#minecraft skyscraper
thegimmicky · 3 months
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Coastline city bridge details
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gooooosh dang it i couldn't help myself
0% chance of me even coming close to finishing this but I started a New Pork City build on Minecraft
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Actually my second attempt, originally I tried basically just going straight off the game
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But it doesn't look that good, none of it is sized or styled in a way that feels good in minecraft, it feels very cold and empty to walk through, and my attempts to make it conform to the game's map makes my terrible scaling of everything wayyy more obvious XP (THE STEVE HEADS WERE A PLACEHOLDER i just didn't wanna bother looking for a bunch of custom heads that would fit ><)
So this new version I'm gonna try more to replicate the "spirit" of the game and make something that feels really cool and fits both Minecraft and the MOTHER 3 vibe :D rather than try to transplant a 2D game map to a 3D format
I miiight try sketching out a basic plan of the layout I have in mind, which'll be fairly different
Anyway here's some more stuff I've already built:
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While I didn't like the direction I was going with this version, I do like how I did the fake buildings, so this sorta gives an idea of how I'll be doing them in the new version
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How much I actually have done XP I've been struggling a lot with the big arch thingy (which I'm moving to be the entrance of the city) Minecraft reeeeally needs more gold blocks for building, copper is GREAT and they need to give more metals as much stuff as copper has
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And my first (basically) completed building, Beauty & Tasty! Still needs some work on the walls and ceiling, but it's more or less finished Gives me an idea of the scale everything else will need to be at in the build It's MUCH larger than the first version I did, which was wayyy more cramped and sad
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And of course I'll be including the King Statue that I already built ^^ (which would've been wayyyyyy too big at the scale the first version of the city was)
Soooo like I said, no way this'll ever come close to being done, but I'll post updates whenever I manage to make something significant!
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fearthefuzzybear · 2 years
I need to take the potion of Minecraft soon :o what is your favorite building material??
DON'T LAUGH AT ME..... but. . pumpkin and acacia......
i love all kinds of building materials and woods n logs n stuff but MAN. THERE IS NO BETTER THING 2 BUILD WITH WHEN I WANT DISCREET LIGHT SOURCES!!! wall of pumpkin? ok. why isnt it dark? JACK O LANTERNS!!! and also its justSUCH a unique color. it doesn't have a Perfect gradient color, but its a very nice Light yellowy-Orange that is pleasing to the eye. and its such a delightful contrast with colors like black and whiteand purple and green. or goes with p much EVERYTHING. i dont know howto make pumpkin look ugly. challenge time. make pumpkin look ugly. AND its renewable so fast so easy. one of the easiestfarms for a building block.
and. i like acacia for similar reasons but theres more Variety in there for block shapes. stairs n slabs n fences, oh my! she gets an unfair rep tbh. some people just don't see her value 🙄. stone texture copper color pumpkin shading she can do it all. AND she has one of my favorite trapdoor designs. she is SO undervalued
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sometimes I think my sims builds are weird, hut then I see the actual buildings in the <Grand City of Mumbai> and I realise I'm fine, actually
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dromaeo-sauridae · 5 months
big cave post
you like caves? no? im showing you anyway. you hear cave and probably think of like, a video game cave. maybe a minecraft cave with axolotls? while i have my gripes with axolotls in caves, this is about the caves themselves. so here, lets get started:
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number 1, lod cave in thailand. now, i could do a whole posts about JUST caves in thailand, but here's your first taste of caves from this area. this is a karst cave, formed by water trickling through soluble rock like limestone. it's what most of the caves on this list are going to be. it's one of the most common types of caves. if you've been inside a cave, it was probably a karst. very cool! i particularly enjoy the man shaped stalagmite in the middle (joke, thats just a real guy)
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number 2, ellison's cave in georgia, usa. featuring a drop over a thousand feet deep, this one is pretty high on my bucket list. this is what's called a chute, formed by waterfalls cascading downwards. not recommended for people with a fear of heights! if you watch jacon geller, youve probably heard of this type of formation when he talked about krubera (not on this list, sadly)
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number 3, mammoth cave in kentucky, usa. one i've been to! mammoth is the longest cave system in the ENTIRE world, that we know of. another one the jacob geller fans are familiar with. i would love to go back someday, pictures dont convey the magnitude of this place. they also used to host church services in here. well worth the visit
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number 4, han son doong in vietnam. the LARGEST cave in the world! wait, didnt i already list that? nope, while mammoth is the longest and is massive in its own right, son doong trumps it by having a ceiling 660 feet (200 meters) high. it has stalagmites the size of skyscrapers. its one of the many caves in southeast asia to have its own rainforest system. a bit of a hike to get there, but another i desperately want to visit someday.
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number 5, fingal's cave in scotland. though not record setting, its one youve probably seen before. or, maybe my perspective has been skewed as someone who looks at a LOT of caves. ive seen this exact picture more times than i can count. its a sea cave formed from our good friend columnar basalt. upon further research, apparently its also known for its natural acoustics. the more you know!
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number 6, grotta azurra in capri. that photo isnt edited! only accessible by boat (and laying flat on your back to get through the entrance) this place looks ridiculously magical. i dont really have much to say about this one, i just think its really cool.
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number 7, domica cave in slovakia. this one was brought to my attention by an anonymous asker (if youre still here hi) and i am in love with it. just an absolutely gorgeous cave with some of the most beautiful formations ive ever seen. just look at it! augh! the tiered pools arent something ive seen in any of the caves ive been to and theyre captivating. i love caves.
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number 8, ending it off with a bang. here's the gloup.
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fanonical · 4 months
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amethystfairy1 · 7 months
Can you describe what the upper under-city (well that’s sure a sentence) looks like? Whenever I imagine it, specifically Jimmy flying Scott around, I keep thinking they’re in the sky when the whole point is that they aren’t because of the hybrid/mutant racism and whatnot. Is it always dark down there? Is everything slightly tinted red because of the redstone technology everywhere? Is it always crowded or are there some open areas? I’m assuming there’s not much plant life because no sun, but then how would food places run? I’m sorry if this is a lot and if it’s already been answered before😅
Ok, so I'll give ya some of the big points which are the lines I usually use when describing the near-surface (that's the name of the 'upper under-city) in the fics!
There are yellow-tinted lights and redstone circuits running through the walls and electric lanterns/redstone lamps everywhere! However, it's nowhere near enough to imitate sunlight, it's probably closer to the amount of light generated by a full moon, but like...with streetlamps. Like if you were downtown in a fairly large city at night! Minus any headlights, because y'know...no cars! Everything is kinda yellowish/reddish, and during the night cycle when the lights dim to preserve power it gets more red because the redstone circuits stay running constantly.
It is quite crowded, yes! The air around the foundational towers, which have foundations in the Depths and are built into the bedrock, so they span the entire massive cavern, basically skyscrapers underground, is usually decently busy. The under-city has one 'main street' that corkscrews along the cavern wall all the way from bedrock down to the Depths and into the Deep Dark. Off it branch tons of tunnels and connections into smaller caverns and other caves, the under-city isn't just the one main cavern, it's hundreds of other caverns, tunnels, chiseled out rooms, there's a lot going on down there. It's just all centered around the massive central cavern which is directly beneath the downtown of the over-city.
Continuing on crowds, it also depends on the time! Just like you can expect a traffic jam after work/school lets out, it's the same in the under-city! You can predict when it will be more crowded vs. when the crowds will thin out!
There is a lot of mushroom/mossy plant life! Think minecraft lush caves! These sorts of things are growing over places that aren't beaten down with constant foot traffic, and there are glowberries and dripleaf looking things around! So while it's not necessarily full of flowers and trees, there is still some growth around!
As for how food/supplies work, don't worry, I have plans to dig into that in a new fic coming soon! I'm super excited to share it and continue worldbuilding the over-city/under-city!
Hopefully this gave you a clearer picture of things! Thanks for coming by! 💖
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flyingwhalegirl · 1 month
just tried to explain the process of beating minecraft to my mother and it is the most insane 12 step program if you're not familiar with how the block game works.
Punch a tree. With your bare hands.
Make tools, and make a furnace so you can get iron from the ground
Despite the fact that you have a furnace you still need flint to make fire
Make a bucket, take your shiny new lighter, and find some molten lava so you can make a portal to hell
Once in hell, use ESP to find an old crumbling house full of pig people
Steal the pig people's gold and then sell it back to them for useful items. The most important items are materials for more hell portals, eyeballs that make you teleport, and magic potions that make it so you can't possibly burn yourself.
Use ESP again to find a big bridge where demons live, dodging the ghosts of tortured souls on the way. If you're unlucky, you might get another Pig People House; if that happens, you break the cage where their pet Flaming Gelatinous Cubes live and continue on. You can use the teleporty eyeballs to accelerate this process, but be careful as you'll need a certain number of them later. How many? We don't know yet, but surely it won't be more than about 14, unless it is.
Once on the demon bridge, make sure you've taken your magic potion. Now you need to find some Fire Demons Who Want To Burn You and steal their legs. You can then crush their legs into powder and combine that powder with the teleporty eyeballs to make Magic Eyeballs. Try to avoid the Tall Skeletons with Swords as they give you Every Disease.
Use ESP again to decide where a good spot is to make a portal out of hell.
Once out of hell, use a couple magic eyeballs and some pythagoras to determine the location of the nearest Secret Underground Building. You can skip this step if you saw bones in hell because those can tell you where to go.
If you have enough materials, go back into hell so you can travel faster, make a new portal, and then go back out of hell, continually doing more geometry until the eyeballs tell you you've arrived. The more geometry you do, the more likely your magic eyeballs are to break, so carry spares if you're not confident in your math.
Dig underground, complete a maze, then put eyeballs in the pre-arranged eye sockets (someone might have already done a couple of them for you) and jump in the dark hole in the middle.
You will arrive in outer space. Fight a dragon, using a number of possible techniques. You can use a bow and arrow or a sword, though if you use these techniques you will have to destroy the magic crystals on top of blast proof pillars the size of a skyscraper. More effective is to use beds, which when placed in outer space or hell are violently explosive. Don't worry, you can carry like 15 of them before it becomes impractical.
Steal the dragon's egg by placing a small object below it, which is the only way you can pick it up without it teleporting away
Optionally, go on a quest through outer space to locate a big purple house full of creatures in boxes that shoot bombs which make you levitate. You can steal the boxes from the creatures for storage. If the creatures also have a Space Boat to go with their purple house, you can steal their wings and use those to fly (provided you have sufficient quantities of gunpowder which you can get from monsters that don't exist).
And this is just *one* of the many routes to endgame, the commonly accepted fastest one, Bastion. There's also classic (mine gold to trade with pig people rather than stealing it), warped (kill tall space aliens in hell forests for eyeballs, but be warned as they may try to kill you), monument (steal gold from fish people in the normal world and then sell it to pig people), village (do capitalism for eyeballs with people who definitely aren't a super antisemitic caricature nosireebob), old classic (do no trading and simply find random space aliens somewhere, usually in a desert, and steal their eyeballs), and so many more ways to accomplish the goal.
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awitchesdestiny · 9 months
I had a silly thought.
What if Dani made a Minecraft server for the dimitrescu family? Yes, even Alcina joins in.
Bela, of course, is stuck down in the mines looking for diamonds and the End Portal. She organises the chests.
Cassandra is probably building them all, an epic house with skyscrapers. Occasionally, goes on little adventures to look for shipwrecks.
Dani would be the one to build those massive rollercoasters with mine carts and tracks. It loops around the mountain they built their house on.
Alcina... let's be real, she has no clue how to operate this game. But, her daughters try to teach her. She probably runs around the world with a flower in her hand and decorates the house from the materials they have.
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thegimmicky · 3 months
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Coastline city cove beach view
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kid-az · 1 year
All Tomorrows: Vanga-Vangog Stickmen Hc’s
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Say hello to Vanga’s Stickmen, the descendants of the infamously tall and frail Strider’s. Unlike in canon where they would all be devoured mercilessly by giant chickens, the Stickmen’s ancestors managed to survive by climbing and living on the giant, skyscraper-like trees of their world.
Although a little less tall than the Stickmen, they are much sturdier due to needing to jumping across different trees and survive falls. They communicated visually via the rapid changing of colors and shapes of their leaf-like growths and sign language, and their culture emphasized coexistence, patience, and pacifism.
As philosophical as the Pterosapien’s yet opposite in their overall message, the Stickmen are one of the most interesting fanmade species I’ve seen yet, and I wish to post my headcanons about them like I did for the others.
-Because of their very low metabolism’s and the wonders of medicine, Stickmen were among the longest-lived posthumans in the second empire, capable of living hundreds if not over a thousand years! Friendships with other, shorter-lived species would last long after death, with the Stickmen befriending their friends children and grandchildren, giving them sagely advice and wisdom or just cheerfully, casually talking to them.
-Because of their arboreal lifestyle and pacifism, the Stickmen did not have the same domestication process as other posthumans. They did not domesticate a wolf equivalent nor any grazing animals, instead domesticating giant, eagle-sized colonial bees for honey and other byproducts, giant pigeon descendants for the harvesting of feathers, infertile eggs, and as message carriers, and even a species of giant, flying pig descendants larger than the Quetzalcoatlus, who were often used to protect these pigeons and bees from any predators. Also domesticated colonial spiders for their webs, which they used to make ropes and clothing.
-Their domesticated plants were also different. They would carefully tend their trees for the harvesting of boulder-sized fruits and tree nuts, grow mushrooms via large, house-sized stacks of logs from trees which naturally passed away, and also grow algae in vast pools of shallow water. Outside of the algae, their foodstuff was bigger due to it having naturally evolved that way.
-Due to their need of visual communication, their clothing was usually light, never covering their heads, shoulders, or forearms. Their clothes would be made from mycelium threads, feathers from their domestic pigeons, and webs from their domesticated spiders. Yes, their shirts were always off-shoulder tops, teachers hate them!
-A running theme for these Hc’s is that they never developed capitalism, and the Stickmen were no different! In fact, most of their goods were handmade, carefully and delicately made over weeks or months to be as high of quality as possible, and gifted to close friends and family. Only absolute necessities such as medication, infrastructure, and purified water would not be homemade, and it would still be a careful process that emphasized the lack of harm to anyone, both their own and other species.
-This included movies and videogames, with practically zero in the way of crunch or abuse. The former of which would last hours if not days, and the latter would often resemble that of animal crossing, a tactical rpg ala Fire Emblem, or literally just Minecraft! No joke, they remade Minecraft on complete accident!
-Their art was primarily that of tattoos and body modifications to distinctive themselves, large-scale land art made from specially grown plants, fungi, stones, or non-toxic paint, meant to be appreciated fully from the top of treetops or skyscrapers, and gardens that allow for peaceful meditation. They had little music however, as sound travelled poorly in their world.
-They are one of the four founding species of the Second empire, along with the Satyriacs, Killer Folk, and Rot Eaters. They were stereotyped as spaced-out, yet extremely wise and peaceful, thought of as the mediators of the other 3 species. This, of course, was a stereotype, one that many Stickmen found a little insulting.
-Because of a culture emphasizing patience and the fact high gravity worlds would kill them, they decided on the extinct Lopsider’s idea of creating an artificial race to colonize the stars. Unlike with the Asymmetric’s however, it wasn’t a rash, cold-hearted process meant to create slaves to do dangerous, dirty work for them, but instead a slow, caring process that would go into the centuries, meant to be sure the Stickmen’s descendant species would have lives much better than their own, not struggle in the colonization of new planets, and modified to be superior in every way outside of height. (A given due to square-cube law) These people would be allowed to live free, independent lives from their parent species, and would pick a name for themselves. This name? The Sproutlings.
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honeyrosepetals · 25 days
last year for labor day i spent the weekend in chicago with my long time internet friend and we played minecraft in her bed and got hot dogs and deep dish pizza and watched the sun set from the top of a skyscraper and sat on the lake beach in the dark and almost missed the last train home for the night
two years ago for labor day i went to new orleans by myself and stayed in a hostel and became friends with an australian girl and we did everything together and i went on a swamp tour and saw old graves and had fresh catfish and went in a voodoo shop and listened to jazz music live in every restaurant and had beignets and red beans and gumbo and jambalaya
this labor day i took a nap at 2pm and made iced tea. no traveling this weekend :( feels like a waste of a paid holiday to me.
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askthesmoltitans · 10 months
For the '50 random character asks': 3, 8, 12. Assign one to each of the three Titans (by choice or by random selection).
3: Obscure Headcanon (Cinema/Titan TVman) Cinema is an oddly hyperactive Titan despite his mysterious origins, no one knows why he’s so energetic but it helps that he’s more frequently on the battlefields. He stims while idle which caused a bit of issues when he was being upgraded/repaired. 8: Unpopular opinion about them (DJ/Titan Speakerman) He needs his shy and introverted nature to come back out, he’s probably the most tired out of all of the Titans. Give him a blanket, Hot Choco and some Minecraft OST to listen to too. (I can’t think of anything, I adore him) 12: Crack Headcanon (Film/Titan Cameraman) He is the gremlin of the Titan Trio and he will stupidly climb buildings due to the nature of cameras always being up high on buildings or other high locations. In addition, Cameras (as a whole group) are cat-coded, they will chirp in distress because they can’t get down from a high spot. DJ had to “save” Film from being stuck on top of a skyscraper (Film forgot he had wings for a solid three hours).  
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oleander-nin · 2 months
I had a flight today and those give my anxiety so i wrote out a buncha hcs to try n distract myself you dont have to actually read these i just already have them and dont plan posting them anywhere: Mostly non yan because i couldnt think up much that hadnt already been said. Grammar a tad funky cuz i wrote these on my phone (☍﹏⁰)
Leo 100% scared Raph with that one car jumpscare video when they were kids
Mikey watches those stupid 3AM videos and probably thought Momo and various creepypastas were real when he was younger
Leo and Donnie are both really into FNAF, but Donnie has been unable to to beat any of the games and Leo cant figure out the lore (I know Leo is smart and Donnie is good at videogames but this is funny so I dont care)
I feel like Leo would write in a diary
^ He would scribble (crush name) Hamato with hearts around it in it, because he’s corny like that
Donnie listens to Hatsune Miku and nightcore
Donnie never grew out of needing glasses from when he was a kid he just refuses to wear them
Leo will try to do dad stuff with Casey jr like playing catch but Casey jr is older then him ( “Late teens to early 20s” so probably 17 at the youngest (I actually dont remember if that was the exact phrasing but something similar)) So it just ends up feeling goofy
This is an observation not a headcanon but Mikey is obviously physically the weakest and he throws like a whole skyscraper at the Krang I know they were made for war but jesus christ what was Draxum feeding them
Casey jr refused to grieve for anyone he had lost before coming to the pressent because theyre technically still here. He knows its not really the same and theyre still gone but has decided to ignore that
Yan Donnie would probably originally assume he was hyperfixated on whoever he was crushing on (I checked you can hyperfixate on people) and just be incredibly annoyed about it finding it real hard to actually focus on anything
Donnie has a bunch of online friends since its the only way he can really make friends and he’s chronically online
Yan Leo would probably get jealous of objects like if his crush was clinging onto some stuffed animal instead of him he would get mad
Raph had a gravity falls phase
Casey jr is incapable of doing standard everyday stuff and generally kinda sucks with anything non combay
Mikey’s favorite superhero is spiderman Donnie’s is batman Leo’s is deadpool and Raph’s is superman (not including in universe stuff)
Raph does not know how to cook at all he once burnt the water
The turtles(plus april maybe) all tried playing minecraft together and it ended in a lot of TNT
When they were kids Leo told Donnie that he was immune to pain and told Donnie to punch him so he could prove it Leo ended up with a bloody nose
this is another observation but in the movie when Leo almost slices kranifed Raph A you can see him sorta start to flicker back(i think havent seen the movie in a while and i dont have the wifi to check), which was probably intentional on the krang’s part for the last thing he’s consciously there for to be his brother killing him and B you can see Leo mouth ‘no’ as he realizes what he almost did
When Mikey was first starting out at art he was reaaaally bad at it awful anatomy, shading with black, ect ect obviously he’s really good now though
April introduced Casey go ice skating together on the weekends
Splinter will say stuff like “Skibidi rizz” much to everyones dismay
im away from home at the moment so you’ll probably get a break from my yapping for the next couple of weeks haha
Ah, I hope your flight went good! I can relate, takeoff and landing gives me the heebie jeebies. Wishing you safe travels, SS Cake.
"Leo will try to do dad stuff with Casey jr like playing catch but Casey jr is older then him ( “Late teens to early 20s” so probably 17 at the youngest (I actually dont remember if that was the exact phrasing but something similar)) So it just ends up feeling goofy" - LMAOO I LOVE THAT
"Yan Leo would probably get jealous of objects like if his crush was clinging onto some stuffed animal instead of him he would get mad" - Yes yes yes, completely agree
"Raph had a gravity falls phase" - Probbles asked Donnie to help him with the codes/lore and such too
Sorry I didn't comment on them all😅 I love getting these but they're hard to answer because I don't know what to say lol. I loved reading these and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip. Stay safe!
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laylanatorseventeen · 10 months
So I'm building a Minecraft city and so far my big obstacle (other than all the houses I have to build) is trying to remember/ figure out all the little businesses/buildings I pass everyday IRL and don't think about.
So like if y'all have any suggestions for everyday boring buildings that might go in a city, feel free to reblog or comment on this post to make a suggestion, it would really help me.
So far I have built, along with just a lot of houses:
-3 apartment buildings, 4 office skyscrapers, a laundromat, a library, a vet office, an animal shelter, a dentist, several restaurants of different bents, a movie theater, a ballet studio, several gas stations, a doctors office, a jail, a shoe factory, a salon, a bakery, a coffee shop, an arcade, a mechanic shop, a park, a car wash, a motel, a hotel, a grocery store, 2 schools, school bus depot
I plan to build, eventually:
-a fully decked out hospital, a cemetery, some churches, more gas stations and grocery stores bc I know I need several of those, a clothing store, a bus depot, a nursery/gardening center, a furniture store
Current map of city:
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Any ideas are welcome. I'm sure there are like a thousand obvious things I'm not thinking of. I just wish so much that there were more decoration blocks in Minecraft bc my stores are barren. :(
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fanonical · 26 days
building a massive fuckoff skyscraper in minecraft, that's impressive but on a fundamental level i understand it
making a working computer in minecraft? basically witchcraft
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