#mischievous gnome behaviour
lallyloo · 5 months
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tinyrhettgang · 3 years
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mischievous gnome behaviour (x)
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insomniaportal · 4 years
The Fae
Maybe I'll post something else too instead of just things like this. Not sure what though.I could start to post more horror related things since I’ve always loved that
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A fairy is described as a mythical creature in European folklore, often described as metaphysical,supernatural, or preternatural.
The History
Stories of the Fae don't have one single origin but rather are a collection of beliefs. One theory about the origin is that they were cast as either demoted angles or demons in christian tradition.  Pagen belief systems state that they are minor deities or spirits of the dead. 
The earliest mentions of the Fae are in the writings of Gervase of Tilbury, a 12th century English scholar and canon lawyer. The Fae were also a common feature of Renaissance literature and Romantic art, becoming especially popular in the United Kingdom during the Victorian era.
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Titania and Bottom Oil by Henry Fuseli^ The English fairy derives from Old French romance where a fairy was described as a woman skilled in magic, and who knew the power of words, stones and herbs.
The concept of fairy in the narrower sense is unique to English folklore but Scandinavian elves served as an influence. Mythologists have variously depicted fairies as; the unworthy dead, the children of the eve, an older race of humans, and fallen angels. Folklorists suggest that the Fae arose from earlier beliefs which lost currency with the advent of Christianity.
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Cat among the Fairies by John Anster Christian Fitzgerald ^ Magical Creatures
The label of fairy can be used to describe any magical creature such as goblins or gnomes. Although it is usually associated with magical creatures that have human appearance and small stature. Fae of various kinds have been reported through the centuries ranging from incredibly tiny, like the popular Tikerbell, to the size of a child. It is also said that some smaller Fae could expand their figures to imitate humans.
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Common Appearances
In Orkney, Fae were described as short, dressed in dark grey and sometimes seen in armour. In some folklore, Fae have green eyes while in others they can have whatever coloured eyes.  In some they are also depicted as barefoot while in others they wear some kind of footwear. Common in Victorian folklore Fae flew by means of magic or on the backs of birds while modern illustrations often include butterfly like wings that they use to travel.
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A portrait of a fairy by Sophie Gengembre^
Mischievous And Sometimes Dangerous
The Fae of the past were feared as dangerous and powerful beings that could be friendly but also incredibly mischievous. This belief attributed to the need to ward of the Fae using charms like church bells, four leaf clovers and food. Fae are also known to be vulnerable to silver and iron.  Another belief is that if sugar or salt is placed in front of them they have to count every single grain. Fae can pull pranks like tangling the hair of sleepers, stealing small items and leading travellers astray. Although those are pretty lighthearted, more dangerous behaviours were attributed to Fae. A sudden form of death might have stemmed from Fae kidnapping after angering them and tuberculosis was also sometimes blamed on them.
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The belief of a changeling was also common, which is when a newborn child is 'stolen' and replaced with what is believed to be a Fae baby. (This video explains changelings really well-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b22J3GaYL6k&t=821s-)
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A child being stolen by a fairy^
A Few Rules Of Interacting With The Fae
Be polite and respectful. Do not purposely insult the Fae. Always bring honey. Do not carry iron on you. Do not say thank you. instead say 'i appreciate your act of kindness. Do not say sorry. Fae are masters of manipulation. Be weary when giving the Fae your name
'When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. ' ~ J. M. Barrie
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lallyloo · 2 years
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lallyloo · 3 years
The Keeper of the Forest
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A couple nights ago I sent this photo of Rhett (without the daisy) to @theredquilt​ because I wanted to talk about how small he looked in his weird little jacket.
She suggested that he looked like “a tiny gnome living under his tiny mushroom making spells and giggling, watching the comings and goings of the dark haired wood sprite that lives in the tree next door.” She then suggested that “an evil woodcutter cuts down Link’s tree and Rhett will have to look after him and get revenge using his sneaky gnomey ways.”
So.. I had to turn that idea into a fic. Read it on AO3
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lallyloo · 3 years
So @imincognitohere is the best and she made this amazing Keeper of the Forest inspired cross stitch for me 🤩
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❤ He's wonderful 🍄
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lallyloo · 3 years
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I put gnome Rhett in that cartoon app and I am laughing so hard I'm crying 😂 LOOK AT HIM.
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