scotianostra · 1 year
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On September 18th 1959 47 miners were killed at Auchengeich Colliery, Lanarkshire when the bogies carrying them to work ran into smoke 1,000 feet below ground.
Most tragedies on this scale are further back in history, there will still be people out there that were involved in, or remember this. By the time the 80's arrived I only recall accidents at my local pit, where there were single casualties, this disaster would have shocked a whole community.
No day in the last century of Scottish mining was more tear-stained than September 18, 1959. In the space of just a few minutes, 47 miners died, 41 women were widowed and 76 children lost their fathers. Just one miner survived.
The death toll from the underground fire in Auchengeich Colliery, in Lanarkshire, was the worst in the history of mining in this country. The tragedy decimated families.
The day that turned to tragedy began unremarkably. At about 7am on that Friday, the early morning shift had clocked on. They were being carried to the coalface hundreds of feet underground in a small train of bogies.
They had no inkling that 1400ft below the surface a deadly sequence of events was in motion.
A canvas transmission belt on an unattended electrically powered fan had jumped off its pulley and was jammed. Friction ignited the belt which, in turn, sparked off oil vaporised from the shaft bearings and the oil deposits around the fan.
The flames, fed by the draught, ignited nearby timbers. The fire filled the main roadway on which the men were riding with a lethal cloud of carbon monoxide.
Tommy Green was the sole survivor out of the 48 miners who took the bogie ride to disaster. He was a strapping 6ft 4in, known to be a gentle giant devoted to his family. Tommy was 50 when the accident happened, the father of six girls vowed to never enter a pit again after his miraculous brush with death.
A list of the dead an a full account of the disaster and enquiry can be found here http://www.scottishmining.co.uk/250.html
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allcrush · 2 years
stop minimg groomers 🤓
i will miner in minecraft whenever i want
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
MGMT 'Kids' (Un)Official Video - Better Quality
He's not laughing of the acts and he knows what it is and pantomime is one of the first acts because of what we're doing in order for people to get it and differently and it was horrible it's still horrible and he's having a tough time with it this is about ships and trying to get people in trouble who are doing it they keep saying I need to stop saying that so I guess he's the one but he doesn't know anything and it would be Dave and maybe information in Tennessee and other places even westborough and for some reason we start going nuts about it and he says it's probably Lord of the rings when we see trees walking around. Or perhaps Trace one from Concord Massachusetts and I get that too it's incredible but we have something else that's going on and he says this is related and it is and it's his clan and we're referencing them no, but he's saying because that's what everybody says and that's where we are it's incredible it's this idea to talk about Groot and they're the ones who probably did it and we're singing it there and he did it on purpose and people are looking for computer signal and I do understand the math. Also we have computers no Giants and Trump is fighting the Max on control of his Giants and his people and they're trying to take out the brain and he didn't want to talk about it because everybody would fight over it it doesn't work but now he's noticing people are checking below haven't seen the bigger ones of his but they see Max and a lot of them and it would have been over because Trump doesn't really do anything right now it's because the max would have taken it over and what kind of weaker this guy knows about the stuff but he did it for a different reason and Trump is admitting there something below him he used to feel it it's big and he said this was sure you should feel it cuz they know how to do it when people are catatonic and they did it on Mars and they're out and just growing like in the movie gothica or similar and he says they're making noises and something was vibrating and he says vibrating is the worm and that's the machine that we have and that's what I said he said it was constant like all day long and minimg The cadmium. So we are going to check into it now
I said the top part and this stupid program is that so many doodads and you don't you can't touch anything without the damn thing spazzing out it's annoying as hell people can hardly use these damn things because there's so much crap you look at the cars they said you have to offer a solid state version cuz it's so ridiculous his kit car ideas awesome you have a kid and you put the gauges in and then you have a screen and if it doesn't work you have gauges not super cars are going to do it we don't know of anything to do and there's a lot of chassis just sitting there with the motors and everything and we're going to pull them out and just use fiberglass reinforced carbon full source of cars there's a bunch of cars so you can make a four-door Maserati or Jaguar it still works as a four-door we have to cart just trying to revalid around John Reed Millard it's true too we have to pick people up and drive around and he's a palm he shows up on that island cuz a bunch of people and after apparently he shoots his grandson again oops and does it on purpose and explains why and all this it's because he's trying to hurt him and he made a mistake it's not him who shot him and I find things it was JC and then he shot him because his brother got to fight with him St John's and he's putting pressure on our friend here that's my nephew Chris and saying that he's having JC do it or something and whether he did and that's what it is that's why he did that and he had the fight to happen cuz we all looked at it and saw what Dave was doing and a lot of people are angry and this guy is serious as hell and he's dangerous and they have castles everywhere and my nephew here is like 3 years old his body is smaller and he is only 55 and we noticed that she matters he knows and these two are nuts and yeah you can't stop that little guy now so it shows up with a burlap sack and the fingers fingertips of a giant and the giant it looks defunct in the middle
And it might be hers and he says I don't think so and I suddenly got a little sick inside and she's saying something to Olympus and I've had enough of this crap she's saying that right now
Yes and I have him in my palm of my hand and I want them to see it
You notice the position and we do understand it
I'm going to help we are going to help and we're going to get on it and we're going to make sure it works
Also the water drops and you can see it I wouldn't drop that much that right there is about 2 miles of drop and yeah it might drop that much the ocean is pretty deep out there so people gaging it by here which is not that much of a drop it's going to drop miles many miles out there. This is all coming up pretty quick and they turn into please spazes complete spazzes and demand ourson and all this crap and Jesus Christ we have to kill them all
Thor Freya
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years
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You've turned me into an ant
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Bitcoin Bot Telegram
Ciao a tutti ragazzi e benritrovati in un nuovo post! Oggi ritorniamo a parlare di Telegram e dei bot che permettono di guadagnare soldi con i bonus ma soprattutto un bot che MINA BITCOIN senza intaccare la batteria del nostro cellulare e senza alterarne le prestazioni. Stiamo parlando di Bitcoin miner: un bot che, una volta avviato, permetterà fin da subito di minare Bitcoin fin da subito. Wow, guadagno facile senza alcuno sforzo 😁 Avviate il bot da questo link: https://bit.ly/2UpWKyR Altri bot che permettono di guadagnare altri extra Bitcoin sono i seguenti: Bitcoin Mining V2 Pool (https://bit.ly/2tWRo2E) Iceland Bitcoi Mining (https://bit.ly/2TnP1VO) Con questo vi saluto e vi auguro un buon guadagno, rebloggate questo post e date visibilità al mio blog se state iniziando a guadagnare e ci vediamo, come sempre in un prossimo post. Ciaooooo
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Didn’t Otto hire Lucy in order to make his whole psilerium mining easier? If so imagine hiring someone for their forklift only for a buddy of yours to fall in love with them. And then rope you into a hippy commune.
can you imagine the day after ford and lucy snuck off to the bowling alley
otto's up early to get back to work with the psitanium minimg and exploring the area some more and he finds those 2 lovebirds making googly eyes at each other while ford makes breakfast for the 3
and otto's just like. part surprised part amused and part just genuinely like aw <:)
then immediatey after registering the situation he's like "this won't get in the way of work right?" to which lucy splashes him
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It's weird how Mass Effect: Andromeda will randomly drop on you "Hey these people you're killing indiscriminately are people who have lives" and you just can't do anything with that. Like you kill these miners, sift through their emails and it's like. Okay. I feel like we could've done something else but alright.
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fubs · 4 years
im minimg primogems for zhongli goodnight sweet venti
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 4 years
silas torsen is an ass
1 hour and 46 minutes; Paul is the older twin
Henry you were wasted that entire evening
Whatever happened to Paul and Prism at the end of Episode 3, Henry managed to find out
Oh thank God Paul is fine; it was 3 damn minutes of him not talking
A-Are they not gonna tackle what happened there with Paul and Prism? Or is this being reserved for Episode 4
Paul had to repeat the fourth grade
The last Town Council had very little minimg activity...suspicious
Jewel is precious and has a fear of puppets
Cliff managed to do that?!??? and succeeded???
350 plays??? Before, after, AND during?! Barney is also desperate
“We dig you” it’s so cheesy I’m—
The whole situation with the Irons family is a brutal reminder of realities I encounter everyday in my own country; information and education is an important thing when it comes to participating in markets, whether producer or consumer
I’m currently in a Marketing course and Artemis is right with all the buzzwords; Connor Creek is very impressionable and it’s clear Silas knew this enough to exploit that fact to his advantage
“Let’s cut that in post” you didn’t even cut that
CHIMERA WORLDWIDE?!?!? Silicon company?!?! Technology?!?! Spies are Forever?!?! SPIES ARE CANON?!?! TCB UNIVERSE?!??
“Do they know all our secrets?” U M
Hey what the hell happened in that once-considered SAF sequel
Shit Silas was more powerful than I thought
Silas was President of Domestic Sales for Miner Mole and got demoted to Regional Manager of the Connor Creek branch of Miner Mole
“All-America, All-Mine” not subtle
Jeff Blim plays the host of the Stocked Out radio; the rock music is a nice touch
Shit Silas was a bigger ass than I thought; greedy bastard deserved that demotion—hell, much more
Fuck episode 3 really cut this out huh
“I won Twitter fights with TMZ over this issue”
watch TFCC have something to do with the werewolves
Fuck I have a lot of thoughts on the economic implications and messages in this Chapter
Our preview person is Ags; Agnes is the keeper of the minutes in the Town Council, she actually must know something
*dog barking* “OH dUty cAlls” it’s the mayor
Diane gets proper credits even here I’m crying that’s so cute
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infestedslime · 4 years
Ok I can definitely rank up with otak and get the main nechramech bp but before I can build it i need to do more vault runs for the remaining broken part as well as scintilate or whatever it’s called, I need to do a lot of fishing so I can get a few more spikes, and I need to do a lot of mining so I can get a little more necrathene. I’ll probably do vaults first since that takes the longest, then minimg since that’s the most tedious, then fishing. I should be able to build a nechramech by the weekend, if not tomorrow.
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th3fallenang3l · 5 years
Into The Night #1
Marie could only stare as her best friend, Colin, made an absolute bafoon of himself. She had to resist the urge to hide her face as he preformed a rediculous balancing routine on one of the school desks, which he had stacked a chair on top of.
It was surprisingly impressive that he could balance on the rim of the chair, but the idoit was likely to get himself or some unfortunate soul hurt.
“Colin! Get your stupid butt off of the desk before Mrs. Hobs comes back!” Marie called out. His only response was to stick his tounge in her direction, difiantly raising one foot off the edge, minimg being on a tightrope. “I will give you one- ONE - more chance, before I MAKE you get off!” Her octave level lowered, her voice steady, as she made a clear threat.
That got the desired reaction, Colin knew that that particular voice was dangerous for him. Marie had only ever used it once before, when he was running around with matches. She had told him to stop, and he refused, so she stole the matches and threatened to set his favorite shirt on fire. Colin most certainly did NOT want to know what she would do with a desk and a chair, but in a last rebellious act, backflipped off of his pearch.
Maire only glared at him as he set his desk back to normal, only seconds before Mrs. Hobs came back into the classroom. Immediately her gaze softened at her favorite teacher, mood improving. Mrs. Hobs was beautiful, with raven black hair and honey dew eyes, and kind. She was patient with every student in the class, and in the year that Marie has known her, she had not once glared or even raised her voice at a student.
“Okay class, please take out your homework.” The sound of zippers and a thousand rustling papers filled the room, everyone digging through their bags at once. When everyone had taken their papers out, Mrs. Hobs looked around, shining eyes landing on Maire, “Marie, could you please go around and collect the papers, please?”
“Yes, ma’am.” In an insant, Maire was up and around, collecting the assigned homework. As she neared Colin’s desk, the insufferable girl who sat in front of him, Jenna, subtly stuck her foot out, tripping Marie. Papers flew from her hands as she hit the floor with a thud, raising her head with a glare.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Hey there more things happening one of them is
-daimonds, they become mining them and huge huge huge diamonds and they are in the tunnels and they're down there with big machines off to Yucatan right where they are going up to battle and I said they're fighting them before but they weren't and they might be fighting them now. Thusfar the clones have not engaged morlock. More like her observing what they're doing and haven't found them mining yet they will shortly. We're here today figure out their minimg, as they are attacking and was gusto and then sent him four or five octillion, had to send you more and they're calling troops and they're setting up tons and it's going to be a war they're sending they're going to send in around $10,000 octillion and see if it doesn't say anything
-more along the same idea and vain is that they are attacking areas that they said for people not to do construction in and not to put in facilities and not to take over and that's the warlock and they're attacking the bank branches that our son saved money in and they're going after his actual banks here in Florida they're going after the branch on occasion and the upper Midwest they're trying to storm his bank. The military is called out and they're making a perimeter and it's getting bigger and bigger pretty soon it's going to be big and they'll be gone from the upper Midwest and they're going to make one here today and we'll see why it's still the same with their stuff it's going on right now. They're also attacking food distribution and food growing areas they're trying to contaminate it and poison it and being led by Tommy F now and he's doing it too so getting rid of them vile idiots, particular stuff and taking their money taking their assets and Max are doing the same huge huge loads of it too and houses and condos and apartments all of them are going to be ours today and they're going to be Max in Florida will take over 70% of the apartments in condos oh that's the Max and the 20% will be us and forgieners. Is a huge number of people fighting here to be in this neighborhood and they think they can hide for some reason. No but they continuously try. The morlocks are attacking things and they're getting their head handed to them they're attacking grocery stores and gas stations and all sorts of things and the cops and the paramilitary military of Mack and ours and forg. are up and we are nailing them. Including clothes and we go down below and we give them reprisals and take territory and they don't feel too good about it but they keep doing it. It's a huge number of them they keep trying to go to the wall and all over the states they get killed real quick it is true
And we publish now to get it out
Thor Freya
This is a huge thing and it's a must our people need to read it there's attacks convincing by mullock on all sorts of structures and buildings and the government and more
Not really predictable that they would do that, what Trump is the one who encourage them to and had it done in 2020 January 6th and now it's widespread and it's a waste of time for the morlock but that's what they're doing.
You see what it says we don't have our computer program under control and we're having people attack the government and building so we don't like and stupid s*** like that it's always the time and energy because the military is going to do what they're going to do and we could have gotten the hardware from below military here and the mullock won't do it and the idiots clones won't use it. To me it seems very strange this group from below is coming up it's so arrogant and overconfident that they decide to leave their weaponry behind and they get their asses kicked like we do and it looks very bizarre and you're a piss boy too Trump you don't live in reality just like tell me if the only way you're going to win is by using Superior Forest nothing insisting on things from people that don't budge I don't like you Charles Manson you're an idiot what you're saying is doing sounds like him even he can't stand you so repulsively weird that's what the doctor told me after ordered
Look at a publisher snide childish retorts trump it doesn't mean anything you just going to sit here and say child's phrases kids phrases is what you're yelling at people and they don't mean anything and your program is stolen by the time you have and you're going to jail and you're going to prison all over the place your assets will be gone because you want to stick to your guns I love being a prick and a loser just like Joe watts would
Olympus we approve this message is absolutely true this guy Trump is a complete sham and we need them out of there it's just a danger to our son and nothing else
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chez-mimich · 5 years
 Questa mattina, per due volte di fila, mi è capitato di sentir parlare della cattedrale di Notre Dame. E in tutte e due le circostanze, a sproposito, e sempre in riferimento agli incendi che stanno devastando le grandi foreste della Siberia. Cosa accomuna l’incendio della cattedrale di Notre Dame con quelli della Siberia? Credo solo il fuoco, e, magari, anche il fatto che si tratti di due foreste, una di pietra e l’altra di legno. Invece no, perché, a detta di molti, i due episodi sono stati trattati dalla stampa e dai mezzi di comunicazioni con un rilievo diverso. Può darsi, visto che è ancora viva la convinzione che un capolavoro artistico sia qualcosa di simbolicamente più rilevante che un pezzo di un ambiente naturale. Oggi, per fortuna, questa concezione si sta modificando poiché il nostro ambiente merita la stessa protezione di un monumento, anzi forse ne merita anche di più, visti i pericoli che corre il pianeta. C’è un famoso film di Werner Herzog, dal titolo “Dove sognano le formiche verdi” che racconta le disavventure di una compagnia mineraria, la “Ayers Minimg Company” diretta da un ingegnere tedesco, che si appresta ad eseguire delle trivellazioni in alcune zone desertiche dell’Australia del nord alla ricerca di uranio, ma trova sulla propria strada una tribù aborigena che si oppone con forza alle trivellazioni. Nella scena madre del film, l’ingegnere tedesco chiede ad un aborigeno perché mai a loro dire non si sarebbe dovuto scavare in quel deserto. L’aborigeno dà una bellissima risposta: “...Se noi distruggessimo la cattedrale di Colonia, voi cosa pensereste? Questo territorio per noi è sacro, è il luogo dove sognano le formiche verdi...” Questa mattina, leggendo i commenti sui social riguardo agli incendi in Siberia e i forzati riferimenti a Notre Dame, mi sono ritornate alla mente le parole dell’aborigeno, molto più saggio e molto più cosciente sull’uso del linguaggio di tanti commentatori di queste pagine. Che problemi avete con Notre Dame? Che fastidio vi provoca la cosiddetta “gara di solidarietà” per ricostruirla? Forse che l’impegno per ricostruire una cattedrale, centro di spiritualità e capolavoro architettonico, escluda che il mondo si possa impegnare anche per altro? Perché contrapporre l’aiuto alle popolazioni colpite dal sisma in Abruzzo con il soccorso ai migranti nel Mediterraneo? Non siamo in presenza di un “aut aut”, siamo esseri ragionanti, anche se non sempre ragionevoli. Notre Dame va ricostruita e, se qualche gruppo finanziario o industriale dona del denaro per sistemarla, non si può che esserne sollevati, poiché sono del parere che “non è importante di che colore sia il gatto, basta che prenda il topo” (anche se questo proverbio, ripreso anche dal presidente Mao, susciterebbe le ire degli animalisti). Si può e si deve fare il possibile per Notre Dame, si può e si deve fare qualcosa per le foreste siberiane, ma anche per l’ultimo boschetto di paese, perché come diceva Henry David Thoreau “Se la natura è bella, è bella ovunque”. Come l’arte e come la religione.
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plantanarchy · 5 years
the line about Georgia in that song makes not much sense with appalachia fracking/mountaintop minimg and central PA coaltown vibe but you can't fit Pennsylvania meter wise into anything so
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gives minimg fatigue to tnt
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sasssame-blog · 7 years
They have an advanced minimg operation who am I to tell them to stop
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