#miranda greywhinder
madamudeeaaarr · 18 days
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various h&h sketches + meme
Might do something about it laterrrrr
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cherrychan-0110 · 14 days
Harmony and Horror au doodlessss
Arcadia Martin + Mari
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Doodles for @madamudeeaaarr 's heir au
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madamudeeaaarr · 8 months
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December 17,1991 Arthur made sure the Box was sealed up before walking to the front door of his house he check the time again to make sure Miranda would be home and awake,it was a comfortable but chilly sunny afternoon on a saturday and he decided to take the day off just for this occasion, the days after he brought the girl to live in his home have been more worrisome than he had anticipated and with the holidays approaching it wasn't exactly the right time for him to be away from the company.
The harmony & play like every single one of its competitors have a entire year of sellings and advertising to prepare for this very específic week, christmas was the most profitable period for the company but also the most stressful and it wouldn't stop until february of the coming year,until then there's is stocks,demand and money to think about and after all of this that was the plans for whatever potential disaster scenario they might have to deal in a near future,the thought of said situation already made him feel physically tired. this used to be her job and should still be her place,I still can't believe that hippie head to be the one of us with talent for business.
his personal theories are that the woman understood the capitalist game so well it was the sole reason she hated it so much and her ideas are what helped arthur to rise the company and his own pockets in the last few years lies & fraud she used to say is a shame she didn't want to make it by his side otherwise the three of them could have been living a dream by now.
at least i have my girl and a few years to make it up for.
and this is what he was going to do today or at best try it,Miranda was everything he imagine his children to be: well behaved,sweet and for the little she have opened up to him a bit curious which made it more important for arthur to be around and observe what will be necessary to shape her for into someone capable of fulfilling a place in company on a near future and everything that will come with it, for now however his only worries are that she was lonely and he would need something or someone to keep her company while he is away at work.
when he walked into the big living room the sound of the television playing a random movie indicated a possible place to where the girl was,he looked at the brightly decorated christmas tree near the dining table and placed the Box at the bottom with the piles of smaller gifts before walking around the couch that was placed in the same room, she was spotted laying on the floor sleeping on her stomach head against one of the couch pillows
you're going to get a stomach ache like this.
He knelt down beside her and gently shook the girl's shoulder while waiting for a response.She started to move her head and flipped to the side before noticing him,”good afternoon." he said while she was dizzy sitting “weelo.”,”did you sleep well?”his hand touched the dark wavy hair to move it away from her eyes,”yes.” she replied while looking at him with a gaze that reminded of a pair of black obsidian jewelry ”i got a surprise for you.”,
”you do?”she didn't sound excited or happy in the slightest
“yeah,there's a special gift on the tree right now and it has to be opened today." he pulled her up and waited for the girl to start walking before following right behind.
when she approached the tree they could hear the sound of scratching coming from inside the box Miranda looked at him puzzled “go on.” he tried to encourage and she hesitantly took the gift from the Christmas tree with a expression of suspicion but when she opened a fluffy head with pointy ears came out, arthur couldn't help but smile at the way her face lightened up and she squeal while hugging the cat in her arms jumping was if the happiness was too much to contain “thank you!”
”Did you like him?”he chuckled.“I love him!”, the feline was a almost classic tuxedo with bright yellow eyes that are highlighted by his perfect markings the only exception being the tail and one black paw,arthur had made sure it was a young adult so the cat would be trained and ready to be her first pet since he or anyone else in the house could lost time in training a young kitten,he took a seat from one of the dining table chairs and left the girl enjoying the gift for a while before asking something important “what is his name?” the cat much like miranda herself was still going through a adoption process and right now still needed a official name for being settled with them permanently,he made a deal with the shelter to bring the cat home earlier instead of normal procedures of the formal adoption when he asked why so much bureaucracy just for a pet they told him it was to make sure the people are responsible and there wasn't any risk for the pets and yet all of that formality was throw out of the window at the mention of money,a generous donation and the people in charge allowed a exception for him.
something in the back of his mind wondered if there was potential here,the arcadia project was still in need for more ideas and given it was too early for taking out of his private lock the space for concepts was very much open for whatever he could use,a loud giggle made him stop the brainstorm and he was back to at the house and i'm losing myself in thought again.
The girl was now using a ribbon from the gift box like an improvised toy and the cat seemed to be catching on to whatever game they were having,raising his paws or biting once while rolling from one side to another She didn't hear me.
he slapped his fingers a little “darling,what is his name?”,she stopped and looked at him “martin.” she said.
”yes…hum?no!not that one!” The girl was holding the cat again but higher up was if to show the cat to his face “why not he kinda looks like it.” ”like martin?”,”uhum from there!” she walked to the cabinet full of alcohol bottles and put one finger in the glass “this one.” After trying to understand what she was saying he noticed one of the bottles with a man wearing a tuxedo suit and the brading said Martyn in golden italian letters.
”oh well but you still have to choose something else,is not…very polite to have someone named after a drink.”
”o-okay…than bowtie?” “Sounds good to me.”
She nodded and walked excited to the entrance behind them. Great, do I get my own martin too?Does my next incarnation come in the form of a furball? he was debating with himself about the odd possibility before a voice coming the other room interrupted “good afternoon mr greywhinder.” the woman coming from another part of house said “hello lynn.'',lynn was one of three baby-sitters that worked in the house since miranda came to live with him, as much as he wanted to be around her the work and personal research took most of his time and now more than ever he felt the need to keep a tight grasp on things that could dictate the ways of both the company and the girl, unfortunately Miranda was still too young to take care of herself and so arthur was left with no choice but to hire people to look after her for the next few years or so i will teach her to be more independent but this is how things are for now even if i'm not very happy about it. ”you're free to go home for the rest of the day i'll take from here,you know the schedule.” ”Thanks, I just need to take my things first.” “Just one more thing, don't let her sleep on her stomach again is not good and I cannot have her sick even for a single day for the entire month.”
“right.” He could tell the woman was bothered by the tone of his words but it didn't matter he was not paying anyone to see his girl being neglected anyway, he watched the woman leave the room and turned his attention to Miranda again.
She had returned to the tv in front of the couch with bowtie by her side, the cat seemed to not mind the ruthless affection from before or anything the girl did to him, he is good at this. Most animals became very aggressive or uncomfortable at his presence which made the search for a pet difficult for him but for some reason this specific cat has not shown the same reaction even when provoked and that made him the perfect candidate for a companion.
Arhur tried to think of anything that she would like after he noticed that the first days of readjustment have not softened up their relationship. She is scared of me but doest say it. And he couldn't blame her neither the people around him would smile and treat him like he was a normal person but their faces never manage hide the uneasiness, despite having one eye now his vision was still sharp to see the true but miranda was still a child and children are easily scared by anything and so he decided try to gain her favor by the only means he was familiar with: gifts, it was a good idea at first but when arthur tried to actually find something that wasn't trivial he found out quickly that every idea he had could go very wrong i could commission someone or make something myself but nothing felt right.
The worst that could happen is that she hated it and he would have yet another thing to worry about in the form of an undesirable relationship. He asked for advice from multiple people and the answer came in the form of a passing comment “have you thought about a dog?One of my ex boyfriends got me one when I was seventeen,we broke up but I kept the dog and that relationship lasted for twelve years until sharky died.” he was not so interested with having his new house infested by constant barking and dirt but the idea stuck was the perfect solution still a dog even a small one would be a nuisance however a cat might be a better candidate for his small family necessities and so here we are.
About an hour later Lynn came to said goodbye to them and walked away from the place leaving the three of them alone in the house. He decided it was about time to have an important talk with the girl and sat on the couch near her. “Miranda come here, I want to tell you something.” when she was in front of him,he looked at her and started to speak “i know you don't feel at home here yet and that i'll have to do a lot for your wellbeing from now on.”he continued “but i want you to understand that you're my daughter now and that like any father i want you to be happy,just know that you ́re important for me and there would be never anyone else that can take that spot from you.” after those words left Arthur's mouth he thought saw a glimpse of something black & white in the corner of his vision but when he turned to see it there was only bowtie leaving the room to explore the house on his own, his attention was back at Miranda's face again “I'm promising you that things will get better but it takes time and I can't always be around so he is going to be your friend while I'm out.” He waited and her response took a while but after a bit of an awkward silence she finally managed to gather some courage and said “thank you.” In a shy tiny voice that did not have a single indication of confidence in the slightest. I guess that's a positive answer…well I have an entire day off now soo what now?. He figured it was up for him to break the tension If he was being honest Arthur didn't feel like being stuck isolated in his office again specially on a saturday,so he look at her and said “What do you want for dinner?I'm not cooking so you can ask for whatever you want because I am just going to lay on the couch and watch TV for the rest of the weekend.”
author´s note : english is not my native linguage so i´m at risk of making mistakes despite having revised this three times also this is my first fic so is mostly exposition dump, i will work to make the writting better for the next ones but for now is just this and yes is a light fluff sorry if you come from something gruesome or depressing these i´m saving for later.
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