#miserable evening. no gf. no work. no rehearsal.
softrainandhoney · 1 year
breaking news: poor sweet girl can't hang out with her partner tonight even though it will make her soo so sad not to. no survivors.
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sunmisgirl · 5 years
EXO Reaction to Fight With GF
For 🍎 anon: If reactions are open, exo's reaction to their cold gf growing even colder and distant during an argument? Cold meaning they don't open up easily, not temperature lol anyways thank you in advance and I love your writing!
Nina’s Note: Thanks so much for your patience, darling. I hope you enjoy it! I chose to go an angst route with this. I lowkey don’t think I fulfilled what you requested but I tried 💀 some members’ reactions are longer than others.
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Usually Xiumin is even-tempered during an argument. However, he notices how distant you’ve become over the past few nights. He’s tried countless times to brighten your mood and forget about the argument but instead you refuse to open up to him. The extended silence during dinner one night makes him irritated and he remarks,“You’re not making this easy for me.” 
“Of course you’d say that,” you mumble to yourself and reach for your drink. “Could you repeat that?” Xiumin challenges with a steely glare across the table. Setting down the cup with a heavy sigh, you meet eyes and reply, “Everything's always about YOU. We’re not a team anymore. I feel ignored in my own relationship. It’s almost like I’m an outsider looking in. You’ve been so distracted lately you forgot about my birthday.” Your voice gets unsteady so you stop talking and look away from Xiumin. 
His glare immediately softens upon realization. He knows how special birthdays are to you especially being far away from your family and friends. You push the chair back and stand to walk towards the front door. “I need some time to myself. I’m already used to it,” you utter before storming off for a walk into the somber night. Sitting on a bench at the local park, you curse yourself for leaving your cell phone behind. The light wind tousles your hair while you silently reflect on the relationship wondering when things got so difficult between you two. 
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Suho surprised you with reservations at your favorite restaurant. Your careers keep you two occupied so this was a perfect opportunity to catch up on lost time. Deep down you have slight uncertainty about your career choice but you’ve always been one to follow your heart. Lately you’ve experienced a few hurdles at work and share them with him which isn’t easy to do since you keep things to yourself. 
He tugs on his collar and flashes you a small smile before starting one of his famous lectures. You know Suho means well and only wants you to succeed but it would be nice for once if your partner could support your wishes instead of seeing everything from a business perspective. You scowl while he rambles and absentmindedly poke the food on the plate with a fork. “Maybe if you didn’t daze out like this you wouldn’t have problems at work.” 
“Perhaps I’m tired of hearing the same rehearsed speech from you,” you reply in a bitter tone. “It’s just suggestions, dear. Don’t take everything as criticism,” he counters. You slam down the silverware and snap back, “I hear this speech at least once a month. I’d expect my partner from all people to respect my choices and not question the path I chose.” 
Grabbing your purse, you exit the restaurant highly distraught drawing attention from nearby patrons as they watch the scene unfold. Suho awkwardly clears his throat and swirls the wine in his glass trying to hide his evident embarrassment and regret.
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You’re incredibly proud of Yixing’s achievements (especially with the solo tour) but that means he’s home a lot less and the apartment is starting to feel emptier without his presence. Whenever you try to sneak a call or text at work, he doesn’t reply or tells you he’s busy rehearsing for different stages. You can’t help but feel frustrated by the lack of communication between you two. 
After a rough day at work, you wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and sleep for an entire week. It just so happens Yixing decides to contact you during his free time between rehearsals. He sends a few texts expecting a quick reply but they get ignored. He then tries to call you but reaches voicemail after a few rings. Confused by your silent treatment, he video calls much to your dismay.
After accepting the call, he greets you excitedly and rambles about the progress of the tour but suddenly notices your unusually quiet demeanor. “Is everything alright?” he asks with genuine concern in his eyes. Still affected by your bad day, you reply, “I just find it shocking you finally decided I exist and contacted me.” Yixing furrows his eyebrows and responds, “I haven’t forgotten about you. Work always keeps me on my toes--” 
You interject, “Yeah, I know. Work work work. It’s always the same story with you. I guess I’ll let you go since you seem busy.” “Wait I--” he begins to speak but you abruptly disconnect the call. That night you stay awake feeling guilty and selfish for arguing with him but plan to apologize later in the week once the bad mood fades away.
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Baekhyun drove you home one night but the date ended with heartache rather than bliss. He felt quite awkward around you lately. It’s almost like walking on eggshells. You didn’t laugh at his jokes anymore, car rides were always quiet with the radio playing as background noise, and you didn’t share exciting news with him like you used to. 
He tried prying a response out of you one last time while parking outside of your place. Unfortunately emotions flared and yet another spat began in the car. You huffed in frustration preparing for the next ten minutes of bickering, but instead, Baekhyun demanded you to get out of the car. 
“I don’t have time for this right now. I try everything to make you happy and all you do is push me further away,” he explained with a face set in stone. Rolling your eyes, you exited the vehicle and shot back, “Do what you always do, Baek. Run from confrontation. That’s what you’re best at anyways.” He drove off the second you shut the passenger door and gripped the steering wheel agitated with the state of your relationship.
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Chen heavily sighed for what felt like the tenth time that night. Your relationship was stuck in the ‘honeymoon phase’ for a while until frequent disputes ruined your bliss and drove you two further apart. Your demeanor changed completely, growing more distant and keeping to yourself. The time spent together diminished within weeks despite sharing a place. He couldn’t imagine a life without you let alone a few arguments destroy your connection. 
For weeks, Chen searched for the perfect engagement ring, the best statement to express his everlasting love. Once he finally gained the courage, he decided to leave work early one day and surprise you at home. He never expected to walk in and find your belongings already packed and a few suitcases beside the doorway. You emerge from the bathroom with slightly puffy eyes from crying earlier in the day and immediately halt when you notice Chen standing by the front door. 
“You weren’t supposed to be home yet,” you mutter, eyes cast down to avoid his questioning stare. His lack of response and the silence in the apartment only increase the tension. “We’re obviously not working out anymore so...” you trail off and gently grasp your suitcase handle. “I’m sorry it had to end this way.” Chen steps closer to you, his pleading eyes shining with tears threatening to fall. “Please don’t leave. We can get through this.” The sorrow building within you prevents you from replying. 
You can only shake your head in disagreement and brush past him to exit the apartment, your own eyes forming tears at this point. He stands there speechless with his hand in his pocket twiddling the engagement ring with his fingers. He walks over to the window and silently watches you enter the taxi downstairs, the yellow vehicle driving away with the love of his life.
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At this point you’ve lost count of how many disputes you and Chanyeol had this month. It’s even more awkward that he stopped by tonight for your planned weekly movie marathon. He hoped by coming over he could squash the tension between you two. However, that plan wouldn’t work when he noticed the separate bowls of popcorn and stacked pillow tower dividing your seats on the couch. 
Ironically you chose a movie where the main characters broke up because their relationship turned toxic. It killed Chanyeol to consider breaking up with you but the arguments slowly took over your relationship and you’ve gotten more distant. What was once built on love and support quickly came crashing down. Instead of focusing on the movie, his mind wandered to how he’s going to break the news to you. His limbs felt heavier, his mouth started to dry, his heart began aching at the evident outcome of this night. 
Chanyeol reached for the remote to pause the movie and turned to face you. He grasped your hand before saying the next few words that broke both of your hearts. “We can’t stay together. We’ve outgrown each other at this point.” You opened your mouth to respond but he continued speaking. “When was the last time I made you smile? Or laugh? You can’t even remember right? We’re both miserable in this relationship.” 
He spoke these words but his eyes pleaded with you to save the relationship. The truth was you’ve grown tired of the constant spats and considered breaking up too which is why Chanyeol’s heart broke more than yours when you agreed to end it.
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The sour mood from this morning’s argument lingers in the car when Kyungsoo drives you two to dinner that night. He hates when you fight and tries coaxing you out of silence by sprinkling in compliments during the drive. He even sings you one of your favorite songs but all of his attempts go ignored. With a frustrated eye roll, he remarks, “Sometimes you’re so difficult to be around.” 
Shifting in your seat and glaring at him, you retort, “I could say the same thing about you.” Kyungsoo senses another fight brewing and stops talking. His fingers impatiently tap the steering wheel desperate to reach the restaurant already.  Becoming exasperated, you cross your arms and demand him to stop the car. He soon reaches a red light and that’s when you dramatically exit the car, slamming the door behind you and walk in the opposite direction. 
He turns around watching you leave and shouts, “Stop acting like this!” However, he’s well aware of your stubborn side and sighs in defeat as you continue walking to clear your mind. Other drivers in the lane begin honking once the light turns green but he ignores them. Kyungsoo looks on wistfully knowing you need your space and will find your way back to him. You always do.
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Kai grows concerned when you don’t embrace him as often as you used to, your greetings becoming more stale. There’s obvious tension between you two but neither of you choose to address it. He’s slightly nervous your relationship is going to take a crashing halt and decides to have a serious talk with you before he leaves for his scheduled photo shoot. 
Unfortunately, he chose the wrong moment to have this discussion because it transforms into a huge argument. The frustration evident on your face as unfiltered thoughts fall from your lips. Kai abruptly leaves your place and arrives at the photo shoot a few minutes late, the venomous words shared between you two still lingering in the depths of his mind. 
Once the photographer calls him over to begin the shoot, he tries his best to block out the negative thoughts. His face remains etched in pain, revealing whatever was plaguing him internally. Murmurs from staff on set compliment his attitude and focus during the shoot. The photographer praises Kai in every shot pointing out how expressive he is but little does everyone know you’re the source of his pain.
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The shared apartment is usually filled with laughter or terrible shower singing, but lately it’s awfully silent and tense. Sehun lost count of the days you haven’t spoken to each other. Living in the same apartment but still feeling like complete strangers. 
Arriving home from work one night, you find him in the kitchen drinking a glass of water and watching you carefully. Deciding to take the leap, he utters, “You could’ve told me you were planning to end this relationship.” Surprised that he broke the silence, you furrow your eyebrows in confusion and ask, “What are you talking about?” Sehun sighs and leaves momentarily to retrieve the airline ticket he found on the nightstand. 
Instead of answering him, you scroll through your phone to show him the texts from your bestie expressing her excitement to see you for a few days. He instantly feels terrible for jumping to conclusions and starts to apologize, his heart growing weary from the lack of warmth and love in the apartment. “Save your breath. I’m so tired of this,” you interject and storm away to the bedroom slamming the door behind you. 
Sehun decides to sleep on the couch that night too ashamed to speak to you after assuming the worst and plans to rebuild your relationship. The next morning, he awakes in a groggy state but nonetheless determined to put a smile on your face. However, when he rushes over to the bedroom, he’s met with a neatly made bed, empty drawers, and your copy of his apartment key on the sheets.
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callmehopeless · 6 years
Can we get a flufffy Sackler taking care of her sick gf? (Maybe she's on her period and miserable)
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Alright hold onto your horses folks because this headcannon has officially killed me
Adam Sackler is a very practical person. Or at least; he likes to think he is. When he gets sick, he’s TERRIBLE at looking after himself. He still takes jobs, goes jogging, downs milk like its going out of style
He doesn’t consider himself to be particularly caring. You know, he likes to think he’s got himself to rely on, and that’s enough for him
But deep down, everyone fucking knows it: Adam Sackler is the most insanely caring person you’ve ever met. Straight up, no arguments about it
I mean, he’s amazing with his sister’s daughter. Little Sample loves her uncle, and Adam is always happy to babysit. He’s just so good with kids. He was great with Hannah when she was going through tough times with her mental health
He’d watch her take her medicine, cuddle her, run like ten blocks just to hold her and let her know he was there
So one day you get home from work, and fuuuuuuck. You’re in agony. Such terrible cramps, causing you to clasp your stomach as you walk up the steps to his apartment
Or rather, your apartment. I mean, you’re both sharing it at this point, which would normally bring a smile to your face - but instead, you just want to die
Adam’s rehearsing lines on the couch when you step through the doorway, clutching your stomach, looking awful pale
“Hey, doll” he grins, stretching his arms as he puts down his script with a thump
But his face drops as he sees how pale you are, and he staggers to his feet; taking your bag off of you and taking your face in his big hands
“Fuck, you okay?”
You bite your lip, face screwing up as you press a little kiss to his cheek
“You know; another day, another fucking period”
Adam’s heart stutters in sadness at the sight of your face, concern knitting his brows together. He puts a hand to the small of your back and leads you to the couch, shifting all his discarded scripts so you can lay down
“Adam, what are you-”
“Stay there. Don’t fucking move”
You hear the squeak of metal and the sound of flowing water in the bathroom, and the sound of drawers opening and closing, rustling in your ears as you lay back on the arm of his old couch
Fuck, it felt like knives in your stomach and back
Adam returns with a glass of water, a box of tampons and a LOT of painkillers. Like really, what’d he think was going on? Did he think you were dying? He squats beside you, handing you the water and popping two painkillers out of the packet
“Open” he cooes
And you dutifully do, swallowing the painkillers and taking a big gulp of water
Everything hurts and you just want to curl up and die; but Adam’s on it. He’s so fucking on it. He’s watching you with this look in his brown eyes that makes you want to melt into the sofa; a gentle, soft appraisal as he tries to assess how to make you happy
After a while of him just kneeling beside you, stroking your hair; he helps you up and takes you into the bathroom
Oh my god
He’s run this gorgeous bubble bath for you; it smells like cinnamon and is surrounded by pretty tealights. You were surprised he even knew how to find any goddamn tealights, but whatever - he did. And he went overboard with them - i mean at least 10 tealights at various intervals around your bathroom
Little tears well up in your eyes as you turn to hug him. Woah, your emotions are all over the place
“I don’t deserve you” you mutter into his bare chest, your tears wetting his skin
He jerks you upright, holding you by the shoulders
“Shut up. You’re fucking amazing and I love you”. And then he raises an eyebrow, humming in appraisal “now take off your clothes, and get into the tub while I go order us some noodles”
You bite your lip, stifling a smile
“And some ice cream?”
He snickers, his face crumpling as he breathes out in defeat
“Fuck it. Fine. God, I’m such a fucking sucker”.
This was my essay on why Adam Sackler is an adorable boyfriend
Send me headcannons kids
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samissamazing · 7 years
honest thoughts on the last 3 people you dated. honest thoughts about the new people they are dating
OK, so for this I’m going to talk about the last 3 people I’ve actually “officially” dated, and not just the people I’ve spent a lot of time talking to/flirting with/ etc. Also sorry not sorry for the novel, but I tend to get long-winded, and you did ask.
So first, there was Charlie.  Charlie was my first real boyfriend way back in high school.  We were introduced by one of my best friends, and we hit it off right away.  We both had so many similar interests, I thought he was cute, he was a teenage boy not completely ruled by his hormones, he was super nice, yadda yadda yadda.  So we talked for about a year, mostly over facebook, before we finally actually started dating.  Now, important side note:  my mother is batshit crazy.  Like, so incredibly controlling and manipulative, and had to be in control of every single aspect of my life.  And she didn’t give 2 shits if I was ever happy, but she did care a ridiculous amount about my grades.  If I didn’t come home with straight A’s, i was grounded.  So she was the type of person to ban me from talking to someone if she thought they were interfering with my grades, and she had lengths she could take to achieve it.  So naturally, I wanted to keep my relationship with him on the down low. And he knew about that.  One day he asked me why we weren’t bf/gf yet, and I straight up told him it was because I wouldn’t be able to see him.  I wouldn’t be able to go to his house and hang out, I wouldn’t be able to go places with him, stuff like that.  And he told me that wasn’t a big enough reason for us not to date, and I was like “alright, if you insist.”  About 3 weeks later he started getting upset that I wasn’t able to hang out with him and go places with him and do cute coupley things with him (this was before either of us had our own car) and I was like “I fucking told you.” and after that I basically just started working with him to not be a dick so that he could get another girlfriend after me and we broke up on the first day of junior year.  We both were involved with another service organization, so we did have to see each other relatively often, and after that he got kind of physically violent towards me and in general and there was one time that he was upset that I didn’t stand up fast enough after kneeling for a huge group picture and he kind of just grabbed me by the arm and yanked me up and I basically just said “if you get within arms distance of me again, I’m calling the cops” and I never saw him again.
As for his current girlfriend, I don’t actually know if he’s dating anyone because in my mind, he pretty much fell off the face of the earth after that, but thanks to instagram, I did find out that his girlfriend after me was a brunette that wanted to study marine bio, but her school didn’t offer it so she was just general bio, who liked the beatles and star trek, who also did musical theatre.  So basically a 2nd rate version of me because at least I’m hot.
Then there was Casey.  I was with Casey for about 3 and a half years.  I met him pretty much as soon as I got to Florida Tech, and we started dating less than a month later.  When it was really good, it was great.  But when it wasn’t, it was kind of miserable.  I knew early on that my major wasn’t going to be able to pay all my bills, so I kind of figured that if I find someone who’s studying computers or an engineer or something, I just needed to snatch them up, and then I’d be set for life.  So in the beginning, yes, it was just about the potential money, but then I did start to really like him.  It was pretty great in the beginning, but then the relationship started to become pretty unbalanced in what he was asking of me versus what he was giving me in return.  It became pretty clear that we weren’t taking on the world together, but it was more that he was taking on the world and taking me along for the ride.  I kept telling myself “Just think of that paycheck.  You’ll never have to work a day in your life,” but after I got really sick, it became so clear that he didn’t actually care about my health unless it interfered with his ability to stick his dick in me.  He always claimed to support me in my other endeavors, but he really never gave a shit about anything I did with the drama club or with the swing club to the point where we needed his help for a few nights with the last musical I did, he straight up refused to help because he didn’t want to put the effort into it, and the person we did end up doing the job we needed him to ended up fucking up pretty much every night and actively hurt the show. He’s a good guy.  He does care, he’s just a little shady in how he gets things done to care about people. He’s thoughtful, but he doesn’t think his thoughts all the way through.  He also has a tendency to just make shit up to get his point across, so if he’s ever told you something, try to verify it with someone else.  
I don’t think he’s dating anyone right now, and I do feel really bad about how much I hurt him when we broke up.  I genuinely thought he saw it coming, especially because things had just not been the same for at least 6 weeks, and I didn’t even want him touching me, and I was getting more and more vocal about how unhappy I was and how frustrated he was making me, but according to him, it came out of absolutely nowhere.
Then there was Matt.  I tried so hard not to fall for him, but in the end, I still did.  We met by playing Gomez and Morticia Addams in The Addams Family Musical (hello, cutest fucking “how we met” story ever).  We didn’t start dating until a few months later though, mostly because when we met he was in a relationship with this batshit crazy bitch who treated him like absolute garbage.  I needed his help with the next show, so we started seeing each other more often, and we started learning more about each other, and long story short, I was one of the only people who outright told him that his girlfriend was treating him like shit and that he needed to leave her, and at the time it was just because he was my friend and I cared about him, but I hadn’t caught feelings just yet.  And I was a support system for him while he was going through that, and he lived in the building right next to me, so I gave him rides home from rehearsals, and it was super easy for one of us to pop over just to hang out, and he’d come with me if I needed to go on a late-night run to walmart or something.  And the more time I spent with him, the more I started realizing how great we were for each other.  If you asked me to build the perfect man for me, you get him, and he was even more than I ever could have thought to ask for.  He was tall, handsome, a dancer, a singer, an actor, did musical theatre, played piano phenomenally, played spanish guitar, a fencer, loved to show me off, was a great cook, was passionate, was willing to try new things that I liked, introduced me to cool things that he liked, was so incredibly thoughtful, was spontaneous, planned a bunch of surprises for me, put effort into dates, and when we were together, everything just felt so right in the universe.  It sounds cheesy, but that’s the only way I could think to describe it.  It seemed that every time we were together, there was some sort of sign that was telling me that we were meant to be.  I mean, we met playing the absolute definition of #relationshipgoals, we saw a shooting star on a late night spur of the moment beach trip, we got separated at walmart once and found each other holding the same item that we wanted to show each other, we kept finding more and more things we had in common, and so on.  I had never met anyone that I was able to just be completely, unabashedly myself with.  From the moment I met him, there were no walls, there was no front, and there’s absolutely nothing that I’ve held back from him.  He’s the only person I could just sing in front of and not worry about sounding good and what he might think of me.  And everything fell into place so perfectly, and I hesitate to use that word, but it’s true.  It was perfect.  We’d sit down and we’d talk about things, and we both agreed that we were terrified out of our minds, but we didn’t have any doubts that we were meant to be together.
Then it all went to shit.  Long story short, I took an internship in Atlanta, we spent a couple weekends going back and forth between Florida, Atlanta, and Louisiana together, and we’d spend probably about 3 hours on the phone every day when we were apart, and he went through some shit, and us being apart kind of forced some quiet into his life, and he had to come to terms with some issues that were unresolved with his last relationship, and he broke up with me out of nowhere over the phone while I was in Louisiana one weekend, and I was like, “I understand you’re going through some shit, if you think this will help, then ok, and I’ll still be here to love you and support you through this.” so I’m over here going absolutely nuts and losing it more and more every day because I’m beating myself up thinking that he’s hurting and I can’t be there for him, and I should never have left Florida in the first place, and I need to get back to Florida ASAP, and he was telling me that he felt like he didn’t have many friends, so I was so worried about him, and all that jazz.  So we’re still talking, still friendly, and skipping a bit, I find out that he broke up with me a week after he convinced a girl he routinely assured me I would never have to worry about, she likes him but he could never like her like that, she was way too young for him, she’s not his type, she knew how crazy he was about me, etc. to break up with her boyfriend.  They start dating soon after, they try to keep it quiet, but her ex boyfriend starts talking to me, I start putting together the pieces, and Matt told her he loved her back in March, and we didn’t really start hanging out until April.  The problem is that the more I think about it, the more that some little things don’t add up, and not necessarily in the “I should have seen this coming” way, but more in the “Maybe he didn’t anticipate falling for me as hard as he did” way and I can’t get out of my own head and I went on a crazy downward spiral for a while and I’m still not completely out of it, and it was not a good couple of weeks, and I just miss my best friend and even after how much he absolutely destroyed me, I just can’t stop loving him no matter how hard I try, and the worst part of all of this is that I’d still take him back in a heartbeat.
As for his new girlfriend, she’s pretty.  She’s a fucking blonde (they all are).  But she’s young, and she doesn’t have a whole lot of friends that are girls, especially older friends that are girls looking out for her.  The thing is, she’s a lot more sneaky and manipulative herself than she actually lets on.  The current rumor going around, which considering what I know about her, I’m inclined to believe, is that she’s using him as a way to get out of her parents’ house.  Watch, she’s going to try to move in with him before the end of the year.  And before shit hit the fan, I’m sitting there, trying to be supportive even though I didn’t really know her that well and telling her that if she really is that unhappy with her boyfriend, she really does need to set some limits and leave him, she’s given him way more chances than he deserves, she’s young and pretty and she’ll have so many more boys and she can do so much better.  Also the thing is that she’s used to having a lot of boys constantly throwing themselves at her, and Matt has been described as intimidating, so knowing that’s not something that is likely going to happen anymore is probably going to affect her a lot more than she might realize now, so she’s probably going to start sneaking around, flirting with people behind his back to get some more attention (tbh i speak from experience.  Not with Matt, but in another time) and that’ll be a shit storm waiting to happen.  Either way, she’s got the world ahead of her, and I genuinely hope she meets the man of her dreams soon so she can fucking give me back mine
Charlie:  Piece of shit, literally has no impact on my life anymore
Casey:  Heart’s in the right place, just didn’t work out
Matt:  Everything hurts and I’m dying
0 notes
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Man to Man Ep 03
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the reason that Cha Do Ha is a crazy fan girl for Woon Gwang is reasonable
Whether a chicken and beer session helps develop a friendship
Whether Woon Gwang is a big baby
Whether hate and revenge really motivate someone to do work
Whether Park Hae Jin is the king of the Stank Face.
The Rule(s):
Not really. We still don’t really get how Woon Gwang really saved her.
Yes! Friendship blossoms over food!
It depends.
Jubiemon J: I didn’t think this episode was super exciting because it seemed to be more of a build-up to the mission in Russia. This episode was still cute in some ways like how Woon Gwang makes Sulwoo rehearse with him and then Sulwoo gets too invested in his role as the sobbing actress. Although I did like how the writers tried to make us understand why Do Ha would really become this fan girl of Woon Gwang, I wasn’t very convinced at all. So the two did meet at their worst, yet I don’t really see how Woon Gwang really saved her. She was the one that found him drinking at the rooftop, about to commit suicide. Woon Gwang didn’t help pay off her debt or do anything else, at least in her flashback, so I really wasn’t that convinced that he’d lead her to fall for him like an intense stalker.
Trying to get into character like…
When you end up taking your job a little too seriously
Jubiemon J: I’m still enjoying how Sulwoo doesn’t seem to have fallen for Do Ha yet. When he was listening to her story about how Woon Gwang saved her and how Woon Gwang was still fixated over Mieun, Sulwoo only cared about how Mieun could be used to motivate Woo Gwang to work again. I did find it weird how Sulwoo said that Do Ha only cared about compliments after Woon Gwang was acting all playful after seeing Do Ha in the long, white gown at the Russian party. Sulwoo’s expression seemed to be disgusted with how cheesy Woon Gwang was acting, yet he mentioned that line about Do Ha only caring about compliments. I thought that was out of character; perhaps that could be a mistranslation from the English subs, but I’m not sure as I’m not fluent in Korean. I’m hoping that Sulwoo just focuses on the spy mission. No cheesy romances please.
Smexy ;)
When your coworker starts rambling about their personal drama and you have no choice but to listen
RedRosette J:  I agree with Jubiemon. I also found two thirds of this episode to be rather boring and uninteresting. But it was necessary to show both the build up to the Russia mission, but also for establishing the backstories of the characters. We were introduced to Woon Gwang’s painful story with Mi Eun, Do Ha’s family backstory, and Woon Gwang and Do Ha’s first meeting. I also appreciate the Sulwoo hasn’t fallen for Do Ha yet, but I think he’s starting to catch the feels. I think this is probably why he got all weird when Do Ha was in the dress and got annoyed by Do Ha and Woon Gwang were being all cringey. To me, Sulwoo saying that Do Ha only cared about compliments, seemed to be more of a slight tinge of jealousy at how she reacted to when Woon Gwang called her beautiful as opposed to her reaction when he said she looked pretty in the dress.
Obligatory makeover scene
RedRosette J: I am starting to find the political backstory a little bit more interesting because it seems to have to do more with secret ledgers hidden in wood carvings or something. It might also be because there was barely any of the political stuff in this episode. LOL! I am starting to also get interested in the Woon Gwang-Mi Eun-Seung Jae connection after we were told of their complicated backstory. From what I can tell, it seems like Mi Eun made a deal with the Intelligence dude that impacted her relationship with Woon Gwang. I kind of have a feeling that because Mi Eun was an actress, Seung Jae might have been obsessed with her and when he found out she was seeing Woon Gwang, he orchestrated this plot to have him killed in a stunt driving ‘accident’ and marry her instead. Maybe. I don’t know. My brain is jumping to all kinds of conclusions based on the little tidbits of information we were given in the flashbacks. The episode really picked up at the end with all the spy stuff coming on full force again with the Russia mission. Let’s be real, we are all here for Park Hae Jin basically playing James Bond, so give us more of that kthanksbye.
This is some cool shit
Girl, your crying isn’t going to solve anything
When things turn out worse than you expected
Trying to be concerned like…
When your demons haunt you at night
Apparently this happened
Having to sleep in a room full of pictures of your boss sounds like hell
This isn’t awkward at all…
This guy is not all stable
Issue 1: Whether the reason that Cha Do Ha is a crazy fan girl for Woon Gwang is reasonable
Jubiemon J: Nope. I really disliked how the drama used the overused scene where the lead girl gets drunk and then starts pouring all her feelings out to someone. Can we cut that out? Can we have different types of drunkards like the sort that just sleeps? I’m so sick of the type that spills out the beans in dramas. I feel like that’s a cheap way out for a character to share their feelings. Even when Do Ha explained how she met Woon Gwang and how she became so drawn to him, I just wasn’t persuaded. I’d get it if Woon Gwang ever explained how he saw her as an important friend because she was the one that persuaded him not to commit suicide. On the other hand, based on how she acted or how the scene was written, I really didn’t feel like there was much of a reason for her to turn into a massive fan girl of Woon Gwang. Perhaps the scene could have been extended more then I’d be more convinced that he was her saviour. At this point, he hasn’t done anything much than be a semi-respectful actor towards her.
RedRosette J: Oddly, I disagree with Jubiemon on this issue. To me, all of sudden Do Ha’s crazy fan girling made sense to me. It seems that Do Ha met Woon Gwang when she was at a desperate time in her life. From the morsels we were given about her past, it seems that she has spent her whole life picking up after her father and barely having a stable figure in her life to lean on. So to me, it seemed like Woon Gwang’s introduction to her life must be something she equates with stability and being able to rely on him (more so in a familial way rather than a romantic one). I think that she might be confusing those feelings for romantic love. She just seems to be someone who is very grateful for Woon Gwang coming into her life when she needed someone the most. From Woon Gwang’s perspective, it seems that he also needed Do Ha to be the person that he could rely on for a fresh start. He seems to care about her really like an older brother and dotes on her like any older brother would on a little sister. I don’t see any romantic intentions on his part either and when the two of them are together, it’s really about the familiarity that comes out. Albeit, this could have been done with far less cringe-inducing behaviour but I really think that comes about with the acting rather than the writing. I also appreciated that Do Ha met Woon Gwang before he became famous making her fan girling a little bit less weird. So, I think that the reasons why Do Ha is his fan girl are reasonable.
First impressions
Making friends like…
When friends become family
When dad calls
Serious brother-sister vibes yo
RedRosette J Aside: But I do agree with Jubiemon that the drunk talking trope really needs to be used less in dramas. There are a variety of interesting drunk behaviours that would serve as excellent comedy fodder!
Not everyone drunk talks
Issue 2: Whether a chicken and beer session helps develop a friendship
RedRosette J: Friendship = sharing food. I totally get how having a beer and eating fried chicken creates a lasting and a beautiful friendship. People talk and socialize over food and drink and this is really the epitome of “chilling with friends”. So, yes, it definitely helps develop friendships.
Jubiemon J: Yup. Anything over food is great for developing some sort of bond. It’s how a lot of businesses happen over the dinner table right? Haha. I did like how there was some bonding scene between them here.
The fast track to becoming bffls
Issue 3: Whether Woon Gwang is a big baby
RedRosette J: OMG this dude is such a freakin baby. Honestly, I don’t think I would last a day as his manager. I would literally lose my sanity over this type of childish behaviour. I think again, the drama is capitalizing on a trope where actors are perceived as difficult, highly emotive and dramatic people who need to be mollycoddled the entire time. It makes for excellent comedy but, I think in reality, this type of behaviour would not be tolerated!
Jubiemon J: Woo Gwang is a huge baby. I totally agree! He is always having some sort of fit. It’s hilarious how he barters with his crew and somehow gets his way. He totally acts irrationally whenever his ex gf is there. He’ll do anything for his pride and he’ll do anything to prove that he’s better than her. Somehow he can’t seem to forgive and forget; I get that she did hurt him but hating someone for all your life isn’t a healthy solution. You’ll probably just get more miserable over time.
Issue 4: Whether hate and revenge really motivate someone to do work
RedRosette J: While I do agree that hate and revenge are very strong motivators, I disagree that they are what entirely motivates people. Faith, hope and love are equally strong motivators. Hate and revenge have very specific motivations and although Sulwoo believes that Woon Gwang is motivated by his hate for Mi-Eun, I really think that he still loves and and that that is what really motivates him. It might be a warped version of love but its love regardless. I don’t think he hates her, I think he might be angry at her for leaving him and all that but hate might be a bit too strong of a word. I think that this also foreshadows how Sulwoo’s beliefs are going to change as the drama progresses. I think he’s going to go from someone who sees hate and revenge as strong motivators to seeing that faith, hope and love can be equally as relevant in getting people to do things.
Jubiemon J: I also agree that hate and revenge could motivate someone to work, but there is also what RedRosette mentioned: faith, hope, and love. I think Woon Gwang doesn’t want to admit that he still loves her, so he disguises his love as “hate”. There’s a thin line between love and hate sometimes and in this case, Woon Gwang still cares about her. For him to show so much disdain towards Mi-Eun proves how much she hurt him. I actually think Sulwoo knows that love can motivate someone too because we’ve seen him manipulate romance in his favour. It’s just at this time, Sulwoo is using Woo Gwang’s anger towards Mi-Eun to get him to attend the Russian party.
There has to be more to this backstory
Issue 5: Whether Park Hae Jin is the king of the Stank Face.
RedRosette J: OH MY GOD. I ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY LOVE PARK HAE JIN’S STANK FACE! People need to make memes of this asap! Internet trolls, I’m talking to you guys! (I would, but I seriously lack the tech skills to do it). At this point, no one in the dramaverse does the Stank Face better than Park Hae Jin. I hope he keeps doing this! He’s absolutely hilarious!
Jubiemon J: I didn’t notice his Stank Face until episode 4 actually! I won’t reveal spoilers of ep 4 here, but from the photos that RedRosette have provided here, I agree that his Stank Face is great. I remember cringing when he also cringed! Hehehe! Great job, Park Hae Jin! He’s totally living up to his role in Bad Guys!
When you don’t believe any of the shit your coworker is saying
When you have to deal with lame work jokes
When they suddenly mention you at a meeting
When you realize that you just got roped into doing something majorly boring
When you just can’t take your coworkers anymore
When your boss starts giving you compliments
When you try to object to your boss’s compliments
When you end up having to take your boss’s compliments
RedRosette J Aside: Also, I’ve decided to do a running count on how many costumes and disguises Jeong Man Shik’s character has in every episode going forward. In this episode, I counted a nurse, deliveryman, pilot and cable guy. This guy is comedy gold!
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (Because Park Hae Jin’s Stank Face deserves a cookie. Or three)
Jubiemon dissent: I’d rate this a 3. Though I adore Park Hae Jin’s Stank Face, this episode was not as amazing as the previous two. The Cha Do Ha scenes were still a bore for me. Sorry.
    File No: Man-to-Man-Ep-03 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Man to Man Ep 03 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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