#miracle box guardian
tosteur-gluteal · 8 months
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Sunny's dad and his nurse boyfriend
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bigfatbreak · 9 months
If the Kwami remember the old timeline, then Wayzz, Tikki and Plagg must remember Adrien and Marinette, right? Wouldn't they lead Fu to them? Or is something preventing Fu from doing that/Fu thinks it's too risky to make a move with Hawkmoth/Gabriel watching??
well... hm, there's kind of a problem. The timeline was mostly reset, but there are lingering echoes that things aren't right. For one, the Kwami remember the last timeline - so do the Sentikids, and in fact, so do robots/AI's of any fashion. Not only that, but some mechanisms, nonorganics, exist as though the last timeline was still in place, like passwords and lingering, half-corrupted photographs in dead links and dead blogs.
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uh. ehe. oops.
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redtippedfox · 9 months
I don’t know if this has been asked at all but have you ever thought or tried to create like your own Miracle box or like your own miraculous ocs?
I have created my own miracle box, I'm currently working on my Miracle Box which is based off of the Western Constellations. It's still a work in progress but you could find it under the tag "The Constellation Guardian au or Constellation Miracle Box"
I'm working on Capricorn right now but more are coming.
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nixthelapin · 3 months
I’m sure I’m shouting into the void with this question since I don’t really have that many followers, but is anyone aware of a “theme” between the secondary Miraculous jewels in the main box (Fox, Turtle, Bee, Peacock, Butterfly)? Because they seem like rather random selections to me, especially when the rest of the box has explicit ties to Chinese concepts (Yin & Yang, Chinese zodiac). I’m not even close to an expert on Chinese culture, so if there is a connection, I’d love to be made aware of it, but right now I’m drawing a huge blank
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EDIT: some others were kind enough to give a few explanations in the comments and reblogs, so please check those out if you’re interested! :)
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
Is guardian monk (the guardian of the Native American box) apart of the au if yes, do you have any headcanons or info-details for him
Yes, he is! I have his name currently as Dilwo'ii Yázhí in this AU, but that might change. In my headcanons he is Diné (Navajo), though he was raised and trained at the Guardian Temple since he was ten years old, where he eventually became the Guardian of the Direction Box. Aside from Master Fu, he was the only person who survived the fall of the temple and managed to get away with a Miracle Box, though they did not know that anyone else survived.
Like Fu, Dilwo'ii Yázhí was pretty quick to abandon many of the traditions of the Order, and became the holder of the Miraculous of the Bear. Not long after this he went into a hibernation, going dormant in an ageless sleep (just like how the heroes found Bunnyx in Timetagger). He wakes up in modern times right after season three takes place, where he begins searching for the missing Eagle Miraculous in New York, eventually becoming the mentor for the New York team.
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natedogx15 · 11 months
Accidental Guardian Marinette
I got this idea while working on a chapter for my Miraculous Ladybug rewrite story, Miraculous Descendent.
Basically, the Miracle Box has been passed down from generation to generation in Marinette's family until her mother gives it to her for her birthday. However, the recent generations of the family don't know about the Miracle Box's jewelry being magical, and the Kwami are sealed inside of their Miraculous until they're worn.
When Marinette gets the Miracle Box, she begins wearing the jewelry inside it but doesn't see the Kwami inside them since they hide from her. However, either through her clumsiness, another person's misconceptions (for example; Alya trying to give Marinette the Fox Miraculous back when it slips off her neck after Alya saves/helps her, but she doesn't hear Alya, and she assumes Marinette gives it to her after she passed Marinette's secret superhero test after she puts it on and meets Trixx), or just bad luck, she ends up losing the different pieces and someone else find them.
Everyone who gets a Miraculous while knowing it belonged to Marinette assumes she's some kind of secret superhero recruiter and the Kwami can try to keep it that way out of some form of worry for Master Fu's descendants being in danger if the truth is revealed. They can probably come to her for advice in a roundabout way while not mentioning their secret identities, and Marinette inadvertently gives them the advice they need.
It could all come together when the Miraculous Grimoire is discovered in Gabriel's safe, and Adrien takes it to Marinette, causing everything to be unraveled. Now, Marinette knows about the Miraculous and her friends being heroes. By then, instead of being Ladybug, she could take a back seat to try and figure out how to read the Grimoire by going through her family's old items for a translator. Of course, you could still make her Ladybug if you want.
This is just a fun prompt where the main character is locked out of the loop about canon events despite them being a catalyst for it since they're the person who inadvertently created the heroes fighting against Hawkmoth.
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miraculouslycr8n · 1 year
I'm so confused of how no one ever mentions the fact that one day, being the guardian, marinette will have to pass on the miracle box and therefore, lose her sweet memory.
and that makes me cry.
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lesbiangiratina · 1 year
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Ive died badly but dizzy is here so ill be okay
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kwamihitman · 2 years
honestly bummed it seems like we will never get more lore about the miraculous than we have now. would’ve loved to see the guardian temple and learn about other miracle boxes but i think that’s all but down the drain.
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northernbluetongue · 2 years
This hit me at 4:00 in the morning so if a Guardian of the Miracle Box was forced to give up guardianship like Master Fu did
Could that person also then be reintroduced to the Miraculous and be then taught about being the Guardian of the Miracle Box again and if so
if they were to become the Guardian again would they receive their memories from before the memory wipe or would it just be a fresh start to being the Guardian?
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chocostrwberry · 2 months
is marion holding a doll that resembles marinette 🥺
YESSS it’s the miracle box in a half-cooked post finale concept. Since the box was left in Marinette’s room, she touches it and becomes the next guardian but she has no idea.
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carpetbug · 10 months
welcome to the beginning of my ML Feline Blue AU!
in which Marinette is forced to become guardian before ever wielding a miraculous. Chaos ensues when she uses the black cat ring to become feline blue and through a silly little turn of events, Adrien gets his hands on the ladybug earrings and becomes beetle rouge
BIIIIIG thank you to my lovelies @isabugs and @thimbleb3rries for being so kind and encouraging, for their WONDERFUL ART OH MY GOD, and for beta-ing this!
The beginning: Becoming Guardian
1 • 2 • 3
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“You’re not going to beat me like that, old man” The looming figure taunted.
Hunched in a ball before him, a much smaller elderly man struggled for breath. Blood trailed from his mouth, combining with his saliva to messily drip from his lips as he fought for air. Just by the effort he had to put into continuing breathing, he could tell this was not a fight he could win. Still, his fists clenched in defiance as he pushed himself from the floor and steadied himself upright on his feet. His spine screamed in protest and searing pain at the task, but he managed to remain standing.
“I know I can not beat you, old man” He coughed, hands trembling slightly. “But I must continue to fight”
The taller man scoffed before taking a step forward “I’ll make sure it's the last thing you ever do, you pathetic excuse of a guardian” He spat, tightening his grip on his cane as his rage boiled beneath his skin.
“I’d expect nothing less from a villain like you, Hawkmoth”
“No need to act like you’re so much better than me. After all, we've all made mistakes, haven’t we Master fu” Hawkmoth sneered.
“Leave my past out of this. I’ve worked to fix what I have broken, you only aim to destroy” Master fu panted, feeling his shoulders to check if his bag was still on his back, and letting out a small sigh of relief when he felt the thick material. Next his hands slowly traveled to support and feel the bottom and sides of the bag, searching for an object. He took another relieved breath when he felt the item's weight, and then he prepared himself for the worst. Bunching his muscles, he sprang into action and bolted away from Hawkmoth.
He focused only on moving forward, getting as far from this wretched evil as he could before time ran out. When he finally collapsed, legs giving out from under him in pure exhaustion, he found himself at the Pont de Arts, above the seine. Hawkmoth was nowhere to be seen, but master fu knew that was only a false sense of security. The villain would find him soon enough. He needed to find someone. Anyone.
“-ir? Are you okay?”
A voice. Master fu looked up, vision shaking just slightly. In Front of him stood a teenage girl, dark hair pulled back into pigtails and eyebrows pushed together with worry.
“Sir? Can you hear me?” She asked with a panicked look in her eyes. “How can I help?” She stepped closer and offered him a hand.
Master fu gathered his strength to pull his bag from his back and carefully draw open the zipper before reaching in to pull out the contents. The girl watched intensely, eyes following his pained movements. He pulled a large dark wooden box from the bag and held it close to his chest, then brought his eyes upwards to meet her face. “I’m sorry, young hero” He said sadly, then joined his hand to hers before she could respond.
An intense feeling washed over him, and he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. This girl was strong. He hoped she will forgive him for the burden he will make her bear.
She flashed an anxious smile “That’s okay, and I promise I’m no hero. Just a normal g-” He cut her off with a sharp tug, then slammed the box into her chest. She gasped as he knocked the air from her lungs, clearly not expecting such a feat of strength from the battered man. As she fought to breathe, Master fu gathered the last few remnants of his strength and lifted the girl from the ground. “I, Wang Fu, hereby relinquish the Miracle Box-”
“Stop! What are you doing!?”
“-and name Marinette Dupain-Cheng the guardian” His body lit up, skin glowing as the box between them lifted upward and burned like a star in the air.
“How do you know my na-?!” Before she could finish what she said, the box dropped back into her hold and the elderly man -still glowing like some sort of deity- held her over the railing and dropped her into the rushing water below. She hit the surface with a loud splash, getting thrown under but quickly resurfacing a few feet away, miracle box still in her arms.
The last thing she saw before being pulled away by the fast moving current was the man falling backwards to the ground in exhaustion as the light emitting from his skin dimmed.
Master fu slowly blinked his eyes open, carefully taking in his surroundings with an expression of pure shock and confusion on his face. He seemed so frail, all of a sudden. Like he had lost all his fight.
“What did you do?!” a booming voice hissed behind him. He started to turn his head to look, but something beat him to it. All of a sudden, a hand tightened around his throat and picked him off the ground, nails digging into the thin skin of his neck.
“What- what’s happening?” Master fus strangled voice hardly escaped his lips. He tried to thrash his legs, do anything to get free, but a fatigue he couldn’t explain had overcome his muscles. Weakly prying at his attackers hands, panic began to set in. There wouldn’t be any escape. “Who are you?” he managed out in a pained mumble.
“I am the next guardian of the miraculous” the seething voice responded as nails began to break through his skin. “I am the consequences of your greatest mistake” the words rang through his head as his vision went black, and sickeningly warm blood poured from his throat.
Marinette struggled to hold her head above the surface and keep the container in her grasp as the river pulled her this way and that. Her mind raced and her lungs screamed, everything inside her begging to let go of that weird old man’s weird old box and save herself instead. Still, her grip remained glued to the sodden wood, as if she would rather drown than set the box free to face the waters’ wrath. Nothing was making any sense. And despite the deafening chorus of the racing water that surrounded her, the only thing ringing in her ears was the man’s words.
He had called her a hero. He had entrusted her with something clearly important to him. He had thrown her into the seine. He had been badly wounded. He had been a complete and utter stranger. What did everything mean? Suddenly, her feet felt solid ground beneath her, and she hurriedly moved to follow it. She pushed forward, focusing on reaching the bank that lay on the other side. Eventually Marinette was able to pull herself and the box from the water onto an empty platform beneath a bridge.
As soon as she was safely out of the water, Marinette threw herself backwards in exhaustion. She laid against the cool pavement underneath her and passed through all the events that had just occurred. What the fuck was this ‘miracle’ box? And why was she the ‘guardian’? Ignoring the new aches in her body, she sat upward and brought the box closer to her.
There she sat for a few moments, toying with the lid and gently tracing the intricate pattern displayed. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opened it.
“HELLO YOUNG MASTER” A loud chorus of voices rang out as a beam of light emitted from the open container and what looked like small differently colored masses of stars flew all around her. Marinette fell back onto her elbows, overwhelmed at the sudden sensory overload. Her vision was a blur of nauseating colors accompanied by what she could only imagine to be auditory hallucinations.
Before she had a chance to speak, to catch her breath or try and scream for help, the almost magical colorful masses slowed until they were still, then began to morph into a solid form. Marinette watched, intrigued and terrified, as these small creatures took shape in front of her. They each seemed to be a different animal, though they all shared an alien-like anatomy. Some had tails, others long whiskers and a few antennas. Two of them caught her eye, a sleek black cat and what she thought to be a ladybug (though it looked much more like some sort of bug-mouse combo).
As if the creatures could read her mind -which they could, for all she knew-, they began to speak in sync. “WE ARE THE KWAMI, MAGICAL BEINGS THAT CAN BESTOW POWERS UPON OUR WIELDERS.” They said, in an almost sing-songy voice.
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redtippedfox · 7 months
Are you going to design the box for your zodiac kwamis? And also do you have ideas for holders to wield the zodiac Mira ulouses
I am! But I want to finish the Miraculouses first! I have also thought about which Miraculous goes to which person. I have a lot of research to do since these Miraculouses are based on horoscope signs and there are a lot of people who are very touchy about horoscope signs and their behaviors.
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camryn-haitani · 1 year
c'mon bugaboo
cat noir x reader
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'sentibubbler': season 4, episode 10
TW: angst and comfort, cursing, spoilers for that episode.
this is a little scenario I had in my head about him, so I decided to put it here. I don't know if this is really angst but I'm just gonna put it just in case. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, here's my apology<3
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"b-but I wanna help. why can't I help?" cat noir asks.
"well, we really don't need your cataclysm so" rena says as she makes a mirage of ladybug. she runs off, rena following the fake ladybug.
"well.... there's nothing I can do now. I feel useless now ladybugs the guardian of the miracle box." cat sighs.
cat felt useless like he said. since ladybug can temporarily give people miraculous's, there was almost no need for him anymore. cat goes off with no destination in mind. he just jumps around from roof to roof. rena said their plan didn't require cat noir, so he walks around for hours. he sees the miraculous ladybug fix everything and sighs. by the time he's tired of running, he jumps down onto a roof and sits down, not knowing he's waken up someone.
y/n pov
"what the fuck, who or what is on my roof?" I get up from my bed to see what the noise came from.
I see that familiar black cat costume with the matching ears coming from that blond head.
"cat?" I walk up behind him and sit down.
"o-oh I'm sorry. I landed too hard and probably woke you up. I'll leave." he stands up to leave. "no no no, I was already awake. I've just gotta ask, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be with ladybug?" I sit down next to him.
he sighs, debating on whether to tell you or not. "well..." he goes on.
"ladybug hasn't really been needing me the last few missions. she's been asking other people for help. and...." he takes a breath, holding in tears, "it makes me feel like she doesn't need me anymore. like she's tossed me to the curb. like today, nino got akumatized into the sentibubbler by shadow moth. I was all ready to come and help, but rena said they don't need me..." I see a single tear fall from his eyes.
"ladybug has missed a lot of our nightly patrols. I miss it. I miss saving akumatized villains, I miss our patrols around Paris, I miss...." he takes a breath, "I miss her."
I look at him and hold his hand. I see him look at my hand on his.
"I'm kinda in the same situation, cat. but that's for another day. I don't wanna put this on you. do you wanna come in? it's kinda cold out here." I ask.
"sure... it is a bit chilly" he stands up and follows me.
we walk through my back door into my room. my room is quite big with the couch so it won't be too cramped with both of us in here(I know this is a bit much but just work with me please).
"hey cat." I look at him. "what's up?" he tries to say without breaking his voice. I hold out my arms to invite him in a hug. he looks at me with sad eyes, tumbles into my arms and breaks down crying.
he cries for a good while and when he calms down he asks, "am I just not enough?" he whispers. "oh cat, of course you're enough. I can't tell you why she gives other people miraculous's. but I do know that you're a great hero to Paris."
"I am?" he looks up at me. "yes cat, you're the best hero i have ever seen." I reassure him.
"thank you, truly. I'm sorry I was so loud on your roof." he apologizes. "no no it's ok, I'm glad you were because I wouldn't have met you" he smiles at my words. I hear faint beeps as cat looks down at his ring. "shit, I gotta go. it was nice meeting you......?" he pauses, not knowing my name. "it's y/n. is there a name I can call you instead of cat?" he laughs a bit at my question, "call me whatever you come up with, i don't mind." he answers.
"it was nice meeting you, kitty," I take his hand before he leaves, "if you ever feel like this again or need to talk, I'm always free. come by anytime." I smile.
"of course, cutie. I wouldn't want to miss any opportunity to see you again." he kisses the back of my hand.
"I'm see you soon, kitty." I kiss his cheek. he smiled at my kiss and went out the window.
'i hope I see him again. he's pretty cute.' I say to myself. I go back to my bed and drift off into sleep, thinking about a certain cat in mind.
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I will hopefully be doing a part 2 if y'all are interested<3
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
Does a Guardian always lose their memories when they renounce their Guardianship?
Originally there was no memory wipe with the Guardians, and it was like that for generations. Once the Order took over, however, the modified the Miracle Boxes which created two kinds of memory wipes (for all Guardians, even those outside the Order).
The first one just wipes all memories of holder identities. This allows the box to be passed on without the former Guardian being a target. The second one is a complete memory wipe, used for more dangerous situations.
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lukaslosteyelashes · 19 days
Why is it important that Luka trained with Su-Han
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Luka found out Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s true identity in "Whishmaker". He might feigned ignorance for a short amount of time and also tried to play it cool, but knowing this secret surely weighting on him.
He not only has to play the therapist to basically everyone and be emotionally there for them and give them advices while he just wants to play his music; but he also have to be careful with his emotions if he is not intending to get akumatized and spitting out Paris's iconic superhero duo's civil identity.
Just look at what happened in "Migration".
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He almost got akumatized because he felt that what happened between Kitty Section and Bob Ross was his fault. Not only that, but his emotions also told Monarch that he knows Ladybug's and Chat Noir's identity. And because of all that he couldn't calm down to resist the akuma, the only way he saw to escape from that dreadful situation was to break his precious guitar. At the end of the episode he had to flee Paris; he didn't trust himself, his emotions enough to stay, he was afraid that Monarch might try to akumatize him again. Furthermore, he wasn't safe from other akumatized villain's attack either, he couldn't became Viperion, and he didn't want to rely on Ladybug and Chat Noir to protect him.
That's what so frustrating in akumatization. People can't feel their negative emotions and they have to bottle it up or forcefully resist them, which is really unhealthy. Our emotions, be it positive or negative, they're essentially not our enemy we just have to find methods to deal with them.
And that's where Su-Han comes in the picture.
Do you remember what he did in "Furious Fu"?
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"My anger is mine, but I'm not my anger."
This dude just got snaped back to existance into a time when everything is completely different from his time, and the first thing he did was to search for the Miracle box. A dutiful guy, indeed. Obviously, he was angry at Fu for a lot of thing, but as soon as he saw the Akuma, he didn't fall into despair or started panicking. No, instead he started chanting the line above to himself, as if he was casting a spell that chases off the butterfly.
What I think he actually did, was that, he controlled his emotions. He accepted his anger, not suppressing it and transformed it into protective barrier, instead of letting it take a hold of him. This method looks more effective than Ladybug's Magical Charms that Shadowmoth easily overpowered.
So, there's a boy who can't seem to cope with his strong emotions; what could be the best solution for him? Mastering the ancient teachings of a guy from an ancient time (I know he's actually not that old). I can't imagine how could they've met or if they know about each other (that Luka's the Holder of that Snake Miraculous and that Su-Han is a celestial guardian of the Miraculous); but Luka's time in Tibet could be very important for his character. He could've learned, not just kung-fu, but also how to repel Akumas, and knowing this technique allows him to return to Paris and become Viperion again since the chances for him to get akumatized lowered.
Last but not least, his Holder friends could take lessons from him for free (he might as well charge them tho) to further decreasing the possibility of any Holders getting akumatized. Jagged, Penny and Fang also learned kung-fu, and they might as well learned the Akuma repelling stuff too, how cool would that be! They could also open studio or something where they could teach those things.
Anyways, I really hope we'll see more Luka in season 6 and that he actually learned how to repel Akumas.
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