#mini soy milk maker
jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Stray Kids as Different Kinds of Shopaholics
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Pairing: OT8 x gn!reader Genre: headcanon, fluff, crack Warnings: none
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1. Bang Chan- The Idiot
You would think that Bang Chan would be the sensible one when it comes to shopping 
This is false.
Unlike the other boys, he doesn’t really have super niche hobbies like art or dance, so he believes that he doesn’t need to spend so much money on such “unnecessary things”
He’ll even hoard coupons and try to use them, even though they expired months ago
But two seconds later, he’ll be whipping out his wallet to buy the most useless shit ever
He would 100% fall for stupid scams, like a self-stirring coffee mug or a “gravity-defying” umbrella hat
As long as they make “life more efficient”
But if you want to buy a book or socks or something, he’ll side eye you and scold you for buying dumb things, as if he just didn’t spend a fortune on an automatic shoe-tying machine
2. Lee Know- The Gordon Ramsay Wannabe
Now Minho is pretty wise with money, except when it comes to one thing
His kitchen
I can absolutely envision him wanting to have an immaculately stocked kitchen
After all, he likes to try making new and elaborate dishes, and he needs the tools for that
Minho will have no problem with buying the fanciest, most expensive supplies
He’ll have a bluetooth wireless cooking sensor to time his roasts from a distance, a soy milk maker, and that KitchenAid artisan mini stand mixer with the fancy beater
He’s so extra that he will even buy a juice extractor to facilitate his morning fix for green juice (gross)
Will get mad if you question his purchases.
3. Changbin- The Gym Bro
Every single exercise contraption known to man will go into his personal home gym
He needs fifty different kinds of weights, 
Maybe even those arm exercise bands for when he’s “on a road trip”
Also spends a lot of money on nutrition
Like those organic seed packets or high-quality kale or something so he can make healthy stuff for himself
If you even open your mouth, he will immediately get defensive, explaining why each and every one of his purchases make sense and why you need them too to be healthy
4. Hyunjin- Ariana Grande
The “I want it, I got it” mentality
Going shopping with him has no budget. He hates that word
The kind of person who doesn’t bring a shopping list; he just strolls the aisles and buys anything he wants
Likes buying name brands: Gucci, Versace, Tom Ford, Chanel, and of course, Celine
Bougie bitch right here
LOVES jewelry and accessories even more than clothes; anything that glitters
Might ask you to go shopping with him sometimes just because he needs someone to help him hold all of his bags
Simply will ignore you if you ask him why he needs $5000 in new shirts when he’s already got a closet full at home
5. Han- The Real One
Surprisingly, Jisung would be one of the more practical shoppers
He has a normal budget that he follows religiously, because there’s only one thing that he really wants
Whenever he goes out, he absolutely must buy a drink. Probably boba, to sip on while walking or when sitting in the car
He’ll have “secret” hiding spots in his room for his snacks
Can’t cook so loves taking it as an excuse to always get food outside & he loves doing it with you
Loves ordering-in all kinds of meals as well, whether it’s pizza or butter chicken
Every morning, Jisung needs to buy his coffee at Starbucks and be all aesthetic, or else he can’t do his work
Pouts when you remind him that you literally have a coffee machine at home.
6. Felix- Santa Claus
Now Felix is also a little like Jisung, being a little more realistic
EXCEPT when it comes to his friends & family, especially you.
Will spoil you rotten will all sorts of gifts, from new clothes to perfume
And he insists on taking you on shopping sprees and showering you with new things you don’t really need
Receiving expensive chocolates imported from Paris or somewhere is a regular thing for you
And he’s even managed to get you a designer bag that even the richest people have to be on waiting lists for
Doesn’t get offended at all when you tell him that he needs to cut down on the spending; he’ll just cutely hold out a pretty dress for you to wear
And how can you refuse him?
7. Seungmin- The Mom
Doesn’t give a crap about being fashionable; definitely stingy when it comes to that
“But Seungmin, that hoodie is seven years old…” “Well it fits, so I can wear it.”
Will lecture people (Hyunjin) on their horrible spending habits
Meanwhile, he’d rather spend time in the cleaning sections
He’ll stock up on extra paper towels and wipes and other practical materials
The kind of shopper to absolutely ADORE sales, and will buy everything with a discount
Would buy snow gear in June just because it’s 5% off and will force you to try on a hideous sweater just because it’s in clearance or something
8. I.N.- The Guilty One
Can’t be trusted when given money to go shopping
You could give him your wallet to tell him to go buy milk and when he comes back, he’ll have his arms full of crap that you didn’t even mention
Is such a binge-shopper that he has no choice but to live simple
Because the moment he steps into Target or the mall or somewhere, it’s over.
You had to stop giving him your credit card and just hand him a limited wad of cash when you need him to run errands for you
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TAGLIST @hamburgers101 @chansburgah @ajxreads @hash2013 @pixigreen @ana-marais98 @ohish @chizumiyoshi @lilydaisyyy @jetblackbelle @143hyunes
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strudelqueen · 1 year
I’m also bought a mini waffle maker. I’ll be using that next time.
Like sometimes i don’t want to go upstairs to make food or use the microwave since it’s noisy as fuck so i’ll just stay in my room to cook food or heat things up.
I’ve also bought a milk frother because i want to try those coffee mixes i’ve been seeing. Idk if it’ll work for soy milk or milk alternatives though
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adz · 3 years
sorry but i don't want to see ikea or whatever at pride trying to convince gay people that it's on our side. it's a corporation. corporations going to pride is always because they want to get lgbt people to support them. banning them from pride is fine and not exclusionary because corporations cant be gay. they are companies
How to make Ikea's famous Swedish meatballs at home
Remember when you would wander around Ikea's maze for so long that you worked up an appetite?
No trip to an Ikea store was complete without a stop in the cafeteria for a cinnamon roll or its famous Swedish meatballs.
Since its stores are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Swedish furniture maker decided to give the world just what it needed -- the Swedish meatball recipe to make at home.
"We know that some people might be missing our meatballs, which is why we've released an at-home alternative which, using easily accessible ingredients, will help those looking for some inspiration in the kitchen," said Lorena Lourido, country food manager at Ikea, in a press release.
"Staying at home can be hard, but we want to help make everyone's lives that little bit easier and more enjoyable. Bon appétit or, smaklig måltid, as we say in Sweden!"
Ikea's Swedish meatballs with cream sauce: Makes 16 - 20 meatballs Ingredients for the meatballs: 500 grams (1.1 pounds) ground beef 250 grams (slightly more than ½ pound) ground pork 1 onion finely chopped 1 clove of garlic (crushed or minced) 100 grams (3.5 ounces) breadcrumbs 1 egg 5 tablespoons of whole milk Salt and pepper to taste Ingredients for the cream sauce: Dash of oil 40 grams (1.4 ounces) butter 40 grams (1.4 ounces) plain flour 150 ml (5 fluid ounces) vegetable stock 150 ml (5 fluid ounces) beef stock 150 ml (5 fluid ounces) thick double cream 2 teaspoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard Here's how you do it: Combine beef and pork mince and mix thoroughly to break up any lumps. Add finely chopped onion, garlic, breadcrumbs, egg and mix. Add milk and season well with salt and pepper. Shape mixture into small, round balls. Place on a clean plate, cover and store in the fridge for 2 hours (to help them hold their shape while cooking). In a frying pan, heat oil on medium heat. When hot, gently add your meatballs and brown on all sides. When browned, add to an ovenproof dish and cover. Place in a hot oven, 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 180 degrees Celsius, and cook for a further 30 minutes. And for the cream sauce: Melt the butter in a frying pan. Whisk in the plain flour and continue cooking, stirring continuously for 2 minutes. Add the vegetable stock and beef stock and continue to stir. Add the thick double cream, soy sauce and Dijon mustard. Bring to a simmer and allow the sauce to thicken. Continue to stir. When ready to eat, serve with your favorite potatoes -- either creamy mash or mini new boiled potatoes.
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APH China Musings
When I start thinking about China, and sometimes countries in general, I get this total disconnect between how the anime/manga portrays the country (especially China) and how a lot of headcanons have them as, especially reading headcanons and art about ancient days. 
Ok China-specific content below (headcanons at the very end): Very long post warning
Most of the canon shows him as a sort of weird old grandpa who doesn’t really have all his nuts and bolts in his brainpan and pretends to be cool or whatever (when he’s really not) while his kids all mock him. That APH China has a soft spot for cute things and can’t really understand the others ig, which again kinda makes him a laughingstock for his kids. But, the headcanons I’ve read show him as a really manipulative, sly Old Man who enters contracts/treaties/friendships to benefit him, not for the sake of being kind, and doesn’t really see everybody else on an even level with him which... clashes somewhat to a lot with the canon. HOWEVER, this cunning, darker (?) version of him is way more historically accurate... I like certain things from both versions (and I also like being historically accurate as much as possible) and the fact that headcanons vs canon is so contrasting makes it kinda hard to have one concrete China for my headcanons, it’s like he has split personalities or something lol.
Side note: I’ve never heard/known of anyone Chinese ever saying -aru in English, so... It might be just a voice tic of Chinese people when speaking Japanese, but I sort of get annoyed when it’s added in every other sentence he says in a fanfic. He doesn’t talk like that in the English dubbed anime either, and it seems that the English translations of the manga have also omitted the -aru (except for one strip I believe, correct me if I’m wrong). So please don’t add it in fanfics unless you want the characters to all be speaking Japanese with their own unique voice tics.
However, I do like some parts of the canon portrayal, SUCH AS: his doing tai chi every morning, the portrayal of his relationship with Japan before the “betrayal”, and apparently how he “isn't one to waste a second of time” (from the wiki). So in my head, I try to meld the canon and Sly Old Man together, because I like some aspects of China that may not be explained by either the country’s history, culture, or stereotypes, and honestly I feel like some parts of a country’s personality can just appear spontaneously; you don’t need to be able to explain every part of you from your past experience or the people and country that you make up and represent.
Without further ado, the Headcanons!
- MORNING PERSON, does the whole tai chi thing in the morning with the birds in his garden or something, finds it very relaxing, and then goes back inside for an actual breakfast (I have no idea what he’d eat because Chinese cuisine varies A LOT from region to region, ex. in the north/Beijing region there’s usually soy milk, “Chinese oil stick” which is basically like salty fried dough sticks, and “tofu brains” <-- literal translation, it’s a sort of soupy thing with very soft tofu (very good). In the south, there’s a lot of sweet meats and dim sum, almost like a mini lunch sort of thing, etc.) He’d also drink tea, and never adds sugar (I don’t think restaurants in China ever actually give you sugar packets with tea)
- I feel like he’d be a CAT PERSON nowadays dogs as pets have become more popular in China but before, cats were more common (I think) because of their usefulness as pest control and the fact that they can get their own food; dogs weren’t really kept except to be guard dogs. I feel he’d have gotten used to cats, and also he’d enjoy a quiet pet’s company more
- ANCIENT DAYS/RELATIONSHIPS: He’d probably be slightly manipulative, and ENTER relationships for a trade benefit/power/control/good stuff, but if the relationship goes well and the person is charming (Rome cough cough), he’d slowly warm up and become real friends after a while.
- I agree with the Sly Old Man treatment of COLONIES/TRIBUTE STATES, he’d probably just protect them for the benefits instead of actual Love (but isn’t that what all countries do these days). I do see him as very patronizing to his underlings, because of a) his age and him thinking that he’s seen it all with his dynasty changes and wars and stuff and b) Confucianism, which said to respect your elders and all that, so I think it’d make him slightly full of himself and patronizing (the wiki says this is also his current attitude and I can see that). But I see a situation similar to the relationship one playing out here; as he gets more and more contact with a tribute state he actually grows closer to them in the Normal Human Feeling way, so that would explain his feeling of betrayal when Japan left (literally back-stabbing him), as well as his feeling sad (not just because he lost a trade partner and revenue maker) when Korea was taken. For his tribute states, my headcanon for their relationship is pretty much summed up in this post (esp his relationship with Korea, but also Japan a bit): https://stirringwinds.tumblr.com/post/119403708770/tsk-look-at-you-all-battered-and-bruised-its (patronizing but still caring)
- VERY PRAGMATIC AND EXTREMELY BLUNT. I have no explanation, he just seems like this kind of person (and according to the wiki, he “isn't one to waste a second of time”). Doesn’t care at all if he offends you, intentionally or not (unless he’s trying to impress, of course).
- VERY TRADITIONAL. He probably knows at least a handful of traditional instruments, pipa, ma tou qin, gu zheng, erhu, xun, etc. And will roast people on the internet if they play them wrong (a while back at some really fancy gathering, there was a performer who was in front, mind you, playing a yu (wind instrument) upside down and totally wrong, and that caused a huge firestorm in Chinese social media. I’d like to think China would have been one of those people to be like “what are you doing you know you just made a fool of yourself right?” Incidentally, there’s also an idiom related to the yu that is literally about playing it wrong (literally it’s something like one bad apple can be covered up in a sea of good ones but one by one, people will see you’re bad))
- TRADITIONAL pt. 2: good at calligraphy and also very good at guessing dui lian (apparently called antithetical couplets) hung up during the Lunar New Year. Also adhering to tradition, he gathers up everybody for every single big Chinese/Asian festival to eat together. I know Japan doesn’t interact much with China and China still feels betrayed by him in the manga (the Japanese and Chinese relationship nowadays still isn’t the greatest/closest for multiple reasons) but I’m going to take liberties (and my heart needs fluff). Also, if China invites/drags everybody but Japan to his house, I feel like that’s awkward and one of his kids/siblings would get Japan to come anyway. There would be a lot of arguing at the dinner, about food, politics, memes (from HK), trends, or anything really, but it’s all in good fun, yeah?
- MODERN POLITICS: still a bit of Sly Old Man, and probably very stuck in his ways. Some countries he doesn’t really respect. For example, he doesn’t see America as a fully respectable adult, probably because a) he’s still older and b) I think China agrees with his government’s structure to a point? Like with the way he suffered during the collapse of the Qing Dynasty (Boxer Rebellion, WWI, etc.) I think he’d take any system (including communism) that worked and improved people’s lives. At heart, I think China wants to do what’s right for the people, and at the time, the Communist Party promised that people’s lives would get better under their leadership, and for some, it did. That convinced so many people to take their promise, and I think China would have supported it at the time. As well as, I believe that country’s perspectives of their government is /somewhat/ influenced or warped by their people’s perspective, and /most/ people in China are /okay/ satisfied with the central govt. (not extending this to regional govts, that’s kinda a different issue). So I see China (as a character) being mostly satisfied, and America’s criticism and complaints about him pretty much bounce off, because China doesn’t see his comments worthy of respecting, especially because his govt. is doing ok from his point of view. There are definitely things that need working on, but he won’t take US criticism.
- SLY OLD MAN pt. 2: Basically the same as the tribute state thing, he’ll help you out initially to get your benefits, but if you last long enough, he’ll gradually grow friendship feelings. I feel like this is what real China is trying to do with the “Belt and Road”, basically spreading influence to less developed countries, although it may not be working out. Sort of like manipulation, which also fits in with the Sly Old Man thing.
- I can see why Hima originally designed China as being a bit cold, because I feel if he doesn’t need you, he won’t really talk to you. Although as mentioned above, I also see him start to care for somebody once he takes the effort to get to know you, and will probably care for his close friends long after they’re actually needed.
- I agree with the canon that he can GET ANNOYED EASILY AND SNAPS A LOT, but I see this happening only with people he thinks aren’t interesting enough, are below him, or don’t get him (or are just incessantly annoying).
- Also a bit EGOTISTICAL, but doesn’t show most of the time. Unless you happen to mention a recent achievement, and then he’ll go “Haha! I did that ____ (pick a number from 1,000 to 4,000) years ago!” or something and probably roast you
- SENTIMENTAL OLD SOUL: often reminisces about the past when alone, or with someone he truly trusts (that used to be Japan, but...). Slips into “how did the world get like this?” sometimes to a lot. Feels lonely sometimes too, and can be found stargazing on his front stoop at night
- RELAXING: if he doesn’t have work, he’ll just relax at his house, probably take a long bath/shower and just do nothing, maybe play some sort of instrument for fun, go into his garden and paint/walk around and enjoy the flowers, or watch some new addictive show. If he feels like working, he’ll cook dinner for all his kids/siblings and invite them over (this will also be done if he thinks one is overworking)
Ok those are all the headcanons for now, but probably will be more to come. My love for this Old Man is infinite <3. If you want, reblog/submit/comment your own aph China headcanons! Do you think I did him justice?
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peachykarma · 5 years
3. The Society
I was queuing for an iced drink. It was a sweltering day. I took out my mini portable fan from my bag. It was a USB rechargeable one. Relief washed over me as the handheld fan did its job. I peeped in front. How long more do I have to wait…  
I sighed in frustration and looked at my watch. I was going to be late for a client meeting. Should I still get a drink? I decided to stay in the queue. I needed my caffeine fix desperately.
“I bet he is a new staff. Taking his own sweet time to take the orders.” I heard the lady behind groan in frustration.
“Yeah, these kinds of workers make me boil,” her friend agreed.
I began tapping my foot subconsciously. I was getting rather impatient.
After a long wait, I was finally approaching the end of the line. There was only one guy left in front of me. I peeked over the customer in front to take a look at the server. His name tag caught my attention immediately. It was huge. I took a glimpse at the name tags of the other staff. Their name tags were significantly different; in colour and size.  I looked at his name tag again. It read “Davis. Please be patient. I am special ”.
I stopped tapping my foot. Special? Could it be…
I stared at Davis without blinking. He was rocking from side to side. I leaned forward to observe him further. His supervisor was reminding him to look at a visual placed beside the coffee maker. The visual showed systematic steps to make flavoured lattes. He nodded and kept a neutral expression. After preparing the drink, he passed it to his colleague. I caught a slight flinch as his colleague pat him lightly on his back. He returned to his position at the cashier.
“Good afternoon, Sir. May I take your order?” He asked the man in front of me.
“Hello. May I have a soy milk matcha latte, grande please.” He answered.
“What size?” He asked again.
The man in front of me paused a while, scanned him quickly and replied slower this time.
“Grande, please.”
“Yes Sir,” he said before picking up a marker.
“What is your name, Sir?” he asked, as he prepared to write the customer’s name on the plastic cup.
“Sorry?” Davis’ eyes lit up and he stopped swaying back and forth.
“Evans. E-V-A-N-S.” The man repeated slowly.  
The server looked surprised but did not say anything. He directed him to wait at the end of the counter for his drink.
After observing the weird exchange, I spoke to Davis slowly. While reading my order and spelling my name, Davis was rocking continuously. It was distracting. Nonetheless, it did not affect me much. Like Evans, I proceeded to the end of the counter as well.
However, Davis’ stare followed me. He was looking at me intently. Feeling uncomfortable, I looked away.
“Don’t worry, he is just fascinated by your handheld fan,” Evans explained to me.
I pulled it tighter across my chest.
“Excuse me?! Can you focus? Are you even listening? This is why the queue is so damn long!” The lady behind me in the queue hollered. Everyone present began to stare at Davis curiously. Some spoke in hushed whispers.
I noticed Davis starting to rock sideways vigorously. His movement caused the metal spoons and tins near him to drop, making sounds of clanking and rattling. His face turned into a deep shade of red. The supervisor rushed forward to shift him aside. However, Davis was visibly irritated by his touch. An unsettling feeling began welling inside me. In seconds, he was slamming and throwing things around. He started punching the wall next to him. The lady continued yelling incoherently.
Evans stepped forward from behind me and shouted.
“Stop shouting!”
He softened his tone and continued explaining.
“He is on the spectrum. He is clearly having difficulties regulating sensory inputs from the environment.  A pin drop may sound thunderous to him. That’s how they interpret these sensor inputs. When we feel something, they are feeling ten times of what we feel.”
Everyone became quiet instantly. Davis covered his ears and crouched into a corner.
I nudged Evans and asked, “Would this be of any help?” I passed him my handheld fan.
He gave me a small smile and took it from me. Slowly and cautiously, he walked over to where Davis was and crouch to his level. He passed my fan to Davis.
He seemed to calm down a little upon fiddling with my fan. He pressed the on button, observed the blades and switched it off. After a few seconds, he repeated the action. The lady looked embarrassed and walked away quickly. Momentum began to pick up as things returned to its normal bustle. I stood aside as I observed the exchange between Davis and Evans.
Davis continued fiddling with my handheld fan when he looked up suddenly.
He said to Evans, “the last time I saw you, I was fiddling with fans.”
“I would love to join you…. in soccer,” Davis told Evans with a goofy grin.
Evans grinned knowingly.
Transmedia Exploration: The attached videos are used to depict the calming down tools an individual on the spectrum can be offered and the meltdowns similar to Davis’ in the story. These videos can be posted on an interactive website or social media where an online audience can understand the range of calming down tools better. The learning can take place in the form of puzzle games etc. In addition, audio clips with disturbingly loud noises can be played on radio between songs, or plays during between songs on Spotify to capture the attention of the audience. This minor disturbance can be used to raise awareness on the heightened sensory inputs an individual on the spectrum receives. 
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cutiecrates · 3 years
Cutie Reviews: Sakuraco May 21
Okay, it’s been a few days but I’m here now. Actually, I’m in a really bad mood so I thought writing would get my mind off of it. 
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“Thank you for joining us for our last box of spring. We’re rounding off the season by featuring two of the most iconic flavors of he season - mochi and sakura. Our mochi inspiration comes from the dishes served at one of Japan’s most lively festivals, Children’s Day. Coincidentally, late April/early May is also the final bloom of sakura for the year.“
For this month, the booklet highlights Rosmarin (specializing in health, beauty, and a little fun through their tea and sweets), Tanaka Hashiten (home good producers), Kanagawa prefecture, and information about mochi and Children’s Day.
Bonus Items
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This month, the bonus was a bit disappointing, considering these were items from our first box, which came about 2 boxes ago from this one. I like that we get these, but I was kind of led to believe they would be unique items back when they were advertising this feature for the box. It’s fine if you like the particular items though, and it’s still a kind gesture of them to include these for free, so I do appreciate it.
Fig Dorayaki & Kinako Mochi
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Long-time viewers may be able to recognize the kinako snack in the pic, we’ve seen these plenty of times in Tokyo Treat. But for anyone unfamiliar, this type of mochi is like a cracker, it’s not chewy, as you can see. They dissolve in the mouth with a coating of roasted soybean flour (kinako) and sanbon sugar. Vegan friendly, no allergens. Made by Iwatsuka Confectionery in Niigata.
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I like the light crispiness of these, the kinako flavoring is strong and I think they make a nice light snack for tea time or just on the go. They dry out the mouth a little, so a drink is nice to keep in handy.
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Our next item is one we’ve seen before too, but interestingly enough, this time the dorayaki has fig mixed in with the red bean :o I’ve never heard of that before. I have no real opinions on fig, I grew up eating fig newtons (little pastry-like cookies with jelly inside) but I’ve never been in love with them.
Vegan friendly, contains egg and wheat. Made by Hiyoshi Confectionery in Shimane.
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Like with fig newtons, I was okay with this. I didn’t necessarily love it, but I didn’t think it was bad either. The flavoring inside was a bit vague for me to figure out, it had the red bean texture, but I suppose it tasted like fig. Super dry for my mouth.
Plum Mochi, Kanten Sakura Mochi, & Mitarashi Mochi Monaka
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From Kubota Confectionery in Nagano comes this adorable little pink mochi sweet, featuring a plum jelly inside with light marshmallow coating. Non-vegan, contains gelatin. We got a whole bag of them in this box!
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I love mochi, especially pink ones :3 You can’t go wrong with pink. Anyway, these were delicious ♥ it’s sweet and soft, chewy, and the plum jelly inside tasted like actual plum! It wasn’t pickled or sour tasting, maybe a little tangy but it was yummy.
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Our next sweet also features a jelly-ish texture, you may recall that in our previous box we got some like this. But this time, it comes from Ohara Confectionery in Nagano. As this contains animal by-products, it’s not vegan friendly. No allergens however.
♥ ♥ 
I like the smooth-jelly texture of it, but I wasn’t super crazy about the sakura flavoring itself. It’s not floral or sweet, it seems kind of... not bitter, but maybe bland? It’s an acquired taste I think, because sometimes I like it.
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This next item I was very excited for, I’ve always wanted to try mitarashi dango after I tried a Japanese candy kit featuring an imitation of it, so this is probably one of the closest chances I’ll get for the time being. This comes from Eguchi Confectionery located in Fukuoka. Not vegan friendly as it may contain animal byproducts, contains eggs and minor traces of milk, soybeans, and sesame.
Mitarashi sauce is a sweetened soy sauce with a fresh, slightly spicy after-note, usually made as a glaze for foods. This specific mitarashi is combined with a bit of mochi and red bean, snuggled inside a wafer.
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The inside texture was chewy and reminded me of red beans, but the filling was sweet and only tasted like the mitarashi itself. In the “heart“ of it was a chewy, mochi core. It was very yummy! They gave us two of them too x3 I couldn’t be happier~
Rikishi Mochi Monaka & Sakura Cream Sandwich
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Next up we got 2 sandwich cookie-esque pieces, as you can see they both have pretty designs on them too. First is the Monaka, made by Tenkei Confectionery in Niigata. This specific wafer snack was inspired by sumo wrestlers, who are said to eat a lot of mochi to build up strength. The filling is a combination of mochi and red beans. Vegan friendly, contains wheat and soybean with minor traces of egg and milk.
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I’m kind of fickle with red bean snacks, sometimes I like them and sometimes I don’t. If it’s super-strong in flavor I usually don’t enjoy it. I didn’t think it was too bad with this one. The wafer was very fragile and easily broke apart, in fact they kind of made a bit of a mess while I ate, and they stuck to my lips and inner-mouth. The wafer has no flavor to it either. I didn’t dislike it, but it’s not something I see myself wanting more of.
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I love the pretty flower design on this one, especially when combined with the lovely flower print package! These are by Nagara-en in Gifu. These wafers are made from fried mochi and feature a thin layer of sweet vanilla cream. Vegan friendly, contains egg and wheat, and traces of milk, soy, almond, orange, kiwi, banana, apple, and sesame.
That’s a lot isn’t it?
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There is cream in here, and even though it’s super-thin and looks practically invisible from the side, you can bet it’s there! It’s just sweet enough to avoid becoming cloying, and the wafer is very crispy. It’s the complete opposite of the red bean monaka, and I could eat several of these with no hesitation!
Sakura Mini Baumkuchen, Sakura Sable Cookie, & Sencha Tea
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By Mikawa Daikokudo in Aichi comes a mini-baumkuchen cake. Last month we received a strawberry cake, this one is sakura. Did you know, as of this year baumkuchen has been in Japan for 102 years?! It was originally brought over from Germany in 1919.
Vegan friendly, contains egg, wheat, soybeans, and milk.
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I like trying these baumkuchen cakes. It’s on the moist side and they go great with drinks. This one came off as kind of average to me, I didn’t really taste any overwhelmingly strong flavors.
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Our next item comes from one of the featured makers, Rosmarin, located in Yamanashi. Vegan friendly, contains egg, wheat, soybeans, and milk, along with cherry blossom extract. The cookie contains a creamy chocolate in the center and was made using cherry blossom petals.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This was really good :3 I’m not very big on white chocolate, but on occasion it can taste pretty good. I didn’t really taste cherry blossom, but it reminded me so much of the macadamia cookies my mom used to bring home from work when I was younger, and they had a white chocolate accent that I really liked. 
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Our tea this month comes from Brooks in Kanagwa. Sencha is a form of green tea, with it’s flavor coming from tea leaves rather then actual powder.
I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll ever get a tea/drink I like. But this is only the 3rd box of Sakuraco, I’m being too impatient. The booklet describes this as bitter and they were not kidding! I found it to be unpleasant, even with various sweets paired with it. Even when I tried to sweeten it myself I just couldn’t seem to figure out how to make it more enjoyable.
Fukuruko Shiruko & Sakura Owan Bowl
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I’m sorry I couldn’t show you the Fukuruko Shiruko in better condition, but the blowfish-shaped wafer it came in was busted up really bad by the time I got it. No clue what happened, but it couldn’t be saved. So I made the soup it was in anyway and put it in our new bowl. Vegan friendly, contains milk.
These soup powder-filled wafers have been pretty popular lately I think, I’ve been seeing a few youtubers I watch getting them. This specific soup is a red bean and mochi porridge. The wafer is obviously edible, and the soup gives it a sorta chewy texture, and on the inside are a few pieces of mochi. As you can see by the picture they stretch and become chewy when exposed to heat.
♥ ♥ 
So... I liked the mochi and wafer, and I like sweet things so it was kinda cool trying a sweet porridge. But as a fickle red bean person, I didn’t exactly enjoy that flavoring. It was alright, but not my favorite.
Himesakura Kuzumochi
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We’re nearly finished, this next item is a jiggly, traditional sweet incorporating a light sakura flavor. Included is a packet of kinako powder for sprinkling on top. Vegan friendly, contains soybeans. Comes from Surugaya in Osaka. 
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
See, here I like the sakura flavor. It was sweet and very refreshing~
Azuki Warubi Mochi
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Our last item is pretty much the same thing, but this one was made from red bean and contains the actual beans in the jelly-ish mochi. Isn’t that fun?
This one comes from Yamada Confectionery in Tokushima. It’s vegan friendly and contains no allergens. It also included the kinako powder, as you can see. I’m not very delicate when adding it <_<
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Again, the flavoring is pretty light so I find it tolerable. I didn’t even mind eating the cold red beans in it, and it was still refreshing. This one seemed a bit more firm, but it still jiggled a bit. 
Content - 4 out of 5. I enjoyed this box! I didn’t hate anything and it all seems to go together well. A few items were a little broken up, but it didn’t ruin it for me.
Theme: 5 out of 5.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. As a possible farewell to spring, I thought this box did really well. I’m kind of glad and hope we’ll be moving away from red beans and sakura/cherry blossoms, I’ve had enough of them. I’m excited to see what type of things we’ll be getting for summer!
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andromangreload · 4 years
Recipe: Appetizing Sweet Potato Mini Bagels
Sweet Potato Mini Bagels.
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You can cook Sweet Potato Mini Bagels using 11 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Sweet Potato Mini Bagels
It's 250 grams of Bread (strong) flour.
Prepare 70 grams of Sweet potato.
It's 3 grams of Salt.
It's 7 grams of Sugar.
It's 160 grams of Soy milk.
It's 3 grams of Dry yeast.
Prepare 10 grams of Black sesame seeds.
It's 1 of Filling (If you like).
It's of Kettle Boiling:.
It's 1 of Hot water.
Prepare 1 tbsp of Honey or sugar.
Sweet Potato Mini Bagels step by step
Steam the sweet potatoes to soften them, and roughly mash up with a masher. Measure out 70g..
Place the ingredients into the bread maker, and switch it on!.
The bread machine's kneading process won't be enough, so take it out after the bread maker is done, and knead for an additional 5 minutes by hand..
Divide into 6 equal portions after kneading, roll them back up into balls, and let sit for 30 minutes..
Stretch the dough out into a rectangle~..
Roll it up tightly..
Flatten out one end, and twist the ends together..
Let sit for 15 minutes. Make sure not to let them dry out. Start preheating the oven to 220℃..
Prepare the water for kettle boiling while you wait, and add in the honey. Make sure not to let it come to an overly strong boil! This will cause the bagels to crease..
Boil on each side for 1 minute~..
Drain the water thoroughly, and place onto the baking tray lined with parchment paper..
Lower the temperature of the oven to 200℃ and bake for 15~17 minutes. Please make adjustments according to your household oven..
Please try adding inif you would like. https://cookpad.com/us/recipes/150278-sweet-potato-dip.
It also goes great with. https://cookpad.com/us/recipes/149577-kabocha-squash-dip.
0 notes
crazytummyblog · 4 years
[UL Listed] 3.3FT 3 Prong Power Cord Wall Cable Compatible with Electric Power Pressure Cooker, DUO Mini, DUO50, DUO60, Rice Cooker, Soy Milk Maker and More Kitchen Appliances
[UL Listed] 3.3FT 3 Prong Power Cord Wall Cable Compatible with Electric Power Pressure Cooker, DUO Mini, DUO50, DUO60, Rice Cooker, Soy Milk Maker and More Kitchen Appliances
Price: (as of – Details) Compatible with: Electric Pressure Cooker EPC-607, EPC-686, EPC-808SS, EPC-808(A-Z) Power Pressure Cooker XL, PC-TRI6, PCXL-PRO6, PCXL-PRO8, PPC770, PPC770-1, PPC780, PPC790, PPC773, PC-WAL1 DUO60, DUO50, DUO Plus60, Smart 60 Bluetooth, Ultra, Ultra 6, and Ultra 60 Pressure Cooker Rice Cooker / Soy Milk Maker / Slow Cooker / CPC-600 Cuisinart Electric Pressure…
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: The Best Gifts for 4-Year-Olds, According to Child Development Experts
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Age 4 is a huge milestone year. Not only do many 4-year-olds go to preschool or start pre-kindergarten, they tend to become much more well-rounded, articulate opinionated little humans at this age. Most 4-year-olds start to share, ask tons of questions, and form solid friendships.  Kids also become choosier about what toys they will or won’t play with around age 4. That’s why the best Christmas gifts for 4-year-olds are toys that play into these new, emerging capabilities while also taking kids’ own specific idiosyncrasies and interests into account. 
“Think about simple board games to use new thinking skills and emerging self-control as they wait for a turn and cope with losing, puppets to tell stories with, interlocking plastic blocks to create structures, a child-sized chalkboard for writing and drawing, or a bicycle or other wheeled toys so they can move their strong, growing bodies,” says Rebecca Parlakian, the senior director of programs at Zero to Three. “And pretend play props are always a great idea, as they let kids make up and act out stories.”
When it comes to Christmas gifts, consider a toy’s longevity. Open-ended toys, ones that can be played with in limitless ways, are the gold standard. They include blocks of all shapes and sizes, such as Legos, and toys that mimic real-life objects and tools. As a general rule, the less a toy does, the more your kid’s imagination has to work. When it comes down to it, the best toys for 4-year-olds are those that let them play however they want.
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Balance Board by Wobbel
This wobbly board teaches kids about balance, helps them hone their gross motor skills, and supports up to 480 pounds worth of child. Plus, most of all, it's a hell of a good time because it's way harder than it looks. And it doubles as a bridge or a tunnel for playtime.
Buy Now $79.99
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Wooden Stacking Board Game by Lewo
Another spot-on game for kids and parents to play together, this one gives their fine motor skills a workout. Kids use their small muscles and problem-solving abilities to stack the blocks, move them, and reposition them to keep the tower intact.
Buy Now $12.99
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Ukelele by Hape
A wood gorgeous guitar perfectly sized for 4-year-olds, with tunable strings. It looks like it belongs at Coachella. And it lets kids explore the fundamentals of music and rhythm.
Buy Now $29.99
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Wooden Balancing Tree by PlanToys
Looks easy, right? Wrong. Kids work on their motor skills, while doing some serious concentration, as they try to balance the six birds on the 10 branches.
Buy Now $13.50
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Bowling Friends by Melissa & Doug
Things don't get any more fun than hurling a pin at these soft animals and knocking them over. The weighted bottoms make the game ever more challenging.
Buy Now $19.89
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Adjustable Telescope for Kids by Hape
Want to get your kids outdoors? Give them this adjustable telescope, beautifully made from bamboo. Explorers get 8x magnification so they can see bugs and blades of grass up close.
Buy Now $19.99
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Hide &-Seek Periscope by Hape
From its lightweight design to its wrist-strap, this is a great periscope for kids. They can hide behind a tree, use it to spy on animals (or each other) and explore nature.
Buy Now $13.99
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Nature Detective Set by Hape
First, kids look through the magnifying glass, which magnifies things four times. And then they whistle when they spot something really, really notable.
Buy Now $8.99
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Rocket Ship Indoor Playhouse by Melissa & Doug
The sky's the limit with this 4.7 foot long rocket ship playhouse. It includes capsule windows, a door that opens and closes, and four stabilizer fins. Kids pretend to be astronauts, aliens, explorers, or whatever else they can dream up.
Buy Now $41.99
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Smart Tech Train Set by Brio
A gorgeous train set, with some added oomph: Kids arrange the tunnels and station, and the train stops, honks the horn, backs up, or blinks its lights. It's compatible with all other Brio train set.
Buy Now $137.26
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Grill and Play Kitchen by Hape
Kids fire up this ultra-detailed grill, serving up bell peppers, steaks, and sausages, and using tons (thus working their motor skills) to flip the food. The grill has double-sided grates, a collapsible side table, moveable wheels, and an open-and-close hood.
Buy Now $113.09
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My Wooden Weather Station by Moon Picnic
Junior meteorologists can get a handle on the weather by reporting back on what's going on outside. They turn the dials to show whether it's sunny or cloudy outside, how hot or cold it is, and if it's going to rain. All, while helping hone their fine motor skills.
BUY NOW $57.00
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Pinball Game by PlanToys
Pinball is fun. We get it. But this kid-sized pinball game also teaches them to solve problems while also working on their motor skills. The goal, of course, is to try to keep the ball in play as long as possible.
BUY NOW $100.00
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Barbie Inspiring Women Series Ella Fitzgerald Collectible Doll by Mattel
Ella Fitzgerald, a musical icon and trailblazer, is immortalized thanks to this Barbie. It's a great way to encourage pretend play, while also talking to kids about history and those helped make it.
Buy Now $23.24
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Ice Cream Cart by Tender Leaf Toys
It's never the wrong time for ice cream. This stand is the epitome of pretend play, as kids take orders, use the scooper to fill the cone, and count out change.
Buy Now $95.96
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Magnetic Wooden Block Set by Tegu
This 42-piece set of beautiful magnetic wood blocks, with enough to go around so two kids can play together, teaches them about gravity and problem-solving, while also working on their motor skills.
Buy Now $110.95
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Just Rocks in a Box 8 Colors by Just Rocks
These 64 long-lasting soy wax crayons are shaped precisely for little hands, specifically created to strengthen kids' grip muscles and improve fine motor coordination. While also letting kids be as creative as they want.
Buy Now $30.00
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Baby Stella Doll by Manhattan Toy
Dolls are nurturing toys, teaching kids how to care for something. This doll is cuddly, washable, and wears clothes with a fabric hook and loop closure for easy changes.
Buy Now $30.98
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Motor Mechanic by PlanToys
So your car broke down? Happens to the best of us. Your 4-year-old mechanic will simply pop open the hood, pool out the enclosed tools, and fix the problem. This detailed set has a steering wheel, gearshift, horn, brake, accelerator, turnable car key, air conditioner, radio, side mirrors, hood lift support and screw jack. The mechanical tool in the front can be used to change tires, because tires do have to be changed.
BUY NOW $300.00
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Micro Mini Kick Toddler Scooter by Micro Kickboard
The perfect starter scooter, this has a stable a lean-to-steer design and a weight limit of 110 pounds, so it will serve you well for years.
Buy Now $89.99
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Snug as a Bug in a Rug Board Game by Peaceable Kingdom
Kids learn about colors, shapes, and numbers as they work together to get the very cute bugs to safety before the stinkbugs invade.
Buy Now $20.99
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Meal Maker Dough Set by Green Toys
This specific type of dough is made from parent-friendly organic flour. And this particular set empowers your little chef to whip up creative meals using the prep tools, extruder, cutlery, and plate. It's a toy you can feel good about: The plastic components are made from post-consumer recycled plastic milk jugs.
Buy Now $23.53
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Tool Belt by Plan Toys
Kids work on their fine and gross motor skills, and engage in pretend play, as they complete fixer-upper chores around the house. This child-sized tool kit includes an adjustable carpenter's belt, hammer, wrench, level, screwdriver, nut, and bolt.
BUY NOW $25.00
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ABC Building Blocks by Uncle Goose
These gorgeous wood building blocks are the foundations of open-ended play. They help kids practice hand-eye coordination and learn about balance and gravity. Oh, and they can begin to recognize letters and start spelling out words.
Buy Now $34.95
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Learning Resources Botley 2.0 The Coding Robot
The new and improved Botley lets kids work on their grasp of screen-free coding. This Botley has eyes that change colors, and he can perform 45 degree turns and even has night vision capabilities. Kids program him to move in different directions or put on a light show.
Buy Now $52.82
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Doctor Role Play Costume Set by Melissa & Doug
Real-world toys like this set help 4-year-olds make sense of the complicated, often overwhelming things they see in the adult world. And let's face it: Seeing a doctor can be a scary thing. This gorgeous medical kit is great for pretend play, as kids dole out pretend shots and take your blood pressure.
Buy Now $27.65
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Hand Puppet by Cate & Levi
These offbeat, handmade wool puppets are a fantastic way for kids to act out stories and immerse themselves in pretend play.
Buy Now $19.99
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Bristle Blocks by Battat
These 112 interlocking blocks connect together and let kids build towers or cars or dinosaurs or castles or, or, or.
Buy Now $15.50
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Imagination Magnets by MindWare
By age four, kids recognize their own body parts. This magnetic set lets them create animals, faces, cars, flowers, and buildings. From flowers to skyscrapers to dogs to mom and dad, the proverbial sky's the limit. They can follow the enclosed puzzle cards, or freestyle. And when done, the magnets are stored in the wood carrying case.
Buy Now $29.95
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Magna-Tiles Stardust Set
Kids get insanely creative with Magna-Tiles, and this set has 15 colorful, shiny and glittery shapes including four mirrored squares, seven glitter squares and four equilateral triangles.Kids can use these magnetic blocks to create and build complex structures, which helps with critical thinking and problem solving.
Buy Now $29.99
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Dynamo Wooden Domino Set by Hape
This 100-piece domino play set encourages children’s spatial thinking abilities and color recognition, and fosters a basic understanding of physics. What goes up must come down. Kids learn that, and more, with this deceptively simple yet utterly cool domino set. It includes a bridge, a bell and assorted tricks that add extra drama to the domino racing game.
Buy Now $35.67
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Playfoam by Educational Insights
It's like slime, without the mess. This non-sticky stuff never dries out, and is great for hands-on sculpting. Not only does it foster creativity, but it glows in the dark.
Buy Now $19.99
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Wooden Dollhouse by Hape
A gender-neutral dream house that lets kids play together and act out scenarios they see at home or at school. With six rooms and furniture included, this dollhouse leaves tons of opportunity for open-ended play that won't get repetitive.
Buy Now $127.99
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Magnatab by Kid O
This magnatab allows kids to 'draw' by using a magnet to flip over metal spheres, revealing their silver-colored underside. It's like the modern-day etch-a-sketch, and can be used to draw over and over again. And it glows in the dark.
Buy Now $29.99
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Checkout Register by Hape
Sure, this cash register sneakily teaches kids about math. And yes, it shows them the basics of what it means to have and spend money. But it's also a good time, as they pretend to run a store, or a cafe, and charge their customers using the bar code scanner and card reader. Plus, they need to count out exact change.
Buy Now $33.49
Every product on Fatherly is independently selected by our editors, writers, and experts. If you click a link on our site and buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.
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The post The Best Gifts for 4-Year-Olds, According to Child Development Experts appeared first on Fatherly.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/the-best-gifts-for-4-year-olds-according-to-child-development-experts
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cliftonsteen · 4 years
Recreating A Coffee Shop Cappuccino At Home
The cappuccino is one of the most popular and well-known drinks in the world. The winning combination of milk foam and espresso is a favourite of many, and it has inspired a number of other milk-based coffee beverages.
While the drink dates back to the 1800s, the traditional Italian cappuccino emerged in the 1930s. This was before the invention of the modern espresso machine – meaning that you don’t need one to create a classic cappuccino at home.
To explore how it was possible to prepare this delicious drink outside your local coffee shop, I spoke with three cappuccino experts. They are Tosca Cesaretti and Misha Bussemey, the co-owners of Texas-based Springtown Roasters, and Chiara Bergonzi, a three-time Italian latte art champion, an SCA trainer, and an international judge.
Read more: What is a Cappuccino?
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How Is A Cappuccino Made?
A cappuccino consists of three basic parts: measured proportions of milk, coffee, and milk foam. In the classic Italian recipe, the foamed milk does mix with the coffee, instead just sitting on top. While variations on the foam and the ratios exist, these three parts always remain the same.
Tosca and Misha say: “While the ratio is one part coffee to two parts milk, the milk is broken down to one part steamed milk and one part foam.” However, according to them, variations are acceptable, as long as the final result suits the drinker. 
In her book, Latte Art, Chiara states: “The creamy effect of the [cappuccino’s] foam must create a round and comforting beverage, which caresses the palate, with a pleasant temperature between 60 and 65ºC.”
For Tosca and Misha, it is much more than the proportions and ratios that set the cappuccino apart from other milky coffees. They believe that drinking a good cappuccino is a truly sensory experience; it combines the visual effect of good-looking foam with the sweet aroma of foamed whole milk in contact with the coffee. 
In Italy, a cappuccino is a morning beverage, prepared to be enjoyed quickly so it doesn’t lose its creamy and bubble free consistency. Traditionally, it is prepared with less steamed milk and more foam, which gives it a more intense flavour. The trademark of a traditional Italian cappuccino, according to Chiara, is “the white crown on top, surrounded by a ring of coffee”.
Choosing the right mug for your cappuccino is also important. Pick the wrong cup, and your cappuccino may lose heat too quickly. According to the Istituto Nazionale Espresso Italiano (INEI), a cappuccino mug should have a wide rim and a narrow base. 
However, for a homemade cappuccino, Chiara believes that size is not a real issue. “Many people use cups that are either too big or small,” She says. “This is OK – it’s keeping the right proportion that is really important.”
Home Brewing Methods For Cappuccinos
In coffee shops, cappuccinos are prepared with specific, professional-grade equipment. However, you don’t necessarily need these tools to prepare a cappuccino at home.
If you don’t have a home barista or espresso machine, you may want to use a stove-top coffee maker, such as a moka or Neapolitan flip pot. These alternatives are more affordable, and can also be used to produce concentrated, espresso-like shots of coffee.
You might also like What Is A Ristretto?
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For a homemade cappuccino, Tosca and Misha recommend a moka pot. “The coffee should be really strong because we’re adding the milk. The moka pot is excellent for that, as you get all the oils and the natural fats, all the good stuff that exists in the coffee.”
According to Tosca and Misha, a French press is also a suitable alternative. However, when brewing for a cappuccino with a French press,  the ratio for the coffee and the water should be adjusted. Tosca and Misha’s advice is to decrease the amount of water until you reach a concentration that you are happy with.
It’s worth noting that you may have to adjust other variables, such as the coffee variety, grind size, and extraction time, to find a recipe that works for you. It’s important that you’re prepared to experiment and refine your recipe over a number of different attempts.
If you do decide to invest in a machine, there is a wide range to choose from with a variety of different features. Chiara says that the right machine for a cappuccino will have good, stable pressure for the coffee, as well as a milk steaming vapour wand.
No matter which method you choose, what’s important for a cappuccino is that you produce a highly concentrated coffee. When using some brewing methods, like the pour over, this can be more difficult to achieve. “Filters take away the body of the coffee, which is precisely what we want for a cappuccino,” Tosca and Misha add.
Choosing Your Coffee
Before you even start making a quality cappuccino, you will have to carefully choose the right coffee. You should try to buy freshly roasted beans, and if possible, get recommendations on which to choose from a local roaster. Tosca and Misha recommend choosing a medium roast, and grinding your beans finely – as if you were making an espresso. This is the ideal size for the moka pot.
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Your grind size will ultimately vary depending on how you are brewing your coffee. Chiara says that trial and error is key. Even with lower quality grinders, you can experiment with different grind sizes and brewing methods until you find something that works for you. 
She also says that pre-ground coffee can be suitable, as long as it’s of very good quality and reasonably fresh. Those who don’t own or use a grinder can often ask a roaster to grind coffee to a size of their choice. And while fine coffee is ideal for the moka pot, French press coffee should be more coarse. If you have any questions, it may be worth speaking to a roaster.
The Right Kind Of Milk
Creating perfect cappuccino foam is all about chemistry. There are a number of different factors that influence it – from the quality of the milk through to the heating temperature. While a thermometer will help, Tosca and Misha explain that choosing the right type of milk is an important first step.
“Essentially, good organic whole milk is the best. It has the most fats, and that’s what you really need to get the bubbles and the foam.” However, you need to make sure that you don’t overheat your milk, as this can kill the proteins and leave your foam too thin.
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For those who want to create a perfect, barista-quality cappuccino at home, the Specialty Coffee Association provides temperature guidelines. The SCA recommends that milk is heated somewhere between 50°C (122°F) and 70°C (158°F).
When it comes to non-dairy milk options, soy and almond milk also produce a good foam. Tosca and Misha don’t recommend coconut or cashew milk, however, as “they are very thin and watery”.
Getting That Magic Foam
The simplest way of frothing your milk is to use a saucepan and a whisk. Just heat up your milk on the stove and when it starts to bubble, turn off the stove and start whisking. If you have a thermometer, you should take the milk off the heat at around 70ºC, as the SCA recommends. Keep whisking until your milk starts to froth and thicken, and you will soon have your foam.
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Your other options are to heat up the milk on the stove and then use a blender until it gets frothy. Just be careful that the milk is not too hot, as too much pressure could cause your blender some damage.
Believe it or not, the French press can also be used to steam and foam your milk. This is the method that Chiara recommends. She says using very cold milk before heating it up in a pan helps produce a good foam. Once heated, you simply pour the milk into your French press, and then pull and push the plunger until you create your foam. 
To separate the steamed milk from the foam, all you need to do is pour it very slowly into a separate container, and swirl gently to remove any air bubbles. Baristas often remove the air bubbles and separate the foam by banging the jug against the counter, but this can be messy if you’re not careful. 
Another “semi-pro” option is to buy a milk frothing machine, of which there are a wide variety of options available. However, if you want something more compact and affordable, you can invest in a handheld foam wand. Tosca and Misha even describe it as “great to take on vacations”.
Other Variations
Following a strict recipe with set ratios means you have more freedom to experiment with your cappuccino in other ways. For example, you can add the traditional pinch of cocoa powder or ground cinnamon, which date back to the early 20th century. In some European countries today, cappuccinos are even made with cream and sugar, rather than steamed milk and foam.
Misha adds cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg, but says the exact recipe “depends on [her] mood in the morning. Tosca has an even more detailed recipe that she calls “The Mini Miel”: “I make the cappuccino with really strong coffee, and I’ll take one tablespoon of honey to sweeten it, and I add a dash of salt. That’s my little secret!”
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No matter how you choose to brew your coffee or froth your milk, it’s important that you create a cappuccino that you love. Your recipe will need to be adjusted and tweaked no matter which method you choose, and trying and making mistakes will help you to develop a perfect recipe in the long run. 
Most importantly? Remember to enjoy the process. As Misha and Tosca say: “Try to have a lot of fun with it. Experiment with it all.” 
Enjoyed this? Then try How To Make A Cappuccino With A French Press
Photo credits: Tosca Cesaretti, Cris Flores, Gaia Schirru
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The post Recreating A Coffee Shop Cappuccino At Home appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
Recreating A Coffee Shop Cappuccino At Home published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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neworiginshop · 5 years
New Origin Shop 2019 Small Business Gift Giving Guide
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Y'all know what time it is. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And with the season of giving upon us, there’s no better time to start crossing off the names on your Christmas list. But here at New Origin Shop, we’re all about shopping small & local—even for the holidays.
So we’ve put together this Holiday Gift Giving Guide made up of small business vendors, artists, and entrepreneurs across the country (Yes, including yours truly). So if you’re looking for Snuggies or Chia Pets, this is the wrong list. Handcrafted, one-of-a-kind goods? You’re in the right place.
Before we get into it, we’ve provided a full list of all vendors that are mentioned below. You can find the list at the bottom of this post. There’s a LOT of great folks to check out!
Alright, we know you’ve got a lot of shopping to do, so we’ve broken the list down into categories:
Stocking Stuffers
Gifts under $25
Gifts under $50
Gifts for Her
Gifts for Him
Gifts for the Little Ones
Gifts for the Home
Unique Gifts
Where you can Shop Small
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Hibiscus Steam - Our Village
Everyone gets stressed—especially towards the end of the year. This steam brings relief from stress and promotes relaxation and calmness for our mind but also our skin.
$14.00 Link to Store Page
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Aromatherapy Oil Roller - New Origin Shop x Our Village
With these travel-sized oil rollers, you’ll always have the perfect excuse to soothe, clarify, and rebalance yourself.
$12.00 Link to Store Page
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Crocheted Cinched Bow Ear Warmer/Headband - Knot in Texas Fiber Arts
Everyone needs a cute little headband to throw on as you walk out the door. And we don’t know about you, but winter feels a little nippier this year.
$15.00 Link to Store Page
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Abstract Art Prints - New Origin Shop
Add a little color to your desk, wall, or bookshelf with a 5x7 or 8x10 print.
$9.00 - $14.00 Link to Store Page
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Mini Bronze and Black Wallet - Fringe & Flair
With its slim, gold button closure, this mini wallet slips easily into even the most compact carryalls. Hand-painted!
$20.00 Link to Store Page
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Half Moon Clay Earrings - Wax and Wane Handmade
These earrings are great statement pieces yet incredibly lightweight and easy to wear. You will forget you have them on!
$20.00 Link to Store Page
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Macrame Feather Keychain - New Origin Shop
Macrame feather on keychain hook, the perfect size to add to your purses, bags, and accessories.
$20.00 Link to Store Page
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Esi Fiber Brass Earrings - New Origin Shop
Fiber and brass merge to create this statement silhouette while remaining super lightweight.
$40.00 Link to Store Page
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Sodalite Pendant Necklace - Milk Moon
A high vibrational stone that carries calm and focused energy, Sodalite helps ease anxiety and balance your emotions.
$42.00 Link to Store Page
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Salvatore Ferragamo Loafers - Sugar Woods Studio
Nothing beats an elegant flat. Salvatore Ferragamo brown leather loafers with fringe and bow detail.
$40.00 Link to Store Page
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French Market Basket with Shoulder Strap - New Origin Shop
Handwoven palm leaves and double hand features make this style essential for your beach trips, market visits, and picnics.
$49.00 Link to Store Page
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Cozumel Earrings - Bloom Studio
A small, minimalist piece inspired by adobe-style homes seen in Cozumel, Mexico. (Speckled White is pictured).
$28.00 Link to Store Page
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Mountain Ring - Nina Berenato
Part of the Mother Collection—this ring represents Mother Nature and the female body. Various cultures around the world maintain the importance of mountain worship and sacredness.
$70.00 Link to Store Page
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Sterling Heart Bracelet - Morgan Mars Vintage
Show a little love this season with this vintage sterling silver bracelet adorned with interlocking hearts.
$20.00 Link to Store Page
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Capri Errand Dress
You ever just want to throw something on and feel comfy and cute all day long? Meet the Errand Dress.
$40.00 $85.00 Link to Store Page
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Strengthen Leave In Conditioner Hair Care - Austin TX Hair Queen
Strengthening and conditioning leave in conditioner spray that creates shine without weight.
$15.60 Link to Store Page
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Blue Suede Slippers - New Origin Shop
A perfect comfy addition to your loungewear wardrobe.
$49.00 Link to Store Page
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Matte Tiger’s Eye Bracelet - Shop Rebel Soul
This bracelet is made up of Tiger’s Eye beads. It’s a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and stimulates taking action.
$50.00 Link to Store Page
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Lush Lagoon Bandana - TawaTies
For the outdoorsy, fashionable, (or just plain sweaty) type in your life. Bonus: Part of the proceeds goes to funding Palmetto State Park in Texas.
$25.00 Link to Store Page
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Pit Kit - Quiet Cricket Studio
The deodorant is all-natural and the spritzer fights bacteria rather than masking it, leaving no odor once the essential oils have dissipated. Perfect for gym bags, bathrooms, lockers, or emergency use.
$20.00 Link to Store Page
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Sassy Knit Swaddle Blanket - Lemon Drop
The lightweight and breathable swaddle blankets come in a variety of fun styles (Sassy style is pictured).
$24.95 Link to Store Page
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Pacifier Clips - Lola’s Classic Babies
These baby pacifier clips (some inspired by pop culture) are a fun solution to your teething baby.
$12.00 Link to Store Page
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Children’s Bow Ties and Hair Bows - Lola’s Classic Babies
Lola's baby bow ties and hair bows are stylish accessories for your little model-in-the-making.
$5.00 Link to Store Page
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Ice Cream Cone Teether - Lemon Drop
Made of food-grade silicone, this ice cream teether offers sweet relief for teething babies, with engaging textures on both sides.
$26.00 Link to Store Page
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Decorative Macrame Wall Feather - New Origin Shop
Add a little flair to your wall decor, framed-photo galleries, and nurseries. This macrame feather is handmade with cotton rope and a wooden bead.
$22.00 Link to Store Page
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Botanical Dish - Herland Home
Organically shaped slab plates hand-formed from iron-rich Californian black clay. Each is pressed with botanicals (the Sage dish is pictured).
$24.00 Link to Store Page
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Soy Candle - Flame Candle Company
Who doesn’t love a good candle—especially around the holidays? This Texas-based company has an expanding selection of 100% hand-poured, essential oil-infused soy candles. Bonus: A percentage of the proceeds is donated to YWCA of Austin, TX.    
$14.99 - $24.99 Link to Store Page
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Hand-Painted Cement Planters - Awkward Auntie
Upgrade from that plain terracotta pot with these beautiful cement planters. Trays and candle holders also available!  
$15.00 - $18.00 Link to Store Page
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Mixed-Media Pop Art - Oso Art
These acrylic, mixed-media prints are on wrapped canvas and depict “boss babes” like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Michelle Obama, Frida Kahlo, and Selena.
$115.00 - $145.00 Link to Store Page
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Origami Map Paper Wall Clock - The Foxes Tail
Part of the National Park/Forest Series (Chaco Culture National Historic Park is pictured). This handmade origami wall clock is a unique light-weight timepiece that fits in with any decor.
$42.00 Link to Store Page
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Mini White and Honey Planter - Plant + Vessel
No green thumb? This planter is perfect for small cacti and succulents that are low-maintenance. The pot also absorbs excess water so you don’t have to worry about drainage!
$22.00 Link to Store Page
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Sewing Lessons - Ronkita Design
Know someone who wants to get into sewing? These sewing classes and personalized lessons are scheduled when and where you want. For adults and kids, beginner to advanced skill levels.
$35.00/hr - $50.00/hr Link to Store Page
We’ve mentioned a bunch of really great artists and small businesses above for specific items (though you should check out their sites for more!). Here are some great places where you can shop small and support makers.
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Caravan Co-Op  | Local Austin Retailer
This Co-Op is comprised entirely of independent women makers and shop owners. The selection includes: vintage, sustainable fashion, apothecary, handmade fiber accessories, fashion goods, Art & more.
Facebook | Instagram
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Blue Elephant Boutique | Local Austin Retailer
Website | Instagram
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Roots + Revival | Online Retailer of Makers and Artists
Website | Instagram
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Thrifted Feels | Sustainable Fashion
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WYLDE Vintage | Vintage Boutique
Here is the full list of vendors mentioned in this post:
Austin TX Hair Queen | Haircare Instagram
Awkward Auntie | Home Decor
Website | Instagram
Bloom Studio | Handmade Jewelry
Website | Instagram
Blue Elephant Boutique | Local Austin Retailer
Website | Instagram
Caravan Co-Op  | Local Austin Retailer
Facebook | Instagram
Flame Candle Company | Candle Maker
Fringe & Flair | Turquoise Jewelry, Wandering Pop Up
Website | Instagram
Herland Home | Candle Maker
Website | Instagram
Knot in Texas | Fiber Artist
Website | Instagram
Lemon Drop | Children’s Shop
Website | Instagram
Lola’s Class Babies | Baby Wares
Website| Instagram
Milk Moon | Handcrafted Jewelry
Website | Instagram
Morgan Mars Vintage | Vintage Jewelry
Website | Instagram
New Origin Shop | Handcrafted Goods Retailer
Website | Instagram
Nina Berenato | Small Batch Sustainable Jewelry
Website | Instagram
Oso Art
Website | Instagram
Our Village | Plant-based Skincare
Website | Instagram
Plant + Vessel | Ceramics
Website | Instagram
Quiet Cricket Studio | Botanically Inspired Products
Website | Instagram
Ronkita Design | Sewing & Design Studio
Website | Instagram
Roots + Revival | Online Retailer of Makers and Artists
Website | Instagram
Shop Soul Rebel | Premium Handmade Jewelry
Website | Instagram
Sugarwoods Studio | Community Market, Vintage
Website | Instagram
Tawa Ties | Hand printed Bandanas
Website | Instagram
The Foxes Tail | Handmade Art & Goods
Website | Instagram
Thrifted Feels
WaxandWaneHandmade | Handmade goods with a modern edge
Website | Instagram
WYLDE Vintage | Vintage Boutique
0 notes
no-more-ramen · 8 years
Easy poor student sandwich maker recipe.
Sandwich makers with removable plates are really versatile tools for people without the proper cooking equipment or energy/time required to cook. They’re compact little appliances that you fill with ingredients, close for a few minutes, and open to a hot meal. They seal the sides of a sandwich to keep all of the fillings inside, like an Uncrustable. If you don’t have a sandwich maker, you can make this recipe on the stove, just fry each side of the sandwich like you would for a grilled cheese, but it won’t seal the insides so be careful when eating with some of the variations.
slice of american cheese (or any type of cheese you have on hand, soy cheese for those with restricted diets)
salt and pepper
water (or milk)
turkey bacon (or really any type of meat)
sandwich bread
sandwich maker of some kind (I use the ZZ 4-in-1)
plastic utensils to take food off the hot plates
bowl to whisk egg
whisk or fork to whisk egg
Heat up sandwich maker with the triangular plates.
Place bacon or other meat on it to cook for a few minutes.
Whisk egg with salt, pepper, and a tablespoon of water as if you were making scrambled eggs.
Dip one side of each slice of bread in the egg mixture.
Remove bacon from plates.
Place one slice egg side down on the hot plates.
Tear up bacon and place on top with cheese.
Top with second piece of bread, egg side up.
Close sandwich maker and let it cook for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.
Tip: if you have extra egg, pour it in one of the dips of the sandwich maker, close the lid, and cook it for 3-ish minutes. You’ll have a nice fluffy side of eggs!
Bread dipped in egg is a great addition to any sandwich because you hardly taste it but it adds more texture and protein. Here are some other things you can fill the egg-bread with, in order from less to more energy needed to cook them.
just plain american cheese or cheddar (grilled cheese)
peanut butter and jelly
diced canned fruits like peaches
honey and canned fruit
canned pie filling
nutella and banana
nutella and mini-marshmallows (s'mores!)
no filling, just dip both sides of the bread in egg, cook as usual, and sprinkle with powdered sugar once cooled (french toast)
fried or scrambled egg (egg-ception)
fried or scrambled egg with bacon or another meat and hashbrowns (straight up breakfast)
cooked ground beef and cheese (hamburger)
cooked ground beef, taco seasoning, and shredded cheese - dip in salsa (tacos)
The possibilities are endless!
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the-expert-zone · 4 years
Vegan Keto Pumpkin Spice Protein Waffles (gluten-free, coconut-free, soy-free, nut-free) | Meat Free Keto
Note: Hi, friends! Just a a quick reminder – some of the links on this site are affiliate links, and so I may earn a little cash on qualifying orders. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, and is a nice way to help support this site! I also want to point out that I don’t promote products I haven’t actually tried or products that I don’t trust.
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I promised myself that I would wait a little longer before going crazy with pumpkin spice recipes, and yet here we are… At the same time, the air where I am is cool and crisp and it just feels right to follow my heart (and my taste buds) and make these vegan keto pumpkin spice protein waffles. This is another one of those recipes that I make for myself all the time, and finally decided to write down and post, and now that it’s September, I don’t feel so weird about sharing it. I started making these in July, but figured I would hold off on posting it, so as to seem less obsessed with fall foods…
Like all of the recipes on this site, these protein waffles are low-carb, keto-friendly and gluten-free. As an added bonus, this particular recipe also happens to be coconut-free, nut-free, soy-free and bean-free in general. Plus, there are only 5.7g of net carbs per serving, and almost 23g of plant protein, which is pretty exciting if you ask me. Now, if you’re wondering about the pumpkin in here, rest assured you can eat pumpkin on a keto diet. While it’s a bit too high in carbs to scarf down an entire can in one sitting, you can easily sneak canned pumpkin into your macros here and there without too much budgeting. In fact, the canned pumpkin required for this recipe only has about 3g of net carbs.
Anywho, I won’t blather on about these for too long. I just really hope you enjoy them! If you make these and want to share, I love seeing posts on instagram – just be sure to tag @meatfreeketo in the image itself so I will see it! Otherwise, it could get lost in a sea of notifications.
    Notes on Making Vegan Keto Pumpkin Spice Protein Waffles (gluten-free, coconut-free, soy-free, nut-free)
If you don’t want to use protein powder, here is a recipe for pumpkin spice vegan keto waffles without protein powder!
Alternatively, you can substitute the protein powder here for an equal volume/weight of lupin flour.
The waffle maker I use is the Dash Mini-maker. I have been using this waffle maker for years and have never had anything stick to it. I highly recommend it. It is amazing. My previous waffle iron basically stuck to everything, no matter how much I oiled things up. So, I firmly believe that the waffle iron used makes a huge difference.
The syrup I like is from Lakanto. Fun fact: You can actually save 20% on your order with the code MeatFreeKeto!
I cannot stress this enough: read the labels! I have, on more than one occasion, purchased pumpkin pie filling instead of pumpkin pie puree. Pumpkin pie filling is pre-spiced and also full of sugar, whereas pumpkin puree is just pureed, cooked pumpkin. Big, important difference.
While I strive to provide accurate nutritional information, your calculations may differ a bit. This is especially true with protein powders, so be sure to read the label carefully.
Vegan Keto Pumpkin Spice Protein Waffles (gluten-free, coconut-free, soy-free, nut-free)
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These protein-rich, low-carb vegan keto pumpkin spice waffles are a delicious and easy way to start off any fall morning!
1/4 cup pumpkin puree (~60g)
1.5 tbsp room-temp vegan butter substitute or olive oil
1/4 cup (60ml) water or milk of choice
1 scoop (~30g) vanilla protein powder (I used this one from Garden of Life)
1 tbsp whole psyllium husks (or 1 tsp psyllium husk powder)
1 tsp pumpkin spice blend
1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
Preheat your waffle maker, according to the manufacturer’s instructions and lightly grease with your preferred oil, if you find that your waffle iron is a bit sticky.
In a small bowl, mash together the pumpkin, butter substitute & water with a fork until relatively smooth.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients until thoroughly combined.
Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until everything is evenly distributed.
Let the dough sit for about 5 minutes, until the psyllium gels up and the dough stiffens. You should be able to scoop it, and it shouldn’t be pourable. If it is still a little loose-looking, add an additional tbsp of the protein powder.
Make waffles according to your waffle maker instructions. I use a dash waffle maker and break it up into three little waffles because I like making a stack out of them. I also usually wait until the little light goes off and then unplug the waffle maker and open it up, to let the waffle cool down for a minute before gently removing it from the maker. This allows the psyllium and any sweetener present in your protein powder to set up a bit and prevents crumbling!
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You can click the LINK to start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet.
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from Your Keto Plan https://ift.tt/3aGmAYZ
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items and shops
gudfinds A:witch hazel toner, rosewater , B:tomato toner, magic lip gloss, gentle cleanser https://shopee.ph/hankleinbeautyph
king shop
lucky star collapsible straw antibacterial mold and mildew mat refrigerator
Air Ozonizer Air Purifier Home Room Deodorizer Ionizer Generator Sterilization Filter Disinfection
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GX No Touch Portable Anti Bacteria Elevator Button Drawer Door Handle Assistant 【GX】Adjustable Double Heads Soup Milk Powder Flavour Spoons Kitchen Baking Tool 【GX】Home Car Hanging Air Freshener Perfume Fragrance Diffuser Empty Glass Bottle 【GX】Foldable Outdoor Travel Silicone Reuasble Drinking Straw with Cleaning Brush 【GX】Stainless Steel Manual Ice Cones Crusher Chopper Hand Shaved Crushed Machine 【GX】Activated Carbon Home Kitchen Faucet Tap Water Clean Mini Pro Purifier Filter 【GX】Stylish Stainless Steel Anti-skid Hotel Restaurant Home Chopsticks Cutlery Gift 【GX】24cm Professional Pan Mat Non-stick Round Liner Sheet Kitchen Cooking Tool 【GX】250/500ml Clear Press Pump Empty Bottle Refillable Shampoo Liquid Soap Dispenser 【GX】Cupid Arrow Love Heart Loose Leaf Tea Herb Filter Infuser Strainer Stirrer Detachable Basting Pastry BBQ Baking Picnic Brush Home Kitchen Outdoor Gadgets 【GX】Soldier Shape Egg Holder Kitchen Breakfast Boiled Plastic Eggs Cup Cooking Tool 【GX】Spill Proof Tumbler 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BBQ Grill Mat/Cooking Clamp Outdoor Picnic Kitchen Tool Microwave Oven Heating Steaming Double Layer Insulation Plate Shelf Potholder 2Pcs Silicone Loose Leaf Tea Infusers Tea Bag Shape Herbal Spice Strainer Filter Mini Home Kitchen Useful Faucet Tap Purifier Activated Carbon Water Filter 6 Cavity DIY Sausage Making Mold Silicone Burger Hot Dog Mould Kitchen Tool https://shopee.ph/%E3%80%90GX%E3%80%91Silicone-Ice-Cube-Mold-Round-Ball-Maker-4-grid-Tray-Mould-Bar-Restaurant-Tool-i.135120636.4831535716 Peach Blossom Silicone DIY Fondant Cake Decorating Mold Kitchen Baking Tool Moon Face Fondant Cake Silicone Mold Kitchen DIY Sugarcraft Decorating Tool Anchor Rudder Silicone Mold Fondant Craft DIY Cake Decorating Mould Baking Tool 120x Thank You Craft Paper Sealing Stickers Wedding Favours Letter Gift Labels Hollowed Plastic Retractable Vegetable Basket Kitchen Fruit Washing Drain Rack Dual-Functional Stainless Steel Fruit Melon Carving Spoon Baller Digging Tool Practical Kale Chard 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Kitchen Tool 2Pcs Aluminum Alloy 3D Ball Bath Bombs Cake Mold DIY Baking Tool Accessories Mini Color Changing Resin Perfect Boiled Eggs Timer Cooking Kitchen Supplies Non-stick Mini BBQ Cheese Oven Long Handle Baking Pan Tray Grill Kitchen Gadget Practical Kitchen Trash Garbage Bag Plastic Holder Cabinets Towel Rack Organizer Detachable Silicone Bread Barbecue Oil Brush BBQ Baking Tool Kitchen Bakeware Baby's Kid's Spill-Proof Drink Bottle Lid Drinking Straw Cover Protection Tool Heat-resistant Silicone Baking Cake Bread Pastry Liquid Oil Pen Tube Brush BBQ Tool Snack Cone Stand + Remove Dip Holder for Fries Chips Finger Food Home Restaurant Durable Stainless Steel Kitchen Coffee Measuring Spoon Bag Sealing Clip Spoon Detachable Wooden Heat Insulation Rack Mat Pot Holder for Kitchen Tableware 2Pcs Metal Spiral Spring Wire Tray Egg Cup Storage Holder Stand Kitchen Tool Sanaky Mini Dry Fruit Machine 250W Ajustable Height 5 Layers Food Dehydrator Machine Preserved Fruit Easy Clean DIY Homemade Tofu Maker Soy Kit Plastic Press
0 notes
crazytummyblog · 4 years
Power Cord Cable Fit for Instant Pot, Electric Pressure Cooker, Rice Cooker, Soy Milk Maker, Power Quick Pot and Other Kitchen Appliances 3 Prong Replacement Power Cable
Power Cord Cable Fit for Instant Pot, Electric Pressure Cooker, Rice Cooker, Soy Milk Maker, Power Quick Pot and Other Kitchen Appliances 3 Prong Replacement Power Cable
Price: (as of – Details) Replacement Power Cord fit for Instant Pot DUO Mini, DUO Plus Mini, DUO50, DUO Plus 60, DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker and Power Quick Pot All Series, Smart 60 Bluetooth, Ultra, Ultra 6, and Ultra 60 Pressure Cooker, Instant Zest Rice Cooker. Fit for Power Cooker Models such as XL PC-TRI6, PCXL-PRO6, PCXL-PRO8, PPC770, PPC770-1, PPC780, PPC790,…
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: The Best Gifts for 4-Year-Olds, According to Child Development Experts
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Age 4 is a huge milestone year. Not only do many 4-year-olds go to preschool or start pre-kindergarten, they tend to become much more well-rounded, articulate opinionated little humans at this age. Most 4-year-olds start to share, ask tons of questions, and form solid friendships.  Kids also become choosier about what toys they will or won’t play with around age 4. That’s why the best Christmas gifts for 4-year-olds are toys that play into these new, emerging capabilities while also taking kids’ own specific idiosyncrasies and interests into account. 
“Think about simple board games to use new thinking skills and emerging self-control as they wait for a turn and cope with losing, puppets to tell stories with, interlocking plastic blocks to create structures, a child-sized chalkboard for writing and drawing, or a bicycle or other wheeled toys so they can move their strong, growing bodies,” says Rebecca Parlakian, the senior director of programs at Zero to Three. “And pretend play props are always a great idea, as they let kids make up and act out stories.”
When it comes to Christmas gifts, consider a toy’s longevity. Open-ended toys, ones that can be played with in limitless ways, are the gold standard. They include blocks of all shapes and sizes, such as Legos, and toys that mimic real-life objects and tools. As a general rule, the less a toy does, the more your kid’s imagination has to work. When it comes down to it, the best toys for 4-year-olds are those that let them play however they want.
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Balance Board by Wobbel
This wobbly board teaches kids about balance, helps them hone their gross motor skills, and supports up to 480 pounds worth of child. Plus, most of all, it's a hell of a good time because it's way harder than it looks. And it doubles as a bridge or a tunnel for playtime.
Buy Now $79.99
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Wooden Stacking Board Game by Lewo
Another spot-on game for kids and parents to play together, this one gives their fine motor skills a workout. Kids use their small muscles and problem-solving abilities to stack the blocks, move them, and reposition them to keep the tower intact.
Buy Now $12.99
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Ukelele by Hape
A wood gorgeous guitar perfectly sized for 4-year-olds, with tunable strings. It looks like it belongs at Coachella. And it lets kids explore the fundamentals of music and rhythm.
Buy Now $29.99
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Wooden Balancing Tree by PlanToys
Looks easy, right? Wrong. Kids work on their motor skills, while doing some serious concentration, as they try to balance the six birds on the 10 branches.
Buy Now $13.50
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Bowling Friends by Melissa & Doug
Things don't get any more fun than hurling a pin at these soft animals and knocking them over. The weighted bottoms make the game ever more challenging.
Buy Now $19.89
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Adjustable Telescope for Kids by Hape
Want to get your kids outdoors? Give them this adjustable telescope, beautifully made from bamboo. Explorers get 8x magnification so they can see bugs and blades of grass up close.
Buy Now $19.99
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Hide &-Seek Periscope by Hape
From its lightweight design to its wrist-strap, this is a great periscope for kids. They can hide behind a tree, use it to spy on animals (or each other) and explore nature.
Buy Now $13.99
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Nature Detective Set by Hape
First, kids look through the magnifying glass, which magnifies things four times. And then they whistle when they spot something really, really notable.
Buy Now $8.99
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Rocket Ship Indoor Playhouse by Melissa & Doug
The sky's the limit with this 4.7 foot long rocket ship playhouse. It includes capsule windows, a door that opens and closes, and four stabilizer fins. Kids pretend to be astronauts, aliens, explorers, or whatever else they can dream up.
Buy Now $41.99
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Smart Tech Train Set by Brio
A gorgeous train set, with some added oomph: Kids arrange the tunnels and station, and the train stops, honks the horn, backs up, or blinks its lights. It's compatible with all other Brio train set.
Buy Now $137.26
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Grill and Play Kitchen by Hape
Kids fire up this ultra-detailed grill, serving up bell peppers, steaks, and sausages, and using tons (thus working their motor skills) to flip the food. The grill has double-sided grates, a collapsible side table, moveable wheels, and an open-and-close hood.
Buy Now $113.09
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My Wooden Weather Station by Moon Picnic
Junior meteorologists can get a handle on the weather by reporting back on what's going on outside. They turn the dials to show whether it's sunny or cloudy outside, how hot or cold it is, and if it's going to rain. All, while helping hone their fine motor skills.
BUY NOW $57.00
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Pinball Game by PlanToys
Pinball is fun. We get it. But this kid-sized pinball game also teaches them to solve problems while also working on their motor skills. The goal, of course, is to try to keep the ball in play as long as possible.
BUY NOW $100.00
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Barbie Inspiring Women Series Ella Fitzgerald Collectible Doll by Mattel
Ella Fitzgerald, a musical icon and trailblazer, is immortalized thanks to this Barbie. It's a great way to encourage pretend play, while also talking to kids about history and those helped make it.
Buy Now $23.24
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Ice Cream Cart by Tender Leaf Toys
It's never the wrong time for ice cream. This stand is the epitome of pretend play, as kids take orders, use the scooper to fill the cone, and count out change.
Buy Now $95.96
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Magnetic Wooden Block Set by Tegu
This 42-piece set of beautiful magnetic wood blocks, with enough to go around so two kids can play together, teaches them about gravity and problem-solving, while also working on their motor skills.
Buy Now $110.95
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Just Rocks in a Box 8 Colors by Just Rocks
These 64 long-lasting soy wax crayons are shaped precisely for little hands, specifically created to strengthen kids' grip muscles and improve fine motor coordination. While also letting kids be as creative as they want.
Buy Now $30.00
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Baby Stella Doll by Manhattan Toy
Dolls are nurturing toys, teaching kids how to care for something. This doll is cuddly, washable, and wears clothes with a fabric hook and loop closure for easy changes.
Buy Now $30.98
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Motor Mechanic by PlanToys
So your car broke down? Happens to the best of us. Your 4-year-old mechanic will simply pop open the hood, pool out the enclosed tools, and fix the problem. This detailed set has a steering wheel, gearshift, horn, brake, accelerator, turnable car key, air conditioner, radio, side mirrors, hood lift support and screw jack. The mechanical tool in the front can be used to change tires, because tires do have to be changed.
BUY NOW $300.00
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Micro Mini Kick Toddler Scooter by Micro Kickboard
The perfect starter scooter, this has a stable a lean-to-steer design and a weight limit of 110 pounds, so it will serve you well for years.
Buy Now $89.99
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Snug as a Bug in a Rug Board Game by Peaceable Kingdom
Kids learn about colors, shapes, and numbers as they work together to get the very cute bugs to safety before the stinkbugs invade.
Buy Now $20.99
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Meal Maker Dough Set by Green Toys
This specific type of dough is made from parent-friendly organic flour. And this particular set empowers your little chef to whip up creative meals using the prep tools, extruder, cutlery, and plate. It's a toy you can feel good about: The plastic components are made from post-consumer recycled plastic milk jugs.
Buy Now $23.53
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Tool Belt by Plan Toys
Kids work on their fine and gross motor skills, and engage in pretend play, as they complete fixer-upper chores around the house. This child-sized tool kit includes an adjustable carpenter's belt, hammer, wrench, level, screwdriver, nut, and bolt.
BUY NOW $25.00
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ABC Building Blocks by Uncle Goose
These gorgeous wood building blocks are the foundations of open-ended play. They help kids practice hand-eye coordination and learn about balance and gravity. Oh, and they can begin to recognize letters and start spelling out words.
Buy Now $34.95
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Learning Resources Botley 2.0 The Coding Robot
The new and improved Botley lets kids work on their grasp of screen-free coding. This Botley has eyes that change colors, and he can perform 45 degree turns and even has night vision capabilities. Kids program him to move in different directions or put on a light show.
Buy Now $52.82
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Doctor Role Play Costume Set by Melissa & Doug
Real-world toys like this set help 4-year-olds make sense of the complicated, often overwhelming things they see in the adult world. And let's face it: Seeing a doctor can be a scary thing. This gorgeous medical kit is great for pretend play, as kids dole out pretend shots and take your blood pressure.
Buy Now $27.65
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Hand Puppet by Cate & Levi
These offbeat, handmade wool puppets are a fantastic way for kids to act out stories and immerse themselves in pretend play.
Buy Now $19.99
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Bristle Blocks by Battat
These 112 interlocking blocks connect together and let kids build towers or cars or dinosaurs or castles or, or, or.
Buy Now $15.50
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Imagination Magnets by MindWare
By age four, kids recognize their own body parts. This magnetic set lets them create animals, faces, cars, flowers, and buildings. From flowers to skyscrapers to dogs to mom and dad, the proverbial sky's the limit. They can follow the enclosed puzzle cards, or freestyle. And when done, the magnets are stored in the wood carrying case.
Buy Now $29.95
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Magna-Tiles Stardust Set
Kids get insanely creative with Magna-Tiles, and this set has 15 colorful, shiny and glittery shapes including four mirrored squares, seven glitter squares and four equilateral triangles.Kids can use these magnetic blocks to create and build complex structures, which helps with critical thinking and problem solving.
Buy Now $29.99
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Dynamo Wooden Domino Set by Hape
This 100-piece domino play set encourages children’s spatial thinking abilities and color recognition, and fosters a basic understanding of physics. What goes up must come down. Kids learn that, and more, with this deceptively simple yet utterly cool domino set. It includes a bridge, a bell and assorted tricks that add extra drama to the domino racing game.
Buy Now $35.67
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Playfoam by Educational Insights
It's like slime, without the mess. This non-sticky stuff never dries out, and is great for hands-on sculpting. Not only does it foster creativity, but it glows in the dark.
Buy Now $19.99
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Wooden Dollhouse by Hape
A gender-neutral dream house that lets kids play together and act out scenarios they see at home or at school. With six rooms and furniture included, this dollhouse leaves tons of opportunity for open-ended play that won't get repetitive.
Buy Now $127.99
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Magnatab by Kid O
This magnatab allows kids to 'draw' by using a magnet to flip over metal spheres, revealing their silver-colored underside. It's like the modern-day etch-a-sketch, and can be used to draw over and over again. And it glows in the dark.
Buy Now $29.99
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Checkout Register by Hape
Sure, this cash register sneakily teaches kids about math. And yes, it shows them the basics of what it means to have and spend money. But it's also a good time, as they pretend to run a store, or a cafe, and charge their customers using the bar code scanner and card reader. Plus, they need to count out exact change.
Buy Now $33.49
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