#minor crisis
harleythealter · 9 months
Does anybody else just find themselves thinking into the abyss: who the fuck even am I? Do I even exist?
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spotsandsocks · 2 years
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mandydoesstuff · 1 year
My gender's gone weird again.
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arc0n · 10 months
I want to be a filmmaker, an actor, a writer, an artist, I want to be so many things yet I’ll never decide which and will continue in this endless cycle of anxiety and uncertainty and will eventually amount to nothing and that scares the shit out of me
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adelie-in-grey · 11 months
There is a tear in my bag :(
and my trip to Atlanta is in 3 days... How does one fix canvas?
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algusunderdunk · 1 year
There I was, so proud of myself for taking a bunch of my old read books to the take-a-book-leave-a-book shelves. Decided to treat myself to a wee sandwich. Then realized with dawning horror I had nothing to read with lunch.
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fox-guardian · 4 months
starting to feel like part of the reason that Sam and Celia's romance thing feels a little off rn is cuz like. what do you mean they're actually dating. he asked her on a date and she said yes. and it's working out so far. it's chill and fine. what do you mean they're not pining for 4 seasons, not communicating, and then getting together only after one of them walked through hell to drag the other out and make sure they know they're loved and wanted. they haven't even patched each other's wounds yet hello. aren't y'all moving a little fast.
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canisalbus · 11 months
hello! i've written a short little machete fic, and i wanted to share it with you as thanks for all the incredible art and generous question-answering you've been doing these last few months. i hope that if you give it a look, you enjoy it. <3 keep up all your amazing work! archiveofourown [.] org / works / 50945128
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✦ A Voi ✦
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respectthepetty · 2 days
The Loyal Pin - Episode 8
¡Sorpresa, cabronas! Blue Beauty Anin is back in the palace, and she is already causing issues for her color-coded brothers!
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And for her Pink Person Pin!
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So as much as I appreciate Anin being so focused on her studies, because she wanted to graduate early, I'm glad Pin called her out for not communicating and thinking this surprise would make her forget that she was basically ignored FOR MONTHS!
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But thankfully Anin knows how to make it up to her (in bed) (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!)
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And now they can be color-coded girls in love and live happily ever after! Yes? YES!
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Well, that's until Anin's color-coded brothers tell her she needs to start thinking about getting married . . . to a man.
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But because this a GL, like queer magic, all the girls start showing up to Anin's yard for her milkshake like her sister-in-law with her sister, who just happens to be the girl who tried to assault Anin in her bed.
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But nobody cares because Anin's color-coded brother and aunt (WHO IS WEARING PURPLE!) are planning a formal welcome back party for Anin which will literally bring all the girls to her yard for her milkshake (and other treats).
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Anin is less than thrilled believing this is a ploy to get her to meet marriage prospects, but her brother promises that isn't what is happening.
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All color-coded royals do is lie.
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But our boy Pranot is going to make this party spectacular even if he has to hot glue and duct tape everything together by himself, and this is not me stereotyping the gays, but . . . . . . he has to be gay because only a gay man or a pageant mom could turn it out like this with such short notice.
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So Pranot creates a party fit for color-coded royals overnight.
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And the aunt, who is in her color (finally!) has the food covered.
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But she can't stay, because she has a guest, in her house, waiting for her. *whispers* lesbian shenanigans are afoot
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And to nobody's surprise, marriage prospects are at this party and lined up IN RED to greet our Blue Beauty. I know Pranot sent them a detailed document outlining the dress code, so if they were paying any attention, they would've known to wear BLUE to impress the princess and not RED to impress her siblings. Who do they want to marry?! Apparently not our lesbian!
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Then Aon shows up looking like her and her sister thought this was a costume party and they are an orange and a cherry, which means the only time we have seen Aon is pink is when she was trying to slide into Anin's bed, and now she is on my list!
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Sidenote: Is the brother's fiancée May from My Marvellous Dream is You and The Sign?! How did I miss that?! Obviously the outfit is doing it's job because it made me notice her in a room full of other beautiful women, so I'll quit hating on these fruity outfits now.
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Actually, I won't because it's clear to me the two oranges from the orange tree belong together, so if Kuea really doesn't care about marrying a lesbian since he wants to Pin so badly, why not just marry another lesbian named Aon? Makes color-coded sense to me!
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But then there is the issue of my babygirl Ueangfah who also showed up to Anin's yard party for her milkshake.
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But I think I have someone for her too! It's not a color-coded match, but it could be a lavender marriage!
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The queers have been doing it for centuries. Just getting married and throwing amazing garden parties. Fun times!
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But Anin, in her pretty blue dress had too much fun being possessive of Pin because she was getting a little unwanted attention from a man when ALL OF THESE WOMEN WERE BASICALLY HAND-FEEDING ANIN FOOD AND THEIR BODIES ALL NIGHT! (I'm a little peeved at Anin, pero whatevs). So Pin, in her lovely purple and pink dress, has to drag her girlfriend home which is luckily across the lawn.
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And because Anin is westernized now, she is white girl wasted, meaning she wants to make out with her girl anywhere and everywhere because eff decorum!
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So Pin has to tie her up with a blue piece of fabric. (Where did this come from?!)
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But it isn't for safety reasons. No! It's for ~kinky~ reasons.
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And in the midst of some delightful girl-on-girl action, we get the rudest flashback to Anin's older brother checking on Anin since he was worried about her drinking, yet stumbling upon her exchanging colors and tongues with Pin, you know, like the French do.
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So the episode ends with him finally realizing the big secret that everyone has been keeping from him including the servants -
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He was the only straight person at that party tonight.
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wonderlandhour · 4 months
Lilia, watching Ash and Malleus enter Diasomnia: it's quite late-
Ash: I don't know how. But he's drunk.
Lilia: . . . What?
Ash: malleus is drunk. Like, blackout drunk.
Lilia: fey have exceptionally high alcohol tolerance, dragons especially. I sincerely doubt-
Malleus: Father.
Lilia, bluescreening: . . . Huh?
Malleus, tilting his head and looking like a confused puppy: do you not like that? Deartháir calls you that, I can call you something else if you prefer.
Lilia, might be crying rn, voice 2 octaves too high: what did you do to him?
Ash: I left him for like, an hour in monstro lounge's new town location to help Azul and came back to a giant drinking competition, everyone else again Malleus. Also- well I just meant to show you something.
Lilia: y-yes? What is it?
Ash: Mal? Tilt your head.
Malleus, tilts his head to a side, hears a ring, and freezes: . . . I make noises? My horns- are ringing? *he hums while tilting his head back and forth. Two strings of bells are ties around and between his horns.*
Malleus: *shakes his head violently causing the bells to go haywire. When he stops, Ash is trying not to laugh and he looks very pleased.*
Malleus: Athair, my horns ring.
Lilia: that- that they do. Ash take him to go lie down. And don't let Sebek see him.
Ash: sure thing boss man. Come on Mally, once we get to your room, you can tell me about your favorite gargoyles.
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Death is very good being Normal (at least he thinks so)
The Thirteenth Prime is death, that is his function, his purpose. However in response to increasingly high counts of meaningless loss of life, he has taken on physical form to try and address the issue. Too bad he keeps getting wrapped up in side quests and friendship along the way.
Previous part here.
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Orion Pax was an odd one alright. Ratchet knew that the moment he saw Orion the first time at the archives.
The way he walked was almost as if gravity had no sway over him. His body language was near non-existent and Ratchet couldn't sense an EM field from him at all. The Archivist seemed to blend right into the background if one weren't paying attention and Orion didn't even seem bothered. If anything Pax appeared to be more shocked when he was noticed rather than when he wasn't. Not only that, but there was just something... of about him. His limbs were too long, his plating too jagged and placed in areas it really shouldn't have been able to develop. His optics were too wide, too bright, and lifeless despite their glow.
He was off, but Ratchet found himself intrigued all the same.
He vividly remembered the day he finally worked up the confidence to approach the mech. He requested aid finding a text he could have easily hunted down himself just to see how the Archivist would respond. Ratchet was left even more interested in Orion when all the Archivist did was nod and gracefully guide Ratchet through the archives without even the slightest hint of emotion beyond momentary confusion and shock at being spoken to. It was almost hypnotic following Orion Pax with how every living thing seemed to bow to him.
He left the archives with his medical text in a bit of a daze and with more questions than answers. That day he resolved to figure out who Orion was and what about him made him so mysterious.
He came back to the archives time and time again, at first under the guise of needing new texts for his studies. Orion always seemed so very shocked when Ratchet approached but he never once rejected him. He talked with Orion, often receiving basic answers or ones that were so cryptic they hardly made sense. However eventually he came back just to be with the Archivist he had started to see as a friend. Orion was an excellent conversationalist and wise far beyond what Ratchet assumed was his age,. What started as a simple study of a unique character ended with Ratchet genuinely invested in teaching Orion how to be normal as he quickly discovered his friend was anything but.
Ratchet gave up asking how and why when it came to Orion around a stellar cycle into their friendship and instead merely sighed and accepted the oddity that was Pax.
Often Orion forgot to vent, a thing Ratchet had learned had zero affect on Orion since the mech was always cold as ice, only ever being even the slightest bit warm around the chassis. In such instances he would tap Orion on the shoulder and that would be enough to get him to open his vents and begin running his fans just to appear normal. When it happened in public mecha always began to panic upon seeing Orion with his armor clamped down tight around himself. The concern was so common that Ratchet even began timing how long it would take after Orion forgot for some poor bot to begin worrying that Orion was going to overheat.
The Archivist also tended to forget to show expression, make a show of having a field, and present some sort of body language. The lack of it left everyone Orion interacted with aside from those who knew him feeling like they were talking to a ghost. So Ratchet often straight up told Orion how he was supposed to act when required. Shoulders back, shift pedes every three seconds or so with slight variation, vent twice a Klik, reset the optics periodically, smile when spoken to, and so on. The list was near endless but he coached Orion all the same.
The only times he purposefully let Orion be was when the less savory sort came and bothered them. In those instances he was perfectly content to let Orion scare the scrap out of the poor bot on the receiving end by pure nature of his seeming lifelessness.
There were plenty of other things about Orion that Ratchet couldn't and certainly felt no need to explain. Sometimes Orion would disappear for cycles at a time without a word or a trace, almost like he had never existed at all. The first time it happened Ratchet nearly drove himself into a frenzy trying to find him until Orion reappeared as if nothing happened. After that he panicked a handful more times, but every instance of Orion dropping off the earth always ended with him returning in perfect condition. As such when it happened Ratchet stopped worrying and instead made sure to take care of Orion's plant while he was off doing whatever.
Ratchet also quickly got over Orion knowing things he really shouldn't and giving answers so wildly out there that it was ridiculous. How did Orion know personal details about what the late Lord of Vos preferred in his fuel? No clue. How did Orion know about the death of Sentinel Prime long before it was announced? Ratchet didn't even bother to try and figure it out. How was Orion aware that he had broken a cup in the medical bay earlier that morning when he had been alone and cleaned it up right after? He didn't want to know.
Ratchet: Where are you from Orion? It's rather obvious you are not native to Iacon.
Orion: I come from the place between the stars where time is meaningless and the whispers of things inconceivable to the mortal optic ring out all around.
Ratchet: Right... that is one way to describe the wilds.
Ratchet: So do you have any relatives?
Orion: Father watches over me in my duties, his gaze ever present but not loving. He is far greater than I, his vision so much more expansive that I cannot even comprehend it. My brothers do their duties with little regard for my own purpose. We are set apart, kin in our maker but not the same.
Ratchet: *nervous as hell* Tough family life huh? Understandable. What is this purpose you speak of?
Orion: I am merely a keeper, one who walks the void between realities to safeguard the children of Primus. I care little for who they are or what they have done, only that they are brought back safely and learn. They can struggle as hard as they wish, but all will come to me eventually...
Ratchet: *having a small crisis* An odd way to describe archiving data, but I suppose all do come for learning eventually.
Orion: As you say.
Sometimes he needed a strong drink after interacting with Orion, but he wouldn't dare ignore the entertainment he gained from his friend when he wasn't being driven to alcoholism with wisdom that Orion really shouldn't have and the odd instances where he saw some sort of energy being in place of his friend after long work shifts. After meeting Megatronus, Orion's odd instances became far more obvious since the Gladiator had quickly taken to telling Orion that it was indeed normal to do all the things the Archivist did that were certainly not. It drove Ratchet up the wall the first few times, but it quickly became funny for him as well to watch the reactions of others in response to Orion's actions.
Megatronus was weirded out by Orion on many levels, but he too gained an appreciation for him after listening to the wisdom Orion had to give. Not to mention Orion somehow had contacts everywhere and could forge words like a master even if they ended up being more terrifying than convincing.
Megatronus: How does the speech fare little Archivist? Might I hear a snippet of what you have composed?
Orion: The void awaits us all, our lives ultimately destined to end. Why endure suffering for eternity when it can be changed for those who are to come? Would we condemn the little children to this torture? Stand up. Fight for your freedom and embrace the end. For what harm is there is facing death with honor.
Megatronus: *slightly shaken* A good start, but perhaps tone down on the melodramatics.
To make up for the near constant trauma that came from being around Orion, Megatronus made great sport out of watching the chaos that came from his companion. While Orion was not very expressive, it was pretty clear he thought he was doing a great job at being normal. Megatronus never saw fit to correct him simply because the Archivist managed to scare Soundwave of all mecha by turning up in his berthroom in the middle of the night while somehow managing to get past all the security systems and Soundwave's heightened senses, only to then lean down and whisper to the spymaster.
"Megatronus summons you to formulate plans upon which this world may be rebuilt"
Simply put, Megatronus sent Orion to tell Soundwave to come to a meeting, and by the time the spymaster shot up, Orion was gone without a trace, not even a mark left on the security footage either. Soundwave quickly similarly ceased asking questions about the matter of Orion Pax and joined Ratchet and Megatronus in watching the fallout.
Orion seemed to think he was doing a fantastic job as he assisted in the efforts to begin a revolution in the pits. Megatronus could tell just by looking at him that the Archivist didn't even seem aware of how creepy he was. It was terrifying to have Orion turn up at any and all hours to hand over information. It didn't matter where Megatronus, Soundwave, Ratchet, or anyone else was. If Orion had information he wanted to relay, he would get to wherever they were and hand over the data even if his last known location was on the other side of the planet. Megatronus opted to ignore the fact that when Orion reappeared after disappearances his frame was a little more "normal" looking. He also never commented when Orion stared at him with unfeeling optics as if watching an interesting animal.
And much like Ratchet, he just did his best to forget the times Orion shifted in times of danger to become something... other. It was always different, but whatever it was Orion became when he felt threatened... it was a terrifying mess of energy and optics, claws and denta, fangs and wings. Best to ignore it and move on, as was generally the best decision when it came to anything that had to do with Orion Pax.
Even still Megatronus and Ratchet said nothing, letting Orion do as he felt and only directing him when in public if at all. He was strange and most likely a spark eater or another abomination in disguise. But he was a good mech and cared deeply once one got to know him. So for that Ratchet and Megatronus dealt with his oddities by either ignoring them or drinking them away so they could instead enjoy his companionship.
Orion for his part didn't know he was doing a poor job blending in and was just pleased that his chosen champion was making such good progress.
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tiktowafel · 3 months
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do you ever think about how all you used to draw when you were 10 was ponies and that you should still know how to do that, then get an idea and proceed to draw something like these in nearly one sitting and it turns out better than any drawing you've done in the entire past month
sooo anyway does anyone have cutie mark or pony name ideas for them?? lol
#(the b girl lineups are older than a month because i procrastinated a lot on doing minor fixes. nothing i drew in the month of june 2024#is really worth showing it's all shitty doodles lmao)#bnha#class 1b#mlp#?#yui kodai#setsuna tokage#itsuka kendo#ibara shiozaki#(i love how she came out in particular! creature :3)#reiko yanagi#tikto's art#you may be wondering why pony of all people isn't here.#i did draw her! but i kind of ran out of steam so i ended up not really liking the result lol same for kinoko#anyway shoutout to elementary school me i was SO obsessed with mlp. brony stuff was one of the first things i used the internet for#and you know what. i wouldn't say it ruined me it was a pleasant experience#i just read what was basically a polish version of equestria daily and constantly checked the deviantart profile of one (1) specific artist#that i liked a lot#i did watch some weird speedpaints (yknow the horror ones) but i honestly dont remember being very bothered by them i just liked the art#i was just chilling there lurking and never actively participating due to being 10 and afraid of online strangers (good for me tbh)#i remember having an identity crisis though because can i really call myself a brony if i'm a little girl? the target audience of the show?#lmao anyway i would also draw ponies constantly and write oc fanfics (and the ocs were actually my irl friends ponified)#and i even had my own little g5 concept. good times good times#tag story time over god bless enjoy your day
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bambiraptorx · 7 months
Turtle reaction to teen draxum?
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[I.D. Four panel comic. In the first panel, Leo holds up his phone with one hand and says "Hey D, what's up?" He is smiling, and with his other hand he makes the ASL sign for D. In the second panel, Donnie frowns at his own phone with an eyebrow lifted and signs "We have a situation going on." His free hand is lifted in the shape of the ASL sign for S. The third panel is a close up of Donnie's phone screen, showing Leo on the video call. Leo smiles with half lidded eyes, holding up a hand in the ASL sign for K, and says, "Really? What kind of situation?" Donnie responds, "Let me just show you." In the final panel, Donnie is shown from behind, holding out his phone so the front facing camera shows Teen Draxum, who has his hands on his head and a very worried expression. An ellipse comes from the phone, then Leo says "he got babied didn't he lmaoooo" End I.D.]
Well, Donnie and Leo know. Whether they do anything helpful or not is a different story lol. (Also, Leo is signing as he speaks, while Donnie just signs. It's fairly common for them to do that for video calls.)
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prismaticpichu · 1 month
Hope y’all are having a lovely day!!!
Summary: Wherein Sephiroth finds Zack with a bloody wound sliced across his cheek, too disconnected from the world to even realize what mission the young First had obtained it from.
That, and the Buster Sword.
For SephZackWeek Day 2 - Broken/Healing!!!
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ffcrazy15 · 1 month
Something I think my followers might not know about me is that I have an unfortunate and unusual problem, due to the following four facts:
I dress like I'm from the 1940s-50s (because I like the style and it looks good on me)
I wear a kerchief over my hair (because I genuinely look hotter like that, like my appearance is significantly improved by presence of the the bandana)
I usually don't wear makeup (too lazy), and
I am visibly Catholic (wear a crucifix, carry a rosary etc.).
All of these factors have combined to make it that, unfortunately, I look like a tradwife out in public.
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flowerakatsuka · 4 months
latest kurokara art is having i think the opposite intended effect on me because it made me wish i were kara in that situation. it made me go "i wish kuro would pat me and tell me they'd plant a rose bush for me if i became a worm". got emotionally affected by yumejoshi (gender neutral) art but was afflicted by the joshi (gender neutral) in the situation
THIS IS SO SWEET OH MY GOD, THANK YOU??? 😭 i totally get what you mean, though. i'll be completely honest, i project more onto kara than kuroba in some of the drawings i've done of them and that last one definitely falls into that category. like who wouldn't want to be the cringe trophy failwife to a kind-hearted androgynous florist? dude's living the dream. it does makes me happy that we've got some kuroba girls ( also gender neutral ) out there now hehe. kara would be jazzed about it, too!
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had to draw the two canon kuroba girls in these shirts, too.
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