#miss redruth
thinkanamelater · 2 years
*if you're a man you can still choose an option with Emma but uh she'll most likely pretend you aren't there
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occasional-owl · 2 years
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emmyllou · 1 year
Hi! F M T for the ask game please
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Hmm hrm hard to say. I've been actively writing fic for JS&MN for 4 years, so probably that. However, I'll still read the occasional Merlin fic, so if that counts then 7 years!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Mrs. Lennox! I think she would be very wise and sensible and give good advice. Also if I faint in front of her she might give me a job. That would be cool. I'd also like to say Miss Redruth! She's weirdly intense about magic and the Raven King, which I think is very cool of her. I feel like she'd have interesting and correct opinions and very good fashion sense.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Tom Levy and John Segundus met in canon and I can prove it. Footnote 5 of chapter 40 states that Strange spoke only of the magic he performed at Quatre Bras to John Segundus and Thomas Levy. Theoretically, sure, he could have told them separately, but he'd gone so long without talking about it that I think it's much more likely that the first and only time he mentioned it was when all three men were together in the same room. Therefore! Tom and John met in canon.
Thank you for asking =)
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I will not see the full moon again before I leave Cornwall. I forgot how big the moon is here. I think the sky is bigger on The Lizard in general. I probably won't come back to this place now- and of course I feel some kind a way about that. As the years go on there is less and less to tether me to Cornwall and that's fine. Good even, but it still stings. Soon neither of my parents will live here. I don't have much attachment to this house. You'd think if anywhere felt like home it would be a place you helped to build with your own hands. I spent the worst winter of my life here. It's literally paradise. I'll miss the sky. I hate the moon because it used to keep me up all night. I love the moon. I'm jealous of her relationship with the sea. I'll miss the sea. I always do.
But The Lizard is not the part of Cornwall that holds my heart. That could be the Roseland. I'm not sure. Can the place that holds my heart be the same place that holds my greatest secret? A secret buried so deep I'm afraid it would tear my family apart if I ever told it. But I fear it's a darkness that will consume me if I never let it out. I say to myself, if it's best to let sleeping dogs lie then surely it's best to not dig up a dead dogs corpse once you've buried it in the garden? And yet...in the wilderness of that garden, the place where my beloved feral cats lived, there remains my small and beating heart.
Perhaps Porthtowan beach is the place where my heart is held- in the rockpools where my mother played with me on summer evenings, just the two of us, leaving my father and sister at home for once. Perhaps it's also somewhere along the 27 bus route between Bodmin and St Austell, that I travelled over and over again, amongst the desolate clay pyramids and patchwork of square gardens lining the houses on the outskirts of town. Perhaps it's every Passmore Edwards library that's been sold due to lack of council funding. Or the empty space where the bell used to hang in the church tower in the graveyard on the way to a co-op which is no longer a co-op in Redruth. Or it's all of these places and more simultaneously. It's the stretch of Respryn River where I used to swim. It's the stretch of the River Camel where I used to swim. It's Charlestown harbour at high tide. It's the quarry at Carn Marth. It's the shed where my cats were born. It's my childhood best friend's back garden. It's my first love's cluttered bedroom. It's a rock pool on Porthtowan beach.
The place where my heart is held is fractured across a county I'm leaving behind.
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naomiruthwrites · 3 years
thoughts on jonathan strange & mr. norrell
I have finally (after over a decade) finished Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell and have firmly decided the following:
* Strange & Norrell are asexual & aromantic
* Flora and Arabella end up in a queer-platonic relationship and Flora never gets married pleasandthankyou
* Miss Redruth becomes a badass powerful magician & starts a school for young ladies to also become badass powerful magicians despite the patriarchy [to spite the patriarchy? ;)]
* Instead of stealing away pretty people Stephen starts “abducting” enslaved people & lower class people who are abused and creates a safe place in faerieland
In short: this is the kind of book that makes me want to take the concept and re-work it so that it is more queer & less white.
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palavapeite · 4 years
Tell me about the Minutes wip?? It sound like an interesting format?
Ah, the Minutes fic is... pretty dead, admittedly. It was born over the course of a number of particularly excruciating meetings of a committee consisting of several assorted belligerent personalities, in which I was lucky enough to be taking minutes. They never once got through more than a third of the agenda because egoes needed to be aired regularly and discussions kept going in circles and circles. 
But since it all took place within the context of higher education, I started thinking whether it wouldn’t be kind of fun to tell the story of Segundus’ school through minutes of board meetings. As in, Parliament decides that due to recent events and the whole Strangeite vs. Norrellite thing, Segundus has to run his ideas about the running of the school, the syllabus, etc. by some other people before he is allowed to open in order to make sure it’s a sensible and respectable concept and won’t end up in another political clusterfuck. 
So the board would consist of Segundus himself, Dr Foxcastle (because of course), Tom Levy, Miss Redruth, Lord Portishead, Mr Honeyfoot (for emotional support), a random vicar/representative of the church, and Childermass, who joins because “LMAO, yeah ok, but this is going to be a disaster”. AND IS HE RIGHT? HE IS RIGHT. Poor Mr Segundus. 
I do still like the idea not just of all these personalities clashing constantly and disagreeing on every triviality imaginable, effectively getting ZERO shit done, but also the opportunity of having different people take the minutes at each meeting, so the whole chaos gets filtered through a different style each time. Foxcastle would outright refuse to do it, obviously, Miss Redruth would write the cattiest minutes that Segundus would afterwards have to edit heavily to make presentable, Childermass’ would be very curt and to the point, making it very obvious that even though the meeting took 6 hours, nothing much was actually achieved, Mr Honeyfoot would try to be really nice about it and make it all sound like it wasn’t an afternoon of unbelievable agony, etc... 
I think the main reason this one’s probably never happening is that it’s a) not the easiest thing to write, style-wise, both with the formal turn of phrase and also the individual voices, not to speak of the actual content that should get discussed and b) oof, it’s... at least at this point in my life it’s a little too close to home, and too reminiscent of work for me to want to pour my free time into it all that much. So... idk. It’s not like I’m short on ideas for it, I’m just short on energy that I care to expend on this type of writing. 
Thank you! This got really long - it’s also made me realise I am still rather more fond of this wip than I thought I was... :D 
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wolfinthethorns · 4 years
For the meme: I don't know how many you're willing to answer from one person, but take your pick: Arabella, Norrell, Lascelles, the Raven King, Stephen Black, the Gentleman?
Well, I’ve already done Stephen, so... I’ll do the first two off the list?
Arabella Strange
How I feel about this character
Only sane one among them, tbh, although I think this is more because show!Arabella is rather more proactive than book!Arabella
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Jonathan, obvs. Emma Wintertowne, to an extent, but I think Emma would be a lot more into it than Arabella, who I fear would have a bad case of propriety. I’ve also seen some nice post-canon explorations with Major Grant.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Not contradictory to the above, Emma and Grant. I think those could go either way. I also like the idea of her becoming friends with Childermass in a shared-grief sort of way.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Jonathan genuinely loved her, she loved him, and they were a good match. I dislike that this is apparently an unpopular opinion.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Arabella leading Flora Greysteel, Miss Redruth, et al, to Bletchely Park the Raven King’s secret code. I don’t know when the cryptic crossword was invented, but Arabella seems the sort to absolutely nail that sort of thing
Gilbert Norrell
How I feel about this character
A certain exasperated sympathy - he did some awful things, and he did some stupid things, but I think he was always acting out of a love for magic. He was just woefully out of his depth where people where concerned.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don’t - I headcanon him as aro-ace, and probably sex-repulsed. I think the nearest is a queer-platonic love for Jonathan Strange.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
My unpopular opinion about this character
See one and two above, I suspect.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
That he’d had a chance to say goodbye to Childermass like Jonathan did with Arabella.
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thinkanamelater · 2 years
Don't forget to vote in the Main Character Edition!
* I mean this literally but you can take it as a euphemism
**Minor characters that would be interested in magic and also that I think are neat
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fragmentedshards · 5 years
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The Final Curtain, Chapter Nine
Capucine Brodeur
“What’s the matter with you?” Ciel inquired as Sebastian helped him get ready to go to the ballet. “You are more pensive than usual, I can sense it.”
“You are correct; obviously your senses have improved greatly since your transformation.” Sebastian confirmed. “Matilda made a rather intriguing comment after the briefing, you see, and as a result I have a thought about the group going to the ballet.”
Ciel scowled. “Well, out with it then! Why do you make me drag out my questions?”
“Matilda said that she knows the prima ballerina of the troupe,” the butler stated. “At least, she thinks she does. It is my belief, young master, that it would be of the utmost benefit to you and to the solving of this case if you were to include Matilda in the outing to the ballet.”
The young earl scoffed. “I would never dream of allowing a household servant to come along on an outing of nobles. You, Agni, and Paula are the odd exceptions.”
Sebastian finished tying Ciel’s bowtie and stood upright, delivering a flat retort. “I’m afraid this is folly, my lord.”
Ciel whipped his head around. “What?” he growled at his butler, glowering.
“Matilda could be the pivotal point for this case,” Sebastian continued, straightening his gloved on each hand. “She could expedite the solution by days, even weeks, if you take her with you and she recognizes this Bryony Redruth. Her presence in this case may even eliminate the need to consult Undertaker; you never know. To refuse to allow such an asset to accompany you and the others to the ballet merely due to the station she holds as a servant is folly.”
“This is new for you,” Ciel remarked. “Speaking so directly to your master. I suppose the more my senses improve, the less self-control and decorum you have. In other words: the more I adjust to being a demon, the more human you become.” he sighed in defeat. “Fine, I suppose you are right. Matilda will come with the rest of us to the ballet. Perhaps that explains the extra ticket the queen included with the letter.” The earl began to pace back and forth across the room once more. “It won’t do to have her coming along as the maid, though, even with some of the other servants accompanying their masters. She has no particular master or mistress as it is not her station. We must think of a new identity for her to assume; a disguise.”
“I believe I am the best person for that job!” An exaggerated voice sounded from the hallway, and all of a sudden the door flew open to reveal a flamboyant and blood-red reaper striking a pose.
“What the - Grell?!” Ciel stumbled backwards in shock. Sebastian immediately inserted himself between the earl and the shinigami, realizing as he did so that he no longer needed to protect his master so fiercely.
Grell clapped her hands to her face and squealed. “Oh, Bassy! Did you miss me?”
“Miss you?” the butler replied in a labored voice. “Why, I haven’t even aimed at you yet.”
Grell waved a hand at the butler, as if shooing his retort away. “Oh, you,” she giggled, but then straightened up and tried to don a serious demeanor. “In this case, however, I am not here for you. Adrien asked me to keep an eye on his wife since he has some corpses to take care of, and now that she is going to the ballet with you it seems you need my skills to create the perfect disguise for her.” She marched over to the wall where a tasseled rope hung, tugging on it to summon Matilda to the earl’s bedchamber.
Ciel peered at the reaper from behind Sebastian. “Adrien? His wife?”
“Undertaker, silly boy!” Grell put her hands on her hips and bent down to the earl’s level. “Don’t tell me all this time you never learned his name!”
“His name is Adrien?” Ciel inquired. “And Matilda Livesey is his wife?”
“Adrien Craven and Madame Mathilde,” Grell confirmed, clasping her hands together and popping one foot up behind her. “I’ve never known a more romantic union than the two of them. I even attended the wedding! It was simply splendid, especially for one held in a mortuary. But never mind about that now: we have to create the ultimate persona for Mathilde!”
“Madame Mathilde?” Sebastian wondered aloud, but was ignored by both Ciel and a gushing Grell as Matilda entered.
“Why, Grell!” the maid exclaimed, rushing forward to grasp hands with the red reaper. “What a lovely surprise! How is Adrien?”
“Working hard and longing for you, of course,” Grell sighed. “I’ll tell him you are in the same position. Now, then:” the shinigami circled Matilda, gesturing broadly and flourishingly. “Given her French ancestry, it is only fitting that she take on the role of a French noblewoman tonight,” she lifted a finger in the air matter-of-factly. “Because she is a servant and is going undercover, I propose the name Capucine Brodeur - Brodeur from the French word for embroiderer, signifying servitude, and Capucine from the French word meaning cape or hood, representing a disguise.”
Matilda raised an eyebrow. “I’m afraid I’m confused,” she admitted. “What is going on?”
Ciel addressed the household maid. “We need you to accompany us to the ballet tonight. If you recognize Bryony Redruth, you could be a tremendous help on this case. However, you cannot attend as yourself. Paula, Agni, and Sebastian can attend as servants because they are assigned to Lady Elizabeth, Prince Soma, and myself as personal servants, you see. Because you tend to the entire household rather than a singular master or mistress, it would arise suspicion if you were to be seen with members of high society. We have to disguise you.” he threw an irritated gesture in Grell’s direction. “Apparently he’s your best chance.”
Matilda glanced at Grell, who flipped her long red hair and cocked an eyebrow at the boy earl. “Grell knows a great deal about these subjects; she is quite talented,” the maid declared, in a tone almost chastising the young master. Ciel glowered at Matilda but said nothing.
“As for her clothing, certainly none of her dresses are fit for the ballet, and I’m afraid I do not own much besides my work attire,” Grell continued, addressing the earl. “However, if you were to point me in the direction of a collection of fine women’s clothing, I can fix this wench right up!”
Ciel pressed his thumb and forefinger to his chin and puzzled over the reaper’s request. “Hmm... nothing Lizzie owns would fit an adult... perhaps I have something of Mother’s or Aunt An’s stored away somewhere. It may be the best we can do. Sebastian!”
Without having to hear the rest of the order, Sebastian placed his hand over his heart and bowed. “Yes, my lord.”
Many minutes later, Matilda was dressed in a velvet gown of vivid red, and her magenta hair had been curled and pinned atop her head. She gazed at her reflection in astonishment.
“I hardly recognize myself,” she struggled to comment as Grell applied rouge to the maid’s lips. “I wish Adrien could see me this way.”
“Trust me,” the reaper replied, placing the final touches on Matilda’s face. “You already appear this way in his eyes.” Grell set the rouge down on the dresser, stepping back to survey her work with a pleased expression. “Gentlemen,” she called to Ciel and Sebastian, motioning for Matilda to stand. “I give you: Lady Capucine Brodeur!”
Matilda curtsied clumsily, giving a weak smile. “I have much more to learn about playing this part,” she admitted timidly.
Queen Victoria had, it seemed, taken it upon herself to send two coaches to transport the group to the ballet; one driven by Charles Grey, the other driven by Charles Phipps. Ciel, Sebastian, Lady Elizabeth, and Paula climbed into the first coach, while Prince Soma, Agni, Matilda, Lau, and Ran Mao squeezed into the second one; Ran Mao made room for Matilda by sitting on Lau’s lap. The journey into London seemed shorter than usual, perhaps because Ciel found himself discussing the case details with Lady Elizabeth. When they arrived at the theatre and Grey and Phipps opened the carriage doors, the party found s substantial crowd gathered.
“It seems this particular ballet is quite popular,” Sebastian remarked. “Though I wonder if it is the production or the troupe that the audience enjoys.”
After much jostling and waiting and walking, they finally arrived to their seats in one of the left balconies of the theatre. Matilda, Ciel, Lady Elizabeth, Prince Soma, Lau, and Ran Mao sat in a row together while Sebastian, Paula, and Agni sat directly behind their masters and mistresses. Matilda peered down at the stage through the opera glasses that had been loaned to her.
“I can see so clearly from up here,” she exhaled in awe. “I’ve never seen any sort of theatre production from a balcony seat! How exciting!”
“Of course not,” Ciel grumbled beside her. “The higher seats are reserved for nobility. Act like you’re used to this, or you’ll give yourself away, and us with you.”
Just then, a voice from the entrance to their balcony made all nine heads turn at once. Ciel instantly went rigid with disgust, for merely feet away stood a horrifyingly familiar person.
“Viscount Druitt!” he exclaimed under his breath.
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xxsparksxx · 6 years
vavaharrison replied to your post: Me: has half a dozen other fic ideas I could be...
I’ll never be able to find the actual post I made about it, but sensibly, I saved it as a word doc:
What if Ross did die? Confirmed by more than rumour, confirmed officially by the army. So Verity inherits Nampara. A mortgaged farmhouse that’s been nearly abandoned for years, barren farmland, two derelict mines in the form of Wheal Grace and Wheal Leisure, and two servants unused to any form of hard work. There’s no capital and no income. There’s no reason for Verity to do anything with the land except sell it, if she can. Certainly that’s what Charles and Francis think she should do.
But Verity is a good manager. She might be used to having money, but certainly she’s far from being a stranger to economy. She can cook and run a household. She has a little money of her own – enough to try, at least. So she hires two local men to restore the buildings and to begin to plough the fields, and she goes to Nampara every day to supervise the work and to clean the house. When it’s habitable again, she packs up her trunk and moves into her new home. Charles and Francis are furious. Elizabeth says nothing. Aunt Agatha can’t decide if she’s pleased by Verity’s spirit or unhappy that she’s losing her companion.
 The first year is the hardest. The fields are ploughed and planted, but there’s next to nothing to live on. There are a few chickens and a goat. In the spring Verity buys a cow and two calves. The first year’s crops prove that the land isn’t barren, merely untended for too many years. It’s not enough to make any kind of profit to pay off the mortgage, but Pascoe isn’t pressing her, so it’s enough to see Verity through to the second year, and that’s all she really cares about. The two farmhands are good, hard-working, respectful men. Jud drinks too much, but he works well enough when he’s persuaded to it. Prudie grumbles about her old bones, but she’s learned Verity’s limits and so usually does her work properly.
 Verity goes to Redruth fair in the spring of the second year, to buy more stock. Jud sticks faithfully close to her, a chaperone of sorts though complaining with every step. She adds to her flock of chickens and buys another calf and, with the confidence that comes from being independent, she stops a man from beating a child trying to rescue a dog. Verity takes the girl home, cleans her and feeds her and hires her to work in the house. She teaches her to cook, to clean, and to read, and the child – Demelza, her name is – thinks Verity hung the moon and the stars in the sky.
Men come calling, of course. The same men who, in her earlier years, had turned up their noses at her. She’d had no inheritance to speak of and plain looks, and she had not been a good catch for any of them. Now it’s different; now she has property, and the property is coming good. There are the mines as well as the farm, and they might not yet be fully played out. Though Verity knows little about mining, she knows enough to know that Wheal Grace and Wheal Leisure are an attractive bonus to any man looking to marry her. But though she wants happiness and is hardly averse to the idea of marriage, she has found independence in being her own mistress, and she dislikes the idea of giving that up to a man who looks at her and sees only Nampara. Besides, she has Demelza. They get along well, she and Demelza. She doesn’t need any other company, she says when Elizabeth suggests she must be lonely.
 Charles dies, and Verity mourns, but she can’t help remembering that Charles would have denied her the freedom to choose her own life. Francis inherits Trenwith, and Verity inherits a little money. Enough to buy more stock and hire another farm worker, much needed now she has so many animals on the farm. Francis and Elizabeth are happy enough at Trenwith, though Elizabeth complains that Verity doesn’t visit often enough. Elizabeth visits Nampara instead, sometimes bringing her young son with her. Geoffrey Charles adores his aunt Verity, and his aunt’s maid-companion, who calls him Master Geoffrey Charles but adds no honorific to Verity’s name. Elizabeth looks at them sometimes, Verity and Demelza, but she never says anything.
 “Did you never want children?” Demelza asks Verity one evening, when Verity is the wrong side of thirty and Demelza is scarcely twenty and they have spent the afternoon following little Geoffrey Charles around the farm. “You did ought to have children. An’ a husband.”
 “I’m perfectly content as I am, my dear,” Verity says. And it’s true, though she sometimes wishes for children and sometimes misses her cousin Ross, whose death had caused her to inherit the land that should have been his. But Nampara is hers now, and she is her own mistress, and besides, there’s Demelza. She couldn’t give up any of it. Not for all the world.
So I’m basically expanding this into a full fic.
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emmyllou · 3 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tom Levy/John Segundus, William Hadley-Bright & Tom Levy & Henry Purfois Characters: Tom Levy, John Segundus, William Hadley-Bright, Henry Purfois, Mr Honeyfoot, Miss Redruth Summary: Starecross Academy of Magic opens its doors to its first handful of residents. Over the course of the spring and summer, Tom Levy plays the violin, teaches the others how to dance, does his best to help William heal, and slowly, inexorably, falls in love with the headmaster.
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Thursday Thrill: Remarkable Events of this Week!
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The festival season is in full bloom with an array of exciting events! Prepare to celebrate the arrival of spring with music festivals, food and drink events, and cultural celebrations. This month offers countless opportunities to create unforgettable experiences and cherished memories that will endure. Join in the fun and let’s make this June truly remarkable! The Soundcrash Weekender 2 – 4 June For theultimate funk & soul open-air weekender, the big annual music takes down returns to sunny Margate at the Dreamland complex, Bringing all the festival vibes and good-time feelings in bucket loads. Alongside a stellar line-up of non-stop funkin' music played by the best live music artists and bands, playing the best sets to keep you dancing all weekend long. You can expect to dance your socks off yo Kool & The Gang, Hot 8 Brass Band, Craig Charles, David Rodigan, Nubiyan Twist, Norman Jay, Muva of Earth, Huey Morgan, Eddie Piller, Trojan Sound System and a whole more plus other entertainment to make this one hell of a weekend away in true Soundcrash style. One not to be missed! Tickets & More Info> dreamland.co.uk Cross The Tracks 4 June Hello Brixton! Time to get your party on for this one-day festival taking place at Brockwell Park.  This is one music event which packs in a crowd of music loving people to see a line-up of top-class artists but also treated to some of the new and freshest talent who are on track to become the next big thing.  It also features some artisan food stalls and lovely beverages to get your summer buzz on and have a great time without the hassle of needing to pitch a tent. With this line-up you’re in for a treat featuring Nxworries, Masego, Kelis, Gilles Peterson, Alfa Mist, Ravyn Lenae, Roy Ayers, Domi & Jd Beck, Children Of Zeus, Hermanos Gutiérrez, The Silhouettes Project, Bcuc, Carrtoons, The Kount, Channel One, Chelsea Carmichael, Cherise, Handson Family, Loose Ends, Lunch Money Life Tickets & More Info> xthetracks.com AVA 2 – 3 June If you’re hoping on a plane over to Ireland and you’re in for some serious grime and rhyme well let’s just say AVA has it all for you this weekend.  Now we know the Irish are big on music events. This is one bad ass festival which features some of the biggest rhyming music artist our time.  AVA Festival is a cutting-edge house and techno music festival in the Northern Ireland capital of Belfast at the docklands. The weekends music headliners include globetrotting acts including Central Cee, Slowthai, Kettama, Overmono, Eliza Rose, Héctor Oaks, Spfdj, Job Jobse, Kiki, Kojaque, Southstar, Dj Boring, Sally C, Yung Singh, Interplanetary Criminal and many more.  This is going to be one exceptional dance music experience Tickets & More Info> avafestival.com The Great Estate 2 – 4 June If you happen to be in beautiful location of Redruth in Cornwall the first weekend of June, grab yourself a festival ticket for the Great Estate festival featuring incredible headline acts and local musicians.  This festival is a mixed bag of musical goodies spread over two-days, which also has great moth watering food to feast on and lovely drinks to tickle ya taste buds.  The family atmosphere is second to none and could really make your holiday go down in style.  And it’s a festival that’s big on the locals, that’s 'great', and they're uber friendly.  All you need is some wicked UK sunshine making this the perfect Cornish festival experience. This year line-up includes Primal Scream, The Cuban Brothers, Symphonic Ibiza, The Selecter, Lady Violet Hugh, The Mighty Howlers, Davey & Dyer, Henge, Junior Jungle, Abigail Collins, Mango Tiger, Albert Jones, Layla Zee Susan, Elvana: Elvis Fronted Nirvana, Eskimo Nebula, Haunt the Woods, Hedluv + Passman, Hong Kong Ping Pong, Pattern Pusher Tickets & More Info> greatestatefestival.co.uk UNUM Festival 1 – 6 June This idyllic Shengjin festival brings the finest in house and techno to one of the last untouched corners of Europe. The Albanian Riviera boasts stunning natural beauty, with dense pine forests, beautiful sea and breathtaking mountain ranges. Sounds like a little piece of heaven! The boutique-style festival hosts three stages with a marathon 24 hours of music bellowing out across the whole event, with sunrise and sunset parties set to be one of the many features of this special intimate gathering.  Its where you'll find a crowd of happy music loving people all feeling a wonderful vibe that’s sure to keep a lot of smiling faces.  This year’s artist line-up offers something to keep everyone dancing from day to night and features Dyed Soundorom, Samuel Deep, Reiss, John Dimas, Ricardo Villalobos, Magda, Barem, Rhadoo, Raresh, Praslea, Cezar, Priku, John Dimas, Sonja Moonear, Margaret Dygas, tINI, Anthea, Shimza, Laolu, Boris Werner, Doudou MD Tickets & More Info> unumfestival.com Read the full article
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sandersdesign · 2 years
At Sanders Design, we know that you want to be confident in your business growth and to do this, you need a website that you can control. The problem is that most websites are a compromise between design and the ability to update them… and that's frustrating. We believe businesses grow when you have a stunning website AND the ability to add, amend and change things. We get it. We understand that businesses need to have control of their website, so when the world or your business changes, your website can change too. That's why 220+ businesses (big and small) trust us to design their websites for them. Here's how it works:
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You elevate your business to new heights. So, talk to us now, so you can stop worrying about missing out on sales and start enjoying a website that gives you more growth instead.
Website: https://sandersdesign.com
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Phone Number: +44 1872222299
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Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 09:00AM - 17:30PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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tommy-tucker · 2 years
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So it's Monday 11th July. This is how a shit sandwich works. So already I ve been verbally abused by two people The first by some eejit driver who can't position themselves on a junction so looked liked she was parked. Then hurled insults calling me impatient when i tried to get arpund her........ drive properly and signal so the rest of us get a chance to know what you re doing....... The second bellend said I was parked in his space. I then explained that due to health and safety I would be using a ladder to repair a street lamp outside his house on the edge of his parking space and was using my van as protection against anyone not seeing my ladder, my high vis and the million cones I put out. Oh and I apologised up front if anything drops on his car. He still made me move my van so he could park in his space, then 15 minutes later went back out in his car leaving his space free once more....... words fail me. I bet he'll now moan that the street lamp is shining in his windows at night....... But it's gets better as a lovely lady across the road brought out a cup of tea and when I went to get parts a nice fellow spark let me have a key that I was missing for accessing said light column. So while some people are absolute cock wombles others are really nice....... its that nice/nasty balance in life I guess...... and it's only 1030....... Have a great Monday people. Watch out for the bellends - they walk amongst us........ (at Redruth) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf3fzOXrXaqTYOWTH0yCmFTVqzJ86IZTVL98cI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
Last Night in Soho
Giallo comes to swinging London in Edgar Wright’s latest genre-fried runaround, a sparky entertainment whose tricksy, hop-scotching screenplay sadly fizzles out by its final act. You could easily spend the entire word count of a review listing all of the cultural references that have fed into the creation of Last Night in Soho, but let’s just stick to two for now: the first is Wes Craven’s Nightmare on Elm Street, for the simple fact that this is about a young woman who begins to experience a worryingly tactile version of her dream life; and the other is Roman Polanski’s Repulsion, a classic London movie concerned with the creeping terror of unchecked male lechery.
Thomasin McKenzie stars as Eloise, Redruth’s most promising fashion designer with an invite to live out her dreams by studying in London. After quickly discovering that everyone in her dorm is an unbearable rah-rah, she decamps to the attic studio in the crumbling Fitzrovia stack of lovably doddery Miss Collins (Diana Rigg) who appears to cherish Eloise’s wide-eyed innocence.
It is then that our heroine begins to experience lucid nighttime visions of a glamorous and confident cabaret dancer named Sadie (Anya Taylor-Joy) who struts her stuff in the ’60s dancehalls and clip joints of Soho – visions Eloise accepts as the result of her love of pop music from the era. Yet as the nights tick on and Sandie’s story unfurls, things aren’t as hopeful as they initially seem. Is Sandie a representation of Eloise’s suppressed id, a vision of her outgoing potential? Or does she stem from somewhere else entirely?
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There’s that famous scene in the Marx brothers’ comedy classic Duck Soup where Harpo pretends to be a mirror image of Groucho by perfectly mimicking his movements. This trick features heavily in Last Night in Soho, as Wright flexes his considerable technical muscles by having Eloise and Sandie constantly switching between the foreground and a background mirror image. These subtle special effects are pulled off with amazing precision, and you really have to pay attention to who’s centre frame and how that plays into its complex, identity-toying storyline.
The set-up is fun and compelling, the soundtrack is rammed with bangers by Cilla Black, Petula Clark and The Kinks, and McKenzie makes for a breezily empathetic lead. And yet there’s a point where the story jumps the shark, and suggestions of a deeper, more mature study into the workings of the mind, the architecture of dreams and even the dynamics of depression amount to little, as Wright and co-writer Krysty Wilson-Cairns lean far too heavily on the hoary whodunit? clichés that are baked into the DNA of the giallo<e/m> genre.
The film is at its best when holding back details and sculpting fine character details, but the intensity is ramped up far too early and it becomes increasingly tough to take the plot seriously, or build an emotional connection with its climactic revelations. That said, there’s enjoyment to be gleaned from the lovely location shooting which takes in the length and breadth of Soho while centring around beloved Irish boozer, The Toucan. Also, the film is movingly dedicated to the late Diana Rigg, and this is most definitely a plum swansong for the ’60s icon.
ANTICIPATION. Edgar Wright, riding high on the success of his recent Sparks doc. 4
ENJOYMENT. Definitely pleasure to be gleaned from the style, but the story is a bit of a bust. 3
IN RETROSPECT. Reveals itself as a hollow spectacle. 2
Directed by Edgar Wright
Starring Matt Smith, Thomasin McKenzie, Anya Taylor-Joy
The post Last Night in Soho appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/reviews/last-night-in-soho/
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snellblogs · 4 years
Missing the Libraries by Lynne Pearl
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Feb 15th 21 MISSING THE LIBRARIES Blog by Lynne Pearl
I am missing libraries.  They are where I hang out no matter what city I am in, Toronto, Truro, it doesn't matter where they are they are a a haven of peaceand quiet from the rushing world outside.  It all started as a child, every Saturday I had the perfect routine to keep me happy, I had my bike, my pocket money and a library card,ofblue cardboard and it was mine.  It allowed me three whole books and I would take a whole Saturday morning of very slowly choosing books I would take home for a whole week and they would be mine, all mine.  
Nobody came with me.  I didn't need anyone, I needed silence to fully immerse myself in the library and the rows and rows of books.  It was the feeling of omniscience, of safety, of power to choose, and I needed to do that alone.  It was my world and I needed to be alone to make it happen.  
So now the libraries have  been closed for nearly a year.  No hours spent in sunny reading rooms, idly readin g anything that came by, periodicals, high class mags, trashy newspapers, and stacked nearby is the poetry and literature, like a smorgasbord of anything and everything that humans on the planet have done or thought or sang.  
Now we have to click and collect and that means you have to know what it is you want to read, but what if you don't know and really you just need to wander through stacks of books and lay your hand fortuitously on the perfect new author for  you, one who captures you and lifts you up and takes you somewhere else and another time?  
That happened to me recently, I walked by a display labelled 'Classics' in a tiny provicial library, just a one storey affair but they must have had a good librarian because there she had placed some wonderful books and in there I found a new author for me, who took me to the 1920s or so and a family situation and a train service and I opened the pages and was there.  So I took it home and now I have a whole opus of this rather old fashioned author to read.  Would I have every found him without that librarian? No, I would not and that's just one of the reasons I am missing libraries.
My favourite libraries are the Victorian ones with wonderfully ornate exteriors and rather dilapidated interiors with computers incongruously next to the elegant staircases built for a different age.  In Devon and Cornwall some were built by Passmore Edwards, who wanted the local people, miners to be able to read, and so he built them the most beautiful towers of knowledge that still beenefit us today.  See them at Truro, Newton Abbot, Falmouth, Camborne, Redruth.  They are our lucky heritage.  
Lynne Pearl, author, 'Road Trip River Voices' https://www.amazon.co.uk/Road-Trip-River-Voices-Liminal-ebook/dp/B00HAG1Q2I
Thiel:One Foot In Front of Another.' https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thiel-One-Foot-Front-Other-ebook/dp/B00GLNTCR2
On ‘Good Reads‘ Available from Amazon
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