#misbis fic
kelpiemomma · 1 year
It's been a rough few weeks and I just got some bad news recently. Need a little bit of fluff in my life right now. For a prompt, how about Akari getting hurt, either emotionally or physically, and possibly trying to hide it from Ingo but him finding out anyway and helping her. Any verse would be fine.
i wrote 1k words of arms outstretch post-fic angst :,) this is definitely canon (to an extent, bc it's not yet finished, but the akari-problem is Real fjadsklfs) <3
Unfortunately, Ingo hadn’t been with Akari in the realm Arceus had made for her. Therefore it was easy for it to slip his mind that she had trauma he didn’t always see. There were the obvious problems, of course. The way she clung to anyone around her, practically begging for the warmth of another body, was only getting better nearly a year after he’d gotten her back. She still frequently woke up from nightmares screaming and confused about where she was until Ingo could calm her down. Ingo himself wasn’t free from the repercussions either- every now and then he would walk into the kitchen and see a stranger making food, alarm shooting through him before he recognized his daughter. The fact that she had grown up some in their time apart didn’t help, and he mourned the years they’d lost.
But it was a long monsoon season that brought up one he’d failed to consider.
Looking back on it, it would make sense. Every time he’d met her within the dream area it had been raining. Heavy or light, a downpour or a drizzle, the rain had never stopped. While he had taken notice that every now and then her nightmares would be worse, that she would wake up screaming and terrified and refuse to let him go, the last several weeks had been so much worse. She had, of course, insisted that things were fine. That she didn’t know what was going on, why she couldn’t sleep, why when she did she would weep uncontrollably for several minutes.
Ingo was also beginning to lose sleep out of concern for his daughter. He slept lightly most nights, in spite of Emmet’s horrific snoring - the only time Emmet was louder than Ingo was at night - and each time Akari woke with a nightmare, Ingo woke with her. Jackie had pointed it out to Emmet who had forced Ingo to claim a sick day and stay home to get some sleep. Ingo protested, but when Emmet took all of their shoes with him to the subway he found himself sitting on the couch and staring out the window.
The rain had lessened for the first time in several days and was barely dripping, the sun breaking through clouds. Subway quickly made for the slim beam of light on the carpet, eager to soak up sunlight and warmth before it vanished again. Akari slipped out of her room, clearly exhausted. Her eyes had grown dark and were looking a little bloodshot. Ingo opened his arm in invitation and she collapsed onto the couch against him, pressing her cheek against his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. Ingo curled his arm around her shoulder in turn and let himself enjoy the peace. Gradually, Akari fell asleep on him, and for the first time in a while she was still.
And then the rain picked up again.
Ingo missed the first few twitches, mistaking them for her sleeping. He had been browsing his phone, looking through miscellaneous items for the house as well as new socks for work. The first whimper caught his attention, and then the grip tightening around him. He set his phone down and began to stroke his fingers through her hair, hoping it would put her at ease. It did, temporarily, but as the rain grew heavier and louder it ceased to work.
Thunder boomed, and with it Akari’s eyes shot open and she sprung to her feet. Ingo followed her up, saying her name before freezing.
She was standing in a way that he hadn’t seen in quite some time. Her shoulders were low, head hung down by her chest, and despite the fear she had been exhibiting in her sleep her breathing had also slowed. He watched as she took a deep breath in and let out a sigh before tilting her head back. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks as they stood there, Ingo uncertain of what to do.
“Akari?” He asked quietly.
The worst part was that she barely responded. She just turned her head a little and offered him a small smile.
“You’re here again.” she said quietly. A chill ran down Ingo’s spine.
“Here?” He asked.
She lifted a hand to wave lazily in the air.
“You know. Here.” There was a pause. “I’m glad it’s never wet. It’d be worse if it was wet.”
“If what was wet?”
“Everything! The rain never stops. I’m glad I can’t feel it.”
Fuck. The rain. Of course.
Akari was babbling on but Ingo had put his face in his hands.
The rain.
How many years had she spent in a downpour, never knowing when or if she’d make it out? She’d said that the time in Arceus’ little pocket dimension was funny, that she couldn’t say how long she’d been in there because time had never passed but that nothing ever changed either- including the weather. No wonder her sleep had gotten worse, that she’d been struggling to stay aware of where she was, because it had been raining non stop for days.
Ingo pulled his phone out of his pocket, texting Emmet we’re going on vacation. To the desert. For an undetermined time.
CASINO BATTLES???? Emmet immediately texted back.
We’ll discuss it on the way. Book the tickets.
Then he looked back at Akari, who’d gotten quiet again, and hated himself a little for taking so long to realize something was seriously wrong. Something beyond a flare up of discontent.
“Would you like a hug?” Ingo asked, because it was the only thing he could think to do. He didn’t know how long she would be lost in her mind, lost in her memories, for, but he wanted to provide whatever comfort he could. She nodded, and he quickly stepped forward to engulf her in his arms. “I promise, little one, I won’t leave you behind again. This time I intend to keep it, come hell or high water.”
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
breaking ground on (hopefully) the final chapter of arms Outstretched 💪🏻 there is a small possibility that it'll get broken up into two (possibly two w a small epilogue) chapters, but I have PLANNED for 3.
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kelpiemomma · 7 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Observe When I Am Dead by Augment on AO3
It's one piece fanfic but god. It's so genuinely beautiful to me. Something about sacrificing yourself despite the pain, trying to keep it from the one you adore, the one you want to protect. Luffy waking up and finding Zoro at the end... I have read it many nights when I want a solid finisher to my AO3 browsing. I can never follow it up with anything.
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
I edit as I write so I guess 5? I don't mind it, but I'm definitely not the person who finishes their writing and then goes through and re-edits. I don't have the attention span for that. The only time I went through and re-editing anything was for the original ending of Lifetime Guarantee, but that was a full-on rewrite because I didn't like the ending.
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now
Entirely too many over 4 different email addresses. A few thousand, mostly spam.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
I feel put on the spot. I can't think of any characters I hate off the top of my head. If someone can point out a character I've said I've hated please do and I'll try to list 3 things about them?
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I have two wips I'm working concurrently on right now so-
AO - Ch 3
"While Dawn and Johanna’s home remained firmly in Twinleaf Town, Cynthia’s family home - and most of her research - was settled in Celestic Town. Cynthia spent most of her time with her wife and stepdaughter, but upon learning that they were researching the Lake Trio she had offered to meet them at her old home instead. There had been a discussion on which lake to visit first before they decided to hit Lake Acuity, as it was out of the way, before traveling down to Lake Valor, and then heading back to Twinleaf Town and Lake Verity. Dawn would be able to visit her home and, if all went well, they would have a safe place to regroup and discuss their findings."
PiaP Series - "Twins"
"“My daughter? She’s four. She’s lovely. Someone… well. She’s adopted. But I adore her, I love my daughter immensely. She’s brave and has always known what she wants; maybe I spoil her a bit too much, but there isn’t much I can offer her… she seems to prefer my company to anyone else’s, apart from perhaps my pokemon, and trying to convince her to go on her first sleepover was a challenge. She had thought I would be coming with her. Ah, do you know what a sleepover is? It’s an activity where you-” Glancing up and finding that the Sneasel was still looking at him with interest, and therefore sufficiently distracted from her leg, Ingo quickly twisted and pushed the limb back into its correct position and placement. The Sneasel shrieked in surprise and, just in case, Ingo braced himself for the sting of claws cutting into him. Instead he received what could only be described as scolding chatter. He leaned back and raised his hands."
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