dabi is sitting watching tv with uninterested eyes, some crappy program was airing and he had nothing to do so, but when you waddled in with a scrunched face from the pain the boy looked over at you.
“doll, what’s wrong?”, he inquired turning the tv off, attention full on you watching as you sat beside him all curled on one side.
“my damned period... it hurts.”, you answered hugging your belly to find some comfort, but to no avail as the pain kept on persisting.
you see dabi’s eyes sparkle as they widened slightly for a brief second, like he just got an awesome idea and shifted on his sit to turn completely to you; left harm resting on the back of the couch while the other reaching out towards you, his hand kindly caressing your cheek as he looked intensely into your eyes:
“does it hurt a lot, babydoll?”, dabi asks with low soothing voice as he stroked his thumb across your cheekbone tenderly.
you look up at him pouting sadly and in pain leaning into his touch like a kitty, his hand was so warm it comforted you a little, though the pain was (unfortunately) still there.
“it hurts so much...”, you cried out pitifully resting an hand on his wrist staring back at your boyfriend with teary eyes. it always hurt like hell whenever your period comes, but this time it was just too unbearable.
dabi’s left eyebrow twitched imperceptibly at hearing your voice so weak and those eyes pleading him. it just awakened something inside of him that shouldn’t have been woken up, not when you were in so much pain... but maybe... this could benefit both of you no?
“doll, i can help you.”, he announced confidently, a wolfish smirk curling his lips as he looked at you with hungry eyes, like you were a whole course meal and it made you feel hot all of a sudden.
“‘s that so? how?”, you questioned back wondering on what amazing idea your dear boyfriend might’ve come up with, something tells you though that you just got tangled in his web like an amateur (or maybe you wanted whatever he had in mind as much as he does).
“your belly is all contracted and it hurts like a bitch right?”, you frowned at the way he described the whole thing, but still nodded and that was his cue to scoop closer toward you, right hand resting on your knee. “then leave everything to me, you just relax and don’t think of anything.”, and with that dabi moved your left leg getting between both them, he extended himself towards you sticking out his tongue and licking briefly your cherry lips, naturally you parted yours sticking out your tongue too and surrounded his neck with your arms.
he kissed you inserting his tongue right away while holding your hips massaging them slowly and tenderly, you hummed in the kiss welcoming his tongue angling your head to match his movements allowing in the meantime to get closer as you stumbled backwards.
quickly dabi moved his arms to hold you upright parting for a second to make sure you were alright, from that flushed face with dazed expression and heart eyes that were begging him for more he could tell you were just fine.
“how cute...”, he whispered with low husky voice and a satisfied grin plastered all over his face; he just loves it when you’re a mess for and because of him, it just turned him on so damn much you have no idea. as he laid you down dabi took the cushion behind him positioning it under your lower back, then took another one putting it under your head.
you looked at him in total awe because no one would ever expect a villain like dabi to be so caring, yet you always got to see all these unknown sides of him and while you were disappointed others didn’t know how actually amazing he is, you were also happy that you were the only knowing about it.
“oh~? now, now, you really think you got the luxury to space out doll?”, he brings you back to reality by lifting your shirt and when he saw no bra under it, the young man hissed between his teethes shifting uncomfortably on his spot, pants becoming too tight on him. “fuck...”
without waiting a second more he lowered himself over your left breast dabi kissed the spot above your areola making you shiver, goosebumps all over your skin, he then twirled his tongue around your nipple before starting suck on it while taking off your shorts.
“w-wait– there’s lot of blood so...”, you panicked putting your hands on his shoulder and squeezing your eyes close embarrassed at the idea of him seeing the mess you were in, wanting to spare him such a sight after all.
“that’s fine, it’s normal. you’ve got no reason to be ashamed about it baby, i’ll never judge you for anything.”, he reassured you keeping intense eye contact with you, to prove you that he wasn’t just saying it for show but serious about it, all the while moving you panties to the side. “does it still hurt here?”, dabi questioned as he rested an hand on your lower abdomen caressing it kindly, eyes darting down to where his hand was making you feel a tingling sensation in your core as he kept watching the spot with such a tender look in his gaze that had you almost melting.
when dabi looked up at you locking eyes with yours, you nodded in response at his previous question and he smiled, not a cocky one but a genuine smile that sent your heart racing like you were running a marathon. he was just so beautiful right now it brought tears to your eyes.
your boyfriend leaned in to your face kissing the tears away, thinking they were because of the pain, and then kissed you passionately breathing in from his nose full lungs your scent, the scent that he loved so much, whilst taking off his sweatpants and lowering his boxer just enough for his hard dick to spring free brushing slightly against your cunt.
you shuddered letting out a little moan in the kiss that vibrated into it in the most pleasurable way ever, dabi loved it and the way you just shivered from head to toes only from some brushing. it was hot as hell to him.
he parted from the kiss with a ‘smooch’ for a brief second, eyes filled to the deepest core with pure lust fixed into your foggy ones: 
“so fucking sensitive and cute, it’s driving me crazy...”, the boy commented licking his lips satisfied by your reactions before kissing you hungrily once again, it felt as if he wanted to devour you and by the way his hands where gripping your thighs into a vice grip you could tell how much he wanted you.
“that’s... because during my period... i get more sensitive... than usual...”, you cleared up to him between kisses and pants, dabi just didn’t seem like wanting to let you breath with the way he kept on kissing you without a break, as if you two hadn’t meet in ages.
you felt like you’ve just awakened a sleeping wolf, a very horny one, because the hunger with which he was looking at you now was both intimidating but also extremely sexy to the point it turned you on.
“good to know, that means i’ll hear my doll scream for me louder than usual”, at those words you flinched turning red and frowned taken aback by what he said, when you were about to bite back at him dabi leaned close to your ear. “get ready to apology to your neighbors baby~” and with one swift move of his hips, he had thrust the tip of his cock inside of you.
“ah–!”, you choked out a moan as your back parted from the couch’s surface, your chest pressing hard with dabi’s who was leaning on his elbows to not squash your form completely under him. breathing in and out you tried to collect yourself while feeling him trying to push his shaft inside of you as a whole.
“ah–! fuck... shit, shit. SHIT.”, you heard him groan against the shell of your ear before he moved to rest his forehead on the space between your neck and shoulder. “you’re so damn tight... ahhh fuck... it feels so good...”, he breathed in roughly from between his teethes before letting out a dragged husky groan whilst pushing his dick inside of you more.
you gasped slightly at feeling the veins of his cock stroke against your walls and let out a breathy moan above his ear that had dabi’s dick twitch inside of your pussy; you can distinctly hear him swallow loudly before he moved his face next to yours and bottomed you out completely, making the two of you moan in unison.
you didn’t know if it was because your period has made you more sensible, but it felt more amazing than usual to have him inside of you like that as your bodies where pressed flush to each others, you loved it.
when dabi moved face to face with you, and you saw the way his flushed face was scrunched up, your pussy clenched around him making the boy choke out a groan, before he smirked up at you amused but also excited.
“yeah, yeah, i got that.”, and with that he started moving his hips in slow wavy motions to get you adjusted to the new presence inside of your body, a groan leaving his pretty mouth everytime his pelvis meet yours flush.
“ahn! da-dabi! ngh!”, you kept moaning with your hand resting on his bicep while closing your legs around your boyfriend’s waist, head swirling from how much pleasure your were feeling, especially when it progressed to him thrusting inside of you sharply and deep, pace increasing exponentially too.
you could swear that with the way he was thrusting into you so deeply, you could see the stars and the moan that left your mouth sounded simply so filthy, like it came out from a porn video.
after few minutes dabi raised his torso standing on his knees and gripped your waist so tight you could bet it was going to leave a mark, and you wouldn’t even mind that, he then angled his hips higher and started to thrust into you fast, deep and sharp, it was the most mind-blowing combination that he could’ve ever done on you on your most sensitive day.
goodness the pleasure was overflowing from you so much that you even forgot the pain of your period that you’ve had until what? few moments ago? you didn’t know, your mind was just so fuzzy and filled to the brim with dabi that you just had no clue anymore.
“ahh! ahhn! ah! so good...”, you moaned out locking eyes with him panting hard as he kept pounding into you at a relentless pace, the tip of his dick kissing your cervix continuously for a while now and god if that didn’t felt simply awesome.
“heh! look at you... drooling and moaning so much, that’s such a good expression you got there... so fucking hot...”, he growled snapping his hips onto yours hard, there was no other noise in the room than your pants, moans, skin slapping against skin, you realized that only now and just like that you got even more turned on to the point that a familiar knot started to form in your lower abdomen that had you start moaning even louder than before.
“c-can’t help it... it feels so good...”, you answer looking down at his dick moving in and out of your cunt, eyes dazed while panting so much that your tongue was slightly sticking out and you don’t know it, but that’s dabi’s favorite expression on you whenever the two of you have sex.
you looked so drunk in love with him that it makes him want to ravish you harder, because that expression drives him over the edge so bad he just can’t possibly help himself:
“god that look... it’s that good huh?”, at that question you nod absentmindedly moaning at every thrust of his, you had the impression that you could feel his dick inside your belly with how deep he was going and the thought alone made you let out a whiny moan that made dabi’s last nerve snap.
because that answer was enough to unleash the real beast inside of him; he wanted to go easy on you, because you were in pain, but with that you just made it impossible for him to not destroy your insides.
he rested his hand behind your knee and lifted your leg up pushing it a little, not too much, toward you to stretch your cunt out and angling in a new way his hips he started thrusting into you at a mad pace that made you gasp and start moan breathlessly without rest.
his cock was hitting so hard and repeatedly into your g-spot that you couldn’t even formulate a thought that made sense anymore, it felt insanely good your brain was just empty with only thoughts of dabi and how damn well he was fucking you.
“ahh! mn! dabi! ahh... cumming!”, you moaned resting an hand on his wrist and holding it tight while biting down on your lip, the air around the two of you was so incredibly hot and getting at your head making it spin so bad, you were so close to your climax.
“go on babydoll, cum for me... ngh! fuck! i’m close too...”, he groaned in response scrunching his face, the feeling of your walls clenching around him was making it so hard for dabi to not come right that instant. he sneaked an arm under your back and lifted you up like you weighted nothing, you yelped at feeling his dick’s tip brushing against your entrance as he rested you against the armrest of the couch, with your mind still foggy from all the pleasure you’ve felt until now you looked at him rest an hand on the space at the side of your face gripping it hard before snapping his hips forward and thrusting his whole length into you in one move genuinely knocking the air and mind out of you, with that alone you came all over his cock.
dabi looked down where the two of you were connected panting and smirked pleased at seeing the ring of cum pooling at the base of his dick, turquoise eyes that looked up at you intensely as you kept panting while holding onto his forearms glancing at him with mind still fuzzy.
“does your belly still hurts?”, he questioned making you flinch, cheeks heating up right up at his words, that little shit seriously...
“no... listen, it just felt too good for me to even care about it, okay?!”, you back yourself up flustered making him chuckle lowly as he got closer to your face and gazed deep inside your eyes, that mischievous grin on his lips never disappearing.
“happy to know i could be of help, doll. now, if you don’t mind, i’m taking my thanks.”, he didn’t even let you question what was he talking about that his lips were already on yours, hips starting to move again thrusting into your oversensitive pussy that was now quivering.
“mmhn... ahh...”, you moaned into the kiss resting your hands on his biceps grinding against him wanting more, he smirked against your lips sneaking the hand resting on your hip between you two to go play with your clit. “wait– dabi! i’ll cum again like that!”
“fine by me, i’m close too so... ahh... where do you want it?”, dabi questioned snapping his hips so sharply deep inside you, making you gasp at every thrust as he kept eye contact with you while circling your tongue with his before shoving it into your mouth.
when the two of you parted briefly, you looked up at him all dazed and with honey dripping eyes:
“inside it’s fine... mn! today is a safe day...”
at that answer his dick twitched and he breathed sharply between his teethes, it was such a good day for him you had no idea, whenever he could cum inside of you it just was heaven for dabi. the idea of your walls painted with his seed was simply too much for him, he was about to reach the peak and he was gonna do it so deep inside of you it send him in a frenzy.
with that the pace of his thrusts became so erratic as he came closer to his climax. here the thing about dabi: when he’s close to cum, his pounding instead of slow down or falter would become just as sharp and hard as it is from the start, if not even more. you and your hips would always be so destroyed everytime after sex and that gets you to be teased relentlessly by your boyfriend about it.
“awesome princess... argh! fuck. you’re clenching so hard on me... you just like it so much when i call you ‘princess’ huh?”, as a reply to his question he just got you letting out a pitiful meowl of pleasure while your cunt kept twitching around his dick, it made shivers run down his back as he kept pounding at a mad pace inside of you.
“dabi–! ahn! ahh! cumming!”, you moaned breathlessly surrounding his neck with your arms to hold him tight against your body, chin resting on the crook of his neck.
“me too... ngh!”, he replied holding you back burying his face on the side of your neck clenching his teethes hard, hips stuttering briefly before he came undone inside of you groaning your name breathlessly at the same time as you creamed again all over his cock moaning his name in the sweetest voice he has ever heard yet again from your mouth.
heavy pants filled the silence of the room as you both tried to catch your breath, when he had settled down a tad bit dabi moved to face you looking at you taking in deep breathes so to calm down, he cupped your face and leaning into it the boy kissed you briefly before moving away to gaze into your eyes, smiling cocky at you:
“see? i told you i could help you.”, that little shit...
“yo-you’re so annoying!”, you shooed him off turning away red on your whole face, not noticing the tender smile he gave your way that was extremely rare for dabi.
“we sure made a mess down here huh?”, the villain commented looking down between your, still connected, cores with a lifted eyebrow and pursed lips while you turned to him staring at your boyfriend exasperated. because of course you two would do a mess seen your conditions and how hard the both of you went at it for a very long time, he was so insufferable seriously.
“well obviously, duh?”, you mocked him with a snarky grin on your lips rolling your eyes slightly, before trying straighten your back. “ugh i need a shower so bad...”
at your addition his ears perked up and his eyes sparkled with a new found motivation, his arms sneaking around your waist right away.
“let’s bath together.”, he announced nonchalantly, more like a statement that a proposal, you went pale instantly.
“we’ll have round two while we’re at it, from the back this time.”, he continued while lifting you up and at the same time standing from the couch, not even bothering to take his dick out.
“huh?!?!”, you insisted.
“i wouldn’t want for your cramps to come back, so i’ll take care of it for you doll.”, dabi clarified with deadpan expression on his face before ending it with a wolfish smirk.
ohh this was going to be such a long evening for the two of you.
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2023 © kelin-is-writing — do not repost or translate my work. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome
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zipegs · 2 months
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cithaeron // 2.5k, E, Hannigram
season 2, dreams and nightmares, angst and porn written for the Il Mostro horror zine by @vermilionzines
Will tries to pull away, but thorny black vines chain him in place, knotting tight around his shoes and ankles. Though he struggles against them, he can’t break free.
Hannibal’s forefinger slips atop Will’s, caressing gently. “I wonder how many more people are going to be hurt by what you do,” he says, then he tightens Will’s grip on the trigger and makes him shoot.
Read it now on Ao3!
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adanima · 1 year
you’re in a hospital room and your mother shows you the baby she’s holding and she tells you, “this is macau.” she tells you he’s your little brother and that means it’s your job to look out for him. you've been given jobs before but this is the first one mae has given you. she lets you hold the baby, your brother, and the new responsibility she’s laid at your feet feels more important than anything that has ever been bestowed upon you.
you're in an office and your father yells at you, telling you how you've messed up yet again. this has been happening more and more recently but it never gets easier to withstand. pa sneers and wonders whether you can do anything right. he jeers that certainly his other son can do better than you and you think good riddance, let him try because why should you be the only one to stain your hands and your body red when there are two sons of the minor family? but your mother's voice echoes in your head, it's your job to look out for him and the weight of those words settles hard and heavy in your stomach. and you know even before you leave that office that you'll keep trying to do things right so your brother doesn't have to know what happens when things go wrong.
you’re in your bedroom and your brother is making a nuisance of himself sprawled out on the bed. he’s moody and capricious in a way you recognize from being a teenager yourself. he’s not very pleasant to be around right now and you honestly have better things to do with your time but he came looking for you and you couldn’t find it in yourself to turn him away. besides, he mostly just wants to rant about idiots he's encountered at school and in his video games. the banality of his complaints makes the bitter taste of envy settle on your tongue, but you think if that’s his biggest grievance in life, maybe you’ve done something right.
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