#miss cuddles
nevereverthem · 5 months
Imagine after sending Ms. Cuddles away that Bonnie developed insomnia which eventually led to Kai becoming Mr. Cuddles 🥰
Given the moment this happens, I couldn't get myself to make her lose sleep and end up in Kai's arms as if they didn't mutually stabbed each other not so long ago. Since I kind of try to stick to how the character was written.... before the merge, he doesn't show much empathetic pretty feelings.
So here's my version, with a little twist.
PS : I intended it to be quite short but got carried away. I ended up talking about numerous things before getting to the point, but I hope you'll still enjoy the story.
May 10th 1994, prison world.
An eclipse. Kai Parker. Bonnie Bennett.
She was chanting a spell that would bring them back to their world.... It stopped abruptly. She's lost her magic. In fact, she's just put her magic in her beloved Miss Cuddles, sending the teddy bear to the 2010's.
Kai's cry resonated through the cave. He walk-rushed right to Bonnie.
_ Where's the stupid bear ?
_ Oh, it's gone. I guess we're stuck here. Forever.
She holds his gaze, whispering.
_ Sorry.
He inhales loudly, an incredulous laugh escaping his mouth.
_ Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie.... You'll regret this.
His psycho smile's been replaced by a menacing expression.
_ I don't think so.
She seems confident, despite being aware of the fact she's locked herself up with a killer. She couldn't let him out of this prison, in the present, murdering more members of his family.
_ You lost your powers. You've doomed us to be stuck here for damn eternity ! You think you had it bad during four months ? Try eighteen years. Alone. 'Cause, I suppose you don't fancy a truce with the enemy around a nice diner.
_ I'd rather die starved and dehydrated under the burning sun than spend one more day with you around.
He huffs in response.
_ Right.... You'll want me back. Somehow. When you've gone insane from the loneliness. No sounds at all, except from yours. Tired of your own voice, you'd rather punch your face than to hear one more syllable come out of your mouth. When you're on the verge of suicide, with no escape from your own mind.... When all of your being craves the only thing left, human company....
He slides a hand in his pocket, pulling out his pager.
_ Beep me ! 555hikai. I'll come and watch the show.
The last thing Bonnie sees is Kai's sadistic grin growing on his face. Then she turns her back, determined to get as far away from him as possible.
The witch spends several more months in this prison world, going through the routine she had with Damon, now on her own. It seems like Kai didn't bother following her to haunt her days. She's stopped being useful to him after all.
At first she's holding on, hoping Damon got the teddy bear. Her friends will find a way, they'll come and get her out of here. She's counting on them, as they counted on her so many times. She concentrates her thoughts on happy memories with her friends. She counts the days to keep tract of the real time. When supposed-Christmas season comes, she even decorates a tree with garlands and christmas bulbs. Shortly after, she's hit by a wave of angry desperation and burns the tree. Who does she fake happiness for ?
A few more months later, it all becomes unbearable. It's her birthday. She's still in that hellhole. Alone. She's read every book she could find, searched every mystical object. Nothing. No way out. She's been stuck in this place for nearly a year now and she's had enough.
In a last celebration, she finally decides to open the bottle of bourbon Damon and her had made a pact on. After drinking three quarter of the bottle, she walks to the garage, closing the outside door. She starts the car so the carbon monoxide begins filling the room. Then, she slumps down the floor, back against the vehicle.
A camera in hands, she presses the recording button and starts talking.
_ I'm Bonnie Bennett, locked in a time loop in 1994. Elena, Damon, whoever.... Hi. If you find that video, it means you've managed your way in. It means you didnt give up on me....
Tears start gathering in her eyes.
_ I miss you. I miss you so much.... I miss saying hi to strangers, ordering diner in a restaurant, laughing with my friends. Every day with no one to talk to. Going weeks without speaking. The loneliness....
She bumps her head onto the car behind, crying....
_ I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.... I can't.... I promise I tried....
Her sobbing turns into a cough.
_ You know, Kai told me I wouldn't last long. I almost miss him.
She chuckles at her own statement, tears running down her cheeks.
_ You hear that Damon ? I miss that sociopathic murderer. Not that I'd ever forgive his manipulation, the arrow shoot, the chasing, the manhandling.... but I'd settle for a talk. He's the only human left here, wherever he might be. It'd be a hell of a last talk but...
She pauses a second, pondering.
_ I can't let him win. I'm stronger. I know I am.
She immediately stops the video, forcing her body to rise. She stumbles. The gaz has filled her lungs, making her weak. She can't stop coughing, vision blurred. She falls to the floor, desperate to crawl outside....
Suddenly, she hears a door slam open, someone walking in her direction.... Kai !
She makes an effort to look up at him.
He's standing right beside the switch of the garage's door, holding an oxygen mask before his face. He seems.... pained ?
_ You didn't beep me.
Right before she falls into unconsciousness, the door opens, filling the room with fresh air. The last thing she sees is an arm lifting her up the floor and an oxygen mask crashing on her face.
It's strange in here. All's kinda blurry, green-ish. She doesn't recognise the place she's in.
Two children appear in front of her, coming in her direction. Before she can realise, they both pass through her body before running away.
She's a ghost. Great ! She exhales in exasperation.
She hears knocking behind her. Turning around, she sees a woman opening a door.
_ Malachai ?
Mala.... Kai ?
Bonnie urges to the room. Nobody can see her anyway. She's faced with an unexpected picture.
A little boy's sitting on his bed, brow furrowed, a sad expression on his face.
_ You hate me !
_ No, no my love, I don't hate you.
That's his mother.
_ I already told you. It's safer that way.
_ I just wanna play with my sister.
_ You can't. We don't want you to harm her.
She's stern but soft at the same time. The boy's pleading.
_ I won't ! Please !
_ Malachai, no.
He starts sobbing, tears threatening to run down his face.
He extends his arms, reaching for a hug. The woman cries in pain. It's only a second, but it's enough to hurt her. The moment he hears her pain, young Kai removes his hands, horrified.
_ Mom ?
_ It's okay.
It's faint, but she smiles at him.
Loud stomps are heard in the stairs, the face of a man appearing in the door frame. His father.
The man doesn't say anything. He comes inside the room, wraps his arms around his wife, and carries her outside.
Just before he leaves, he glares at his son, a warning look on his face. Then, he closes the door, the lock clicks. The boy's alone.
He freezes a moment, holding back his tears.
Bonnie stays there, observing him. She can't recognise the emotionless murderer she knows in that little boy standing here, petrified from his own action.
Her train of thoughts is interrupted by shouting coming from downstairs. Little Kai slowly walks to the door, putting his head on the wood, an attempt at eavesdropping. The witch imitates him.
_ See what he did to you ?
_ He didn't mean to.
_ Of course ! Like he didn't mean to siphon his sister last week !
_ He just wanted to play....
_ We almost lost her ! That power, that thing, it kills people ! It's an abomination !
_ I know !.... But he's still our son.
The boy can't hold back anymore, he breaks down, falling to his knees by the door. A flow of tears escapes his eyes, running down to his neck, staining his shirt.
_ Kai....
Bonnie raises a hand, reaching for his cheek. Her hand disappears the moment she touches his skin, sinking through his body. She can't touch anything. Despite facing the man he became, manipulative and vengeful, she can't help but want to wipe away the tears of his younger self....
All of a sudden, the image of the boy fades. It's replaced by short fragments of discussions, people....
She sees it all pass before her eyes. The family reject, locked in his room countless times. The accidental siphonings. The pain. The addiction. The help he never get, learning by himself. Hurt turning into rage. Emotions buried away. Finally d-day. Merge refused. The snap. The killings. The banishment. Flashes of his months trying to find a way out of the prison world. His desperation. The moments he broke everything around him, punching his reflection in the mirror.... Then, all his attempted suicides. As she had just tried. The thing is, he succeeded. He actually did die. Each time. Coming back to life. Each time. Trying to kill himself for years. She saw all those times, all the suicides. Stabbing himself with a knife, throwing himself off a cliff, painkillers overdose, numerous unknown needle injections, shooting an arrow at himself, cutting his arms open with a kitchen knife, car crash, real guillotine in a museum.... She felt them all. She felt them in her body. Excruciating pain, vengeance desire, hurt, rage, fellings, despair.... Then nothing. Void. Just that feeling. They're going to suffer as much as I did.
Bonnie snaps awake, gasping, jerking in a sitting position. She's panting, trying to catch her own breath.
She looks around. It's the Salvatore house. She's sitting on the couch next to the fireplace. She's actually sitting across someone's lap....
_ Kai !
Eyes wide, she abruptly pushes herself off of him, hands on his chest. Parts of the nightmare she just had make their way through her mind. She freezes, still too stunned to move away. Kai has an arm lazily rested around her waist, a blanket covering them both.
The man hears someone calling his name through his sleep. His eyelids open, watery from a troubled nap. He notices the eyes piercing through his own.
_ Hi ! Awake ?
The witch seems disoriented, wearing a traumatized look on her face. Kai's voice sounds too casual for the position they're in.
_ Oh, yeah, hum.... When I carried you out of the garage and took you here, you started to get all sweaty and cold. The fire and the blanket didn't help. So I figured.... the whole 'body heat' thing.... Well.
Bonnie doesn't respond. She doesn't move either. Kai waves a hand before her face. She doesn't even flinch. Given her lack of responsiveness, the man extends a leg in an attempt at walking away.
She stops him. A hand on his shoulder.
_ That was yours, right ?
The man gives her a confused look.
_ What ?
_ The nightmare... It was yours.
Now, that's his mouth whose's shut.
_ Kai ? Is this all true ? Or did you manage to feed me false visions ?
His expression's petrified, angry-sad-ish ?
_ How ? You don't have your magic back. I would have felt it. How did you-
_ I take that as a yes.
She doesn't know how it happened, how it's even possible. She must have felt him in her sleep and got into his head. She's not supposed to have her magic back. She's doesn't. But she somehow was able to get through him. All of him.
It surely doesn't feel like he's down to have that conversation. And she clearly needs time to process all she's just witnessed in her sleep. But there's one thing bugging her now. It just popped in her head. She was able to get inside his mind because she's here, alive, thanks to him....
_ How did you know I was in the garage ?
The question is enough to get the man out of his thoughts. He's expression's back to 'normal'.
_ I was watching over you.
_ You were... how ? There's nothing here you can get magic from.
A guilty smile grows on his face.
_ Hiding in a house doesn't require a cloaking spell.
The witch's dumbfounded, her mouth opening in an 'o'. She's also kind of impressed by his discreteness, and a tiny bit scared.
_ Stalker much ?
He fake-gasps, being falsy offended.
_ That stalker just saved your life !
_ Why ? You couldn't just 'enjoy the show' ?
Her quoting him after all these months sort of gives him an ego boost.
_ First, you didn't beep me, meaning you didn't know I was there, so that's no fun. Secondly, dying on your birthday ? Even I know it's pathetic. And exhaust poisoning.... Seriously ?
_ You tried it too. I saw it.
How does she.... Right, 'the nightmare'.
_ For the record, it wasn't on my first attempt.
They suddenly both fall silent. His smile fades, her expression darkens. Even though they're discussing the situation, the touchy subject of suicide affects them both too much to keep arguing.
Also, Kai doesn't know how much she saw and he's certainly not letting himself be vulnerable by slipping out information she doesn't already have.
Despite being physically close at this moment and having an oddly casual conversation with him, Bonnie is far from feeling safe. She wraps her arms around herself.
_ Are you here to kill me ?
Kai chuckles, brows furrowed, mocking her.
_ After I stopped you from doing it yourself ? That would be so evil !.... I like the way you think.
His amused grin reappear on his face. The familiarity of his expression nears reassurance. He adds.
_ I'm not here to kill you. I weirdly got used to 'not harming you'.
She huffs in response, eyeing him incredulously.
_ That's progress.
He can look as sincere as he wants, the witch isn't fooled by his words.
_ You wanted to stay close in case I ever happen to find a way out, am I right ?
_ Guilty ! But I got myself useful. I stopped you from.... You know.
Here we go again... She shakes her head, pushing the thought away.
_ Why ? We have no way out. I'm not getting my magic back.
He shrugs, terrifyingly soft in his words.
_ I still want the company.
_ The company ?
Now she's mad.
_ You shot me with and arrow !
_ You killed me with a pickaxe.
_ You murdered your siblings !
_ You....
He stops. He doesn't feel any remorse, he believes they deserved it. But he can't deny what he's done, nor can he form any excuse she would accept.
_ You know you wouldn't have popped out again like me, right ?
Change of subject ? She wants to argue and force him to explain himself, somehow. That's when she remembers the dream, the memories.... She gives in, answering the question.
_ That was the whole point....
_ Don't do that again. Please.
_ You're concerned about me now ?
He exhales, a stupid look back on his face.
_ Look, I was kinda hoping you would get up and walk out by yourself. You were about to, but then you tripped and that was it.... I couldn't let you die. I mean, if I can't get out of here, I'd rather not lose my main entertainment.
She rolls her eyes at the ceiling. That sounds more like him.
After so much unusual conversation, the witch's mouth feels dry, eyes tired, a crushing headache making its appearance. She closes her eyes, hand on her forehead. Kai notices her discomfort.
_ Hangover ?
_ Ya think ?
He nods in understanding.
_ You drank more than half the bottle of bourbon. By the way, what's their thing with bourbon ? That's, ugh !
He wears a disgusted expression, making a giggle escape from the witch's lips.
_ At least, that knocked me out. I haven't had a good night's sleep for ages.
_ I know.
His statement came out a bit too fast. He's nowhere near shy of a person but the lack of restraint in his talk leaves him with an apologetic look.
_ Did you watch me sleep ?
The accusing tone in her voice is flagrant.
_ Oh, no. Please !.... Okay once ! I was intrigued.
He is unbelievable. She's not surprised, but she'd hopped to have a little intimacy. She doesn't want to think about what else he might have seen. She's not going to ask. Ever.
She blinks a couple of times, trying to block any invasive thought about a certain man spying on a naked Bennett witch....
_ Miss Cuddles.
_ What ?
_ I've had trouble sleeping since I don't have her with me....
_ Whose fault is that ?
He's the one accusing this time.
_ I had my reasons.
Silence. He doesn't bother. The witch's mouth opens wide, letting out a loud yawn.
_ Tired ?
She only nods, slowly shifting towards the man, putting her head back on his chest.
Kai flinches at her movements.
_ What are you doing ?
_ Getting back to sleep.
_ On me ?
_ Yep.
Direct answer, as if there was no problem with that. The man frowns in confusion.
_ I may be a sociopathic murderer, Bon....
She notices him quoting what she's said recording her video a few hours ago.
_ ....but I'm clever enough to know I'm the last person you'd like to willingly cuddle with.
She steps back, looking straight in his eyes.
_ You're right. You're a bad person craving for touch, and I'm desperate. Win-win.
Her blunt logic hits something inside of him.
_ You think that low of me ?
_ Didn't show me much better.
_ Fair enough.
In a silent agreement, she places her head back on his chest, Kai's arms wrapped around her waist in a shy embrace.
_ And from what I've seen, I'm not the only one who could use a hug.
He wants to argue, but then remembers.... She knows. She saw him. Little Kai. 'Right where it hurts', he thinks.
_ Does that mean I've become your new teddy bear ? Am I the brand new Mister Cuddles ?
His voice sounds so excited it's endearing. Bonnie looks up at him. He winks, offering her a stupid grin, which hides much more. She has proof now.
_ Shut up.
She lowers her head, eyes closed.
_ If you promise not to invade my head again.
_ I'll try.
It may be a mistake, a bold move, a dumb experience, call this what you want, but she needs it. Wether it'd be a friend, a complete stranger, or an enemy.... She needs it. Human touch. She's got no magic to be sucked. It's 'safe'. For now....
A few minutes later, she's already fallen asleep.
Kai's watching her, sleeping in his arms, chest heaving at each intake of breath. He thinks about planting a kiss on top of her head, but it's not worth the risk. He doesn't remember the last time he got to hold someone, or the last time someone volunteered to hold him. He's thrown his feelings away a long time ago, but he would be lying if he'd say this didn't make his heart beat faster....
The End.
Words : 3k ~ how on earth ? When I said I got carried away. 🙄
That took fricking long to write !!
I don't even know if it actually respects the request. >< Sorry ?
Next time, say it if you want me to change Kai's personality a bit. If you want him to have more feelings than in the actual TV show, especially before the merge.
Don't hesitate to tell me your impressions.
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
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demigods-posts · 1 month
currently obsessed with the idea of everyone viewing percy as a forced to never be messed with. for the sea is unpredictable and does not like to be restrained and all that jazz. except, frank and hazel. who only see him as just a little guy. a soldier left to his own devices out on the streets with nothing to comfort him but a panda pillow pet and a lingering memory of a girl he loves. he's just a little guy you guys.
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hektor-world · 5 months
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This is better than any poem, GOOD NIGHT
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w-intent · 27 days
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fatuismooches · 3 months
You love to give Capitano kisses on his helmet, the cool metal catching you off guard at first, but after doing it for so long, you have no reaction to it anymore. You came up with the idea as a compromise since at the beginning of the relationship he was incredibly awkward about you getting close enough to kiss him on his lips. Not because he didn't want you to, but well... there's just simply a lot of barriers to go through before you even get to experience the bare minimum of intimacy (kissing him.) Unfortunately, Capitano's not really good at communicating this so you'll have to take matters into your own hands as well. Even though he technically can't feel your lips on him, he can still feel your warmth and love coursing through him. The feeling is quite strange, he finds himself pondering it quite often.
(If you are someone who wears lipstick, agents may or may not have seen a few stains on his helmet. It is a bit entertaining to them that their general, who is always aware of his surroundings, was oblivious to this.)
Although he doesn't take his helmet off, he lets you reach your hand into his mask and feel his face, something afforded to none other except you. You love stroking his cheek as he sits in silent, basking in the unusual sensation. It always makes your heart race, being able to feel his rough skin, making your imagination run wild with possibilities - after all, you can't help but be a little bit curious about what he looks like - but in the end, it doesn't matter too much since you know his depth of love for you.
Capitano likes to entertain your silly requests despite his confusion. He's actually quite obedient to you and will fulfill your stupid requests without a protest, it's very funny. He will pick you up by letting you swing from his arm. He will open jars that you glued the lid on purpose with ease. He will let you braid his hair and patiently wait for you to finish your masterpiece. He will let you play with that chain that hangs around his helmet. He will let you (try to) pull him places and show him things while he listens with quiet and genuine interest.
It's obvious he's an actions-over-words type of man. Capitano likes to do things for you, but unfortunately, he's not very adept at certain tasks... he's meant for battle... so he leaves it to others to make your life easier. He never says he's the one who makes these things happen, no, it's unnecessary. Needless to say, he's also quite protective of you. But no one would dare to say anything about you unless they want to end up in a duel with the Harbinger.
Despite his large body, Capitano moves rather quietly, so you have probably gotten jumpscared by him looming over you without notifying you. He always apologizes but he keeps doing it. He just likes to observe you a lot, you always look too beautiful and focused for him to disturb you.
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uselesssubstrate · 7 months
"My son is fine"
Sir, your child wants to be dressed up like a doll, collared, stuffed with a tail, made to crawl around on all fours, be told what a good kitten they are, bitten and marked with bruises that last for a week, then be fucked and bred so hard they'll be a useless puddle for at least 18 hours.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Swapping tips on how to be a bestie in the bath.
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zephyrchama · 2 days
Spotting Beelzebub alone on a couch is a very dangerous trap that must be avoided at all costs.
He may appear to be minding his own business, sitting there innocently, scrolling his DDD. Maybe chewing on a mint. But make no mistake, this is a trap.
Should you choose to sit next to him, your fate is sealed. Beelzebub may put a hand around your shoulder or pull you towards his lap. He may just remain still. Yet every single time, Belphegor will appear. Very swiftly, very silently.
Belphegor will sit so close to you that he's practically on top of you and will proceed to squish you into his twin. He throws a leg over your knee, over Beelzebub's too, and lets his body go slack. Gravity takes care of the rest as he topples into you like a domino. He's heavy. Arms cover your head as you disappear from view.
Shout as you might, Beelzebub allows this to happen. With his hands on either side, there is no escape. You sink down and your cheek winds up pressed against his naval while Belphegor cozies in close, his breath flooding your nose. You can flail your lower legs until someone gets tired of the squirming and holds them down. The twins will cuddle you until they feel satisfied.
The Attic Club Sandwich shows no mercy.
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nevereverthem · 5 months
TVD : Season 6 Episode 8
The Teddy Bear scene between Stefan, Damon and Alaric always gets me.
First, Ian's plushie voice.
"Oh no, Stefan's feeling sensitive about ruining his friendship with Caroline. She really liked him and he broke her heart."
Damon's got many flaws, but for scenes like this, his character's totally worth it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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And then, Alaric.
"See Stefan, even the bear knew."
His seriousness gets me cracking up every time. I love him. 🤣🤣😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kindinb00 · 5 months
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femboy-jerma · 8 months
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Blåhaj (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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loverboyfemboy · 5 months
i am going feral (i wanna be cuddled and listen to music together)
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hektor-world · 2 months
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w-intent · 14 days
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xxxxlovexxxx · 2 years
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tooshyy · 1 year
I love the concept of cuddle. Soft touching. Head scratches. Warm blanket. Tight hugs. Eye contact. Cozy space. Cute giggles. Neck kisses. Comforting silence. Peace.
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