#mira (octopath)
drainbangle · 1 year
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children are incredible, aren't they? they're like another self
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nightmaresghost · 1 year
Mira ain't got nothing on Throne. Throne would wipe the floor with her.
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taoofshigeru · 5 months
The Evolving Nature of Keywords and Antagonists in Octopath Traveler II
Octopath Traveler II is a masterpiece. I find new ways to appreciate this fact all the time. I hit on one specific facet somewhat recently, so want to walk through each of the main quests and go over the extent to which the creators picked out powerful character-specific keywords which do heavy lifting on multiple levels.
I made a similar post about the keywords from OT1, if you're interested in reading that, but essentially, the "keyword" for a character is a single word chosen to represent their journey. It's used to in OT1 to denote the lead-in to Battle at Journey's End in the climax of a character's route, and in OT2 to fit into their "In Pursuit of _" route boss theme.
The keywords chosen for OT2 have had a lot of thought put into them, and represent not just the journey at a glance but how a character's objectives can change, and even how they relate to their primary antagonist.
(I recommend having the tracklist for the OT2 soundtrack beside you for this, if you're not already familiar.)
Ochette (For Legends)
Ochette is on a journey to find the creatures of legend in order to protect the island. Her journey also takes on meaning for her first chosen companion (Mahina/Akala) and Acta, who become legends in the final act of her journey.
In contrast, her opposite number Petrichor is trying to kill or incapcitate the creatures of legend. Cateracta is the only one that dies on account of her efforts, but Tera and Glacis both suffer at her hands. As does the darkling. Petrichor brings not just death, but suffering on those she seeks. It contrasts nicely with Ochette's first contemporary scene, which has her hunting a gator down specifically for eating too much of the local wildlife and disrupting the balance of the forest. There's a strong ethos about how death is faced, and why a hunt is undertaken. (i.e. to protect the larger environment versus for personal gain)
Hers is the storyline that deals most directly with the balance of life and death, and the importance of a good life and a humane death. In that sense, it's less important for Ochette to directly confront Petrichor because a good life and a humane death can be given regardless of what evils others inflict upon the world.
Castti (For Memories)
Castti, an amnesiac apothecary, is on a journey to restore her lost memories. She's also on her journey to extend a helping hand to those in need, in order to honor the besmirched memory of Eir's Apothecaries.
Her opposite number, Trousseau, was the one to taint Eir's Memory, and his poison has taken hers (either chemically or through trauma). Because his continued actions as a mass poisoner threaten to further sully the memory of Eir's Apothecaries, he needs to be confronted and put down directly for the memories to be laid to rest.
Also, the fact that non-evil Trousseau shows up in her last memory at the end is an indication that it's also a fight for Trousseau's memory in her heart. She can't remember the kind man he once was because it would lead her to hesitate about what needed to be done, but she does want to remember her lost loved ones fondly. Even Trousseau.
Throné (For Freedom)
Throné is fighting for her freedom from the Blacksnakes, and her opposite number, Claude, holds the keys to the collar literally wrapped around her throat. So he has to be fought, for obvious reasons. Fighting him also secures the kind of freedom Throné's never had for the nameless baby whose crying voice can be heard at the end of her route as the camera zooms out.
Still, we see that it's not just Throné suffering under Claude's thumb. We see her adoptive father lost the woman he loved to Claude, and orphans like Mira being raised to take the place of whatever snakes might lose their heads in any given heist.
And, despite the "Not my tits, not my problem" way she handles the power vacuum created by Claude's death, her actions do cause chaos that allows some other Blacksnakes and abused orphans like Mira to break free. Which is not to say they become good. They're still seen running rigged casinos and the like after her path is complete. But hey, freedom to be good implies one also has the freedom to be evil, or else it's not really freedom!
(Sidenote: The baby at the end of Throné's route is such a great narrative tool for pushing the readers to ask more questions. Did Throné originally have qualms about killing Claude due to the power vacuum that the need to free the child overrode? Did seeing the woman first, then her child with Claude, make her realize this would keep happening unless she killed him for real, despite her dislike for killing? Did Claude, a questionably suicidal immortal, engineer the whole setup to erase her doubts about killing him?)
Osvald (For Revenge)
Osvald sets out for revenge and gets his revenge at the climax of his route in a direct confrontation with Harvey, his opposite number and the number one object of his revenge.
This is only somewhat subverted, as Osvald's revenge succeeds in large part due to the power of love (as a father who loves and wants to protect his daughter). Really, revenge being the one goal that doesn't evolve as much fits with Octopath's general "revenge is actually pretty reasonable when you've been wronged to that extent" ethos.
Partitio (For Prosperity)
Partitio is on a journey to bring the world prosperity! Economic well-being! For all his friends. And everyone (save maybe a few shitty loan sharks) is his friend.
But he gets TWO antagonists. Roque is doing it For Wealth (choice of words mine), a similar but distinctly different and much more selfish end. One of the more obscure definitions of prosperity is "attainment of the object desired". Roque was fought because he needed it knocked into his noggin that trains can be good for more than warfare.
Ori has, like him, experienced extreme poverty and suffering (though her experience as a wartime orphan was more extreme) and wants to ease the world's suffering. She just initially prefers to do so by ending the world. However, Ori is never fought because Partitio was always fighting the battle for her heart, knowingly or not. And, at the very last, he reached her. ;_;
Agnea (For Hope)
Agnea Bristarni is on a journey to spread hope. And boy, does she ever!
But she also gets two antagonists. Dolcinea Luciel, the boss of Agnea's route, performs not For Hope, but instead For Applause (The first phase of her boss fight has theme music explicitly called called "In Pursuit of Applause"). It's a form of selfishness that does have to be confronted directly, albeit onstage rather than in an actual fight to the death.
Tanzy, Agnea's other opposite number, has already lost all hope. And that void in her heart was taken advantage of to make her a pawn of the moonshades (and ultimately, a sacrifice). Tanzy remains unfought, because the battle was for Tanzy's hope all along and Arcanette won that fight before the story began.
However, very much worth noting is that Agnea is the one character to not get a "The Journey for _ Ends…" theme on the soundtrack. Instead, her route boss track, juxtaposed squarely between "The Journey for Prosperity Ends" and "The Journey for Truth Ends" is the Song of Hope (which she sings herself!). I think this is a thematic choice that reflects that the hope Agnea strives to bring is more ephemeral as a concept. ("Like trying to grasp hold of a cloud", to paraphrase the ending of Hajime no Ippo.) I think this has a lot to do with why the game has the epilogue. Because while all eight travelers go on living and trying to better the world and themselves in their own way, Agnea's journey for hope continues.
Temenos (For Truth)
Temenos' quest is rather straightforward. He's a detective on a murder investigation. He's looking to discover the truth behind the pontiff's death, behind Roi's death, and eventually behind Crick's death as well.
But in a pretty heavy subversion, his "Journey Ends" track plays in the boss fight with Kaldena, well before he actually gets to the truth. He's the one character of the eight to directly fight his HTAPOTCO counterpart outside of his specific story arc. Because the track was incomplete and his journey for truth wasn't over yet. To add to the synergy, Arcanette was the one most responsible for concealing the truth from him, from the depth of the moonshades' duplicity to the truth of her own identity. And she's already succeeded insofar as her goal was to bring about the endless night, so by the time she's actually fought she's happy to spill all the beans, and you fight her not For Truth, but For The Dawn.
Hikari (For Kingship)
Hikari Ku wants the throne so he can govern with compassion.
He's also the third character to get two antagonists. His brother Mugen is a comically evil king who governs with an iron fist and sends his army to make war with their neighbors. He's fought directly in Hikari's final battle, Hikari becomes king, and he's able to begin repairing the damage and attempting to make a better, more compassionate world.
However, Hikari's opposite number in the moonshades, Oboro/Kazan, has a different view of kingship altogether. Arbuably the center-stage antagonist who gets dialogue prior to Vide's resurrection, Oboro rejects the notion that even a king truly can ease the suffering inherent in the world. It's impossible to change, no matter how hard anyone tries. (After all, he was a master strategist and he did his best strategic thinking to reduce war casualties, but it never did a lick of good.) So, throughout the story, he's helping Hikari's cause without believing in it.
He may be directly confronted in the climax of The Journey For the Dawn, but he's never fought because the battle here was not to gain the throne, but to convince Oboro that Hikari's rule could make a real difference once he was sitting on it.
And that's the eight. Wish I could say I could end it on a more profound point, but I don't really have one. I guess, writing this convinced me the story design in OT2 being spot on was very much by design. And the fact it was the result of intentional writer choices and not just an accident makes me feel a deeper connection to the game.
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1.) First, her creator has it as a hard Canon rule that every single episode she has to be wrong about something, even if it doesn't make sense for her to be. She got to be with a boy who liked who she was and not the fact that she was a hero, who is much better suited for her as a partner than the one she is constantly shoved with. Her superhero partner constantly pushes past her romantic boundaries and is actively encouraged by everyone else in canon around him, even when she states multiple times that she doesn't want to date him and they are not a couple. He's always trying to take away from the fight, and several times when he is turned down he will take it out on her. The creator of the show describes him as flawless. Her suits are awful, they're literally just decorative spandex on her body, giving her no structure or support.
2.) victim of both the crew's misogyny and racism the show literally cannot be normal about her i submitted her to the character massacre poll so im gonna repeat some of the stuff i said from there shes a 14 year old girl n a rule of the show's bible is that marinette must always be the one to learn a lesson so shes always wrong according to the narrative even when she actually isnt in the wrong one of her main character traits is that she has a crush on adrien and cause shes a teenage girl shes of course portrayed as obsessive and stalkerish for… having pictures of her fashion model crush in her room n knowing his schedule even though hes super busy n it would be reasonable for her to keep track of his schedule so she n his other friends could actually hang out with him despite being half chinese and (from what i remember) her mom being a first generation immigrant she has no actual connection to it for all intents and purposes her being half chinese is almost irrelevant for her character unless the show feels like being weird about it such as having her white crush be more knowledgeable about chinese culture than her n her parents being based off of the creator and an ex girlfriend of his (his tweet about that is still up btw) which leads into the next thing of marinette is weirdly sexualized by the show she has the most blatantly body paint suit of the girls (cause all of them have body suits seriously pretty much all of the women n girls in this show could be submitted which is bad considering its a girl power show for kids) the camera frequently frames itself on the lower half of her body in one of the comics after she detransforms shes left naked (an issue entirely invented for this comic) and has to wear a box as clothes n there was a scandal about a member of the crew drawing her naked which the show's creator defended (remember this guy said marinette was like his virtual child) shes not winning in her love life either so both marinette and adrien are superheroes with secrect identities n neither of them know who the other person is under the mask marinette likes adrien who is chat noir's civilian identity and adrien likes ladybug who is marinette's superhero identity hes not into marinette n marinette's not into chat noir however chat noir constantly flirts with ladybug (usually instead of actually helping her) ignores her rejections of his romantic advances n throws a hissy fit whenever she doesnt priortize him (such as not helping her defeat the baddie thats frozen all of paris cause last night she didnt show up for a date he set up when she told him she couldnt go on a date cause she already had plans with friends threatening to quit when most of paris was underwater due to a different villain cause marinette got trusted with an important secret n he didnt and attempting to use cataclysm (his ability to destory anything) on marinette's best friend when marinette had her use the ladybug miraculous in her stead) while her own pursuit of adrien only ever ends in her own humiliation cause the crew just thinks its so funny for a teenage girl to get repeatedly humiliated for the crime of wanting to ask her crush out n then yank her back when she tries to move on with a guy who openly has a crush on her respects her n is very supportive of her which is something they literally wrote her to do n pressured by pretty much everyone to ask out adrien (as a civilian) n date chat noir (as a hero) cause the show doesnt know how to properly develop a romance for their main couple beyond having everyone say theyre meant to be and then also this is more of like the show's general misogyny and double standards but when girls crush on the same guy theyre all catty bitches to eachother (n then also two of them are irredeemably evil cause the show hates teenage girls n thinks the show's main villain (who only isnt a child abuser if you dont considering neglect n emotional abuse real abuse) is more redeemable than two cartoony mean teen girls) while guys crushing on the same girl are chill n buddies with eachother
3.) We’ve seen time and time again she’s capable and smart and creative and can really do anything she puts her mind to-but canon forces her to fall for a guy after he halfass apologizes (never actually says sorry and lies about never having friends when in the same episode he keeps saying he’s this persons friend) about a misunderstanding because ooh white boy go hard I guess and thus for multiple seasons have her go stupid around and simply because of this boy. This same boy but now hero form she’s doesn’t know, gets to trying and flirt with her over and over even after she tells him very nicely that she doesn’t like him like that, thought they were just bantering, and that she likes someone else. The narrative punishes her when she does anything that the boy doesn’t like, either by him not helping her as a hero in fights or scolding her in both forms. Additionally, her character is through the ringer when ever it comes to him because “she’s boy crazy” like teaming up with her bully to ruin this girls dress because she is attending an event with him- which goes way off base for her character- and this happens only whenever he’s involved. They have her be weird around him like sniffed his pillow once and took a hair from what she thought was a statue of him and also have her never function normally around him-which fine that can be true to life cause she’s 13-but when she falls for this other boy who makes her relaxed and helps her to be who she is happily-the narrative pulls a 180 once they date showing she can’t forget about the first boy and putting her pictures she took of the first boy back in her room when they were previously removed. Last thing because I think this is getting way too long sorry, but they sexualize the hell out of the female hero: from their poses and shots focusing on their chest, butts, or movements of them, but also the male heros costumes are way more intricate and detailed where as the main character for three plus seasons only had a red bodysuit with black neck and black spots while the male hero had a black suit detailed with a golden bell, leather belt as a tail, black ears, green cat eyes, and more. I just can’t with this show doing girls dirty and then claiming “girl power”
1.) so her story is about her trying to get out of the mafia she was recruited by at like age six because they specifically prey on orphans with no better options, the mafia has a very familial structure and their leaders are called mother and father, the two parents hold the keys to the collar all the snakes get stuck with which will inject them with poison if they try to remove them without the key. so already the game is setting up a bunch of cool not-technically-incest to force throné into but just you fucking wait. because at the eleventh hour of a story that has been mostly good with obvious potential hamstrung by the fact that throné has very little agency in what's supposed to be her first time deciding what she wants to do for herself instead of being beholden to her parents, but then the monkey's paw curls and again ONE CHAPTER BEFORE THE END OF THE GAME it suddenly stops DEAD for her father to explain that actually he knew her biological mother and they were in love but the kid isn't his because he and actually all of the blacksnakes including her and her mother are the biological children of this one dude who's immortal and obsessed with impregnating women and he's done it so much that he has enough kids to just fill an entire mafia so also fuck all that story about how organizations like this prey on desperate people it's just the weirdest season of 19 kids and counting you've ever seen and also yes all of that is describe in EXCRUCIATING detail so you really understand the degree to which throné is a victim of incest. her biological father gets to monologue for like actually two minutes about all the women he's impregnated to the woman who is still processing that she's apparently the victim of like three different kinds of incest from this guy she just met in addition to anything she suffered at the hands of the parents and then he spends the entire boss fight being profoundly horny and then the story just ends when she kills him and gets her collar off and that's it that's fucking it they're just like alright well story over. and all of this is presented in an extremely voyeuristic way and throné herself gets fucking eviscerated by Sexygirl Femmefatale design and her own story barely cares what she thinks or feels about all of this which is probably why they don't even bother to set up what happens after she you know finishes the climax of the fucking story????? and then ALSO the catholic inquisitor character gets paired with her and he's very condescending to her and treats her as his sidekick and the agonies are eternal. could we not have given this girl a fucking break from being treated like a toy by self obsessed loser dudes for three seconds. there are fun protagonists in this game. she could have been hanging out with a silly italian cowboy.
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aptericia · 11 months
Tryin to make a list of Octopath 2 NPCs for a potential tournament poll… why are there so many I stg
Here is a list of every named non-traveler character (plus a few characters from Throné’s path who don’t use their real names). Characters without unique sprites are listed in orange; characters who don’t make an appearance at all are listed in red. My thinking is to include every character from the main paths with a unique sprite, plus Al and the four Crossed Paths NPCs 🤔
Ochette’s Path: Juvah, Akalā, Mahina, Cohazeh, Cateracta, Tera, Glacis, Alpione, Pom, Heig, Petrichor
Castti’s Path: Malaya, Senah, Sesque, Mao, Edmund, Griff, Rosa, Melia, Lily, Greg, Plukk, Mikk, Makk, Trousseau, Elma, Andy, Randy, Yorna, Sally, Temm
Throné’s Path: Pirro, Scaracci, Donnie, Father, Mother, Diamante, Bergomi, the Slaver, the Masked Boy, the Elderly Guard, Mira, Morozov, Marietta, the Guide, Claude
Osvald’s Path: Rita, Elena, Harvey, Davis, Emerald, Bale, Clarissa, Ethan, Stenvar
Partitio’s Path: Papp, Roque, Ned, Joe, Harry, Nikki, Giff, Will, Ori, Floyd, Thurston, Alrond, Misha, Masoud, Terry, Audley
Agnea’s Path: Pala, Garud, Cuani, Gus, Gil, La’mani, Dolcinea, Veronica, Giselle, Tanzy, Rico, Coda, Laila, Platt
Temenos’s Path: Mindt, Jörg, Crick, Vados, Cubaryi, Lucian, Kaldena, Ort, Hermes, Reiza, Roi, Shirlutto
Hikari’s Path: Jigo, Mugen, Benkei, Kazan, Ritsu, Rai Mei, Tsuki, Ageha, Borneau, Zeto, Bandelam, Azuma, Rou, Mikka, Kunzo, Jin Mei, Kura
Other: Al, Regulus, Yomi, Wooly-Ooly, Alpates, Arkar, Porta, the Arcanist Descendant, Gken, Ichchadhari, Tyran, Hinoekagura, Margello, Tiffany, Astell, Meylan, Eugis, Nero, Ruby, Georges, Yurinas, Karma, D’arqest, Aelfric, Dohter, Alephan, Sealticge, Draefendi, Aeber, Brand, Bifelgan, Vide, Galdera
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kat1nkulta · 2 months
🥳Lazy introduction post!!🥳
I’m Mira/ Katinkulta (personal info in bio)
I mostly post about ISAT, but I might also reblog/ draw Wanderer (GI), Octopath Traveler, Limbus Company, YTTD and other misc. interests🥹🙏
#my art
#genshin fanart
#isat fanart
Oh and most importantly:
Remember to mute ISAT SPOILERS tag!!
I try to use the cut effect but don’t always put it, and I sadly am attached to the one character that’s composed of spoilers
vv Socials below the cut vv
Twitter (fairly active)
AO3 (dead as hell)
Instagram (dead as hell)
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peerlessscowl · 1 year
TOA Anniversary; Mun Day!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: tches
Pronouns: she/they
Birthday (no year): Dec 22
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I'm currently in Colorado, but I'm not American djfkld and I live in Mountain timezone (MST/MDT)
Roleplay experience: About five or six years? All LJ.
Got any pets? My beloved one-eared baby Coriander, whom you have all seen me posting. I also live with two GSDs, Ursa and Solo.
Favorite time of year: Winter!
Some interests and things you like: I have so many interests, so many hobbies. I like languages and history and writing most. Cooking also. I hope sometime in the next year to write my first novel finally. I try to be active and used to really enjoy it before The Bad Period - I used to rock climb and hike every day, and during the pandemic I was buff. Nowadays I'm a lot more sedate.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: Here's two truths and a lie: my spine is made of titanium, I'm directly related to Erik the Red, and I'm a licensed yoga instructor. Have fun!
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Octopath, Triangle Strategy, Pokemon. Some indie games.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire, Gyarados (close tie with Delibird)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? :thinking: I was looking through the GBA games in the video game aisle of the PX, and saw Blazing was on sale. That was it. Not much fanfare.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All except Archanea, Thracia, and Tellius.
First Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Listen Jeralt can get it.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Lon'Qu - Fates: Kaze - Three Houses: Claude (but I like Hubert best) - Engage: Pandreo
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Mercenary-Hero
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? :thinking: Not to be biased, but probably Mercenary-Hero
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Probably Sigurd. Dat Momentum.
How did you find TOA? I knew of it in the periphery because I thought I'd check the Raven tag to see who else creates Raven content on Tumblr. I saw the post where mirae dropped him. Then in February, Elf popped into a mutual server and posted, I checked the Wanted List and saw my boy. And here we are.
Current TOA muses: Raven, Igrene and Beowolf
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Raven. My son with every disease, always and forever.
Have you had any other TOA muses? I've also written Sigurd and Saber. Fly high kings, legends in my heart always.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Sad Family TM. Joking aside, I like to think I have a pretty good range, and I still have more musetypes, simply waiting to be released from their enclosures.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love writing rage, and horror. On the flip side, I also genuinely love writing cheesy, healthy romantic fluff. Duality of man. And of course I froth at the mouth for Family. Reaches -
Favorite TOA-related memory: When I flipped from writing Sigurd re-proposing to Deirdre immediately to responding to a Hector interaction with Raven. Also, when Sigurd got accepted - my heart rate skyrocketed, I was so excited.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? We'll see what the future (Halloween) holds.
How do you pronounce TOA? The acronym! T-O-A, but blended together. Teaoea
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getitfrenchship · 1 year
Hopefully I can remember to doodle next week or so
Other OCs include Mira, Menthe & Dodger iirc
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wizbizzi · 1 year
Octopath 2 canon divergence fic where throné and Castti adopt Mira (the girl from mothers route)
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sociopath-analysis · 3 years
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Female Sociopaths in Popular Media (Part 54)
Go here for Part 1. It provides an explanation for this list. Also, check out the master list which includes analyses of all the included characters. (Some analyses still may not be completed as of yet.) If this is the first part you’ve seen, reblog one of those two posts. Otherwise, feel free to reblog this one.
My regular “problematic” contribution to International Women’s Day. I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been regularly posting profiles, so I’m going to try to get more done. Posting this to let you know that through the rest of Women’s History Month, I’ll try to post more female sociopath profiles as much as I can. Mostly reuploads from my main blog, but I’ll attempt to get some done that still don’t have profiles.
Pictured above:
Ren Sohma from Fruits Basket (1997-2006) and its anime adaptation (2019-2021) (voiced by Ai Orikasa (JP) and Katelyn Barr (EN))
The King of Vices from Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle
Sailor Galaxia[1] from the Sailor Moon manga (1991-1997)
Go-Jaaza-Gi (played by Sumire Aria) from Kamen Rider Kuuga (200-2001)
Dakota (played by Zoe Colletti) from Fear the Walking Dead (2015-present[2])
JGSDF Captain Risa Fukami (played by Maju Ozawa) from Kamen Rider Agito Special: A New Transformation and Project G4 (2001)
Captain Angie McHenry[3] (played by Mira Sorvino) from Stuber (2019)
Lucia from Octopath Traveler (2018)
Rhea Wits[3] from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Case 5 - Turnabout Substitution
Nox[3] from Child of Light (2014)
[1] Thanks to @rickyriddle​ for recommending this one. [2] Valid as of mid-March 2022. [3] Major spoilers associated with these characters.
If you wanna help me, suggest some characters for me to include on the list by leaving a comment on any of the posts, sending an ask, or messaging me. You’ll be credited for helping me when I include them in the gallery post. If you don’t want to be credited, just ask and I’ll leave your name off the post.
Either that or help fact check my profiles on the master list. I haven’t seen a lot of the things that these characters come from, so I don’t have a lot of firsthand knowledge. If you have seen/played/read any of the works that I have included, look through the profiles and see if there are any inaccuracies I need to edit.
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miramisaki · 6 years
Erhardt has better hair than I do and I think about this on a regular basis
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drainbangle · 1 year
book emoji (im on desktop
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
Hmm honestly... Journey for the Dawn told through the perspectives of story-important NPCs. Since we already see the travelers' thoughts on the situation, it'd be cool to see how the rest of the world deals with it as most people definitely wouldn't know what's going on? Not to mention it would be a cool worldbuilding opportunity to figure out how long the Darkest Night lasted, how communities deal with it, and how NPCs work with limited information.
The focus of it would definitely be (again) themes of community in times of crisis, along with the impact the travelers make even when they're off-screen. As for which NPCs I'd probably write for, I'll list some preliminary ideas below.
Back from listing them. It turned into a full outline actually. Meaning I probably will write this o(-(
Ochette: Alpione probably....?
Castti: Melia and the Winterbloom NPCs, including Plukk and co. Melia def doesn't have full context on what's going on, but she and Greg would probably try to y'know. Focus on keeping the town safe, along with making sure everyone's well-fed and cared for.
Throné: Mira and the orphans back at Wellgrove... I headcanon that the claudelets tend to be stronger at night, not to mention are able to see incredibly well in the dark, so they're all like... while not great, it's a terrifying world event to witness as a kid, they're physically more equipped to handle the Darkest Night.
Osvald: Elena. She and Clarissa would probably be one of the few NPCs I have interact directly with the travelers, since the gang would go from Crackridge -> Ku -> Toto'haha -> Flamechurch, and I can definitely see the gang making a quick stop to make sure she's ok now that they have confirmation that the Moonshade Order surveilled Elena even after Osvald's story wrapped up. She and Osvald have reunited at this point, so it would be a nice moment of like... tenderness in the middle of a horrific world event.
Partitio: Papp and Roque, probably. Again, another example of community in times of crises— along with the opportunity to show how Partitio continues to impact his community while away.
Agnea: Her family... I think Agnea and the gang checked up on them when the Darkest Night first started, so they'd be aware of what they're doing. Although, for this fic, since I plan on going in OCTOPATH order, the gang has long left Cropdale.
Temenos: Mm. Honestly I'd definitely put this fic in Mourning Howl's timeline since it could easily build off of the development I have written and/or have planned for it, so my first choice is Crick and Ort. I have it planned so Crick goes with Ort to do the investigation that takes place during "Ort's Next Chapter"— which itself takes place not soon after the ending of Temenos' story (wherein I imagine Crick's probably fully healed/restored). This means that yeah, they actually do suspect something's up wth Mindt before the reveal! I'm not decided on what changes I'll make to the story because of this just yet, but it's something to keep in mind. During the events of the Darkest Night, I imagine that the two stayed in Flamechurch to keep investigating, so they were protecting the people hiding in the Flamechurch cathedral before the travelers arrive! Since I remember that's the reasoning NPCs gave me when I played through the quest, seeing as how the cathedral doors were locked. Crick and Ort def interact directly with the travelers, and are the last to do so before they set off for Vidania. This would also include a sweet goodbye on Temenos' end. Because, of course.
Hikari: Benkei and the Ku NPCs! As the final segment for this fic, I'd have it so that it's established that Hikari did leave Benkei with orders on how to help the citizens along with any other measures he'd reasonably put in place for this situation, since he's still king even if he has to go off and save the world. To close it off, I would have it so that they witness the sun rise for the first time in who knows how long. It'd be thematically fitting too, considering Hikari's name means light.
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isolaradiale · 6 years
Lost in Space 06
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of January!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least three in-character posts during a calendar month.
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for two calendar months. 
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large. 
Es (Blazblue, TOWNHOUSE 247)
Eiji Biwasaka (Caligula Effect, APARTMENT 324)
Dukemon (Digimon, OUTSIDE) *DASH ONLY
Noboru Kodo (Future Card Buddyfight, CONDO 435)
Rutger (Gigantic, APARTMENT 353)
Brodia/Alexiel (Granblue Fantasy, HOUSE 147)
Vane (Granblue Fantasy, APARTMENT 369)
Dice Arisugawa (Hypnosis Mic, APARTMENT 334)
Oboromaru (Live A Live, HOUSE 153) *DASH ONLY
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus (The Santa Clause, HOUSE 136)
Snow White (SINoALICE, HOUSE 146)
Shiva (Totsukuni no Shoujo, CONDO 403)
Ookurikara (Touken Ranbu, CONDO 448)
Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles, HOUSE 132)
Sabitsuki (CONDO 460)
Lemongrab (APARTMENT 316)
Marshall Lee (HOUSE 111)
Lup Taaco (CONDO 454)
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (HOUSE 164)
Ava Ire (HOUSE 116)
Odin Arrow (HOUSE 173)
Katara (HOUSE 105)
Eiji Okumura (TOWNHOUSE 265)
Elizabeth (CONDO 459)
Hazama (CONDO 475)
Jin Kisaragi (HOUSE 125)
Litchi Faye-Ling (TOWNHOUSE 275)
Makoto Nanaya (CONDO 471)
Nu-13 (APARTMENT 339)
Senna (TOWNHOUSE 208)
Ulquiorra Cifer (CONDO 409)
Izumo Kamiki (APARTMENT 304)
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (HOUSE 110)
Dazai Osamu (HOUSE 104)
Eiji Biwasaka (APARTMENT 324)*BROKEN URL
Cath Palug (TOWNHOUSE 275)
Katherine McBride (TOWNHOUSE 238)
Soma (CONDO 455)
Keyleth (TOWNHOUSE 226)
Lavi (TOWNHOUSE 265)
Kanon Nakajima (HOUSE 138)
Komaeda Nagito (HOUSE 115)
Kiibo (TOWNHOUSE 225)
Tsumugi Shirogane (TOWNHOUSE 264)
Damian Wayne (Robin) (HOUSE 107)
Jason Todd (Red Hood) (CONDO 472)
Klarion Bleak (HOUSE 135)
Mera (CONDO 402)
Zatanna Zatara (HOUSE 133)
Marie Rose (CONDO 419)
Cayde-6 (APARTMENT 355)
Nero (APARTMENT 351)
Yamato Hotsuin (CONDO 431)
Johannes Kleeman (CONDO 469)
Azusa Mukami (HOUSE 105)
Helen Parr (Elastigirl/Mrs. Incredible) (HOUSE 158)
Wreck-It Ralph (APARTMENT 346)
Cole (CONDO 412)
Urick (HOUSE 145)
Male Mage (Dimension Walker) (HOUSE 118)
Izaya Orihara (CONDO 401)
Ainchase Ishmael (Richter) (CONDO 446)
Chiaki Morisawa (CONDO 417)
Vincent Law / Ergo Proxy (APARTMENT 341)
Stefano Valentini (HOUSE 127)
Assassin (Charles Henri Sanson) (HOUSE 170)
Assassin (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) (TOWNHOUSE 262)
Berserker (Florence Nightingale) (APARTMENT 312)
Berserker (Sakata Kintoki) (CONDO 437)
Caster (William Shakespeare) (APARTMENT 354)
Foreigner (Katsushika Hokusai) (HOUSE 151)
Lancer (Diarmuid Ua Duibhne) (CONDO 445)
Rider (Quetzalcoatl) (CONDO 408)
Rider of Red (Achilles) (TOWNHOUSE 207)
Saber (Richard I) (Richard I's House (Archimedes))
Balthier (TOWNHOUSE 240)
Cloud Strife (CONDO 422)
Fordola rem Lupis (HOUSE 139)
Genesis Rhapsodos (CONDO 439)
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (TOWNHOUSE 248)
Warrior of Light (Arishan Ruruwai) (HOUSE 126)
Warrior of Light (Kerasos Kahkol) (CONDO 424)
Zack Fair (HOUSE 171)
Zephirin (APARTMENT 333)
Nina (APARTMENT 350)
Pieri (APARTMENT 338)
Mike Schmidt (CONDO 441)
William Afton (Scraptrap) (OUTSIDE)
Coffee (HOUSE 144)
Rin Matsuoka (TOWNHOUSE 225)
Alphonse Elric (CONDO 415)
Riza Hawkeye (CONDO 435)
Gao Mikado (HOUSE 119)
Kakeru Futaboshi (HOUSE 175)
Kanata Ozora (CONDO 433)
Noboru Kodo (CONDO 435) *BROKEN URL
Ranma Kakogawa (CONDO 470)
Red Riding Hood Emma (HOUSE 153)
Goblin Slayer (Ted) (CONDO 428)
Soma Schicksal (HOUSE 125)
Gene (CONDO 447)
Arthur (TOWNHOUSE 231)
Brodia/Alexiel (HOUSE 147) *BROKEN URL
Mordred (TOWNHOUSE 231)
Narmaya (TOWNHOUSE 253)
Threo (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Lars Van Allen (Miriam's House (Fibonacci))
Lockon Stratos/Neil Dylandy (HOUSE 121)
Antimony Carver (CONDO 428)
Michael Myers (HOUSE 138) *DROPPED
The Conductor (APARTMENT 342)
Seras Victoria (Seras's House (Cotes))
Chahut Maenad (TOWNHOUSE 267)
Diamonds Droog (HOUSE 112)
Equius Zahhak (CONDO 401)
Hearts Boxcars (HOUSE 109)
Marsti Houtek (HOUSE 172)
Marvus Xoloto (HOUSE 159)
Roxy Lalonde (CONDO 404)
Stelsa Sezyat (HOUSE 135)
Tavros Nitram (APARTMENT 301)
Terezi Pyrope (APARTMENT 318)
Tyzias Entykk (TOWNHOUSE 263)
Aloy (HOUSE 106)
Bortz (CONDO 436)
Gon Freecss (APARTMENT 351)
Drifter (APARTMENT 329)
Dice Arisugawa (APARTMENT 334) *BROKEN URL
Samatoki Aohitsugi (HOUSE 159)
Ryuunosuke Tsunashi (CONDO 407)
Ten Kujou (CONDO 423)
Sesshomaru (HOUSE 152)
Matei "Draco" Cernat (TOWNHOUSE 240)
Nene Yashiro (HOUSE 156)
Bruno Bucciarati (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Joseph Joestar (HOUSE 149)
Jotaro Kujo (HOUSE 129)
Leone Abbacchio (HOUSE 172)
Mikoto Suoh (APARTMENT 338)
Totsuka Tatara (APARTMENT 360)
Konoha (CONDO 426)
Kuroha (CONDO 416)
Tsubomi Kido (CONDO 461)
Kadoya Tsukasa (TOWNHOUSE 243)
Chrome Dokuro (APARTMENT 311)
Fran (APARTMENT 327)
Hibari Kyoya (TOWNHOUSE 240)
Squalo Superbi (CONDO 444)
Kayo (APARTMENT 319)
Mako Mankanshoku (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Demyx (CONDO 432)
Even (Vexen) (TOWNHOUSE 257)
Ventus (APARTMENT 344)
Hajime Tenga (CONDO 402)
Shui (HOUSE 104)
Neeko (CONDO 460)
Rakan (HOUSE 128)
Zelda (Breath of the Wild) (CONDO 456)
Oboromaru (HOUSE 153) *DASH ONLY
Elatha (Aichi's House (Cotes))
Ja'far (APARTMENT 361)
Jessica Jones (TOWNHOUSE 264)
Loki Laufeyson (Ikol) (Earth-616) (APARTMENT 312)
Thor Odinson (APARTMENT 301)
Kurokami Medaka (APARTMENT 330)
Roll (TOWNHOUSE 230)
Hitagi Senjougahara (HOUSE 107)
Kiss-Shot (APARTMENT 318)
Suruga Kanbaru (TOWNHOUSE 212)
Draculaura (HOUSE 165)
Claus (HOUSE 172)
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) (CONDO 426)
Kaminari Denki (CONDO 464)
Kyouka Jirou (Headphone Jack) (CONDO 445)
Midoriya Izuku (APARTMENT 350)
Tamaki Amajiki (HOUSE 113)
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) (APARTMENT 302)
Arthur (TOWNHOUSE 246)
Yoosung Kim (APARTMENT 362)
Neji Hyuga (HOUSE 101)
Sasori (TOWNHOUSE 217)
9S (HOUSE 138)
No. 4 (APARTMENT 317)
Casey Hartley (APARTMENT 360)
Kurotsuno (HOUSE 117)
Therion (CONDO 409)
Sugar (CONDO 432)
Portgas D. Ace (HOUSE 130)
Sanji (HOUSE 149)
Hiromasa (HOUSE 140)
Kamikui (TOWNHOUSE 260)
Cliona Finn (CONDO 446)
Deborah Yoon Chestnut (APARTMENT 353)
Eli McKendal (APARTMENT 330)
Ellis Morgan (CONDO 468)
Fin (HOUSE 105)
Hadwyn Murolo (CONDO 440)
Hawthorne Althaea Rolohden (CONDO 431)
Liu Canglong (HOUSE 159)
Mira Lumren (CONDO 440)
Nemi Ollin (HOUSE 171)
Oni (Ibaraki Doji) (HOUSE 152)
Pembroke (APARTMENT 337)
Rose Castavet (HOUSE 117)
Shade (TOWNHOUSE 244)
Zack Ledger (HOUSE 161)
Brigitte Lindholm (HOUSE 145)
Fareeha Amari (Pharah) (APARTMENT 356)
Hanzo Shimada (CONDO 459)
Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat) (APARTMENT 328)
Lucio Correia dos Santos (Lucio) (APARTMENT 356)
Alex (APARTMENT 345)
Reim Lunettes (HOUSE 166)
Fuuka Yamagishi ("Meme House" (Golden))
Marie (HOUSE 130)
Rise Kujikawa (HOUSE 152)
Tae Takemi (CONDO 435)
Yukari Takeba (HOUSE 120)
Felix Argyle (CONDO 459)
Nicholas St. North (CONDO 446)
Puppy (CONDO 448)
Hazel Rainart (CONDO 455)
Sun Wukong (HOUSE 114)
Tyrian Callows (HOUSE 162)
Killbane (APARTMENT 334)
Sha Gojyo (APARTMENT 334)
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus (HOUSE 136) *BROKEN URL
Hannah Marie (HOUSE 102)
SCP-2337/Doctor Spanko (CONDO 429)
Zan Audupon (APARTMENT 322)
Adora (She-Ra) (APARTMENT 346)
Catra (APARTMENT 359)
Princess Glimmer (TOWNHOUSE 241)
Nana Daiba (CONDO 405)
Tendou Maya (CONDO 428)
Snow White (HOUSE 146) *BROKEN URL
Sung Jin Woo (CONDO 450)
Simon Jarret (TOWNHOUSE 253)
Agent 8 (HOUSE 123)
Pearl (APARTMENT 334)
Albel Nox (HOUSE 134)
Noel Chandler (HOUSE 120)
Rena Lanford (CONDO 443)
Eclipsa (APARTMENT 373)
Marco Diaz (TOWNHOUSE 251)
Tom (HOUSE 111)
Pink Diamond (HOUSE 174)
Princess Peach (APARTMENT 348)
Lloyd Irving (HOUSE 146)
Ludger Will Kresnik (APARTMENT 333)
Luke fon Fabre (HOUSE 157)
Marta Lualdi (Apartment 321)
Natalia Luzu Kimlasca Lanvaldear (TOWNHOUSE 230)
Zelos Wilder (TOWNHOUSE 204)
Hammond Egg (TOWNHOUSE 239)
Percy (APARTMENT 340)
Accelerator (TOWNHOUSE 223)
Haise Sasaki (TOWNHOUSE 256)
Uta (CONDO 441)
Minto Aizawa (APARTMENT 322)
Clover (APARTMENT 310)
Remilia Scarlet (TOWNHOUSE 211)
Seiga Kaku (APARTMENT 352)
Youmu Konpaku (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Mikazuki Munechika (TOWNHOUSE 235)
Ookurikara (CONDO 448) *BROKEN URL
Masaki Takigawa (HOUSE 174)
Lambdadelta (CONDO 441)
Willard H. Wright (APARTMENT 307)
Papyrus (APARTMENT 319)
Sans Undertale (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Mikaze Ai (HOUSE 117)
Rin Kagamine (TOWNHOUSE 235)
Lance (TOWNHOUSE 234)
Percedal & Rubilax (APARTMENT 324)
Louis (CONDO 432)
Ruka (APARTMENT 323)
Kiba (HOUSE 164)
Coco Atarashi (TOWNHOUSE 216)
Joshua Kiryu (HOUSE 123)
Sanae Hanekoma (TOWNHOUSE 255)
Murakami Kou (APARTMENT 348)
Cross (APARTMENT 322)
Mythra (HOUSE 132) *BROKEN URL
Makoto Makimura (HOUSE 130)
Tomo Kunagisa (APARTMENT 301)
Light Field (Snake) (HOUSE 115)
Junko Konno (HOUSE 125)
Saki Nikaido (APARTMENT 318)
9 notes · View notes
miramisaki · 6 years
slowly but surely learning to play Ophilia’s Theme on my flute because it’s SO PRETTY AND ACTUALLY DOABLE
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