#mirror ;; niko
nikonikonek000 · 11 months
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ahn1zos · 1 year
“Mirror, tell me something…”
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Ruby lost too many people for someone her age, and she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if she loses her too.
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cheesefleetwood · 3 months
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who ya gonna call? (the dead boy detectives!)
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lesbicosmos · 4 months
me after becoming emotionally attached to the silly mlm/wlw solidarity friendship (this is an entirely new experience and definitely does not happen with every piece of media i watch)
anyway, them‼️
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royale1803 · 1 month
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Any Dead Boy Detectives fans here ? psst. I am also making a preorder for this keychain. closes september 3rd 2024 :)
Thank you ! <3
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pilot-boi · 2 months
A combination of Voices and Mirror Man Jaune sounds like the most miserable possible Jaune yet.
Yeah, that would be a pretty miserable combo
Being able to see/hear the specters of the dead, and then being driven so far by the specter of the woman he killed that he retreats into his own mind
RK is of course nothing but friendly with Penny, and Pyrrha, although they do for a while keep trying to convince him that he’s Jaune Arc. He doesn’t know why they try. Jaune Arc is the reason they’re both dead
Eventually they stop trying, and just make sure he takes care of himself physically since they don’t seem to be able to help him mentally
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artemisadore · 27 days
"It's hard when the people you love leave." - Niko Sasaki
Just a quote I am totally, completely normal about 🥺
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kieren-fucking-walker · 4 months
I just think in their downtime Niko would teach Edwin the HOT TO GO! dance.
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diaryofellen · 2 years
Revival Round: Left Side Part 1
confused? read this post for explanation. an character who was eliminated during round 1 will get the opportunity to replace a round 1 survivor. part 1 of the revival round determines which of these eliminated characters should be revived and get a second chance to win, so vote for your favourite. a later poll for part 2 will be for determining which round 1 survivor should be eliminated so the revived character can take their spot.
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leopardom · 2 years
joonasbc story
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tommytranselo · 2 years
had to get a suit for the francis mcreary lawyer job interview mission and like...it’s hot but it kind of looks wrong i think niko is just meant for casual clothes.  he’s supposed to be a little grimy it’s his natural habitat
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nikonikonek000 · 2 years
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symbiote-siblings · 2 years
“Ow- fuck- you bastard!”
“Stop STANDING there and get this RAT OFF ME- GAH! THE DAMN EYE- FUCK!”
Mrrrp… gnnn…
~sneeze~ eeaugh…
“So much trouble… a pity.
But it’ll be worth it.”
With a waking sneeze, the small dog’s large eyes burst open. She lay flat on her stomach, covered by rubble. She blinked a few times before sneezing again, a sneeze that shook her entire body upright again, rubble and dust flying upward and away as she stood. Furby cleared her throat with a snarl and shook more violently than necessary to get the rest of that grey rubble off. And her fur poofed back outward and crazier than before.
The small dog smelled something off. Blood. And she licked at her lip, turning her head in circles to try and find the source of it. Only to be stuck on a forever circle because the wound was on her ear and she is failing to realize it. It only took a few seconds before she gave up on trying to find the source of the blood and looked outward.
This wasn’t the stinky city… well… it was… just stinkier than she remembered. Pavement cracked and raised, buildings smoking, destroyed property, rubble and fire. Citizens were injured and had to pull themselves to a flat surface. Emergency services struggled to reach some patients and survivors. And when Furby took another sniff.
It stank.
Stank of what? This wasn’t city stink. That was blood stink. And body stink. But not grimy juvenile human stink. It was rotting stink. Rotting body stink.
She didn’t like that stink.
Where was she?
Where was her weird brother? And those weird gooey things?
Her ears flattened to her head as she turned her head to the side, then the other, turning in a full circle both ways on the cracked street, surrounded by a broken urban land.
They weren’t there.
Furby lowered her head, making strangled whimpers, legs shaking.
Furby didn’t like that.
But Furby doesn’t give up so easily, oh no. Furby is ferocious.
Sort of.
Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap-
Furby trotted as fast as she could on the broken pavements, serving through crowds and biting ankles of those who got in her way-
And would run faster and out of reach when they tried to lunge for her.
However, tiny legs only get you so far.
By the time she arrived near her destination, the sun was slowly starting to set. Bright lights and news casts were screened all over the city and pictured the horrid images of the rampage caused by that weird stinky many legged hairless but not very hairless because he had a bit of hair old human.
She sneezed with disapproval.
Sneaking into apartment complexes was rather easy.
By the time she knew it, she was in the room of that weird stinky human with tons of lil spiders but they weren’t spiders they were fake spiders… fpiders.
And she sat on the desk. In front of the computer. And began typing random things to the weird communication center. She thinks. She wasn’t so sure. She wasn’t sure what a communication center was either. All she knows is that if you poke poke poke at this weird keypad thing, you get help. Most of the time. Or just anger.
Maybe help is coming? She wasn’t so sure. She wasn’t sure if they understood nor is she sure if she could understand them. Meh.
Another plan then.
She inhaled slowly, puffing her chest outward…
This yelling continues even when there’s an old man she recognized when she was left here to fend against the spider cat, eyes wide as he burst through the door.
“AYE! Θεέ μου βοήθησέ με, γιατί είναι ο διάβολος στο κατώφλι μου?!”
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We only have main story and my favorite planeswalker redacted hasn’t been addressed except with Elspeth seeing what he was doing on Theros.
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passionfell · 22 days
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[ the hound. ϟ ic. ] nikodemas. [ a rake of claws against a mirror. ϟ visage. ] nikodemas. [ on the creature scratches; it doesn't know how to get out! ϟ isms. ] nikodemas. [ run howling through the carnage when the wolfbane blooms. ϟ aesthetic. ] nikodemas. [ welcome to the storm; know how a man becomes a beast. ϟ lore. ] nikodemas.
[ i go to sleep right here. ϟ crack. ] nikodemas. [ the easiest path to ending the game is giving up. ϟ dash games. ] nikodemas.
[ didn't need to learn to get along; when the wolf howls i'll howl with him. ϟ niko & vel. ] spiteriisen. [ be good to me; i whisper (hold her just to keep the world at bay). ϟ niko & kaeli. ] spiteriisen.
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dougielombax · 3 months
Yeah, apparently they’re coming from as far away as places like Gdańsk to see the film.
The Film, in Question:
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*mirrors lie twice*
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