#miraculous jess
fixations-101 · 1 year
I was losing my mind the entire two part-er, but Jess, Aeon, and Fei showing up made me foam at the mouth
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ladymiraclewings · 1 year
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The characters from the Miraculous Worlds, Fei, Jess, Aeon and the United Heroez made their official appearance in the main series during the finale.
So good to see them again, and same thing for Bunnyx
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septxwber · 3 months
Get in losers, we’re fangirling over another slow burn
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drawing2cope · 1 year
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@bengaltiger25 - here ya go!
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miqotepotatoe · 5 days
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What if Lucy was in Legacyverse?
This is just a purely non-canon to either Legacyverse or Lucy-verse, a silly what if. She's probably just chilling in the background in some of the ninja's classes, while being a very clumsy but surprisingly stealthy ninja.
Jesse belongs to @weekend-whip
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crowreys-wormstache · 10 months
"They're just two forces, one is creation and one is destruction"
I can't believe A Crown of Candy is set in the same universe as miraculous ladybug
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sweetmeatdale · 1 year
Marinette on a video call: we actually got a new student from New York maybe you guys know her.
Aeon: Marinette, New York and Paris are two of the most densely populated places on earth, the odds of us both knowing this one random person would be astronomic-
Jess: Is it Zoe?
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imsparky2002 · 7 months
If Thomas Astruc Wrote Jesse Into The Show
(Miraculous Theme finishes)
(We see a shot of the theater at Francois DuPont, with the words ‘Stoneheart 2’ at the corner of the screen. The shot zooms in on two kids working on a set piece, Mylene Haprele and Jesse Ortega)
(I feel like Jean is also in the background, along with a lot of the theater kids)
(Who of course aren't named and focused on at all.) 
Mylene: Thanks so much for helping me, Jesse!
Jesse Ortega: (Gives her an obviously besotted stare) No problem, Mylene. You know I’d do anything for you!
(She doesn't react, finding no issue with what he said.) 
Mylene: Aw, that's sweet! 
(They continue working.)
Jesse: You know, Mylene…I think one of the things I like most about doing theater at DuPont…is getting to spend time with the most beautiful girl in school. 
(Again, staring at her like an obvious, lovesick puppy)
Mylene: (Smiling) You really think I’m beautiful?
(He nods.)
Jesse: The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in my life. Like a blooming rose. 
(She smiles with a soft blush) 
Mylene: You’re so nice, Jesse.
(The camera pans over to a large, bulky teen standing off in the right wing, scowling angrily.)
Ivan: (Thinking) I should pound that little twerp for trying to steal Mylene. She’s mine!
(He snarls as he sees Jesse brush a strand of Mylene’s hair away from her face. How DARE that little pest touch her!)
(He’s about to storm over when he sees Mylene heading his way with a smile. He quickly tries to compose himself)
Mylene: Thanks for visiting me, Teddy Bear!
Ivan: (Forcing a smile) Yeah, no problem. (His dark frown returns) Mylene, there’s something we need to talk about.
Mylene: What’s wrong?
Ivan: It’s about Jesse. Didn’t you pick up on it?
Mylene: Pick up on what? We were just talking, he IS my friend.
Ivan: He called you beautiful! He was flirting with you!
(Mylene looks taken aback) 
Mylene: What?! Don’t be silly, Ivan, that’s nonsense! Jesse has been my friend since we were kids! Why would he flirt with me?
Ivan: Because you’re a beautiful girl, Mylene! He said so himself!
(Mylene frowns)
Mylene: Ivan, it sounds to me like you’re jealous of me spending time with another boy. Like you don’t trust me!
Ivan: Of course I trust you!
Mylene: I’m not in the mood for this, I’m leaving.
(As she walks off, Jesse moves up behind him.)
Jesse: Trouble in paradise?
Ivan: Get out of my face, runt! Before I punch in yours!
Jesse: Mylene wouldn’t like to see her “gentle giant” pummel an innocent weakling like me. She’ll just go to me, and I’ll be her shoulder to cry on.
Ivan: (Growls) You stay away from her, you hear me? Mylene is MY girl! Not. Yours. 
(He jabs a finger in Jesse’s chest with the last two words)
(He storms off as Jesse smiles.)
Jesse: We’ll see about that.
(Cut to after school. Mylene is talking about what happened to the girl squad.)
Mylene: Ugh! I just don’t know what to do! My Teddy Bear has never acted like this before! And I don’t want to stop being friends with Jesse!
Rose: He was just giving you compliments! Nothing wrong with that!
Alya: Yeah, you didn’t do anything wrong, girl! Ivan’s the one who’s getting jealous for no reason!
(As usual Alix is one of the only relatively sane ones)
Alix: I don’t know guys. What Jesse said sounded off to me.
Alya: No offense, girl, but romance isn’t really your forte.
(Alix just shrugs in admission.)
Mylene: So…what should I do?
Marinette: Honestly, Mylene, you need to have a serious talk with Ivan. He’s letting jealousy get the better of him. It’s not safe or healthy for your relationship.
Juleka: (Mumbles) Yeah.
(Mylene nods, and the scene cuts to a different area of the courtyard, with the akuma class boys, along with Marc)
Ivan: Honestly, the nerve of that little creep! And Mylene thinks I don't trust her!
Adrien: …Well, Ivan…it does seem like you’re getting irrationally jealous…
Nino: Yeah, dude. You're cool with us hanging around My, right? 
Ivan: Yeah! 'Cause you don't flirt with her! And most of you have girlfriends of your own!
(I imagine as usual, Marc and Nathaniel aren't actually part of the conversation, just doodling because unless it's Adrinette related, it seems they don't matter. Also the show isn't gonna admit they're dating or not.)
(I do find it funny that the only reason Adrien didn't get jealous for Marinette is because he was so oblivious.)
Max: Even so, Jessie has been friends with Mylene for years! It’s not really fair of you to ask her to end that friendship!
Ivan: I DIDN'T! I just want him to stay friends, not try and make any moves! 
Kim: Yo! No need to shout at Max! 
Ivan: Shut up, Kim! At least I'm not dumb as a doornob when it comes to love!
Kim: At least I don’t get mad over nothing when Ondine hangs out with her guy friends!
Ivan: Yeah! Because you're Mr. Popular! None of the guys would EVER try and steal her from you!
Kim: Yeah, cuz they know better! (Pounds a fist to his palm) (*Sarcastic*Yaaaay, more double-standard stereotyping of bigger, bulkier guys as overly possessive brutes!) 
(Nathaniel and Marc just nod along, working in their comic and not being permitted to contribute anything)
(I love to imagine during filming, they adlib "straight people, amirite?" and the whole group bursts out laughing)
Ivan: Well Jesse doesn't!
(That reminds me, there are SO many takes for this episode, since the cast kept calling out the bullshit.)
Nino: Dude, you just gotta chill out, bro! Even if Jesse DOES like Mylene, you know she’s totally crazy about you!
Ivan: Well it doesn't seem like that anymore! 
(He stomps off.) 
Adrien: I hope that doesn't happen to me and Marinette.
Nathaniel: Of course not! You're the perfect couple! 
Marc: You'll be together forever! 
(Now they can chime in since ya know, Adrinette)
(Scene Cut. Mylene is straightening out her costume for the dress rehearsal. Jesse walks up to her, a nervous look on his face) 
Jesse: Hey…Mylene, can I talk to you?
Mylene: Of course, Jesse! Everything ok?
Jesse: (Doe-eyed stare) There’s…something I have to tell you. Something…really important. (He blushes) 
(Both of them are unaware that they’re being watched by a very jealous man…)
(He grabs her hand and looks her straight in the eyes.) 
Jesse: You're perfect, and I've loved you for years. Ever since I can remember, I knew one day we would be together. I just had to wait for you to come to your senses, to realize that Ivan isn't good enough for you.
Mylene: (Shocked) J-Jesse? Wha- 
(He cuts her off)
Jesse: I love you, Mylene. I want to be with you. 
(He goes in to kiss her)
Mylene: (Moving back) J-Jesse, what are you doing?!
(He grabs Jesse by the collar)
Jesse: L-look man, I didn’t mean- 
(A black butterfly flies in the window, and flies into Ivan’s drumsticks, which are in his pocket)
Chrysalis: Stoneheart. I am Chrysalis. This boy tried to steal the one you hold most dear away from you. I am giving you back the power to punish those who have wronged you, and to keep your precious flower all to yourself. All you need to do for me in return is retrieve the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir! Do we have an agreement?
Ivan: I'll never let her out of my sight ever again! 
(Black and purple smoke surrounds Ivan, as he transforms into Stoneheart.)
(Mylene cries out in fear as Jesse trembles on the ground.)
Stoneheart: JESSE! 
(The boy yelps as he dodges Stoneheart's attacks. Out of scene, Jesse admitted that he hated doing this, and Ivan and Mylene cuddled him after the moment. He was reminded of his dad. Thomas knew about this, and didn't care, saying that "method acting would help the performance".)
Mylene: Teddy Bear, stop! Please calm down!
(Stoneheart turns around and picks her up.) 
Stoneheart: I'll keep you safe, little mouse. Forever!
(He reaches out and grasps Jesse in his other fist) 
Stoneheart: And I’m gonna show everyone in Paris what happens when someone tries to take my flower from me! Using you!
(Jesse just whimpers in fear, the camera even shows his cute worried face to make you feel sympathetic for him.) 
(We cut to Stoneheart rampaging through Paris.) 
Nadia Chamack: Breaking news! Paris's first akuma, Stoneheart, has returned and is wreaking havoc across the city!
(Marinette is shown with Tikki in her living room) 
Marinette: Oh no! Ivan must have been more jealous Jesse than we thought, Tikki! We’ve got to stop this! Tikki, spots on! 
(She transforms)
(Meanwhile, Adrien notices in his own room.) 
Adrien: Looks like the big guy needs to learn a lesson about possessiveness. Plagg, claws out! 
(He transforms.)
(The scene switches to the Eiffel Tower, where Stoneheart still holds both Jesse and Mylene.) 
Mylene: Ivan, stop, please! You don’t have to do this!
Stoneheart: Yes I do! It's the only way you'll be safe from creeps like him! 
(He begins to crush the hand that holds Jesse.) 
Stoneheart: This'll teach you, punk!
Jesse: AAAAGH! Please stop! I promise I’ll stay away from her! Just let me go!
Stoneheart: TOO LATE! 
(Suddenly, Ladybug and Chat Noir show up.) 
Chat Noir: Put 'em down, Rocky!
Ladybug: Ivan, stop this! Don’t let your jealousy make you do something you’ll regret!
(Not hypocritical at all.) 
(He lashes out and strikes at the heroes, with the hand holding Jesse, who looks nauseous. He keeps Mylene clutched close to his chest.)
Chat Noir: Man, this sure brings back memories, doesn't it, my lady? It was fighting this very psycho that I met the love of my life! 
Ladybug: Save it, kitty. There's people who need to be saved, and I worry we can't do this alone.
(Suddenly, a very concerned and campily fearful Jean appears) 
Jean: (Dramatic cry of anguish) Jesse! Oh my gawd, that horrible monster has my BEST friend! (loud sob) What am I going to do?!
(The entire cast rolled their eyes when Jean first appeared.) 
(The heroes swing over to Jean.) 
Jean: Omigod, it's Ladybug and Cat Noir! Can I just say y'all are slayin in those outfits! Yass queen! 
(Also they've retconned Jean being Magician of Misfortune, since they figure nobody cares. Also he never likes magic in the script, since that would mean giving him something as a hobby.)
Ladybug: (Pulling out the Ox Miraculous) Jean Duparc, I grant you the Flamingo Miraculous. You will use it to defeat Stoneheart. You will return it once the fight is over. Can I trust you?
Jean: Omigoood, yes. Definitely. 
(Squaawk comes out when he opens the box)
Squaawk: Hey bestie! What's the tea? 
Jean: Omigod, he's soooo cute!
Ladybug: All you have to say is “Squawk, pink me up!” Are you ready?
Jean: I was born ready, gurl. Squaawk, pink me up!
(He transforms into an outrageously glittery and feathery flamingo hero, and the three heroes charge into battle. Jean literally sobbed in despair when he saw the costume he would have to wear.)
Fabulouso: Let's take this brute down, honeys!
(The three heroes land on front of the Eiffel Tower, where Stoneheart is still roaring in anger)
(As Ladybug and Chat Noir distract Stoneheart during a segment that lasts a minute or so, Fabuloso sashays over to Stoneheart and a beam of pink energy hits Stoneheart. The beam came from his cane, and dazzles the monster.)
Fabuloso: Behold my ✨Sparkle✨, StoneHACK! And be amazed. 
(Ladybug and Chat Noir rescue Jesse and Mylene before the effect wears off)
(While this happens, Chat grabs the source of the akuma and tosses it to Ladybug. Blah blah blah, miraculous cure, and we go back to a dazed Ivan.)
Ladybug: Ivan, are you alright? 
Ivan: Ye-yeah, I think so…what happened? 
Jesse: WHAT HAPPENED?! What happened is that you turned into a jealous maniac, then snatched me up and tried to crush me to death! This is exactly why Mylene would be better off with me, you’re DANGEROUS!
Mylene: JESSE, THAT'S ENOUGH! Ivan was akumatized, he had no control over his actions! Do you want him to get brainwashed by Chrysalis again? 
(I feel like the writers aren't allowed to specifically say Jesse's in the wrong.)
(Jesse just huffs, not wanting to risk getting her mad at him) 
(Ladybug once again approaches Ivan, pulling out her yo-yo and giving him an anti akuma charm)
Ivan: My... I'm really sorry. I acted like a real jerk. 
Mylene: Aw, it's ok, Teddy Bear. You were only looking out for me!
(Ivan smiles) 
Ivan: I love you, little mouse. 
(They share a hug as Jesse fumes in the background) 
(Ladybug then approaches)
Ladybug: I’m glad that you’re feeling better, Ivan. But it’s important to remember, jealousy is an ugly thing, and can cause you to lose yourself. If you let it control you, you’ll do things that you regret, and you may end up hurting people that you really care about. Next time you feel worried, try to remind yourself that giving in to envy is never the way to go. Remember that Mylene loves you. Do you think you can do that?
Ivan: I... I can try. 
Ladybug: (Turning to Jesse) And you. Having romantic feeling for someone else in a relationship isn't wrong. Flirting's all well and good, but don't make any moves. Got it? 
(Jesse gets a sly smile.) 
Jesse: Understood.
(Jesse calls Nathaniel. We don't hear his response.) 
Jesse: Hey, Nathaniel? Mind if I request a new comic project? A story about a handsome bard who rescues a princess from a dumb troll. I think it'll be a MASSIVE hit.
(The end card looks like Ivan and Jesse fighting over Mylene, who looks shocked as she watches them battle for her heart.)
I created this awhile back with Weebs, so huge thanks to them. Essentially it's a hypothetical Season 6 episode introducing Jesse. As you can see, it's as bad and problematic as most of the show's episodes these days. Lemme know what you think. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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ukingk24 · 6 months
Sandboy comes back and unfortunately for everyone, Ladybug's nightmares have been dyed in White. Chat, confused as to why him in white is His Lady's nightmare, realizes just how dangerous this is and shows just how much he's willing to sacrifice to protect her.
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amiscreations · 1 year
Meeting All of Def Leppard in Sheffield!!!!
Yes, really! and no this wasn't part of a meet and greet or anything, I just happened to be incredibly blessed that weekend🥰 so sit back, relax, get your snacks, and lemme give you a comprehensive timeline of how I met the guys!
So you guys all know my interaction with Sav at the album signing, if not read about it here, but that was my only interaction with Sav. 
other than that, my friends happened to be staying at the same hotel that the Leppards and their crew were! 
the only one of the Leppard crew who wasn't staying there was Sav, because he was staying at his house (he lives in Sheffield so ig it makes sense) but yeah that was why we didn't see him at all after the signing.
also the man is illusive af so even if he was staying at the hotel we prob wouldn't have seen much of him😅
Right, now time for the others!
The next Leppard I met (and I still genuinely cannot believe this) was Joe!
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We got back to the hotel after the concert and he was just… there? In the lobby/restaurant area? WHAT?
I will admit that I did feel a little bad going up to him as he seemed like he just wanted to hang out with his friends who were all there, but at this point I didn’t know that they were staying at the hotel so I didn’t know if I’d ever get this opportunity again.
He was sO NICE and sO TIPSY LMAO
We didn’t say much to each other apart from the usual “the show was amazing!” And “Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it” kinda routine bUT STILL I WAS TALKING TO JOSEPH ELLIOTT HIMSELF ANYTHING WAS MORE THAN AMAZING 
he is also vERY tall in person
Like I knew he was like 6′3 or something like that but my short ass just did not expect him to be that tall for some reason
But yeah that was that
Another fun thing was that we stayed in the lobby for a little while and we could just hEAR him laughing and talking 
Something I learned about Joe Elliott on this trip is that tHE MAN IS LOUD WHEN TIPSY
Just as we were about to retire for the night, in walks The Thundergod himself, Mr Rick Allen!
Of course we got a picture with him and he was very intent on taking it himself in selfie mode LMAO
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(my friends were in this too but I decided to crop them out bc I wasn't sure if they wanted to be on Tumblr or not)
Cut to the next day, I meet my friends in Starbucks, and we weren’t in there more than 10 mins, and Rick walks in! 
My friend apparently had always wanted to buy him coffee, so the went up and paid for his order aWWW
he then proceeded to come and sit at our table and we just... talked?
as if we were old friends?
we ended up running into him a lot that day and the next, and he genuinely seemed happy to see us!
at one point he said “greetings earthlings” to us and did the Star Trek salute
long story short for about 48 hours we became best friends with Rick Allen and I miss him every day
Next up: Phil
our first interaction was very generic (well as generic as you can get when you're literally meeting one of your favourite people on the entire planet)
we ran into him in the lobby of the hotel and we talked about the concert for a bit
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he said he was super excited for the rest of the tour AWW
we saw him a couple of other times  that day but other than a “hello” and a smile  we didn't bother him at all
we would have done the same whenever we saw Rick but I cannot stress enough that HE was the one coming up to US when ever he saw us
later that day we also saw Joe again but we didn't go up to him as he was with Jess and Mike and seemed busy ( he was honestly probably going out to film something👀)
Ok this next part might be a lil sad
But we also went to visit Steve🥺
I didn’t expect to cry, but as soon as the three of us laid eyes on his gravestone we just all broke down into tears.
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There was a lot of lil bits of memorabilia there that looked like they had been there for a long time, mostly guitar picks and lil notes.
But the part that got us? There was a picture of him and Phil there which you can just about see in the first photo
Not me crying again rn
But we have him some flowers (which we all wrote a note on) and I also gave him a guitar pick. 
I’d actually found this guitar pick on the floor in Brighton a few weeks ago, and it was from a music touring company. I’d completely forgotten I’d left it in my bag, but I think it was absolutely a sign when I found it on the floor.
Everything felt so heartbreakingly perfect 
We got to share this little moment with him💜
Ok sad stuff over 
Cut to the next day, we’re back at Starbucks again getting breakfast. surely nothing else out of the ordinary could happen, right?
well that was proven wrong when VIVIAN CAMPBELL WALKED IN HKSFBKFJS
seriously we weren’t even planning to stay in there wE WERE IN THERE FOR LIKE FIVE MINUTES TO GET BREAKFAST AND THEN GO
anyways I got to give him one of my art prints 
I actually forgot to say I gave one to Rick as well as Sav
well I gave one to Scott (sav’s son who I saw at the OAC pop up) and he said he would give it to Sav AWW
the only one I didn't give a print to was Joe and im sO MAD bc I made a bunch of Joe prints to give out to the fans at the concert and over the weekend bUT I FORGOT TO SAVE ONE FOR THE MAN HIMSELF AAAAAH IM SORRY JOE
I can just imagine all the guys showing each other their prints and Joe being like 🥺why didn't I get one?
ANYWAYS Viv was super cool but super shy aww so it didn't seem right to ask him for a picture
[EDIT] idk how I forgot this part but Viv actually recognised me from the signing???!!!! He said “aw I recognise you, you were the one with Sav’s jacket😃” I kept my cool somehow but I was fREAKING OUT
esp in the cafe where I don’t think he wanted attention drawn to him😅
also side note I can confirm that Viv is absolutely ripped irl like bRUUUH👁👄👁
everyone talks about how buff phil is but nO ONE TALKS ABOUT VIV
soz but that just needed to be said.
we decided to stay in the lobby and ofc we saw the leppards a bunch again
literally it was so surreal 
just as they were getting ready to check out Joe came out of the elevator and said “good morning ladies” to us 
we all just collectively internally screamed
we said some other things to him and vice versa but my brain was going 100 miles an hour (BC THAT’S JOE ELLIOTT RIGHT THERE TALKING TO US?) so I honestly dont remember what exactly we were saying😅
another fun thing was that my friend had gifted him a shirt at the signing aND THE MAN WAS WEARING IT AS HE WAS CHECKING OUT
and then as he walked out he said “ladies I bid you adieu”
*more internal feral screaming*
Viv also went to check out and Caitlin (his wife) was with him and I stg she gave me a death glare LMAO
I honestly don’t think she meant to lol but it was still funny
like don’t worry I'm not gonna steal your man calm down
I managed to stop Phil just in time to give him one of my art prints!
one of my friends also had a programme from the Pyro days that had a double page pic of the guys and everyone had their signature (yes this even had Steve’s signature) apart from Phil
and she finally got to complete it by asking him to sign it! 
the best part about this was that he seemed so genuinely happy to see Steve’s signature
we both then cried 😃
like literally we were both so overwhelmed (in a good way) that we just had to let it all out
and just like that, they were on their way to the airport 
when I left for Sheffield four days prior I had no idea that when I left, I could say I'd had conversations with all five of my favourite people in the world. 
hopefully this was the first time of many I’ll see them!
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splazartj · 9 months
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I know some think it can be but I do actually find it interesting.
Aeon Hill aka Uncanny Valley, as a thunderbird holder from Native Miraculous Box.
Her power would be give will to the inanimated objects.
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elytra404 · 8 days
4/4 on my rewrite polls!!
so for those who dont know, names like claude and allen and allergra where assigned by the fandom, their never actually said in 'cannon' material. we dont know what their names wouldve actually been. so what do i name them?
ill put some examples of what i would name them below
no matter the vote im gonna use jess for sparrow, i know originally a guy but i love jess and she makes my life easier
allergra is a fandom name for Melodie, but personally i'd name her aria
even if i go with fandom names, im splitting mercery/ gavroche into two people so id assign allen to mercery and use gavroche as a civilian name (which is what ill probably do other then using allen if i go with my own names)
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zonerz · 10 months
There's only so many times I can post with the "Aw shit, here we go again" pic.
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Jesse we need to get ladybug and cat noir’s miraculouses Jesse
yo mr white why did you akumatize me bitch
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
I'm even more excited for that lesbian New York x Shanghai special now cuz I can't wait to hear Fei, Jess and Aeon screeching at the same when they find out Adrienette is canon
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msweebyness · 10 months
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- Jesse Ortega
Another of Adrien’s human friends, whoo hoo! My baby is joining the fight against monster discrimination! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
Species: Human
Appearance/Attire: Shaggy, neck-length brown hair pulled into a low ponytail, soft grey eyes with the left being a ghost eye, tanned skin with light freckles on the bridge of his nose. Green hoodie with MAPT logo decal on the back and names of various monster species printed on the sleeves, grey Monster SMASH t-shirt, MAPT armband, fidget bracelets on both wrists, battered blue jeans, hot pink sneakers with purple laces.
Bio: Nervous and more than a little pessimistic, Jesse is the third and final co-founder of MAPT, working alongside Missy and Adrien to advocate for monster rights. Despite his high level of anxiety and difficulty standing up for himself, Jesse does everything he can to try and make things better for those suffering around him, due to his own past of abuse from his father. With encouragement from his fellow MAPT members, and his childhood friend, Mylene, who he met on a study trip with his botanist mother, he is truly beginning to come into his own as an activist and person. As well as coming to terms with his feelings for a certain daemon...
"O-Oh, m-me? I'm n-not nervous, I'm t-totally f-fine!"
"I'm not normally a violent guy, but if you don't leave my friends alone, I swear to God!"
(Blushing like a fire engine) O-oh, h-hi An-Anthony. Y-you look...you look really nice."
"Ready to give your speech, Adrien? (Mumbling) Better you than me..."
"Guys, I'm not sure I can do this..."
"*Anxious squeak*"
He’s nervous, but you gotta do what’s right! Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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