#misha's closet
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them liking each others christmas posts has me like
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justqueenie · 4 months
Just checking if we as a fandom have decided all those mad sexually charged scenes with Dean and Benny in purgatory where Ty being genuinely atttacted to Jensen Ackles and it trickled through (*cough* destiel is cockles fault *cough*) or is it just me
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just-rogi · 11 months
Taylor Swift is a reverse Misha Collins in the sense that every 6-12 months the public decides that she’s bisexual and gets shocked and angry when she comes out as straight
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pygian-weapon · 1 year
Misha Collins really is the only man who suffered from heterophobia, he lives in the alternate universe of that youtube video where straight people are the minority
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deadthingposting · 1 year
Warner bros really went: Bi is in, bi is hot, we need some bi, bi it's gonna be ! Misha.
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orpheuscas · 2 years
listen i love my queer sammy truthers i really do but that man. i’m sorry. that man reads as so painfully, reluctantly heterosexual to me. that man is a misha collins-style straight guy who wants to be queer So Bad. sam gave a blowjob in college expecting to realize something profound about himself and then had a depressive episode for weeks because all he realized was that he’s not into men. “but it doesn’t fit my narrative!” he wailed to the ceiling, unsure how a deranged bloodfreak family outcast misfit like him could manage to be straight. and yet. he also gives a monthly donation to the trevor project btw
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Misha Collins, apparently the rare actor in Hollywood who the studio tells to gay it up a bit.
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pooopopop · 1 year
God rereading the threesomes handbook was such a mistake. Vicki needs to be on a registry. She wrote 4 pages detailing how to find strippers on Craigslist and involve them in threesomes because they’re most likely also prostitutes. This is not “just a product of its time” lmao https://www.gedulinlaw.com/blog/2017/april/surprising-things-that-could-make-you-a-sex-offe/
Craigslist actually had to get rid of the personals section because of this exact reason https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/23/596460672/craigslist-shuts-down-personals-section-after-congress-passes-bill-on-traffickin
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waywardandbloody · 1 year
Happy Mishapocalips preps!
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nov5aftermath · 1 year
wb was right i'd like misha more if he was sucking dick and cock
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deanstits · 2 years
Seeing Dean's vessel playacting as an officer of the LAW is making me sick 😷
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touchlikethesun · 5 months
sometimes i do feel bad for misha collins because he does not deserve half the shit that comes his way. however, the other half he not only deserves he is directly responsible for causing, just fully brings it on himself, and in those cases i laugh heartedly at his misfortune
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moonlight-at-dawn · 10 months
I pre-ordered something from Japan that says it isn't released until Nov. 30 and IT'S ALREADY HERE
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pinknatural · 1 year
I was out in the real world away from my phone what the heck happened with Mr. Collins? 👀
so around a year ago misha came out as bisexual at a convention in new jersey and then 3 days later he walked it back. this event sparked theories that perhaps he had been told to walk it back by networks or companies who hold his contracts, and that he had been forced back into the closet. today, at a convention in new jersey, someone asked him about what position he sleeps in and he said something like "back, side, i play for both teams." then he realized what he said and was like "no no no i'm not bisexual though--actually remember last year when i accidentally slipped up and said something that sounded like i was coming out?" and then he said that during that three day period of time when he was out, warner brothers called him up and asked him not to walk it back. which means that instead of networks forcing him back into the closet, the networks wanted him to stay out?? and he released that twitter thread about being straight against the will of warner brothers???????????????????????????? and then he said that he sleeps on his back, actually.
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bunnymcbunnister · 2 years
For a guy who publicly came out as straight Misha sure does continue to make overtly sexual comments to his male former costar.
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Why do I relate to heavy?
1: Big
2: Older Brother
3: mm big gun
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