goat-shoe · 7 months
top 5 cullykizz zhipz GO >_<<
hey anon... i could only come up with 4, i hope you can forgive me uwahh ;;
CAPOUT!! but you knew this ^^;
hehe honeybunny ;; im new to it and the fics are Soooo GOOD !!! its making me see them in a whole new way ^^ <3
flutterdrop. theyre trash babies who deserve each other.
i Definitely dont ship it anymore, but it got me into the fandom- fluttercorn…. ;; this is my shoutout to the cullykissers <3 <3
^^ thanks everyone for the lovely anons <3
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bobunny-fan · 7 months
Ok so I wasn't going to say anything about the discourse surrounding me but there's been a line crossed and I feel I have to address it.
@/goat-shoe aka Gabby, formerly @/duggys-secret-tail is continuing to act extremely inappropriately towards the miraculous holders. I must reiterate again that these are real life people and that shipping them or kinning them is WILDLY inappropriate and a violation of privacy. How would you feel if someone said they shipped you with your coworker? It would be very uncomfortable!
Gabby has harassed me in the past for making anti-mirakinnie and anti-mirashipping posts that did Not address her specifically, and he continues to act like a victim as if I am going out of my way to attack them. It isn't my intention to hurt anybody, but as a large-ish figure in this fan community I feel as if I have to emphasize the importance of being respectful to our community heroes.
Then, like I mentioned before, a line was crossed
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using "/gender-neutral" does not make this not misgendering. it is incredibly disrespectful to say something like this, even if tigerdrop were not very public about his gender identity, misgendering anyone is Not okay. I would expect better from a fellow queer person.
Once again, I'm not intending to get anyone banned, and i DO NOT CONDONE attempts to harrass goat-shoe or send them hate of any kind. but I ask that we as a community remain respectful of these people who are saving our lives every day
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goat-shoe · 7 months
Get Back Up
Platonic(?) HoneyCorn drabble, 302 words.
Honeybee weaves across the roller rink like a salmon through a stream, fighting against the current for a chance to mate in the same pool it spawned in. Her twists flow and twirl behind her. She likes to call them leg warmers, though they suck at their job- they flutter in the breeze around her ankles. Her legs slide across the floor, knees twirling to the rhythm of the rink's music. Hits from the 80's: her favorites.
She rolls to halt at the edge of the rink, stopping with the toe of her skate.
Capricorn sits on the edge of the neon carpet, blue skates donned, perched nervously. (He's never skated before- maybe once as a child, only to fall and scrape his knee on the cul-de-sac's pavement.) 
He looks up at Honeybee.
Honeybee smiles. She holds out a hand to him.
It takes more effort to come to terms with how silly he'll look than it takes just to stand. Both hands grasp Honeybee's glove, squeezing as she helps him to his feet- which slip and slide in the skates along the waxed floor.
Honeybee laughs at him. "Ready to try again?"
Capricorn finds himself blushing, glancing to the floor, embarrassed. Honeybee pats his hands, glove soft and assuring.
"I'm not gonna let you fall this time," Honey promises.
Capricorn manages to push out a laugh, rolling his eyes. "No, I- Okay. I- I think I've got it this time."
Like nothing, Honeybee starts moving, rolling backwards. Still holding Capricorn's hands steady, guiding him to the whirlpool of skaters.
The song ends, and another begins, as Capricorn cautiously kicks her feet against the rink floor.
♫ Like a small boat on the ocean...
♪ Sending big waves into motion...
♫ Like how a single word...
♪ Can make a heart open...
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goat-shoe · 7 months
what r ur fave miraships???? 🙈💕
OTP: capout
i mean come on... fashion student (look at her blog desc i was right!!!!!) x guy with an airbud obsession?? there is something abt the contrast of someone so flashy & fab with a schmeepy like dugout /affectionate
i also have a soft spot for flutterdrop ;; if u know me, you know im not tds biggest fan, but Something about him and fluttermouse makes him bearable LOL. its soooo <3 <3
honorable mention for flutterbee <3 flutterbee fics are literally the sweetest (shoutout to @/honey-reverence on ao3).
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