#minion lifter
theworldvsyoshiko · 4 months
Actually, a Tesseron is a bit much, but Karina has assembled a team of skilled commandos for the case.
march forth, my undead minions
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Surprisingly, it goes pretty well. Since the Tesseron causes fires and shamblers are really weak to it, I figured it would shred them. I guess the moral of this story is 'very few ranged fighters in this game are worth anything once they're swarmed with melee.'
She rips the mechlink out of the corpse.
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It seems like which mech you get upon installing it is chosen deterministically, because my previous attempts to save/reload until I got a Constructoid would produce the same outcome every time. ... and Karina gets a Lifter. So, that's one of her avenues for getting her cloning stuff online gone. She can't build the infrastructure to make her own Constructoid until she's got quite a bit of construction skill.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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"Confidence can Lift a Fence"
Opportunities always pass by, something that can make you fly. You miss it because you are shy, yes you lose not gonna lie. When I was young I was like that too, like a minion with a miserable flu. Flu that made me step back from going through, leading to miss a lot and that is true. I am the opposite version of my past personality, so I will prove my point by this testimony. Proving that confidence is not just a key, it's also a ladder that can lead you farther; a crane that can lift a fence that imprisons you and makes you bother. Obstacles that prolly made you suffer, preventing you from reaching your milestones for the better.
By its literal meaning, Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities — not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable. Confident people: feel secure rather than insecure. I will prove my point by giving some of my life experiences, situations in my life that built me to be who I am today. During 3rd grade, I was chosen to perform a dance performance for a school program; it will be performed in a stage with a high density of crowd. At first I was skeptical, I was afraid of being judged by many people. But because of the teacher who believed in my ability and because of my supportive father I accepted the offer. I don't know how I gained the confidence I had that time, the feeling is different yet the same as lemon and lime. As a result and outcome of my dance performance, I gain popularity and have a lot of friends that I want to meet again if there is a chance. Another one is connected to my academic status, my confidence is the reason why I gain achievements without hiatus. It's giving me an unexplainable energy, something that lifts me up and gives me a feeling that is heavenly. Confidence helps me to build my self, breaking the door and taking me out of my shelf. Improved my skills and capabilities, creating a pathway that sharpens my abilities.
I will testify this stand, this idea, this quote and this concept; that this is truly real and can be a nutritious meal, a meal that will empower people by what it can fulfill. I myself am a living proof, a breathing evidence that the key and lifter is our confidence. My life is changed because of this thing, not just a normal one 'cause it helps build a lot of professional man. I do believe that this is one of the main ingredients for my success, I will do my thing and follow the process; so start to lift your own fence, be a queen not just a princess.
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steam-and-oil-blog · 6 years
Hola, Prominence Part 1
As Promised, the first installment of the main works!
This AU has a slow start in the main story but rest assured you can ask away, spoilers or no! [spoilers are taged!]
So please enjoy! Story under the cut! [sorry mobile]
Victor tapped his foot impatiently, it has been an hour what was taking them so long, the engine they were bringing couldn’t have been that slow. Then the door opened.
“Victor, Victor come with us please.” The foreman asked, well more ordered in a less angry than the normal way. Victor stood from his half sit against the wall and straightened out his nice uniform. Victor followed his foreman, the sounds of yelling rang out through the works, echoing in the lofts and undiluted by the normal clatter of the works, Sunday was always an eerie day in the large building. Victor’s mind floated back to the yells as he neared the culprit, his view was blocked but a distinct voice scwalled in thick languages, almost British, but definitely not at all, oddly pitched, a bit high, but not squeaking.
“Ich hasse dich!” Was repeated over and over, a few “Fix eini!” and “Du kannst mir nichts vormachen.” thrown in for good measure. Victor saw his controller near where the noise emanated, standing with his same tired and worn expression he normally held on odd days at the works. He was never awake on Sundays, but today he looked two steps from the grave.
“Sir, what-” As Victor started to ask what was wrong, Topham turned, and stepped aside, Victor now saw a sight. A smaller masc, with sandy matted hair and old tattered clothes, was under an open crate, hiding under it, yelling and near tears. Victor gulped and took a few steps past his Controller to this unknown masc.
“Du… sprechen… English?” Victor asked, trying to remember the little bit of German he had gotten from the various engines and humans he had fixed and met over his years.
The masc looked at Victor, going quietly.
“Approbiert? Dampflokomotive oder Diesellokomotive? E-Lok?” The masc asked Victor took a complete blank.
“Z-Zug,” Victor replied, hoping that was an answer, a simple engine was all he was.
“Engine?” The masc finally replied in English, Victor took a breath.
“Yes, Engines, at this works, engine repairs,” Victor said, hoping to get through. The masc sat up, tossing aside their hiding crate.
“Works engine….” the masc said, he gestured at himself.
“I am Works Engine, need help?” Victor asked, the masc looked at him, then nodded faintly.
“Intake, running out of, inside.” the masc said, he hit a hand to their chest.
“Water? Food?” Victor leaned down in front of the Masc and offered a hand to help them stand.
“All.” the masc said, with Victor’s help, they stood, shaky on their knees they leaned onto Victor. Even with the masc being small for a masc, they were bigger than Victor, but not by much.
“Come, we shall fix you up, mis amigo,” Victor said, he cursed to himself a little for the Spanish but helped the masc along, the masc looked at him, and while not as sad any more they didn’t look happy at all.
Topham and the Foreman followed Victor and the masc, Victor lead the masc into the break room of the works. Victor put the masc in a chair at a small table, and he went to the fridge.
“Oh, so you are who takes lunches.” The foreman said with thick contempt.
“If someone leaves a lunch over the weekend they deserve it eaten,” Victor stated coldly, he opened a brown bag and pulled out an apple. He tossed it to the masc. Victor went to catch the apple again as he forgot this was deprived engine who probably had no reflexes any ways, but the masc caught it without blinking with toned reflex. Victor was impressed but forged on for more substance.
The masc took a gentle, well as gentle as you could, bite of the apple. The masc squeaked as they tasted the apple. Victor sprinted suddenly to the side of the masc. The masc wiped some dribblings from the apple off his face, he smiled and giggled tasting the sweet apple. Victor relaxed a small bit and patted the masc on the top of their head.
“Been a long time?” Victor asked.
“Lord yes, my dear works engine.” the masc said, the struggle gone as they crunched away at their apple.
“Well, it will never be too long again,” Victor informed, the masc looked up at him and smirked slightly, a warm gaze in their eyes.
“So warm, Mr Works engine. May I catch your name?” The masc asked.
“Victor,” Victor held a hand out to the masc, the masc took his hand.
“The Prominence.” the masc said quickly.
“Fancy name, old engine?” Victor asked as he stepped away from Prominence.
“Old enough, what are you, a gen 5?” Prominence asked Victor stared at him a second before going for a glass of water.
“First, for Crovan's gate at least, you know a works engine before?” Victor filled the glass quickly and swiftly brought it back to Prominence. Handing it to him. Prominence puffed and took a drink.
“Know a works engine, know a works engine, Victor, you obviously don’t know anything about me.” Prominence put the glass on the table and leaned forwards. “Victor I’ll tell you what, find a works engine more experienced than me, I bet on my brass you won’t,” Prominence smirked, Victor leaned closer to Prominence.
“1901,” Victor said, a brag in his voice. Prominence laughed a little.
“1853, youngn’, and still kicking to boot,” Prominence said proudly; Victor almost choked on Prominence’s words.
“So, what brings you here, grand-puff,” Victor asked, sitting at the table.
“Ah, your, or should I say, our control could tell you, scrapling,” Prominence said, they turned to the stout man in the corner of the room with the foreman.
“I purchased him from a scrap monger, his shell will arrive in a few days,” Topham informed quickly, Victor nodded and looked at Prominence, he gave him a quick vertical glance.
“You’ll need clothes, and some tools, also you should adjust to railway policy.” Victor listed quickly, Prominence took a hard gulp of their water.
“I-I I am n-not changing f-for a-anything!” Prominence squalled out, sputtering and choking on their water.
“Whoa there mis amigo just some hair trimming and colour swatching, don't think bad it will be ‘kahy?” Victor slammed out in a native speed.
“What about my hair it's been like this for decades, and my eyes? It's called Alexandria Genesis and my builder suffered from it it's out of respect!” Prominence snapped, their grip tightening on their glass to the point it started to creak.
“Wasn't your builder albino?” Topham interjected, Prominence snapped a new glare at the man.
“Don't you dare talk about what my builder is or isn't.” Prominence hissed with vigour, Topham nodded and took a few steps towards Prominence.
“We aren't saying that you have to change drastically, but it's the law that you have to appear human based on certain parameters, we just don't want you to get in trouble,” Topham told, he put two warm hands on Prominences shoulders.
“This Steam works has rules too, you know.” The foreman snapped, Topham shot the man a glare.
“You don't have to be here Mr Yokaira.” Topham boomed, the foreman puffed and rushed himself out of the room and presumably the works. “Prominence, why don't you get comfy for tonight and tomorrow I'll take you to get some new clothes and we can find you an acceptable look, and for now Victor you can get them something like coveralls.” Topham gave Prominence a soft pat on the head, and walked to Victor, whispering something in the Cubans ear he patted his head and excused himself from the room. Victor was quiet as Prominence finished their glass of water and their apple.
“So, how long were you a works engine before you- ahm.”
Prominence looked at Victor, and smiled.
“Oh wow, let’s see, I worked the line 9 months, sat for 5 months, so 1854 to about 1947 I think, it was after the second great war. I know that for sure.” Prominence said, stretching a little and standing. Victor looked at them blankly.
“T-That would make you over 150 you shouldn’t even be running why are you getting restored and you have survived this long!” Victor shot out, standing quickly.
“Yeah, works engines don’t really retire, unless forced of course.” Prominence stated, they started to mill around the room looking at things.
“I understand that, but I mean normally the only engines who get restored at that old are the ones who are, you know, you have heard of them.” Victor said honestly, Prominence turned to Victor, and smirked.
“I am plenty memorable, you just haven’t connected me yet.” Prominence chuckled, they leaned over a couch and picked up a remote.
“Hey we can talk about new tech later, you can-” Prominence turned on the TV and started to flip through channels. “How do you know how to-”
“I used to live with a family, kinda like a pet, they wanted to rebuild me but they never finished.” Prominence said, they settled on a public access channel and leaned over the couch, they started to engross theirmself in the program.
“That sounds interesting but don’t you want to clean up, or see the shed?” Victor asked.
“In time, in time….” Prominence stayed engrossed in the programming. “Voraw I shall.”
“Jiue or voraw, today or tomorrow, it’s a how to learn the language program, it’s kinda like Manx Irish, its cute. Can you speak it?” Prominence said.
“Oh, oh Surdian, no, I don’t think to many people speak it.” Victor said, he walked up and leaned on the couch next to the new engine.
“Faarkey to loey to hawin, sea to lake to river, so cute.”
“You are a mad man.”
“Crawp pørn Rheneas, tree stream Divided Waterfall.”
“That’s what his name means?” Victor said, he snuggled a bit into the couch now engrossed. “That’s amazing I thought it was just nonsense!”
“Hey that is quite the handsome little narrow gauge, oh he even has a friend. Skarloey is nice looking as well.” Prominence purred, Victor glanced at them and back to the TV. “Do we work on them or do they have their own shop?”
“We work on them, but only when it’s really bad.”
“I’ve always wanted to work on narrow gauge regularly.”
“You seem to like a lot of things.”
“I appreciate pretty much everything, old age I figure.”
Victor looked at the engine next to him, and smiled.
“You don’t look it, with the odd coloured hair, and the smooth skin, a lot of engines I know much younger than you look much older.” Victor chuckled, Prominence looked at Victor, and cracked a small smirk.
“It’s just how the corporeal forms, youngn’,” Prominence went back to the program happily listing off Surdic with the screen.
“1901 isn’t that young any more.” Victor said, taking his attention to the screen as well.
“Eh, you’re younger than me. But I can see why a first gen wouldn’t like it.”
“First gen is a stretch mis amigo, I wasn’t even here until the fifties or sixties.”
“I’m guessing you were still the first one here, that’s what matters for you later first gens.” Prominence laughed a little. “I remember when we made that change, took almost a year of correspondence.”
“Let me guess, you are a true first gen?”
“Debatable, I wasn’t built for my job, so some don’t like to think of me with that prestige.” Prominence snorted. “Like any of us were meant to be flawed.”
“Hey, it looks like the show is over, come on let’s get you something clean to wear, the showers aren’t far, you can clean off and I’ll get you some coveralls.” Victor said, Prominence nodded and turned the TV back off.
“So where are the showers, old chap.” Prominence piped, Victor nearly choked at the unfitting turn of phrase but Prominence even started to laugh at their self, the two laughed for a small moment. “No really, bitte?” Prominence said as he calmed a bit.
“Next room, labelled locker room, go in the fem one, if some one shows up you are least likely to get caught. We don’t actually have any fem employees any more.” Victor said, Prominence nodded and made their way over to the disclosed location. Victor made sure he went in the correct door.
Alone, Victor took a puff of air as he finally relaxed a small bit.
“Uf, largo día largo día, pero él es lo suficientemente bueno, me pregunto cómo vamos a tratar a largo plazo, va a ser un puñado.” Victor said to himself, his native language ringing in his ears comforting him in a gentle way.
Victor slowly made his way to get some of the basics for Prominence, he hummed to himself as he walked along, checking out a window at glance it did indeed look like Kevin was asleep so he could take his time taking care of the new engine at his works. Once back to the locker room, Victor peaked in, he saw and heard a shower running but didn’t see Prominence in the slightest.
“Hola?” Victor called, he walked over to the shower still, on the floor Prominence was sitting against a wall, trying to pick dirt and rust from their knotted hair.
Prominence looked up at Victor and smirked a little. “It’s been, quite a while.” Prominence laughed awkwardly, embarrassed slightly.
“I’ve seen engines much worse before, now why don’t you finish up just your body, and I can help you with the hair grime in a sink.” Victor said with a smile at the German, Prominence nodded, and quickly standing finished their shower. Victor passed over a towel an the coveralls without hesitation, Prominence dried their self off and put on the coveralls.
“My hair has always been a wreck of dirt, I must admit.” Prominence said as Victor pulled them to a sink.
“Well, we will deal with it, mis amigo.” Victor chirped.
“For an American, you sure do use a lot of Spanish.” Prominence commented as they were pulled down into a sink. Victor scoffed.
“I’m Cuban, always-”
“You are obviously a Baldwin engine, I haven’t even seen you’re shell and I can tell, raised in Cuba though, that’s a country that never really exported it’s engines.”
“Alright, Mr. big shot, how can you tell?” Victor snapped at the German he was now picking rust and dirt out of.
“I know you are short any ways but you have a very bulldog like stance, Baldwin engines are very bulldog like for whatever reason. Closed in and forward, It’s odd on some engines but not on you. Also you are very wide for you’re size, American all the way.” Prominence chimed, their voice bouncing off the porcelain sink.
“Observant and knowledgeable, why were you ever scraped.” Victor said as he poured some water over Prominence’s hair to try and get more out.
“Well I mean, I just-”
“VICTOR!” A voice called, echoing in the semi large room and cutting off Prominence. Victor cringed a little and sighed. He pulled Prominence out of the sink, hair mostly clean.
“Time to meet the help.” Victor said, handing Prominence a towel to dry off their hair.
Suddenly the door burst open and in fumbled and fell in a smaller masc with messy off blond hair, a face full of innocence and freckles, with a large smile.
“Victor! Victor! I saw a shooting star!” the masc yelled, standing and running to Victor, who made a sharp noise as the masc ran into him.
“Oh! That is really special, Kevin!” Victor said, ruffling the hair on the masc.
“Ooo, who is that Victor?” Kevin asked, bouncing over to Prominence.
“This is The Prominence, he is a new project, who might be working with us when he is done!” Victor told Kevin, Kevin nodded and held a hand to Prominence. Prominence shook the cranes hand softly.
“Nice to meet you, Prominence!” Kevin called.
“Hello, Kevin,” Prominence said, softening a little at the crane.
“So what did you do before!” Kevin asked, Victor sighed.
“Prominence is tired, Kevin, let-”
“I was the head Works Engine of the Works Engine council and the top ranking Works Engine Mentor of Great Britain, and I worked at several different Works including the Doncaster, Crewe, and Swindon.” Prominence said quickly, a small smirk lining his face as both Victor and Kevin paled.
“Santo infierno mis amigo.” Victor said awestruck, Kevin just stared at Prominence.
“What?” Prominence said blankly.
“T-that's insane, how old are you?” Kevin asked.
“158 years or so, but age isn't anything to this.” Prominence leaned over Kevin a little and smiled at him, they ruffled the small cranes hair a small bit.
“My hair?” Kevin asked looking confused.
“You head.” Prominence said, Victor smiled and looked outside.
“Ois, we better get some sleep. Look at that moon.” Victor sighed, he started to the works door, Kevin skipped after him and Prominence surprisingly skipped along quickly as well. Outside Prominence stopped.
Victor looked back at them and cocked his head to the side.
“What's wrong?”
“There so still and clear, I haven't seen them in so long, London is really no place to see the stars.” Prominence called, a quiver in their voice and a mist in their eyes. Victor stepped over and put a hand up on Prominence's shoulder.
“You can look all you want, Welcome to the island of Sodor, Prominence.”
Prominence took a breath and looked at the ground. “Thank you, dear Victor.”
“Come on, let us get some sleep before tomorrow, it will be a big day.” Victor said, he pulled Prominence along by their sleeve.
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dayquercus · 3 years
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never too later 
(I believe that semester two is half way gone) 
hand-face-some ponies and farms 
it’s not that bad (price-wise) , for one hour or a few sessions 
fencing (oooooooh coooool) , where’s the energy ?
ice hockey : 55 quid , not accepting beginners (yet) - “unfortunately ..... experienced player only” , would love to beat this (or compete) , while seriously worrying about my bums , knees or bums (coconuts! that’s hard, not for the Minions ...... some patches / wearing layers of clothes to prevent from bruising or bone fractions?) O bum-mer (the british slang) .. 
weapons: “Foil, Epée and Sabre” ..... 
why does Boots supply one (and only) brand for water flosser? - Waterpik something .... as bulky as chubby as heavy as a weight-lifter (sorry about the stereotype there) , it’s not cute at all ..... (any funky colours or animal shapes to be carried around in a mini handbag? nope) .... O forgot about online stores ....
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orbemnews · 3 years
Elon Musk: Memelord or Meme Lifter? Elon Musk — the Tesla chief executive, SpaceX founder and soon-to-be “Saturday Night Live” host — is an open admirer of memes. “Who controls the memes controls the universe,” Mr. Musk tweeted last summer. He has called the visual jokes “modern art” and shares them regularly on Twitter, where he has more than 52 million followers. Mr. Musk doesn’t make many memes himself. Instead, he finds them online and has others send him their favorites. Sometimes he reposts his favorites without citing their origins. This practice isn’t unusual. Many people on the internet share other people’s memes without giving the creators credit, in part because credit can be hard to discern. Memes rely on reinterpretations of joke formats, and it’s not always clear where they begin. But the fact that Elon Musk frequently steals memes has become, essentially, a meme in itself. And it’s not always perceived as very funny. For comedians and content creators, memes are valuable intellectual property. Nick Noerdlinger, 23, the managing director of the website Meme Insider, noted that there are business implications in giving or denying credit. “Because the internet is so vast and broad, credit is the one thing that directs people back towards someone who ultimately may be making a living through the platform,” he said. “In the creator economy, without credit, the creators themselves would not be able to monetize, build a brand around themselves and bring in an audience. In recent years, viral meme accounts that have built and monetized big followings by reposting work from other creators without credit or payment have encountered backlash. In 2019, a conversation about this issue was jump-started by a campaign against an Instagram account run by Jerry Media. It helped shift the standards by which brands and top influencers abide by today. Quinn Heraty, a lawyer specializing in intellectual property law, noted that in 2017 the rapper Ludacris was sued by the website LittleThings for posting an illustration from the site on his Instagram, without giving credit. (The parties reached a settlement.) Ms. Heraty said that without “transformative use,” there could be a case for copyright infringement. “If he’s stripping the credit from the image and posting without reference to the original creator, that shows willfulness,” she said, of Mr. Musk. Now, when a brand uses a meme for marketing purposes, it generally asks for permission to share the image, and credits the owner. In many cases, the brand also pays. Mr. Musk, who is both a successful businessman and a freewheeling personal brand, appears to be an exception. “It’s very difficult to talk about something like this without seeming like you seem mad about it,” said Patrick Monahan, 37, a comedian and podcast host whose meme was shared by Mr. Musk without credit. “Ultimately this is not stealing a movie screenplay or a whole song, but it’s spiritually the same kind of thing. It’s just uncool.” It may grate more for the simple fact that Mr. Musk, who this year was briefly the richest man on earth, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, has used Twitter to bolster his persona (and promote cryptocurrencies and stocks, including his own). Jamie Trufin, who runs a meme account called @DogeCoinDaddy, said he was disappointed when Mr. Musk posted one of his Doge memes in March without credit. “It kind of kills your vibe,” Mr. Trufin, 24, said. “You work so hard on making all these memes. I could have gotten a couple hundred followers from that, and it would have made the community thicker and happier. He got us all excited for Dogecoin, but him ripping off meme pages and not giving them credit kind of kills the fun.” (The price of Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency, has continued to rise, thanks in part to Mr. Musk’s tweets about it.) In January, Mr. Musk reposted a meme about web domains made by Ben Howdle, 31, who runs a tech-themed meme account. Mr. Howdle was puzzled as to why someone with such vast resources would share another person’s work without credit. “You’d think if you were the world’s richest person you wouldn’t need your ego massaged,” he said. (For what it’s worth, Mr. Musk is only the second richest now.) Mr. Musk has been doing this for a while. In April 2020, he shared a meme created by a comedian that included a photo of her dog, which some say Mr. Musk tried to pass off as his own. In 2019, after facing criticism for sharing artwork on Twitter without credit, Mr. Musk initially tweeted, “always credit everyone.” Then, he reversed course: “no one should be credited with anything ever,” he wrote, suggesting that “any fool can find out who the artist was in seconds.” Miles Klee, a 36-year-old writer in Los Angeles, heard from a friend that a meme he had made in April about vaccinated people enjoying a promiscuous summer had been reposted by Mr. Musk. “Someone in my group chat was like, ‘LOL did everyone see how Elon straight up stole a meme that Miles made?” Mr. Klee isn’t angry at Mr. Musk, but found the behavior off-putting. “Of course he has his minions who are willing to defend what he does,” Mr. Klee said, “but for everyone else who is normal who has been on the internet for a long time, it’s like, ‘Yeah, that’s a wack move.’” Chas Steinbrugge, 19, a college freshman who runs the meme account @Trigomemetry, is also the creator of Meme Citations, a website that provides the origins of memes in Modern Language Association format. “Personalities like Elon Musk not giving credit, that does hurt the creators,” he said. “He could create a situation where he’s promoting young meme creators and contributing to the community by tagging whoever created it or including watermarks.” Several people who have had their content posted by Mr. Musk have since asked for payment, be it in dollars, Teslas or Bitcoin. (Mr. Monahan said he was willing to accept a “mere $80,000.”) Mr. Klee took a more novel approach. “Can anyone help me make and sell an NFT of a screen shot of Elon Musk posting a horny vaccine meme i made?” he asked his followers on Twitter. Someone turned the tweet into an NFT, which Mr. Klee was able to sell for $1,000 in Ethereum, a cryptocurrency. Reached by email for comment on this article, Mr. Musk responded with two uncredited memes: Source link Orbem News #Elon #Lifter #meme #Memelord #Musk
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weekendshowcase · 6 years
I Dream of Mario
by Antonio Garland
     I didn’t even know this game existed until I was in my teens. I played the Mario compilation game, Super Mario All-Stars, at a friend’s house and saw this as one of the titles on it. I thought it was the strangest Mario game, especially because of how different it was. The game is Super Mario Bros. 2, the American version for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
    The production story is quite unusual. Japan had produced a sequel to Super Mario Bros.; however, Nintendo of America (NOA) thought that because of its increased difficulty and similarities to the previous installment, Mario fans would reject it. There was another game that had recently come out in Japan called Yume Kojo Doki Doki Panic that caught NOA’s interest, so they decided to modify it for an American release, along with adding Mario characters. The result was America’s version of Super Mario Bros. 2.
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(Image source: Den of Geek!)          The story revolves around Mario having a dream about going to another world called Subcon. A giant frog named Wart has taken control of Subcon and Mario is requested to help. Mario awakens and tells his brother Luigi, Princess Peach, and a Toad about the dream world and they all decide to assist Mario. All four have the same dream and do what they can to save Subcon from Wart.
    The mechanics for this game are dramatically different from Super Mario Bros. It’s still the ‘keep walking right’ mechanic, while jumping on platforms, climbing, collecting, and defeating enemies. However, the way certain pieces are done is different. There is no longer a timer, so you can now take as much time as you want to complete a level. There’s now backtracking, or the ability to walk back, left. Holding down on the control pad to duck for a second charges you and allows for a super jump to reach higher areas. Originally, it took only one hit from an enemy to defeat you, two if you were big Mario/Luigi. Now there is a health bar that allows for extra hits. Once you only have one more hit to take, you shrink down just as in the first game.
      The main new mechanic is the ability to pick up and throw both enemies and items. A good portion of enemies can be jumped on, but instead of defeating them like in the previous installment, now you simply stand on top of them and ride them. Hitting B on the controller will allow you to pick them up and carry them. They can be thrown and used as projectiles against other enemies. Scattered throughout the levels are plants that, when picked up, can also be used as projectiles for attacking enemies.
    Besides enemies and plants, other items are available for picking up and using. There’s the traditional mushroom that makes you larger and increases your health meter, extra floating hearts that refill your health, coins for the bonus slot-machine game at the end of a level, bombs for attacking enemies and destroying walls, POW Blocks for destroying all enemies on the screen, and keys for unlocking doors. There’s also a magic potion that allows travel to a pocket dimension for bonus items like coins and mushrooms. The Starman returns to make you invulnerable for a few seconds, though this now requires picking up the cherry items scattered through the levels for it to appear.
    Like the warp pipes from the first game, this game features pots that can be entered by pressing down on the control pad. Inside the pots are enemies and items. Sometimes there will be keys; however, they are protected by face-like enemies called Phantos, who chase after you when you have the key, but they vanish once you dispose of or use it. As with the warp pipes, certain pots allow for warp points to skip levels if you know the secrets.
NOTE: Skip to the 6:18 mark in the video below. For some reason, embedding YouTube clips in Tumblr doesn’t work when you set the embed code to start the video at a specific time. Argh.
      The first game had two playable characters, Mario and Luigi. Now there are four, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toad. They’re not just pallet-swaps; each character plays differently. Mario is the well-rounded one; he’s not the best or worst in all categories. He’s also the farthest jumper. Luigi is now dressed in his traditional green outfit and is also the highest jumper. When jumping, he gets a bit of a flutter that somewhat allows him to float slowly in the air. It sounds useful, but he’s somewhat difficult to control in the air, which makes attacking enemies and platforming difficult at times. Toad is the fastest lifter; picking up enemies and items can be done near-instantly. Peach is the slowest and it takes a second for her to lift items. However, she has probably the best ability in the game. Hitting A on the controller when she’s in the air allows her to hover momentarily. This makes platforming a breeze and breaks the game in certain areas. Needless to say, Peach is recommended for newcomers.
    Enemies in the game are a mixed bunch. None of the original enemies appear, except for a Koopa shell as a rare usable item. There are too many new enemies to list, but most of them can be jumped on top of and ridden, many of which can be picked up by pressing B on the controller. Like in the original, enemies only require touching you to harm you. This game does introduce several enemies who will become staples in the Mario series. These include Shy Guys, Bob-ombs, and Pokeys. Another enemy introduced here who reoccurs is Birdo, who’s basically a pink evil version of Yoshi, a green dinosaur who appears in later Mario games. Despite these, there is one enemy who only appears in this game, Wart, the main antagonist.
  As mentioned, Wart is a giant frog who took over the land of Subcon. He dubbed himself King and uses a machine to create minions. He’s greedy, self-centered, but for some reason has a bizarre weakness to vegetables. This is one of the few Mario games where Bowser isn’t the main antagonist, nor does he even appear. Actually, this is Wart’s only appearance in a Mario game. He does cameo in a few The Legend of Zelda games on Gameboy. Besides Birdo, Wart’s other minions are Mouser, a giant rat with sunglasses, and Tryclyde, a fire-breathing hydra, all which are fought as bosses.
   Overall, Super Mario Bros. 2 USA is a different but unique experience. Even though it technically started life as a completely different game, it’s still one worth at least playing a few times. It introduced several staples that became reoccurring themes throughout the series, such as differentiations between Mario and Luigi, Peach and Toad being playable characters, new reoccurring enemies, the ability to pick up and toss enemies, and a different setting outside the Mushroom Kingdom. The game has been re-released several times for different systems. It was released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System as one of the games for Super Mario All-stars with enhanced graphics and released on the Virtual Console for the latest Nintendo game consoles. The game was specially remade in 2001 for GameBoy Advance, now called Super Mario Advance. This version, too, had enhanced graphics and included voice acting, along with adding several bonus features and tweaks in the boss fights. Super Mario Advance was also re-released on the Wii U’s Virtual Console in 2014. While the newer versions are the more defined versions of the game, the original on the Nintendo Entertainment System is still worth checking out.
     That’s all for now, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day weekend!
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ts1989fanatic · 7 years
I'm Legit Laughing At How Extra Taylor Swift Is Hiding From The Paparazzi
In case you've been stranded in the middle of the ocean on a boat on Mars, then you know that Taylor Swift is in the midst of her "dark era." She hasn't done any interviews yet and is just kind of randomly dropping songs and a deeply layered music video. We don't actually know if she's going to physically appear in the flesh. She's essentially a ghost.
This past weekend, Taylor was in Martha's Vineyard for her best friend's wedding. Because Taylor is doing this whole dark thing, she did everything she possibly could to hide from the paparazzi...
...and to be honest, it's kind of amazing and we should all strive to someday be this level of extra. Let me show you.
When she landed off her private jet, Taylor was shuffled to a SUV and was covered by not one, not two, but three umbrellas.
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THREE UMBRELLAS and a random ginger lady!
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People into feet and shins are rejoicing because we did get a glimpse of her two feet, six toes, her left arm, part of her right sleeve, and her belt region.
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And that's not all!
The hiding gets better.Taylor one upped her three umbrella masquerade with three old men, two black table cloths, and two umbrellas at a restaurant.
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Take notes, you basic plebes. This is how you make an insanely obvious inconspicuous exit. Truly legendary.
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I think we can all agree, the real star of this stakeout is her iconic older minion and lifter of the cloth: Random Old Guy In Grey Suit. You my friend, are a legend.
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There's more! 
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My absolute favorite picture of Taylor's weekend in hiding is this picture of her driving away from a night out. As you can see, the table cloth has been put between the back seat and the driver. It's brilliant and insane and I love it.
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So basically, some of you may be saying "what the fuck did I just read?" And that's exactly what you should be saying because this is 2017 and Taylor Swift covered in multiple table cloths is news.
ts1989fanatic What’s so funny is this is from BuzzFeed who write so much trash about Taylor, and all they can come up with is Some random ginger lady. Can swifties tell them who that random ginger lady is can we say Tree.
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naughty-teddy-innit · 7 years
Rehabilitation : An Ed Sheeran Fanfiction
Title:     Rehab - An Intro
Author: @naughty-teddy-innit
Rating: PG? No smuts or sexytimes, but warnings for intense content. 
Click here for:  CHAPTER 1
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INTRODUCTION: Annaliese, or “Leesie”, is 28 years old, and has seen far too much in her 6 years working in a hospital trauma/Emergency unit.  Her way of giving back, of coping, is to give her time as a Support Volunteer.  Little does she expect to encounter someone who will change her life.  
For 6 years this place has been my second home. Some days I leave exhausted, some days glad and relieved, and more often than I’d like, heartbroken. I’m just a lowly clerk, an administrative minion in one of the busiest metropolitan Emergency Rooms in the country.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. I’m a problem solver, a conflict resolver, a computer whiz, and they couldn’t run the desks without me.  On my best days, I’m a mood-lifter and smile-bringer; on my boring days, I’m just the lady that orders your x-rays, registers you in the system, deals with the paper trail, and tracks your bloodwork. A Spiderman sticker or a lollipop can do wonders for a frightened child, warm words and the squeeze of a hand can calm a terrified mother or husband.  I never wanted to be a nurse, or the doctor that held a damaged heart in their hand. Blood is not my thing, and neither is the life and death responsibility that goes with it. My job is its own reward, and it’s perfect for me.  The flip side of that, though, is the pain and loss you see in a place like this.  A weeping mother learning her teenager’s been taken too young in a car accident, a father lost to a heart attack, a college student paralyzed in a terrible work accident, and so much more. The compassion and selflessness that emanates from the doctors, nurses and caregivers in our unit, though, never ceases to amaze me, and I’m proud to be even a small part of it.
For the last 18 months, I’d also found yet another way to spend even more time in this place (because I’m not here enough already, right?). It was a way to feel as though I was doing something to help counteract the heartbreak and sadness, to infuse the world with some positivity and give back.  Our hospital system has a massive volunteer network, from teenagers to elderly retired grandparents, and there was always a need for them. A sick preemie who needed some cuddling, a child struck by cancer that needed a video game partner, or someone who could be soothed by the music played on the baby grand in the lobby. Me? I’m sorta what you’d call a candy striper.  I volunteer twice a week in various inpatient units, and I try to be a friend.  I might build a puzzle or play a game of Scrabble with a grandmother recovering from surgery, share a meal with a young man who’s rehabilitating from an overdose, or just watch TV or read a book with a preschooler who’s broken their leg. Small things, but I like to think they make a difference to someone who’s feeling lonely or sad or scared.  It often takes some persistence, sometimes a few visits, to break down someone’s door, figuratively speaking. But it’s almost always worth it.
I was not a volunteer the night his accident happened.  2 o’clock in the morning, mid-March and slushy and COLD, and I was on yet another never-ending night shift.  It had actually been eerily calm most of the night, which in our ER? Usually meant the storm was coming.  The radio crackled to life, and I could hear the dispatcher snapping out information and directions, while performing the usual intake.  Doctors hopped-to and nurses scurried to prep the trauma rooms. I could only make out a few words, but it was enough to know it was a bad one.
“Icy conditions… T-boned…At least 4 incoming…”
Within minutes, the scream of the ambulance sirens filled the space, and after taking a deep breath, I prepared for the onslaught.  This sort of situation could only ever be described as a whirlwind; the frantic rush of patients on stretchers, stats and orders being yelled at top volume, medical equipment blaring and beeping.  I took my station, quickly and quietly punching in orders, looking up family contacts, and paging necessary personnel.  An older gentleman was rushed in first, grey haired and wide awake, frantically yelling for information in a British accent and trying to insist he was fine. As requested, I paged x-ray, and was relieved to hear to hear the words “STABLE” and “NON- LIFE-THREATENING”.  
The paramedics came running in with another older gentleman, bearded and restrained with a neck brace, tears streaming down his face.  Words like “fractured vertebrae” and “punctured lung” passed my ears, and our orthopedic surgeon was quickly brought in to assess. I could hear his guilt soaked words as they rushed him away, the fear and anguish etched on his face.
“I’m so sorry, oh god, I didn’t mean to, they said I fell asleep, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone…” Punctuated by sobs, he just repeated these words, over and over and over.. My guess is he must have been the driver that caused the crash, and it was confirmed later on that he was career trucker, 25 years driving long hauls across state lines. Harsh deadlines, a double load of freight, and not enough caffeine had ended in disaster.  My heart hurt not only for the man who’d have to live with this guilt, and the consequences of his actions, but for the people who he’d hurt.  It was never, ever fair, these situations.
I steeled myself, hearing the 3 letters that brought heartache to all of us, every single time they were uttered. “D.O.A” Dead on arrival. The driver of the bus. Traumatic brain injury, I heard one doctor softly utter, and after those words I tuned out his muted voice. Often, the nitty-gritty was too much to absorb.  
My focus shifted to the urgent yell of voices and the crash of the doors as the last victim of the crash was wheeled in.  “26-year-old male.” “Unconscious.” “Intubation.” “PAGE DR COSETTI.” “Red Line to the OR. NOW.”
All I could make out from the man laying limp on the stretcher was a mop of beautiful bright orange curls, and a pale (…somewhat familiar looking?) face dotted with freckles. He was young, and I couldn’t allow myself to focus on his badly injured body.  He was clad in pair of pajama pants and a worn white t-shirt. It had been cut open (presumably by the paramedics) for access after the accident, and I couldn’t help but take note of how colorful he was. 
He was whisked through our triage area, bypassing the trauma bay altogether, his monitors blaring, and before I could form any more thoughts, the elevators that would carry him to the OR had swallowed him up.
I could only take a deep breath, and say a silent prayer.
Author’s Note: My job is very, very similar to what Annaliese does in this story, and that’s what led me into it.  I’m really, really excited for this story, and I feel the need to point out that I began writing this story WAY before poor In Real Life Ed had his accident.  I actually held off posting it because of what happened, but I’m ready to start sharing it now!!  Please, PLEASE. I’m begging you guys. FEEDBACK. Anons are cool. LOL 
An Ask, a message, a reblog, a comment. ALL are needed, ALL are appreciated. Even if you are mad at me.....
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fullbazaruae-blog · 5 years
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itsayrewolf · 5 years
Colonel’s Log 201922.07 , Some idiot decided that they needed my attention so proceeded to awaken me at 14:00 hours. A time where I can catch some z’s, when it’s uncomfortably toasty outside, something that no news weather is talking about, warning those with medical conditions to avoid the ultra hot sun. So there I am, having a picinic with Jennifer Morrison(Cameron-House TV Show ) when a knock hits on my door. I ask who is it? No response. So I roll over and try to re-enter REM sleep, when another knock came. Again I asked who is you? No response. I always say , if you want to visit me, CALL me on the phone first. See if I’m home and/or awake. Out of a week, I only get two , that is 2 DAYS where , I’m not running tow calls. Monday’s and Thursday’s. The rest of my week its 24/7/365. I don’t fly when its this hot out, it’s early in the morning, and unless its a medical Emergency, its stay in out of the redgid hot sun. So when someone wakes me up before or just a hour after noon, on my day off it piss’s me off. Okay.
Some of my minions of fans asked me where this modeling crap started. Back in the day at 1972/73 when I discovered the original Overdrive Magazine, and during the formation of the TTA , we said , ” If Parkhurst can do it, so can we.”  Overdrive did the Trucker of the month, Datemaster
Our thought, place sweet honeys with tricked out tow trucks. Hence the 1997 video Klassik Hookers And Haulers, that we peddled while we were erecting the towers for Dixie Diesel Radio near Rigby Idaho. and that’s how that started. Of course recruiting sweet feminintiles was much easier. Not everything female was running around scared schittless, or paranoid. Today, most of the time we have to contract through one of three agencies, one of course is Talent Management Group, or TMG of Salt Lake City. For anything else its a crap shoot in the dark, usually consuming more time, with little results. As for the WolfPack, why not do real life pinups as was on military aircraft of the day, as well as flat out what is done today?
Of course in the day, the classic original pinups, meant then to be a moral lifter to very weery troops and military pilots, the classics were of such that many had photo’s attatched with toothpaste on the overhang of their bunks. 
Patti Page is shown, Jan. 17, 1958. (AP Photo)
Why couldn’t or can’t that be done today? Or has our population became so PC, that beauty is over come by the beast? That’s why we do the model crap, its not to get my or any of the WolfPack’s peckers wet. 
Finally tonight, the big settlement between the FTC and Equiafax was reached. While it sounds like a big windfall, $400,000,000.00 only renders $4.00 per consumer, considering the mass data breach in 2017. 
Keep it Wings Level. L8R Aviators.
If you awaken me, but wont tell me who you are, do not knock on my door. Colonel's Log 201922.07 , Some idiot decided that they needed my attention so proceeded to awaken me at 14:00 hours.
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