#misha collins drabble
strawlessandbraless · 6 months
Angels: Brother, you have been chosen for this mission to save the righteous man from hell. But Castiel, hear me well. Do not covet the Michael Sword, big plans for that sword
*2 minutes later*
Castiel: I will lay claim to this living soul, rebuild him, mark him as my own, and carve my name into his ribs, gonna stare at him a lot, so much, gonna kiss him
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castiwls · 4 months
Come home to me - c.n
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Paring; castiel x reader
Synopsis: Getting hurt on a hunt was expected, but this was different. This left your life on the line
Warnings; mention of death and injury
Notes;so sorry this took so long! also not wrote for castiel in a minute so I apologise if its kinda occ :) reqs and inbox are open
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Pain was something you were used to. It wasn’t often you found yourself walking away from a hunt unscathed but this…this was something you’d never felt before.
White hot pain pulsed through your side as you tried to remember how to breathe again. You couldn’t even remember what had happened. One minute you were standing and the next you were looking at the barn's roof.
You weren’t even sure if you’d finished the hunt. The only thing you knew was that you were in pain.  A hand on your chest pulled you back to reality. The car jostled slightly causing you to wince as pain shot up your side.
“Is it bad?” Your voice was strained as you looked up at met a pair of blue eyes full of concern. Castiel was quiet his eyes trained on your face. “You're going to be okay.” He nodded before moving his hand over your side. 
His voice was passive but you could tell by his eyes that he was scared and you couldn’t tell if he was reassuring himself or you. Taking a sharp breath you reached a hand up towards him. One of his hands quickly wrapped around yours and squeezed it.
“M’tired Cas.” You mumbled watching as his eyes widened slightly. He shook his head before saying something you didn’t catch. Your ears seemed to fill with water as the voices in the car blended together to make one muffled mass.
The pain continued to pulse through you as quiet mumbles left your lips. Your eyes continued to droop as you watched him stare down at you. 
Truthfully you had no idea if you were dying. The thought left a small pinch of fear rushing through you. What if you were dying? What if you died in this car? What if you died and never got to tell him?
Castiel watched in near horror as your eyes finally closed and your body went limp on his lap. Placing a hand on your shoulder he shook you gently, careful of your wound. “Hey.” He could feel Dean’s eyes on him from the mirror as he continued to shake you.
The sound of the engine revving faded into the background as he continued calling your name begging for your eyes to open again.
Until now fear had been something he’d never felt. The idea alone was so alien to him that for a moment he had no idea what that cold feeling that seemed to chill his body was. 
For the first time, Castiel was genuinely scared. He knew healing you wasn’t an option until you got back to the motel. The car was too shaky and he wasn’t willing to risk causing you any more pain. 
“You're gonna be okay.” He mumbled pushing your hair off your face. Staring down at you he found himself slowly mapping your features. He’d always known that there was something about you. Something which left him constantly looking for your attention. Your smile alone could brighten his day and the thought of never seeing it again left him feeling sick to his stomach.
Losing you was maybe his worst fear, and now that might actually be a reality.
Castiel didn’t know how long it had been. Both Sam and Dean had begrudgingly retired to their own motel room leaving you both alone a few hours ago. 
Even after being healed you continued to lie lifeless on the old bed while he sat quietly at your side. Letting out a breath he leaned forward on his knees looking at you for a moment. Your clothes were still bloody and torn but your side now showed no memories of the gash that had been there only hours earlier.
Running a hand through his hair he leaned back into the chair, his mind still going a mile a minute. Castiel had never had the words to tell you how he really felt. He’d become so accustomed to being your ‘best friend’ that the idea of being anything more had slowly faded away. 
He knew he was in love. He’d been in love since the first day he’d met you and now he’d waited too long and may never get the chance to tell you.
A small pained groan broke through the silence and his head shot up. Another small noise left your lips as you stretched out your leg, feeling the stiffness on one side of your body slowly lessen.
“Wha..what happened?” You asked turning your head to where he was sitting. “Cas?” His hand shot out grabbing a hold of yours, his eyes wide. “How do you feel?” His voice was laced with concern.
You thought for a moment trying to piece together your foggy memories of what had happened on the hunt. The pieces slowly slotted together and you let out a worried breath immediately reaching for your side.
Feeling the now untouched skin you looked over to the angel. “Stiff but…much better.” You smiled weakly, fatigue still clouding your mind. “Thank you.” 
He nodded a small smile growing on his lips. Relief rushed through him as you slowly moved to sit up against the pillows. “I’m glad.” He was quiet for a moment before clearing his throat.
“Can I…can I tell you something.” Castiel felt his gaze fall onto his hands as you tilted your head watching him. “Of course. You can tell me anything.” You answered trying to reassure him. 
He nodded before falling quiet again. You watched as opened his mouth a few times before stopping himself and shaking his head. “Cas, come on you can tell me.” You laughed gently patting the bed beside you.
Taking the hint he came to sit beside you. He felt the bed dip slightly as you moved closer a smile on your lips. Part of him was so relieved still that you were alive that it took him a moment to realise that you’d placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m in love with you.” He said suddenly. The confession seemed to shock you both as you stiffened slightly and he sucked in a breath.
The air seemed to grow tense for a moment before he turned to face you, his breath catching in his throat as he mentally prepared himself for the possibility of you rejecting him.
Instead, you were smiling brightly, a small dusting of red on your cheeks. “You're not just saying that 'cause I almost died right?” 
He shook his head reaching for your hand which wasn’t on his shoulder. “No. No of course not. I really mean it.”
He looked down to where your hands were intertwined. “Well.” You moved your hand from his shoulder to gently tip his chin up.
“I guess it’s a good thing I feel the same.”
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pinkiebieberpie · 1 year
castiel's instagram account
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supernatural masterlist
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adriellej · 6 months
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles
Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki
Castiel (Novak)/Misha Collins
Extra characters of SPN
SPN no parings
Personalized fics
Harrison "Harry" Wells/E!2
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You smile as you make the last pull of the needle and raise your arm up. Not always your best work, but you aren't a professional tailor either. This poor coat has seen a number of battles and survived many beatings. Yet at times, he misses fixing the little things, like a missing button or, in this case, reinforcing and inseam. Putting your needle away you stand up and hold out the tan coat.
"I'm a genius," you tout to yourself. Bringing it closer to inspect it you check for any more fixes. So close to your face you give in and bring it to your nose. Taking a deep breath in you close your eyes at his scent. Nearly able to tell where he's been by the woodsy scent thats left because he has a lighter natural fragrance.
You open your eyes and blush because in an instand he's standing in front of you.
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impala-dreamer · 7 months
Excuse me...
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Have I acquired your attention? Good. Ok -
So, I don't know how many of you remember my Tell Me About drabbles, or who would care anymore, but...
Let's bring them back!
Now, you may say, "but, Beka- you never answered my original one... did you keep them all?" Yes. Yes I did. And.... Some of them got full fics that are on my Patreon and will someday appear here lol So, yeah, I may answer one from 2 years ago, but new ones are so much more fun, aren't they? Also, there's new characters to choose from! "Like who? and what? and how? and huh?" Well, keep on reading and all will be revealed!
So, you may know I've been working like 5608308 hours a week now that I have a new WFH job, which is great, but I'm burning out fast and I need some writing back in my life.
Send me an ASK that starts with "Tell Me About... " and then fill in the rest with whatever prompt you'd like. It can be angst, smut, fluff, crack, hardcore porn, a mix of all. You can also choose a character from the list below and I shall do an ___ x Reader. or a ship, if you'd prefer. or a mix. it's all good! Keep the prompt short and open. Ie: do not write me a fic and ask me to write you a fic of the fic. so.. more like..
"Tell Me About... Jensen and me in a submarine with cheese wiz and a porn mag"
But not that, bc why. I may just do that one on my own bc Why. Anyway- Send it in. And if it sparks a drabble, I shall give it to you. (please do not send gifs with it. they clog things up) You may also get a full fic if you're lucky ;)
Characters and Ships I will write with:
Jensen Ackles / Dean Winchester, Soldier Boy, Tom Hanniger
Misha Collins / Castiel
Jeffrey Dean Morgan / John Winchester, Negan
TWD- Rick Grimes, Daryl
Chris Evans / Steve Rogers
Sebastian Stan / Bucky, Sebastian Stan, Sebastian Stan
Joe Goldberg - YOU (tv)
The Magicians- Quentin, Eliot, Penny, The whole gang. All of them.
Criminal Minds - Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner
SHIPS: Cockles/Destiel, StuckyxReader (who am I?), Queliot
I can't remember who I write for omg. just ask... you know what I'm into.
If you're unsure of a character or just wanna ask - send me a DM. I'm always around :)
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daisywrites101 · 2 years
Breakfast in Bed
Misha Collins x Reader
Here you go @tantersworld ! I hope you enjoy this, and I apologize for the wait! I have no hate for Vicki, or the Collins family! This is simply a work of fiction.
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The sun was warm and bright on your face as you woke up. You turn over to snuggle up next to Misha, your fiancé, but you find the spot next to you cold and empty. You sit up and look around the room, and Misha is no where to be found.
As you remove the comforter and sheet from your body, the bedroom door opens, and Misha walks in with a wooden tray of a variety of breakfast items, mostly of your favorites. there are empty mugs adn plates with some cutlery and napkins. "Surprise!" He says with a smile. "What's this for?" you ask, questioning what is going on. "You've been working so hard. I thought you deserved some rest and a good meal." He says as he walks over, setting the tray at the foot of the bed and climbs into bed with you.
Misha pulls up the tray, and the variety of smells hits your nose. They all smell so good, and you feel your mouth water. You make your plate and begin to eat, the food just tasted so good. "Mish, this is amazing!" you exclaim, your cheek full of a bite of food. Misha chuckles. "Thank you sweetheart."
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waywardnerd67 · 5 years
Truly Best Friends
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Summary: (Y/N) is amazed by the friendship of three actors. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Reader Pairing: No Pairing Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 509 GIF Submitted By: @nevaeh-potter15 A/N: As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Check out: Fluff Fridays in July Masterlist
Seeing the three stars of Supernatural was surreal for (Y/N). She had been a fan since the very beginning and now she was within three feet of them. When Samantha Highfill asked her to be the photographer for a photo shoot with her favorite actors, she had pinched herself to make sure it was not all a dream. Now Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins were walking in wearing sharp suits.
Samantha introduced them all to (Y/N) whose hand was trembling as she shook theirs. Jared immediately started messing around with the props as Jensen rolled his eyes at him. (Y/N) chuckled then went over to her phone playing one of her playlists.
“You guys can do whatever you like and I will just snap pictures.” she said as calmly as she could.
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(Y/N) enjoyed watching Jensen, Jared and Misha goofing off with one another. Several times she had to stop because she was laughing too much especially when Jared was holding a bone down by his crouch. “Seriously dude?” Jensen said.
“What?” Jared responded innocently.
Adding to it was Misha who held a replica of the demon knife towards Jared, “Here Jensen I will take care of it.”
After the photo shoot, Samantha did her interview and graciously allowed (Y/N) to sit in on it. Samantha asked about their upcoming season and their fans, “After twelve seasons what can they look forward to the thirteenth season?”
“One thing you will see is an underlying theme of family. I think you finally get to see a family that the brothers end up building for themselves with friends and newcomers.” Jared answered.
“Family is the overall theme for your whole fandom, isn’t it?” Samantha asked as they three men chuckled.
Misha spoke first, “Yes, it is, we put the fun in dysfunctional.”
Everyone laughed then Jensen followed up with, “Honestly, we did not expect to be on this long and as the years have gone on, we have built up this amazing family. From the cast and crew to the fans everyone has a role in our family. We wouldn’t have any other way.”
“When we say we have the most amazing fans we truly mean it. Through good times and bad they have always been there for us. The love and support from them mean everything to us.” Misha said smiling.
“The same goes for these two next to me. Ackles and Mish have seen me at my best and worst. No matter what I know I can count on them to have my back and vice versa. Even when the show ends one day the family, we have all built will never end.” Jared said a sad undertone in his voice.
In that moment, (Y/N) was in complete awe of the amazing men sitting there. The way seemed to be in public was exactly how they were in real life. A rarity in the industry they were all a part of and refreshing to see. Never before had (Y/N) been so proud to be a Supernatural fangirl.
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @ladywinchester1967 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @deans-baby-momma @spnbaby-67 @dean-winchesters-bacon @carryonmywaywardcaptain @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31 @srsllydunnodoncare @whimsicalrobots @thisismysecrethappyplace @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @adoptdontshoppets @mrswhozeewhatsis @bella-ca @drakelover78 @imascio08 @pisces-cutie @dwgrl1903 @mannls @the-salty-asian @winchesterprincessbride @xostephanie @superromijn @witch-of-letters @time-travel-bouqet @screechingartisancashbailiff @myinconnelly1 @sister-winchesters99 @thekatherinewinchester @babykalika2001 @maddiepants @tumbler-tidbits @sandlee44 @destielhoneybee @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @thefaithfulwriter @stoneyggirl @supernaturalginger @emoryhemsworth
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babygirlwolverine · 3 years
cas walking around the bunker late at night wearing dean’s old blue hoodie because he found it in the laundry room and dean stumbles into the kitchen all sleepy to get a glass of water and he sees cas in the hoodie and his entire brain screeches to a halt. “is that- is that my- are you wearing my- that hoodie is….” dean stutters out incoherently and cas mumbles something about it being warm and comfy. dean is far too sleepy and his heart is racing too fast and cas is so cute that dean is absolutely aching and he leans forward and just brushes their lips together in the softest little kiss and he murmurs tiredly “keep it, you look really cute in it” and then it’s cas’ turn to short circuit because dean just called him cute and oh did they really just kiss?
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reidsaurora · 3 years
"Immature" ~ M. Collins
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Summary: After taking the summer off, it was finally time for Supernatural to begin filming another season. As a "welcome back" gift, Y/N has a little bit of fun pulling pranks on Misha, which costs him multiple takes. Only he doesn't know that Y/N is the one pulling the pranks...
Pairing: Misha Collins x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,344
Content Warning: mild swearing, food, i think that's it?
Genre: Fluff, funny and comedic Fluff
Extra Notes: as usual, this imagine features my limited knowledge of the bunker so if it's wrong i apologize lol
Based On The Prompts: "What are you talking about? I'm very mature." and "Did you just throw that at me?"
Originally Written: 11/08/2021
Supernatural masterlist can be found here!
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One of my favorite things about being back on set when starting new seasons was playing pranks on my castmates.
Sometimes it would be something as simple as leaving a fake rat in Jensen's trailer or Misha stealing Jared's phone and changing the settings from English to German.
Other times, it got out of hand like the time Jensen and I pulled the hickey prank on Misha.
I was about to start my third season on the show playing a character named Mackenzie Craig, or as she was more commonly known, Mack. In the first season I was in, my character was introduced as a love interest for Dean (hence why I chose Jensen as my accomplice during the hickey prank). But, when Misha and I became a couple at the beginning of my second season, the writers chose to make Mack a love interest for Castiel instead.
Now that Misha and I had been dating for a year, my mind was filled with pranks I could pull on him during filming.
Today, I had chosen a more simple prank, a.k.a. throwing random things at Misha during random takes. Sure, I'd probably get in trouble for screwing up multiple takes, but it's not like he hadn't done the same to me last week when he threw water balloons at me during four different takes.
The first random object I'd decided on was an eraser, since I had it in my pocket while I was breaking down my script.
"Scene F, take one, action!" I heard the director call.
I hid around the corner, watching the scene play out. The scene started with Cas and Dean in the bunker library, the two of them sitting across from each other at the table.
"Dean?" Castiel said, looking away from his phone and up at Dean.
"Yeah, Cas?" Dean replied, looking up from his computer.
"What are some things that can be handmade?" he asked.
"Well, there's a lot of things that can be handmade. I need to know what category we're talking about here."
"Mack requested that I give her something handmade for her birthday instead of buying her a gift, but I'm not quite sure what I should make."
"Well, has she ever said she wanted you to make her anything specific?"
"No, but I thought you could help since you know a lot about women."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, Dean, you did date her too."
"Ow," Misha blurted out, rubbing the back of his head. "What was that?"
Jensen shrugged his shoulders, though I wasn't totally convinced he hadn't seen me. He looked in my direction, but I moved quickly so no one would spot me.
Misha turned and spotted the eraser on the floor, a puzzled look across his face. He examined it for a moment. "It has holes poked in it. Y/N!"
Crap! Why didn't I think about that?
I walked around the corner, snack in hand. Luckily there was a snack table right by that entrance to the set, so that would be my alibi.
"Yeah?" I asked, putting a pretzel stick in my mouth.
"Did you just throw this at me?" he asked, holding up the eraser.
"No, I was over at the snack table."
"Then who stole your lucky 'on-set' eraser and threw it at me?"
"I don't know. I was just getting a snack," I said, shrugging my shoulders.
Misha rolled his eyes and turned back to Jensen, the two prepared to start the scene over.
Prank one, down.
After waiting a while, it was now time for me to film a scene with Jared, Jensen, and Misha. The four of us were in the Bunker set. Jared and I sat on the couch, while Jensen and Misha sat across the room.
"Scene K, take two, action!"
"Hey, I think I figured out how to get rid of the witch problem," Sam said as he looked at his computer.
"Hit me," I replied.
"I found an anti-summoning potion. Basically, we brew this potion, say a spell, and the witch should be unsummoned."
The window broke, making Dean and Cas jump up from their seats.
"What the hell?! She's resorted to breaking our windows!" Dean shouted.
Dean and Cas continued to look out the window, pretending to see the witch.
I held up my finger in front of my mouth so as to signal to both Jared and the crew to stay quiet. I picked up one of the throw pillows off the couch and tossed it at Misha, hitting his back with it.
"What the heck?" he turned around and spotted the pillow on the floor behind him. "Who threw this?"
Jared and I both pointed at each other, our eyes widened.
"Seriously, who threw this?"
"S/he did it," Jared and I said in sync.
"Alright, reset, everyone!" the director called.
Second prank, done and done.
The scene showed Dean, Sam, and Castiel walking through a grocery store together. Dean and Sam were shopping for potion ingredients, while Cas seemed to have other things on his mind.
"Dean?" Castiel said.
"Yeah, Cas?" Dean replied as he pushed the shopping cart through the produce section.
"Do you think Mack would enjoy a scrapbook?"
I know it was Cas and not Misha, but that line still made me swoon.
"Cas, we're trying to find the lemons. You think you could worry about your girlfriend later?" Sam replied as he turned back to look at Cas.
"Dammit!" Misha exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head. He turned and looked at the ground, spotting the lemon I had chucked at his head. "Hey, I found those lemons you were talking about," he said with a chuckle, placing the lemon in Jared's hand. Jared let out a loud laugh in response.
"Yeah, I guess we don't need to find the lemons after all," Jensen laughed along as well.
Misha turned, looking around to see where the lemon had come from. I was hiding behind a shelf of fruit, so I wasn't visible, or at least not to Misha, Jensen, and Jared.
Another prank, done.
"Take three!" the director shouted.
The three went back to their original spots, preparing to start the scene over.
As the three of them restarted their lines, I attempted to sneak out of the set.
"Y/N, we can see you in the back of the shot!" one of the cameramen shouted.
"Sorry, guys!" I called back, rushing out of the shot.
"Y/N, did you throw that lemon at me?" Misha asked.
"Gotta get to my trailer. I'll talk later, babe!" I replied, running off the set. I could hear Jensen and Jared laughing as I did so.
After the last prank, I found myself sitting in my trailer, practicing my lines and highlighting my script. As I was doing so, I heard a knock on the trailer door.
I opened the door, only to spot Misha. He was still dressed as Cas, still sporting the trench coat and everything.
"Hey, babe."
"Did you throw all those things at me today?" he asked me point blank.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Haha, really funny," he said sarcastically.
"I'm serious. I've been in here. The only time I left was to film that scene with you guys earlier," I lied.
"You are so immature. I thought we were over the on-set pranks."
"What are you talking about? I'm very mature."
He laughed and grabbed me by the waist. "You may be immature, but at least it's an enjoyable kind of immature."
"You're so cute when you wanna be," I smiled.
"I know, right?" Misha chuckled, leaning in and giving me a kiss.
These were the times I loved the most: coming back on set after being away from Misha for months and finally getting to just sit and bask in the warmth of each other's company. We may have been immature when it came to pranks, but at least we could be immature together.
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Hi, guys!! I know this isn't Cas juice as I normally would've posted on Thursdays, but I had literally nothing else to post so I hope you guys will bare with me. Tagging my Cas taglist in this but if you aren't interested in this type of content, just lmk and i'll untag you!!
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↳ TAGLIST: @kbakery @slothcat67 @lowsodiumfreaks67 @skeetulrichandbillyloomis
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licieoic · 3 years
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"New Hire" - Digital Oil Painting
"Nice ink." Castiel turned his head to look at the new hire. He was younger than he claimed, Castiel was 99% certain. Something about the softness still clinging to his cheeks and beneath his jaw that he was trying to hide behind a growing beard gave him away. The freckles didn't help his cause. But Castiel didn't call him out for it when Gabriel hired him. If he was lying about his age in order to work, he obviously needed the job pretty badly. He was currently standing close, very close, while Castiel was showing him how to use the steamer, but he was looking down at the tattoo in shades of blue on Castiel's arm rather than at the pitcher of steaming milk in his hand. "Thanks," he said, a slight smile forming on his lips. "It'll be a full sleeve when it's done. You have any?" There was a blush creeping into his cheeks as he pulled down on the neck of his slightly worn-out hoodie. "Just one. So far." Beneath his collarbone was a pentagram surrounded in flames in black ink. "Nice." Castiel looked up into eyes that were too green and close enough to fall into. "Maybe someday you'll tell me the story behind it?" He cranked the steamer so the noise drowned out his next words to anyone but the new hire, "Including how you managed to get a tattoo without being of legal age?" The blush bloomed into a full-face flame and he fidgeted, looking around like he wanted to run off. "Uh... I don't--" "Easy," said Castiel, holding his gaze. "Your secret's safe with us." He tilted his chin at his brother down at the register as he turned off the steamer. "He probably hired you because he knew." The relief was palpable as the new hire blew out a long breath. "Thanks. Seriously." Castiel smiled again. "What's your name? You're going to need a badge." "Dean." He held out his hand for a shake and Castiel set down the pitcher to take it in his own. "Castiel. Nice to meet you, Dean. I was serious about hearing that story. Any plans for dinner?" Dean's brows lifted. "Uh. Literally none. But I guess... I have plans now?" The blush was back, but he was smiling now. Adorable. Addictive. Castiel returned it and gestured for Dean to follow him. "Come on, I'll show you the rest of the shop."
Please see the pinned post at the top of my Tumblr for my links if you'd like to help support me in saving for a safe place to live!
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strawlessandbraless · 9 months
Cas gets addicted to paying The Sims, he creates a Dean Sim and punishes him in game anytime they fight in real life. Inevitably Dean finds out and they have wild creaky passionate sex about it
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lulu-zodiac · 4 years
Whenever they go out for coffee, Cas’s drink of choice is something indulgent like a mocha with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. 
Dean always orders strong black coffee out of habit, because caffeine has always been for keeping himself awake to drive all night, not for enjoyment. He’d never really thought about the fact he didn’t like the dark, bitter tang of it, just swallowed it down when it was still hot enough to scald his throat and kept driving. Drinking anything besides alcohol or coffee wasn’t an option anyway: when Dean was ten and tried to order a hot chocolate like Sammy, his Dad had sneered at him and said real men didn’t drink girly shit like that. 
It starts quietly, like all revolutions. On a whim one morning, Dean steals a spoonful of froth from the top of Cas’s drink purely to annoy him - but he finds something about the soft, sugary sweetness of it addictive (maybe because it reminds him of Cas’s kisses). He starts doing it every time they go out, sometimes more than one spoonful of cream, sometimes a quick, brazen gulp of the warm, sweet liquid underneath. 
Sometimes he does it deliberately right in front of Cas with a cheeky, what-you-going-to-do-about-it grin; sometimes he invents outlandish distractions so that Cas will look away, leaving him to childishly spoon cream and chocolate sprinkles into his mouth as fast as he can. 
Cas is a thousand year old celestial being, he knows damn well when someone is stealing his caffeine, but he keeps up the charade because he loves watching the quiet, secret pleasure on Dean’s face when he takes a sip, like he never knew life could taste like this. Sometimes it leaves a tiny blob of foam on Dean’s freckled nose that Cas doesn’t tell him about because it makes him look beautiful in ways he’d never allow himself to look. 
Cas loves how happy Dean looks across the table from him on those mornings, loves knowing that their mouths taste the same and the intimacy of it that would once have seemed so impossible. He loves how Dean gets bolder with it, drinks a little more each time, catches Cas’s eyes and smiles, stops trying to hide the enjoyment that shines quietly in his gaze.   
More than anything, Cas loves that Dean can do this with him, that he feels free to break all his old rules; that he’s learning he deserves to have things in life just because they make him happy. 
The day the waitress asks what they’re having and Dean says, “two mochas with whipped cream” and gives Cas a wink, Cas feels like his heart could burst with pride. When they kiss later, its warm and sugary and tastes of freedom, of pure, wonderful happiness. 
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pinkiebieberpie · 1 year
social media au: sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
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you can find my first winchester!reader social media au <here>, enjoy!! <33 feedback and reblogs are appreciated ++ this one includes crowley cameo
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liked by impala67, castiel and 49 others
out with my favorite brother 🍸🥃
castiel: i thought you were working
y/nwinchester: @ castiel cause we were
swinchester: what do you mean favorite??
impala67: @ swinchester that means she likes me more, sammy
kingofhell: you are right, i like dean more too
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liked by y/nwinchester, castiel and 51 others
castiel: you all were adorable
y/nwinchester: where the hell have you found this??
impala67: we are old now
y/nwinchester: @ impala67 you are*
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liked by y/nwinchester, impala67, swinchester and 48 others
i have a new friend
y/nwinchester: OH MY GOD WHO IS HE, CAN WE KEEP HIM???
castiel: @ y/nwinchester that's a cat
impala67: @ y/nwinchester and we can't
swinchester: we should have a pet
y/nwinchester: @ swinchester you are my favorite brother now, WE SHOULD, YOU ARE THE SMART ONE SAM!!
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liked by castiel, kingofhell and 58 others
2/3 winchesters
castiel: just wanted to tell you that y/n is fine
y/nwinchester: @ castiel ??? you are not my babysitter
y/nwinchester: and you are missing a better 1/3
swinchester: @ y/nwinchester when we are on a hunt, he is your babysitter
y/nwinchester: @ swinchester i'm an adult
swinchester: @ y/nwinchester and cas is an angel
kingofhell: our boys night out when??
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liked by swinchester, castiel, kingofhell and 62 others
self care me time 🧖🏻‍♀️🌿
castiel: 💚💚
impala67: you have something on your face
kingofhell: i guess that's why she is the prettiest winchester, boys, you should try some face masks @ swinchester @ impala67
supernatural masterlist ++ tagging my sun ☀️ @fleurfairie
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adriellej · 6 months
Castiel (Novak)/Misha Collins
Castiel x Reader
One shots:
Late Night Activities (smut)
Elite Snipers
Imagine singing for Human!Cas when he has nightmares
Misha x Reader
Mesmerising things
Dean x Castiel
Heavenly Nights
Surprises is what makes life (x reader)
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A Supernatural Drabble
Word Count: 355
Warning: Fluff. Some smut.
Author Note: First Drabble. Not Beta’d. Mistakes my own. I’m bad at tense changes, so bear with me. Please let me know where the tense is messed up. I’ll thank you on the post if you do. :)
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Castiel and Dean stood in front of the map table as Sam and Bobby read through books.
“Hey, get this…” Sam began.
Castiel rolled his eyes and a thought popped in head causing a cat-caught-the-canary-look on his face when he put his hand on Dean’s shoulder.
A flutter of wings sound and Bobby and Sam are alone at the table.
Sam looked where Castiel and Dean were, “Come on.” He tossed the book on the table, “That’s the third time they’ve done this, this week.” He sltood up and hugged away.
Bobby doing all he can to hold back snickerings to not set Sam off more.
Elsewhere in the sky, Cas was holding Dean around his torso and his dark wings furled around them and a triumphant grin on his face as he watched Dean’s expression as he realized what Cas did.
“Woah,” Dean said as he realized they were flying, immediately wrapping his arms around Cas’ neck. Dean looked at him trying to look stern but couldn’t hide the smile. He gave Cas a peck on the lips then said, “Sam is gonna be pissed that you keep doing this.”
“Me? As I recall, Dean, you came up with the idea and I just executed it at your discretion,” Cas replied, trying to sound playfully haughty and nonchalant.
“The first time. You’re the one who keeps doing it,” Dean grinned teasing him back.
Cas pushed his lips against Dean’s and slid his tongue across. Gaining quick access as he opens his mouth. Their tongues sliding across each other as they moan into each other’s mouths.
Dean’s hands shifted to Cas’ shoulders and gripped his jacket tightly as he wrapped a leg inside his; Dean made sure his knee was pressing against Cas’ expanding jeans causing Cas to moan louder and pressed Dean even tighter against him.
Dean released Cas’ lips and bit his lower lip looking into his darkening blue eyes. “Maybe, we should find a room to have some fun in?” He asked as he gently massaged Cas’ crotch with his knee; suddenly, Cas threw his head back with his eyes closed gasping.
Dean landed on the bed with Cas atop, mouth in his neck licking and nipping to his jaw.
“Cas, clothes,” Dean begged.
Cas looked up with smirk, “I have plans for those.”
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Graphics: @firefly-graphics
Comments and feedback welcome!
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